v. academia musicÆ...cetra, tactus, symphonia, arcana, astrée and glossa as well as recording for...


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Page 1: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


4.–12. 7. 2019

Page 2: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the

Academia Musicae Antique Labacensis, peti poletni festival v organizaciji Akademije za glasbo s koncerti in poletno šolo, je name-

njen stari glasbi, ki se ji Akademija za glasbo inten-zivneje posveča od leta 2009. V tem času je izpeljala vrsto kakovostnih komornih in solističnih koncertov, predvsem so odmevali veliki vokalno-instrumen-talni projekti, na primer Montiverdijevi Večernice in Orfej, Pergolesijeva Stabat Mater in glasba s fran-coskega dvora Ludvika XIV. V okviru festivala se bo, poleg mojstrskih tečajev, delavnic in predavanj pod vodstvom priznanih strokovnjakov, zvrstila tudi vrsta koncertov z glasbo od renesanse do zgodnje roman-tike, ki bodo za udeležence poletne šole brezplačni. Peta ljubljanska akademija stare glasbe je name-njena tako glasbenikom, ki želijo nadgraditi svoje poznavanje starih izvajalskih praks, kot tudi tistim, ki teh praks še ne poznajo, a bi tovrstno znanje radi pridobili.

Academia Musicae Antiquae Labacensis, the international summer school of the Acad-emy of Music, is dedicated to early music,

which has received increased attention from the Academy since 2009. During this time, we have or-ganized a number of high quality chamber and so-loist concerts; however, it was large-scale vocal and instrumental projects, such as Monteverdi’s  Ves-pers and his opera L’Orfeo, Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater and the music from the french court of Louis XIV that have won widest acclaim. As part of the summer school, we will not only organize master classes and lectures by renowned experts but also a series of concerts, which will be free of charge for the partic-ipants. The fifth early music academy of Ljubljana is aimed both at musicians who wish to broaden their knowledge of period performance and at those who have no experience in it. Moreover, participants will have a chance to play in chamber groups under the supervision of the teachers.

Page 3: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


CHARLOTTE LEHMANN (Nemčija / Germany) – petje / singing

Vokalna tehnika in pevska literatura (kantate, arije, opera in oratorij) od baroka do Mozarta / Vocal tehnique & free literature (cantatas, arias, opera and oratorio) from Baroque to Mozart

Charlotte Lehmann je mednarodno cenjena nemška sopranistka. Petje je študirala na Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken) pri Sybille Ursuli Fuchs, nato pa pri Paulu Lohmannu v Wiesbadnu. Je zmagovalka pomembnih med-narodnih pevskih tekmovanj. Ima bogato diskografijo z literaturo od baroka do 20. stoletja (Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ro-bert Schumann, Hugo Wolf, Gabriel Fauré, Claude Debussy, Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schönberg in drugi). Nastopala je v koncertnih dvoranah Evrope ter Severne in Južne Amerike. Njene interpretacije so na sporedu vseh nemških radiotelevizijskih hiš in tudi na večini evropskih radiev. Leta 1972 je prevzela poučevanje na katedri za petje na Visoki šoli za glasbo in gledališče v Hanno-vru, od leta 1988 pa na Visoki šoli za glasbo v Würzburgu. Vodi mednarodne mojstrske tečaje petja v Braziliji, Čilu, Veliki Britaniji, Bolgariji in na Japonskem. Njeni študentje so prejeli številne nagrade na mednarodnih tekmovanjih ozi-roma so postali svetovno uveljavljeni umetniki. Od leta 1987 redno organizira mednarodne mojstrske tečaje na mednarodnem glasbenem centru v Haus Marteau (Bayreuth-Lichtenberg). Je članica žirij oziroma umetniška vodja pomembnih mednarodnih tekmovanj in nekdanja predsednica nemškega združenja učiteljev petja, Združenje nemških profesorjev petja / (German Vo-ice Teachers Association).

Charlotte Lehmann is internationally acclaimed German soprano. She studied at the college of music and the universities of Saarland and Saarbrücken, with Sibylle Ursula Fuchs and privately with Paul Lohmann, Wiesbaden. She was prize-winner of the international competitions “L’Amour du Chant” and the UFAM. Charlotte Lehmann has appeared with all German broadcasting corporations, as well as in France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey. She made television appearances with both ARD and ZDF. Also she has participated in CD recordings with works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Robert Schumann, Hugo Wolf, Gabriel Fauré, Claude Debussy, Paul Hindemith, and Arnold Schönberg. In 1972 Charlotte Lehmann started teaching at the University for Music of Hannover. Since 1988 she is a professor at the University for Music of Würzburg. She was a teacher of international winners such as Lioba Brown (Bayreuth, Vienna, Milan), Grammy winner Thomas Quasthoff (Detmold), and Professor Maria Kowollik. Charlotte Lehmann gave international masterclasses in Brazil, Chile, England, Bulgaria, Japan, and Luxembourg. Furthermore she regularly gives courses in Haus Marteau (Lichtenberg- Bayreuth). Charlotte Lehmann

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is internationally in demand as teacher and lecturer. She is at present Honour president of the Federal Association of German singing pedagogues, and a member of the specialized committee of the federal singing competition of Berlin.

EGON MIHAJLOVIĆ (Slovenija / Slovenia, Nemčija / Germany)

Tečaj 1: Čembalo in orgle, baročna glasba / Harpsichord, organ, baroque orchestra

Tečaj 2: Interpretacija za pevce v baročnih operah, oratorijih, kantatah in ariah / Interpretation of style, ornamentals and diminutions in baroque operas, oratorios, cantatas and solo songs for singers.

Mojstrska tečaja sta namenjena vsem generacijam čembalistov, organistov, pianistov in pevcev, ki se želijo seznaniti s historično izvajalsko prakso. / Masterclasses are open to all generations of interested harpsichordists, organists, pianists and singers.

