using gps to learn signiflcant locations and predict ... · pdf fileusing gps to learn...

Using GPS to Learn Significant Locations and Predict Movement Across Multiple Users Daniel Ashbrook and Thad Starner College Of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA {anjiro, thad} Abstract Wearable computers have the potential to act as in- telligent agents in everyday life and assist the user in a variety of tasks, using context to determine how to act. Location is the most common form of con- text used by these agents to determine the user’s task. However, another potential use of location context is the creation of a predictive model of the user’s fu- ture movements. We present a system that automati- cally clusters GPS data taken over an extended period of time into meaningful locations at multiple scales. These locations are then incorporated into a Markov model that can be consulted for use with a variety of applications in both single–user and collaborative sce- narios. 1 Introduction For any user–assisting technology to be truly useful and not merely irritating, it must have some knowl- edge of the user to be assisted: it must understand– or at least predict–what the user will do, when and where she will do it, and, ideally, the reason for her actions. User modeling is a necessary step toward gaining this understanding. Csinger defines user modeling as “. . . the acquisi- tion or exploitation of explicit, consultable models of either the human users of systems or the computa- tional agents which constitute the systems” [4]. This definition, however, raises the question of “what con- stitutes a model?” For the purposes of our research, we consider a model to be a collection of data on some particular aspect of a human user’s behavior that, when associated with a limited set of contex- tual clues, yields predictions on what behavior the human will engage in next. In this paper, we describe research investigating one facet of user modeling, that of location. Location is one of the most commonly used forms of context: it is usually easy to collect location data, and other pieces of context may be inferred from location, such as the presence of other people. In our research, we used off–the–shelf Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware to collect location data in a simple and re- liable manner. We constructed software to interpret the collected data, allowing creation and querying of location models. 1.1 Previous Work In his Master’s thesis [15], Jon Orwant describes Dop- pelg¨ anger, a “user modeling shell” that learns to pre- dict a user’s likes and dislikes. Orwant uses active badges, Unix logins, and schedule files to guess where in a building a particular user is likely to go. The pos- sible locations in the Doppelg¨ anger system were, in a sense, hard–coded, since a user was detected by fixed locations in the infrastructure. In contrast, GPS re- quires no infrastructure (or, rather, its infrastructure is worldwide) but does not work inside buildings or other places where its satellite signals are not visi- ble. Overall, however, GPS offers a wider range of lo- cation information than do infrastructure–dependent fixed sensors. Sparacino used infrared beacons to create individ- ualized models of museum visitors [17] allowing each exhibit to present custom audiovisual narrations to each user. As visitors move throughout the museum, their exhibit–viewing habits are classified into one of three categories: greedy (wanting in–depth informa- tion on everything), selective (wanting in–depth in- formation on a selection of exhibits), or busy (want- ing to see a little bit of everything). These classifica- tions are estimated by a Bayesian network, using the viewer’s stopping time at each exhibit as input. Location prediction systems have become of inter-

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Using GPS to Learn Significant Locations and Predict Movement Across

Multiple Users

Daniel Ashbrook and Thad StarnerCollege Of Computing

Georgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA{anjiro, thad}


Wearable computers have the potential to act as in-telligent agents in everyday life and assist the userin a variety of tasks, using context to determine howto act. Location is the most common form of con-text used by these agents to determine the user’s task.However, another potential use of location context isthe creation of a predictive model of the user’s fu-ture movements. We present a system that automati-cally clusters GPS data taken over an extended periodof time into meaningful locations at multiple scales.These locations are then incorporated into a Markovmodel that can be consulted for use with a variety ofapplications in both single–user and collaborative sce-narios.

1 Introduction

For any user–assisting technology to be truly usefuland not merely irritating, it must have some knowl-edge of the user to be assisted: it must understand–or at least predict–what the user will do, when andwhere she will do it, and, ideally, the reason for heractions. User modeling is a necessary step towardgaining this understanding.

Csinger defines user modeling as “. . . the acquisi-tion or exploitation of explicit, consultable models ofeither the human users of systems or the computa-tional agents which constitute the systems” [4]. Thisdefinition, however, raises the question of “what con-stitutes a model?” For the purposes of our research,we consider a model to be a collection of data onsome particular aspect of a human user’s behaviorthat, when associated with a limited set of contex-tual clues, yields predictions on what behavior thehuman will engage in next.

In this paper, we describe research investigating

one facet of user modeling, that of location. Locationis one of the most commonly used forms of context:it is usually easy to collect location data, and otherpieces of context may be inferred from location, suchas the presence of other people. In our research, weused off–the–shelf Global Positioning System (GPS)hardware to collect location data in a simple and re-liable manner. We constructed software to interpretthe collected data, allowing creation and querying oflocation models.

