using visual saliency for object tracking with particle filters

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Page 1: Using Visual Saliency for Object Tracking with Particle Filters

HAL Id: hal-00584682

Submitted on 11 Apr 2011

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Using Visual Saliency for Object Tracking with ParticleFilters

Désiré Sidibé, David Fofi, Fabrice Mériaudeau

To cite this version:Désiré Sidibé, David Fofi, Fabrice Mériaudeau. Using Visual Saliency for Object Tracking with ParticleFilters. EUSIPCO 2010. 18th European Signal Processing Conference, Jul 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.pp.1776-1780, 2010. <hal-00584682>

Page 2: Using Visual Saliency for Object Tracking with Particle Filters


Desire Sidibe, David Fofi, and Fabrice Meriaudeau

LE2I Laboratory - UMR CNRS 5158, Universite de Bourgogne12 Rue de la Fonderie, 71200, Le Creusot, France

email: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThis paper presents a robust tracking method based on the in-tegration of visual saliency information into the particle filterframework. While particle filter has been successfully usedfor tracking non-rigid objects, it shows poor performances inthe presence of large illumination variation, occlusions andwhen the target object and background have similar colordistributions. We show that considering saliency informa-tion significantly improves the performance of particle filterbased tracking. In particular, the proposed method is robustagainst occlusion and large illumination variation while re-quiring a reduced number of particles. Experimental resultsdemonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.


Tracking moving objects is an important task in many com-puter vision applications including video surveillance, smartrooms, mobile robotics, augmented reality and video com-pression. Despite many effort, it is still a challenging prob-lem due to the presence of noise, changes of illumination,cluttered background and occlusions that introduce uncer-tainty in the estimation of the object’s state.

The main objective of tracking is to roughly predict andestimate the location of a target object in each frame of asequence. Many methods have been developed and can bedivided into two groups: deterministic methods and stochas-tic methods [12]. Methods of the former group iterativelysearch for the local maxima of a similarity measure betweena template of the target and the current image. The Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracker [7] and the mean-shift tracker [3] areexamples of this category of methods. In contrast, meth-ods of the latter group use the state space representation ofthe moving object to model its underlying dynamics. Thetracking problem can then be viewed as a Bayesian inferenceproblem. In the case of a linear dynamic model with Gaus-sian noise, Kalman filter provides an optimal solution. How-ever, for non-linear and non-Gaussian cases, it is impossibleto find analytic solutions. Over the last decade, particles fil-ters, also known as condensation or sequential Monte Carlomethods, have proved to be very efficient for object track-ing [4, 5, 9]. Different types of features can be used withinthe particle filter framework. Color distribution [9, 8] is ro-bust against noise and partial occlusion, but becomes inef-fective in the presence of illumination changes, or when thebackground and the target have similar colors. Edges or con-tour features [5] are more robust to illumination variations,but are sensitive to clutter and are computationally expen-sive. For better performances, one can combine color andedge features as in [11, 12].

When looking at a scene, humans tend to focus on re-gions that are visually salient, i.e. that are more conspicuous

in contrast with respect to their neighborhood [6, 10]. Salientregions detection has been used in many applications includ-ing image retrieval, image segmentation and object recog-nition. Most of the existing detection methods are basedon a low-level approach and use different features such ascolor, intensity and orientation. In general, separate featuremaps are created for each of the features considered and thencombined to obtain the final saliency map. One represen-tative method is the work of Itti et al. [6] who employescolor, intensity and orientation maps with a histogram en-tropy thresolding analysis. Recently, Achanta et al. [1] in-troduce a frequency-based method which exploits color andluminance features. Their method is easy to implement, fastand provide full resolution saliency maps.

In this paper, we integrate visual saliency informationinto the particle filters framework for object tracking. In par-ticular, we show how to combine color and saliency distri-butions to increase the robustness to large illumination vari-ations and to similar background color. Visual saliency hasalso been used for tracking by Zhang et al. [14], but theirmethod is based on the detection of salient objects using bothstatic and motion features.