Egon Mihajlović je študiral zgodovinske instrumente s tipkami (čembalo, hammerklavier, orgle) in staro glasbo na Visoki šoli za glasbo in gledališče v Frankfurtu, kjer je diplomiral leta 1992. Leta 1996 je z najvišjimi ocenami končal podiplomski študij in pridobil naziv koncertnega solista. Znanje je nadgrajeval pri profesorjih, kot so Harald Hoeren, Bob van Asperen, Luigi F. Tagliavini in Jean Ferrard. Kot čembalist solist in predvsem kot specialist interpretacije glasbe za čembalo Domenica Scarlattija nastopa na pomembnih festivalih in koncertnih prizoriščih Evrope in ZDA. Bil je dirigent ansamblov Compagnie Fontainebleau (do leta 2003) in Lecce Baroque Orchestra (od leta 2014). Izvaja baročne opere in sakralno glasbo Monteverdija, De Lalanda, Charpentiera, Lullyja, Rameauja, Händla in Telemanna. Dirigiral je tudi znamenitim orkestrom, kot sta Berlin Baroque, Komorni orkester iz Züricha in orkester Freiburger Symphoniker. V Sloveniji je v SNG Ljubljana in Maribor umetniško vodil in dirigal premierne izvedbe Monteverdijevih oper Orfej in Kronanje Popeje, ter baletno predstavo Pergolesijeve Stabat Mater skupaj z koreografom Edwardom Clugom. Po poučevanju na nemških in italijanskih visokošolskih ustanovah (Würzburg, Nürnberg, Pesaro) je od leta 2009 profesor za čembalo in predstojnik Oddelka za staro glasbo na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Leta 2013 je prejel zlato plaketo Univerze v Ljubljani.

Egon Mihajlović studied historical keyboard instruments (harpsichord, ham-merclavier, organ) at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, from which he graduated in 1992. He obtained a postgraduate concert di-ploma in 1996, graduating with the highest grade. Mihajlović studied further

Page 5: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


with Harald Hoeren, Bob van Asperen, Luigi F. Tagliavini and Jean Ferrard. He has given concerts at important festivals and concert venues, mostly per-forming 16th, 17th and 18th century Italian, Spanish and French music. Lead-ing the Compagnie Fontainebleau ensemble since 1994, and Lecce Baroque Orchestra (from 2014) he has presented baroque and sacred music by com-posers such as Monteverdi, Delaland, Charpentier, Lully, Rameau, Handel and Telemann. He has conducted renowned orchestras, including the Berlin Baroque and the Zürich Chamber Orchestra. After being engaged in German and Italian music conservatories, he has been professor for harpsichord and heading the Department of Early Music at the Ljubljana Academy of Music since 2009. In 2013 he received Golden Badge of University Ljubljana for his engagement and Early Music projects on the Academy of music in Ljubljana.

ENRICO GATTI (Italija / Italy)

MÓNIKA TÓTH (Madžarska / Hungary)

Violinska literatura baroka, komorna glasba baroka za godalce in ko-morna glasba / Violin literature of Baroque, chamber music for strings of Baroque & chamber music

Mojstrski tečaj je namenjen baročnim violinistom in vsem godalcem, ki jih zanima historična izvajalska praksa baročne glasbe (učenci nižjih, srednjih in visokih glasbenih šol ter konservatorijev). / Masterclass is open for baroque violinists as well as for all generations of interested modern violinists and string instrument players interested on historically informed interpretation of baroque music.

Enrico Gatti se je rodil v italijanski Perugii. Posveča se proučevanju glasbe-nega repertoarja 17. in 18. stoletja. Diplomiral je na ženevskem konservatoriju v razredu Chiare Banchini in na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Haagu v razredu Sigiswalda Kuijkena. Bil je profesor baročne violine na glasbenih konservato-rijih v Ženevi, Toulousu, na Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in na Civica Scuola di Musica v Milanu. Trenutno poučuje na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Haagu in na Konservatoriju G. Verdi v Milanu. Mojstrske delavnice vodi na pomemb-nih univerzah po Evropi, v Ameriki in na Japonskem. Je ustanovitelj ansambla Aurora, ki od leta 1986 izvaja baročno glasbo. Igral je s številnimi znanimi an-sambli stare glasbe, kot so La Petite Bande, Ensemble 415, Concerto Palati-no, Hesperion XX, La Real Camara, Les Arts Florissants, Les Talens Lyriques, Taverner Players and The King’s Consort, Ricercar Consort, Bach Collegium Japan, Concerto Köln in De Nederlandse Bachvereniging ter z znanimi diri-genti, kot sta Gustav Leonhardt in Ton Koopman. Nastopal je po vsej Evropi,

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Kanadi, v ZDA, Južni Ameriki, na Japonskem in v Avstraliji. Gatti je bil član in predsednik žirij na pomembnih tekmovanjih stare glasbe, poleg tega pa je tudi umetniški vodja mojstrskih tečajev stare glasbe v italijanskem Urbinu.

Enrico Gatti was Born in Perugia, Italy and has dedicated himself to the study of XVII and XVIII century repertoire. He studied with Chiara Banchini and Sigiswal Kuijken. He has concertized all around the world performing with La Petite Bande, Ensemble 415, Concerto Palatino, Hesperion XX, as leader of Les Arts Florissants, Les Talens Lyriques, The Taverner Players, The King’s Consort, Ricercar Consort, Bach Collegium Japan, Concerto Köln, De Nederlandse Bachvereniging and many others, as well as with directors such as Gustav Leonhardt and Ton Koopman. He directs the Ensemble Aurora, founded in Italy in 1986. He has recorded for Harmonia Mundi, Accent, Ricercar, Fonit Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the „Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“, and the „Diapason d’or“. Enrico Gatti has developed a distinguished teaching career as professor of baroque violin at the Conservatory of Music in Toulouse, the Conservatory of Geneva, the Schola Cantorum of Basel, and the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milan. He teaches presently at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague and at the Conservatorio “G. Verdi” of Milano. He has also given masterclasses in many important conservatories and universities of Europe, America and Japan, and has been artistic director of the Urbino Early Music Festival.

Mónika Tóth je leta 1997 z odliko zaključila študij violine na Akademiji za glasbo Franc Liszt Univerze v Szegedu. Njena profesorja sta bila Péter Masopust in Márta S. Dobos. Leta 1999 je prejela štipendijo fundacij Soros in Marco Fodella, ki sta ji omogočili študij violine in stare glasbe na Civica Scoula di Musica (današnji Accademii Musicale Moderna) v Milanu pri prof. Enricu Gattiju. Obiskovala je mojstrske tečaje pri profesorjih, kot so Simon Standage, Lucy van Dael, Jaap Schröder in Malcom Bilson. Leta 2000 je prejela drugo nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju za komorno glasbo Premio Bonporti Rovereto, in tretjo nagrado na Telemann Wettbewerb v Magdenburgu leta 2001. Z odliko je zaključila študij baročne violine na Konservatoriju Vincenzo Bellini v Palermu (2007) pri profesorju Enricu Onofriju. Redno nastopa v doma in v tujini kot članica skupin za staro glasbo in komornih ansamblov, kot so I Barocchisti, Ensemble Zefiro, Il Giardino Armonico, Accademia Bizantina, Europa Galante, Neue Hofkapelle Graz, Dolce e Tempesta … Kot komorna glasbenica je nastopala na prestižnih festivalih v Regensburgu, Berlinu, Barseloni, Leipzigu in na Dunaju. Njene posnetki so izšli pri založbah Decca, EMI, Sony, Archiv, Arts, Naiv, Hungaroton, Symphonia, Amdeus in Virgin labels.