1.1 Previous Work

In his Master’s thesis [15], Jon Orwant describes Dop-pelganger, a “user modeling shell” that learns to pre-dict a user’s likes and dislikes. Orwant uses activebadges, Unix logins, and schedule files to guess wherein a building a particular user is likely to go. The pos-sible locations in the Doppelganger system were, in asense, hard–coded, since a user was detected by fixedlocations in the infrastructure. In contrast, GPS re-quires no infrastructure (or, rather, its infrastructureis worldwide) but does not work inside buildings orother places where its satellite signals are not visi-ble. Overall, however, GPS offers a wider range of lo-cation information than do infrastructure–dependentfixed sensors.

Sparacino used infrared beacons to create individ-ualized models of museum visitors [17] allowing eachexhibit to present custom audiovisual narrations toeach user. As visitors move throughout the museum,their exhibit–viewing habits are classified into one ofthree categories: greedy (wanting in–depth informa-tion on everything), selective (wanting in–depth in-formation on a selection of exhibits), or busy (want-ing to see a little bit of everything). These classifica-tions are estimated by a Bayesian network, using theviewer’s stopping time at each exhibit as input.

Location prediction systems have become of inter-

est in the cellular network community in recent years.The United States government wants to be able to lo-cate people who place emergency 911 calls from cellphones, and various location–based contextual ser-vices are being discussed. Another concern is limit-ing the amount of cellular infrastructure dedicated tolocating a user so her calls may be delivered. Bhat-tacharya and Das describe a cellular–user trackingsystem for call delivery that uses transitions betweenwireless cells as input to a Markov model [2]. As usersmove between cells, or stay in a cell for a long periodof time, the model is updated and the network has totry fewer cells to successfully deliver a call.

Similarly, Liu and Maguire described a general-ized network architecture that incorporated predic-tion with the goal of supporting mobile computing[13]. Mobile units wirelessly communicating with thenetwork provide updates of their locations and a pre-dictive model is created, allowing services and datato be pre–cached at the most likely future locations.

Davis et. al. utilized location modeling in their in-vestigations of highly–partitioned ad–hoc networks[6]. As mobile agents moved around a simulated envi-ronment, passing packets between stationary agents,location models were created. The models allowedan agent that was less likely to deliver a particularpacket to pass it to an agent that had a higher like-lihood of successful delivery.

Unlike those using fixed sensors, systems usingGPS to detect location must have some method todetermine which locations are significant, and whichmay be ignored. In their investigations of automatictravel diaries [20], Wolf et. al. used stopping time tomark the starting and ending points of trips. In theirwork on the comMotion system [14], Marmasse andSchmandt used loss of GPS signals to detect build-ings. When the GPS signal was lost and then laterre–acquired within a certain radius, comMotion con-sidered this to be indicative of a building. This ap-proach avoided false detection of buildings when pass-ing through urban canyons or suffering from hardwareissues such as battery loss.

2 Applications

Potential applications for a location–modeling sys-tem fall into two main categories: single–user, ornon–collaborative, and multi–user, or collaborative.Single–user applications are those that can be appliedto one person with only her own location model. Col-laborative applications, on the other hand, are usefulonly with two or more location models, and may beused to promote cooperation and collaboration be-

tween individuals.

2.1 Single–User Applications

In their paper on the comMotion system [14], Mar-masse and Schmandt explore the idea of an agentthat learns frequented locations. The user may as-sociate a to–do list with each location, in the formof text or audio. When the user reaches a location,the applicable to–do list is displayed. One to–do ex-ample Marmasse provides is that of reminding theuser of her shopping list as she nears a grocery store.If the user was driving, however, reminding her thatshe needed to visit the store as she passes it could befrustrating and distracting. Instead, reminding theuser several miles in advance, or even as she entersher car, would be more productive.

Many other early–reminder applications may easilybe imagined. For example, suppose a user has a li-brary book she needs to return. If her location modelpredicts she’ll be near the library later in the day, shecan be reminded to take the book on the way out ofthe house.

Reminders are not the only possible use for thesingle user: wearable computer systems issues maybe addressed as well. Wireless networks, while veryuseful for wearable users, are often inaccessible dueto lack of infrastructure, radio shadows caused bybuildings, power requirements and other problems.In some cases, however, this lack of connectivity maybe hidden from the user by caching [11]. For example,if a user composes an e–mail while riding the subway,the wearable may add the message to its outgoingqueue and wait to send it until the network is avail-able. On the other hand, if the message is urgent,this behavior may not be appropriate. If the user ispredicted to be out of range of the network for sometime, she could be alerted of possible alternate travelpaths that will allow her message to be sent.

For less urgent e–mail and Internet services, it maybe desirable to delay transmission even when a wire-less connection is available. Energy is one of themost precious resources for mobile devices, and theamount of energy needed to transmit a message maygo up with the fourth power of distance in some situ-ations [3]. In addition, the cost of transmission mayvary with the time of day and the type of servicethat is used. Location prediction abilities could al-low a wearable computer to optimize its transmissionsbased on cost and availability of service in variouslocations and the knowledge of how its user movesthroughout the day.

