ut bulletin may 2012

The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism MAY, 2012 IYAR - SIVAN 5772 Vol. 163, No 9 SHABBAT SERVICES FOR MAY SHABBAT ACHAREI MOT / KEDOSHIM 4 Friday Evening First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM: Snacks 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM: Pot Luck Dinner 5 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Torah: Leviticus 16:1- 20:27 Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15 SHABBAT EMOR 11 Friday Evening 4:00 PM - Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 12 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Torah: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31 SHABBAT BEHAR / BECHUKOTAI 18 Friday Evening Third Friday Shabbat 4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM - Pizza 19 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Luncheon to Follow Service Torah: Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14 SHABBAT BEMIDBAR 25 Friday Evening 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 26 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Maggie Miller will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Torah: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22 Mitzvah Day is Coming! Pitch in on Sunday, May 20th. There will be lots of ways for you to participate at the temple. Stay Up All Night with Union Temple Tikkun Leil Shavuot 2012 Saturday, May 26th * Torah Study * * Music * * Festivities * * Cheesecake * See page 6 for details

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UT Bulletin May 2012


Page 1: UT Bulletin May 2012

The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

MAY, 2012 IYAR - SIVAN 5772 Vol. 163, No 9


SHABBAT ACHAREI MOT / KEDOSHIM 4 Friday Evening First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM: Snacks 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM: Pot Luck Dinner

5 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Leviticus 16:1- 20:27 Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15

SHABBAT EMOR 11 Friday Evening 4:00 PM - Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat

12 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31

SHABBAT BEHAR / BECHUKOTAI 18 Friday Evening Third Friday Shabbat 4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM - Pizza

19 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service Luncheon to Follow Service

Torah: Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

SHABBAT BEMIDBAR 25 Friday Evening 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

26 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Maggie Miller will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

Torah: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22

Mitzvah Day is Coming!

Pitch in on Sunday,

May 20th.

There will be lots of ways for you to

participate at the temple.

Stay Up All Night with Union Temple

Tikkun Leil Shavuot 2012

Saturday, May 26th

* Torah Study * * Music *

* Festivities * * Cheesecake *

See page 6 for details

Page 2: UT Bulletin May 2012


Rabbi’s Message

The Eichmann Trial, 50 Years Later This spring marks fifty years since the trial and execution of the former Lt. Col. of the SS and head of the Gestapo's Division of Jewish Affairs, Adolf Eichmann, yi-mach sh'mo. Some two years earlier, in 1960, Israeli Mossad agents had tracked down Eichmann in Argentina, where he was living and working under the name Ricardo Klement, and where he and his family were enjoying a relatively ordinary, carefree life since the end of the war. In cloak-and-dagger style, the agents captured Eichmann and brought him to Israel to stand trial. The then Israeli Attorney Gen-eral Gideon Hausner brought a 15-count indictment against Eichmann for crimes against the Jewish people, and against humanity. During the trial, Eichmann was confined to a bullet proof glass booth. For many around the world, the trial of Eichmann provided the first real exposure to the Nazi atrocities committed during

the Holocaust. International attention focused in on survivors as they testified in the Israeli court against "the man in the glass booth." Eichmann sat impassively.

Two decades years earlier, in January of 1942, Eichmann had gathered together with SS General Reinhard Hey-drich, and virtually all the top brass of the SS, in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. There they hatched the plan for the "Final Solution," which became the code name for the idea and the implementation of the deliberate, system-atic annihilation of European Jewry, and the deportations of tens of thousands of Roma (Gypsies) as well.

As the trial in Israel concluded, Eichmann was found guilty and sentenced to death. On June 1, 1962, fifty years ago this spring, Eichmann was executed by hanging. His body was cremated and the ashes were spread at sea, beyond Israel's territorial waters. The execution of Adolf Eichmann remains the only time that Israel has enacted a death sentence.

Many who had survived the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis - by Eichmann and his cohorts - had kept their memories and emotions locked inside of them for almost two decades. But for many, the Eichmann trial pro-vided an avenue of communication, so that their silence could finally begin to break, and they could begin to fulfill what ultimately became the universal mission, "to bear witness."