Page 7: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


Mónika Tóth obtained a degree with distinction in violin teaching from the Szeged Faculty of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in 1997. Her teachers were Péter Masopust and Márta S. Dobos. In 1999 she was awarded grants by the Soros Foundation and the Marco Fodella Foundation, with which she went to study the violin and early music at the Civica Scoula si Musica (today Accademia Musicale Moderna) in Milan under Enrico Gatti. In addition to her formal studies she also attended the master classes of Simon Standage, Lucy van Dael, Jaap Schröder and Malcom Bilson. In 2000 she won second price at the Premio Bonporti Rovereto international chamber music com-petition, and third at the Telmann Wettbewer in Magdenburg in 2001. She earned a degree with the distinction in baroque violin from the Vincenzo Bellini Conservatorium in Palermo in 2007, as a student of Enrico Onofri. She appears regularly with the Hungarian and international early music groups and chamber ensembles, including I Barocchisti, Ensemble Zefiro, Il Giardi-no Armonico, Accademia Bizantina, Europa Galante, Neue Hofkapelle Graz, Dolce e Tempesta … She attends prestigious European festivals as a chamber musician, including the Regensburg, Berlin, Barcelona, Leipzig and Vienna festivals. She has contributed to recordings with the Decca, EMI, Sony, Archiv, Arts, Naiv, Hungaroton, Symphonia, Amdeus and Virgin labels.

LUCIA RIZZELLO (Italija / Italy) – flavta / flute

Mojstrski tečaj je namenjen flavtistom vseh starosti, ki jih zanima histo-rična izvajalska praksa baročne glasbe. / Masterclass is open for ba-roque traverso flutists as well as for all generations of interested modern flutists interested on historically informed interpretation of baroque music.

Lucia Rizzello se je rodila v Parizu. Diplomirala je iz baročne in moderne flavte na Civica Scuola di Musica v Milanu in na konservatoriju A. Pedrolo v Vicen-zi pod mentorstvom Marcella Gattija s tezo Flavta v Neaplju v prvi polovici 18. stoletja. Študirala je tudi pri Kate Clark in Bartholdu Kuijkenu ter baročno petje pri Gloriji Banditelli. Diplomirala je tudi iz dirigiranja pri Romolu Gessiju in študirala pri Donatu Renzettiju ter Juliusu Kalmarju. Igra v baročnih orke-strih pod vodstvom Enrica Gattija, Ottavija Dantoneja, Alfreda Bernardinija, Jeroma Correasa, Gianluce Capuana, Egona Mihajlovića, Luce Lucchette, Sergia Balestraccija, Marcella Gattija ... Leta 1990 je ustanovila ansambel I Musici Serenati, s katerim nastopa v Italiji in drugod. Redno dirigira različnim ansamblom in orkestrom ter sodeluje v žirijah glasbenih tekmovanj. Snemala je za založbe Stradivarius, DAD records, Amadeus, Officina Musicum, Sony DADC, Mastery Records in Baryton. Uči na konservatoriju T. Schipa v Lecce,

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na Falautcampusu v Salernu in na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani. Je tudi umetniška direktorica mednarodnega festivala The Voice of the An-gels in umetniška vodja Baročnega orkestra Lecce. Učila je baročno flavto na mojstrskih tečajih Konservatorija Eisenstadt v Avstriji. Od oktobra 2014 je profesorica za baročno flavto na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani.

Lucia Rizzello (born in Paris) graduated in baroque and classical flute at the „Civica Scuola di Musica“ of Milan and at the Conservatory „A. Pedrollo“ of Vicenza under the guidance of Marcello Gatti with a thesis entitled „The flute in Naples in the first half of the eighteenth century“. She studied also with Kate Clark and Barthold Kuijken. She studied baroque singing with Gloria Banditelli. She graduated in conducting with Romolo Gessi and studied also with Donato Renzetti, Julius Kalmar. She plays in baroque orchestras under the direction of Enrico Gatti, Ottavio Dantone, Alfredo Bernardini, Jerome Correas, Gianluca Capuano, Egon Mihajlović, Luca Lucchetta, Sergio Balestracci, Marcello Gatti…. In 1990 she founded the early music ensemble „I Musici Serenati“ with which she performs concerts in Italy and abroad. Regularly conducts various groups and orchestras. She is part of the juries of numerous competitions. She has recorded for Stradivarius, DAD records, Amadeus, Officina Musicum, Sony DADC, Mastery Records, Baryton. She teaches as a professor of Flute at the Conservatory „T.Schipa” in Lecce. She is the Artistic Director of the International Festival „The Voice of the Angels“ and artistic director of Lecce Baroque Orchestra. She taught historical flutes in a masterclass at the Conservatory of Eisenstadt (Austria). Since 2011 she teaches at the „Falautcampus“ in Salerno. Since October 2014 she is a professor of Baroque Flute at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana (Slovenia).

ANDREJ GRAFENAUER (Slovenija / Slovenia) – romantična kitara, kitarska in komorna literatura klasicizma in romantike / early romantic guitar, guitar literature of classicism and romantic period

Mojstrski tečaj je namenjen vsem kitaristom, ki jih zanima raziskovanje izvajalskih praks ter historičnih instrumentov klasicizma in romantike. / Masterclass is open for all guitarists, who are interested in research of 19. and early 20. century guitar performance and instruments.

Andrej Grafenauer se je začel učiti kitaro pri profesorju Tomažu Šeguli, na Visoki šoli za glasbo Gradcu pa je diplomiral v razredu prof. Marge Bäuml--Klasinc. Izpopolnjeval se je še pri nekaterih znanih umetnikih, med njimi pri urugvajskem kitaristu Abelu Carlevaru. Kot solist in v malih komornih za-sedbah je nastopil na koncertnih ciklih in festivalih v Sloveniji in tujini z deli različnih stilnih obdobij in usmeritev od renesanse do sodobnih skladb. Vodi

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poletne šole in je član žirij na mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Od leta 1992 po-učuje kitaro na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Njegovi študentje so prejeli vrsto najvišjih nagrad na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Izdal je več CD-plošč, med njimi dve z deli slovenskih skladateljev, druge pa predvsem z baročno in romantično literaturo za kitaro in kitarski duo. Med letoma 2009 in 2017 je bil dekan Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani. Za svoje umetniško delo-vanje na glasbenem področju je leta 2000 prejel Betettovo nagrado Društva glasbenih umetnikov Slovenije.

