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  • 8/7/2019 User_Manual _v2b


    User Manual HSE Monitor 1

  • 8/7/2019 User_Manual _v2b


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    CC oo nn tt ee nn tt ss

    CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................3 HSE monitor............................................................................................................................4 Users........................................................................................................................................5 Logging on and browsing the application............................................................................6 Homepage...............................................................................................................................8 Menus......................................................................................................................................9


    Introduction...........................................................................................................................11 Data entry..............................................................................................................................13 Import of values....................................................................................................................16 Case of data rejected by the validator ................................................................................22 Viewing Collected values.....................................................................................................24 My entries .............................................................................................................................25


    Introduction...........................................................................................................................28 Data validation......................................................................................................................29 Refusal...................................................................................................................................31 Modification of a validated value ........................................................................................32 My validations.......................................................................................................................33


    Introduction...........................................................................................................................36 Indicators analysis................................................................................................................36 Reports ..................................................................................................................................39 Indicators comments............................................................................................................42 Monthly report......................................................................................................................43


    Introduction...........................................................................................................................46 Indicators tree.......................................................................................................................46 Organizations tree ................................................................................................................48 Users directory .....................................................................................................................49 Information ...........................................................................................................................51


    In the interests of simplicity and readability the language of this document is as far as possible gender neutral. Where

    applicable, the masculine includes the feminine.

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    HHSS EE mm oo nn iittoo r r

    A HSE reporting tool

    HSE Monitor is a reporting tool meant for following and entering theHealth, Safety, Security and Environment (HSE) indicators of the OMVGroup. Its purpose is to address the following objectives:

    improve the reliability of the data collection circuit make reporting more simple make report drafting easier allow the certification of the HSE data offer an operational control tool manage a multilingual and multi-units environment allow an autonomous administration of the application

    UseHSE Monitor allows the users to:

    enter data (Data collector profile) validate data ( Data validator profile) edit reports (Data analyst profile)

    It relies on an organizational model for consolidation of data and anindicators model.

    Organisational modelThree organization axes are defined by:

    Business axis (OMV E&P, OMV Gas, OMV Aktiengesellschaft) Emission Trading sub-axis Geographical axis (Africa and Middle East, Austria)

    The organizational model for a given year is an Organization version(OV).

    Indicators modelIndicators are grouped in 10 domains (Business Activities, Energy,Occupational Health)These domains are divided in sub-domains (Production, Sales,Occupational Health) which contain indicators.The indicators model for a given year makes up a Protocol Version (PV).

    Collection campaignData collection of a set of indicators on a set of organizations is called acampaign. A campaign is conducted on a given period of time.

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    UUss ee r r ss

    User account

    A user account is defined by: a login a password information (name, surname, title, email )

    UsersPages in the HSE Monitor application are customized according to therole of the user. Only the functionalities a user may access according tohis/her profile are displayed.The 3 tasks of the users in charge of data collection and validation are:

    data collection (user enters data) data validation (user confirms data) data analysis (visualization of data and edition of reports)

    Data collector

    A data collector is granted the data collection and data analysis profiles.The user enters data, can visualize them and edit reports.

    Data validator

    A data validator is granted the validator and data analyst profiles. Theuser confirms data, can visualize them and edit reports.

    Data analysisA user can be granted only the data analysis profile. In that case, hisrole is to follow the data and edit reports.The following table is a summary of the functionalities available to eachprofile.

    Administrator Is in charge of supervising the application.


    The scope is the working area (in terms of indicators and organizations)that a given user can access. The data collection scope of a user is theset of indicators he may have to enter on a given set of organizations.

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    User profile

    Profile Role Tasks

    Data Collection In charge of entering datainto the application

    Data entry for a campaignChecking data

    Data validation In charge of validating thedata that are entered

    Validation of data for a campaignChecking data

    Data analysis In charge of editing reports(possible on validated dataonly).

    Visualizing indicatorsCreating reports

    Administrator In charge of managing theapplication

    Administration campaignsAdministration of usersSupervision of the application

    LLoo gg gg iinn gg oo nn aa nn dd bb r r oo ww ss iinn gg tthh ee aa pp pp lliicc aa tt iioo nn

    A Web applicationHSE Monitor is a Web application.Therefore, it is supported by an Internet browser (Explorer 6 preferably).It makes use of the usual browsing tools available in your Internetbrowser.

    Accessing the HSE Monitor application

    The URL is:http://somvat002221/prod/page.aspx/en/usr/login

    In order to log in and have access to allfunctionalities, please enter your login andpassword.

    Your password was defined by theadministrator.

    You can change it in My Account .

    Alternatively, you find a link on some versions ofyour OMV Portal (ber OMV > Gesundheit,Sicherheit, Umwelt > HSE Monitor).

