uspa newsletter - united states psychotronics...

USPA Newsletter New Series Vol. 2, No. 1 (January, 2016) Announcing the 2016 Conference of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) and Call for Papers, Vendors, & Exhibitors The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) will be hosting its annual conference, July 15 th -17 th , 2016, at the beautiful Wyndham Glenview Suites in Glenview, Illinois (near O’Hare airport Chicago). The Conference theme is: “Exploring Subtle Energy: The Past, Present, and Future” Featured speakers will include: Dr. William Tiller, Karl Merit, M.D., Dr. Jon Klimo, Dr. Beverly Rubik, Dr. Glen Rein, Lutie Larsen, Guy Obolensky, John H. Reed, M.D., and others. Further information will be sent out in the coming months as additional conference speakers join us for this special event involving leading edge sciences. Send your inquires to: [email protected] Call for Papers: For an opportunity to speak at the 2016 USPA conference on any of the psychotronics subjects listed below, please send your title, abstract, and a short biography to the email [email protected] . Please title your email with “2016 abstract - (your last name)” Abstracts are due by February 6, 2016, and please include a short bio of yourself. Accepted speakers will need to provide their own transportation and lodging, but the Conference fees will waived. 1

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  • USPA Newsletter New Series Vol. 2, No. 1 (January, 2016)

    Announcing the 2016 Conference of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)

    and Call for Papers, Vendors, & Exhibitors

    The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) will be hosting its annual conference, July 15th-17th, 2016, at the beautiful Wyndham Glenview Suites in Glenview, Illinois (near O’Hare airport Chicago).

    The Conference theme is: “Exploring Subtle Energy: The Past,

    Present, and Future” Featured speakers will include: Dr. William Tiller, Karl Merit, M.D., Dr. Jon Klimo, Dr.

    Beverly Rubik, Dr. Glen Rein, Lutie Larsen, Guy Obolensky, John H. Reed, M.D., and others. Further information will be sent out in the coming months as additional conference speakers join us for this special event involving leading edge sciences. Send your inquires to: [email protected] Call for Papers: For an opportunity to speak at the 2016 USPA conference on any of the psychotronics subjects listed below, please send your title, abstract, and a short biography to the email [email protected] . Please title your email with “2016 abstract - (your last name)” Abstracts are due by February 6, 2016, and please include a short bio of yourself. Accepted speakers will need to provide their own transportation and lodging, but the Conference fees will waived.


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  • Call for Vendors/Exhibitors The USPA welcomes vendors and exhibitors representing groups, firms, and organizations focused on the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness. Fees are $30 per table, plus 10% of gross sales. For more information please contact Bob Peters, VP of Exhibitor Relations, at: [email protected]. The USPA website: Join USPA on Facebook:


    Psychotronic, Radionics, and Related Devices, Part 1 By John H. Reed, M.D.

    The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) is attempting to identify all psychotronic, radionic, and related devices that have been invented in order to do analyses and evaluations of their function and effectiveness. In addition, the USPA is developing a collection of historical devices, which can be periodically displayed and demonstrated at its annual meeting, including the 2016 USPA Conference, at other events, or displayed in an appropriate museum. So if you happen to know the whereabouts of any of the historical devices mentioned below, please write to the USPA at : [email protected] In Part 1, we have started the list with the oldest instruments first, going all the way back to the oscilloclast, developed by the “father” of radionics, Dr. Albert Abrams in the 1920’s. Devices invented from the 1920s through the 1960s that we know about have been identified, and links are provided to photos and additional information about these devices and their inventors. However, there are undoubtedly other devices that were developed during that historic period that we do not know about. So if there are any devices you know about that are not shown, or if you have additional information about the devices that are shown, please let us know at the email address below. In Part 2 in February’s USPA Newsletter, we will focus on the psychotronic and radionic devices developed in the 1970s through the present. We need your help in identifying the many devices that were developed by modern pioneers in this field, such as Peter Kelly, Bruce Copen, and other. Please let us know the model, manufacturer, and time period any such devices were produce in, as well as, the purpose of the device. Write to us at:[email protected] All of the psychotronics, radionics, and related devices that we discover will be listed on this webpage, and links to specific pages for each instrument in the


