using intelligent digital cameras to monitor aerodrome...

2 1541-1672/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Published by the IEEE Computer Society I m a g e P r o c e s s i n g Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi Pavlidou, Nikos Grammalidis, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Dimitris Simitopoulos, and Michael Strintzis, Informatics and Telematics Institute of Greece Alan Gilbert and Enrico Piazza, Park Air Systems Christof Herrlich, Datacollect Ralf Heidger, Deutsche Flugsicherung A n aircraft is most at risk for an accident when it’s still on the ground—when taxi- ing before take-off or after landing. This is because traffic throughput on the ground is limited by inadequate airport infrastructures and is often incapacitated during conditions of poor visibility. To help address these problems, a new Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) provides air traffic controllers with sup- port tools for ground-movement management. 1 Its key sensors are secondary surveillance radars, which rely on cooperating aircraft fitted with suitable transponders, and surface movement radars, which can detect noncooperative targets. Unfortunately, radar has limited coverage. Reflections, multipath, and shadows from buildings, equipment, and other reflecting objects on the airport surface make it dif- ficult if not impossible for a single surface move- ment radar sensor type to reliably cover the whole aerodrome. (Multipath consists of return signals to the radar that might combine with different phases to alter the direct path echo.) In these cases, a “gap filler” sensor could help. Fusing information from multiple sensors provides detailed information about the detected targets and provides an accurate position reference. The pres- ence of a second radar increases tracking reliability (the description of the tracked object’s movement on the airport surface must be continuous) and intro- duces some redundancy. However, such a sensor must be relatively inexpensive—it should cost less than the main sensor whose gaps it’s filling. The INTERVUSE project, funded by the European Commission, aims to address these problems by developing a cost-effective artificial intelligence sys- tem based on a network of intelligent digital cam- eras. 2 The system uses image-processing techniques to detect traffic and correlates and fuses data to gen- erate a synthetic ground-situation display. The INTERVUSE system The system’s building blocks include new and existing components as well as external components (see Figure 1). The commercial-off-the-shelf com- ponents are the NOVA 9000 system (Park Air Sys- tems, Norway) and Autoscope Solo cameras (ISS/DataCollect, Germany). The Autoscope Solo Wide Area Video Vehicle Detection System is a sophisticated traffic surveillance system that uses machine vision technology to produce highly accu- rate traffic measurements (see the sidebar). The video cameras Each Autoscope Solo camera (see Figure 2) can detect traffic in multiple locations in its field of view. Furthermore, each camera incorporates an associ- ated Machine Vision Processor, resulting in the fol- lowing benefits: An innovative system uses intelligent video cameras to help manage airport ground movement by filling in blind spots in existing Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control systems.

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Page 1: Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome · Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi

2 1541-1672/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMSPublished by the IEEE Computer Society

I m a g e P r o c e s s i n g

Using IntelligentDigital Cameras toMonitor AerodromeSurface Traffic Niovi Pavlidou, Nikos Grammalidis, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Dimitris Simitopoulos,and Michael Strintzis, Informatics and Telematics Institute of Greece

Alan Gilbert and Enrico Piazza, Park Air Systems

Christof Herrlich, Datacollect

Ralf Heidger, Deutsche Flugsicherung

An aircraft is most at risk for an accident when it’s still on the ground—when taxi-

ing before take-off or after landing. This is because traffic throughput on the

ground is limited by inadequate airport infrastructures and is often incapacitated during

conditions of poor visibility.

To help address these problems, a new AdvancedSurface Movement Guidance and Control System(A-SMGCS) provides air traffic controllers with sup-port tools for ground-movement management.1 Itskey sensors are secondary surveillance radars, whichrely on cooperating aircraft fitted with suitabletransponders, and surface movement radars, whichcan detect noncooperative targets. Unfortunately,radar has limited coverage. Reflections, multipath,and shadows from buildings, equipment, and otherreflecting objects on the airport surface make it dif-ficult if not impossible for a single surface move-ment radar sensor type to reliably cover the wholeaerodrome. (Multipath consists of return signals tothe radar that might combine with different phases toalter the direct path echo.)