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    Browsing and saving dataPlease use the button rather than the Previous page orNext page of the Internet browser. If you dont, messages may bedisplayed that require the user to reload the page. Data may be lost.

    Main buttons

    Back to previous pageSave Saving of the entry or actionEnd Saving of entry or action and closing of the window/ popup

    Close Closing of the window/ popup without saving the data

    It is absolutely essential that you save any entry or actionbefore you leave the active page. If you dont, the entereddata or action may be lost!

    My accountAccess : My account/My account In this menu, the user can modify:

    his/her personal information, his/her password.

    When first logging in, the password is sg. You will be required toenter a new password.

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    HHoo mm ee pp aa gg ee


    (1) The OMV logo is for returning to the homepage. It can be found on all pages of the application.

    (2) The menus give access to all the functionalities of the application.They are displayed according to the profiles granted to the logged-in user (data collector, data validator, dataanalyst).They can be found on all pages of the application.

    (3) Frames that give direct access to some functionalities.Left-hand side:- Current collecting processes (data collector profile only): link to the open campaigns- Domains: expand and visualize indicators - Repo ts : Access the Indicator analysis window f or visualizing and creating reportsr - General reports: access users templates accessible to all users- Drop-down menu: report templates

    Right-hand side: HSE Monitor Documentation and directories(4) The following icons can be found on all pages of the application:

    Logout : disconnect from the application.

    OMV Home : Back to homepage.

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    Introduction to HSE Monitor

    MMee nn uu ss The following table is a summary of the menus of the application.Profiles that can access them are indicated. By default, data collectors

    and data validators are granted a data analyst profile on their scope.

    Menus accessible by profile

    Menu Functionality Data collector Data validator Data analyst

    Data entry X

    Import of values X


    View collection values X

    Validation Validation of entries X

    Indicators analysis X X X

    Reports X X X

    Indicators comments X X X


    Monthly report X X X

    Indicators tree X X X

    Organizational tree X X X

    Users directory X X X


    Information X X X

    My account X X X

    My entries X

    My account

    My validations X

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    Data entry

    DDaa tt aa ee nn tt r r yy

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    IInn tt r r oo dd uu cc tt iioo nn

    Role of the data collector

    The role of the data collector is to enter data in collection campaignsthat are periodically launched by the central administrator.The data collector must check the data collection form as long as thedata that he/she entered are not all validated. He can:

    Enter data Submit them to validation Check that all entered data have been validated

    Entering dataThe administrator defined the collection scope for the data collector.This scope represents the indicators ( [BACT_1] Throughput ,[ENE_28] Electricity Output ) for which the collector has to enter data,and concerned organizations.

    Submitting to validationOnce the collector is sure about the data he has entered, he checks theSubmit to validation box . This enables the validator to proceed with thevalidation of these data.The values can be entered and then submitted for validation at anothertime. In that case they remain at the In progress status (the value isentered but not yet submitted to validation).

    Checking that all the entered data have been validated (case of refusedvalues)If a value on the Submit to validation status is refused, it is switchedback to the In progress status. It is up to the collector to correct it ifnecessary and move it back to the Submit to validation status.

    When the end of the campaign is close, the collector who hasnot completed the data entry and has not submitted all thevalues for validation receives a mail from the administrator.


    Indicators come in 4 different types (see Typology of indicators, page47): Math-field Yes/ no Full-text Single or multiple selection indicators.

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    Data entry

    Examples Symbol Examples of indicators

    Math-field indicator

    [BACT_1] Throughput

    Full-text indicator [ET_1] Methods Used

    Yes/ no indicator

    [ET_22] Other Certificates Traded

    Single or multipleselection indicator

    Computed indicators ( ) use indicators in calculation formulas andthey are not found in the Collection menu (see Indicators analysis ).

    Direct data entry or data importThe collector can use 2 different ways to save data in the HSE Monitorapplication:

    enter the values in the data collection form, or import them massively.

    The two methods are described below.

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    DDaa tt aa ee nn tt r r yy Access : Collection/ Data entry If the user is concerned by several campaigns, click on one in the list.If just one campaign is open on his scope the following window opens:

    Opening the data collection formNote : This window can be directly accessed from the homepage,

    section Current collection campaigns.

    1. Click on a campaign for which you need to enter data. Itsprogress status is displayed in the Data entry window.

    Data entry window

    (1) Selection of the campaign

    Drop-down menu for selecting the campaign

    (2) Domains or sub-domains

    Names in bold represent a domain ( Business Activities, Energy, Occupational Health)

    The other rows represent a sub-domain ( Production, Sales, Health)

    (3) Indicators status

    Progress status of the indicator:

    Not started: no value has been yet entered.

    Refused : the value was refused by the validator. The data collector will have to enter a new value.

    In progress: values have been entered but not yet submitted to validation.

    Submit to validation: values have been entered and are submitted to validation.

