using behat as a webapp automation tool · behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a...

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool 1

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Page 1: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool


Page 2: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool


Karl DeBisschop (d.o contact)

Cathy Theys (@YesCT, slack, twitter)

Page 3: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Application can manage training, equipment inspections, chemical inventory, research compliance (animal exposure, transgenic materials, etc), and more. Goal of software is to make research safer while at the same time freeing investigators from administrative overhead.

10 Developers, agile development process, docker-based infrastructure.

80 live customer sites

3Karl | @YesCT

Page 4: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

The Problem● We were unable to migrate customers from a legacy Drupal Application

○ Drush is not a viable option● We use a selenium-based ruby utility in a terminal to press buttons

○ Requires different skills and infrastructure


The Alternative● Use behat● Integrate with DevOps Automation Platforms

○ Jenkins○ Rundeck

Page 5: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Behat● What is behat?

○ Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior

○ It uses “nearly English” Gherkin language to describe features of the site and outcomes of the actions being tested

● Written in PHP, available via composer● Used for behavioral testing in Drupal 8● Here we are using it to operate controls on a

running web site and not a test environment


Page 6: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Rundeck● Runs the behat scenarios● Presents forms and buttons for running behat● Different permissions for ops, developer, feature owner...● Stores “secrets” like admin password


Page 7: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Page 8: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Page 9: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Karl | @YesCT

Page 10: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Karl | @YesCT

Page 11: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

AdminPassword populated with value from RunDeck secrets

Karl | @YesCT

Page 12: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Karl | @YesCT

Page 13: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl



use Behat\Mink\Driver\GoutteDriver;use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;use Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException;use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;

class FeatureContext extends MinkContext {

protected $bioraftUsers = [];

/** * @param array $bioraft_users List of users/pass from behat.yml. */ public function __construct(array $bioraft_users = []) { $this->bioraftUsers = $bioraft_users; }

Karl | @YesCT

Page 14: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Behat YAML Configuration File (behat.yml)


default: suites: default: contexts: - FeatureContext: bioraft_users: admin: display_name: "Site Admin" password: ------------ ⇐ @option.AdminPassword@ extensions: Behat\MinkExtension: browser_name: chrome base_url: $site_name goutte: guzzle_parameters: Lakion\Behat\MinkDebugExtension:

Karl | @YesCT

Page 15: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Behat Environment and Invocation$ export BEHAT_PARAMS='{ "extensions" : { "Behat\\MinkExtension" : { "Base_url" : ""}}}'

$ vendor/bin/behat features/save_themes.feature

15Karl | @YesCT

Page 16: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 1: ThemesCustomer data copied to mirror nightly, but theme cache hashes do not match


Feature: Reset Themes As an administrative user, I need to save themes.

Scenario: Save Themes and Clear Cache: Given I am logged in as "admin" And I go to "/admin/build/themes/settings/bioraft3x" And I press "Save configuration" Then I should see "The configuration options have been saved." And I should not see any errors

And I go to "/admin/build/themes/settings/bioraftmobile3x" And I press "Save configuration" Then I should see "The configuration options have been saved." And I should not see any errors

Page 17: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 1: Themes


/** @Given I am logged in as :name */public function assertLoggedInByName($name) { $session = $this->getSession(); $session->visit($this->locatePath('/user')); $page = $session->getPage(); $page->fillField('name', $name); $page->fillField('pass', $this->bioraftUsers[$name]['password']); $page->pressButton('Log in'); $this->assertSession() ->pageTextContains($this->bioraftUsers[$name]['display_name']);}

Page 18: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 1: Themes


/** @Then I should not see any errors */public function assertNoErrorDsm() { $container = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $error_dsm_nodes = $container->findAll('css', 'div.messages.error'); if (count($error_dsm_nodes)) { $message = 'An error occurred during processing.'; throw new ExpectationException($message, $this->getSession()); }}

Page 19: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 1: Themes


$ vendor/bin/behat features/save_themes.featureFeature: Reset Themes As an administrative user, I need to save themes.

Scenario: Save Themes and Clear Cache: # features/save_themes.feature:4 Given I am logged in as " admin" # FeatureContext::assertLoggedInByName() And I go to " /admin/build/themes/settings/bioraft3x" # FeatureContext::visit() And I press " Save configuration" # FeatureContext::pressButton() Then I should see " The configuration options have been saved." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() And I should not see any errors # FeatureContext::assertNoErrorDsm() And I go to " /admin/build/themes/settings/bioraftmobile3x" # FeatureContext::visit() And I press " Save configuration" # FeatureContext::pressButton() Then I should see " The configuration options have been saved." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() And I should not see any errors # FeatureContext::assertNoErrorDsm()

1 scenario (1 passed)9 steps (9 passed)0m11.61s (11.91Mb)

Page 20: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl



Page 21: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl



Page 22: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 2: Module Updates


Feature: Update Modules As an administrative user, I need to run update.php.

Scenario: Update PHP: Given I am logged in as "admin" And I go to "/update.php" And I click on the element with xpath " //ol/li/a[1]" Then I should see "Drupal database update"

And I press "Update" Then I should see "Starting updates"

Then I wait "5" ⇐ This can change for large updates!!!

And I go to "/update.php?op=finished" Then I should see "Updates were attempted."