Andrej Grafenauer started the guitar studies with professor Tomaž Šegu-la. He has been the recipient of the High School of Music in Graz where he graduated in the class under the professor Marge Bäuml-Klasinc. Andrej Grafenauer had additional training with internationally renowned artists, such as the Uruguayan guitarist Abel Carlevaru. Andrej Grafenauer appears as a guitar soloist, small chamber groups musician at concert cycles and fes-tivals in Slovenia. He performed all around Europe as well, including perfor-mances from different periods and orientations, from the renaissance period to contemporary compositions. He is now an internationally acclaimed artist, who teaches at the Ljubljana Music Academy as a professor of guitar since 1992, gives master classes and also serves as a judge for important inter-national guitar competitions. His highest achieving students are winners of the international and domestic competitions. He has recorded several CD’s, among them two works by Slovenian composers, while others are mainly from Baroque and Romantic era and are dedicated to literature for guitar solo and guitar duo. From 2009 till 2017 he was the Dean at Ljubljana Music Academy of the University of Ljubljana. He was awarded the prize of the Slo-vene Music Artists Association, the Betetto award for the best original music achievements.

IZIDOR ERAZEM GRAFENAUER (Slovenija / Slovenia) – lutnja, teorba, baročna kitara / luth, theorbo, baroque guitar

Literatura in tehnike igranja historičnih brenkal: renesančne lutnje, rene-sančne kitare, baročne lutnje, baročne kitare in teorbe. Mojstrski tečaj je namenjen tudi vsem kitaristom, ki se želijo seznaniti s historično izvajalsko prakso in instrumenti. / Literature and performing technique on renais-sance luth & guitar, baroque luth & guitar and theorbo. Recommended for guitar players of all generations, interested in historically informed in-terpretation of renaissance and baroque music.

Izidor Erazem Grafenauer je leta 2013 diplomiral iz kitare na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani pri prof. Andreju Grafenauerju. Prejel je številne prve na-

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grade na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih ter kot solist nastopal z or-kestri Slovenske filharmonije, SNG Maribor, Cantabile, Komornim godalnim, kitarskim in baročnim orkestrom Akademije za glasbo. Podiplomski študij baročne lutnje in teorbe je opravljal pri profesorju Tizianu Bagnatiju v Benet-kah, kitare pa pri Istvanu Römerju v Zagrebu. Kot član različnih ansamblov za staro glasbo (Hrvaški baročni orkester, Hymnia, Nova scola Labacensis, Ca-pella Carniolla, Baročni orkester Akademije za glasbo, ansambel Antiphonus) je nastopal na mnogo festivalih stare glasbe v Sloveniji in tujini. Poleg kitare solistično nastopa predvsem z baročno lutnjo in teorbo, ukvarja pa se tudi s flamenkom.

Izidor Erazem Grafenauer graduated in guitar in 2013 from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, studying with professor Andrej Grafenauer. He has won numerous first prizes in national and international competitions. As a soloist, he has performed with the Slovenian Philharmonic, the SNG Maribor Sym-phony Orchestra, the Cantabile Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber String Orchestra and the Guitar Orchestra and Baroque Orchestra of the Academy of Music. He did his postgraduate studies of theorbo and baroque lute at the B. Marcello Conservatory of Venice with Prof. Tiziano Bagnati, and guitar at Prof. Istvan Römer at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. As a member of different early music ensembles (Croatian Baroque Orchestra Hymnia, Nova scola Labacensis, Capella Carniolla, the Baroque Orchestra of the Academy of Music), he has performed at many early music festivals home and abroad. In addition to the classical guitar, he regularly performs with the baroque lute and theorbo and also plays flamenco.

Theresa Plut je mednarodno uveljavljena sopranistka in glasbena pedagoginja. Z Ano Netrebko in Emmanuelom Villaumejem je nastopala na evropski turneji s koncertno izvedbo opere Jolanta, Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega. Bila je članica solističnega zasedbe Deutsche Oper am Rhein in nastopala na odrih raznih koncertnih dvoran in opernih hiš v Evropi. Solistična pot jo je vodila na Kitajsko, Tajsko, v Izrael ter Kanado. Theresine operne vloge obsegajo Kraljico noči (Čarobna piščal), Blonde (Beg iz Seraja), Olympia (Hoffmanove pripovedke), Rosina (Seviljski brivec), Serpetta (La finta giardiniera), Ophelia (Hamlet), Walter (La Wally), Metka (Janko in Metka), Betly (La capanna svizzera), Casilda (Gondolieri), Mlle Silberklang (Gledališki direktor) in druge. Sodelovala je z mednarodno priznanimi dirigenti, kot so John Fiore, Alexander Joel, Alain Paris, Nicholas Milton, George Pehlivanian pri koncertnih delih, kot so Mahlerjeva 4. simfonija, Haydnovi Stvarjenje in Letni časi, Mozartova Maša v c-molu, Brahmsovem Nemškem requiemu ... Pevkine nastope redno snema in predvaja RTV Slovenija. Snemala je tudi za produkcijski hiši Musiques

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Suisses in Deutsche Grammophon. Leta 2018 je Glasbena matica Ljubljana izdala DVD z Mozartovim Requiemom s solisti Bernardo Fink, Martinom Sušnikom, Marcosom Finkom in dirigentom Lorisom Voltolinijem. Album sodobnih slovenskih samospevov z organistko Polono Gantar bo leta 2019 izdalo Društvo slovenskih skladateljev. Poleg koncertne in operne dejavnosti se je Theresa Plut dokazala kot izjemna interpretka samospevov. Nastopa s solističnimi recitali tako doma kot v tujini. Leta 2019 je organizirala prvi evropski spevSLAM (www.spevslam.si) v Ljubljani. V okviru svojih številnih projektov se zavzema za produkcijo nove slovenske komorne glasbe za glas in klavir. Theresa Plut je docentka za petje na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze Ljubljana, kjer poučuje glas in didaktiko pouka petja. Poleg tega je predavala in vodila glasbene seminarje v Zagrebu, Črni gori in v mnogih krajih po Sloveniji. Ima naziv častna profesorica Centralne univerze v Pekingu na Kitajskem. Leta 2018 je bila gostujoča profesorica na Univerzi British Columbia v Vancouvru v Kanadi. Theresa ima diplome z Visoke šole za umetnost v Zürichu in Visoke šole za glasbo in gledališko umetnost v Stuttgartu. Njeni mentorji so bili Jane Mengedoht-Thorner, Richard Miller, Julia Hamari in Janina Stano. Theresa se je slovenskim staršem rodila v čudovitem Vancouvru v Kanadi.