2.2 Multi–User Applications

When multiple people share their location models,either fully or partially, many useful applications be-come possible. The models could be shared by givingfull or partial copies to trusted associates, delegat-ing the coordination of models to a central service,or allowing remote queries from colleagues wheneverinformation is needed. These three options run frommore convenient to more accurate: copying modelsallows instant access to another person’s model, butdoesn’t guarantee that it will be up to date; a centralservice allows models to be updated whenever oneparty has connectivity, making the model more likelyto be valid; and remote queries can ensure accuracyat the possible cost of high latency.

Regardless of the sharing mechanism, there areseveral interesting applications that could be im-plemented. The simplest scenario is thus: a user,who we’ll call Alice, could ask, “Will I see Bob to-day?” This type of query gives Alice a useful piece ofinformation—if she needs to bring a thick textbookto Bob, she will only want to take it with her if she’slikely to see Bob that day. The query also preservesBob’s privacy, since it is never revealed to Alice whenshe’ll see Bob, where she’ll see Bob, or where else Bobhas been that day.

One step up from this simple application is thecommon problem of scheduling a meeting for severalpeople. In his description of the QuickStep platform[16], Jorg Roth described a sample application thatfacilitated scheduling meetings by showing each userthe others’ calendars. While a participant would seeeach user’s calendar and when they were unavailable,the labels that showed the reason for the unavail-ability were removed. Privacy could be preserved toan even greater extent by hiding the schedules them-selves from the group and deferring the schedule sug-gestions to some central system. Such a system couldnot only find a time when every member is available,but a time when each person is close to the desiredmeeting location.

Another possibility is encouraging serendipitousmeetings between colleagues. Suppose Alice’s modelindicates that she has lunch at a certain cafe everyThursday. If Bob happens to be in that general areaon Thursday near lunchtime, he could be notified thatAlice might be eating nearby so he can give her a calland meet with her.

Michael Terry’s Social Net [19] presents an inno-vative way to meet people with similar interests. It“searches for patterns of physical proximity betweenpeople, over time, to infer shared interests betweenusers.” Social Net has been implemented using the

wireless capabilities of the Cybiko [5] toy to detectproximity. The Cybiko’s low (300 foot) range sug-gests that using location models might be a betterway to provide proximity input to Social Net—twopeople who work in the same building, for example,might be more than 300 feet away from each other al-most all of the time. A model that represents placesrather than proximity would have a better chance ofnoticing those people’s co–location.

Rather than linking people with similar interests,location modeling could allow otherwise unconnectedindividuals to exchange favors with each other. Forexample, suppose Alice needs a book on cryptogra-phy for her research, but will not have time to go tothe library for several days. She could submit her re-quest to some central arbitration system. The systemcould look at all of the location models it has for var-ious people, and perhaps discover that Bob will benear the library soon, and not long thereafter nearAlice’s location. If he is willing, Bob can then pickup the book and deliver it to Alice. One can imag-ine a sort of reputation system based on favors likethese, such as that described in Bruce Stirling’s bookDistraction [18]. In their work on the WALID system[12], Kortuem et. al. created a framework for negotia-tion between wearable computers that explores manyof the issues inherent in this sort of system.

The final application for location models we willdiscuss is that of intelligent interruption. WhileJames Hudson demonstrated that the nature and de-sirability of interruption is often uncertain [10], thereare certain situations in which being interrupted by,say, a ringing cellular phone is definitely not accept-able. By allowing one’s wearable computer to man-age potential interruptions like cell phones, locationmodels can be used to make an intelligent guess aboutwhether the user is interruptible or not.

As an example, imagine that the user has a classfrom 4:00 to 5:00 every day. When the user entersthe classroom, her wearable, having learned from pre-vious situations, automatically turns her cell phoneringer off. If someone calls during the class, her wear-able answers for her, perhaps telling the caller thatshe will be available around 5:00 when her class isover. As the user walks out of class, her wearable re-activates her phone’s ringer and alerts her that some-one has called.

3 Pilot Study

In order to begin investigating the benefits providedby location modeling, we constructed a system torecord and model an individual’s travel. In its current

form, the system performs modeling and predictionon different scales and allows queries to the modelsuch as “The user is currently at home. What is themost likely place she will go next?” and “How likelyis the user to stop at the grocery store on the wayhome from work?” Combining the answers to thesequestions for several users can lead to serendipitousmeetings: if the response to “Where is the user mostlikely to go next?” is the same for two colleagues,they can be alerted that they’re likely to meet eachother.

To date, we have conducted two studies. In 2001,we performed a pilot study with a single user overthe course of four months [1]. We used this studyto develop our algorithms; in order to show that thesystem generalizes, we conducted a second study in2002 with six users which lasted seven months. Wediscuss and compare the results of both studies in thesections below.

Figure 1: All GPS data captured during the fourmonth period of the 2001 study.