    Validated: the value has been validated and will therefore be made available in the reports.The fraction represents the number of indicators with this status, divided by the number of indicators of the sub-domain to be entered in the campaign.

    2. If necessary, click on the drop-down list Campaign to display theselected campaign.

    3. Click on the selected domain or sub-domain to enter data. Thedata collection form is displayed.

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    Data entry

    Data collection form window(1) Filter

    Collection campaign: drop-down menu for selecting the campaign.

    Domains: list of sub-domains for the campaign.

    Indicators: List of indicators for the selected sub-domain ( All or just one),

    Organization: list of organizations covered by the campaign.

    Status : select the statuses of the selected indicators (or check them all).

    - All: whatever the status

    - Not started: no entered value

    - Refused : the value was refused by the validator. The data collector will have to enter a new value .

    - Entry in progress: a value has been entered but not yet submitted to validation.

    - Submit for validation: validation required.

    - Validated: the value was confirmed by the validator. It can be seen in Indicators analysis.

    (2) Indicator

    - The organization for which the data must be entered is in bold.

    - : access to the detailed description of the indicator: hover to display the balloon help or click on it to open apopup containing the description.

    - Code and label of the indicator.


    Fields available for data entry. The Submit to validation checkbox is accessible only after data has been entered(enter a value and click out of the field; the Submit to validation c heckbox can be accessed).

    Previous value

    Last value entered in a previous campaign.

    Submit for validation

    Checkbox for submitting the value to the validator.

    addition of comments to the value of the indicator. The icon then turns to . ( Note: the comments cancontain attached files.) These comments can be seen by the validators, and comments can stil l be addedafter validation.

    access to the computed indicators associated to the indicator.


    access to the record of the indicator over the previous periods of time.

    (4) Save

    Click on this button once the data have been entered or a modification made

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    Entering values and submitting them to validation

    1. Click on the drop-down lists on the upper part of the screen tofilter the indicators you wish to display.

    2. Enter the data in the format shown below according to the type

    of indicator:- math-field: enter a number - Yes/ no entry- Full-text: enter text- Single or multiple selection in checkboxes

    3. Click out of the fields after the last entry so that the Submit for validation checkboxes are available for the correspondingindicators.

    4. Click on Submit for validation if you wish to submit the value tothe validator. Since the validator will not receive a specific alertwhen data submission is completed, it is recommended toinform or notify your validator.

    Check the Submit for validation in the table header to submit alldisplayed indicators for validation.

    5. Click on Save in the lower right corner to save the entry.The Status column is updated (set from Not started to Entry in

    progress , or Submit for validation if a value has been saved andthe Submit for validation box checked).Submit for validation data can no longer be modified. Uncheckthe Submit for validation box so a modification can be made onthe corresponding indicator.Note : A validated value can no longer be modified by a data

    collector but can be exceptionally modified by a datavalidator

    Any data that are not saved are lost. Make sure you click on Save aftercompleting your entry.

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    Data entry

    IImm pp oo r r tt oo f f vv aa lluu ee ss Access: Collection/ Import of values Note : It is not possible to import values for single or multiple selection

    indicatorsNote : Imported values are automatically saved with the Submit for

    validation statusThe data collector can import values for a given campaign into theapplication using a Excel formatted file. The collector saves time. Healso can save the file on his own computer so that he can use it for thefollowing campaigns.The import includes 2 successive steps:

    1. Step 1 : definition by the data collector of the format of the fileand downloading of the standard file.

    2. Step 2 : entry of values in the file by the data collector or byautomatic treatment and import of the completed file into theapplication.

    The format of the file depends on the scope of the import: number of indicators: one or several (an Indicator Code column

    if several indicator values need to be entered) the selected organizational scope: one organization, or several

    (an Organization code column if several organization need to beentered)

    addition of a Comment column unit of the indicator value

    Step 1: Defining the format of the fileAccess: Collection/ Import of values This step must be carried out if the file does not already exist on theusers computer.

    In the Import parameters section:

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    1. Select the campaign if it is not displayed in the Collecting process drop-down menu.

    2. Leave -- Select -- in the Indicator drop-down menu. This createsthe Indicator code column of the formatted file.Note : The data collector can select an indicator. In that case,

    there will be no indicators criterion, hence no Indicator code column.

    3. Select the organization for which you need to import theindicators in the Entity drop-down menuNote : The data collector can leave -- Select in the drop-down

    menu. In that case, there will be an organizations criterion,hence an Organization code column.

    4. Leave -- Select -- in the Unit drop-down menu. This creates theUnit Code column of the formatted file.Note : The data collector can select a unit. In that case, there will

    be no units criterion, hence no Unit code column.

    5. Check Comment column to add a text column to the file.

    6. Click on to download a formatted file. It consists of a tablewith an Indicator code column, a Data column (value of theindicators), a Unit code column and a Comment column . In theWindows popup, click on Save and Open .

