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Page 1: USING THE DVD - Global Interaction€¦ · GLOBAL INTERACTION 2015. USING THE DVD. This DVD contains short clips about Global . Interaction and the least-reached people groups we
Page 2: USING THE DVD - Global Interaction€¦ · GLOBAL INTERACTION 2015. USING THE DVD. This DVD contains short clips about Global . Interaction and the least-reached people groups we


USING THE DVDThis DVD contains short clips about Global Interaction and the least-reached people groups we serve. Choose clips that relate to the teams/people groups that you are interested in or support.

If you support our work among the H people of Central Asia, K people of the Silk Road Area, B people of South Asia or the IB, IR, IS people groups of South East Asia and would like a clip from the Team Leader please contact us.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This DVD must not be uploaded online in any format. If you record your services please turn off both visual and audio whilst playing the DVD. The content of this DVD contains secure and sensitive details about our ministry. Your cooperation is essential to protect our cross-cultural workers and local believers.

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Jesus instructed His followers to make disciples of all the nations of the world (The Great Commission). But what sounds like a ridiculously huge task was given a plan in Acts.

Acts 1:8 (NIV) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

This plan requires us to “go” to someone somewhere. I am reminded by this quote by Peter Drucker that “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”

Global Interaction’s May Mission Month is an opportunity for you and your church to focus on and broaden your understanding of mission. This year we share some tools to tackle this plan so that together we will reach many more people with the transforming message of Jesus.

This May, I invite you to take time to reflect on your witness as a church and encourage your congregation to explore:

• Who is God calling you/your group/your church to witness to?

• How you can prepare to share your story effectively?

• Where you are placed (location, relational and cultural connections) and who are your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth.

• Your vision of mission and how that impacts your use of resources, what you give to and pray for.

I am excited to see how God uses you, your church and Global Interaction as we unite to share the gift of Christ with those who need to hear about Him here in Australia and across the world and empower them to develop their own distinctive ways of following Him.


• A DVD with clips from every Global Interaction team leader sharing what empowering communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus looks like within their people group

• Children’s activities

• A Bible passage, linked to sermon outlines with discussion questions for services, groups or individual reflection

• Information about financial support and project giving

You and other leaders can download copies of this booklet, and further children’s resources, from our website.

A number of other resources are available on our website. If you would like extra information, resources or a guest speaker to visit, please contact your Global Interaction State Office.

Yours Sincerely,

Heather Coleman General Director

Welcome to your May Mission Month resource pack 2015

Dear Pastors and Leaders,

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Pastors and leaders

INTRODUCTION In our culture today, individualism rules and it’s with this framework we come to the Bible. Yet, the Bible was written in a time and culture that was soaked in family and community. When we consider Acts 1:8, the three references to ‘you’, are not actually ‘You’ the individual, but ‘you’ as a group. Jesus is setting a vision of His mission for His followers to be witnesses of the Good News to friends, neighbours, strangers and people in other cultures, each playing our role within the rich community of the wider church.

The vision we see of the church throughout the New Testament is an intricate tapestry, where people are able to express their God shaped gifting to build up others. Mission, being the core work of the church, is no different.

It’s not about doing everything, but it is definitely about doing something. Something that is meaningful, prayerful and inclusive.

INSIDER STORYAsk someone in your congregation to share their story. Look for someone who:

• is sharing their life and love of Jesus in a unique way.

• can express how God has shaped them and how this has inspired their mission.

YOU ARE SALT AND LIGHTMatthew 5:14 (NIV) You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Key point: As the community of God we are to be salt and light, each person making their unique contribution within the community of God to share the message of Jesus.

Application:• You can either enhance or diminish the power of the salt and light in the world by the way you interact. What ways are you, and you as a community relating to the people around you?

• We are called to be witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus, not just as a historical fact, but also the reality that Jesus is alive today. This changes our lives and has the power to transform the world.

