utility of grafting in tree domestication …utility of grafting in tree domestication with...

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. Chev. D. 1\. Ofori ct a!., UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION PROGRAMME WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TOALLANJJLAC/(fA PARV/FLORA A. CIIEV. D. A. Ofori1*; T. Peprah1; S. lIenneh2; J. B. Yon Berg3; Z. Tchoundjeu4; R. Jamnadass 5 and A. J. Simons 5 I Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. P. 0. Box 63, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, Tel. +2335160123, Fax +2335160121, Email: dofori@csir-forigorggh 2Nove Development Ghana, P. 0. Box CT 1112, Accra, Ghana. 31nternational Tree Seed Centre, Plot 24 Kentinkrono/Nsenie, P. 0. Box 63, KNUST, Kumasi ~World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Yaounde, Cameroon 5 World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P. 0. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya ABSTRACT Agricultural biodiversity and provision ol alternate livelihoods for farmers have become critical issues jor sustainable management of biological resources as well as poverty reduction in rural areas. This is being done through cultivation of a wide range offood crops, vegetables, Fuits and medicinal plants. One of such Fuit trees being encouraged in agroforestry systems is Allanblackia spp., hence the need for sustainable supply of improved early Fuiting planting stock. Grajiing was adopted for production of early Fuiting high yielding planting stock to satisfY farmers needs. Two methods o.l grafting tried were side veneer grajiing and cleji grafting The mean grafiing success for side veneer grajiing (50.21%) was significantly lower than that of cleji grajiing (79.8%). Clonal differences in grafiing success were quite substantialrangingFom 70 to 87.5%for cleji grajiing and 42.8 to 57.8%for side veneer gr{1fting Grafts flowered within 12 months afier grajiing even though the flowers could not develop into Fuits. This suggests that grafiing could be a tool for mass propagation of desirable genotypes ofA. parviflora with reduced gestation period. Keywords: Fruit tree, agroforestry, domestication, vegetative propagation, clone INTRODUCTION Biodiversity plays a central role in household food security and income generation and hence has a positive impact on human livelihoods (poverty alleviation, nutrition, health, employment, and environmental rehabilitation). However, much of the world's biodiversity especially in the tropics is being irreversibly lost through extinction caused by the destruction of natural habitats (Wilson, 1988). In Ghana for instance, deforestation has claimed an enormous toll on the environment, Ghana Journal of Forestry, Vol. 23 & 24, 2008 economic deterioration and human welfare. For various reasons such as logging and clearing for cash crop cultivation, the rainforest in Ghana has dwindled from 8.2 million ha to 1.62 million ha over the past 100 years with a deforestation rate of 0.77 to 1.4% per annum. Currently only aboul 20% of the original forest remains (MES, 2002), with these forest fragments mostly surrounded by subsistence and commercial agricultural lands, most of which are devoid of trees. These warranl an integrated approach for balancing conservation needs with livelihoods and development priorities. 4

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Page 1: UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION …Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI., RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. Chev. D. 1\. Ofori ct a!.,


D. A. Ofori1*; T. Peprah1; S. lIenneh2; J. B. Yon Berg3; Z. Tchoundjeu4;R. Jamnadass 5 and A. J. Simons 5

I Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. P. 0. Box 63,

KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, Tel. +2335160123, Fax +2335160121, Email: dofori@csir-forigorggh2Nove Development Ghana, P. 0. Box CT 1112, Accra, Ghana.

31nternational Tree Seed Centre, Plot 24 Kentinkrono/Nsenie, P. 0. Box 63, KNUST, Kumasi

~World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Yaounde, Cameroon5 World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P. 0. Box 30677-00100,

Nairobi, Kenya


Agricultural biodiversity and provision ol alternate livelihoods for farmers have become critical issuesjor sustainable management of biological resources as well as poverty reduction in rural areas. This isbeing done through cultivation of a wide range offood crops, vegetables, Fuits and medicinal plants.One of such Fuit trees being encouraged in agroforestry systems is Allanblackia spp., hence the need forsustainable supply of improved early Fuiting planting stock. Grajiing was adopted for production ofearly Fuiting high yielding planting stock to satisfY farmers needs. Two methods o.l grafting tried wereside veneer grajiing and cleji grafting The mean grafiing success for side veneer grajiing (50.21%) wassignificantly lower than that of cleji grajiing (79.8%). Clonal differences in grafiing success were quitesubstantialrangingFom 70 to 87.5%for cleji grajiing and 42.8 to 57.8%for side veneer gr{1fting Graftsflowered within 12 months afier grajiing even though the flowers could not develop into Fuits. Thissuggests that grafiing could be a tool for mass propagation of desirable genotypes ofA. parviflora withreduced gestation period.