During this month, through May 28, the United Nations will be hosting an exhibit called: "With Me Here Are Six Million Accusers: The Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem.” It is curated by Yad Vashem, The Holo-caust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Israel, and made possible by the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem. In part, the exhibit is meant to examine the influence of the Eichmann trial upon society as a whole, and upon the notions of justice and accountability, now in the 21st century. Because, as we know, the ultimate mission of the survivors, and of all of us, is "Never Again." This places upon us a special responsibil-ity. "Never Again," for us, means Jews first and foremost. But it cannot ONLY mean Jews. We, who are safe, must be the protectors of those who are not. When we see injustice and oppression, we must speak out. When we see genocide, we must speak out. That is the real meaning of "Never Again."

At the moment of Eichmann's execution, there was no rejoicing in Israel. There was relief, of course, and perhaps a sense of vindication for those who were brutalized. But there was no rejoicing. While he killed our people, he could not kill our humanity. It is the most precious thing we have. Am Yisrael Chai - the Jewish People live.

-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

Page 3: UT Bulletin May 2012


Officer’s Column

Is Anyone Listening? Hello? Anybody out there?

Do you hear me? Are you listening?

There's a reason I'm asking. Sometimes I myself miss an article in the Bulletin. Yes, I admit it! That's why I'm checking to see if you are paying attention — by offering you the opportunity to give me your input on several important items that will help shape the future of Union Temple.

We're starting to put together a 5-year strategic plan. It will cover many areas from the way we conduct ser-vices ... to how we use space in the building ... to what we can do to better serve the needs of all our members and potential members.

What's your dream for a better Union Temple? What's your big idea?

Do you want more music at services, or less? Would you enjoy concerts? A drop-in center where you can hang out with your toddler on cold winter days? Sin-gles dances?

Whatever you wish, here's your chance to let us know how you would change the way things work. It's easy.

1. Take a moment to write down your idea — or ideas ... there's no limit.

2. Put your idea in an email to [email protected] with Subj: 5-Year Plan.

3. Hit the SEND button!

I will make sure you are heard.

-Ellen D. Kolikoff, Vice President


Each of these sessions combines video presentations by scholars at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and text study conducted by our Rabbi. This series boldly confronts many of the challenges facing Israel at this time, with the academic rigor and moral courage emblematic of the Hartman Institute.

Wednesday Evenings, 7:30-9:30 PM

May 23—War and Occupation

May 30—Values Nation

Union Temple of Brooklyn ● 17 Eastern Parkway at Grand Army Plaza ● 718-638-7600 [email protected]

Page 4: UT Bulletin May 2012


(Above l.-r,) Pianist Shinae Kim, Cantor Maria Dubinsky, Student Cantor Lauren Phillips, Pedro d'Aquino, Student Cantor Sarah Krevsky, Student Cantor Lev Hawley, Cantor Kerith Shapiro, Clarinet-ist Ivan Barenboim, Cantor Todd Kipnis, Violinist Joshua Pollock

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz (above) and NYBR Executive Vice President Rabbi Joseph Potasnik (l.)

Immediate Past President Rabbi Yaakov Kermaier, passing the President's Torah Mantle to Rabbi Goodman

Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman and Rabbi Sally J. Priesand

Congratulations President

Goodman! On March 14th, Rabbi Goodman was installed as the President of the New York Board of Rab-bis, an historic honor as she became the first woman to lead the organization. It was a gala evening at Union Temple as congregants, mem-bers of the NYBR and many others came to celebrate and wish the Rabbi well.

Rabbi Stephen W. Goodman

Page 5: UT Bulletin May 2012



Shoes and Other Topics The children at the Preschool have been truly embrac-ing the spring. Their work in the classrooms reflects their physical, cognitive, and social growth.