• There is not a one-size-fits all approach. God has gifted each of us to contribute meaningfully to His witness in all spaces of the world.

RESPONSES• For those who do not know Jesus, an invitation to experience the power of His life.

• For those who are following Jesus, encouragement to spiritual practices and engagement with what Jesus is doing in and around you, so that you will be able to share all you see, hear and experience.

• For the church as a whole, what does it look like for us when we gather together to remind one another of what we have seen, heard and experienced, so that we can go out from this place each week and let that transform the way we interact with the whole world.

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INTRODUCTION“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (Chinese Proverb)

Often our natural tendency is to want to be at the finish line, or move on to the next big thing. Or it might be that we think we should be further along than we are. The reality is that nearly everything we do in life is a process or a journey. We have to crawl before we can walk. We have to learn the alphabet before we can write sentences, before we can write a book.

In the same way God in His grace calls us to follow Him and be a part of what He is doing in the community of believers. He has great things in store for us as we follow Him, He wants to transform our lives and use us to transform the whole world. But He always starts with where we are right now.

INSIDER STORYAsk someone in your congregation to share their story. Look for someone who:

• is grappling with how to share the message of Jesus to a family member or close friend.

• can share about their hesitations and joy of leading a friend/family member to faith.

THE DAY OF PENTECOSTActs 2:15, 32 (NIV) “These people are not drunk ... God has raised this Jesus to life and we are all witnesses of it”

Key point: the people nearby noticed what was happening to the disciples, and Peter answered their questions, pointing them to what Jesus was doing. The fact that this happened to them as a group of people, made the statement all the more powerful.

Application: • Who are the people who are close enough to see what is happening in our lives and therefore already have an opportunity to ask us about our experience?

• How will we explain it to them?

ANDREWJohn 1:41-42 (NIV) “The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah.” And he brought him to Jesus.

Key point: When we meet the living Jesus, we want the people we know and love to meet Him too.

Application: • What is unique about you – your interests – that places you in the middle of people (another community) right now who you can point to Jesus?

RESPONSES• For those who are following Jesus, encouragement to love those already in your lives and trust Jesus to be seen in you, being prepared to share when they give you opportunity.

• Who are the people that your church already has contact with and how can you continue to love and serve them so they see Jesus in and through you and want to know more?

Full notes are available at

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INTRODUCTION Many people will be familiar with the kids’ TV show Sesame Street, and its neighbourhood song (play clip from YouTube). The aim of the song was to introduce children to the different people they might meet. It reminds us of a broader point: that it is difficult and scary to engage with people if you don’t know something of who they are.

In our cultural context, many people do not know who the people in the neighbourhood are! Jesus calls us to love our neighbours, and one of the first steps to knowing how to do this is to ask who these people are.

INSIDER STORYAsk someone in your congregation to share their story. Look for someone who:

• is interacting in their own community in an intentional way.

• can share how they express their faith within this space.

PETER & JOHN AT THE TEMPLEActs 3:12, 15-16 (NIV) “Fellow Israelites ... We are witnesses of this. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.”

Key point: The disciples went out into their city, meeting people’s needs and sharing the Gospel.

Application: In our local community there are people who have both physical and spiritual needs. Do we believe that Jesus is the one who can meet them, and are we willing to go out and let them experience and hear that?

THE SEVENTY-TWOLuke 10:8-9 (NIV) ‘... eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’”

Key point: The disciples were sent to meet, stay with, share meals with people in the local towns, and then to meet their physical and spiritual needs by pointing them to Jesus.

Application: • How well do we know the people living in our community and their needs?

• Do we know how they like to connect with one another? What would it look like for us to meet with them and share the Good News as that brings opportunity?

RESPONSES• For those who are following Jesus, encouragement to engage with people in their street, school, local shops etc.

• No one should be excluded.

• For the church as a whole, have we “culturally exegeted”1 our local community? What makes your church uniquely equipped to be a light to your neighbourhood?