In these cases, a “gap filler” sensor could help.Fusing information from multiple sensors providesdetailed information about the detected targets andprovides an accurate position reference. The pres-ence of a second radar increases tracking reliability(the description of the tracked object’s movement onthe airport surface must be continuous) and intro-duces some redundancy. However, such a sensormust be relatively inexpensive—it should cost lessthan the main sensor whose gaps it’s filling.

The INTERVUSE project, funded by the EuropeanCommission, aims to address these problems bydeveloping a cost-effective artificial intelligence sys-tem based on a network of intelligent digital cam-eras.2 The system uses image-processing techniquesto detect traffic and correlates and fuses data to gen-erate a synthetic ground-situation display.

The INTERVUSE systemThe system’s building blocks include new and

existing components as well as external components(see Figure 1). The commercial-off-the-shelf com-ponents are the NOVA 9000 system (Park Air Sys-tems, Norway) and Autoscope Solo cameras(ISS/DataCollect, Germany). The Autoscope SoloWide Area Video Vehicle Detection System is asophisticated traffic surveillance system that usesmachine vision technology to produce highly accu-rate traffic measurements (see the sidebar).

The video camerasEach Autoscope Solo camera (see Figure 2) can

detect traffic in multiple locations in its field of view.Furthermore, each camera incorporates an associ-ated Machine Vision Processor, resulting in the fol-lowing benefits:

An innovative system

uses intelligent video

cameras to help

manage airport

ground movement by

filling in blind spots in

existing Advanced

Surface Movement

Guidance and Control


Page 2: Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome · Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi

• The system doesn’t require high-band-width video transmission between thecamera and the MVP.

• The vision processor can have closed-loopcontrol of camera optics such as illumina-tion, gain, brightness, and electronic zoom.

• The system is more easily portable.3

We can define rectangular areas, calledvirtual detectors, on the camera image plane,

which correspond to binary output. The air-craft then indicates its presence by activat-ing these detectors. Activated detectorsappear in bright green on the system display(shown in light gray in Figure 3); deactivateddetectors are black. We can configure up to32 virtual detectors per camera, and we candefine more complex virtual detectors bycombining detector outputs using logical andmathematical expressions (such as AND,

OR, NOT, time-based considerations, aver-ages, or sums). The main advantage of vir-tual detectors is that you need process onlythe pixels of the image’s specified areas, thusreducing the computational requirements.

Once we’ve selected the virtual detectors’location, the MVP can estimate the back-ground (that is, the color values of pixelswithin the virtual detectors) in the absenceof a vehicle. Virtual detectors then detect a

MAY/JUNE 2005 3

Air traffic management has previously used image process-ing to identify aircraft—for example, one system uses a videoalgorithm based on tail-number recognition.1–3 Additionally,the US Federal Aviation Administration has used infrared cam-eras for airport security and surveillance.4 However, the Inter-vuse system is the first to use video cameras to track aircraft,using methods from urban-traffic monitoring.5–10

In particular, the system uses the Autoscope Solo Wide AreaVideo Vehicle Detection System (see

Autoscope systems help improve urban traffic by providinghighway-speed data for traffic control centers and Internetinformation systems. They’re also used to automatically detectincidents in tunnels and on highways, thus improving localauthorities’ emergency response times.

References1. J.A. Besada et al., “Aircraft Identification Integrated into an

Airport Surface Surveillance Video System,” Machine Vision andApplications, vol. 15, no. 3, 2004, pp. 164–171.

2. J.M. Molina et al., “Automatic Video System for Aircraft Identifica-tion,” 5th Int’l Conf. Information Fusion, Int’l Soc. InformationFusion, 2002, pp. 1387–1394.

