using the case method based on material provided by prof. yezdi bhada

Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

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Page 1: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Using the Case Method

Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Page 2: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


Desired Learning Levels


Students Abilities Course Level and Scope

Write Course and Topic Objectives

Select Effective Teaching Methods

How Students Learn

BA 9200 Course Overview

The Lecture

Active LearningTesting and Grading

Page 3: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


When to Use

Evaluating Students

Classroom Strategy


Preparing Students

Page 4: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

When to use

See handout

Page 5: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Pros/Cons of Cases

Pros Cons

Active involvement Need people handling skills

Varied Perspectives Some ideas Unchallenged

Immediate Feedback Grading issues

Oral Skills Extravert/Introvert

Page 6: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


When to Use

Evaluating Students

Classroom Strategy


Preparing Students

Page 7: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Preparing Students

Explain goals: Define major problems Evaluate evidence Generate alternatives, etc.

Explain Evaluation: What is desirable/undesirable participation Thoroughness of analysis Perceptive questioning Distinction between fact and opinion, etc.

Page 8: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


When to Use

Evaluating Students

Classroom Strategy


Preparing Students

Page 9: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Classroom Strategy

Analyze it yourself!

Time Management Detailed tactics

Who to call on? Make groups? Handouts? Closing approach

Page 10: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada

Typology of Questions

Broad Diagnostic - What is the problem/situation? Action/Decision - What would you do if you were… Extension – can you elaborate? Synthesis – how relates to previous comment? Priority – what is more important? Substantiation – what do you base that on? Challenge – so what? Hypothetical – suppose that … Summary – what can we conclude… Why?

Page 11: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


When to Use

Evaluating Students

Classroom Strategy


Preparing Students

Page 12: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


Starting the discussion

Volunteers vs. Cold callingHow much “grilling”?What if they are unprepared?

Managing Allocating air timeUse of blackboardStructured/unstructured, Role playing, groupsYour own body language

Wrap up When to do itTelling them “the answer”

Other issues

Know their names, use index cardsGenerate conflictUse of humor, your own style

Page 13: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


When to Use

Evaluating Students

Classroom Strategy


Preparing Students

Page 14: Using the Case Method Based on material provided by Prof. Yezdi Bhada


Class Discussion Seating chartIndex cardsGive quick feedback

Written Cases Use templateStyle vs. SubstanceDigital Recorders