1 See, for example, or

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INTRODUCTION In everyday English usage, a “good Samaritan” is a passer-by who steps in and helps. To his Jewish audience, it was an oxymoron – there was no such thing as a “good” Samaritan. Samaritans were despised.

So when we talk about Samaritans, don’t think of kindly people who help, think of the hated and marginalised, and the shock that it is as a disciple of Jesus to hear Him say that these people can be called “good” and are your neighbour, someone you are called to love and that God’s mission extends even to them.

INSIDER STORYAsk someone in your congregation to share their story. Look for someone who:

• works or volunteers with marginalised groups. What role does their faith play in this space?

• or, someone who would be considered part of a marginalised group. What is their experience/perspective of interacting with people?

AND/OR Invite a Global Interaction Cross-Cultural Worker to come and share their stories and experiences of living life among people who are marginalised, oppressed and/or forgotten.

PHILIP IN SAMARIAActs 8:5-6 (NIV) “Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said.”

Key point: Philip was willing to cross social and religious barriers to go to the hated Samaritans. And it seems that often those who are most marginalised are the first to listen closely to the Good News because they recognise their great need of it.

Application: Who are the marginalised in Australian society today? In what ways might they be most open to the message that they are loved and what would it look like for us to demonstrate that to them by crossing the barriers to embrace them?

THE WOMAN AT THE WELLJohn 4:9, 29 (NIV) “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?”

Key point: The Samaritan woman could not believe Jesus was willing to cross gender, cultural and religious barriers to engage with her. And then she was amazed that he really wanted to know her, and she wanted to tell everyone about the man who had made her feel known.

Application: Many people in our society have been labelled as “other” and so do not expect that people will want to get to care for them (e.g. mentally ill, refugees, Muslims, homosexuals, homeless, indigenous etc) How can the church let them know that they are valuable to Jesus and that we want them to be known by Him and by us?

RESPONSES• For those who are following Jesus, encouragement to look around and notice those that other people might overlook. Challenge to be willing to risk reputation to reach out to them.

• As a church how are we responding to Jesus’ call to specifically love the unlovely and neglected? How welcome would someone who is “not like the rest of us” feel in our church? What would it take for the church to become a place where the most marginalised are welcomed and embraced?

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INTRODUCTION The Injustice of the Least-Reached

Over 2 billion people in the world today will go from birth to death without ever hearing the name of Jesus. Only 1% of Christian workers and resources go to the 40% of the world’s population who do not have access to the Gospel.

The call to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth means finding ways to witness to Jesus’ life in the languages and cultural contexts of those who have not yet heard, the least-reached. This is the biggest challenge in global mission today and is an injustice that needs to be confronted.

INSIDER STORYAsk a Global Interaction Cross-Cultural Worker to share their story the work among the least-reached.

AND/OR Watch one of the Global Interaction Introduction clips and of Thai followers of Jesus as they share how God has transformed their life.

PAUL AND BARNABAS GOING TO THE GENTILESActs 13:47 (NIV) For this is what the Lord has commanded us, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

Key point: After the Jews had opportunity to hear the Good News, the disciples wanted to make sure the Gentiles who had no idea about the Messiah knew that He had come for them too.

Application: There are people in our culture and around the world who have the opportunity to hear about Jesus however 40% of people around the world have never heard about Him.

The Gospel is for them too, but there is no indigenous church to reach out to them. Unless we are willing to send people to these difficult places, they will never hear that Jesus is alive and wanting to change their lives.

THE GREAT COMMISSION Matthew 28:19 (NIV) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...”

Key point: Jesus commanded his disciples to share the Good News with people of every people group. But two thousand years later, there are still thousands of people groups who have never heard the Gospel in their own language and culture.

Application: Our Australian Baptist cross-cultural mission works specifically with least-reached people groups because we believe that they should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus in their own language/culture. This is not a separate mission to the mission of the church, but the logical outcome of the Gospel which is transforming news for all.