    7. The Excel file opens.

    8. Delete the sample values while leaving the first row untouched(column headers). Enter the indicator codes and the valuesNote: If the Code unit column is present, do not enter anything

    in order to select the default unit, or if the indicator doesnot require one.

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    Data entry

    To easily find the list of indicators and their respective label in the HSEMonitor application, click on the corresponding column header(Indicator code ) in the File format section. It gives you access to theconcerned indicators code or organizations code or units code in aValues table popup.If necessary, download it in the Excel format so you can copy/ paste thecodes in the imported file.

    9. In Excel, click on File/ Save a s and save as a csv file by selecting*.csv as a format file in the Save as popup in Windows .

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    10. Click on Save in the Save as Windows popup.

    11. A warning is displayed. Click on Yes to save the file.

    12. The file is now saved as a csv file on your computer.

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    Data entry

    Step 2: Importing data in HSE Monitor The file that contains the entered or pasted data must have been savedas a csv file. If you have gone through Step 1 and you may want to go through Step2later, you will have to select the import parameters again as they definethe format of the file to be received by the application.Access: Collection/ Import of values To import the Excel file once the data have been entered:

    1. Click on Browse ( or Parcourir ) to locate the completed file onyour computer.

    2. Select the file (popup Windows ) and click on Load in the HSEMonitor application. A message in a yellow banner at the top ofthe window indicates that the import is successful.

    A message informs you if an error occurs.Failed imports are kept for the record. They can be accessed throughthe My failed imports links (see page 21).

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    Failed importsIn the event of an error when the file is imported, a message keeps youinformed.Failed imports are kept for the record. They can be accessed throughthe My failed imports link. Failed imports are displayed at the bottom ofthe page.

    They include 3 elements:

    Import # xxx : number allocated to the import in the application(the higher number is the last failed import)

    Download button: opening of the corresponding file. Errors aredetailed row by row

    Delete button: deletion of the recorded failed import

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    Data entry

    CC aa ss ee oo f f dd aa tt aa r r ee jjee cc ttee dd bb yy tthh ee vv aa lliidd aa ttoo r r Access: Collection/ Data entry The role of the validator is to confirm or refuse the values submitted bythe data collector.In the case of a refusal, the data collector must enter a value again.The list is displayed if the user is concerned by several campaigns: clickon the selected campaign. If just one campaign is open on your scope,the Data entry window will be directly displayed.

    Display the refused value and correcting itClick on a campaign. Its progress status is displayed in the Data entry window. Click on a sub-domain to display the Data collection form.

    A value that was refused by the validator can be changed.The colour of the icon shows that a comment has been added (bythe validator who explains the refusal, for example).

    1. Click on to display the comments.

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    2. Insert your own comments in the text domain and add a file ifnecessary by clicking on Add a file.

    3. Confirm by clicking on Save .

    4. Enter a new value if necessary and check Submit for validation and click on Save .The indicator switches from Refused to Submit to validation .

    Any data that are not saved are lost. Make sure you click on Save aftercompleting your entry.

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    Data entry

    VViiee ww iinn gg CC oo llllee cc ttee dd vv aa lluu ee ss Access : Collection / Viewing collected values This functionality allows the data collector to display the history ofentered values on his scope The history includes all campaigns whetherthey are open or not.

    Viewing collected data1. Use the drop-down lists in the upper part of the windows to filter

    the entered values you wish to display by indicators andorganization ( Indicator and Entity drop-down menus).

    2. If necessary, filter by entered data ( Realized ) or target andthreshold values in Data type.

    3. Click on Search .

    4. If necessary, sort the displayed values by clicking on the columnheaders ( Ind cator, Entity and Modification date) i

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    MMyy ee nn tt r r iiee ss Access : My account/ My entries The menu allows the collector to display all the indicators on his scope.Data are about all campaigns whether they are open or not. Allindicators are listed whatever their status.Entered data are only those that were entered by the current logged-inuser.The collector can display the indicators that he will have to enter incampaigns to come. Therefore, he can prepare his work accordingly.The data collector can easily find all the data on his scope by filteringby:

    Collection campaign, Indicator status (check the statuses you need : value not yet

    entered, entered, not yet validated, validated, refused), Organizations and indicators (only those within the scope of the

    data collector), Organizational level or organization (only those within the scope

    of the data collector).

    Displaying my entries

    1. Use the drop-down lists and the checkboxes in the upper part ofthe window to filter the entered values or values to be enteredfor a campaign.

    2. Click on Search .

    3. If necessary, sort the values displayed by clicking on the columnheaders Collection campa gn , Sub-domain , Affected indicator ,Level and Organization.