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  • online encyclopedia are being planned where more detailed information will be provided. By clicking on the blue or purple links provided, below, you will be taken to one or more web pages where photos of the device, its inventor, and its use are provided. The devices are arranged by decade of first invention or development: 1920's: Albert Abrams Instruments: Albert Abrams (1863-1924) was the “father” of Radionics, and developed several instruments: Biodynamometer: Dynomizer (Dynamizer): Oscilloclast (Oszilloclast): This is the radionics device for which Abrams is best knowm. Samuel Hoffman is said to be the co-inventor, but little is known about him. Phygmobiometer : Radioclast: Reflexophon (Reflexophone): John W. (J.W.) Wigelsworth Instruments. Dr. John W. (J.W.) Wigelsworth (October 29, 1885 - May 2, 1975), developed several devices, and was a mentor of T. Galen Hieronymus. These devices were manufactured by Pathometric Laboratories of Chicago, Illinois, beginning in the 1920’s. Wigelsworth’s last name is frequently misspelled as “Wigglesworth”. Patho-neurometer: Pathoclast: Pathoinductor: 1930's: Calbro Magno-Wave Hemodimagnometer (Calbro Magnawave), This instrument was first developed around 1930’s and continued to be manufactured into the 1950’s. It was developed by two engineers, Caldwell and Bronson, as a radionic treatment for a number of medical ailments. It had sections with a "treatment circuit" for diagnosing with specific levels of electricity. It was also used to test samples of radiations in foods, minerals, or vitamins to figure out how the biochemical and electrochemical reactions of patients in order to ascertain their treatment and recovery. The device pictured is in the Bakken Museum Artifact Collection. (1) Drown Radio Vision Camera (Drown Camera): Improved version of the original HVR instrument, developed by Dr. Ruth B. Drown (1892-1963) Drown Homo-Vibra Ray (HVR) Instrument: Developed by Dr. Ruth B. Drown Electro-Metabograph: This device was developed by Art Tool & Die Co., of Detroit, Michigan in the 1930’s, which produced a variety of models from the middle of the


  • nineteen thirties until 1942, when shortage of electronic parts for civilian use during World War II forced the company to discontinue production. (3) Hieronymus ElectroBiometer (1930) developed by T. Galen Hieronymus Hieronymus Analyzer (T. Galen Hieronymus)

    Rife Machine: Developed by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife to treat cancer, microbial infections, and other diseases. Rife Microscope: Developed by Royal Raymond Rife, and was an optical microscope with a much greater power than any optical microscope that has yet been invented; Rogers White Light Radionic Analyser: Developed by A. Stanley Rogers ( ?? -1959), who had worked with T. G. Hieronymous in the 1920’s. They had been partners at that time and used radionics devices to explore for oil and prospect for mineral deposits. However, a dispute lead to the dissolution of their partnership, and Roger then developed the White Light Radionic Analyser, which was based on the Calbro-Magnowave Hemodimagnometer. Interestingly, Rogers developed cancer and was a patient of Ruth Drown at one time. (2) 1940's: Hieronymus Machine: developed by Dr. Tomas Galen Hieronymus (1895-1988), who received US patent # 2,482,773 for his device in 1949. (Photos of the device) 1950's: DeLaWarr Camera(s): developed by George W. De La Warr (1904-1969) in England. UK Patents received: #741,651; #761976; Additional photo and information. Homeotronic Foundation Devices: Homeotronic Memorial Foundation, Harrisburg, PA, 1950’s Reich Orgone Accumulator Device: Developed by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957)for the treatment of cancer. In the 1950's, at the behest of the FDA , Reich was imprisoned and his books were burnt. 1960's: Priore Machine: developed in the 1960's by French researcher, Dr. Antoine Priore, to cure cancer and other diseases and was remarkably successful; Russian Sleep Machine also known as the Electrosone or Somniatron Electrosleep Machine: first reported by Arthur C. Clarke in his book, Profiles of the Future; (photo of instrument about half way down the page on this link)


  • 1970’s: 1980’s: 1990’s: 2000’s: 2010's: Quantec Device: A quantum healing device developed by Peter Von Buengner

