using classroom scenarios to reveal mathematics teachers ... · international journal of education...

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology Volume 3, Number 3, July 2015, Page 242-261 ISSN: 2147-611X Using Classroom Scenarios to Reveal Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding of Sociomathematical Norms Ismail Ozgur Zembat 1* , Seyit Ali Yasa 2 1 Mevlana (Rumi) University 2 Enderun High School Abstract The purpose of this study was to uncover the degree to which in-service teachers understand sociomathematical norms and the nature of that understanding without having to enter and observe their classes. We therefore developed five classroom scenarios exemplifying classroom interactions shaped by certain sociomathematical norms. We then administered these scenarios to in-service elementary school and grade 5-12 mathematics teachers and collected their written responses. We also collected data about what teachers believe about sociomathematical norms through a Likert-type questionnaire. We then analyzed the data using quantitative and qualitative techniques. First, the findings suggest that the teachers’ understanding of sociomathematical norms is neither dependent on the level of schools teachers teach, or their background or demographic characteristics such as number of years they spent in teaching, specialty area, faculty graduated, highest degree earned, and gender. Second, what teachers believe about sociomathematical norms seem to be not parallel to how they analyze the scenarios illustrating sociomathematical norms. Third, use of scenarios was helpful in revealing how teachers think about sociomathematical norms. Finally, there are three cross-cutting themes to which all the teachers referred in common for all sociomathematical norms: opposition (opposition to the core of the norm), social facilitator (considering all targeted norms as supporting and regulating the classroom social environment) and condition-based (believing that interactions given in scenarios are only possible under certain conditions). Key words: Sociomathematical norm understanding, In-service mathematics teacher education, Role of teaching scenarios, Testing mathematics teacher knowledge, Nature of mathematics teacher knowledge. Introduction The purpose of this study was to uncover the degree to which in-service teachers understand sociomathematical norms and the nature of that understanding without having to enter and observe their classes. In so doing we also aim to understand how the ways in which teachers treat sociomathematical norms differ with respect to certain demographic variables (e.g., different grade levels they teach, teaching experience, degree owned, etc.). To answer these questions, we generated classroom scenarios to identify the nature of teachers’ understanding of sociomathematical norms and the aspects of the classroom interactions teachers focus on in analyzing these scenarios. Norms can be investigated through long-term classroom observations but the purpose in this study was to identify teachers’ norm understanding without going into their classes or observing their teaching, which makes it easier to elicit and interpret their understanding of sociomathematical norms. Following such a method, we believe, would be useful in conducting effective assessment of mathematics teacher knowledge, designing useful courses to serve prospective teachers in teacher education programs, and producing practical hiring policies for administrators. Theoretical Background, Rationale and Research Questions Cultural and social processes are intertwined with mathematical activity (Voigt, 1995, cited in Yackel & Cobb, 1996). “The development of individuals' reasoning and sense-making processes cannot be separated from their participation in the interactive constitution of taken-as-shared mathematical meanings” (Yackel & Cobb, 1996, p.460). Therefore, learning of mathematics in classes and students’ in-class mathematical activities are integral * Corresponding Author: İsmail Ö. Zembat, [email protected]

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  • International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology

    Volume 3, Number 3, July 2015, Page 242-261 ISSN: 2147-611X

    Using Classroom Scenarios to Reveal Mathematics Teachers’

    Understanding of Sociomathematical Norms

    Ismail Ozgur Zembat1*

    , Seyit Ali Yasa2

    1Mevlana (Rumi) University

    2Enderun High School


    The purpose of this study was to uncover the degree to which in-service teachers understand sociomathematical

    norms and the nature of that understanding without having to enter and observe their classes. We therefore

    developed five classroom scenarios exemplifying classroom interactions shaped by certain sociomathematical

    norms. We then administered these scenarios to in-service elementary school and grade 5-12 mathematics

    teachers and collected their written responses. We also collected data about what teachers believe about

    sociomathematical norms through a Likert-type questionnaire. We then analyzed the data using quantitative and

    qualitative techniques. First, the findings suggest that the teachers’ understanding of sociomathematical norms is

    neither dependent on the level of schools teachers teach, or their background or demographic characteristics

    such as number of years they spent in teaching, specialty area, faculty graduated, highest degree earned, and

    gender. Second, what teachers believe about sociomathematical norms seem to be not parallel to how they

    analyze the scenarios illustrating sociomathematical norms. Third, use of scenarios was helpful in revealing how

    teachers think about sociomathematical norms. Finally, there are three cross-cutting themes to which all the

    teachers referred in common for all sociomathematical norms: opposition (opposition to the core of the norm),

    social facilitator (considering all targeted norms as supporting and regulating the classroom social environment)

    and condition-based (believing that interactions given in scenarios are only possible under certain conditions).

    Key words: Sociomathematical norm understanding, In-service mathematics teacher education, Role of

    teaching scenarios, Testing mathematics teacher knowledge, Nature of mathematics teacher knowledge.


    The purpose of this study was to uncover the degree to which in-service teachers understand sociomathematical

    norms and the nature of that understanding without having to enter and observe their classes. In so doing we

    also aim to understand how the ways in which teachers treat sociomathematical norms differ with respect to

    certain demographic variables (e.g., different grade levels they teach, teaching experience, degree owned, etc.).

    To answer these questions, we generated classroom scenarios to identify the nature of teachers’ understanding

    of sociomathematical norms and the aspects of the classroom interactions teachers focus on in analyzing these

    scenarios. Norms can be investigated through long-term classroom observations but the purpose in this study

    was to identify teachers’ norm understanding without going into their classes or observing their teaching, which

    makes it easier to elicit and interpret their understanding of sociomathematical norms. Following such a method,

    we believe, would be useful in conducting effective assessment of mathematics teacher knowledge, designing

    useful courses to serve prospective teachers in teacher education programs, and producing practical hiring

    policies for administrators.

    Theoretical Background, Rationale and Research Questions

    Cultural and social processes are intertwined with mathematical activity (Voigt, 1995, cited in Yackel & Cobb,

    1996). “The development of individuals' reasoning and sense-making processes cannot be separated from their

    participation in the interactive constitution of taken-as-shared mathematical meanings” (Yackel & Cobb, 1996,

    p.460). Therefore, learning of mathematics in classes and students’ in-class mathematical activities are integral

    * Corresponding Author: İsmail Ö. Zembat, [email protected]

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    to classroom social interaction (Brandt & Tatsis, 2009; Cobb, Jaworski, & Presmeg, 1996). Classroom social

    interaction affects both the quality of mathematics learning and student reasoning. Based on this argument and

    by benefitting from such a sociological perspective on mathematical activity Cobb and his colleagues developed

    the construct of norms, descriptions and examples of which are given below.

    Every classroom as a group operates with certain interaction and behavior patterns, which influence quality of

    teaching and student learning. When the focus is on the “regularities in patterns of social interaction” (Yackel &

    Cobb, 1996, p.460), in general, these patterns of interaction are called social norms; whereas when it is on

    “normative aspects of mathematics discussions specific to students' mathematical activity” (Yackel & Cobb

    1996, p.461), they are called sociomathematical norms. An example for a social norm is ‘shared solutions needs

    to be explained,’ whereas an example for a corresponding sociomathematical norm is ‘solutions should be

    articulated through acceptable mathematical explanations.’ In this sense, social norms can be related to any

    field, whereas sociomathematical norms are specific to mathematics. Norms, whether social or

    sociomathematical, are negotiated among group members (the teacher and the students) and established through

    such a negotiation process, not through imposing (Cobb, Stephan, McClain, & Gravemeijer, 2001). As the

    group members participate in this negotiation process, they develop taken-as-shared understandings of “when to

    do what and how to do it” (Bauersfeld, 1993, p.4, cited in Yackel & Cobb, 1996) in terms of social or

    mathematical processes.