3.1 Apparatus

In our original study, we used a Garmin model 35-LVS wearable GPS receiver and a GPS data log-ger, both from GeoStats [9], to collect data from oneuser for a period of four months. During those fourmonths, the user traveled mainly in and around At-lanta, Georgia. Our data logger recorded the latitude,longitude, date and time from the GPS receiver at aninterval of once per second, but only if the receiverhad a valid signal and was moving at one mile an houror greater. When the receiver was indoors or other-wise had its signal blocked, the logger therefore didnot record anything. Because humans walk at an av-erage of three miles per hour, we captured most formsof transit, including automobile. Figure 1 shows thisoriginal data superimposed on a map of Atlanta.

3.2 Methodology

When creating our location modeling system, wewanted to process the data as much as we could with-out using any a priori knowledge about the world;we hoped to find techniques that would automati-cally pick out patterns in the data that would mirrorwhat we observe about human movement. We wereat least partially successful, but the so–called “UglyDuckling theorem” from pattern recognition [7] ba-sically states that there is no “best” set of features;we must give some input into our algorithms, andthis will eventually influence our results. We are en-couraged, however, because the algorithms describedbelow were developed by looking at our data from thefirst study, which was for a single user, but they haveproved effective on all the subsequent data we havecollected.

3.2.1 Finding significant places

In order for any predictions we make to be meaning-ful, we want to discard as much of the data as possi-ble. It would be quite useless to tell the user, “You’recurrently at 33.93885N, 84.33697W and there’s aprobability of 74% that you’ll move to 33.93885N,84.33713W next.” Instead, we would like to findpoints that have some significance to the user andperform prediction with those.

The most logical way to find points that the usermight consider significant is to look at where the userspends her time. It’s unlikely that the user wouldconsider somewhere where she never stopped (say themiddle of the highway) worth consideration, but quitelikely that she would like predictions related to herworkplace or home. It also seems likely that, at least

for most people, locations that could be consideredsignificant will be inside buildings where GPS signalsdo not reach. This means that there will be a streamof recorded data until the user enters a building, thena time gap, and then a resumption of data when theuser exits the building. We used this idea to findwhat we call places. We define a place as any loggedGPS coordinate with an interval of time t between itand the previous point.

In order to decide what value for choose for t, weplotted the number of places found for many valuesof t on a graph (Figure 2) and looked for an obviouspoint at which to choose t. Unfortunately, there isno clear point on the graph to choose. In the end,we decided on ten minutes as an amount of stoppingtime that users might reasonably consider significant.Because of the characteristics of GPS, this is “safer”than choosing smaller values such as one or five min-utes because urban canyons and the like can causesignal loss with re–acquisition times of 45 seconds tofive minutes [8]. This could lead to erroneous detec-tion of places in areas with intermittent signals.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30



of p


s fo


Time threshold (minutes)

Figure 2: Number of places found for varying valuesof time threshold t for data from 2001 study.

3.2.2 Clustering places into locations

Because multiple GPS measurements taken in thesame physical location can vary by as much as 15meters, the logger will not record exactly the sameGPS coordinate for a location even if the user stopsfor ten minutes at precisely the same point every day.This makes attempting to use places for modeling im-practical; we could end up with predictions betweentwo points separated by only a few feet. For thisreason, we create clusters of places using a variant ofthe k–means clustering algorithm. We call the result-ing clusters locations, and use them instead of placeswhen forming our models.

The basic idea of our clustering algorithms is totake one place point and a radius. All the pointswithin this radius of the place are marked, and themean of these points is found. The mean is then takenas the new center point, and the process is repeated.This continues until the mean stops changing. Whenthe mean no longer moves, all points within its radiusare placed in its cluster and removed from consider-ation. This cluster is then used as a new location,and has a unique ID assigned to it. The procedurerepeats until no places remain and we are left with acollection of locations. An illustration of this is shownin Figure 3.

To make our predictions as useful and specific aspossible, we want to have locations with small radii,thus differentiating between as many distinct loca-tions as possible. However, if we make the radii toosmall, we will end up with only one place per loca-tion. This would create the same problem we wereoriginally trying to solve by clustering! On the otherhand, if we make the radii too large, we could endup with unrelated places grouped together, such ashome and the grocery store.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

100 110 120

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



of c





Cluster radius (miles)

Figure 4: Number of locations found as clusterradius changes. The arrow denotes a knee in thegraph—the radius just before the number of locationsbegins to converge to the number of places.

To find an optimal radius, we run our clusteringalgorithm several times with varying radii. We thenplot the results on a graph and look for a “knee”(Figure 4). The knee signifies the radius just beforethe number of locations begins to converge to thenumber of places. In order to find the knee in thecurve, we start at the right–hand side of the graph,and work our way leftwards. For each point on thegraph, we find the average of it and the next n pointson the right. If the current point exceeds the averageby some threshold, we use it as the knee point. Thismethod is a simple variant of looking for a significant

Figure 3: Illustration of location clustering algorithm. The X denotes the center of the cluster. The whitedots are the points within the cluster, and the dotted line shows the location of the cluster in the previousstep. At step (e), the mean has stopped moving, so all of the white points will be part of this location.

change in the slope of the graph.Figure 5 shows the locations found for a time

threshold of ten minutes and a location radius of onehalf mile. Note the vast reduction in points from thefull set of data in Figure 1—while the user traveledby car and foot over 1,600 miles, there are only ahandful of places that the user actually stopped atfor any length of time.