3. J.M. Molina et al., “Cooperative Management of a Net ofIntelligent Surveillance Agent Sensors,” Int’l J. Intelligent Systems,vol. 18, no 3, 2003, p. 279–307.

4. R. Castaldo, C. Franck, and A. Smith, “Evaluation of FLIR/IR CameraTechnology for Airport Surface Surveillance,” Proc. 10th Ann. SPIEInt’l AeroSense Symp., vol. 2736, The Int’l Society for Optical Engi-neering, 1996, pp. 64–74.

5. R.T. Collins et al., “Algorithms for Cooperative Multisensor Surveil-lance,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 89, no.10, 2000, pp. 1456–1477.

6. A.R. Dick and M.J. Brooks, “Issues in Automated VisualSurveillance,” 7th Int’l Conf. Digital Image Computing: Techniquesand Applications (DICTA 03), Commonwealth Scientific and Indus-trial Research Org., 2003, pp. 195–204.

7. J.M. Ferryman, S.J. Maybank, and A.D. Worrall, “Visual Surveillancefor Moving Vehicles,” Int’l J. Computer Vision, vol. 37, no. 2, 2000,pp. 187–197.

8. G.L. Foresti, “A Real-Time System for Video Surveillance of Unat-tended Outdoor Environments,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systemsfor Video Technology, vol. 8, no. 6, 1998, pp. 697–704.

9. M. Haag and H.H. Nagel, “Incremental Recognition of Traffic Situa-tions from Video Image Sequences,” Image and Vision Computing,vol. 18, no. 2, 2000, pp. 137–153.

10. T. Huang and S. Russell, “Object Identification: A Bayesian Analysiswith Application to Traffic Surveillance,” Artificial Intelligence, vol.103, nos. 1–2, 1998, pp. 77–93.

11. P.G. Michalopoulos et al., “Automatic Incident Detection throughVideo Image Processing,” Traffic Eng. and Control, vol. 34, no. 2,1993, pp. 66–75.

Related Work in Air- and Urban-Traffic Monitoring

Test Analysis Client

Video SensorData Fusion


Control Working Position 3 APRON (parking area)


Control Working Position 2Airport authority

Control Working Position 1Air traffic control


Recording and Playback System





LAN link ASTERIX reports

ASTERIX reports

Surveillance data server Technical Controland Monitoring System

External components

Video cameranetwork





Aeronautical FixedTelecommunications Network

New components

(Partially) existing components

Figure 1. The INTERVUSE system architecture. (ASTERIX is a standard for exchanging radar data.)

Page 3: Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome · Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi

vehicle’s presence by estimating the back-ground statistics and determining a thresh-old. The MVP compares the instantaneousimage pixel values; if they’re greater than thethreshold, a vehicle is present.

The vehicle detection algorithm comprisesthree processing levels. In the first level, itobtains an estimate of the background detec-tor signature from a Finite Impulse Responsefilter, where the current background estimateis subtracted from the incoming detector data.The next level uses a selected set of featuresobtained from the background suppressionprocedure to provide a corresponding set ofinstantaneous logic states. These logic statesconstitute important conditions for a target’spresence or absence. However, the final deci-sion is made in the highest processing level,where the spatiotemporal state tracker coa-lesces the time series of logic states into ahigh-confidence presence signal.4

The cameras are linked using RS-485communication. Each camera unit has aunique IP address and thus can communicatewith the Video Sensor Data Fusion (VSDF)server. The cameras have better resolutionand night visibility than black-and-whitecameras, and they use enhanced contrastdetection for dark objects. Over time, theinbuilt pattern recognition software learnscontrast patterns, so it copes well with fog,snow, and rain, as experience with road traf-fic has shown.4

The serversThe network of MVP sensors continu-

ously provides information from all availablevirtual detectors to the VSDF server using apolling procedure. VSDF creates a syntheticrepresentation of the supervised groundspace without requiring active cooperationof the detected and tracked targets. It outputs

target reports in ASTERIX Category 010 for-mat (a standard developed by Euro-Controlfor the exchange of radar data but extendableto any kind of surveillance data).