    Norms, as regularities in behavioral patterns, are apparent in a classroom for an observer regardless of whether

    the students or the teacher are aware of them (Voigt, 1996). If a teacher has the necessary knowledge of

    classroom norms, then she/he may use it to orchestrate the student–student and student–teacher interactions

    (Cobb & Bauersfeld, 1995) as well as to promote students’ mathematical understandings (Yackel, Cobb, &

    Wood, 1991). This suggests that knowledge of norms and their effective use should be a core part of teacher

    knowledge, which can be considered as part of Shulman’s (1986) description of knowledge of pedagogy. Norms

    are also important in terms of helping students develop appropriate mathematical language, support students’

    development of mathematical ideas, and design the classroom as a mathematical community that challenges

    students’ mathematical reasoning (Yackel & Cobb, 1996). Therefore, teachers’ understanding of classroom

    norms may be considered one of the factors affecting the quality of teaching in classrooms.

    To further detail the importance of (sociomathematical) norms, why they should be considered as an essential

    part of teacher knowledge, and how they impact students’ (mathematical) understanding, we can reflect on the

    following scenario. Consider a classroom in which students work on a given problem such as, “what would be

    an ‘odd number + odd number’?” and they find their solution using the following solution method: “3 and 5 are

    odd numbers and adding them up gives 8, which is even. 7 and 9 are also odds, and their addition gives 16, that

    is also even. So two odds, when added up, make an even number.” If the teacher in this class knows about the

    sociomathematical norm of justification (giving convincing/acceptable mathematical explanations/rationales),

    s/he would follow up on this answer through questions like, “how do you know that two odds always make an

    even number? How can we make sure?” and continue through such questioning. This in turn would encourage

    students to think about a more convincing argument that goes beyond a trial-error method. If this continues

    throughout, for example, a semester, then students will likely begin operating with the understanding that “I

    should give answers that convince others.” On the other hand, if such a norm is not in the repertoire of the

    teacher of this class, s/he would not be aware of the positive effect of such sociomathematical norm on student

    development and, as a result, s/he would just accept the first given answer and move on to another question;

    hence, miss the opportunity to create an environment supporting students’ mathematical development.

    Therefore, norms are essential parts of teacher knowledge in terms of supporting students’ mathematical

    development and shaping the quality of classroom (social) interactions.

    How well are teachers prepared to orchestrate their classrooms through effective use of such classroom

    (sociomathematical) norms? Do teachers even know about classroom (sociomathematical) norms? One way to

    investigate in what ways teachers understand norms and how they use these norms is to conduct long-term

    research studies, including extensive classroom observations. In fact, several long-term studies focused on

    classroom social or sociomathematical norms and how such norms are established either at school level (e.g.,

    McClain & Cobb, 2001; Yackel, 2002) or with teachers (e.g., McNeal & Simon, 2000). Even though these

    studies are valuable in understanding dynamics of classroom microculture as well as how student–student and

    student–teacher interactions are regulated to promote student understanding, they are mostly long-term studies

    and are limited to the classrooms of a few teachers. There are two important issues here for which we need

    practical solutions: the necessity of long-term studies and working with a limited number of teachers. To solve

    the first issue, the following question first needs to be answered: How can we test teachers’ understanding of

    norms without entering into their classes and pursuing long-term studies? Answering this question would help

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    researchers gain time and wisely speculate about possible teaching trajectories that the teachers may pursue

    before observing their actual teaching. The second issue is about developing effective measures of testing

    knowledge of norms. If the knowledge of norms is a core part of teacher knowledge, then different ways of

    measuring such knowledge and that are applicable to big counts of teachers, not a bunch, in a short time need to

    be developed. Doing so would inform administrators in developing appropriate ways to assess teacher

    knowledge before hiring the teachers. Assessing teacher understanding in this regard would also inform the

    mathematics education field about how such understanding differs in different grade levels. Unfortunately, we

    could not find any research in the relevant literature focusing on these issues. This study takes the first stab in

    finding solutions to these problems through investigating the following research questions:

    1. How do grade 1-12 in-service teachers think about classrooms (described in scenarios) operating with certain sociomathematical norms?

    2. What do grade 1-12 in-service teachers believe about use of sociomathematical norms in classes? 3. How does participant teachers’ thinking about sociomathematical norms differ with respect to different

    grade levels?

    4. What is a useful way to assess teachers’ understanding of sociomathematical norms without having to enter their classes?

    The purpose of this study was to answer these questions for teachers working within the Turkish education



    This study was designed as a mixed-methods study investigating the ways in which teachers understand

    sociomathematical norms using qualitative and quantitative measures. The detailed information about

    participants, data collection process and data analysis process are given below.


    Overall, 18–22 in-service public school mathematics teachers from each school level (grades 1–4, elementary

    teachers; grades 5–8, middle school mathematics teachers; and grades 9–12, high school mathematics teachers)

    totaling 61 participated in the study (see Table 1 for demographics). Participant teachers’ ages range from 27 to

    58 (average = 37.6, median = 36). Table 1 suggests that participants have enough classroom teaching experience

    in order to be able to analyze and talk about classroom scenarios.

    Table 1. Demographic information for participant teachers.

    We used convenience sampling for choosing participants. The second author went to certain schools in a

    metropolitan city in the middle part of Turkey, informed mathematics teachers about this study, and asked them

    to voluntarily participate in an approximately one-hour problem-solving session. Then, the author applied the

    questionnaire to the volunteers during their spare time in school. Once each individual teacher completed the

    questionnaire, the author collected the participants’ written responses and the data collection ended.

    Data Collection Instrument

    We initially identified seven sociomathematical norms that cut across the relevant literature (Cobb, Stephan,

    McClain, & Gravemeijer, 2001; Kazemi & Stipek, 2001; McClain & Cobb, 2001; McNeal & Simon, 2000;

    Tatsis, & Koleza, 2008; Van Zoest, Stockero, & Taylor, 2012; Yackel, Cobb, & Wood, 1991; Yackel & Cobb,

    1996) and prepared a classroom scenario for each norm to test teachers’ understanding of these norms. We

    piloted these early scenarios on 15 mathematics teachers from different school levels and revised them based on

    our experience. We then narrowed down the number of sociomathematical norms to five (hereafter, abbreviated

    Teaching Experience (in years)

    School Level 3-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 Total

    Elementary 4 6 8 3 21

    Middle School 11 3 1 3 18

    High School 4 11 6 1 22

    Total 19 20 15 7 61

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    as SMN) to be tested and again revised the classroom scenarios that we had previously generated. These five

    norms appear vastly in the literature and these norms we believe are the kind of SMN that a mathematics teacher

    easily experience in daily teaching practice. Next, we had another PhD mathematics educator check the

    questionnaire consisting of scenarios as an outsider and then finalized it based on that feedback. Each scenario

    was placed on a single page in the questionnaire (see Appendix 1 for details about targeted SMN and scenarios).

    The pilot study showed us that the questionnaire required about one hour completing, and this was enough time

    commitment on the part of the participants given that their participation was voluntary.

    The SMN we decided to focus on in this study are;

    i. offering/distinguishing mathematically different solutions through an analysis of what makes one solution mathematically different from another,

    ii. offering/generating mathematically more sophisticated solutions than the given one, iii. reaching a consensus through necessary mathematical argumentation, iv. giving convincing/acceptable mathematical explanations/rationales, and v. using mistakes as opportunities to reconceptualize a problem.

    Note that we developed each scenario to help participants specifically focus on the core idea for the targeted

    SMN only. For example, for a mathematical difference norm (SMN#1), we gave participants a scenario that

    specifically includes a student discussion about what makes a given solution to an addition of whole numbers

    problem mathematically different from another. The scenario for the mathematical justification norm (SMN#4)

    was also specific to convincing mathematical argumentation – a group of students trying to convince each other

    about which of the two given fractions is bigger as if they explain it to a blind person (see Appendix 1 for

    further details about scenarios). Our purpose in developing and using these scenarios was to understand how

    participant teachers with a variety of backgrounds analyze classroom situations in which students and the

    teacher operate with certain SMN and to understand nature of their understanding as reflected in those analyses.

    Through such an analysis we tried to develop useful qualitative and quantitative descriptions of how teachers

    think about such classroom organizations and what they think they would actually do in terms of SMN

    establishment in their own classrooms. In addition to scenarios we also developed a Likert-type mini

    questionnaire including two questions with five subquestions for each to also test what teachers’ actually believe

    about norms. The details of this questionnaire are given in Results section.

