ush objectives ch 22 the vietnam war · veto by...

USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War Years

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Page 1: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

USHObjectives Ch 22

The Vietnam War Years

Page 2: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

Harry Truman - Thirty-third POTUS - replaced FDR. Authorized use of atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; participated in Potsdam Conference with Stalin and Churchill/Atlee. Instituted Loyalty Oath - insure no communist spies in the government. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan to contain communism. Desegregated armed forces months before 1948 campaign - had to go on whistle stop tour to defeat Dewey and Dixiecrats. Desegregation of armed forces fractured Roosevelt or New Deal Coalition – at first the angry white conservatives ran under the States Rights banner of Strom Thurmond (record for filibuster against CRA ‘57), later joined Republican Party. Ordered airlift to supply West Berlin against Soviet blockade. Commander in Chief during Korean conflict and fired General Douglas MacArthur. Vetoed Taft-Hartley but it passed by 2/3 majorities in both houses. Sign on desk “The Buck Stops Here”.

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• Red China - Following WWII, Nationalist Chiang Kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi) and Communist Mao Zedong resumed fighting for the control of China.

• Chiang and his generals isolated the people with brutal treatment and poor policies while Mao won their hearts and minds (land reform he later took away), therefore gaining a stronger army and driving Chiang to Formosa (Taiwan).

• The loss of China was a major blow to containment: Republicans blamed Truman and the Democratic Party and used that line in several elections.

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The Rise of Richard Nixon

• Congressman (later Senator) from CA

• Became famous for prosecuting Alger Hiss

• Red Baiter – gutter politics• Eisenhower’s VP, 1953–1961• Lost close presidential

election to JFK in 1960• Elected president

in 1968

Richard M. Nixon

• Reports of a secret campaign “slush fund” led to calls for Ike to remove.

• Nixon brought his case to voters on TV – argued against giving up his kids’ dog, Checkers

Page 5: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

Wednesday April 25

1. Bell: TACOS – Vietnam cartoon by Bill Mauldin

2. Video Notes: Left Column of CH 20.2 notes - 10

Facts that will help you understand American

involvement in Vietnam.

3. Complete Map.

4. Right Column: Write Out Objectives and

Answer – pasting Objectives will gain ½ points!

“The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class

is unfit to govern.” Lord Acton

All Electronics Off & Away!!!

Page 6: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

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A action

C captions

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Page 7: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

Thursday April 26

1. Bell: Fire Video – 2 Facts after viewing

2. Discuss Map.

3. Right Column: Write Out Objectives and

Answer – gluing Objectives will receive ½ points!

• Section 3 due Friday – take advantage of your time.

• Section 4 due Monday

All Electronics Off & Away!!!

“The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class

is unfit to govern.” Lord Acton

Page 8: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

South Korea - Following the expulsion of the Japanese after WW II, Korean peninsula divided at 38th parallel – the United States controlled the south and the Soviet Union controlled the north. Soviets refused unification and installed a communist government under Kim Il Sung. United States helped establish Republic of Korea and Syngman Rhee (PhD from Princeton) selected to lead. Following evacuation of American troops, Kim invaded across the 38th parallel and began the Korean War. General Douglas MacArthur led United Nations forces into Korea (Inchon landing) and cut supply lines -allowed UN forces to retake the 38th parallel – later fired for insubordination. North and South Korea remain divided at the heavily armed and fortified 38th parallel.

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Rosenbergs - As the Second Red Scare was in full swing, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg accused of passing secrets (Manhattan Project) to the Soviet Union. There is evidence that Julius did pass information to the Soviets but there is no trustworthy evidence that Ethel involved. There is evidence that FBI leader J. Edgar Hoover accused Ethel Rosenberg of spying so that Julius would provide the names of other spies (Hoover did not believe both would be executed and orphan their two sons –they were the only ones executed). Their execution in 1953 created outrage around the world (similar to the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti following the First Red Scare after WW I) as many thought the trial unjust.

Page 10: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

Friday April 27

1. Bell: Fire Video – 3 Facts after viewing

2. Right Column: Write Out Objectives and

Answer – gluing Objectives will receive ½ points!

• Section 4 due Monday – take advantage of your time.

• Test Wednesday!!!

“The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern.

Every class is unfit to govern.” Lord Acton

All Electronics Off & Away!!!

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Upon what basis should

any nation enter a war? How much dissent should be

tolerated during a national emergency?

Page 11: USH Objectives Ch 22 The Vietnam War · veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954

PanmunjomAfter Chinese intervention in the

Korean War, the armies fought

along the 38th parallel for two

years while peace talks were conducted. The death of Stalin in 1953 and the Inauguration of Eisenhower in 1953 as POTUS changed the dynamics of the conflict: Ike threatened to use nuclear weapons to end the war. Talks at Panmunjom (capital of North Korea) led to an armistice or cease-fire in July 1953. North Korea remains communist and as the leadership passed in the family line: Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, now grandson Kim Jong Un, who has developed nukes.

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34th POTUS. Ran against Adali Stevenson in 1952 on promise to end war in Korea. Retained Nixon as VP, after Nixon’s famous “checkers speech”. Domestic policy included the Interstate Highway System, beginning of NASA, signing the CRA of 1957 (though advised to veto by some Civil Rights advocates like Jackie Robinson). Challenged McCarthy in 1954 and helped end his run of lies and demagoguery. Primarily a foreign policy president: MAD, massive retaliation, and brinksmanship guided FP: 1953 = 1K warheads 1961 = 16K warheads. Ended war in 1953, aided by threat to use nuclear and death of Stalin. 1954 SEATO (after fall of Dien Bien Phu); 1955 West Germany joined NATO and Geneva Summit; 1957 “advisers” and more funds to Vietnam and Eisenhower Doctrine; 1958 NASA (Sputnik in ’57) and troops in Lebanon; 1953 toppled Iran, 1954 toppled Guatemala, and 1960 planned to topple Cuba (Bay of Pigs fiasco).

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VaccineF.D. Roosevelt contracted polio but fought his way back to public life. He supported the National Infant Paralysis Institute (later shortened to polio) and invited children stricken with polio to his home in Warm Springs, Georgia. Because of FDR’s efforts on behalf of children and his own fight with polio, entertainer Eddie Cantor proposed everyone send in a dime to research the causes and find a cure: 150,000 dimes were sent in 1945. In the 1950s the research paid off as Dr. Jonas Salk perfected a polio vaccine.

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• When this failed to break down the jungle

cover the USAF started ‘Operation Ranch

Hand’ – the defoliation program, using

Agent Orange.

• This deadly chemical cocktail, containing

dioxin (herbicide), killed off millions of acres

of jungle to try to weaken the VC/Charlie –

but left a horrendous legacy in Vietnam.

• The dioxin got into the food chain (Silent

Spring?) causing chromosome damage to

humans. There were hundreds of cases of

children born with deformities.

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