On Tuesday, March 27th the Hummingbirds, Pam Ap-ple’s fours class, took a special trip to the Jewish Chil-dren's Museum on Eastern Parkway. It was a wonder-ful experience, starting with an exciting ride on a yel-low school bus. This was a highlight of the trip for many of the children. They participated in a workshop just for their class, where they made their own matzoh. Then they had a special tour of the museum, where they crawled through a "giant challah", lit the Shabbat candles, and climbed up on "giant wine goblets." Af-ter completing the “Passover obstacle course”, the children played in the grocery store and scanned their groceries at the checkout counter. The final exhibit taught the children about importance of helping other people. Each child made a card that will be given to a patient at a hospital.

You can believe what you've heard: Yes, the Sparrows, Alex Beer’s threes class, are studying shoes. Ever no-tice how many different pairs of shoes a city kid ob-serves in a day? Noting the types, sizes, and styles of shoes around us allows them to practice sorting, pat-terning, counting, differentiating, and observing the needs of various people and what they wear on their feet. It's also fun. Little kids talk about their shoes A LOT. Why not dedicate some time to exploring them? Thus far they have read Pete the Cat (I Love My White Shoes), Shoe-La-La!, and Whose Shoes? They have traced their shoes and made collages of pictures of shoes. The Sparrows are however, less interested right now in projects and more so in playing together, so some of these pursuits may take a back seat. But soon they will begin photographing favorite shoes and com-paring the shoes of their baby selves with the shoes they wear today, discussing the results as a group.

The Robins, Christine Bardach’s threes class, have been enjoying the early arrival of spring. They created artwork using pastel colors and tissue paper buds. They ventured outside and noticed that many kinds of

flowers have started blooming. Now the children are getting ready for Passover by reading books and sing-ing songs. They crafted colorful seder plates and are excited to have their families join them for a Passover luncheon with Rabbi Goodman.

The Robins will also be able to witness a complete lifecycle in their classroom. They have been observing mealworms which will ultimately turn into beetles af-ter undergoing a pupa stage. This is a fascinating ex-perience for most children. There is a lot of growth going on all around the children. However, they them-selves are growing too and that is wonderful for us-their teachers - to watch.

After our Staff Development workshop on Block Building, Montana Vazquez-Grinnell, the Chickadees teacher (two-year-olds), has really been encouraging block building in the classroom. The children have been building impressive roads, towers, and houses in the classroom. It has been a wonderful way for the teachers to have conversations with the children and glimpse into their minds as they make these block structures. It's also evident how much the Chickadees have grown these last few months! There is so much more interaction socially between the children - creat-ing games and having conversations about the world around them. We are so proud of how the children are growing and look forward to exploring new topics (like Magnets) after Spring Break!

The Starlings, Alex Beers’ twos class, are noticing shapes everywhere: buttons that are circles, chairs that have squares, even the red octagons of Stop signs. Last week the class assembled a colorful shape collage with felt circles, triangles, and squares, and began their own collages with shapes in various media. They are really becoming aware of the forms that make up so many of the objects and images they see all around them. This awareness will prepare them for all kinds of sorting, pattern recognition, and adaptation to nu-ance-- all essential to their success with reading, writ-ing, math, and the world beyond the twos class.

-Susan Sporer, Preschool Director

Page 6: UT Bulletin May 2012

Shalom! The conclusion of Religious School is upon us, and reflection on this past year brings to mind many wonderful memories. Our First Fridays program has been a wonderful success, with so many families raising their voices and sharing their family recipes with the community. We shook the lulav at Sukkot and volunteered at Key Food for Thanksgiving. Our Purim Carnival brought out the silliness in each of us, and our model Passover seder was a time of deep questions, class projects, and (once again) families eating to-gether. All of these events, along with the accumulated experiences of weekly learning together, have con-tributed to a rich and joyous year. Thanks to so many parents who have helped make this possible, especially our Religious School Committee, and of course, Rabbi Goodman, who has been a friend and mentor to me since last summer. Finally, I express deep-est gratitude to our teachers and stu-dents who build this community with your smiles and dedication week in and week out. Religious School will conclude with a final siyyum (conclusion) on May 20th. The entire congregation is in-vited (10:30 am) to learn from each Religious School class as the students present their final projects. As well, this will be a time for parents to ask questions about next year and to learn about exciting changes that are coming to Union Temple Religious School. It has been a delight and privilege to work in this great community over this

Religious School

Wrapping Up Thank You


year. The Union Temple staff is excited to announce that a new Educator, Andy Dubin, will be joining Union Temple next year; I know that this community will embrace him as it has embraced me. Andy is a rising fifth-year rabbinical student with a PhD in Bible and extensive teaching experience at a pluralistic Jewish day school. You will be able to communicate with him the same way you’ve communicated with me: [email protected]. Wel-come, Andy! Many blessings for a warm and happy summer and many thanks for a fruitful and enjoyable year!


