v t the dar tin - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01472/00236.pdf ·...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 14909 t 4 V tcicd thn Offl at OalntkvUle Ma McCClf ART Editor and Publiber- T M FKEW1TT Sopu Cespottoff Room Of tee i Haysaaas Block 8 W Mate Street T tX7BOK Dutv Sew pvbUshcd retry motBlsg- st Xe4y e1lY r d by la the dtyw- fetfer a st weaths the Week AMI fa MI dgfct f ce testy per yaWrtea cvetjr ad- jr s4 salilas irtiMtcnrs ef UM- Mk 1 l M4 4 will ta fm tasay fut f DAILY CN- GAawsvsuJt Ft The Live Oak Democrat la model et typographical excellence ted wkat are tooklag for tfcrovgB a want The 8a The wheat fields of the great North- west are ready to settle the a- eaiptoyed labor problem The waterwagoa be Irksocve- eays The Atlanta Journal tint we have tike wateratekm to fall back upon The best place to buy your goods to at tile store which Invites you to caste through an ad la The Sun Evelyn Thaw to not helping her reputation these days as aa angel child remurks The Atlanta Journal paragrapher Tax the automobile out of exist ence said a Oerogia legislator and you kill the greatest road builder In this country More truth than poetry la that solons remark- A movement to on foot in Tampa to construct tbe finest auto raN truck in the world in that city and tho Iwo pie of the Cigar City generally ac- complish wbat they Government geologists estimate that within 131 years the nations entire coal supply will be exhausted railroads had better take up line and quit cutting melons f The Game They Might Have Won fs the caption over a baseball article- T la The Tribune of test Friday which have teen just aa appro- priatcly used ia The Sun of the same day the tin pot ft olue mall tatter MIL t atria aJ III Int IMeItk aalWac It- T achy lb Casada tar 1IJ1 WIJIJ III ana r n1IIIreI I I a J e Toe liB II T p y DAr 4 at a1eeoad H- as etc tasUrd M ary part N the Oshed state psstage ilk s yea s ets f rs three alslbr lee weaketddly la alraae- ePu js tie W IAlessaistocesNafls- eawhttetAadMtlosal e- epyleLys 3ae3 sell Rta C gSa 1 Muted portage the Vattei uIEta er a a yearda adasee- La de tir 1u asNdmtiaeatastieatkawlw- tMipiatsiIssd Paths see view TEE stay yeti t quite tray undertake- r An- thracite aside I could ¬ ¬ The tower branch of the Legislature baa passed a bill logs one dollar per bead It is said that BO man who voted for such tar ia previous sessions of the Legis- lature kin ever been returned aa a member The Perry Herald says ia a bead Uae to a country letter last week Bear killed by a was 9 feet Joag That was sossewhat of a man sure ly and he ought to Join travel lag circus and reap a fortune as a livtag giant But wkat wed like to know is how long writ the bear says The Madison EnterpriseRecorder According to figures furnished The Florida Fruit and Produce News by the transportation companies the to- tal number of boxes of citrus fruit shipped from the State up to Juno 1 1909 was slightly In excess of 5000 100 boxes The of the coming season will doubtless be consider ably larger tbau that of last season Punta Gorda Henud The Jax Met heads an article Favored Spots In Florida There is but one favorud spot in Florida In the eloquent language of uvrm r- Uloxbuiu In his aiHwche forty ago U tW vrtliilu mt the wwt to in iMmHtllAff MUuwx u broad AlknUv th M I MM tram the Hark wat m at ia a- Jlarys UM to ia lnisj t hy ann swvrltv AalStlllMI Klr1 1 i is all in t C crop 4 I f the Gulf wkew In IAn u t k- AI t N r f Georgia- d taxln solve R 4 1- I of years tutu sit pit sank 14 Ih th Ms elt Ihr htaad- AD4e hre Lull M4 ai w a art ¬ ¬ > > > + ATTEND THE INSTITUTES- Our observation convinces us that e failure of the farmers In to accomplish that good which might reason ably be expected Is more fre- quently due to the farmers themselves than to any fault of the Institute but it Is not denied that Institute lecturers have not always fully measured up to their opportunities and responsibili- ties as teachers of practical agricul- ture The chief cause for thtf failure- of the Institute to do the full amount of good possible says The Raleigh N C Progressive Farmer Is the wellknown conservatism of the tillers of tbe soil or their dislike and reluctance to change their methods of doing things It is very such easier for all of us to do our work the old way in which lOBS practlce has made us perfect and a new way which Is much better and which after practice to also