Theresa Plut is an internationally active soprano and vocal pedagogue. She has performed alongside Anna Netrebko and Emmanuel Villaume on the European tour of Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta, was a member of the solo ensemble of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and has appeared on the stages of various concert halls and opera houses in Europe. Her performance schedule has taken her to China, Thailand, Israel as well as Vancouver, Toronto and Ot-tawa in Canada. In opera, Theresa has performed the Queen of the Night (Zauberflöte), Blonde (Entführung), Olympia (Hoffmann’s Erzählungen), Ros-ina (Il Barbiere), Serpetta (La finta giardiniera), Ophelia (Hamlet), Walter (La Wally), Gretel (Hänsel und Gretel), Betly (La capanna svizzera), Casilda (The Gondoliers), Mlle Silberklang (Schauspieldirektor), among others. She has collaborated with internationally recognized conductors such as John Fiore, Alexander Joel, Alain Paris, Nicholas Milton, George Pehlivanian with concert works such as Mahler’s 4th Symphony, Haydn’s Schöpfung and Jahreszeiten, Mozart’s Mass in C minor, Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem… Theresa’s perfor-mances are regularly recorded and broadcast by Radio Television Slovenia. She has also recorded for the labels Musiques Suisses and Deutsche Grammo-phone. A DVD of Mozart’s Requiem with soloists Bernarda Fink, Martin Sušnik, Marcos Fink, conductor Loris Voltolini, was released 2018 by Glasbena Matica Ljubljana. A recording of contemporary Slovenian songs with organist Polo-na Gantar will be released on the DSS label in 2019. Theresa has also proven an exceptional interpreter of art song, giving recitals at home and abroad. Recently becoming active in promoting art song locally, she organized the

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first European songSLAM (www.spevslam.si) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She con-tinues to advocate for the creation of new Slovenian chamber music for voice and piano also through her various other projects. Theresa Plut is assistant professor of voice at the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music, where she teaches voice and vocal pedagogy. She has lectured and given vocal seminars in Zagreb, Montenegro and at numerous locations in Slovenia. She is an honorary professor at the Central University in Beijing, China. In 2018 she was guest professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Cana-da. Theresa holds degrees from the Hochschule der Künste in Zurich and the Musikhochscule der Darstellende Künste in Stuttgart. Her mentors were Jane Mengedoht-Thorner, Richard Miller, Julia Hamari and Janina Stano. Theresa was born to Slovenian parents in beautiful Vancouver, Canada.

Mezzosopranistka Barbara Jernejčič Fürst je končala študij zborovskega dirigiranja pri prof. Karlu-Ernstu Hoffmanu ter pridobila naziv magistra umetnosti in operno-dramskega upodabljanja na graški Univerzi za glasbo. Izpopolnjevala se je na mojstrskih tečajih pri profesorjih, kot so M. Lipovšek, Ch. Ludwig, D. Fi scher-Dieskau, M. Martinu, R. Pirnay ter za baročno petje pri B. Schlick in Ch. Roussetu. Bila je članica Flamskega opernega studia v belgijskem Gentu in štipendistka Steanovega Inštituta za mlade glasbenike v okviru Ravinia festivala v Chicagu. Gostovala je na odrih Flamske opere v Gentu in Antwerpnu, ljubljanske in mariborske opere, dunajske Komorne opere in Theather an der Wien, ter v okviru Glasbene mladine ljubljanske, Festivala Ljubljana, festivala Kogojevi dnevi, Poletja v stari Ljubljani, Slovenskih glasbenih dnevov, Koncertnega ateljeja DSS, Štajerske jeseni, Koroškega poletja, Slavnostnih iger v Bregenzerju, Styriarte, Mednarodni teden za staro glasbo v Krieglachu, Pomladni festival v Musikvereinu, Echi lontani, Festivala Retz, Zagrebški bienale, Wien modern ... Sodeluje s številnimi orkestri in ansambli (Slovenska filharmonija, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Tonkünstlerorchester, Recreationorchester iz Gradca, Slowind, La petite bande, Armonico Tributo Austria, Capella Musicae, Solamente naturali, Musica Aeterna, Mosaik, Klangforum Wien …). V bogati koncertni zgodovini je poustvarila največja dela glasbene zakladnice. Redno sodeluje tudi s kitaristom Žarkom Ignjatovićem, s katerim sta gostovala v Ameriki in Kanadi. Za domače in tuje založbe je Barbara Jernejčič Fürst poustvarila dela na več kot 10 zgoščenkah ter izdala tri samostojne zgoščenke posvečene slovenskemu samospevu 20. stoletja. Prvo je posvetila celotnemu opusu Marija Kogoja ob spremljavi litvanske pianistke Gaive Bandzinaite, ki je tudi njena spremljevalka pri plošči z naslovom V votlini raja z deli Lebiča, Ježa, Šivica in Lipovška. Zgoščenko z naslovom Dotiki pa je posvetila skladateljicam

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in skladateljem današnjega časa, ki pišejo za glas solo in Monteverdiju. Je profesorica solopetja na Akademiji za glasbo.

Mezzo-soprano Barbara Jernejčič Fürst graduated from the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts with honours in choral conducting and music drama, gaining the title of Master of Arts. She was a member of the Flemish Opera Studio in Belgium’s Ghent and a scholarship holder at the Steans Institute for Young Artists at the Ravinia Festival in Chicago. In addition, she attended masterclasses with M. Lipovšek, Ch. Ludwig, D. Fischer-Diskau, M. Martinu, R. Piernay and, for baroque singing, with B. Schlick and Ch. Rousset. On the stage of Graz’s Theater im Palais, the Flemish Opera in Ghent and Antwerp, the Vienna Chamber Opera, the Theater an der Wien, and the Ljubljana and Maribor opera houses, Barbara Jernejčič Fürst has performed the roles of Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro, the Second Lady in The Magic Flute and Dorabella in Cosi fan tutte by W. A. Mozart, Ruggiero in Handel’s Alcina, the Third Lady in the premiere of Mia Schmidt’s opera Fanny Goldmann, Lucretia in The Rape of Lucretia by B. Britten, Siebel in Gounod’s Faust, Lisinga in Gluck’s Le cinesi and Trommler in Ullman’s Der Kaiser von Atlantis, among other roles. In her rich concert career, Barbara Jernejčič Fürst has performed the greatest works of the vocal music repertoire, such as Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, Bach’s Magnificat, St Matthew Passion, St John Passion and a series of cantatas, Mozart’s Requiem, Händel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Bruckner’s Te Deum, Lebič’s Zgodba-Fable, Globokar’s Sternbild der Grenze, and so on. Among her most acclaimed performances was an appearance at the Golden Hall of the Vienna Music Association with the monologue from Monteverdi’s Ariadne. Barbara Jernejčič Fürst is one of the few performers focused on the works of contemporary Slovenian composers. She has recorded for both domestic and foreign record labels and has released an independent CD with the entire opus of lieder by Marij Kogoj with piano accompaniment by Gaive Bandzinaite. On her CD Dotiki with works for solo voice, we can find compositions by Vinko Globokar, Urška Pompe, Larisa Vrhunc, Brina Jež Brezavšček, Luciano Berio and Alison Bauld, rounded off with an aria by C. Monteverdi.