-Daniel Kirzane, Educator

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It's May, and our season is winding down. It has been a terrific year--inspiring Rosh Chodesh Seders, thought-provoking book discussions, an exciting guest speaker, a stimulating museum tour. We hope that you have been with us for all our programs and that you will be with us next month for our last one of the sea-son on Sunday morning, June 3rd. We've got big plans for it, but we're not quite ready to disclose them. Intrigued? Be sure to watch this space and your mail for details. One thing we can tell you is that we'll be holding an election, and we hope that you would like to submit your name or nominate someone as an offi-cer or member of the board. Please e-mail your sug-

gestions to one of our co-presidents, Susanne Singer ([email protected]) or Linda Simka ([email protected]). You'll find that working with Sisterhood and helping us to fulfill our goal of tikkun olam is both satisfying and fulfilling.

We want to thank everyone who has contributed to our funds throughout the year. A contribution to the Sis-terhood Memorial Fund, Happy Day Fund or Rose Keit Flower Fund is a beautiful way to remember or honor a friend or loved one and to help us do our part in supporting the good works of Women of Reform Judaism throughout our nation, Israel, and the world. -Barbara Brett, Secretary


Thanks for a Great Year—Let’s Plan the Next

If you thought that May meant the end of programming for this year at Union tem-ple you would be wrong. There’s still some more to look forward to. On May 20th there will be Mitzvah Day. It's a time when all temple members come to-gether to do good around the temple and Brotherhood will be at the forefront help-ing to spruce things up. We are looking forward to a great turnout.

June 3rd is the annual Brotherhood Breakfast when the omelets are on the griddle and elections will take place.

-David Rapheal, Secretary


But Wait, There’s More!

Third Friday Shabbat

Join us Friday, May 18th, for salad and pizza after Kabbalat Shabbat services.

Please send us information about graduates in your family.

Email to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Name of graduate: _______________________________ Parent name(s) _______________________________ Graduating from (name of school) ______________________________ Any plans for next fall? ______________________________

Page 8: UT Bulletin May 2012


May 20, 2012

Mazal Tov to our Bat Mitzvah

Maggie Rose Miller Daughter of Alyssa and Alfred Miller

Maggie will be graduating in June from The Math & Science Exploratory School with honors, and will attend The Beacon School in the Fall. When not diligently doing her school work, she enjoys danc-ing, playing soccer, reading, horseback riding, de-signing, and hanging out with her friends. Maggie is looking forward to her sixth summer at Shire Village Camp, her home-away-from-home, where she en-

joys life in the country. Maggie is grateful for all the support she has received during her time at the UT Religious School.

We wish Maggie, her parents, Alyssa and Alfred, and her brother Zach a hearty Mazal Tov.


Mazal Tov to

MARIANNE DREYFUS on the birth of her great-grandchild YONATAN LEO

RICHMAN-DREYFUS, son of Ben Dreyfus and

Rabbi Elizabeth Richman, grandson of

Dr. James and Rabbi Ellen Dreyfus,

on April 7th.

DONATIONS NEEDED Please help us in our efforts to collect “gently worn”

clothing for our Mitzvah Day Clothing Drive. We would appreciate articles of clothing for men and women that are appropriate for the workplace, such as: suits, jackets, blazers, “smart casual” skirts and slacks, blazers, shirts, coats and shoes.


All donations may be brought to the temple on May 20, from 10AM to 1PM.

(If you need to drop off a contribution prior to this date, please bring it to the Union Temple Office, again, on a hanger. Thanks.)