    Thync Device: A newly developed device that reduces stress, enhances sleep, enhances motivation and concentration, and affects other emotional states; References:

    1. Internet, Pinterst website: accessed at:

    2. Internet, Oocities website, accessed at: and 3. Internet, Borderland Sciences website: accessed:


  • USPA Local Groups and Affiliates Update

    As mentioned in the December, 2015, USPA Newsletter, one of our goals is to resurrect as USPA local groups and affiliates, all of the former 24 USPA Chapters that once existed across the US and Mexico. In addition, we plan to establish new local groups of people interested psychotronics and related subjects in other major cities in the US and other countries as well. All such local groups and affiliates will be independent, but will work together with the USPA in a mutually beneficial relationship to achieve our goals of advancing research and applications in psychotronics, radionics, subtle energy, and related fields.

    To do this in a proactive way, we will be establishing a number USPA affiliated groups in various cities via the online group platform. That will enable current and former members to more easily have local get-togethers, meetings, and other activities, since those activities, times, and other details can be posted online, and communication will be much faster and easier. So please let me know if you would like to be the leader of a group in your area.

    Also, anyone else, including current and former USPA members can establish a new USPA affiliated group or re-establish a former group. Just let me know if you would like to do so, and what city you are from, so that we can coordinate our activities and not have two or more people trying to set up a group in the same city or metropolitan area. And if you want to set up a traditional style local group, that is OK too, since the structure, and activities would be the essentially the same.

    If you do decide to use to establish your local group, you could do it quickly and easily by going to , and clicking on the big red word “Start” in the upper left, and then just following the step-by-step procedures. You can give your local group any name you want, but it should probably have a name that relates to psychotronics in some way. And if you need any help, please let me know, and I will help you in any way I can. Perhaps the most important thing is enthusiasm and determination, so write to me, even if you don’t know any other USPA members in your area, and I will help you set up a local group: [email protected]

    6[email protected]

  • USPA Library and Archives Update:


    As noted in the previous newsletter, one of USPA’smajor goals and activities is to build up its library of books, periodicals, articles, and other materials on psychotronics, radionics, subtle energies, and related subjects. We eventually want to make these items, as much as possible, available to all USPA members to help them in their research.

    Several people wrote and asked if there were a complete list of USPA books, periodicals, articles, and other items available. Because we have hundreds of such items, the list is currently being compiled, and a complete list is not yet available. When it is completed and we have worked out the lending procedures, these will be posted on the USPA website.

    In the meantime, however, the lack of a list will not pose any problem to you, since our USPA Literature Research Service is up and running. With this service, we will find any article, book, periodical, or other item you are seeking on psychotronic and related subjects, and provide it to you. So in a sense you don’t even need the USPA Library catalog list, because we are not limited by that. Just tell us what you need, and if it exists anywhere in the world, we will find a copy for you.

    Please Note: We are collecting and preserving all items on psychotronic and related subjects for the USPA library and archives, so if have any articles, periodicals, books, or other materials that you would like to donate to the USPA library, or that you would like us to preserve for you, please let us know.

    Almost everyone has numerous computer PDF files of articles, periodicals, and books on their computers or discs, and if you do, please send them by email or via a file sharing service to the email below so that they can be added to the library. If you have physical items, then you can send them to us, or we will arrange to pick them up. Please let our librarian and archivist , John Reed, know of anything you have available to contribute, since he is coordinating this activity: [email protected] , or call 443-858-0757.


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  • Exchange Corner

    The “Exchange Corner”, is a place for USPA members to buy, exchange, or sell items of interest, or request information or other help in relation to something wanted. So if there is anything you want to buy, sell or trade that has to do with psychotronics, radionics, subtle energy, or related subjects, please contacted the Classified Ads manager at: [email protected]. For the next few issues, all such ads will be free of charge, so please send your ads and wanted requests as soon as possible before advertising charges begin.