Urška Centa je plesalka flamenka, koreografija in pedagoginja, ki po študiju flamenka na Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española – Amor de Dios in Centro Superior de Estudios del Flamenco - UFlamenco v Madridu ustvarja in poučuje v Sloveniji in tujini. Pri svojem delu raziskuje flamenko kot sodobno odrsko umetnost in glasbo. Je avtorica projektov Sacai (2016), Deblas (2018) in drugih, ter kuratorka serije koncertov Noches de Tablao, kjer preko flamenka med seboj druži različne kulturne profile. Je članica slovenske

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umetniške flamenko zasedbe CoraViento, s katero je sodelovala pri nastanku projektov V zeleni senci lune (2011), Trenutek (2013), F.L.A.M.E.N.K.O. (2014), Carmen (2015) in (NI)SEM (2016), deluje pa tudi v zasedbah Nova Schola Labacensis, Vito Marenče Group, Caña ter MTF feat, Sub-Lime ...

Urška Centa is a flamenco dancer, choreographer and pedagogue who, after studying flamenco at the Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española – Amor de Dios and Centro Superior de Estudios del Flamenco – UFlamenco in Madrid, creates and teaches in Slovenia and abroad. In her work, she studies flamenco as a contemporary stage art and music. She is the author of the projects Sacai (2016), Deblas (2018) and others, and the curator of the series of concerts Noches de Tablao, where she combines different cultural profiles with flamenco. She is a member of the Slovenian flamenco group CoraViento – they participated in the projects In the green shadow of the moon (2011), Moment (2013), F.L.A.M.E.N.K.O. (2014), Carmen (2015) and (NI)SEM (2016), and also performs with Nova Schola Labacensis, Vito Marenče Group, Caña and MTF feat, Sub-Lime …

Kaja Kapus je baročni violončelo študirala pri Wernerju Matzkeju na Državni visoki šoli za glasbo Trossingen in Jaapu ter Lindnu na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Haagu, komorno glasbo v stari glasbi pa pri Linde Brunmayr-Tutz na Državni visoki šoli za glasbo Trossingen. Dodatno se je izpopolnjevala pri Markusu Möllenbecku, Martinu Zellerju, Kristin von der Goltz, Guidu Larischu, Gerhartu Darmstadtu, Alison McGillivray in Larsu Ulriku Mortensenu. Z ansambli Suono basso, Ensemble La Pace, Melas Drymos, La Suave Melodia, La Sirenissima, Bern Consort in Fontanella Consort je koncertirala po Sloveniji, v Nemčiji, Italiji, Švici in na Nizozemskem, med drugim na festivalih Dnevi stare glasbe, Evropskem dnevu stare glasbe, Imago Sloveniae, Oude Muziek Utrecht – Fringe, festival stare glasbe III. Accademia Musicae Antiquae Labacensis in barockFestlich. Sodelovala je pri koncertnih izvedbah Purcellove opere Dido in Enej v produkciji Vokalne akademije Ljubljana. Izvedba opere je izšla na zgoščenki, posnela pa jo je tudi Televizija Slovenija. Decembra 2014 je kot solistka in kot članica komorne zasedbe igrala v oddaji Barockmusik zum Advent švicarske nacionalne televizije SRF1. V študijskem letu 2017/2018 je za študente Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani pripravila in vodila tri delavnice baročnega violončela, od študijskega leta 2018/2019 pa baročni violončelo redno poučuje na Akademiji za glasbo.

Kaja Kapus studied baroque cello with Werner Matzke at the Trossingen State Music School, Jaap in Linden at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, and early music chamber music by Linde Brunmayr-Tutz at the Trossingen

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State Music School. She upgraded her knowledge with professors Markus Möllenbeck, Martin Zeller, Kristin von der Goltz, Guido Larisch, Gerhart Darmstadt, Alison McGillivray and Lars Ulrik Mortensen. With ensembles Suono Basso, Ensemble La Pace, Melas Drymos, La Suave Melodia, La Sirenissima, Bern Consort and Fontanella Consort, she has performed in Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands, including on festvals like the Days of Old Music, European Early Music Festival, Imago Sloveniae, Oude Muziek Utrecht – Fringe, Festival of Old Music – 3th Accademia Musicae Antiquae Labacensis and barockFestlich. She participated in the concert performances of Purcell‘s opera Dido and Aeneas in the production of Vocal Academy Ljubljana. The performance of the opera was released on the CD, and it was also filmed by Television Slovenia. In December 2014, she performed as a soloist and as a member of the chamber ensemble in the Barockmusik zum Advent on the Swiss National Television SRF1. In the academic year 2017/2018, she prepared and conducted three workshops for the baroque cello for the students of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. From the academic year 2018/2019 she teaches baroque cello at the Academy of Music.

Eva Dolinšek je študirala čembalo na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani na Oddelku za staro glasbo pri profesorju Egonu Mihajloviću. Zaradi izjemnih umetniških dosežkov in izkazane odličnosti magistrskega izpita je leta 2015 prejela diplomo summa cum laude. Njena aktivnost se na področju oživljanja in raziskovanja stare glasbe nadaljuje v obliki številnih solističnih in komornih koncertov v okviru abonmajev, strokovnih predavanj, pisanju strokovnih član-kov. Leta 2016 je izdala svojo prvo zgoščenko z naslovom BAROK. Na Interna-tional Campus Musica Udine 2016 ji je strokovna žirija podelila 1. nagrado. Na mednarodnem tekmovanju Svirel 2017 je kot solistka osvojila zlato priznanje, posebno nagrado in se uvrstila v finale. Na tekmovanju TEMSIG 2019 je dobila posebno priznanje žirije kot čembalistka – za umetniško podporo tekmovalcu v III. kategoriji – Kljunasta flavta. Izobraževanje pri Christophu Roussetu zao-krožuje njeno čemablistično interpretacijsko znanje. Od leta 2011 je umetniška vodja baročne komorne skupine »Musica nucis«. Z letom 2018 je postala asi-stentka za področje čembala na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani.