    Data Analysis Process

    The data analysis process started with organizing the data by giving each respondent a code organizing his or

    her responses (Miles & Huberman, 1994) and analyzing those as in Table 2. We also developed rubrics to

    analyze participants’ level of understanding of SMN (see Appendix 2 for details). After the first run of the

    analysis is completed, we then checked each participant teacher’s responses again and searched for overarching

    themes describing teachers’ work for characterizing their understanding of each individual norm as well as

    crosscutting themes for norms in general. We generated an initial list of overarching themes, crosschecked them,

    and through use of this cycle in iteration narrowed the list in each run of the data analysis down to its final form.

    Table 2. Structure used in the initial data analysis process.

    Categories used in the first run of data analysis

    What the



    Analysis of

    what the

    participant said

    and level of the




    What issues


    SMN stand

    out in what

    the participant



    response to


    question 1


    response to


    question 2

    Does the


    consider the

    norm from a

    social or




    Quantitative Results

    In analyzing the data, we initially developed rubrics based on data and then we gave each response a score from

    1 to 4 characterizing each teacher’s level of understanding about SMN (see Appendix 2 for rubrics). We then

    added these scores and ranked them using SPSS 21 (IBM Corp., 2012). Next, we found the average scores for

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    each separate group (elementary, middle school, and high school) and calculated the differences between

    average scores and ranked scores. We then conducted the non-parametric Levene’s test of these difference

    scores to verify the equality of variances in the samples (homogeneity of variance) (Nordstokke & Zumbo,

    2010; Nordstokke, Zumbo, Cairns, & Saklofske, 2011). The results (Levene statistic=.621; p=.541>.05) show

    that the data set has homogenous variance. We finally conducted an ANOVA on difference scores using the

    elementary, middle-, and high-school groups as independent variables and found that there is no significant

    difference between the groups (F=1.096; p=.341>.05). This suggests that SMN understanding level does not

    seem to significantly differ for elementary, middle-school, or high-school mathematics teachers. We also

    checked the data to see whether the norm understandings differ based on gender, number of years in teaching,

    faculties graduated, specialty area, and the highest degree earned as detailed in Table 3. In all these checks, we

    could not find any statistically significant difference among groups.

    Table 3. ANOVA results with respect to certain demographic factors.


    F p

    Gender 1.096 .341

    Number of years in teaching 1.983 .084

    Faculty graduated .700 .595

    Specialty area .995 .446

    Highest degree earned 1.164 .320

    All these quantitative findings suggest that norm understanding of grade 1-12 in-service teachers does not seem

    to change over years and it is not dependent on how strong a mathematical or educational background they have.

    We also analyzed teacher responses based on whether they analyzed the given scenario from a mathematical

    point of view (e.g., talking only about mathematical aspects of the given scenarios, solving the mathematical

    questions given in the scenarios even though not asked) or a social point of view (e.g., considering interactions

    as supporting classroom discussions, participation). Interestingly, many teachers consider the given scenarios

    for SMN#2 and SMN#4 from a mathematical standpoint as illustrated in Table 4.

    Table 4. Treatment of scenarios from a social/mathematical standpoint.

    SMN #1 SMN #2 SMN #3 SMN #4 SMN #5

    Math Social Math Social Math Social Math Social Math Social

    Elementary (1-4) 6 14 18 3 7 12 18 0 12 9

    Middle School (5-8) 7 11 18 0 6 12 18 0 11 4

    High School (9-12) 13 9 22 0 6 16 22 0 15 5

    Table 5. Participant teachers’ level of norm understanding.

    Understanding for Level of

    understanding Elementary Middle School High School

    SMN #1 Very low 7 (35%) 8 (44%) 11 (50%) Low 12 (60%) 9 (50%) 7 (32%) Medium 1 (5%) 0 4 (18%)

    High 0 1 (6%) 0

    SMN #2 Very low 18 (86%) 7 (39%) 7 (32%) Low 1 (5%) 7 (39%) 12 (55%) Medium 2 (10%) 3 (17%) 3 (14%)

    High 0 1 (5%) 0

    SMN #3 Very low 9 (47%) 12 (68%) 12 (55%) Low 4 (21%) 4 (22%) 8 (36%) Medium 6 (32%) 2 (10%) 2 (9%)

    High 0 0 0

    SMN #4 Very low 3 (17%) 4 (22%) 2 (9%) Low 15 (83%) 11 (61%) 18 (82%) Medium 0 3 (17%) 2 (9%)

    High 0 0 0

    SMN #5 Very low 12 (57%) 8 (53%) 9 (45%) Low 4 (19%) 6 (40%) 9 (45%) Medium 4 (19%) 0 1 (5%)

    High 1 (5%) 1 (7%) 1 (5%)

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    Surprisingly, the scenarios generated to test SMN#2 and SMN#4 were almost exclusively interpreted by the

    participants from a mathematical standpoint; whereas the scenarios targeting SMN #1, #3, and #5 were analyzed

    by focusing mostly on the social aspects. In fact in each scenario the participants were specifically asked about

    the “normative aspects of mathematics discussions specific to students' mathematical activity” (Yackel & Cobb

    1996, p.461) as opposed to “regularities in patterns of social interaction” (Yackel & Cobb, 1996, p.460). This is

    also interesting in the sense that Scenarios #2 and #4 were about evaluating mathematical solutions, whereas the

    others consist of classroom interactions. This may suggest that the participant teachers consider classroom

    interactions as social events as opposed to environments supporting mathematical development of students.

    However, this result needs to be justified through further research.

    We also checked the degree to which participant teachers understand SMN (see Appendix 2). As illustrated in

    Table 5, many of the participant teachers interpreted the given scenarios by operating with a “very low” or

    “low” level of understanding of norms. For each scenario designed to test a single norm (except SMN#3 for

    elementary teachers, 68%), interestingly, 76%–100% of teachers fall into either the very low or low category in

    terms of their understanding of sociomathematical norms. This is quite a big percentage when knowing about

    SMN and using them as effective learning and classroom design tools are important assets of teacher knowledge

    (Even & Tirosh, 2002). On the other hand, only 5 out of 61 teachers (1 for SMN#1, 1 for SMN#2, and 3 for

    SMN#5, totaling 8%) seem to have a high level of understanding of sociomathematical norms, which is quite

    low. The participants were also asked, right after their work with scenarios was completed, about what they

    believe about the kind of abilities regarding SMN students should have and about whether they allow certain

    SMN in their own classes as illustrated in Table 6. Note that each question in each section of the questionnaire

    given in Table 6 corresponds to a SMN presented in each scenario given in the questionnaire; however, the

    order in which these questions were given to the participants was not same as the one given in Table 6.

    Table 6. Likert-type questions asked the participants to reveal what they believe about SMN

    What abilities do you think students should have?

    Answer this question based on the scale given on the right and

    mark the necessary box given next.

    1: Absolutely disagree; 2: Disagree;

    3: Not sure; 4: Agree

    5: Absolutely agree

    1 Be able to predict whether the proposed mathematical

    solutions are mathematically different from each other. 1 2 3 4 5

    2 Try to / Develop more sophisticated mathematical solutions

    than the shared solutions. 1 2 3 4 5

    3 Be able to reach a consensus through challenging each other’s

    mathematical reasoning and convincing each other. 1 2 3 4 5

    4 Be able to provide convincing mathematical justifications as

    they explain an issue. 1 2 3 4 5


    Be able to draw lessons from an analysis of the mathematical

    mistakes they fall into and modify their knowledge based on

    this analysis. 1 2 3 4 5

    How often do you allow the following in your classes?

    Answer this question based on the scale given on the right and

    mark the necessary box given next.