    Wanted: Back issues of the USPA Newsletter. We want to form a complete set for the USPA Archives, and to make them available as PDF files for our members. Contact: [email protected]

    Wanted: Any issues of the Newsletter of the American Society of Dowsers, published from 1961 through 1963. These were 8.5X11 inch sheets stapled together, and not the digest size journal that you may be familiar with, which began in 1964. Contact John at: [email protected]

    Wanted: Any articles, periodicals, books, or other materials on psychotronic related subjects that you can donate or lend to the USPA for its library and archives. The USPA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization, and as such, you are able to make tax deductible donations to the USPA. Please email the USPA at: [email protected] to make arrangements. Thank you for your generosity.

    Wanted: Articles, notices, and other items to be published in this USPA Newsletter. This newsletter reaches up to 500 people in the psychotronics community, so please tell us about your research and other activities in this field.

    Does anyone happen to have the book, Contact with Space, by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.? This book was published in New York by Core Pilot Press in 1957, and was the last book Reich published, before the FDA sent him to prison for trying to help treat people with cancer, and then burnt his books. We are aware that it can be purchased for $50.00 or more from some sources, but would prefer to borrow it and save the money for research. Please email John at: [email protected]


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  • United States Psychotronic Association (USPA) Officers and Board Members

    Officers: President: Jon Klimo, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

    VP (Scientific Research & Conference Speakers): Glen Rein, Ph.D. email: [email protected] VP (Exhibitor Relations): Bob Peters email: [email protected]

    VP (Radionics & Agriculture): George Kuepper email: [email protected]

    VP (Archives & Records): John Reed, M.D. email: [email protected]

    Secretary / Treasurer: Scott Buetlich email: [email protected]

    Executive Secretary: Daniel Taylor email: [email protected]

    Membership Coordinator: Gail Ruggles email: [email protected]

    Board Members:

    Chairman of the Board: Tim Lippert email: [email protected]

    Member: Lutie Larsen email: [email protected]

    Member: Jon Klimo, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

    Member: Eric Rowley email: [email protected]

    Member: Ed Kelly email: [email protected]

    Member: John Reed, M.D. email: [email protected]

    Member: Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

    Member: Linda Lancaster, N.D. email: [email protected]

    Member: Daniel Taylor email: [email protected]


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    The United States Psychotronics Association defines psychotronics as the science of mind-body-environment relationships, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness. Psychotronics involves the study, research, and applications of the physics and technology of the mind, brain, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature – hence the term “psychotronics”.

    We believe that a true understanding of the universe must include the spiritual, as well as, the technical, and provide an opportunity for amateur researchers to present their findings along with the professionals. We stress research, with documentation of results, and practical applications, rather than personal experience and unsupported hypotheses.

    Some of the forces, fields, waves, and energies studied and researched in psychotronics include: bioelectromagnetism, biophotons, biopotentials, electromagnetic wave pollution and harmful effects; coherent emanations of DNA, emanations of matter, “free energy”, morphogenetic fields, non-hertzian waves, orgone energy, pyramid energy and power, qi (chi), quantum fields, scalar waves, subtle energies, ultra-weak radiation of living matter, zero-point energy, and others.

    Some of the phenomena believed to be produced or involved with the above fields and energies: action-at-a-distance, the aura of the body and other living things, bioinformation, bioluminescence, chakras, consciousness, distant intercellular interactions, meridians of the body, mind-body interactions, non-locality, the placebo effect, quantum consciousness, spontaneous remission of cancer and other diseases, water memory, water structure, and others.

    Related fields of study and research covering the above forces, energies, and phenomena of psychotronics: bioelectromagnetics, bioenergetics, biophotonics, biophysics, psionics, psychoenergetics, psychoneuroimmunology, quantum biology, radionics, scalar electromagnetics, and others.

    Some practices, techniques, and applications related to psychotronics include: acupuncture, biogeometry, brain entrainment, clairvoyance, dowsing, energy healing and medicine, extrasensory perception, feng shui, homeopathy, kirlian photography, magnetic therapy, pendulum use and methods, prayer effects, psionic medicine, psychic healing, psychometry, qigong, radiesthesia, radionics, remote viewing, shamanism, sound and sonic healing, telekinesis, telepathy, and others.