After having successfully completed her Secondary School and Music School in Nova Gorica, Eva Dolinšek began her studies at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana, where she started her harpsichord courses at the Early Music Department under the guidance of professor Egon Mihajlović. In September 2015, she graduated with honours, Summa Con Laude, from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana and gained her M.Mus degree in Harpsichord

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performance. In 2018, she became a harpsichord assistant at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. Since 2011, Eva has been the artistic director of Musica Nucis baroque chamber orchestra. Eva regularly continues to improve her technique and interpretation skills through a combination of seminars and summer music school assisted by musicians. In April 2016, she won the Silver Award at the 8th  International Music Competition and Festival for Soloists and Chamber Groups Svirél. At the International Music Campus Campus Musica Udine, which took place from 25th August to 31st August 2016 in Italy, she was awarded the First Prize by a jury of experts. In December 2016 she released her first CD intiteled “Barok” with works of J. S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, J. Bull, J. Ph. Rameau, A. Soler. In April 2017, she won the Gold Award and was the finalist of International Music Competition for Soloists and Chamber Group Svirel. With her group won the Silver Award at the same competition. In November 2017 she has spoken about Music of Domenico Scarlatti and Girolamo Frescobaldi on the pianist congress EPTA.

Petra Vidmar je docentka za tolkala na Akademiji za glasbo in solistka v Simfoničnem orkestru RTV Slovenija. Sodeluje z mnogimi drugimi orkestri (Slovenska filharmonija, SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, Orkester slovenske vojske, idr.) in se izpopolnjuje pri priznanih tolkalcih, kot so Nebojša Jovan Živković, Ivana Bilić, Katarzyna Mycka, Eriko Daimo, Eric Sammut, Svet Stoyanov, Raymond Curfs, Rainer Roemer … Njeni odmevnejši avtorski projekti so Slišati barve (2014, povezovanje slik in glasbe), Lenora (2015, preplet poezije in glasbe), Ritem življenja (2015, glasba za tolkala brez tolkal) in „4“ (2018, 4 skladbe, 4 tolkalci, 4 palčke, povezane s 4-delno zgodbo).

Petra Vidmar started her musical education by taking playing piano lessons. After 8 years, she decided for to pursue percussion and was soon accepted into the Music Conservatory and later on into Music Academy of in Ljubljana, where she graduated with special honours. She is a soloist timpanist of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and she also teaches at the Academy of Music, University of Ljubljana. During her percussion education, she was awarded 3 times with the Academy’s Prešeren Award for students. She was learning from some of the best known percussionists in the world, such as Eriko Daimo, Katarzyna Mycka, Nebojša Jovan Živković, Eric Sammut, Svet Stoyanov, Raymond Curfs, Rainer Roemer, Ivana Bilić … Petra also runs masterclasses in Slovenia and abroad. She is performing as a soloist as well as, in different chamber groups, and is also recording musician for Radio Slovenia.

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Umetniški asistenti in korepeticije / Artistic consulters and accompaniment:

• Vladimir Mlinarić (Slovenija / Slovenia) – klavir / piano

• Martina Okoliš (Slovenija / Slovenia) – čembalo in orgle / harpsichord and organ

• Eva Dolinšek (Slovenija / Slovenia) – čembalo / harpsichord

• Branimir Rezić (Slovenija, Hrvaška / Slovenia, Croatia) – čembalo / harpsichord


4. 7. 2019, 20.30 Historični atrij Magistrata / Town Hall Ljubljana V kooperaciji z Zavodom Slovenski S. Baročni orkester / In cooperation with the Fondation Slovenian Baroque Orchestra

BAROČNE EKSTRAVAGANCE / BAROQUE EXTRAVAGANCE S. Baročni orkester in Consort / Slovenian baroque orchestra and consort Dirigent / Conductor: red. prof. Egon Mihajlović Theresa Plut – sopran / soprano Barbara Jerenjčič Fürst – mezzosopran / mezzo-soprano

Spored / Programme:: Monteverdi, Händel

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5. 7. 2019, 20.30 Historični atrij Magistrata / Town Hall Ljubljana V kooperaciji z Zavodom Slovenski S. Baročni orkester / In cooperation with the Fondation Slovenian Baroque Orchestra

VEČERNO HREPENENJE / EVENING NOSTALGIA – koncert skladb za romantično kitaro J. K. Mertza / concert of the compositions for the romantic quitar by J. K. Mertz Theresa Plut – sopran / soprano Andrej Grafenauer, Izidor Erazem Grafenauer, Maja Kralj, Katja Veronika Novak – romantične kitare / romantic guitars

Repertoar koncerta predstavlja izbor skladb vodilnega srednjeevropske-ga kitarskega skladatelja iz obdobja romantike, Johanna Kasparja Mertza (1806–1856). Njegove skladbe so pred dobrimi 200 leti zagotovo odmevale tudi v Ljubljani, saj se je v knjižnici Akademije za glasbo ohranila vrsta tiskov in prepisov njegovih skladb, katerih poreklo je mogoče iskati v Filharmonič-ni družbi in Glasbeni matici in datirajo v sredino 19. stoletja. Tako med temi ohranjenimi tiski in rokopisi iz prve polovice ali sredine 19. stoletja najdemo tudi vrsto Mertzovih skladb za kitaro, ki segajo od virtuoznih opernih fantazij, sklad iz njegove znamenite zbirke Bärdenklange (Zvoki bardov) in različnih krajših skladb, do priredb samospevov Franza Schuberta in Gustava Holze-la. Na koncertu bo mogoče slišati tudi zelo redko izvajana edina Mertzova samospeva, skoraj ljudski popevki, ki ju je napisal na besedili pesnika, zgodo-vinarja, arheologa, potopisca, Prešernovega znanca in med leti 1829 in 1840 celjskega gimnazijskega profesorja Johanna Gabriela Seidla (1804–1875). Mertzova glasba bo izvajana na originalnih srednjeevropskih kitarah iz 19. stoletja: na običajni, terčni in harfni kitari.

The repertoire of the concert is a selection of songs by the leading Central European guitar composer from the period of Romanticism, Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806–1856). His compositions were certainly reverberated in Ljublja-na 200 years ago, because the library of the Academy of Music preserved a series of prints and copies of his compositions, whose origins can be found in the Philharmonic Society and the Glasbena matica (1st Slovenian Music Society) and date back to the middle of the 19th century. Thus, among these preserved prints and manuscripts from the first half of the mid-19th century, we find a series of Mertz guitar compositions, ranging from virtuoso operat-ic fantasies, a collection from his famous Bärdenklange collection (Sounds

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of bards) and various shorter compositions, arrangements of the songs by Franz Schubert and Gustav Holzel. At the concert, we will listen to the rarely performed Mertz’s songs, almost folk songs, written on the lyrics of the poet, historian, archaeologist, traveler, Prešeren‘s acquaintance and between 1829 and 1840 high school professor in Celje Johann Gabriel Seidl (1804–1875). Mertz‘s music will be performed on original Central European guitar from the 19th century.

