user manual for national animal disease reporting … · if user register 'no fir'then...

USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING SYSTEM (Mobile Application) of DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, DAIRYING AND FISHERIES MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Animal Production and Health Informatics Division of NIC National Informatics Centre Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology August, 2018

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Page 1: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user




(Mobile Application)





Animal Production and Health Informatics Division of NIC National Informatics Centre

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

August, 2018

Page 2: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3

2. LOGIN AS BLOCK USER ................................................................................................................... 5

3. FIRST INFORMATION REPORT ......................................................................................................... 8

4. DAILY INCIDENCE CASES FORM ................................................................................................... 18

5. VACCINATION FORM ...................................................................................................................... 22

6. SYNC DATA ..................................................................................................................................... 24

7. LOG OUT .......................................................................................................................................... 24

8. LOGIN AS DISTRICT USER ............................................................................................................. 24

9. LOGIN AS STATE USER .................................................................................................................. 30

10. FIR – SECOND PHASE................................................................................................................... 34

11. FISHERY - LOGIN AS DISTRICT USER ......................................................................................... 36

12. FIRST INFORMATION REPORT ..................................................................................................... 38

13. FISHERY - LOGIN AS STATE USER .............................................................................................. 48

14. FISHERY FIR – SECOND PHASE................................................................................................... 52

Page 3: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture has launched a

nationwide programme called “NADRS” to introduce a computerized system of Animal Disease Reporting

linking each block, district and state headquarters to a Central Disease Reporting and Monitoring Unit at the

DADF in New Delhi.

The reporting system envisaged will enable the Block, District and State Animal Health officials to report the

disease information and render reports and returns prescribed in this regard via internet.

It is known that the livestock diseases caused huge economic losses not only to their owners but to the Indian

economy at large. Effective monitoring of diseases will enable their early control, prevention of their spread

and reduction of economic losses caused by them. Scientists also estimate that more than 6 out of every 10

infectious diseases in human are spread from animals.

Page 4: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Install the NADRS in any android device and open the NADRS app to access the “National Animal Disease

Reporting System” application.

Login screen will appear: -

Page 5: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


To login as Block user, do the following steps:-

Enter User id provided

Enter the password

Click on Login Button

After Login, screen will display as shown below:-

Page 6: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on the navigation icon, following options will display:-

Page 7: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

There are there phases provided in the screen:-

FIR Information Report

Daily Incidence Cases


Page 8: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


Block user can make new entries in the FIR form.

Click on First Information Report, FIR List will display.

Page 9: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on “Add New FIR” button, following screen will display:-

Page 10: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Following information will display in pop up

In the field “Major disease to be reported or not”, there are two options present “Yes” or “No”.

If user wants to make Nil reporting then click on “No” radio button, select “Date of Observation” and then click

on “Save” button as shown below:-



Page 11: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

After click on save button, alert message will display “Are you sure want to submit data? Then on click on Yes

button, successful message “Data Saved Successfully” will display and FIR will be added in FIR List.

Page 12: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Note: - User can select “Date of Observation” of only three dates that is current date and two dates prior to

Current date.

If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation'Block user can not register any other FIR .

If block user register “FIR” then for same ‘Date of Observation’ user can not register “NO FIR”.

If user wants to report major disease then click on “Yes” radio button, following screen will display:-

Page 13: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user
Page 14: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Block user can register multiple FIR for same “Date of Observation”.

If user register multiple FIR for same “Date of Observation” then following parameters should be different in



Veterinary Centre



If these parameters are same while registering FIR for same date of observation then alert message “FIR

already exist for same Date of Observation, Block, Veterinary Centre, Village and Disease” will display.

In this form, user will enter following information:-

Date of Observation: To be selected from dropdown given at right of the textbox

Date of Reporting: This will be system generated

Date of Initial Occurrence: To be entered from calendar given at right of the textbox

Basis of Reporting: To be selected from dropdown

Enter Case Location:

Select Rural/Urban: Depending Upon the selection (Rural/Urban), Options will be populated like: If

user selects “Rural” then Block and Village will display and if selects “Urban” then Town and Ward will


Select Block/Town from dropdown

Select Village/Ward from dropdown

Select Veterinary Centre from dropdown

Enter Hamlet in textbox-if any

Enter Species Details: User will select species from the dropdown

After selecting a species, animal name, disease name and Vaccine Name will be populated in the


Select Animal

Select Disease

Select Vaccine Name

Select Measuring Unit

Add the subsequent details in susceptible population, official vaccination, attacks, deaths, destroyed

and Slaughtered fields.