Keywords: Fruit tree, agroforestry, domestication, vegetative propagation, clone


Biodiversity plays a central role in household food

security and income generation and hence has a

positive impact on human livelihoods (poverty

alleviation, nutrition, health, employment, andenvironmental rehabilitation). However, much of

the world's biodiversity especially in the tropics is

being irreversibly lost through extinction caused

by the destruction of natural habitats (Wilson,

1988). In Ghana for instance, deforestation hasclaimed an enormous toll on the environment,

Ghana Journal of Forestry, Vol. 23 & 24, 2008

economic deterioration and human welfare. For

various reasons such as logging and clearing for

cash crop cultivation, the rainforest in Ghana hasdwindled from 8.2 million ha to 1.62 million ha

over the past 100 years with a deforestation rate of

0.77 to 1.4% per annum. Currently only aboul20% of the original forest remains (MES, 2002),

with these forest fragments mostly surrounded by

subsistence and commercial agricultural lands,most of which are devoid of trees. These warranl

an integrated approach for balancing conservation

needs with livelihoods and development priorities.


Page 2: UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION …Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI., RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parvitlora A. Chev. D. A. Orori et aI.,

There is therefore, the need to diversify farmer'slivelihood options through the development ofsustainable poverty reduction and forestmanagement strategies.

In order to stabilize tTagile small-holder farmingsystems, incorporation of biodiversity andenvironmental conservation practices should beconsidered within/around the remnant forest

tTagments. Incorporation of agroforestry treeproducts (AFTPs) in farming systems as analternative livelihood as well as contributing tolandscape connectivity and environmentalconservation is becoming a hot issue of late. Formaximum benefit of increased tree diversity onfarm lands for sustained productivity, there is aneed to update the list of priority species anddevelop methods for propagation of desirablegenotypes as well as methods for their integrationinto farming systems (Atangana et al., 2006,Tchoundjeu et al., 2006). In doing so attentionshould be paid to high valued AFTPs (wild fruittrees, medicinal plants etc) that provide benefits tosmall holder farmers (Simons and Leakey, 2004,Tchoundjeu et al., 2006). This is in accordancewith the participatory domestication of high­valued tTuit trees, nuts and medicinal plantsadopted by World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)that has been on-going in West and Central Africasince 1998 (Tchoundjeu et al., 1998,2006)

Allanblackia parviflora, an indigenous fruit treespecies is being accepted by fanners for use inagroforestry systems with both environmental andeconomic benefits. It is a medium sized tree

reaching about 40 m high with narrow crownthereby casting minimum shade on the companioncrops. It has other uses such as timber andmedicinal purposes (Ofori et al. 2006; Abbiw,1990). Several wildlife species such as Brush­tailed porcupine, Squirrel and Giant rat alsodepend on it for their survival (Siaw et al., 2003).The seed oil is of prime importance as a foreignexchange earner and is being developed as a rural

Ghana Journal of Forestry, Vol. 23 & 24, 2008

based enterprise in many African countriesnotably Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Tanzania(Shrestha and Akangaamkum, 2008). CurrentlyUnilever requires 2000 tons of Allanblackia seedsfrom Ghana but only ]00 tons (only 5%) aresupplied annually on average (Oppong, 2008).Up-scaling of the supply of Allanblackia seedsmight result in the species becoming another'Golden tree' for AtTica in the near future.

The Need for Grafting AI/anb/ackia in theDomestication Process

Extensive research studies have been conducted

by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana incollaboration with the World Agroforestry Centreon methods of domestication as well as provisionof improved genotypes for multiplication (Ofori etal. 2008a). This was achieved through collectionof AI/ab/ackia parviflora fruits throughout thedistribution zone in Ghana. The tTuits and seedswere characterized and 58 trees were selected on

the basis of high yielding (Peprah et al., 2008) andwere therefore recommended for mass

propagation. Workshops on domestication ofAllanblackia have been organized by WorldAgroforestry Centre (WAC) (W AC, 2006),Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG) andWAC (Ofori et al., 2008b) and NovelDevelopment Nigeria (Ofori, 2008). Some of themost critical questions emerging on domesticationof Allanblackia are:

• How can Allanblackia be propagated?• How do farmers obtain improved

planting stocks?• How long does Allanblackia take to

flower and fruit?