much easier way at Scat be very much more difficult than the old way with which we are familiar This accounts for the tendency to get into ruts and stay there- If the institutes are going to aid us we must avoid the common error of concluding that methods which have been demon strated as practicable and effective by others oa their farms will not also be practical and helpful on ours We have repeatedly heard men state that such aad suck crops would aot grow OR their farms and later the very sane persons making these state- ments have grows these very same crops successfully and profitably We have also frequently known men to try a crop an Implement or a method- of cultivating or preparing the land and after one trial conclude that It was not practical under their condi- tions but later from further trial they learned that these new things were so practicable and helpful that they adopted them What others are doing I can do is a good motto in such matters If Implements or meth- ods have proved generally profitable on other farms they are likely to be of value to any man growing similar crop If given a proper trial No institute lecturer Is likely to ad vocate anything he has not tried or anything which hundreds have not al ready found valuable and are using under similar conditions to yours therefore if your experience differs greatly from that of others the chances are that the fault is not lr the crop the Implement or the method but In your management of It If It Is of great value to others we should try hard to make It of value to u Nine out of every ten who have tho Institutes are ready to admit that they have receiv- ed muca benefit from them and they continue to attend them regularly every year If the Institutes are help- ful to those who attend them they would be equally helpful to the great- er number who do not attend If it pays a Good farmer to attend the I sometimes system terllI attended ma- y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tutes and tills is the kind that gen- erally go to them It will pay all farm- ers to attend them Referring to the foolish bill intro- duced In the Georgia Legislature to prohibit women from riding horse back astride The Savannah News says Does the states- man at Atlanta not know that Joan or Arc rode her horse manfashion And she has now been sainted Lady Godiva also rode that way and she has become famous in English litera- ture for tier beauty goodness of heart and purity Deafness Cannet Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafnessand that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It Is entirely clouts Deaf- ness Is the result and unloss the In Jlatnmntlou can be taken out and thlu tutee 8turtul to its normal condition hearing will be forever nitre out of tn r mimed l v- eaturrh which io nothing but an in HMN I eotuiltloM of th MMICOM uif- HCMI V wilt O M llMMlrwtl ixritnr rat tar mae ut U fMtfMi U M l Marrat thai can rt rr l- tors ft FJ CWWX Tat NaSh habit MH I tytet Cukllrk S rut fur III hI lfH wI- t NAp antl straddle destroyed Alva hr ht- 14Mt three si her eirt u A Ctl- 1we dw l- Iiow kp drtsglt fls t1 at Nt r 1 w w 11 k ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < << + The fragrant guaxa is once morn among us with possiblUtUs of de- llolou guuva jelly and other deUcu des Guava Jelly l tamed far nab wide but there are still many house- wives who find It difficult to make it to perfection The principal trouble Is too much water In the guavas when put to boll Much boiling of the Julct after the sugar Is put In destroys tin One flavor spoils the light color and produces In the end a stringy dark colored substance with the tlavor of burnt sugar Too much sugar It another mistake often made A pleas ant slightly acid flavor Is desirable and only sugar to taste should be add ed to the Juice Not all guavas are alike tart in flavor If the propor- tion of Juice and sugar is Just right remembering that the Juice should much water In It the Jelly will cook in fifteen or twenty minutes boiling be a clear amber have the right guava flavor and stand alone when hardened over night Arcadia Champion- At an elevation of 9000 feet near the summit of Mount San Jacinto Cal Supervisor Marshall of the Cleve- land national forest reserve has an extensive lake It Is ex tremely hazardous of access to the north and south of it there being un scalable spurs with no trails At one place in climbing tbe canyon