The VSDF application is a Win32 multi-threaded application, which polls, processes,and transmits virtual-detector data. The VSDFserver collects data about the state of detec-tors from all sensors and processes this datato extract observations (measurements orplots). Observations contain informationabout the targets’ estimated position and sizeand the detections’ date and time. The VSDFserver sends these observations to the system’stracker for further processing. Specifically,processing detector data involves three stages:

1. processing layer constraints (deactivat-ing false alarms generated at configu-rations containing parallel rows ofdetectors),

2. processing intersection constraints(deactivating detectors that have beenfalsely activated in case of taxiway orrunway intersections), and

3. processing detector sequences in“chains” and generating observations(estimated targets).

Chains are predefined sequences of topo-logically consecutive detectors. In eachchain, each sequence of activated consecu-tive detectors produces one observation. Thefinal output is an observation vector con-taining the position (in ground coordinates)and size (in meters) of observations (targets)corresponding to the specific polling inter-val. A calibration procedure performedoffline, once for each camera (as a prepro-cessing step), provides the system withground coordinates corresponding to eachdetector.

The calibration procedure is based on theapproached Kevin Bradshaw and his col-leagues proposed,5 which uses a homogra-phy (an eight-parameter transformationmatrix) to transform image coordinates toground coordinates and vice versa. Weassume that the 3D structure that each cam-era captures can be modeled as a plane,which is approximately true for most airports(the area that each camera covers is limited,so the plane assumption is a good approxi-mation for taxis and runways).

The Surveillance Data Server is an exist-ing product that we adapted for INTERVUSE.The SDS receives and processes targetreports from the Approach Surveillance

I m a g e P r o c e s s i n g


Figure 2. Autoscope Solo camera.

Figure 3. A camera’s field of view and detector configuration. The aircraft indicates itspresence by activating detectors, which then appear bright green on the systemdisplay (shown in light gray here).

Page 4: Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome · Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi

Radar (ASR), the VSDF server, and othersensors, if available. It uses time-invariantdiscrete Kalman filtering to create and main-tain target tracks.6 This server also interfaceswith the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommuni-cations Network (AFTN) to obtain flightplan data to assist in target identification.

The data flow from the sensor sources tothe SDS is unidirectional. The SDS performstrack-to-track correlation between video-based tracks from the VSDF and radar tracksfrom the ASR, plus correlation with flightplan data. (This includes time-based gatingand matching and radar code-callsign corre-lation—callsign is a unique identifier foreach aircraft.) The SDS merges the correlatedinformation into an integrated air-groundtraffic situation representation, which it sendsto the clients. In addition, an internal data-base stores flight plan data from the AFTNand distributes it to specified clients in atimely manner.

On the network’s client side, several Con-troller Working Position display workstationsare attached to the LAN. The CWPs areexisting products that have we adapted withthe necessary human-machine interface tosuit the A-SMGCS application at each of thetwo INTERVUSE test sites. The HMI displaysthe traffic situation on the ground and in theair and provides the controller with lists ofaircraft due to arrive or depart (see Figure 4).

Also on the client side is the Test AnalysisClient, which analyzes test results and pro-vides a statistical analysis of detection prob-ability. This client runs on its own worksta-tion connected via LAN to the VSDF.

Support servicesBesides the core architecture, system sup-

port services are available through the Tech-nical Control and Monitoring System(TECAMS) and the Recording and PlaybackSystem. TECAMS is a tool for technical controland monitoring of various system compo-nents. The RPS meets the International CivilAviation Organization recommendations7 forrecorded information to be used for accidentor incident investigation.

