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User Manual for Laundry Page 1 User Manual for Laundry Module NIMS eHMS

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User Manual for Laundry Page 1

User Manual for Laundry Module


User Manual for Laundry Page 2


Login Process:- ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Request Of Items ................................................................................................................................................. 9

2. Receipt Of Items ................................................................................................................................................ 10

3 Work Order ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

4. Work Completion .............................................................................................................................................. 12

5. Delivery Form.................................................................................................................................................... 13

6. Acknowledgement Form ................................................................................................................................... 14

7. Logout Process ................................................................................................................................................... 14

User Manual for Laundry Page 3

Login Process:- In this process, REGISTRATION Clerk/Operator has to enter the User ID & Password in the respective login screen. As shown below:- Step 1:- Enter ‘user Id’ and ‘Password’ then click on ‘Login’ button after successful login, Menu screen will appear

Figure1: Login form

User Manual for Laundry Page 4

Probable Errors / Exceptions while login

Your Login may fail due to any of the following:

a. Invalid User Name / Password b. User login expired c. Network / Server failure

In all of the above cases, the system will display relevant error message on the screen.

a. Invalid User Name / Password The system will display Login failed message:-

Figure II

This error could occur because the user has entered the User Id or Password incorrectly.

b. User Login Expired

For User Name, there will be an expiry date defined. Upon reaching the expiry date, the user would not be able to login successfully.

c. Network / Server Failure This occurs, whenever software application system is not able to establish connectivity with any of its servers. Please contact the administrator for further instructions.

User Manual for Laundry Page 5

Forgot Password:-

Every user of Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) will be given User Name and Password.

If you forgot your password then follow following steps:-

Step 1:- Click on ‘Forgot Password’

Figure III

Step 2:- Enter User Name, select hint question from list box and answer the hint question.

Step 3:- Click on ‘Next’ button.

Figure IV

Step 4:- Enter new password and re enter password in confirm password field, then click on ‘Save’ to

save the password.

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Figure V

System will display a message ‘Your password has been changed’

Login Form:-

Step 1:- Enter ‘User Id’ and ‘Password’, and then click on ‘Login’ button.

Figure VI

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After successful login, user will be navigated to the following screen.

Figure VII

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User Manual for Laundry Page 9

1. Request Of Items

o List of previous requests will be displayed.

o Click on Add button. Select Request Date, Receipt Date, Location Name, Sending, Approving and

Receiving person Name Expected Delivery Date. List of items will be displayed. Enter item

quantity, Process Name and click on Save button.

o To modify, select the request and click on Modify button. Make the changes and click on Save button.



User Manual for Laundry Page 10

2. Receipt Of Items Select the location. List of requests will be displayed. Select the required Request No. in new screen

enter the item details. Click on Save button.



User Manual for Laundry Page 11

3 Work Order List of previous requests will be displayed. Click on Add button. In new screen select the Process Name, Work Status, Work Order Type, and Shift Name. Tick on the item names and click on Save button.To Modify, select the Work Order No. and click on Modify button. Make the changes and click on Save button.


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4. Work Completion Select the Work Order Type and Process Name. Tick on Required Item Name, select date of Completion and

Approving Person Name and click on Save button.


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5. Delivery Form

Select Delivery Date. List of items will be displayed. Tick on required Items Name and enter the Quantity. Click

on Save button.


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6. Acknowledgement Form This form is used to acknowledge all the items.


7. Logout Process


To logout from the application click on extreme right