6. 7. 2019, 20.30 Historični atrij Magistrata / Town Hall Ljubljana

ZVOKI DO PRETEKLOSTI / STRINGS TO THE PAST Izidor Erazem Grafenauer – baročna kitara / baroque guitar Petra Vidmar – tolkala / percussion Urška Centa – ples / dance

Repertoar sestavlja izbor skladb skladatelja Santiaga de Murcie iz knjige Codex IV. iz XVII. stoletja, ki je bila ponovno odkrita leta 1943 v Mehiki. Skladatelj se je imenoval za mojstra kitare prve burbonske kraljice Španije, Marije Luize Savojske, in je v svoje skladbe združeval takratno francosko, špansko in italijansko glasbo ter vplive ljudske glasbe Afrike in Latinske Amerike. S tem je postal prvi ‚fusion‘ skladatelj, preden je ta izraz sploh dobil svoj pomen.

Skladbe bodo izpod prstov Izidorja Erazma Grafenauerja, ki očara s svojo iz-raznostjo, tehniko in historično raznolikimi zvočnimi podobami, tokrat zazve-nele v moderni preobleki, saj se mu bosta na odru pridružili še tolkalka Petra Vidmar, ki bo glasbo oplemenitila z različnimi tolkali, in plesalka flamenka, Urška Centa, ki bo staro glasbo prenesla v gib sodobnega flamenka.

‘Strings to the past’, a special dance and music program of baroque music and flamenco. Once again the marvelous and expressive musician Izidor Era-zem Grafenauer will bring past to life with the strings of his baroque guitar and put it in a modern formate with the percussion by the brilliant musici-an Petra Vidmar. Old music will be brought to visual dimensions with Urška Centa’s contemporary flamenco dance. Join us for this wonderful time travel through the music and dance!The repertoire is formed by the work of Santiago de Murcia from his book

Page 20: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


Codex IV, composed in the 17th century, that was reencountered in 1943 in Mexico. This wonderful composer described himself as a Master of guitar to the first Bourbon Queen of Spain, Maria Luisa of Savoy, and created his music with Spanish, French, Italian, African and Latin-American roots, there fore he is now considered as the first ‘fusion’ composer even before that expression was generally established.

7. 7. 2019, 20.00 Atrij Akademije za glasbo / Academy of Music, Stari trg 34

I SUONI DELLA DEVAZIONE Milana Drobac – baročna flavta / baroque flute Ana Marija Krajnc – čembalo / harpsichord Mentorja / Mentors: red. prof. Lucia Rizzello, red. prof. Egon Mihajlović

Giuseppe Sammartini (1695–1750)

Sonata za flavto in basso continuo, op. 13, št. 1 / Sonata for flute and basso continuo, Op. 13, No. 1• Andante• Allegro• Grave• Presto

Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621)

Variacije za čembalo Mein junges Leben hat ein End, SwWV 324 / Harpsi-chord variations Mein junges Leben hat ein End, SwWV 324

Michel Blavet (1700–1768)

Sonata za flavto in basso continuo, op. 2, št. 3 / Sonata for flute and basso continuo, Op. 2, No. 3 • Adagio „La Dhérouville“• Allemanda • Rondeau gratioso “L’Insinuante”• Premier et deuxième tambourin “Le Mondorge”• Giga

Page 21: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


Jean-Daniel Braun (cca. 1700–cca. 1740)

Sonata za flavto in basso continuo, op. 1, št. 3 / Sonata for flute and basso continuo, Op. 1, No. 3• Andante• Corrente Allegro• Gavotta• Allegro• Presto

Jean-Henry d’Anglebert (1629–1691)

Suita II v g za čembalo • Prelude• Allemande• Courante• Seconde courante• Sarabande• Gigue• Galliarde• Passacaille

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Sonata za flavto in basso continuo v e-molu, BWV 1034 / Sonata for flute and basso continuo in E minor, BWV 1034• Adagio ma non tanto• Allegro• Andante• Allegro

8. 7. 2019, 20.30 Historični atrij Magistrata / Town Hall Ljubljana V kooperaciji z Zavodom Slovenski S. Baročni orkester / In cooperation with the Fondation Slovenian Baroque Orchestra


red. prof. Egon Mihajlović – čembalo / harpsichord

Spored / Programme: De Chambonnières, d´Anglebert, F. Couperin

Page 22: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the


9. 7. 2019, 20.00Atrij Akademije za glasbo / Academy of Music, Stari trg 34

HORTUS MUSICUM – koncert študentov Oddelka za staro glasbo / Early Music Department student’s concert

Mentorji / Mentors: red. prof. Lucia Rizzello, Monika Toth, red. prof. Enrico Gatti, red. prof. Egon Mihajlović

10. 7. 2019, 20.30 Historični atrij Magistrata / Town Hall Ljubljana V kooperaciji z Zavodom Slovenski S. Baročni orkester / In cooperation with the Fondation Slovenian Baroque Orchestra


Eva Dolinšek – čembalo / harpsichordSpored / Programme: d´Anglebert, F. Couperin, J-C. Balbastre

11. 7. 2019, 20.00Palača Kazina, Velika dvorana / Kazina Palace, Large Hall


Mentorica / Mentor: prof. Charlotte Lehmannred. prof. Vladimir Mlinarić – klavir / piano

12. 7. 2019, 20.00Palača Kazina, Velika dvorana / Kazina Palace, Large Hall


Mentorji / Mentors: prof. Charlotte Lehmann, red. prof. Egon Mihajlović, red. prof. Lucia Rizzello, red. prof. Enrico Gatti, Mónika Tóth, Kaja Kapus  

Page 23: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the
Page 24: V. ACADEMIA MUSICÆ...Cetra, Tactus, Symphonia, Arcana, Astrée and Glossa as well as recording for many radio networks. He was assigned several prizes like the Antonio Vivaldi, the

Organizacija Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani / Organization Academy of Music, University of Ljubljana Umetniški vodja / Artistic direction: red. prof. Egon Mihajlović V sodelovanju z Zavodom S. Baročni orkester / In cooperation with: Zavod S. Baročni orkester

Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani Dekan / Dean: red. prof. Marko VatovecProdekan za umetniško dejavnost / Vice Dean for Artistic Affairs: red. prof. Matjaž Drevenšek Urednika / Editors: red. prof. Egon Mihajlović, red. prof. Andrej Grafenauer Producentka / Producer: Mateja KraljOblikovanje / Design: Indigo oblikovanje, odtisi@handprintsIzvodi / Issues: 250Tiskarna / Print: Kubelj, d. o. o.

Ljubljana, julij / July 2019