3.2.3 Learning sublocations

When creating our locations with a particular radius,we may subsume smaller–scale paths—for example, ifour radius is chosen to make prediction efficient on acity–wide scale, we may obscure prediction opportu-nities on a campus–wide scale. Choosing a small ra-dius to allow for multiple campus locations, however,will remove the ability to predict broader trips suchas “Campus→Home” in favor of things like “Physicsbuilding→Home,” “Math building→Home,” and soforth.

To solve this problem, we introduce the concept ofsublocations. For every cluster we find in the mainlist of places, we determine if there is a network ofsublocations within it that may be exploited. This is

accomplished by taking the points within each loca-tion and running them through the same clusteringalgorithm described above, including graphing vary-ing radii and looking for the knee in the graph (Fig-ure 6). If the knee exists, that radius is used to formsublocations, which can then have the same predictiontechniques applied as the main locations. If no kneeexists, we assume that there are not enough pointswithin the location to form sublocations. An exampleof sublocation creation can be seen in Figure 12.

The sublocation algorithm can be applied multipletimes, to create sub–sublocations and so on. This canallow for many scales, such as nation–level, city–level,campus–level and so on; given sensors with higheraccuracy than GPS, this could even be extended tobuilding– and room–level sublocations.

3.2.4 Prediction

Having reduced our original hundreds of thousands ofGPS coordinates to just a few significant locations,the next step is to create the predictive model wediscussed earlier.

Once we have formed locations from all of the data,we assign each location a unique ID. Then, going back

Figure 5: Locations in the Atlanta area, as deter-mined with a time threshold of t = 10 minutes anda location radius of one half mile.

to the original chronological place list, we substitutefor each place the ID of the location it belongs to.This gives us a list of locations the user visited, inthe order that they were visited.

Next, a Markov model is created for each location,with transitions to every other location. Each nodein the Markov model is a location, and a transitionbetween two nodes represents the probability of theuser traveling between those two locations. If the usernever traveled between two locations, that transitionprobability is set to zero.

Figure 7 shows a partial Markov model (createdfrom the preliminary data) with three paths—thosefor “Home”, “CRB”, and “VA”. Although the fullmodel contains many paths, for clarity only transi-tions between those three locations are shown. Thelabels on the lines between locations show the relativeprobabilities of each transition; for example, seventy–seven trips were made from “CRB” to other locations,












0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



of p


s in



Cluster radius (miles)

Figure 6: Number of places found in a location asthe location’s radius changes. The arrow indicatesthe knee in the graph; the radius at this point will beused to form sublocations.

and of those trips, sixteen were made to “Home”. Ofthree trips made from “VA” to other places, one wasmade to “Home” and one was made to “CRB”.

Note that the number of trips made from “VA” arerelatively few as compared to those from “Home” and“CRB.” It is possible that “VA” is a new location, orone that is seldom traveled to by the user. Sincethere are so few trips, this node should not be usedfor prediction; however, the number of trips (in bothdirections) between “Home” and “CRB” are signifi-cant and can be used for prediction. A simple teston whether a path has sufficient evidence for predic-tion is to compare the path’s relative frequency to theprobability that the path was taken by chance. Forexample, the total number of trips taken from “VA”to other locations was 3; this makes the probabilitythat some path was taken by chance 1

3 . This is thesame probability as the “VA” to “CRB” transition,so this is probably currently not a useful prediction.

Figure 7 shows a first order Markov model; thatis, one in which the probability of the next state isdependent only upon the current state. We also havethe ability to create nth order models, in which theprobability of the next state is dependent on the cur-rent state and the previous n − 1 states.

By using higher–order models, we can get signifi-cant increases in predictive power. For example, inTable 1 the users’ probability of traveling from A toB (“Home” to “CRB”) is 70%. However, if we knowthat the user was already at B, the user’s probabil-ity of traveling from A to B increases to 81%! Usinga second–order model like this could prove particu-larly useful in cases where the user makes a stop onthe way to a final destination, such as stopping bythe coffee shop on the way work. If the system de-

Figure 7: Partial Markov model of trips made be-tween home, Centennial Research Building (CRB),and Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA). Because somepaths are not shown, the ratios do not sum to 1.

tects the sequence “Home→coffee shop,” the chancesof “work” being the next destination might be higherthan when “Home→grocery store” was detected.

The ability to use nth order Markov models raisesthe question of what the appropriate order model isto use for prediction. Bhattacharya and Das haveexamined this question from an information theoreticstandpoint [2]. In practice, a natural limitation is thequantity of data available for analysis; as shown inTable 1, even with four months of data, the numberof second order transitions is relatively small. Forthis reason, we limited ourselves to a second ordermodel in the pilot study.