    1: Never; 2: Seldom; 3: Sometimes

    4: Often; 5: Always


    In my classes, I provide my students with the opportunities to

    understand what makes a solution mathematically different

    from another 1 2 3 4 5


    In my classes, I build the necessary environment for my

    students to generate mathematically more sophisticated

    solutions than the shared ones. 1 2 3 4 5


    I provide the necessary environment for my students to

    seriously question the shared mathematical ideas and

    reasoning to reach a consensus. 1 2 3 4 5

    4 I encourage my students to provide convincing and

    explanatory arguments in my classes. 1 2 3 4 5


    I provide my students with the opportunity to use mistakes as

    occasions to reconceptualize problems and reorganize their

    knowledge by learning lessons from those mistakes. 1 2 3 4 5

    Surprisingly, Table 7 shows that majority of the participants who were at a low or very low level in terms of

    their norm understanding chose “agree” and “absolutely agree” to comment that students should have those

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    abilities, and they design their classes to support SMN given in the questionnaire. This contradiction between

    participants’ level of SMN understanding and what they believe about SMN suggests that they believe that

    SMN are important and should be established without genuinely knowing the core of what it means for a class

    to operate with certain established SMN. This contradiction also suggests that teachers’ beliefs do not guide

    their classroom practice; they believe but do not operate with that belief. Though, we are cautious about this

    result since it should be tested through further research.

    Table 7. Teachers’ norm understanding versus their beliefs about norms.



    Level of


    What abilities do you think students

    should have? (see Table 6)

    How often do you allow the following in

    your classes? (see Table 6)

    Agree Definitely agree Total* Often Always Total**

    Norm #1 Very low 18 (30%) 6 (10%)

    83% 15 (25%) 5 (8%)

    66% Low 15 (25%) 11 (18%) 14 (23%) 6 (10%)

    Norm #2 Very low 24 (39%) 6 (10%)

    80% 19 (31%) 5 (8%)

    63% Low 10 (16%) 9 (15%) 10 (16%) 5 (8%)

    Norm #3 Very low 20 (33%) 11 (18%)

    76% 19 (31%) 5 (8%)

    59% Low 12 (20%) 3 (5%) 7 (12%) 5 (8%)

    Norm #4 Very low 6 (10%) 2 (3%)

    79% 6 (10%) 2 (3%)

    66% Low 25 (41%) 15 (25%) 23 (38%) 9 (15%)

    Norm #5 Very low 20 (33%) 6 (10%) 75% 15 (25%) 8 (13%) 56% Low 12 (20%) 7 (12%) 13 (21%) 2 (3%)

    * This total represents the total percentage of participants who “agree” or “definitely agree” with the given statement.

    ** This total represents the total percentage of participants who chose “often” or “always” as their answers.

    To sum up, quantitative analysis helped us see, in addition to the contrast between the teachers’ level of

    understanding of SMN and what they believe about SMN, that SMN understanding of participant teachers does

    not change with respect to the grade level teachers teach and other aforesaid demographic variables. Based on

    these findings we looked through all data to examine more deeply to uncover the nature of teachers’

    understanding of SMN, which is detailed in the following section.

    Qualitative Results

    We conducted a qualitative analysis to better understand about the nature of teachers’ understanding of SMN to

    characterize their level of understanding of each targeted SMN. Our analysis suggests that the teachers view

    each targeted SMN as in Table 8. We initially identified what aspects of the given scenarios the teachers

    highlighted in analyzing those scenarios through which we characterized their level of understanding of SMN.

    In the following section, we initially categorize teachers’ descriptions of SMN as in Table 8 and we then defined

    and detailed each category of descriptors by drawing on the relevant data.

    Table 8. Teachers’ characterization of sociomathematical norms. SMN #1 –


    difference norm

    SMN #2 – Mathematical

    sophistication norm

    (5% did not comment)

    SMN #3 –Mathematical

    consensus norm

    (4% did not comment)

    SMN #4 –


    justification norm

    (14% did not


    SMN #5 – Mistakes-

    as-opportunities norm

    (5% did not comment)

    Unusual (%33) Easy/Understandable


    Social negotiation tool




    Correction (23%)

    Social supplier


    Making connections


    Develops student

    thinking (38%)

    Numeric pattern


    Support social

    environment (26%)

    Restrictive (%23) Dependent on

    student/class level


    Conditional (23%) Structural (16%) Mathematical content


    Variety (%16) Supporting learning


    Consensus (5%) Non-explanatory,



    Teacher centered


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    1. Teachers’ Use of Descriptors for Mathematical Difference Norm

    In the mathematical difference norm (SMN#1) scenario students decide on whether to accept or reject the

    offered solutions to be written on the board based on their analysis of mathematical similarity or difference of

    these solutions. Participant teachers responded to this scenario in four different ways.

    a. Some of the participants (33%) considered this way of interaction of students and what makes a solution

    mathematically different from another by resorting to the following descriptions: “effective solutions,” “beyond

    routine solutions,” “solutions paving the way for making mental calculations,” “memorable solutions,” “nice

    solutions,” “interesting solutions,” “solutions helping develop different perspectives,” “wise solutions,”

    “solutions having structural difference,” “solutions contributing to [students].” All these descriptors suggest that

    these teachers seem to understand that the given scenario is about students’ elimination of proposed

    mathematical solutions. These teachers considered this way of interaction as singling out unusual solutions and

    disregarding others. The reason we called this understanding as unusual is that teachers in their responses

    constantly referred to solutions beyond expected, different or promoting different abilities.

    b. Another group of participant teachers (17, 28%) considered the way students in the scenario approach the

    given solutions as both improving students’ individual and social identities and establishing and developing

    classroom social setup. These teachers focused on the idea that such interaction supports students’ social

    development as members of the class. For example, teacher responses in this category included that such

    interaction improves certain social qualities of students (“self-confidence,” “awareness,” “success,”

    “practicality”) and frees student thinking from mechanic procedures (“being away from memorizing facts,”

    “brain storming,” “encourage to think”). Since these are the qualities that are not directly about mathematics but

    support students’ social development, we call this way of characterization the teachers made as social supplier.

    In addition, 13 of these teachers focused only on how such interaction affects the social setup of the classroom.

    What makes this interaction valuable for these teachers were the fact that such interaction “provides

    opportunities for students to learn from each other through discussion,” “enables consensus among students,”

    “develops and organizes social environment,” “provides democratic environment,” “helps students respect each

    other,” “increases classroom participation,” and “helps reach a conclusion together.” All these descriptions are

    about social aspects of classroom or student development. Teachers in this category put forward these aspects as

    opposed to the potential mathematical contribution of the interaction to the students in the given scenario. In

    other words, they considered a sociomathematical norm as a social supplier for students rather than a

    mathematical one.

    c. The third group of the participants (14, %23) equates focusing on mathematical difference in the given

    scenario to focusing on solutions that are “appropriate for students’/class’ level,” “doable,” “easy,” “useful,”

    “reasonable,” “not explained well,” and “challenging.” In this sense, teachers in this category considered

    mathematical difference as restrictive to certain qualities. For example a teacher suggested,

    “I agree. I would behave the same way as the teacher did. I would listen to any kind of answer, I would

    choose the one that provides the maximum gain with respect to the understanding to be learned

    (rounding to the nearest ten), and I would have them written on the board […].”

    This perspective of the teacher suggests that his focus was on choosing the solution providing the “maximum

    gain” instead of mathematically different solutions. In so doing, the teacher restricts mathematical difference to

    a limited domain, the solutions providing the maximum gain. Some of the teachers in this third group (3, %5)

    completely opposed to focus on different mathematical solutions since they might cause “confusion” among

    students and might have “discouraging” effect on students whose solutions are disregarded because of

    similarity. Moreover, 6 of the teachers in this group (10%) also believe that the teacher should be the determiner

    of whether given solutions are same or different, not the students. All these descriptions of participants suggest

    that teachers in this category either considered focusing on mathematical difference as restrictive for the class or

    suggested focusing on a limited number of solutions without looking into mathematical difference.

    d. The fourth group of participants (10, 16%) approached this scenario by pointing out that all given solution

    methods should be shared with everyone; “I would tell students that I support all the answers.” They supported

    this idea with the rationale that this would give students the opportunity to see the variety of solutions all at once

    regardless of whether they are similar or different. For these teachers mathematical difference means seeing

    variety of solutions.