RESPONSES• For those who are following Jesus, how can they become more aware of global mission, and particularly the least-reached, and how can they pray, give and consider engaging with it as part of their personal witness to the Gospel both near and far?

• How are we, as a church, playing our part in reaching the least-reached? How is our support for global mission connected to and flowing out of our understanding of the Gospel mission or witnessing to Jesus in our families, our local communities, amongst the marginalised, and to those who have never heard?

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SUMMARYIn the Bible (Matthew 28:16-20) we read that Jesus asked all of His followers (which includes us) to share His love and teachings to everyone in the world – this is called The Great Commission.

EVERYONE! How can we do that?

In Acts 1:8 Jesus gives us a plan – to be His witnesses to friends, neighbours, strangers and people in other cultures.

Global Interaction has produced some material for children’s’ workers to use during May Mission Month. The following pages will give you an overview to the themes and activities. There are various individual and group ideas for different ages and full details and solutions can be found at


KEY MESSAGEIn Acts 1:8 Jesus says “you will be my witnesses”. We are all Jesus’ representatives (lights) but on our own we can’t possibly tell every person in this world about Jesus. However when Jesus says “you”, he is actually talking to a group. Each of us need to share Jesus and as a group of believers all across the world we can reach everyone.

MEMORY VERSEMatthew 5:15 (NIV) You are the light of the world.

ACTIVITIES• Say what you see

• What’s inside?

• Follow the light

PRAYERThank you that you love me and want to spend time with me. Help me to know you more so that I can be a good representative and lead others to you.

TAKE HOMEGet to know God more this week by praying or reading your Bible.

What could you do differently to be a better representative of Jesus?

Week 1

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Week 3Week 2

KEY MESSAGEWhen Jesus says “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem” he was talking about where you are now and the people you are close to. Who do you know that you could you tell or show the love of Jesus to?

Communication can be hard, how do you listen well and share Jesus’ love in relation to their situation so that they can understand?

MEMORY VERSELuke 8:38-39 (ERV) But Jesus sent the man away, saying, “Go back home and tell people what God did for you.”

ACTIVITIES• Listen up!

• Taste test

• Twin tables

PRAYERThank you for my friends and family. Please give me good listening skills and courage to tell others about your love in thoughtful ways.

TAKE HOMEThink of a time that you have experienced Jesus do something in your life – what was it? Can you tell your story to someone that you know – be bold you can simply say “Jesus loves me and He loves you”?

Invite a friend or family member to come to church.

KEY MESSAGEWhen Jesus says “you will be my witnesses in… Judea” he was talking about your neighbourhood (hang out) and who lives near you.

Jesus wants us to be a light to those in our area so we need to make connections with them.

MEMORY VERSEMatthew 22:39 (NIV) Love your neighbour as yourself.

ACTIVITIES• Who are the people in your neighbourhood? colouring/craft

• DVD clips - Gorilla spotting, Sesame Street

• Maze

• The sound of the neighbourhood

PRAYERThank you Jesus that you love everybody in my area. Please help me to take notice of the people in my neighbourhood.

TAKE HOMEGet to know someone new this week in your area, look out for them in your street, in your school or at the local shop.

What could you do to make your neighbourhood/hang out a better place?



Jerusalem Judea

Full notes and activity details can be found at

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Week 5Week 4

KEY MESSAGEWhen Jesus says “you will be my witnesses in… Samaria” he was talking about those people who are not liked, who are different or even difficult.

Jesus knows that there are people in our lives who we don’t like or are different to us and he shared a story about a Samaritan who helped a Jew to teach us how to love those types of people.

MEMORY VERSELuke 6:31 (NIV) Do to others as you would have them do to you.

ACTIVITIES• Grouping game• Good Samaritan – drama• Crossword

PRAYERThank you God that your love is for everybody. Please give me strength to be kind and friendly to people who are not like me.