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    DDaa tt aa vv aa lliidd aa tt iioo nn

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    Data validation

    IInn tt r r oo dd uu cc tt iioo nn

    Role of the validator

    The role of the data validator is to confirm the data entered by the datacollector in periodic collection campaigns (the campaigns are organizedby the central administrator).The administrator has defined the scope of the validator. This scoperepresents which indicators ( [ENE_1], [ET_17] ) the validator has toconfirm, and for which organizations (management, subsidiaries,agencies ).The validation step logically comes after data entry. The specific screenfor validation displays the indicator of a current campaign. Their statusindicates whether he can confirm them.The value of an indicator switched to Submit to validation allows him to

    confirm or refuse it (see table Status of indicators , below in thedescription of the Data Validation Detail window).A value that was entered by a data collector but not yet switched toSubmit to validation cannot be seen by the validator.

    r / t

    ConfirmingOnce the values have been confirmed, they can be:

    visualized (indicator analysis) by a user with the data analysisprofile in the Indicators analysis/ Indicator analysis menu;

    be used for creating reports by a user with the data analyst profilein the Indicato s analysis Repor menu.

    RefusingThe validator can refuse an indicator value, thus requiring the datacollector in charge of this indicator to enter a new value or enter anexplanation.The collector receives a specific warning by email when a value isrefused and the value is switched from Submit to validation to Refused. The validator enters comments meant for the data collector.

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    DDaa tt aa vv aa lliidd aa tt iioo nn Access : Validation

    ValidationA list is displayed if the validator is concerned by several campaigns:click on one. If just one campaign is open on your scope, the followingwindow will be directly displayed.

    Opening the Data validation Detail windowClick on a campaign. Its progress status is displayed in the Data validation Detail window .

    Validation window(1) campaign

    Drop-down menu for selecting a campaign.

    (2) Domains and sub-domains

    Names in bold represent an domain ( Business activities, Energy ).

    The other rows represent a sub-domain ( Production, Sales, Water; ).

    (3) Indicator status

    Progress status of the indicator:

    Not started: no value has been yet entered.

    In progress: a value has been entered but not yet submitted to validation.

    Refused : the value has been refused by the validator. The collector will have to enter a new value.

    Submit for validation: a value has been entered and is submitted for validation.Validated: the value has been validated and will therefore be made available in the reports.

    The fraction represents the number of indicators with this status, divided by the number of indicators of the sub-domain to be entered in the campaign.

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    Data validation

    Confirming entered data

    1. If necessary, click on the drop-down menu Collec ion campaign to display the selected campaign.


    2. Click on an domain or sub-domain. The Data Validation Detail is


    Data validation Detail window

    (1) Filter

    Collection campaign: drop-down menu for selecting the campaign.

    Domain: list of sub-domains for the campaign.

    Indicators : List of indicators for the selected sub-domain ( All or just one).

    Organization : list of organizations covered by the campaign.

    Status : select the statuses of the selected indicators (or check them all).

    - All : whatever the status

    - Not started: no entered value

    - Entry in progress : a value has been entered but not yet submitted to validation

    - Submit for validation: validation required

    - Validated : the value was confirmed by the validator. It can be seen in Indicators analysis .

    - Refused : the value was refused (indicators for which a value has to be entered again by a data collector)

    (2) Indicator

    - The organization for which the data must be entered is in bold

    - : access to the detailed description of the indicator: hover to display the balloon help or click on it ot open apopup containing the description

    - Code and label of the indicator

    Value : Value entered by the data collector for data entry. The Validated and Refused checkboxes are accessibleonly after data has been submitted by a data collector.

    Previous value : Valeur saisie lors de la campagne prcdente

    Validated : Checkbox for confirming the value (the analysis is then possible on the indicator).

    Refused : checkbox for refusing the value. Insert a comment using the icon .

    addition of comments to the value of the indicator. The icon then turns to . ( Note : the commentaries cancontain attached files), and commentaries can still be added.

    access to the computed indicators associated to the indicator.


    access to the record of the indicator over the previous periods of time.

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    (4) Save: Click on the button once the values are confirmed or refused

    3. Click on the drop-down lists in the upper part of the window tofilter the indicators you wish to display.

    4. Use the corresponding checkboxes to confirm values.

    5. Click on Save on the lower right corner to save the entry. TheStatus column is updated ( Validated ).

    Any data that are not saved are lost. Make sure you have clicked onSave after completing your entry.

    RR ee f f uu ss aa ll Access : Validation When a value has been refused by the validator, it has to be enteredagain by the data collector.He inserts a commentary (icon ) for the data collector. Thecorresponding indicator is switched to the In progress status on theData collection form (seen by the data collector). The data collectorenters a new value, possibly a comment, and then submits the value forvalidation.

    Opening the Data validation Detail windowClick on a campaign. Its progress status is displayed in the Validation window . A detailed description of the Validation window is available on page 29.