The paper is organized as follows. An overview of par-ticle filtering based tracking is given in Section 2. In Sec-tion 3, the proposed method is described, explaining the vi-sual saliency detection and its combination with color fortracking. Experimental results and discussion are shown inSection 4 and, finally, concluding remarks are given in Sec-tion 5.


This section briefly introduces the particle filter method fortracking. For more details and theoretical proofs, the readeris invited to refer to [4, 2]. A particle filter is a sequen-tial Monte Carlo method, which recursively approximatesthe posterior distribution using a finite set of weighted sam-ples {xi

t ,wit}i=1,...,N . Each sample xi

t represents a hypotheticalstate of the target with a corresponding importance weightwi

t . Given all observations up to time t, Zt = {z0,z1, . . . ,zt},the goal is to estimate the state of the target object xt , i.e. tofind the posterior distribution p(xt |Zt). Let’s assume that thesystem is governed by the following state-space representa-tion: {

xt = f (xt−1)+ vt−1zt = h(xt)+nt

, (1)

where f and h are respectively the system transition and themeasurement functions, and vt−1 and nt are the system andmeasurement noises.

The particle filter, like any sequential Bayesian tech-nique, uses a prediction and correction strategy. The pre-

Page 3: Using Visual Saliency for Object Tracking with Particle Filters

diction stage uses the system transition model to predict theposterior at time t as:

p(xt |Zt−1) =∫

p(xt |xt−1)p(xt−1|Zt−1)dxt−1. (2)

The correction step uses the available observation at timet, zt , to update the posterior using Bayes’ rule:

p(xt |Zt) =p(zt |xt)p(xt |Zt−1)

p(zt |Zt−1). (3)

2.1 Color Distribution ModelDifferent types of features can be used to measure the obser-vation likelihood of the samples. Among them, color distri-bution is robust against noise and partial occlusion, and fastto compute [9, 8]. Usually, color distributions are representedby histograms in the RGB or HSV color space. The colordistribution p(x) = {pu(x)}u=1,...,m of a region centered atlocation x is given by:

pu(x) = CNp





)δ [b(xi)−u], (4)

where C is a normalizer, δ is the Kronecker function, k is akernel with bandwith h, Np is the number of pixels in the re-gion and b(xi) is a function that assigns one of the m-bins toa given color at location xi. The kernel k is used to considerspatial information by lowering the contribution of fartherpixels.

Several distances can be defined to compute the similar-ity between color distributions such as the KL-distance orhistogram intersection. Here, we adopt the popular Bhat-tacharyya coefficient as a similarity measure [3]. If we de-note p∗ = {p∗u(x0)}u=1,...,m as the reference color model ofthe object and p(xt) as a candidate color model, then the dis-tance between p∗ and p(xt) is defined by:

ρ[p∗, p(xt)] =





] 12


Each sample xit is assigned an importance weight which

corresponds to the likelihood that xit is the true location of the

object. In the case of the bootstrap filter [4], the weights aregiven by the observation likelihood:

wit = p(zt |xi

t) ∝ e−λρ[p∗,p(xit )]

2, (6)

where λ = 20 in our experiments as in [9].


In particle filtering based tracking, one has to resolve the con-tradiction between robustness and tracking speed. In fact,a large number of particles, or samples, leads to more ro-bust results at the price of high computational load and slowtracking speed. Moreover, the features distributions have tobe evaluated for each of the samples. Based on this consid-erations, we use the saliency detection method of Achanta etal. [1] in our work. This method is computationally efficientwhile providing full resolution saliency maps.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Saliency detection example. Top row shows orig-inal images and bottom row shows corresponding saliencymaps.

3.1 Saliency DetectionThe saliency detection method fully described in [1] is basedon color and luminance features. For each pixel of the im-age, we compute the degree of saliency with respect to itsneighborhood as the Euclidean distance between the pixelvector and the average vector of the input image in the Labcolor space. Formally, the input image I is first converted toCIELab color space I∗. From I∗, one computes the mean im-age feature I∗µ = [Lµ ,aµ ,bµ ]T and a Gaussian blurred imageI∗σ using a 5×5 separable binomial kernel. The saliency at apixel location (x,y) is then given by:

S(x,y) =∥∥I∗µ − I∗σ (x,y)

∥∥ , (7)

where ‖‖ is the L2 norm.The method emphasizes the largest salient objects and

generates sharper and well-defined boundaries of salient ob-jects.