TAKE HOMECan you think of someone who is different to you or someone that no one else likes (maybe in your school)?

Be helpful, kind and friendly to all people especially to someone that you normally ignore.

KEY MESSAGEWhen Jesus says “you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth” he was talking about people of other cultures, languages and even countries.

Are there any people that you know from a different culture or who speak another language? How will they hear the stories about Jesus? What about people in other countries?

MEMORY VERSEIsaiah 12:4 (NLT) Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty He is!


• Who am I?

• Barriers

PRAYERI pray that children like me across the world will have someone to tell them that Jesus loves them.

TAKE HOMEUse prompts to remind yourself to pray for least-reached people groups.

Try and eat something from a different country (Global Interaction recipe sheet).

Collect coins or stamps during the week to help support Global Interaction’s work.


Samaria Ends of the earth


Can you find these words




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This year we offer approximately 70 projects for churches or individuals to support that are affiliated with the work of cross-cultural staff in Africa, Asia and Outback Australia.


For more information

and to pledge


Mail: Download the pledge slip online and send in to PO Box 3085 Auburn VIC 3123

Email: [email protected]

Call: Alison Nissley, Projects Coordinator 03 9819 4944

Thank you and your church for the generous donations made during May Mission Month.

You can download a spreadsheet at to assist you in preparing details of donations that you are forwarding to Global Interaction.

Tax receipts can only be issued for the 2015 tax year, for monies that are actually received by Global Interaction on or before the 30 June 2015. If your church has individuals that require a tax receipt and have donated via the church, then the church will have to ensure that the donation is received by Global interaction on or before June 30 in order for a 2015 tax receipt to be issued to the individual.

Give using the giving envelopes or online at

• Give to the ministry of Global Interaction (not tax deductible)

• Give to SFI Overseas Aid Fund (for a tax deductible donation)

• Support a cross-cultural worker• Support a project

GIVING TO A PROJECTWhy support a project?Supporting a project is a tangible way for your church to engage with global mission and partner with our ministry during May Mission Month. Your church members can learn about, pray for, encourage and financially support a vital aspect of Global Interaction’s work.

Select a projectView project options in this booklet or on our website

Select one or more projects for your church to support. We encourage you to choose a project that links with your church’s connection with a people group or Global Interaction team member.

Pledge your supportContact our Projects Coordinator (details in box below) to let us know of your anticipated support. This enables us to provide you with more information and gives us an idea of how much support a project is likely to receive. If a project receives its target amount we can let you know as soon as possible and discuss alternative projects with you.

Plan and get resourcedInform the church and get everyone involved. Hold fundraising events such as an international lunch or trivia evening. Choose clips from the enclosed DVD, order other resources such as MOVED or the What Happens When series to support your church’s May Mission Month.

Collect gifts and send them inDistribute giving envelopes. Once you’ve collected gifts, send them to Global Interaction.

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Projects 2015 Priority Ministry Initiatives Global Interaction cross-cultural workers serve in teams among least-reached people groups and funding their ministry is our greatest financial need. Contact us or visit our website for information about supporting our workers. These projects represent key ministry priorities for 2015.

On the Road Again – Our Outback team travels thousands of kilometers to spend time with churches and Indigenous communities to maintain important relationships and support faith communities. The distance, extreme heat and unsealed roads take an enormous toll on vehicles.

Outback Australia (Code ABwh411) Not tax deductible $35,000

Schooling# – Ensuring appropriate education is provided for the children of our cross-cultural workers.

Culture and Language learning# – Training teams to effectively communicate with local people prepares them for long-term effectiveness.

Nurturing Faith CommunitiesGlobal Interaction desires to see established faith groups flourish through their own Indigenous leaders.

Ciyawo Bible Translation – This Bible revision project will ensure that the Yawo of Malawi will have a Bible that is translated in a way that they can understand so that they can hear and read the Word of God in their heart language.