    Refusing a value and inserting a comment

    1. Click on the selected domain or sub-domain. The Data Validation detail window is displayed.A detailed description of the Data validation detail window isavailable on page 30.

    2. Check the Refused box for a selected indicator. A text fieldopens. Enter an explanatory comment for the data collector.

    3. Click on Save .

    The icon on the row of the selected indicator changes colour andturns to (click on the icon to display the comment that was just

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    Data validation

    entered).The status of the indicator switches from Submit for validation toRejected .The same status will be displayed on the data collectors screen.Any data that are not saved are lost. Make sure you have clicked onSave after completing your entry.

    MMoo dd iif f iicc aa tt iioo nn oo f f aa vv aa lliidd aa ttee dd vv aa lluu ee When a value has been confirmed by the validator, the correspondingindicator can be viewed by users with the data analysis profile.However, the value can still be modified. The validator has to uncheckthe Validated box and check Refused (see Refusal above). The indicatorcan then no longer be visualized by a user with the data analyst profileas long as it has not been switched back to Validated .

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    MMyy vv aa lliidd aa tt iioo nn ss Access : My account/My validations The menu allows the validator to display all the indicators on his scope.Data are about all campaigns whether they are open or not. Allindicators are listed whatever their status.Entered data are only those that were confirmed/ refused by the currentlogged-in user.The validator can display the indicators that he will have to confirm/ refuse in campaigns to come. Therefore, he can prepare his workaccordingly.The data collector can easily find all the data on his scope by filteringby:

    Collection campaign, Indicator status (value not yet entered, entered, not yet validated,

    validated), Organizations and indicators (only those within the scope of the

    validator), Organizational level or organization (only those within the scope

    of the validator).

    Displaying my validations

    1. Use the drop-down lists in the upper part of the window to filterthe entered values or values to be entered for a campaign.

    2. If necessary, sort the values displayed by clicking on the columnheaders Collection campa gn , Domain , indicator , Level andOrganization.



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    AAnn aa llyy ss iiss

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    IInn tt r r oo dd uu cc tt iioo nn The data analyst profile has access to the indicators analysis andreports menus. Their purpose is to offer the tools for visualizing data

    and edit reports. Menu Analysis/ Indicators analysis : visualization of management

    charts on one indicator Menu Analysis / Reports : visualization of management charts on

    several indicators Menu Analysis / Indicators comments : display of comments

    entered by the users Menu Analysis /Monthly report: specific and pre-defined report on

    the group or business division levelAll information is limited to the data analysis scope of the user. Onlyvalidated indicators can be seen.

    IInn dd iicc aa ttoo r r ss aa nn aa llyy ss iiss Access : Analysis Indicators analysis / The user with a data analysis profile has access to the list of all theindicators and organizations included in his data analysis scope(organizations and indicators).This functionality allows the user to visualize management charts onone indicator.

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    Indicators analysis

    (1) Drop-down lists are for filtering indicators, years and period of time.

    It is also possible to search by keywords on the label of the indicators.

    (2) Domain section: drop-down lists are for defining the organizational scope in which data are to be visualized. They

    are limited to the data analyst scope.

    (3) List of indicators according to the selected criteria ( : description of the indicator) shown on 5 columns:

    Domain : domain to which the indicator belongs.

    Indicator: code and label of the indicator.

    Value: value of the indicator. This number stands for the number of texts entered as far as full-text indicators areconcerned.

    Unit: unit of the indicator.

    Coverage index: progress percentage of the indicator.

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    Visualizing and extracting a report for one indicator Visualizing and extracting a report for one indicator

    1. Start a search or define filters.1. Start a search or define filters.

    2. Click on the icon2. Click on the icon or the name of the selected indicator tovisualize it. The screen below is displayed.

    Use the scope selection criteria ( Filter section) to change themanagement chart.

    3. Change the visualization mode on the same screen in the lowerleft corner using the available menus:- Details by : visualization of the information by organisational

    level (by Group, Branch, subsidiary according to the dataanalysis scope)

    - Graph type: selection of the visualization mode (bar charts,splines)

    4. Click on Generate report to visualize the management chart in achart (title, editing ) and print it if necessary.

    5. If necessary, click on Excel extraction to extract the data in anExcel table.

    Note : You can also display the target value and the minimum andmaximum threshold by checking the corresponding boxes.

    Use the Reset button to cancel all filters and selection criteria of themanagement charts.

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    RR ee pp oo r r tt ss Access : Indicators analys s Repor s i / t

    Reports are management charts on several indicators. This functionalityallows the user to visualize data reports on several indicators. It islimited to the data analyst scope (organizations and indicators).The creation of report functionality is for creating report templates thatcan be used from one campaign to the next.


    (1) The filters are for filtering by year and period of time.