Four-year old seedlings being monitored atFORIG have not shown any signs of floweringand it is anticipated that seedling-grownAllanblackia may not flower until ]0 years.Secondly, the species is dioecious and seedlings


Page 3: UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION …Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI., RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. Chev. D. A. Ofori et aI.,

will grow to be either male or female. In order toavoid these problems, vegetative propagation hasbeen adopted to mass produce the desiredgenotypes (right proportion of elite females andmales) as well as capturing quicker genetic gains.Grafting was adopted since most agricultural fruitsgrafted have been found to flower earlier thanseedlings. The question raised with this approachwas whether the phenomenon of maintenance ofontogenetic age (maintenance of the reproductivematurity) will occur in scions of Allanblackia aftergrafting and if yes, to what extent will graftingreduce the gestation period?


Scions were collected from the branches of 15

mature trees (fruit bearing trees located at Afosu,Kwame Nkrumah University of science andTechnology - Kumasi and New Edubiase) andthen grafted onto one to two years old seedlings ofA. parviflora in a greenhouse at FORIG, Kumasi,Ghana. Grafting methods used were cleft graftingand side veneer grafting. For each tree 60 graftswere made; 30 grafts each for side veneer graftingand cleft grafting methods. The scions wereenclosed in clear polythene bags for the first weekafter grafting to prevent them from excessive lossof water. The grafts were inspected weekly andfinal assessment was made at week four at which

time grafts were clearly labeled as successful orunsuccessful. The grafting success (Gs) wasexpressed in percentages as Gs = [(n/y) 100],where n is the number of successful grafts and y isthe number of grafts made. The data wereana lysed to find the differences between the twografting methods using T-test with each clone asone experimental unit.




<I) 60u u=sVl 5001)


ro•... 300';f!.


100 -


Cleft Side

Method of grafting

Figure 1: Effect of different grafting methods on grafting success of A llanblackia parviflora

Ghana Journal of Forestry, Vol. 23 & 24, 2008 44

Page 4: UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION …Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI., RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI.,


There was a significant difference (P = 0.00) inthe success rate of the two grafting methods. Thegrafting success obtained for the cleft grafting washigher than that of side veneer grafting (Figure 1).Clonal differences in grafting success were quitesubstantial. Grafting success for cleft graftingranged from 70 to 87.5% (Figure 2) while that ofside veneer grafting ranged from 42.8 to 57.8%(Figure 3). The cleft grafting method was thenused for mass propagation of the 58 recommendedplus trees at two Rurai Resource Centres. At 12months after grafting, five grafts from threedifferent clones started flowering at the RuralResource Centre at Apeasuman (Plate 1). Theflowers aborted after 3 weeks. The abortion of the

flowers was not surprising since the plants weretoo small to support the development of fruits.This phenomenon has also been observed in 2­year old grafts of Allanblackia floribunda inCameroon (Asaah et al., 2008).

Even though none of the flowers developed intofruits, the observation was very exciting since itwas an indication of maintenance of reproductivematurity in the scions collected from reproductivematured trees. Farmers should therefore expectthat planting A. parviflora grafts could drasticallyreduce the gestation period. Even though graftingis labour intensive compared to cuttings, graftingsuccess has generally been higher than cuttings(Ofori et al., 200Sc, Atangana et al., 2006). Thiscoupled with the probable reduction of thegestation period gives grafting a great potential inthe domestication process of indigenous fruittrees. Planting grafts in mother blocks as sourcesof genetic materials for multiplication could alsobe advantageous in the elimination of frequenttrips to the forest for collection of materials forpropagation. This is because grafting maintainsontogenetic age thereby reducing the gestationperiod and hence less cost of operation.

Plate 1: Allanblackia parviflora grafts that flowered one year after grafting

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Page 5: UTILITY OF GRAFTING IN TREE DOMESTICATION …Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et aI., RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parvillora A. ehev. D. A. Ofori et al..



~~~ <...;>-<...;>~~ 0000 00<n ~~00

r.., r--r--00-




(l) 70.00u U::l 60.00UlbJ)

50.00c;£; 40.00ro •.....tJ 30.00





Figure 2: Clonal differences in grafting succes of Allanblackia parviflora usingcleft grafting method



Ul 50.00(l) uu::l 40.00Ul


ro•.....tJ 20.00


0 10.00


---- ~- 'm _- -"I





Figure 3: Clonal differences in grafting succes of Allanblackia parviflora usingside veneer grafting method

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Utility of grafting in tree domestication with reference to Allanblackia parviflora A. Chev. D. A. Ofori et aL


We are grateful to the farmers who own the treesfrom which scions were collected. We are also

grateful to Mr. Francis Owusu Nuamah whoundertook the grafting operation and Dr. IanDawson for his useful comments to improve thismanuscript.


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