Malawi (Code MLwh414) Not tax deductible $75,900

Local Leaders to Baptist Congress – Four key leaders from Zambia and Zimbabwe will be sent to the Baptist World Alliance Congress in South Africa to equip them as there are few resources within their countries. They will sit under the teaching and preaching of international speakers, network and build relationships with other Baptists and learn and grow through the testimonies of other emerging leaders from developing countries.

Zambia and Zimbabwe (Code ZZga401) Not tax deductible $4,400

All Global Interaction Project details can be found at Detailed information found on our website

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Education and TrainingGlobal Interaction is working in rural settings where there is a lack of education and technical skills training. These projects assist people to practically provide for their families, further their employment opportunities and be equipped for their roles.

Education Foundation – Our team runs two branches of an Education Foundation to offer training for people from low socio-economic backgrounds. They aim to improve the standard of living for both IB and IS people in South East Asia through offering training in language acquisition and teaching, budgeting and computer use.

South East Asia (Code IBwh601)

Tax deductible $56,100

Scholarship Fund – This project enables leaders to receive essential training that will equip them in their roles within Baptist churches and Bible colleges as well as enabling them to strengthen their faith communities where there are often limited resources.

Bangladesh, India, Zambia and Zimbabwe (Code SFke205) Not tax deductible $27,790

Teacher Training Program – Partnering with a local university, and now extending into the local town, the team provides resources and English training to equip local teachers and students, helping the Yao gain confidence and grow in opportunities as they live in an increasingly globalised world.

Mozambique (Code MZwh412)

Tax deductible $16,500

Community DevelopmentGlobal Interaction teams live in communities with least-reached people and focus on bringing whole-of-life transformation.

Disability Services – People in South Asia living with a disability receive little or no assistance and are also excluded from and stigmatised in society. This project supports a Disability Services Resource Officer to run workshops to train people to advocate for themselves and access assistance so that they can have greater community acceptance and be able to participate in their communities.

South Asia (Code SAsy605)

Tax deductible $5,845

HIV/AIDS Education and Income Generation – This project supports education and development programs to help communities address needs brought about by the impact of HIV/AIDS. Local staff run income generation projects and conduct awareness and prevention programs in local communities, schools, youth detention centres, jails and rehabilitation centres.

Thailand (Code TObr601)

Tax deductible $25,725

Sheep Project – Our team are involved in a livestock program which enables them to build relationships with H people. Sheep have been supplied to families who raise them for breeding, selling or food. As the program grows, more families will be able to participate. More than half the population in this area lives below the international poverty line so this will give them a new skill and way to provide for their families and their communities.

Central Asia (Code CAwh701)

Tax deductible $30,250

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Global Interaction has created a series of 5 postcards to encourage and remind you and the

members of your church of your roles in His mission to reach every person on this earth with

His story of salvation.

At the end of these 5 weeks spend time in prayer asking God which area He is calling

you to be involved in witnessing to.

TO ORDER AND TO PRINT or call 03 9819 4944

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National Officep. PO Box 3085

Auburn VIC 3123 597 Burwood Rd Hawthorn VIC 3122

t. 03 9819 4944 [email protected]

New South Wales and Australian Capital TerritoryAndrew Palmer, State Director p. PO Box 122 Epping NSW 1710 t. 02 9868 9250 [email protected]

QueenslandGeoff Cramb, State Directorp. PO Box 6166

Mitchelton QLD 4053t. 07 3354 5603 [email protected]

South Australia and Northern Territory Luke Hutchinson, State Director p. PO Box 432 Unley SA 5061 t. 08 8357 1755 [email protected]

Victoria and TasmaniaRyan Smith, State Director p. PO Box 377 Hawthorn VIC 3122 t. 03 9880 6161 [email protected]

Western AustraliaColin Meadows, State Director p. PO Box 57 Burswood WA 6100 t. 08 6313 6300 [email protected]