4 Zurich Study

To determine whether the algorithms developed dur-ing the pilot study generalize, we conducted a secondstudy in Zurich, Switzerland with multiple users. Ourusers had never lived in Zurich before but had moved

Transition Relative Frequency ProbabilityA → B 14/20 0.7A → B → A 3/14 0.2142A → B → C 2/14 0.1428A → B → D 3/14 0.2142A → B → E 1/14 0.0714A → B → F 1/14 0.0714A → B → G 1/14 0.0714A → B → H 1/14 0.0714A → B → I 1/14 0.0714B → A 16/77 0.2077B → A → B 13/16 0.8125B → A → J 3/16 0.1875B → C 10/77 0.1298B → C → A 6/10 0.6B → C → K 4/10 0.4D → B 5/7 0.7142D → B → A 2/5 0.4D → B → L 2/5 0.4D → B → M 1/5 0.2

Table 1: Probabilities for transitions in firstand second order Markov models from prelimi-nary data. Key: A = “Home,” B = “CRB,” andD = “south of Tech.”

to the city as a group to conduct research with an-other university. We equipped the users with GPSsystems soon after arrival. By correlating the loca-tions across subjects with similar schedules we couldestablish a sense of whether the results of our placeand location corresponded with areas where the usersactually spent their time. By allowing the users toname these locations independently and comparingthe results, we can establish whether the locationsare meaningful on a more “semantic” level (i.e. theusers might have independently established an iden-tity for the location for their own purposes in every-day conversation). Finally, by comparing predictionsmade across similar users, we can begin to determinehow the complete algorithm generalizes from the pilotstudy.

4.1 Changes to the Apparatus

For the next phase of our study, we wished to collectmore data. To this end, we acquired six more GPS re-ceivers and data loggers from GeoStats. The receiverswere the same Garmin units we used before (with anaccuracy of 15 meters RMS [8]), and the data log-gers were updated with more memory, allowing themto log roughly 200,000 GPS coordinates before need-

ing to be cleared. Because of this extra capacity, weelected to turn off the speed–limiting feature of theloggers, in case we had use for the extra data in thefuture.

Previously, our GPS receiver was powered by six“D”–size batteries, and the logger was powered bya single 9–volt. Because of the number of units wehad, we needed to create a better power solution. Wetherefore used a single Sony InfoLithium NP-F960camcorder battery to power both the GPS receiverand the data logger. We added a 5–volt regulatorfor the receiver, and were able to power the loggerdirectly from battery voltage. Although this reducedthe bulk and weight of the setup, it did require eachsubject to remember to change and charge the bat-tery daily, since the GPS receiver draws between 500and 600 milliwatts.

We equipped six users with the GPS receivers andloggers during a seven–month research program inZurich, Switzerland. The users were requested tocarry the units with them as much as possible, andwere instructed to charge and change the batterydaily. This requirement occasionally proved problem-atic, as some users often forgot to change the battery.Users also often forgot or chose not to wear the re-ceiver and logger. Also, near the beginning of thestudy one user broke the cabling for his unit and wasunable to collect any data for the rest of the study.Despite these problems, we were able to log nearly800,000 data points total.

One issue we discovered while examining therecorded data is that the GPS receivers have a “dead–reckoning” feature, which, when the GPS signal islost, outputs data extrapolated from the last knownheading and velocity for 30 seconds. We also foundthat the GPS receiver would occasionally output afew completely spurious points, possibly when thesignal was bad; the most severe example of this isshown in Figure 8. However, due to the nature of ourprediction algorithms (Section 3.2.4), these glitcheshad little impact on our eventual results.

After consultation with Garmin technical support,we learned (too late) that dead–reckoning can beturned off, and that the NMEA string returned fromthe GPS receiver will contain extra information aboutthe signal, such as confidence. Because the currentdata logger interprets the NMEA string and storesonly the latitude, longitude, date and time, we areinvestigating building our own logger that will saveall of the information provided by the receiver. Weare also looking into the possibility of using GPS–enabled cellular phones coupled with wearable com-puters to log data; these would be an advantage in

Figure 8: An example of spurious GPS data; theuser did not spend time in the Mediterranean.

that users would be more likely to carry the units andthe batteries would be charged along with the phone.

4.2 Changes to Methodology

When finding places, an important consideration ishow time is used—in our previous study, we consid-ered a point a place if it had time t between it andthe previous point. This basically meant that placeswould be detected when the user exited a buildingand the GPS receiver re–acquired a lock. Our currentmethod, however, registers a place when the signal islost, and so is not dependent upon signal acquisitiontime. Figure 9 shows the difference between thesetwo methods. Assuming some knowledge about thegeneral habits of human beings—namely, that theywill tend to visit a few places often—it seems appar-ent that the second method does a much better job atdetecting where users spend their time. The results ofthe second method, in Figure 9(b), also match closelyusers’ actual experiences.

We also revisited the problem of choosing a timethreshold with our new data from Zurich. Unfortu-nately, as shown in Figure 10, t and the number ofplaces found again have a relationship such that thereis no obvious point at which to choose a value for t.As such, we kept our original ten–minute thresholdfor t. Figure 11(b) shows the places found with thisten–minute threshold for one of the users in Zurich.

