using metric_fu to make your rails code better

Using MetricFu to Make Your Rails Code Better Jake Scruggs Senior Consultant @ Obtiva

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Post on 10-Apr-2015




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You’ve got yourself a Rails project and a bunch of developers. Some of those devs are awesome and others are… not so awesome. How can you make sure that your beautiful code doesn’t degrade over time as more people join the project and deadlines loom? Or maybe you’re on a project that has lots of “bad parts of town” and you want to make it better – how will you know if you’re really making a difference? And where to start? Well, the growing field of code metrics is here to help. There are tools to measure test coverage, code complexity, churn (code that needs to change whenever anything changes), bad practices, duplication, and code smells. And all of these various open source projects have been mashed together in metric_fu – a Ruby gem that makes measuring the quality of your code easy (or at least easier).Watch a video at


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Using MetricFu to Make Your Rails Code Better

Jake ScruggsSenior Consultant @ Obtiva

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Boring who am I stuff

• High School Physics teacher

• Apprenticed at Object Mentor

• 6 projects at ThoughtWorks

• Now a consultant at Obtiva

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The hell is a metric_fu?

• It’s a mash-up of various code analysis tools

• I got tired of re-writing the same rake tasks on every project

• It’s since become much more

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How do I use it?

Run the following if you haven't already:

gem sources -a

Install the gem(s):

sudo gem install jscruggs-metric_fu

(You may crash the wifi if you do this now)

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Then what?

• require ‘metric_fu’ in your Rakefile

• Or you could vendor it because you’re a good person

• And then: rake metrics:all

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Bang zoom, you’ve got some metrics

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Why do this?• Code rots one day at a time

• George Carlin’s Law: “Everyone slower than me is stupid, and everyone faster is crazy”

• Prioritize your efforts

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MetricFu uses a bunch of open source projects

to give all this to you

• Rcov

• Flog

• Saikuro

• Rails ‘stats’

• Reek

• Roodi

• Flay

• Churn

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Code Coverage:

So easy you’re probably already doing it

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What’s a good coverage number?

• With Ruby, 100% is very possible

• 30% is bad, but 100% may not be good

• But are my tests any good?

• A good goal is as many tests as there are paths

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• Code coverage means something when it’s low, but may mean nothing when it’s high

• Still, it has its uses

• C1 or C2 coverage would be cool

C0 is did you hit the line -- Rcov measures thisC1 deals with partially executed lines: if foo() and bar() #foo() could return false and bar() would not executeC2 deals with all the possible paths through a method:see rcov.html

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Complexity Measurement

Saikuro Flog

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Managing complexity is just as important as TDD

• If you had to choose:

• Spaghetti code with spaghetti tests

• Well factored code with no tests

Yes, properly done TDD should produce good design. However, people seem to forget about the refactor

part of Red, Green, Refactor

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Flog score example:

the numbers don’t add up

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General guidelines for flog scores per method

• 0-10 Awesome

• 11-20 Good enough

• 21-40 Might need refactoring

• 41-60 Possible to justify

• 61-100 Danger

• 100-200 Whoop, whoop, whoop

• 200 + Someone please think of the children

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Flog is Opinionated

• Documentation is lacking

• But its relative scores are good

• More importantly, Flog knows where the badness lives in Ruby

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Saikuro Example:

Hey, where’s the dynamic one?Explain that Saikuro measures cyclomatic complexity

Explain Cyclomatic Complexity

Saikuro uses a simplifed CC calulation -- just closed loops and not paths

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How does Flog do?

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So now what?

• Create a ‘hit list’ of your most complex methods

• Examine the worst offenders

• Refactor, refactor, refactor

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Damerau Levenshtein Distance Example

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Refactoring complex methods yields many


• Smaller, easier to understand methods

• Finding bugs

• You can see past the craziness and into the code

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Why inject sucks

• Keep in mind that new developers will be joining your team

• Remember Carlin’s Law: “Everyone slower than me is stupid, and everyone faster is crazy”

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Consider these methods:

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Explain Yourself

• If you really believe the complexity is a net gain then keep it, but explain

• framework code

• complex problem space

• Test it well -- more complexity means more tests (one per path is a good goal)

• Ex: ‘Data’ Serialization

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Rails Stats (rake stats)

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Reek(code smells - may not be bad)

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Roodi(more selective about reporting)

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Source Control Churn

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Look for Outliers with Churn

• It may be a ‘god’ object

• It may also be a view that changes a lot

• Try to let metric_fu help you challenge your assumptions

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All this gets put into a yaml file

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So you can consume or mash it up as you like

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Creating a new metric_fu metric

• Ex. I want to analyze git logs to find out people’s check in habits

• Inherit from Generator.

• Implement: Emit, analyze, and to_h methods

• Write a template to display the hash

(Show an example)

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Continuous Code MetricsI highly recommend using CruiseControl.rb or

Integrity to set up a metrics build.

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Metrics: the downside

• Numbers do lie

• Any analysis tool has an opinion

• ‘Bad’ Numbers may be good

• Managers and code metrics:

• If they’re not in the code they can’t make judgment calls

• Gaming the system

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What Code Metrics can do for you

• Help you prioritize

• Shine light on unknown problems

• bugs

• hidden complexity

• Provide another perspective

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Metrics are not a ‘Fire and Forget’ operation

If your code is not getting better every day then it’s

getting worse

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ThanksMe Jake Scruggs


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