    Some Prominent People in the history of psychotronics research and application:

    Albert Abrams, Thomas Bearden, Robert C. Beck, Robert O. Becker, Jacques Benveniste, David Bohm, Harold Saxon Burr, George W. Crile, Ruth Drown, T. Galen Hieronymus, Vlail P. Kaznacheyev, Georges Lakhovsky, Wilhelm Reich, Royal R. Rife, Rupert Sheldrake, Nikola Tesla, Marcel Vogel, and others.


  • Membership Benefits

    So if you are interested in any of the above subjects, then the USPA is the place for you, where you can interact with, exchange ideas, and collaborate with other people who are interested in the same subjects. So sign up now for membership in the USPA using the form on the following page and start enjoying all of your membership benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to:

    1. Free access to the USPA Psychotronics Library of articles, periodicals, books, and certain audio tapes, videos, and other materials on the above subjects, useful to your research.

    2. Your free subscription to the USPA Newsletter; 3. Your right to freely publish articles in the WISE Journal - The Journal of the World

    Institute for Scientific Exploration (ISSN 2381-1536), enabling the world to see your ideas or research, and thereby enhance your resume and credentials;

    4. Your right to use the USPA Literature Research Service, whereby we will find any article, book, or other item you are seeking on the above subjects, and provide it to you;

    5. Your right to participate in the USPA “Research Assistance Program”, especially useful to professors, authors, and other researchers, who need extra help on their projects. USPA will help find volunteers to help you with your research project(s).

    6. Your right to be part of the USPA Project Participation Program, whereby you can volunteer to help on numerous available USPA projects, or help researchers who are conducting research on psychotronics and related subjects.

    7. Your right to make oral or poster presentations at the annual USPA meeting, with the approval of the Annual USPA Meeting Planning Committee.

    8. Your right to discounts on the purchase of certain items and services made available for sale or provided by the USPA and its members.

    9. Your right to freely advertise in the WISE Journal, which goes out to thousands of people.

    10. Your right to participate in the USPA Psychotronic Literature Preservation Program (UPLPP). The USPA, via its Library and Archives, has established a “Literature Preservation Program” to preserve your personal papers, files, records, and collection of articles, periodicals, books, and devices on psychotronics and related subjects, noted above. You may no longer need or use some of these items that you have, and you can send them to the USPA, and we will preserve them in our library and archives, so that they can be of use to other researchers. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION

    The U.S. Psychotronics Association (USPA), was incorporated in the District of Columbia in August, 1977, and is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization, and as such, you are able to make tax deductible donations to the USPA. It is empowered to enroll members in the parent organization throughout the United States, Canada, and other foreign countries. Membership is open to all people who wish to join with the USPA on the new frontiers of science in working constructively for the qualitative improvement of man and his environment. Please remember the USPA in your annual charitable giving, especially if you want to advance research in the above subject areas, which can greatly benefit humans, animals, plants, and the environment.



    Online Membership Application: click here.

    Mail-in Applications: Please print out this page, fill in your information, check the appropriate spaces, and send to the USPA Membership Secretary at the address at the bottom of this page: Your Name: __________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _____ Zip: _______

    Country: _______________________ Phone: ______________________ email address: _____________ Type of Membership desired: General: ___ $35 (1 yr.)

    AMOUNT ENCLOSED:_______________

    Please check the appropriate items below that apply to you:

    ____ List me/us in the USPA membership directory with the following

    Interests: ___ General ___ Healing ___ New Age Physics

    ___ Radionics/Dowsing ___ Subtle Energy Research

    Other Interests, please specify: ____________________________________

    ___ Do not list me in the USPA Directory

    Payment (in U.S. funds only) by: ____ Check or Money Order enclosed (Payable to USPA) ___ Visa ___ MasterCard Charge Card #_________________________ Exp. Date ______ Signature________________________________

    Please send to the USPA Membership Secretary: Gail Ruggles 2088 Maple Ridge Road Newark, VT 05871

    Phone: 802-5355173 or Email: [email protected]

    12[email protected]

    1, USPA Newsletter, January, 2016, pp 1-2.pdf1, USPA Newsletter, January, 2016, pp 3-51, USPA Newsletter, January, 2016, pp 6-12