ImplementationWe tested the system at two airports—

Mannheim Airport, Germany, and Thessa-loniki International Airport, Greece. The twodiffer in infrastructure, traffic patterns, andweather conditions. The project consortiumconsisted of the Informatics and TelematicsInstitute (Greece), Park Air Systems, Data-

Collect, Deutsche Flugsicherung, and Air-port Mannheim.

InstallationWe installed 10 cameras at Mannheim to

provide full airport coverage—of the park-ing lot, runway, and taxiways. Nevertheless,the system’s tracker experienced significantproblems caused by gaps between cameras.The track should be continuous so that airtraffic controllers know that an object in acertain position is the same object thatappeared in a different position a few sec-onds ago. This is especially true when thecontroller can’t see the aircraft because it’snighttime, because of bad weather or low vis-ibility, or because his or her view is blockedowing to the airport layout. Unfortunately,providing enough cameras for full airportcoverage without any gaps would signifi-cantly increase the system’s cost. However,as a gap-filler in an A-SMGCS to cover theAPRON (parking area) and sections of taxi-way, the system showed great potential.

Furthermore, tests at Mannheim led toimportant conclusions regarding camerainstallation and the set up of virtual detec-tors. Specifically, cameras should bemounted as high as possible and close to thearea to be surveyed to reduce shadowing andocclusion effects. The camera mount should

be also reinforced to prevent camera move-ment (due to strong winds, for example),which can raise false detections to an unac-ceptable level. Additionally, the horizonshouldn’t appear in the camera’s field ofview, because cameras are sensitive to sud-den changes in light conditions.

We also learned that each virtual detector’ssensitivity level is proportional to the num-ber of pixels changing from scan to scan—inother words, small detectors are more sensi-tive. However, a compromise was necessaryto reduce unwanted detections to an accept-able level. Additionally, the cameras’ fieldsof view should partially overlap to avoid gapsbetween virtual detectors of different cam-eras and thus to avoid tracking problems.

On the basis of knowledge gained fromtests at Mannheim, we installed five camerasto cover only a portion (800 meters) of themain taxiway at Thessaloniki. We avoidedgaps between cameras and installed them ashigh as possible for better detection. Fur-thermore, tests at Thessaloniki airportshowed that it’s better to use small rather thanlarge detectors to detect vehicles such as fol-low-me cars or ambulances.

However, many small detectors are likelyto be activated by different features of thesame aircraft, providing multiple targets forthe system and creating serious problems for

MAY/JUNE 2005 5

Figure 4. A traffic situation display for Germany’s Mannheim Airport.

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the tracker. Replacing large detectors withmany small detectors, connected with an ORgate, addresses this problem. Whenever oneor more of these detectors are activated, theOR gate indicates a target’s existence. Theresult is that the final detector covers thesame area as a large detector but is sensitiveenough to detect small targets.

PerformanceThe system’s accuracy and resolution

depend on the virtual detectors’ length andthe cameras’calibration. A good compromise

for the length of virtual detectors is 15 m,which lets the system discriminate betweentargets separated by 15 m or more and pro-vides a theoretical obtainable accuracy of 7.5m (the center is considered the target’s posi-tion). This compares favorably to the perfor-mance of surface movement radars.

We conducted numerous tests with both air-craft and vehicles to evaluate system perfor-mance. These tests fell into three categories:

1. Static tests checked critical positionssuch as stop lines or parking positions.

These tests also examined they sys-tem’s ability to recognize targets thatremained stationary for a long time.

2. Dynamic surveillance tests dealt withmoving targets, which move with con-stant velocity from a known point A toa known point B.

3. Tests using the Test Analysis Client, atool developed during the project toevaluate system performance, requiredthe simultaneous record of system logsand video from the camera tested.

