ussr vs usa how did they become rivals?

How did the USA and USSR become Rivals in the period 1945 to 1949?

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Page 1: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

How did the USA and USSR become Rivals in the period

1945 to 1949?

Page 2: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?


I have taken control of Eastern Europe because I have to keep my

country safe and secure. You wanted to destroy us before the war and you’ll want to destroy us after the

war. I don’t like you lot!!!

Truman Attlee

We don’t like the look of this. This is proof to us that Stalin wants to spread

Communism. We want free elections and freedom of speech. What can we do to

make sure that the rest of Europe doesn’t become Communist?


Page 3: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

I’ve got an idea!

The Truman doctrine

Truman felt that it was the duty of USA to protect the West from the USSR. He announced that the USA

would give aid in the form of money and weapons to the poor

countries of Europe. This idea was to try and ‘contain’ the USSR and

prevent the spread of Communism. It became known as the Truman


I’ll stop the


Page 4: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

General Marshall

The ‘Marshall Plan’ was designed to help the war torn countries of Europe to recover from the years of WW2. The USA believed that the poorer a country was, the more

likely that it would turn to Communism. The USA set up a massive fund for the countries in Europe in which all of them could apply. However, Stalin became suspicious of this plan and made sure that those countries

within his control did not apply.

Page 5: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

In February 1945 it was clear that Germany was losing the war, so the Allied Leaders met at Yalta in Ukraine to plan what would happen to Europe after Germany’s defeat. The conference went well as despite their differences, the big three (Stalin, Churchill

and Roosevelt) agreed on some important matters.


The ‘Big Three’ AGREE at Yalta’

Lets divide Germany into 4

zones. Each of us, including France,

can have their own share.

OK, lets also agree on giving

the liberated countries from Germany free


Lets all agree to join the new

United Nations Organisation.

This could help to keep the


I’ve lost 20 million men in this war. I

want massive reparations and

security but they’ll never agree to


Page 6: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?


In July 1945 the Allied leaders met at Potsdam in Berlin. This conference was very different to Yalta and disagreements began to signal the end of the co-operation between East and West. However, Stalin was in a much stronger position than before and his army had taken control of Eastern

Europe. Consequently, he felt that he could get more from this conference.

(2 months after Germany had surrendered)

At Potsdam the old ‘Big Three’ were no more

I’ve just lost a General election to

this man:


I’ve died and this man has taken over:


I don’t like you two new guys

and I’m not going to get on with you either.

So there!

Page 7: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

Stalin wants more

I want to cripple Germany and take all of its resources and money so that it

no longer poses a threat to the USSR. I also want much more compensation for the 20 million Russians that died.

Truman disagrees Attlee disagrees

Eastern Europe should

have free elections!

We should not do what

Versailles did!


Page 8: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?


I knew it! Its proof to me that you want to take over the world

by staying in Eastern Europe!

I knew it! Its proof to me that your secret Atom Bomb will be used against us to

destroy us!

Truman Stalin

Their dislike and suspicion of one another that had existed

before the war had now returned

Page 9: USSR Vs USA How did they become rivals?

The use of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan is usually seen as the start of the Cold War. Mutual suspicion and distrust resulted with the USSR and the USA becoming rivals. However. The Berlin Blockade would strengthen this
