utopia revised

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  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised



    Teacher'sname: Mersida Bei

    Age, Level and grade of SS:17, Upper Intermediate, 3rd Grade of High SchoolT!e of ac"ivi" !lanned:Listening

    #ni" and lesson: Longman Opportunities Upper Intermediate, Module 9 , Societ !7, Utopia

    $ha" is o%r o&ec"ive for "his ac"ivi": SS "ill #e a#le use strategies for listening to

    understanding cultural references$ %lso the SS "ill understand the term &Utopia'$ SS "ill also #e

    a#le to ma(e suggestions on the topic of societ and go)ernment as "ell as discuss the topics$ In

    addition, SS "ill also #e a#le to use multi*part )er#s "ith 'up+ in order to #etter descri#e their

    claims and opinions$

    $ha" sor" of diffic%l"ies do o% e(!ec" SS "o have) *o+ +ill o% deal +i"h "hem)

    One of the possi#le difficulties the could encounter is that indi)idual S ma (no" less a#out

    -ritish culture than others, also the SS might not #e introduced to the term &Utopia' nor to the

    terms related to understanding the cultural references mentioned during the lesson$ herefore, in

    order to deal "ith this issue the might as( if there is a )olunteer in the SS "ho might (no"

    more a#out the term 'Utopia+$ In case none of the SS is informed the "ill introduce this term

    graduall through the lesson, firstl # introducing and e.plaining the origin of term 'Utopia+

    and then pointing out its characteristics though the e.ercises$

    ime /rocedure 0lass




    starts the lesson # saing "hat the topic for the

    class is$ "rites the name of the lesson on the

    #lac(#oard 'Utopia+$ as(s if an of the SS(no" "hat the term means$ In case none of the

    students )olunteer to e.plain it, the goes on to

    e.plain the origin of the "ord 'Utopia+$

    *2Utopia "as "ritten # Sir homas Moore in

    114 and it is his )ersion of an ideal societ$ It"as an idea of a progressi)e societ, "ith some

    ne" ideas that are no" part of our modern

    societ$ Sir homas Moore "as an important

    ad)isor of 5ing Henr 6III of ngland$ he 5ing



    #oo( p$14,


  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised


    ordered his death #ecause Sir homas "as againstthe closing of the 0atholic 0hurch$ Sir homas

    noticed the pro#lems in his societ and he fought

    to change it$:


    then as(s SS to loo( at the picture on page 14and instructs them to use it as a reference toans"er the four ;uestions a#out Utopia in

    e.ercise 1$ assigns students into pairs so that

    the can discuss the ;uestions and ma(epredictions$

    monitors the discussion and ma(es sure that all

    pairs are participating in the acti)it, helping the

    "ea(er SS$ offers a chance for )olunteers to gi)e their

    opinions and predictions a#out Utopia using the

    picture$ uses this as a chance to instruct theclass to pa attention to the #lac(#oard as he

    "rites do"n and e.plains some ne" "ords that

    "ill help them during the lesson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then instructs the SS that the "ill listen to the

    cassette again, and that the should indi)iduall

    list t"o things the found good and t"o things

    the found #ad a#out Utopia$




    #oo( p$14,


    *#oo(, page14$

    *tape, 0B


    *#oo(, page

    14$*tape, 0B


  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised



    then plas the cassette and monitors class to

    ma(e sure the pa attention$

    %fter the second listening the as(s if an of the

    SS "ould li(e to share their opinion$ In case none

    )olunteer, the ma as( an S to present theiropinion$ If necessar the "ill pla the cassette

    again$In addition as(s SS if the "ould li(e to li)e in

    Moores Utopia and that the should gi)e reasons

    for or against it$>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    announces to the SS that the "ill listen to

    another tapescript$ 2apescript page 1$: prepares the SS for it # presenting the

    listening strategies in e.ercise A on page 14$ points out that if SS do not understand a referencein the tapescript, the should tr to find the

    meaning from the conte.t$

    -efore plaing the cassette, instructs the SS toread through items 1*11 listed #elo" the listening

    strategies in e.ercise A and to fill them out "hile


    then plas the cassette and monitors class to

    ma(e sure the pa attention$ %fter the first

    listening as(s the SS to report #ac( theirguesses to the class$ ma(es sure that SS

    follo"ed the clues in the tapescript # chec(ing if

    the helped the SS understand the culturalreferences$


    1: he -road"a* a street,!: Dotherham = a to"n,

    3: @um#er !3* a #us,

    A: season tic(et = a long term #us tic(et,

    : Eaguar = an e.pensi)e car,4: ast nders = a -ritish 6 sho",

    7: London e = a #ig fair "heel,

    C: Scunthorpe = a to"n,9: he -ar#icanF the South -an( = centres in

    London "ith theatres,

    1: he Ministr of Sound = a popular clu#,11: Scones = a pastr, a (ind of ca(e

  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised



    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then instructs the students to turn the page to

    17 and sho" them the function file e.ercise in

    the upper left corner of the page$ gi)es SS time

    to the SS to read the function file and instructs

    them to pa attention to the t"o sorts of

    suggestions, tentati)e and strong suggestions

    "hen filling it out during the second listening$

    then plas the cassette and monitors class to

    ma(e sure the pa attention$ If as(ed # the SS,

    ma repeat the recording$

    %fter the listening, the chec(s the students

    ans"ers # ha)ing indi)idual S read out the

    sentences$ ma(es sure that SS are correcting

    an mista(es the made$


    Home"or( = rite "hat ou "ould change inour to"n$ ***


    goes on to e.plain the purpose of tentati)e and

    strong suggestions to the SS$*entati)e suggestions are generall "ea(er as

    the lac( confidence or certaint

    *Strong suggestions are said "ith confidence and"ithout hesitation$

    then instructs the SS to thin( of at least !

    tentati)e and ! strong suggestions # using thee.pressions in the function file on page 17,

    "hich the "ill ha)e to present in front of the

    class$ then chec(s "hat the SS ha)e "ritten #

    calling out S to read their sentences$E(am!les

    S*Its a#out time the impro)ed the #us ser)ice

    S*he reall should clean the ri)er*hat a#out cleaning the par(

    *here could #e a ne" pedestrian crossing$

  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised


  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised


  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised


  • 7/23/2019 Utopia Revised