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    2. Teachers’ Use of Descriptors for Mathematical Sophistication Norm

    In the given scenario for mathematical sophistication norm (SMN#2) four different solutions are given to

    participant teachers and they were asked to decide on with which one they would engage their students in their

    classes. The way the participants interpreted the given scenario is detailed below.

    a. About half of the teachers (32, 52%) who answered this question pointed out that the solution to be focused

    on and used for encouragement in classes should be “clear,” “understandable,” “easy,” “concrete,” “practical,”

    “basic,” “less likely to make mistakes,” and “easier to comprehend” instead of being sophisticated furthering

    student thinking. For example, one teacher suggested “I would prefer the answer of group #1. It is easy to

    understand and easy to explain. Having fewer calculations make its expression easier”, whereas another teacher

    wrote, “I would prefer the answer of group 3, because I think that it is a figure that is understandable by more

    students easily.” Such descriptions suggest that teachers make reference to easiness/understandability for the

    notion of mathematical sophistication.

    b. Some of the participants (10, 16%) preferred solutions that have the potential to enable students to make

    connections among upcoming concepts to be pursued in the curriculum or that have the potential to be

    transferred to other upcoming concepts or grades. These teachers particularly pointed out the solutions they

    would focus on as the ones “having students comprehend different mathematical relationships, applicable to

    other topics,” “giving opportunity to prepare [students] for upcoming concepts [to be taught],” “including

    mathematical relations,” and “transferable to other problems.”

    For example, half of the teachers in this group chose second group’s answer in the given scenario since it

    includes difference of squares as illustrated in the following typical answer:

    Teacher: I would prefer brainstorming and thinking more on Group 2’s solution because the topic

    under question is about squares. It is important since it is about finding square of a number and about

    understanding the relationship between squares of numbers. At the same time it is also important with

    respect to establishing a relation among visual patterns.

    This teacher chose second group’s answer because it directs student attention to relations among visual patterns

    and in-between squares of numbers. Hence, the teachers in this group make their preferences based on making


    c. Another group of teachers (7, 11%) made their decision about the given solutions based on class’ or students’

    level of understanding. The participants in this category in some way or other mentioned that “each solution

    method can be applied in different level of classrooms.” These teachers think that the solution to be pursued in

    classes is dependent on student/class level.

    d. The last group of participants (10, 16%) in this group considered the solutions to be brought to students’

    attention in the class as the ones that give students the opportunity to learn better, in other words, that support

    student learning. Seven of these teachers used descriptions for the solutions as “useful,” “visual,” “easily

    stored in mind,” “deepens student thinking,” “interesting,” “long lasting,” and “giving opportunities to

    reorganize knowledge,” for solutions to be stimulated in class.

    In this regard, teachers in this category consider sophisticated solutions as solutions consisting of elements

    supporting student learning. One of the teachers, who gave the only level-4 answer in this category, pointed out

    the reason for his preference of second solution as follows:

    Teacher: I would encourage students to think about and brainstorm for second group’s answer. I

    would focus on the second group’s answer among others in order to direct my students to produce

    higher level and advanced mathematical solutions. Once they conceptualize such a solution, upon

    running into a question like that, it would be easier for my students to solve it using the same method.

    Even though the quality of this answer is much higher than the other 9 teachers, based on what he said we can

    conclude that this teacher’s purpose is about supporting student learning, like others.

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    3. Teachers’ Use of Descriptors for Mathematical Consensus Norm

    The scenario generated to test teachers’ understanding of mathematical consensus norm (SMN#3) included

    students’ reaching a consensus through debating their ideas. Teachers’ use of descriptions for this norm fall into

    four categories as detailed below.

    a. A number of participant teachers (18, 30%) considered the interaction pattern in the given scenario as a social

    negotiation tool. For these teachers students in the given scenario reach “the right” or “most appropriate”

    solution through “interaction,” “discussion,” “questioning,” “inspecting,” and “exchanging ideas.” Some of

    these teachers here (14, 23%) also referred to the facts that students in the given scenario “interpret the reasons

    of given ideas,” “reveal reasoning behind ideas,” “defend” and “prove” given ideas and “convince each other”

    and these teachers saw the classroom operation valuable with respect to these aspects. Such descriptors as

    “discussion,” “inspecting,” “questioning,” etc. are the kind of descriptors modelling the classroom interaction in

    the given scenario from a very general perspective without any solid examples from the given scenario. For

    example, a teacher said, “students reach the right solution through discussing and inspecting ideas” without

    mentioning which (mathematical) ideas and how. In this sense participant teachers found the classroom

    interaction in the given scenario useful as a social negotiation tool instead of students reaching a consensus

    through a mathematical negotiation process which may contribute to students’ mathematical development.

    b. A significant number of teachers (23, 38%) described such classroom operation as “nice,” “preventing

    students from rote learning,” “having students learn better,” “enabling new ideas to be constructed on previous

    ideas,” “enabling long-lasting learning,” and “making students active.” However, the teachers making these

    descriptions about the operating of the class made them in very general terms without providing any examples

    or details from the given scenario. As a result participant teachers in this category focused on the contribution of

    such class operation to the development of student thinking and valued it using this aspect.

    c. Some of the participants mentioned that in order for such a class to operate, there should be certain a priori

    conditions established in that class. For example, these teachers mentioned that in order to have such a class

    students should have “the necessary prior/background knowledge,” “communications skills,” “culture of

    debate,” and “developed reasoning skills.” These participants also added that these conditions must be satisfied

    before such classroom operation could take place. Hence these participants seem to consider these conditions as

    obstacles to be overcome and it is impossible to have such a class without these conditions for these teachers. In

    other words, the teachers in this category did not seem to find such classroom scenario realistic and therefore

    tied such operation to certain a priori conditions. For example, one of the teachers mentioned, “Such a

    discussion environment is impossible in the classes I teach. I neither can teach this topic this well nor are the

    students well-behaved. I do not have students at this level.” As seen in this response the teacher based his

    argument on certain conditions such as not having “well-behaved” students or not having students at a certain


    d. A few participants (3, 5%) pointed out that with the help of the classroom operation in the given scenario

    “students are convinced through adding to each other’s ideas,” “students agreed upon a common solution,” and

    “students themselves reach a consensus together.” These teachers are the only ones who can identify, even

    though in general terms, that there is a negotiation process to reach a consensus among students in the given

    scenario. In this sense these three participants referred to reaching a consensus in analyzing the given scenario.

    4. Teachers’ Use of Descriptors for Mathematical Justification Norm

    In the given scenario for mathematical justification norm (SMN#4) participant teachers are given four different

    student solutions to a pattern problem and asked to decide which one was more exploratory and convincing. The

    way the participants interpreted the given scenario is detailed below.

    a. Some of the teachers in this category (14, 23%) focused on different aspects of the solutions such as

    “easiness”, “shortness,” “clarity,” “understandability,” “explanatory,” “comprehensibleness,” “clarity,”

    “plainness,” “none confusing,” or “concreteness.” All these descriptors suggest that for these teachers the notion

    of “convincing solution” is equivalent to easily understandable solution. These participants also considered

    providing convincing arguments as time consuming and at some point in their description pointed out the

    importance of solutions being easily understandable.

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    b. A group of participants (16, 26%) put more emphasis on numerical solutions and pointed out that the more

    numerical the solution was the more convincing it would be. Nine of these teachers considered the given

    numerical pattern in the solution as “far from rote,” “not confusing,” “not crowded with formulas,” “short and

    right,” whereas 7 of them considered the pattern as appropriate for grade 1-8 students only. These teachers

    decided on whether a given solution includes appropriate justification or not based on whether it includes a

    numeric pattern or not. For these participants numeric pattern inclusion, rather than having the necessary

    mathematical argumentation, is what makes a solution justifiable.

    c. In the given scenario the first group’s solution was inductive and the second group’s answer was based on

    deductive reasoning. Whereas the first group of students gives the formula as a solution to the given problem

    and then explains the components of the formula, second group figures out the formula inductively building the

    numeric pattern and then finding the formula. 10 teachers (16%) preferred second solution and considered it as

    “easily remembered,” “paving the way for reasoning,” “logical,” “easily drawn,” and “working through figure-

    formula connection.” One typical answer in this category is, “The second group’s answer is more explanatory

    and convincing. Because the solution starts from the beginning, generalize the question and tries to find a

    formula. It easily uses the figure and finds the formula inductively.” All these suggest that participants in this

    group referred to the structural nature of the given solution and their preference was on inductive nature of the


    d. A group of teachers (13, 21%) equated convincing arguments with that of “not crowded,” “practical,” “most

    plain solution,” “not including any explanation,” and “directly giving a clear formula.” The interesting issue

    here is that teachers in this group almost equate “convincing” to non-exploratory or non-convincing. In other

    words, the better is the solution method, the shorter it gets the student to the formula or the lesser explanation it


    5. Teachers’ Use of Descriptors for Mistakes-as-Opportunities Norm

    In the given scenario for mistakes-as-opportunities norm (SMN#5) participant teachers are given a classroom

    scenario in which students derive lessons from a faulty solution about a sharing situation and fraction addition.