Some saliency detection results are shown in Figure 1. Asit can be seen, regions that stand out relative to their neigh-bors are detected as been salient parts of the image. However,in some situations, the object of interest might be detected asbeing less salient. This is depicted in Figure 1-c, where pix-els belonging to the face of the person have lower saliencyvalues compared to background pixels. Therefore, saliencyinformation has to be carefully combined with color infor-mation to achieve good tracking results. The next subsectionexplains how we combine these two information.

3.2 Using Saliency for TrackingBased on the saliency detection method described in Sec-tion 3.1, we define a saliency distribution for a region of theimage in a similar way to the color distribution, i.e. usingequation (4). The similarity between two saliency distribu-tions is measured by the Bhattacharyya distance.

Figure 2 shows examples of similarity measures betweencolor and saliency distributions. As we can notice, in caseswhere the object of interest and the background have sim-ilar colors, color feature is not enough to identify the ob-ject. In the given example, the distance between the colordistributions of the reference model in Figure 2-a and the

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candidate model in Figure 2-b is ρ12 = 0.4983 while the dis-tance between the color distributions of the reference modeland the candidate model in Figure 2-c is ρ13 = 0.4933. Itis thus, hard to distinguish the correct location of the object.Using saliency distributions, the distances are respectively,ρ ′12 = 0.1963 and ρ ′13 = 0.3620, showing the distinctivenessof visual saliency.

Despite the distinctiveness of saliency feature, in somesituations, the object of interest might be detected as be-ing less salient than the background, as mentioned in Sec-tion 3.1. Therefore, in order to improve the robustness of thetracker, we combine both color and saliency features, auto-matically weighting their respective contribution to the like-lihood function.

More precisely, given N samples {xit}i=1,...,N at time t, let

ρ ic be the distance between the reference and the i-th candi-

date color distributions, and let ρ is be the distance between

the reference and the i-th candidate saliency distributions.Then each sample xi

t is assigned an importance weight givenby:

wit ∝ (1−αt)e−λ (ρ i

c)2+αte−λ (ρ i

s)2. (8)

The weighting parameter αt is evaluated at every time t usingthe following formula:

αt =ρc

ρc +ρs, (9)

where ρc is the mean value of {ρ ic}i=1,...,N .

By employing a time varying weighting parameter, thetracker can adaptively give more importance to one featureor the other based on the color and saliency distributions ofevery frame of the sequence. Thus, we can deal with largeillumination variations and similar background color.

3.3 Particle Filter TrackingTo implement the particle filter, one has to define the statevector and the dynamic model of the system. We define thestate as x = [x,y,sx,sy]T , where (x,y) is the location of thetarget object, sx and sy are the scales in the x and y directions.In the prediction stage of the particle filter, the samples arepropagated through a dynamic model. We use a first orderauto-regressive (AR) process for simplicity:

xt = Axt−1 +vt−1, (10)

where vt−1 is a multivariate Gaussian random noise and Adefines the deterministic system model. A constant velocitymodel is usually used for the dynamic model.

In the update stage, the observation likelihood for eachsample, i.e., the weights for each sample, are estimated us-ing equation (8). In practice, to avoid degeneracy, i.e. all butone particle having negligible weights after a certain numberof recursive steps, a bootstrap resampling is performed. Theresampling step is also designed to handle sample impover-ishment, i.e. particles that have high weights are statisticallyselected more often than others [2].


To evaluate the performance of the proposed trackingmethod, we applied it to different sequences showing confus-ing background color and large illumination variations. The

image size of the sequences is 320× 240. We use the HSVcolor space with a 8× 8× 8 bins histogram to represent thecolor distribution, and we employ a 16 bins histogram forsaliency distribution. The HSV color space is used instead ofRGB because it is less sensitive to lighting conditions. In allexperiments, the tracked object is manually initialized in thefirst frame.