4.3 Evaluation

To evaluate how the algorithm developed in the pi-lot study generalizes, we present two results. Thefirst result investigates correlation between the names

(a) (b)

Figure 9: Picture (a) shows the results of the old place finding algorithm, while (b) shows the results of thenew algorithm on the same data. Clusters are much more evident in (b), and the clusters match well withusers’ experiences. Each color (or shape) of dot in the pictures represents a different user.









0 5 10 15 20 25 30



of p


s fo


Time threshold (minutes)

Figure 10: Number of places found for varying val-ues of time t for each user in 2002 study, summed.

assigned to particular locations by individual users.The second result demonstrates that even in a sig-nificantly different environment, the same predictionmethod generates consistent results across multipleusers.

Figure 11 shows sample data for one of the users inthe Zurich study, illustrating how the data is signifi-cantly reduced by transformation from raw data intoplaces and locations. Figure 12 provides an exampleof sublocation creation from some of the Zurich data.

4.3.1 Naming across users

To help investigate our algorithms, we developed avisualization application called GPSVis using the free

user interface toolkit Gtk+. GPSVis automaticallydownloads maps from the Internet and displays GPSpoints, places and locations on the maps, and allowsthe user to scroll around and zoom–in on any area. Italso provides the ability to click on any location andfurnish it with a name or other identifier.

Using GPSVis, we asked each of our subjects togive names to each location found for that individualin the city of Zurich. We instructed them to enter“unknown” as the name for any location they didnot recognize or remember. In order to cut downon spurious locations, we did not show locations withonly one place inside them, reasoning that the userhad been there only once, if at all.

Of the five users, three had 11 locations withinZurich, one had 9 and one had 6. It is interest-ing (though not necessarily significant) that the threeusers with more locations were in Zurich for the fullseven month research program, while the two with 9and 6 locations were in Zurich for only four and threemonths, respectively. The most “unknown” locationsany user had in Zurich was two, and these can beexplained by the time lag (about three months) be-tween returning from Zurich and asking the users fornames; in fact, several users mentioned the effect ofthe time lag on their memory.

Although the subjects lived in various places inZurich, they all worked in the same building (calledETZ). We used this as an opportunity to verifythat our location–finding algorithms picked commonplaces as frequently–visited locations for everyone.




Figure 11: An illustration of the data reduction that occurs when creating places and locations. Picture(a) shows the complete set of data collected in Zurich for one user, around 200,000 data points. Picture(b) shows the roughly 100 places that were found using this data In picture (c) we see that this has been

Figure 12: A single location divided into two sublo-cation. The large, green dot is the original location,which is centered to the right the ETZ building inZurich. The smaller, white dots are the places thatmade up that location, and the two light blue pen-tagons are the sublocations that were made from thelocation.

Each person’s collection of names included “ETZ,”so we mapped those points against a building–levelmap of Zurich to see how they correlated. The resultscan be seen in Figure 13.

4.3.2 Prediction

We applied the same prediction algorithms developedon the Atlanta data (described in Section 3.2.4) tothe data from Zurich. Tables 2 and 3 show namedpredictions from this data. Each prediction has itsrelative frequency compared against random chance,that is, the odds of that path being picked purely byrandom.

5 Discussion

In our pilot study, we collected four months of datafrom a single user and then developed algorithms toextract places and locations from that data. Theselocations were then used to form a predictive modelof the user’s movements. The model demonstratedpatterns of movement that occurred much more fre-quently than chance and were significant in the con-text of the user’s life. These preliminary results sug-gested that our method may be able to find locationsthat are semantically meaningful to the user.

We next used these algorithms on new data col-

Figure 13: Locations named “ETZ” by users over-laid on an outline of the actual ETZ building. (Thereare two orange dots because one user named two lo-cations “ETZ”.) The Xs correspond to building en-trances. The mean distance to the center point of thesix points was 48.4 meters, and the standard devia-tion was 20.8 meters.

lected from multiple users over a longer time spanin a new environment. Locations discovered by thealgorithm that were common to several users werenamed similarly by those users, indicating a certainlevel of common meaning associated with those loca-tions. In addition, a building known to be common toall the users was automatically labeled as a locationby the algorithm in each user’s data set. The loca-tions discovered had a mean distance to the center ofthe points of 48.4 meters (approximately the length ofthe building) and a standard deviation of 20.8 meters.Locations shared by a subset of the users were also in-dependently discovered in each user’s data. Thus, thealgorithm seems to give consistent results across sub-jects. The predictive models generated for each userbased on their locations showed relative frequenciessignificantly greater than chance, also indicating thatthe method from the pilot study generalizes.