    The different ways in which the participants interpreted the given scenario are detailed below.

    a. A group of teachers (14, 23%) used some general descriptions to explain the interaction in the class such as “a

    mistake is seen/found/derived by students,” “a mistake is corrected,” “it is written on board so it does not occur

    again.” The teachers here considered such classroom work as a way of simple correction (by the teacher) of

    student mistakes instead of a regular interaction pattern to catch a problem and reconceptualize it.

    b. Another group of teachers (16, 26%) consider such classroom interaction as a way to support social

    environment in class. Such interaction for these teachers enable students to “brainstorm,” “discuss,” “question

    and investigate,” “be active,” and “have the opportunity to think” to reach the right solution. They also support

    such classroom interaction since such environments “teach students tolerate other opinions” and “enable having

    different perspectives and finding different solutions.” All these descriptions suggest that the participants in this

    category valued this way of interaction because of the opportunities provided to support social environment.

    c. The teachers who mostly focused on the mathematical content in the given scenario (14, 23%) interpreted the

    teacher’s purpose in the scenario as to identify, or to have students identify, the mathematical errors in the

    shared solutions in class and these participants basically described the errors in the given solutions. For

    example, the teachers in this category pointed out that the purpose in the class is “to show students that two

    fractions cannot be added without finding common denominator,” “to show how to add fractions,” and “to teach

    the importance of size of quantities in fraction addition and subtraction.” In fact, in the given scenario, the issue

    is about the sharing of a quantity among so many groups as opposed to the addition of fractions. The teachers in

    this category only focused on the mathematics involved for the purpose of correcting a mistake but ignored the

    given classroom interaction and how that supported student understanding. Hence, they only valued the

    mathematical content in the given scenario.

    d. The scenario was given to the teachers with two follow-up questions as (a) and (b). A group of teachers’

    responses (14, 23%) to these two questions were completely contradicting. For example, a teacher mentioned,

    “The teacher aims for his students to find the right solution through discussion of wrong ideas” for part (a),

    whereas he said, “I would give each student a cake. I would then partition the remaining cake into 8 pieces and

    distribute them” for part (b). First part of this response is about reaching a solution through “discussion”

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    whereas the second part is about teacher-centeredness, how the teacher herself would do it through show-tell

    method, which is a contradiction. Like this one, the teachers in this category used words remotely connected to

    classroom norms in answering the first part of the question, whereas they were in a denial position by resorting

    to teacher-directed and teacher-centered classroom teaching mode.

    Discussion of Results and Conclusions

    The purpose of this study was to understand grade 1-12 in-service teachers’ level of understanding of SMN and

    the nature of that understanding as it was reflected in teachers’ analyses of given classroom scenarios in which

    the students operate with certain established SMN. The relevant literature includes many studies about norms

    through long-term classroom observations, whereas this study targeted revealing teachers’ norm understanding

    without observing the teaching of teachers.

    The findings suggest that norm understanding is neither dependent on which school level teachers teach nor

    dependent on their background or demographic characteristics such as number of years they spent in teaching,

    specialty area, faculty graduated, highest degree earned, and gender. This is interesting in the sense that the

    more experience teachers have does not necessarily mean the better they would do in classes. This is also

    consistent with the results in the relevant literature (e.g., Monk, 1994, Rice, 2010). The fact that norm

    understanding does not differ significantly with respect to grade level also suggests that teacher preparation

    programs for different levels in Turkey seem to be closely aligned and do not prepare teachers well about norms,

    which is an indispensable part of classroom teaching (Voigt, 1994; Even & Tirosh, 2002).

    It is also interesting that what participant teachers believe about SMN are almost in contrast with what they

    actually know about these norms. They believe that norms are integral to teaching and students should operate

    with certain SMN whereas they lack the necessary understanding of SMN. This suggests that teachers need

    support in understanding effective ways of orchestrating classroom interaction that support students’

    mathematical development, which is an essential part of teacher knowledge as implied by Voigt (1996). In

    addition, use of scenarios was helpful in uncovering teachers’ level of understanding of sociomathematical

    norms more accurately than Likert-type questionnaires only testing teacher beliefs. There are attempts in the

    literature to develop measures, such as multiple-choice questionnaires, to check the quality of mathematics

    teacher knowledge (Hill, Schilling, & Ball, 2004). As Ball mentioned “For the field to grow to contribute to

    policy and practice, and to teachers’ learning, however, we need to build capacity for smart, probing,

    comparative and large scale studies” (Adler, Ball, Krainer, Lin, & Novotna, 2005, p.378) and we intended in the

    current study to take a stab at this issue through use of scenarios. The scenarios gave the participant teachers an

    opportunity to analyze the nature of the interaction embedded in the scenarios, which in turn helped us identify

    teachers’ understanding of normative aspects of mathematical discussions. The follow-up Likert-type

    questionnaire, even though it targeted the same norms embedded in the scenarios, gave us the opportunity to see

    the gap in between what teachers actually know and believe. Therefore, use of scenarios in revealing teachers’

    understanding of sociomathematical norms may be a useful venue to follow in this regard, although finding

    more effective ways to analyze teacher responses is necessary.

    As we run through the data about teachers’ analyses of the given scenarios in which the classes operate with

    certain SMN, we identified three crosscutting themes that the teachers referred to in common for all SMN which

    reveal their overall understanding of SMN:

    1. There is an opposition to the core of the norm being analyzed. Note that the participants focus on unusual

    instead of difference for mathematical difference norm, on easy solutions instead of mathematically

    sophisticated questions, on the idea of giving students no explanation for solutions instead of mathematical

    justification, on direct teaching of mistakes instead of use of mistakes as opportunities to help students’

    development. In so doing, the teachers in a sense focused on the opposite characteristics of norms being

    exemplified in the given scenarios.

    2. There is this perception among the teachers that SMN are important as more of a social organizer (regulate

    student behavior to help them how to act, talk or discuss) for students than as a mathematical developer. They

    considered, in one way or the other, all of the targeted norms as supporting the social environment in the classes.

    Moreover, teachers mostly analyzed social processes involved in the given scenarios that actually include

    classroom interactions, whereas they focused only on the mathematical aspects of the given scenarios in the

    absence of those interactions. This may suggest that participant teachers see classroom interactions as social

    phenomenon to be analyzed that does not necessarily support students’ mathematical development. Therefore,

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    the data led us believe that sociomathematical norms for the participants are important only because they

    facilitate social aspects of behavioral patterns – as social facilitator.

    3. The teachers in this study seem to consider SMN as condition-based. They believe that the kind of interaction

    within a class presented in the given scenarios is only possible in classes under certain conditions (e.g., focusing

    on restriction of mathematical difference norm, having students with appropriate level of mathematics for other

    norms) and with students having certain characteristics (e.g., having respect for others, etc.) and knowledge.

    The teachers participated in this study had a range of experience in teaching but seem to lack the necessary

    knowledge about SMN to support student development well. This is reasonable and expected in the sense that

    these teachers might not have had the opportunity to experience, as a student, the classes in which SMN are

    established and therefore could not draw on such experience once they become a teacher. It also seems that

    teaching experience was not supportive for these teachers to become aware of SMN. As a result, these teachers

    misinterpreted these SMN by resorting to certain common aspects like opposition, social facilitator and

    condition-based. The fact that these teachers operate with certain understanding of SMN in analyzing given

    scenarios implies that the teacher education programs they went through did not prepare them well enough to

    help them “understand what a sociomathematical norm is and construct pedagogical strategies that can be

    applied in a variety of contexts” (Kazemi & Stipek, 2001, p.135). Such lack of understanding seems to lead the

    teachers to separate “individuals' reasoning and sense-making processes … from their participation in the

    interactive constitution of taken-as-shared mathematical meanings” (Yackel & Cobb, 1996, p.460). This in turn

    would affect student understanding and the variety of opportunities that the teachers may introduce in classes.