Karl | @YesCT

Page 23: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 2: Module Updates


/** @When I click on the element with xpath :xpath */public function iClickOnTheElementWithXpath($xpath) { $session = $this->getSession(); $handler = $session->getSelectorsHandler(); $locator = $handler->selectorToXpath('xpath', $xpath); $element = $session->getPage()->find('xpath', $locator);

if (NULL === $element) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not evaluate XPath: $xpath"); }


Karl | @YesCT

Page 24: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 2: Module Updates


$ vendor/bin/behat features/update_php.feature Feature: Update Modules As an administrative user, I need to run update.php.

Scenario: Update PHP: # features/update_php.feature:4 Given I am logged in as "admin" # FeatureContext::assertLoggedInByName() And I go to "/update.php" # FeatureContext::visit() And I click on the element with xpath "//ol/li/a[1]" # FeatureContext::iClickOnTheElementWithXpath() Then I should see "Drupal database update" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() And I press "Update" # FeatureContext::pressButton() Then I should see "Starting updates" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() Then I wait "5" # FeatureContext::wait() And I go to "/update.php?op=finished" # FeatureContext::visit() Then I should see "Updates were attempted." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()

1 scenario (1 passed)9 steps (9 passed)0m15.66s (11.48Mb)

Karl | @YesCT

Page 25: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 3: Complex Custom Functions


function truncate_cache_tables($redirect = FALSE){ db_query("truncate table {cache}"); db_query("truncate table {cache_content}"); db_query("truncate table {cache_filter}"); db_query("truncate table {cache_menu}"); db_query("truncate table {cache_page};"); db_query("truncate table {cache_views}");

$form['text'] = array('#type'=>'item', '#value'=>'Truncated cache tables for this site.');

_taxonomy_access_update_db(); # ⇐ 140 lines of code

if ($redirect) { drupal_set_message("Caches have been cleared."); drupal_goto('frontpage_panel'); }

return $form;}

Page 26: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 3: Complex Custom Functions


Feature: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache As an administrative user, I need to update taxonomy access.

Scenario: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache: Given I am logged in as "admin" And I go to "/admin/raft/truncate_tables" Then I should see "Caches have been cleared."

And I go to "/clearjscache" Then I should see "Javascript cache cleared."

Page 27: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 3: Complex Custom Functions


$ vendor/bin/behat features/clear_cache.feature Feature: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache As an administrative user, I need to update taxonomy access.

Scenario: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache: # features/clear_cache.feature:4 Given I am logged in as " admin" # FeatureContext::assertLoggedInByName()

And I go to " /admin/raft/truncate_tables" # FeatureContext::visit() Then I should see " Caches have been cleared." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() And I go to " /clearjscache" # FeatureContext::visit()

Then I should see " Javascript cache cleared." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()

1 scenario (1 passed)5 steps (5 passed)0m10.25s (11.51Mb)

Page 28: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 4: Password Manipulation


Feature: Change Password As an administrative user, I need to change password.

Scenario: Change User 1 Password: Given I am logged in as "admin" And I go to "/user/1/edit" And I fill in "edit-pass-pass1" with "Seattle" And I fill in "edit-pass-pass2" with "Seattle" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "The changes have been saved." Then I should not see any errors

Karl | @YesCT

Page 29: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Example 4: Password Manipulation


$ vendor/bin/behat features/change_password.feature Feature: Change Password As an administrative user, I need to change password.

Scenario: Change User 1 Password: # features/change_password.feature:4 Given I am logged in as "admin" # FeatureContext::assertLoggedInByName() And I go to "/user/1/edit" # FeatureContext::visit() And I fill in "edit-pass-pass1" with "Seattle" # FeatureContext::fillField() And I fill in "edit-pass-pass2" with "Seattle" # FeatureContext::fillField() And I press "Submit" # FeatureContext::pressButton() Then I should see "The changes have been saved." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() Then I should not see any errors # FeatureContext::assertNoErrorDsm()

1 scenario (1 passed)7 steps (7 passed)0m7.66s (11.88Mb)

Karl | @YesCT

Page 30: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl



$ vendor/bin/behat features/clear_cache.feature Feature: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache As an administrative user, I need to update taxonomy access.

Scenario: Rebuild Taxonomy and Clear JS Cache: # features/clear_cache.feature:4 Given I am logged in as "admin" # FeatureContext::assertLoggedInByName() And I go to "/admin/raft/truncate_tables" # FeatureContext::visit() Then I should see "Caches have been cleared." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() And I go to "/clearjscache" # FeatureContext::visit() Then I should see "Caches have been cleared." # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText() The text "Caches have been cleared." was not found anywhere in the text of the current page. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException)--- Failed scenarios: features/clear_cache.feature:41 scenario (1 failed)5 steps (4 passed, 1 failed)0m10.25s (11.51Mb)$ echo $?1

Page 31: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Possible Enhancements● Use JavaScript for update.php or handle timeout better● Run as a Docker container

○ Further reduces footprint on RunDeck server● Embed in Legacy Docker container

○ Also reduces footprint on RunDeck○ Requires second PHP interpreter on all legacy containers

31Karl | @YesCT

Page 32: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl


Karl DeBisschop (d.o contact)

Cathy Theys (@YesCT, slack, twitter)


Page 33: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

Join us for contribution opportunitiesFriday, April 12, 2019

9:00-18:00Room: 602

Mentored Contribution

First TimeContributor Workshop



9:00-12:00Room: 606

9:00-18:00Room: 6A

Page 34: Using Behat as a Webapp Automation Tool · Behat is a testing framework that performs actions on a web site and tests assertions about the expected behavior It uses “nearly English”

BioRAFT DrupalCon Seattle 2019 @YesCT | Karl

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