I m a g e P r o c e s s i n g


Niovi Pavlidou teaches and performs researchon mobile communications and telecommunica-tions networks at the Aristotle University of Thes-saloniki. Her research interests include trafficanalysis and design of networks, performanceevaluation and QoS studies of mobile satellitecommunications, and multimedia applicationsover the Internet. She received her PhD intelecommunications networks from the Aristotle

University of Thessaloniki. She is a senior member of the IEEE Commu-nications and Vehicular Technology Society. Contact her at the Informat-ics and Telematics Inst., 1st Km Thermi-Panorama Rd., Thermi-Thessa-loniki, PO Box 361, GR-57001, Greece; [email protected].

Nikos Grammalidis is a researcher in the Infor-matics and Telematics Institute, Thessaloniki,Greece. His main research interests include imagecompression, 3D data processing, multimediaimage communication, 3D motion estimation,stereo and multiview image sequence coding. Hereceived his PhD in electrical and computer engi-neering from the Aristotle University of Thessa-loniki. Contact him at the Informatics and Telem-

atics Inst., 1st Km Thermi-Panorama Rd., Thermi-Thessaloniki, PO Box361, GR-57001, Greece; [email protected].

Kosmas Dimitropoulos is a researcher with theInformatics and Telematics Institute, Thessa-loniki, Greece and is a PhD student at MacedoniaUniversity, Thessaloniki, Greece. His researchinterests include image processing, 3D modeling,virtual reality and computer graphics. He receivedthe diploma degree in electrical and computerengineering from Democritus University ofThrace, Greece. Contact him at the Informatics

and Telematics Inst., 1st Km Thermi-Panorama Rd., Thermi-Thessaloniki,PO Box 361, GR-57001, Greece; [email protected].

Dimitrios Simitopoulos is a researcher withthe Informatics and Telematics Institute, Thessa-loniki. His research interests include image pro-cessing, watermarking, multimedia security, andimage indexing and retrieval. He received his PhDin electrical and computer engineering from Aris-totle University of Thessaloniki. Contact him atthe Informatics and Telematics Inst., 1st KmThermi-Panorama Rd., Thermi-Thessaloniki, PO

Box 361, GR-57001, Greece; [email protected].

Alan Gilbert is a principle advisor in Park Air Systems, Norway. He’s expe-rienced in air traffic management and has been involved in many Air Traf-fic Control projects. He received his diploma degree in electrical sciencesfrom University of Cambridge, UK. Contact him at Park Air Systems,Bromsv 17, N-3191 Horten, Norway; [email protected].

Enrico Piazza is a development engineer with ParkAir Systems, Norway. He’s developing algorithmsfor the NOVA 9000 Advanced Surface MovementGuidance and Control System in the EuropeanCommission’s Vision and BETA (Operational Ben-efit Evaluation by Testing an A-SMGCS) researchand development projects. He received his PhD inmethods and technologies for environmental mon-itoring from the University of Florence. He is a

member of the IEEE and founder of the Associazione Dottorandi e Dottoridi Ricerca Italiani (the Italian PhD association). Contact him at Park AirSystems, Bromsv 17, N-3191 Horten, Norway; [email protected].

Christof Herrlich is owner and general manager of Datacollect Traffic Sys-tems. He’s experienced in road traffic management systems and his researchinterests include video and radio technologies. Contact him at Datacollect,Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1, D-50170, Kerpen, Germany; [email protected].

Ralf Heidger is head of the System Development forTower and Special Purpose Applications at DeutscheFlugsicherung, Germany. He received his MagisterArtium at the University of Mainz, Germany. He hasdeveloped radar data processing systems for Air Traf-fic Control for various airports in Germany, for Euro-control contracts, and for the DFS. His primary pro-jects are ATC Tracking Systems, Multi Sensor DataFusion, and the ongoing development of the DFS

PHOENIX radar and sensor data tracking and display system. Contact him at DFS,Am DFS Campus 7, D-63225 Langen, Germany; [email protected].