After filling Species Details, when click on “Add” button, alert message will display “Data Add successfully. Do

you want to Add More?”

Page 15: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

On click on No, Upload FIR image section will display along with save button and on click on Yes user will be

able to do more entries.

Note: - User can enter multiple species details.

Note: - If user enter Species as “Avian” then in measuring unit only “Bird” will display and if select species as

“Wild Species” , animal as “Wild Avian” then also in measuring unit only “Bird” will display.

FIR image:

To upload FIR image, click on either Camera or Gallery, click or select image.

User can also view and edit the entered species details by clicking on the “VIEW EDIT DATA” button

Page 16: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

All the species details will display.

Click on detail, following screen will display.

Page 17: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Here user can update the species details.

Edit Details

Click on Update button, details will get updated.

Fill mandatory fields in FIR form.

Click on Save button

By clicking on save button following message will display “Are You sure want to save data?”If user have

internet connection then by clicking on Yes, data will get sync or if user do not have internet connection then

by clicking on Yes , following information will display:-

Page 18: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on Ok, FIR will get save.

FIR will display in draft mode, user can update the FIR.

To update FIR, click on Update and make changes.

To Delete FIR, click on Delete button

User can later sync the FIR by clicking “SYNC DATA”.

Note: - To Sync data, user should have internet connection.

After the Sync of FIR, FIR will be validated by district Use


Block user can do the new entries in Daily Incidence Cases form.

Click on Navigation icon, click on Home.

Click on Daily Incidence Cases, Daily Incidence Cases List screen will display

To view the Daily Incidence case detail, click on “View”

To add new OPD details, click on “ADD NEW OPD”, following screen will display:-

Page 19: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user
Page 20: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

If Vaccinated is selected as “Yes” then more fields will be added in screen

Date of Observation: Can be selected from dropdown.

Case Status: Can be Active or Close. User will select active in case of treating the animal. User will select

closed in case, the case has been closed. In case of Closed, two another fields in “Case Closed Information”

will be display: - “Animal Treated” and “Animal Dead”.

Page 21: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Case: select New, referred from dropdown list.

Case location details: (i) by default Rural/Urban and Block will come filled in, same as user login details. In

case user wants to change the case location details then he/she can select from dropdown list

state>district>Rural>block>village (in case of rural). State>district>urban>Town>wards (in case of urban).

Veterinary center: Can be selected from dropdown list

Species wise details grid: Note: AS explained above in FIR form

Case Details: User will select following from dropdown

i. Patient type: (Outpatient, Inpatient, on camps, on tour)

ii. Patient Status: (Successfully treated, Under treatment, dead)

iii. Type of Case : user can select the type of case

Treatment Details: user will select any one from dropdown (medical, surgical, systemic, and gynecological).

Vaccinated: no, yes if yes then fill vaccination details.

Vaccination Date:- Select from Calendar

Vaccination Name:- Select from dropdown

Enter Batch No

Select Manufacture

Enter No of Animals Vaccinated

Enter Remarks

Fill all details in Daily Incidence Cases form

Click on Save button, Data will get saved.

If user has no internet connection then record will not sync but record will get saved and user can either

update or delete the record.

Click on Update to update the record

Click on Delete to delete the record

Note: - User can sync the record only if user has internet connection.

Page 22: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


Block user can do the new entries in Vaccination form.

Click on Navigation icon, click on Home.

Click on Vaccination, Vaccination List screen will display

To view the Vaccination detail, click on “View”

To add new Vaccination details, click on “ADD NEW VACCINATION”, following screen will display

Page 23: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

In Location details State, District, Rural/Urban, Block will appear auto selected in the dropdown list. User has

to select only Village. Select village from dropdown list.

Veterinary center User can select Veterinary Centre from the drop down list.