    Therefore, in order to adopt a sociological perspective as an integral part of mathematical activity and benefit

    from such perspective to support students’ mathematical development, SMN should be seriously considered as a

    core part of mathematics teacher knowledge. In this regard, designing or developing appropriate courses for

    teachers and teacher education programs in a way that help teachers develop solid understandings of SMN is

    important and should be seriously taken into account by mathematics educators and policymakers.


    The data used in this study is from the master thesis work of the second author (Yaşa, 2015) that was supervised

    by the first author from Mevlana (Rumi) University. Part of the data used here is presented in the following

    conferences during 2015: 24th

    National Educational Sciences Congress (Niğde/Turkey), International

    Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (Antalya/Turkey), and Turkish Computer and

    Mathematics Education Symposium (Adıyaman/Turkey). In addition, we would like to thank the anonymous

    reviewers for their thoughtful and timely reviews that helped improve the paper significantly.


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    Appendix 1 – Copy of the Norm Questionnaire

    Section I

    This section was designed to ask about demographic information for teachers.

    Section II

    Norm #1: Offering/Distinguishing mathematically different solutions through an analysis of what makes one

    solution mathematically different from another.

    Scenario #1

    Miss Aisha asked her students to do “18+32” mentally and told them that she would put up the responses on

    which the class agreed on the board. As you will see in the following dialog, the students valued and accepted

    some of the answers, whereas rejected others and the teacher allowed for such an interaction.

    a. What kind of a perception/understanding should there be as to how mathematical solutions should be

    ingrained in the students in this class so that they deemed some shared answers valuable to be written on the

    board whereas they rejected the others?

    b. If you were the teacher in this scenario, explain in detail whether or not you would support the way students

    themselves evaluate the shared solutions in this way.

    [Note: As you answer the question think about the given scenario here as opposed to the class you currently

    teach. Instead of giving answers such as “I’d support it” or “I’d not support it,” give a justification for your


    Teacher: I would like you to share your solutions with your classmates. Once you discuss your

    answers, I will put the ones you valued up on the board. Aslı?

    Aslı: I added up 18 and 32 using the known column method. In this way the answer is 50!

    Teacher: Alright, you heard Aslı’s answer. Is that right? [students nod their heads to approve the

    answer] Is there anyone who did it in another way?

    Osman: Well, I also did write 32 first and put 18 right under that and added them up from top to


    Fahri: [by talking without permission] I did add 32 and 18 side by side. My answer is also 50.

    Ayça: [Talking to Osman and Fahri] Good but how do your answers differ from Aslı’s? You both

    add mentally either side by side or through column approach.

    Ömer: [with a tone of supporting Ayça] I think so too! All these three answers are alike. Addition

    rule is used in all of them. If we were to put them up on the board we should only write one

    of them because they are all done using same logic.

    Teacher: Do you all agree with this? What do you think?

    Class: [talking together] Yeees!

    Teacher: Alright! I will put Aslı’s method up on the board. Is there anyone who did it in another

    way? [choosing one who raised her hand] Betül?

    Betül: Instead of adding 18 and 32 I added 20 and 32 since it is easier, which makes 52. Then I

    subtracted 2 from this result because I’d added 2 to 18 initially. The result is 50.

    Osman: This solution is nice. We can write it on the board.

    Cemil: [interrupting impatiently] Betül’s seems to me different too. I haven’t thought of that. I first

    added tens, 10 plus 30 makes 40. Then 8 and 2 makes 10. 40 plus 10 makes 50. I found it

    this way.

    Teacher: You heard about Cemil’s and Betül’s solutions. Which one do you think we should put on

    the board?

    Aslı: There are no such solutions on the board. They are different! I think we should put both.

    Fahri: I think so too. One is adding up tens whereas the other adds and subtracts 2. [Other students

    in the class also agree on this idea and then the teacher put both answers on the board.].

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    Norm #2: Offering/generating mathematically more sophisticated solutions than the given one.

    Scenario #2*

    A teacher showed a picture similar to the one on the right to the students

    and asked, “Find a way to figure out how many unit squares there are in

    the shaded area in this picture without counting one by one” and then he

    found 4 types of answers in students’ notebooks. Without making any

    comment, the teacher put the answers on the board as given next. If you

    were the teacher in this class, once the following answers were given by

    the students, especially which one of those answers would you have

    your students think more and hard on? Explain your reasons in detail.

    [Note: Here you are not asked to explain what kind of a teaching you

    would do or which solution you would explain to the students. Instead,

    you are asked to explain which one of these 4 answers, given by students

    themselves, you would have your students focus on.]

    Type-I Answers

    There are 8 units on each side except the corners. In this

    case, there are 4×8=32 square units on each side except

    the corners. Since there are 4 square units on the corners

    [in total], there are 32+4=36 square units altogether.

    Type-II Answer

    We have 102=100 square units in total. There are

    82=64 unit squares inside except the shaded

    border. 100-64 = 36 would give us the number of

    units in the shaded border just like in a2-b


    Type-III Answer

    There are 2×10=20 units on the left and right vertical

    sides (including the corners). There are 2×8=16 units at

    the top and bottom. In total, there are 20+16=36 units in

    the shaded border.

    Type-IV Answer

    When we count the differently colored units on

    the border by thinking successively of 9 units at a

    time, we see that there are 9+9+9+9=36 units in


    *Note that the question of finding the number of shaded square units laid in the border of a 10 by 10 grid was

    first seen in the video case given in Boaler and Humphreys (2005) and adopted from this source.

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    Norm #3: Reaching a consensus through necessary mathematical argumentation.

    Scenario #3

    A teacher asked, “which of 4/5 and 6/7 is bigger?” to her class where students do not know equivalent fractions

    and decimals. She also wanted the students to explain their answers as if they are to explain them to a blind

    person. She separated the class into three groups and the following discussion took place among these groups.

    a. In what kind of a classroom in which there is such an established understanding/perception of in-class

    argumentation would you see such an interaction among students? In answering this question, analyze the dialog

    given next based on the kind of reasoning, questioning, inquiry, and answers students used.

    b. Why do you think the teacher in this scenario allows such an interaction among students? Would you follow

    such a method in your own classes? Explain your answer.

    [Note: Consider the question as if there is no competency (in the negative way) among students in this class.]

    Group I: We think that “6/7” is bigger. Because when we draw both fractions, “6/7” looks bigger

    than 4/5. Since it looks bigger, “6/7” should be bigger!

    Group II: Yeah but a blind person cannot see your drawing. So this cannot be a complete solution.

    We think that both fractions are same, because the difference between numerator and

    denominator is same for both fractions, namely, 1. Since differences are same, the

    fractions must be same. What do you think?

    Group III: [Talking to Group II.] You did not accept Group I’s solution but we wonder how accurate

    your solution is. Numerator–denominator differences for both “99/100” and “1/2” are 1

    too, but are these same. Try to draw those and you will see what we mean. So we should

    not put the drawing aside.

    Group I: They are right, their answer is nice! For example “1/2” is a half and “99/100” is a fraction

    that is very close to 1, so it is much bigger than “1/2”; in fact, there is no need to draw it.

    Well, we wonder if it doesn’t matter at all if the difference between numerator and

    denominator is 1.

    Group III: The fact that the difference is 1 may be important. If we were to draw, what would we do

    – let’s think about it. We may then be able to visualize it in our minds. If we were to draw

    these fractions, we would shade in 4 parts out of 5 from a whole; whereas we would

    shade in 6 parts out of 7 from the same whole.

    Group II: That’s it, we found it! There is only one piece left unshaded for each fraction. In other

    words, the difference between numerators and denominators is “1” for both fractions.

    Instead of focusing on the shaded parts what if we focused on the unshaded parts? In

    both, there is a single part unshaded.

    Group I: In that case, both fractions are one part away from the whole. We can make this

    conclusion from the unshaded parts. Which fraction would be further away from the


    Group III: Don’t we need to think about the size of the parts? In which fraction are the parts bigger?

    Group I: Fifths are bigger than sevenths.