Michael Strintzis is a professor of electrical andcomputer engineering at the University of Thessa-loniki, and the director of the Informatics andTelematics Research Institute, Thessaloniki. Hisresearch interests include 2D and 3D image cod-ing, image processing, biomedical signal and imageprocessing, and DVD and Internet data authentica-tion and copy protection. He received his PhD inelectrical engineering from Princeton University.

He’s an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems forVideo Technology. Contact him at Informatics and Telematics Inst., 1th kmThermi-Panorama Rd., 57001 Thesssaloniki, Greece; [email protected].

T h e A u t h o r s

Page 6: Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome · Using Intelligent Digital Cameras to Monitor Aerodrome Surface Traffic Niovi

Tests showed that the recommended tar-get velocity is between 0 and 100 kmh. Also,some problems were observed when a targetremained stationary for a long time, becauseit was assimilated by the background. Testsat Thessaloniki also produced a false-detec-tion error of approximately 1.5 percent, andthe missed detection error was approximately4 percent (these figures are based on resultsfrom the Test Analysis Client).

We held the final review 32 monthsafter the project began, on 19 Feb-

ruary 2004 at the Thessaloniki airport. Wedemonstrated the system to a European Com-mission review team, who considered theeffort a success and concluded that the sys-tem shows great potential as a gap filler forA-SMGCS systems.

Tests proved that the Intervuse technologycan achieve, and in some respects exceed,most of the performance requirements of asurface movement radar.7–9 A video detec-tion system’s strengths are no radiation,lower cost, provision of video, and a higherupdate rate. Weaknesses are limited cover-age, poor detection in heavy fog, and falsedetections due to occlusions or suddenchanges in light conditions.

In the future, the VSDF server could beredeveloped for Unix, although a prerequi-site would be to port the Autoscope SoftwareDevelopment Kit (currently only availablefor Windows) to Unix. Furthermore, modi-fying the Autoscope detection system’s algo-rithm for airport ground traffic—rather thanroad traffic—could significantly improvesystem performance (the software is propri-etary, and the company allowed neitherknowledge nor control of the image-pro-cessing algorithm).

Our next step is to install the proposed sys-tem at a Prague airport within the frameworkof the EMMA (European airport MovementManagement by A-SMGCS) FP6 IP project.We expect the tests will unveil further infor-mation about the system’s potential.


1. Proc. Int’l Symp. Advanced Surface Move-ment Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS), German Inst. Navigation, 1999.

2. N. Pavlidou et al., “First INTERVUSE Project:

Integrated Radar, Flight Plan And DigitalVideo Data Fusion For A-SMGCS,” 4th Euro-pean Congress and Exhibition on ITS (Intelli-gent Transportation System and Services),2004;

3. D.P. Panda and P.G. Michalopoulos, “Deploy-ment of the Next Generation Machine VisionTechnology and Integration with SCOOT inthe City of Minneapolis,” Proc. 5th ITS (Intel-ligent Transportation System and Services)World Congress, Springer-Verlag, 1998.

4. P.G. Michalopoulos, “Vehicle DetectionVideo through Image Processing: The Auto-scope System,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech-nology, vol. 40, no. 1, 1991, pp. 21–29.

5. K.J. Bradshaw, I.D. Reid, and D.W. Murray,“The Active Recovery of 3D Motion Trajec-tories and Their Use in Prediction,” IEEETrans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelli-gence, vol. 19, no. 3, 1997, pp. 219–233.

6. R.G. Brown and P.Y.C. Hwang, Introductionto Random Signals and Applied Kalman Fil-tering, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

7. Manual of Surface Movement, Guidance, andControl Systems, ICAO document 9476-AN/927, Int’l Civil Aviation Org., 1986.

8. Manual of A-SMGCS, ICAO document 9830,Int’l Civil Aviation Org., 2004.

9. J.-C. Vallée, Advanced-Surface Movement Guid-ance and Control Systems, STNA TechnicalRev., no. 61, 2001;

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