    Report label: title of the report / General reports : check this box to make your report available to all users.

    (2) Scope section: drop-down lists are for defining the organizational scope in which data are to be visualized. They arelimited to the data analysis scope.

    (3) Selection of the visualization mode.

    (4) Select the indicators : expand it and check the indicators to select them.

    Comment : comment added to the report.

    General Reports; My reports : pre-defined reports, either accessible to all user or just with this login.

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    Visualization, printing and extraction of a reportThe user can visualize a report with graphs in a popup and print it. Healso can extract values in an Excel table.

    Visualizing a report, printing or extracting it

    1. Filter by Year .

    2. Check the indicators that you wish to include in the reports(Select the indicators section).

    3. Use the scope selection criteria ( Scope section) to change themanagement chart.

    4. Change the visualization mode on the same screen in the lowerleft corner using the available menus- Details by : visualization of the information by organizational

    level (by Group, Branch, Subsidiary according to the dataanalysis scope) and/ or period (semester, year),

    - Graph type: selection of the visualization mode (bar charts,splines).

    3. Click on Generate report to visualize the management chart in achart (title, editing ) and print it if necessary.

    4. If necessary, click on Excel extraction to extract the data in anExcel table.

    Note : You can also display the target value and the minimum andmaximum threshold by checking the corresponding boxes.

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    Managing reportsPre-defined reports have pre-defined criteria and are used as templates.Each report generation comes up with a report that refers to thesecriteria for the latest indicator values.

    If you wish to save a report as a report at a given time, you need to saveit on your computer. Report generation does not create a history.One report can be used in successive collection campaign if the scoperemains the same.Generated reports can be saved under your user account ( My reports) so you can use them later.They also can be saved and made available to all users ( General reports ).

    Creating a pre-defined reportOn the same screen:

    1. Enter the title of the report in Report label.

    2. Check General report if you wish to share the report with all theusers.

    3. Expand the indicators tree and check the indicators that you wishto include in the reports ( Select the indicators section).

    4. Use the scope selection criteria ( Scope section) to change themanagement chart.

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    5. Change the visualization mode on the same screen in the lowerleft corner using the available menus.

    5. Change the visualization mode on the same screen in the lowerleft corner using the available menus.- Details by: visualization of the information (by organisational

    level (by Group, Branch, Subsidiary according to the dataanalysis scope) and/ or period (semester, year),

    - Details by: visualization of the information (by organisationallevel (by Group, Branch, Subsidiary according to the dataanalysis scope) and/ or period (semester, year),

    - Graph type : selection of the visualization mode (bar charts,splines).- Graph type : selection of the visualization mode (bar charts,splines).

    6. Click on Save . The report is saved as a template.6. Click on Save . The report is saved as a template.

    Icons are available for managing the reports:Icons are available for managing the reports:

    : deletion of a report : visualization in a popup and printing of a report

    : extraction of a report in ExcelClick on the name of a report to display its criteria (indicators are inbold and organizations can be seen on the left-hand side of the screen).

    IInn dd iicc aa ttoo r r ss cc oo mm mm ee nn tt ss Accees: Analysis./ Indicators comments The list of comments enables the user to display all the comments thatwere entered during campaigns on indicators for specific organizations.The list is an information source that can help during data collection,validation or report editing.Available comments are limited to the data analysis scope(organizations and indicators) of the user.

    Filter by indicator, organization and year to locate the comments on an

    indicator, for an organization, over a given period.

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    MMoo nn tthh llyy r r ee pp oo r r tt Access: Indicators ana ysis/ Monthly reports l This report focuses on Health, Safety and CO2 emission. The report ispre-defined and cannot be acted on.Values are viewed on a Group level, by year and month. For someusers, values can be seen on a business division level.

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    DDoo cc uu mm ee nn tt aa tt iioo nn

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    IInn tt r r oo dd uu cc tt iioo nn The documentation menus allow the data collectors, the validators andthe data analysts to access various information menus.

    The Documentation tab gives access to: the indicators tree: it is the model that includes all the basic and

    computed indicators the organizational tree: it is the organizational model that includes

    all the organizations of OMV for the application the users directory: full list of users (details and scopes) the information base: contents classified by type (HSE

    Organisation, Reports new, )

    IInn dd iicc aa ttoo r r ss tt r r ee ee Access: Documentation / Indicators tree A protocol version is an indicators tree for a given year.All campaigns rely on this model for that year.It includes 10 domains: Business activities, Energy, Occupational Hea th l The 10 domains contain sub-domains ( Production, Sales, Health ) inwhich the indicators are grouped.

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    Displaying a protocol version

    1. Click on the drop-down list Protocol version to display theindicators tree for a given year.

    2. Expand the tree. The 5 possible types of indicators are defined in

    the following table.Typology of indicators

    Symbol Type of indicator Description

    Computed indicator Expand the indicator to show the basic

    indicators used for their calculation

    Math-field indicator Used for entering numerical values

    Full-text indicator Used for entering text-type values (8000

    characters max.)