To show the robustness of our method against similarbackground color, we use the Plane sequence of 300 framesand compare the basic color based particle filter with thesaliency based one. In both cases, we use 100 particles fortracking. The top row of Figure 3 shows the results of thecolor histogram based tracker. The tracker totally loses thetarget after several frames. The bottom row in Figure 3 showsthe tracking results using our approach. We can see that thetracker robustly follows the target despite confusing back-ground color.

In particle filter tracking, the robustness and the track-ing speed are proportional to the number of samples used. Alarge number of samples provides more robust results at theprice of high computational load and slow tracking speed.Experiments show that the proposed tracker can successfullytrack the target with a reduced number of particles. For ex-ample, our method robustly follows the target in the Planesequence with as few as only 20 particles, which significantlyreduces the computational time.

In the second experiment, the Face sequence is used toevaluate the performance of the proposed tracker against se-vere and sudden illumination changes. The results are shownin Figure 4. It is important to point out that because ofthe poor lighting environment, the background color distri-bution is similar to that of the face. This makes the colorbased tracker to lose the target. Furthermore, the color basedtracker can hardly adapt to a sudden illumination change. Onthe contrary, the proposed saliency based tracker performsextremely well in this situation. Note that the tracker is alsorobust against occlusion since it can recover the target objecteven if it is fully oclluded as shown by frames 612 and 679in Figure 4.

For a quantitative evaluation of the tracking methods, weuse the spatial overlap metric defined in [13]. Let Si

GT and SiT

be, respectively, the ground truth and the estimated boundingbox of the object in the i-th frame of a sequence. The spatialoverlap is defined as:

ζi =Area(Si

GT ∩SiT )

Area(SiGT ∪Si

T )(11)

The object in frame k is accurately estimated if ζk > T , wherethe threshold T is set to 0.25 in our experiments.

The tracking performances are given in Table 1. For eachmethod, the accuracy is defined as the ratio between the num-ber of frames the object location is accurately estimated andthe total number of frames in the sequence. Our saliencybased tracker outperforms the color based tracker for all threesequences, providing excellent results for the Plane and Facesequences. In the case of the Walk sequence, the tracking ac-curacy is limited due to the fact that the walking person (thetarget) is hardly distinguishable from the background. How-ever, using visual saliency improves the tracking results asshown in Figure 5.

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Similarity measure between color and saliency distributions. (a) Reference color and saliency distributions. (b)First color and saliency candidate distributions. (c) Second color and saliency candidate distributions. Using color feature, thedistances between the color distributions are respectively, ρ12 = 0.4983 and ρ13 = 0.4933. Using saliency distributions, thedistances are ρ ′12 = 0.1963 and ρ ′13 = 0.3620.

frame 2 frame 25 frame 50 frame 100 frame 230

Figure 3: Tracking results using the Plane sequence. Top row shows results with the color based tracker and bottom rowshows results with the proposed method.

frame 1 frame 100 frame 160 frame 260 frame 350

frame 410 frame 500 frame 600 frame 612 frame 679

Figure 4: Tracking results in the presence of severe illumination change and occlusion. The target face is consistently androbustly tracked by the proposed method despite poor lighting condition and occlusion.

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frame 1 frame 20 frame 40 frame 55 frame 70

Figure 5: Tracking results using the Walk sequence. Top row shows results with the color based tracker and bottom row showsresults with the proposed method.

Table 1: Tracking Performance Scorescorrect/total Accuracy (%)C C-S C C-S

Plane sequence 201/300 300/300 67 100Face sequence 429/680 671/680 63 98Wall sequence 21/70 48/70 30 68

C = color based trackerC-S = color and saliency based tracker.


In this paper a robust tracking method is proposed. It is basedon the integration of visual saliency information into the par-ticle filter framework. We have shown how to effectivelycombine color and saliency information in order to make thetracker robust against occlusion, confusing background colorand large illumination variation. Experiments with differentsequences show that the proposed tracking method outper-forms the established color based tracker, while requiringa reduced number of particles. A direction of future workwould be an extension for multi-object tracking, incorporat-ing shape and texture features.


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