to the summit the water may be seen through a cleft In the rocks The lake lies much higher than Lake Tahoe Struggling- over the ledge which hides it Mar- shall discovered magnificent views There are indications of a great depth From the peak can be seen Mexico Nevada Arizona the Majove desert Salton Sea and the Channel Islands near Santa Barbara There to a strong demand for grad uates from agricultural colleges pos- sibly a more continuous and urgent demand than for any other class of graduates The farmer boy will make no mistake in arranging to take an agricultural course It will be useful- to him in getting a temporary position in order to win back the money ex pended In his education and also use- ful as long as he lives In the culti- vation and management of his own farm There is considerable talk of a baseball league next year composed of Live Oak Lake City Gainesville- and other towns The promoters might aa well count Perry In right now Few things advertise a town like a good ball team especially a league team and Perry can put up the stuff and be It If the league ma terlallzes Perry Herald Senator Aldrich will give the Sen- ate a week In which to consider his consent to the passage of the tariff hill as agreed by President Taft and tbe Senate and House conferees At the end of that time the vote must be taken upon not have dis- covered ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DISCRIMINATING LADIES The ladles who have used Newbroa- Herplclde speak of It In the highest terms for Its quick effect ia cleansing the scalp of dandruff and Also for its ex- cellence as a general It sakes the scalp feel fresh and It allays that Itching which dandruff will cause Newbros Herplclde effectively cures dandruff as it destroys the germ that causes The same germ causes hair to taU out and later baldness In killing It Herplclde stops falling hair and prevents fetidness It Is also an Ideal hair dress- Ing for It lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that U quite distinctive Sold by leading druggists Send loc In stamps sample to Ta Herplclde Co De trait brick J 8 Bodlford A Co Special Agents A FEW LIVE ONES Can get a firstclass contract to rep resent The Largest and Rest Southern Life Insurance Co Our agents are making 7500 to 30000 per month according to ability and amount of time devoted Now selling in Florida double the amount of Insurance of company Addrena Lloyd V Robertson Mgr State Mutual Life Ins Co Jacksonville Flo- PKOCURCDANDOCrCNSta i- IV vN 1 t 4 i 4- r riu N AIL CeuNT r i i I leT Herplelde A t It for an- other h t I I I k i I- to ao If 1- J IJ C lss ps N- it Dbtlaetireaaa halr dressing 1 r tiR t iJ ltLpunlt 1tet N slu hawI wow t I- tYAMNhM1aM 6 ¬ ¬ < > + A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND MUOUSMCSS COMSTlPATtOM DYSPE A UAKANTEE CURE for all dlseaaea caused by a TO TTLEPlUCES c GET THE GENUS BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO ST MO oomm ncl cf t- W HVC JOHNSON Fay Mtta VIsJM TYPEWRITERS i Easy festafciMts ALL KIllS IF SUmifS Machines for Rent Write for Prices Terms Etc RC DAVIS CO 204 West Bay St JACKSONVILLE FIJL W L DENIIAM Agent A L Glass Gin Supt L Barker Traffic Mjr NEW YORK CITY and RETURN Tickets on stale from Jacksonville every and Thursday beginning with 17th up to Aug 30th with final return limit Sept 30th Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A W FRITOT Division Passen ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fla SEABOARDA- ir Line Railway SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two Trains Daily SKABOARD EXPRESS M ABOARD MAIL MODERN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT XI V LINK F r fgn- Aa Dully Through NVtv riffiri tl n sill on Assistant EFFECTIVE DEO 19 1108 Leave Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and lo- cal points 1010 a ra Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p m j Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 pm Returning arrive Gainesville 930 p m CURES MALARIA C fEVD AND AU LIV COMPLAINTL PlD LIVER One bottle purchased today may save you a spell tomorrow MALL DOSE LARGE sea Nertb strt L old end I TIle Tampa Jacksonville Rail y E 8 351100 ATLANTIC RAILROAD i I 4J1 i II Elt ant I SlolIWJi- II I t t nUN y r 8 G Jr i o ooooaOJ r eel- OtL serleus sick gel Ses VIA I COAST EIMF Mon- day I I i i k tr 1 Ihleraeatlen an l slamp1wq ear t a tap rtrlG b we Agttt Je Mgnvtl Ftertea ETi ¬ ¬ ¬ + + +