    Group II: How do you know? Don’t tell us that you drew again!

    Group I: We can also draw but there is no need for that, it is easy for us. We divide a whole into

    five parts when we find fifths, but we divide the whole into 7 parts when we find

    sevenths. So when we divide the whole into seven, the parts will be smaller.

    Group II: Since 1/7-part is smaller than a 1/5-part, then isn’t 6/7 greater? Because 6/7 would be

    closer to the whole. Since 1/7 is a smaller part, then 6/7 is closer to the whole.

    Group III: We think you are right! Since the 1/5-parts within 4/5 are bigger parts, then the fraction

    4/5 is further away from the whole.

    Group I: We solved it, we guess! [The other groups agree either through nods or through “yes”]

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    Norm #4: Giving convincing/acceptable mathematical explanations/rationales

    Scenario #4**

    Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

    As seen earlier, some shapes were created using the unit cubes, respectively. Assuming that the

    same method continues, how many cubes does Figure 17 consist of? How many cubes does

    Figure n consist of?

    The earlier question was asked in a class, and four different student groups gave four kinds of answers as

    shown next. If you were the teacher in this class, which one of the following answer(s) given by students

    would you find explanatory and convincing with respect to content, given explanations, and narration and

    encourage your class to give such answer(s)? Why?

    [Note: Consider for this question that the students in the scenario have the necessary knowledge level to

    understand and talk about given answers and explanations. You are not explaining these answers to your

    students; on the contrary, the answers are already given by the students. Here you are only asked to explain. As

    a teacher in this scenario, what kind of answer(s) would you encourage in your classes and why?]

    Answer of Group 1

    The number of cubes in each step is 5(n-1)+1.

    Here, n gives the order of Figure (1 for Figure 1,

    2 for Figure 2, etc.). For example, in Figure 3,

    there are 5 arms, each of which has 2***

    (or ‘n-1’)

    cubes, so it makes 5×(n-1). In each figure, there is

    one extra cube in the center, so this gives us the

    result of [5(n-1)]+1. As a result in Figure 17,

    there are 81 cubes.

    Answer of Group 2

    There is a single cube in Figure 1, 2 cubes rising in the

    center of Figure 2, 3 cubes in the center of Figure 3, 4

    cubes in the center of Figure 4, etc. – so in Figure n, there

    are n cubes in the center. Besides, there are 4 arms coming

    out of the center in all figures except the first one and there

    is one less number of cubes than figure order in each arm –

    or the number of cubes in each arm is 4×(n-1). So, the

    answer is n+4(n-1). There are 81 cubes in Figure 17.

    Answer of Group 3

    There is one cube in Figure 1, and 5 cubes are

    added to this one in making Figure 2. When

    figures are created, the number of cubes is

    increased by 5 each time. If we continue like this,

    we would find 81 cubes in Figure 17.

    Answer of Group 4

    In the given figures (except Figure 1), each of them

    increases with five arms but in each figure there are 4

    cubes missing. Therefore, 5n-4 gives the number of cubes.

    As a result, there are 81 cubes in Figure 17.

    **Note that the question of finding the number of cubes in a sequence is adopted from Van Zoest, Stockero and

    Taylor (2012).

    *** This number was mistakenly given as “4” in the actual questionnaire; however, participants did not catch

    (or purposefully ignore) this minor mistake and evaluated the solutions correctly. This may also suggest that

    teachers did not pay attention to the details in the given solutions but to the consistency between formula given

    in each solution and the result for Figure 17.

  • 260 Zembat & Yasa

    Norm #5: Use mistakes as opportunities to reconceptualize a problem

    Scenario #5****

    A teacher asked her students to equally share 9

    cakes among 8 people and students gave their

    answers after they worked on the question for a

    while. First, the teacher herself silently observed

    one group’s solution, as shown on the right.

    As the students in this group solved the problem, they thought about the pieces numbered 1, 2, …, 7, 8 as the

    halves to be given to each person. Once they shared 4 cakes among 8 people as halves, they separated each of

    the remaining 5 cakes into 8 equal parts and took 1/8 part per person [check the shaded triangular pieces in the

    drawing]. In this case, each individual got half a cake in addition to 1/8-part they had taken from each of the

    remaining 5 cakes. So each individual gets “1/2+5/8” cakes. Based on this work, this group found their answer

    as 6/8. In so doing, they actually thought that 5 of 1/8-parts makes 5/8, which is correct, but they also thought

    about the half that each person gets as 1/8 and mistakenly thought that each person gets 6/8 cakes in total.

    The teacher put this answer, explained silently to the group, up on the board without making any comment.

    Then, the following dialog took place in the class.

    Teacher: One of the groups drew this diagram and found the answer as 6/8. Do you agree with

    this answer? First think about this. Is there any reason for you to not agree? If there is,

    discuss this issue at your tables and arrive at a conclusion.

    Cemile: I don’t believe that it is 6/8, it cannot be 6/8. Because there are 5/8s here [pointing to 5

    shaded triangles], do you see that? And there is a half here [pointing to the halves coded

    as 1,2,3,…8]. These quantities in total need to exceed 6/8!

    Kamil: I think 6/8 is correct. Everyone got 6 parts – for example, the first person got the part

    numbered as 1 and 5 shaded triangles, namely he got 6 parts in total.

    Özgür: Are these parts same? They don’t look same.

    Cemile: Yes, 6/8 is not correct! Because look, there is 5/8 here [referring to 5 shaded triangles].

    There is 1/2 here [pointing to the half numbered as 1]. That’s why the answer is 9/8. So

    the answer to the question is 9/8 instead of 6/8. Yes! This can only be 9/8.

    Ayşe: Where does the 9/8 come from, I couldn’t see it.

    Cemile: Let me take it from scratch! We found that 6/8 is not the right answer. Because if we add

    1/8 to 5/8, we’d find 6/8. Nevertheless, we have a 5/8 at hand [pointing to 5 shaded

    triangles] and a 1/2 [pointing to one of the halves]. We also know that 1/2 equals to 4/8.

    So if we put 4/8 and 5/8 together, the result will be 9/8.

    a. What is the teacher trying to do in this scenario? Explain your answer based on the given scenario.

    b. If you were the teacher in this scenario how would you handle this issue? Explain your reasoning.

    ****Note that the given erroneous solution method in this scenario is adopted from Kazemi and Stipek (2001).

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1/2 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8

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    IJEMST (International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology)

    Appendix 2 – Rubrics to Characterize Participants’ Understanding of Norms

    Level Norm #1 Norm #2 Norm #3 Norm #4 Norm #5


    Very low

    - Chooses one or more of the offered

    solutions and explains why they are

    mathematically (more) valuable.

    - Does not address in any way what

    perception would taking different

    solutions together into consideration

    develop for students. In other words,

    s/he does not make any inference about

    any norms.

    - Discusses that all given solution methods

    should be supported and encouraged.

    - Chooses one or more of the given

    solutions except Group #2’s solution

    method and/or explains why they are

    mathematically (more) valuable.

    - Rejects such classroom operation using a variety of

    reasons that seems to be independent of norms (e.g., not

    having enough time, level of students, etc.).

    - Considers students’ negotiation process in very general

    terms (e.g., democratic environment, respecting ideas,

    active involvement, in-class sharing, brain storming,

    developing reasoning, increase of interest, etc.).

    - Tie such classroom operation to be real to some

    preconditions that are not closely related to norms (e.g.,

    listening to each other, having a culture of discussion,

    having certain math concepts as prior knowledge

    classroom/student level, etc.).

    Do not focus on any issue regarding

    convincing or make very poor/little


    - Do not touch on that mistakes

    should be taken into consideration

    as a class but focuses on

    mathematical aspect of the issue

    and/or touches on at what point

    students in the scenario make a

    mistake and how s/he would

    explain the answer to the students.

    - Considers and values such

    classroom operation with respect to

    classroom participation, sharing,

    brain storming etc.



    - Touches on (or not touch on) the

    mathematical difference idea in the

    scenario but the reason for supporting

    (or not supporting) the norm is based

    more on social aspects of the scenario,

    and mathematical aspects are left


    - Treats the impact of different solutions

    on students in very general terms [brain

    storming, convenience, practical, e