Date of vaccination: Select date of vaccination from calendar given

Species: Select the species from the dropdown list

Animal: Animal will be populated on the basis of the selection of species. Select animal from the dropdown


Disease name: Select the disease name from the dropdown list for which vaccination is to be done.

Page 24: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Vaccination Name: Select the name of vaccination for the disease selected

No. of animals vaccinated: Enter the no. of animals vaccinated

Batch No: Enter Batch no.

Manufacture:Select Manufacture

Remarks: User can enter the remarks

Fill all details in Vaccination form

Click on Submit button, Data will get saved.


To sync all the saved data, click on navigation icon then click on Sync Data. All records will get synchronized.


On click on logout, all those record which are in draft mode will get deleted.

On clicking on logout, following alert message will display as shown below:-

On click on No, user will remain on screen and on click on Yes, user will get logout.


To login as district user, do the following steps:-

Enter User id in login form

Enter the password

Click on Login Button

After Login, screen will display as shown below:-

Page 25: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on the navigation icon, following options will display:-

Page 26: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on First Information Report on screen, FIR list will display.

Page 27: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

To validate the FIR, click on Update, following screen will display.

Page 28: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

There will be two radio buttons provided in the screen that is: - Validate and Reject.

If district user found any issue in the FIR, he/she can reject the FIR and FIR will go back to Block level

and if district user wants to verify the FIR then click on ‘Validate’ check box.

Enter the remarks in the “District Remarks” field.

Click on “Validate” check box.

Click on “Submit” button

Page 29: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

On Validating FIR, FIR Status will display as “Validated by District”.

On rejecting FIR, FIR Status will display as “Rejected by District”

After the records validated by District user, State user will also validate the record.

FIR Rejected by District – FIR rejected by District will come back to Block user. Block user can update the

FIR and resend to district user as shown below:-

Click on Update

Edit Record

Click on Submit Button.

SYNC DATA – Through this user can sync data. Suppose if block user send the FIR to district user and

meanwhile district user is login to application then to view the FIR, user has to click on Sync Data.

Page 30: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


To login as state user, do the following steps:-

Enter User id in login form

Enter the password

Click on Login Button

After Login, screen will display as shown below:-

Click on the navigation icon, following options will display:-

Page 31: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on First Information Report, FIR list will display.

Page 32: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

To validate the FIR, click on Update, following screen will display.

Page 33: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

There will be two radio buttons provided in the screen that is: - Validate and Reject.

If state user found any issue in the FIR, he/she can reject the FIR and FIR will go back to Block level

and if state user want to verify the FIR then click on ‘Validate’ check box.

Enter the remarks in the “State Remarks” field.

Click on “Validate” check box.

Click on “Submit” button

On Validating FIR, FIR Status will display as “Validated by State”.

Page 34: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

On rejecting FIR, FIR Status will display as “Rejected by State”

After Validation done by both District user and State User, Second Phase of FIR will open for Block user to

make the entry.

FIR Rejected by State – FIR rejected by State will come back to Block user. Block user can update the FIR

and resend to district user then district will send to State user as explained above.

SYNC DATA – Through this user can sync data. Suppose if district user send the FIR to State user and

meanwhile state user is login to application then to view the FIR, user has to click on Sync Data.


Login By Block User

Click on FIR

Click on Update of FIR which having status “Validated by State”

There are two sections – (Fields marked with (*) are Mandatory.)

Control measure adopted (You can choose one or multiple options )

Action Taken section

After filling all fields click on submit button as shown below:-

Page 35: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Data will get save and status will display as “Second Phase completed”.

Page 36: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


Fishery module has two levels:- District and State.

To login as district user, do the following steps:-

Enter User id in login form

Enter the password

Click on Login Button

After Login, screen will display as shown below:-

Click on the navigation icon, following options will display:-

Page 37: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

There isone phases provided in the screen:-

First Information Report

Page 38: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


District user can make new entries in the FIR form.

Click on FIR, Fish FIR List will display.

Page 39: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on “Add Fish FIR” button, following screen will display:-

Page 40: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

In the field “Major disease to be reported or not”, there are two options present “Yes” or “No”.