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Additionally, we need volunteers to help with the collection and sorting of the clothing.

To sign up as a volunteer, please contact: Beth Kurfirst ([email protected] ) or Jane Fields Becker ([email protected] )

Page 9: UT Bulletin May 2012



UNION TEMPLE MEMORIAL FUND Donated by ....................................................................................... in memory of Jay and Karen Brandt ............................................................................................. Emanuel S. Brandt Anna Budd and George Hausman .......................................................................... Harry Hausman Dr. Andrea R. Polans and Dr. Elmer W. Twente................................................... Ann Golden Eva Glock ............................................................................................................... Esther Glock Erica J. Shatz-Spry ................................................................................................. Sarah Shatz Doris Klueger ......................................................................................................... Margaret Willodene McConnell Julius Doris Klueger ......................................................................................................... Celia Glikin Edith Glikin and Susan N. Olan ............................................................................. Celia Glikin Alla Gerich ............................................................................................................. Hanna Mayzenberg Rosemarie Shaffer .................................................................................................. Martin Shaffer Susan Kahn ............................................................................................................. Arthur Kahn Barbara and Hy Brett .............................................................................................. Margaret Willodene McConnell Julius

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Donated by Mike and Ilene Baron ............................................................................................. in honor of Rabbi Goodman as President of the NY Board of Rabbis Arlene Greendlinger ............................................................................................... in honor of Rabbi Goodman as President of the NY Board of Rabbis Lisa and Hal Rose ................................................................................................... in honor of Rabbi Goodman as President of the NY Board of Rabbis Lisa and Hal Rose ................................................................................................... in honor of Doris Klueger Dr. Paul S. Herman and Julie Mills Herman ......................................................... in memory of Ralph Herman, Paul’s brother Bruce and Susan Silvey .......................................................................................... in memory of Lucille Silvey

HAPPY DAY FUND Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of Nancy F. and John A. Beranbaum .......................................................................... Rabbi Goodman as President of the NY Board of Rabbis

SHABBAT ONEG Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of Heidi and Ton Oleszczuk ....................................................................................... Trustees and Officers Installation Shabbat Dennies Emelda Gajadhar ...................................................................................... Third Friday Shabbat

DR. A. STANLEY DREYFUS LECTURE FUND Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of Leonard and Judith Polisar ..................................................................................... Marianne Dreyfus Hortense Hurwitz ................................................................................................... the birth of Yonatan Leo Richman-Dreyfus

We express our deepest sympathy to

DIANE UNGAR on the death of her mother


on March 3rd


on the death of his mother


on April 9th.


on the death of his mother


on March 26th

May their memories be for a blessing

Page 10: UT Bulletin May 2012

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director

Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels

1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY

1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more

than 50 years of Temple involvement


The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn

17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718) 638-7600

Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail [email protected]

Website Uniontemple.org

Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi

Lauren Phillips Student Cantor

Shinae Kim

Temple Musician

Daniel Kirzane Educator/Rabbinic Intern

Susan Sporer

Preschool Director

Beatrice Hanks President

Abe Barnett

Ellen Kolikoff Henry Singer

Vice Presidents

Steven Segall Secretary

Jeffrey Stein


Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz

Doris Klueger Honorary Presidents

David Rapheal Bulletin Editor

John Golomb

Temple Administrator

Martin Kasdan Funeral Director (800) 522-0588

A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. If you wish more information regarding obtaining a plaque in

memory of a loved one please e-mail the temple at [email protected]

or leave a message with the temple office.