6 Future Work

While we have location prediction fully functioning,we have not yet implemented time prediction–that is,we can predict where someone will go next, but notwhen. Our next task will be to extend the Markovmodel to support time prediction; at the same time,we will investigate how variance in arrival and de-parture times can indicate the importance of events.For instance, if the user always arrives at a certainlocation within a fifteen–minute time period, that lo-

Order Transition Relative Frequency Random Chance1 A → B 25/61 = .41 .00651 A → D 16/61 = .26 .00651 A → C 11/61 = .18 .00652 A → B → C 17/25 = .68 .00022 A → B → A 7/25 = .28 .00022 A → B → E 1/25 = .04 .00023 A → B → C → A 12/17 = .71 .0000143 A → B → C → F 2/17 = .12 .0000144 A → B → C → A → D 6/12 = .50 .000000974 A → B → C → A → G 5/12 = .42 .00000097

Table 2: Probabilities for transitions for various orders of Markov model for one of the Zurich users. This userhad 215 visits to 18 unique locations. Key: A = “ETZ”, B = “Home”, C = “Sternen Oerlikon tram stop”,D = “Zurich Hauptbanhof”, E = “Bucheggplatz tram stop”, and F and G are unlabeled (outside of Zurich)GPS coordinates. Random chance was determined by Monte Carlo simulation.

Order Transition Relative Frequency Random Chance1 A → B 24/34 = .71 .0051 A → C 2/34 = .06 .0052 A → B → A 11/24 = .46 .00382 A → B → D 9/24 = .38 .00383 A → B → A → B 8/12 = .67 .003763 A → B → A → C 2/12 = .17 .00376

Table 3: Probabilities for transitions for various orders of Markov model for a second Zurich user. Key:A = “Home”, B = “Kirche Fluntern bus stop”, C = “Post Office”, and D = “Klusplatz tram stop”.

cation may be more important than one with a one–hour variance.

Detecting “structures” through time may be pos-sible; in the same vein as finding paths that peopletake, we may be able to find general patterns of rou-tine. For example, looking for very long (6–10 hour)gaps in the data may clue us in to when people are athome sleeping without explicitly coding knowledge ofday/night cycles into the algorithms.

One limitation of our approach to the Markov mod-els is that changes in schedule may take a long timeto be reflected in the model. For example, a collegestudent might have a model that learned the loca-tions of her classes for an entire semester (sixteenweeks). When the next semester started, she mayhave an entirely different schedule; because in ourmodel each transition is given equal weight, it mighttake the entire semester for the model to be updatedto correctly reflect the new information. One waythis could be solved is by weighting updates to themodel more heavily; we must be careful, however, toavoid unduly weighting one–time trips.

Currently, our system does not update the usermodels in real–time; this will become more neces-sary as we add more users to our system. We plan on

not only allowing instant integration of location data,but allowing the users to view their models and givefeedback; if the user knows her schedule has changedbut that the model has not yet detected this, she canupdate the model as appropriate.

Speed of travel may provide clues to creating sublo-cations. If a person is detected to be moving veryslowly in a particular area, it may be an indicatorthat they are on foot. Sublocations could then beautomatically created for that area.

Our planned interface will also include an interfaceto naming locations; once a user has been detectedat a possible location more than a couple times, wecan prompt the user for a name. With multiple users,the system could suggest names for that location thatother users had previously used. The user could alsoindicate that the detected location isn’t meaningfuland it could be ignored for future predictions.

Along with our user interface, we would like to cre-ate an application to easily enable favor–trading ap-plications such as those discussed in Section 2.2. Asimple application would allow users to enter to–doitems and associate them with particular locations. Asoftware agent for the user’s community could thensearch each person’s predictive model to determine

which person might be near that location. The to–doapplication would then show the user a rank–orderedlist of members of the community that might be in aposition to perform a favor for that user.

Using the algorithms we developed on our originaldata to process the data from our second study ver-ified that our techniques are valid; however, there isstill work to be done in this area. We would like toexplore how robust our algorithms are to change; oneexperiment we intend to perform is to randomly per-mute our lists of places and create locations. We canthen see how dependent the clustering algorithm ison list ordering. We will also investigate other algo-rithms to see if any provide more natural clustering.

While in our current procedures we discard muchof the data, it may be useful to go back to the originaldata stream when doing prediction. We may be ableto detect situations where the user passes through alocation but does not stop, or only stops briefly.

Having data for multiple people creates some in-teresting opportunities for jump–starting prediction.If person A is found to be in several of the same lo-cations as person B, it may be possible to use personB’s collection of locations and predictions as a baseset of data for person A. Then as person A continuesto collect more data, the locations and predictionscan be updated appropriately.

7 Conclusion

We have demonstrated how locations of significancecan be automatically learned from GPS data at mul-tiple scales. We have also shown a system that canincorporate these locations into a predictive model ofthe user’s movements. In addition, we have describedseveral potential applications of such models, includ-ing both single– and multi–user scenarios. Poten-tially such methodologies might be extended to othersources of context as well. One day, such predictivemodels might become an integral part of intelligentwearable agents.

8 Acknowledgments

Many thanks to Jan–Derk Bakker for writing aMonte Carlo simulator. Thanks to Graham Cole-man for writing visualization tools and to MapBlast( for having freely avail-able maps. Funding for this project has been pro-vided in part by NSF career grant number 0093291.


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