If user wants to make Nil reporting then click on “No” radio button, select “Date of Observation” and then click

on “Submit” button as shown below:-

Page 41: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

After click on submit button, alert message will display “Are you sure want to submit data? Then on click on

Yes button, successful message “Data Saved Successfully” will display and FIR will be added in FIR List.

Note: - User can select “Date of Observation” of only three dates that is current date and two dates prior to

Current date.

If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR .

If District user register “FIR” then for same ‘Date of Observation’ user can not register “NO FIR”.

If user wants to report major disease then click on “Yes” radio button, following screen will display:-

Page 42: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user
Page 43: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

District user can register multiple FIR for same “Date of Observation”.

If user register multiple FIR for same “Date of Observation” then following parameters should be different in



Veterinary Centre



If these parameters are same while registering FIR for same date of observation then alert message “FIR

already exist for same Date of Observation, Block, Veterinary Centre, Village and Disease” will display.

Page 44: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

In this form, user will enter following information:-

Date of Observation: To be selected from dropdown given at right of the textbox

Date of Reporting: This will be system generated

Date of Initial Occurrence: To be entered from calendar given at right of the textbox

Enter Case Location:

Select Rural/Urban: Depending Upon the selection (Rural/Urban), Options will be populated like: If

user selects “Rural” then Block and Village will display and if selects “Urban” then Town and Ward will


Select Block/Town from dropdown

Select Village/Ward from dropdown

Enter Diagnostic Center

Enter Species Details: User will select Group from the dropdown

After selecting a Group, animal type and disease namewill be populated in the dropdown.

Select Animal Type

Enter Species

Select Disease

Select Level of Diagnostic

Select Measuring Unit

Add the subsequent details in susceptible population and Remarks

After filling Species Details, when click on “Add” button, alert message will display “Data Add successfully. Do

you want to Add More?”

On click on No, save button will display and on click on Yes user will be able to do more entries.

User can also view and edit the entered species details by clicking on the “VIEW EDIT DATA” button

Page 45: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

All the species details will display.

Click on detail, following screen will display.

Page 46: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Here user can update the species details.

Edit Details

Click on Update button, details will get updated.

Fill mandatory fields in Fish FIR form.

Click on Save button

If user does not have internet connection and then click on Save button then following message will

display.”Are you sure want to save data?” On click on Yes, following confirmation message will display.

FIR will display in draft mode, user can update the FIR.

Page 47: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

To update FIR, click on Update and make changes.

User can later sync the FIR by clicking “SYNC DATA”.

Note: - To Sync data, user should have internet connection.

After the Sync of FIR, FIR will be validated by State User.

Page 48: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user


To login as state user, do the following steps:-

Enter User id in login form

Enter the password

Click on Login Button

After Login, screen will display as shown below:-

Click on the navigation icon, following options will display:-

Page 49: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Click on FIR Report, Fish FIR list will display.

Page 50: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

To validate the Fish FIR, click on Update, following screen will display.

Page 51: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

There will be two radio buttons provided in the screen that is: - Validate and Reject.

If state user found any issue in the FIR, he/she can reject the FIR and FIR will go back to District level

and if state user want to verify the FIR then click on ‘Validate’ check box.

Enter the remarks in the “Remarks” field.

Click on “Validate” check box.

Click on “Submit” button

On Validating FIR, FIR Status will display as “Validated by State”.

On rejecting FIR, FIR Status will display as “Rejected by State”

After Validation done by State User, Second Phase of FIR will open for District user to make the entry.

Page 52: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

FIR Rejected by State – FIR rejected by State will come back to District user. District user can update the FIR

and resend to State user.

SYNC DATA – Through this user can sync data. Suppose if district user send the FIR to State user and

meanwhile state user is login to application then to view the FIR, user has to click on Sync Data.


Login By District User

Click on FIR Report

Click on Update of FIR which having status “Validated by State”

There are two sections – (Fields marked with (*) are Mandatory.)

Control measure adopted (You can choose one or multiple options )

Action Taken section

After filling all fields click on save button as shown below:-

Page 53: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user

Data will get save and status will display as “Second Phase completed”.

Page 54: USER MANUAL for NATIONAL ANIMAL DISEASE REPORTING … · If user register 'No FIR'then for same 'Date of Observation' District user can not register any other FIR . If District user