    Yes/ no indicator Yes or no checkbox

    Single or multiple choiceindicator

    Used for selecting one or several values in adefined choice list

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    OO r r gg aa nn iizz aa tt iioo nn ss tt r r ee ee Access : Documentation / Entities tree The indicator tree includes all the organizations of OMV for theapplication.An organization version is the organizations tree for a given year. It ismade of 2 organization axes:

    by Business Division Axis ( E&P, Gas, OMV Aktiengesellschaft ), by Geographical axis ( Africa and Middle East, Austria) , by Emission Trading sub-axis.

    The tree permits consolidation along 3 different axes.

    Displaying an organization version

    1. Click on the drop-down menu to display the organizations treefor a given year.

    2. Expand the tree.

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    UUss ee r r ss dd iir r ee cc ttoo r r yy Access : Documentation / Users directory The directory allows a user to search for a user and display:

    his general information (professional details) his scopes

    Users directory

    (1) Search by profile and keywords section.

    Search button: starting the search.

    Reset button: cancellation of all filters and criteria.

    (2) Filter by scope(s)/entity(ies)

    Search by organizations and scopes (Data collection, validation, analysis and administration).

    (3) List of results

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    Searching for a user The search can be a simple search using profiles and keywords.It can also be an advanced search that takes into account theorganizational scope (what site for example) for a specific profile (datacollection, validation, data analysis, administration).

    Simple searchIn the search by profile and keywords section:

    1. Select a profile in the drop-down list Filter by profile (leave --All if profiles are not a criterion).

    2. If necessary, search by keywords on the surname, first name andlogin of a user.

    3. Click on Search . The list of results is displayed. Advanced search by scopeIn the Filter by scope(s)/ entity (ies) section:

    1. Expand the organizations tree so as to locate the selectedorganization/ organizations and check the corresponding boxes.

    2. In the upper part of the section, check the selected profile on thisorganizational scope (here: Data collection).

    3. Click on Search . The list of results is displayed.

    Displaying the information about a user Click on the name of the user in the list of results to display thematching information in a popup:

    the general information about the user the scopes of the user

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    IInn f f oo r r mm aa tt iioo nn Access : Documentation / Information This functionality offers contents classified by topics: Report new,HelpSome can be accessed from the right-hand side of the homepage.They make up a knowledge base meant for the users. The contents canbe searched by keywords.

    The Relation column indicates:

    whether the content is linked to a particular indicator(INDICATOR: ..)

    whether the content can be seen on the homepage (SECTION:Main)

    If a content is linked to an indicator, it is included in the description ofthis indicator (icon during data collection or validation of anindicator).

    Displaying a contentClick on the title of a content to display.(Note : the attached file, if it exists, can directly be accessed in the File column ). The Display contents window opens.

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    Left-hand side of the window Depending on what the data collector entered, the Display contentswindow contains a descriptive text, attached files, links to websites.Right-hand side of the windowThe frame offers a direct access to the other contents. They areclassified by topics.

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    GG lloo ss ss aa r r yy


    (Collection) campaign : Collection of indicators launched by the central administrator

    Collection : Profile that allows the collection of indicator values in campaigns

    Computed indicator : Indicator that is a calculation involving several basic indicators. A computed indicator cannot be entered. Its is automatically calculated.


    Data analysis : Profile for visualizing indicators and creating reports

    Data collection form : Screen meant for entering values. It is a screen that can be displayed by datacollectors

    Data collector : Person in charge of collecting data

    Data validation detail : Screen meant for confirmation of indicators. It is a screen that can be displayed byvalidators

    Domain ; One of the 10 groups made of sub-domains of indicators (Energy; HSEmanagement)


    Entity : Organization in the model of OMV


    (Basic) indicator : Indicator whose value is entered during a campaign

    Import of values : Loading of data into the application through a formatted file


    Organization : One unit of the organization tree (a business unit, a site)

    Organization version : Organizations tree for a given year (organization version 2005, organization version2006 )

    Organizational scope : Scope in terms of covered organizations


    Profile : Set of authorizations that define the role of a person (data collection profile, validationprofile, data analysis profile). The authorizations determine the menus that can beaccessed by the user

    Protocol : All indicators

    Protocol version : Indicator tree for a given year (protocol version 20005, protocol version 2006 )

    S (Collection, validation, dataanalysis) scope

    : Set of organizations and indicators for data collection, validation or data analysis

    Sub-domain : Sub-group of one of the 10 domains (Waste, Water, HSE trainings)


    Validation : Profile authorizing confirmation of data entered by a data collector

    Validator : Person in charge of confirming data entered by a data collector