Memorial Plaques Margo Schuster ....................................................... Yom Hashoah Rose Schuster ......................................................... Yom Hashoah Lena Nachman .......................................................... May 1, 1934 Jacob Manne ............................................................. May 2, 1954 Gail Cohen Edelman ................................................. May 2, 2000 Samuel Eis ................................................................ May 4, 1942 Robert B. Hutton……………. .................................. May 4, 2003 Benjamin Spitzer ....................................................... May 4, 1949 Bernard Schmidt ....................................................... May 5, 1914 Jacob Himmelreich .................................................... May 5, 1951 Alexander Klupt ....................................................... May 5, 1972 Silas Besthoff ............................................................ May 5, 1996 Col. Arthur Levitt, Past President ............................. May 6, 1980 Alfred Glassheim ...................................................... May 6, 1967 Abraham Nachman ................................................... May 7, 1936 Bertha Rosenstock Baar ........................................... May 8, 1933 Jessie Olga Rosen ..................................................... May 8, 1948 Stella Bloom ............................................................. May 8, 1988 Abraham Schuster .................................................... May 9, 1935 Max Kamins ............................................................. May 9, 1946 Matilda Mason .......................................................... May 9, 1974 Harry Levy ..............................................................May 10, 1941 Arthur Kahn .............................................................May 10, 1968 Hyman Kirsch ..........................................................May 11, 1976 Carrie G. Goldsmith ................................................May 14, 1909 Anna Aberson ..........................................................May 14, 1940 Anna Ray .................................................................May 14, 1968 Abraham Levy .........................................................May 15, 1943 Mollye Baron ...........................................................May 15, 1994 F. Whitlock Newman ...............................................May 16, 1937 Florence E. Van Raalte ............................................May 17, 1966 Rabbi Sidney S. Tedesche .......................................May 18, 1962 Rose F. Feinstein .....................................................May 19, 1982 Abraham Kodziesen ................................................May 20, 1947 Grace George Baar ..................................................May 20, 1984 Samuel N. Weisstein ...............................................May 21, 1986 Lester J. Mason ........................................................May 23, 1963 Frederick May .........................................................May 23, 1979 Mina Sacher .............................................................May 23, 1984 Dorothy Waxman ....................................................May 23, 1995 Sylvia Shaffer ..........................................................May 23, 1997 Sol London ..............................................................May 24, 1961 Moses Katz ..............................................................May 25, 1923 Edmund David .........................................................May 25, 1911 Dena Fogel ..............................................................May 26, 1965 Dr. Harry Mandelbaum ...........................................May 27, 1955 Betty Jane Iason .......................................................May 27, 1926 Seymour Lansner………………... ........................May 27, 1992 Ilene Kaufman .........................................................May 29, 1976 Walter Honig ...........................................................May 30, 1992 Mary Lorence ..........................................................May 30, 1938 Millie R. Dorf ..........................................................May 31, 1917

Page 11: UT Bulletin May 2012


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

7:00 PM Union Temple


3 4 4:00 PM

Friday at Four First Friday

Family Shabbat 6:00 PM Snacks

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner

5 9:00 AM

Shabbat Hevre 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

6 9:30 AM

Religious School


RJVNYS Lobby Day in Albany

6:15 PM Officers

8 9

7:00 PM Union Temple


10 Lag Ba’Omer


4:00 PM

Friday at Four 6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat

12 9:00 AM

Shabbat Hevre 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

13 9:30 AM

Religious School


6:00 PM Board of Trustees

15 16

7:30 PM

Annual Meeting of the


17 18

4:00 PM Friday at Four

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

Pizza to follow

19 9:00 AM

Shabbat Hevre Siyyum

10:30 AM Shabbat Morning

Service Luncheon to

follow service

20 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM

Temple Mitzvah Day

9:30 AM Religious School (Siyyum begins 10:30 AM)

21 22 Rosh Chodesh



6:30 PM Union Temple

Singers 7:30 PM

Engaging Israel “War and


24 25

6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat

26 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning

Service Bat Mitzvah: Maggie Miller

8:00 PM Evening Service

for Shavuot

27 10:30 AM

Morning Service for Shavuot


28 Memorial Day

29 30

6:30 PM Union Temple

Singers 7:30 PM

Engaging Israel: “Values Nation”


6:00 PM Calendar Meeting

May 2012 Iyar—Sivan 5772

Cheesecake Reception —then—

Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study, Dancing, Music, Yoga, & Noshing into the


Page 12: UT Bulletin May 2012

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]


Prospect Park Health and Racquet Association

In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway

718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for

Union Temple Members

Mitzvah Day — May 20th