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  • THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 14909t 4Vtcicd thn Offl at OalntkvUle Ma

    McCClf ART Editor and Publiber-

    T M FKEW1TT Sopu Cespottoff Room

    Oftee i Haysaaas Block8 W Mate Street T tX7BOK

    Dutv Sew pvbUshcd retry motBlsg-st Xe4y e1lY r d by la the dtyw-

    fetfera st


    the Week AMI fa MI dgfct f ce testyper yaWrtea cvetjr ad-jr s4 salilas irtiMtcnrs ef UM-

    Mk 1 l M4 4 will tafm tasay fut f

    DAILY CN-GAawsvsuJt Ft

    The Live Oak Democrat la modelet typographical excellence

    ted wkat are tooklagfor tfcrovgB a want The 8a

    The wheat fields of the great North-west are ready to settle the a-eaiptoyed labor problem

    The waterwagoa be Irksocve-eays The Atlanta Journal tint we havetike wateratekm to fall back upon

    The best place to buy your goodsto at tile store which Invites you tocaste through an ad la The Sun

    Evelyn Thaw to not helping herreputation these days as aa angelchild remurks The Atlanta Journalparagrapher

    Tax the automobile out of existence said a Oerogia legislator andyou kill the greatest road builder Inthis country More truth than poetryla that solons remark-

    A movement to on foot in Tampa toconstruct tbe finest auto raN truckin the world in that city and tho Iwopie of the Cigar City generally ac-complish wbat they

    Government geologists estimate thatwithin 131 years the nations entirecoal supply will be exhausted

    railroads had better take upline and quit cutting melons

    f The Game They Might Have Wonfs the caption over a baseball article-

    T la The Tribune of test Fridaywhich have teen just aa appro-priatcly used ia The Sun of the sameday

    the tinpot ft

    olue mall tatter





    III Int IMeItk

    aalWac It-



    Casada tar1IJ1 WIJIJ III ana


    n1IIIreI I I


    J e



    T p

    y DAr4



    as etc

    tasUrd M ary part N the Oshed state psstageilk s yea s ets frs threealslbr lee weaketddly la


    ePu js tieW




    Rta C gSa1Muted portage the VatteiuIEta er aa yearda adasee-

    La de tir1u asNdmtiaeatastieatkawlw-tMipiatsiIssd Pathssee view TEE

    stay yetit











    The tower branch of theLegislature baa passed a billlogs one dollar per bead It is saidthat BO man who voted for suchtar ia previous sessions of the Legis-lature kin ever been returned aa amember

    The Perry Herald says ia a beadUae to a country letter last weekBear killed by a was 9 feet Joag

    That was sossewhat of a man surely and he ought to Join travellag circus and reap a fortune as alivtag giant But wkat wed like toknow is how long writ the bear saysThe Madison EnterpriseRecorder

    According to figures furnished TheFlorida Fruit and Produce News bythe transportation companies the to-tal number of boxes of citrus fruitshipped from the State up to Juno 11909 was slightly In excess of 5000100 boxes The of the comingseason will doubtless be considerably larger tbau that of last seasonPunta Gorda Henud

    The Jax Met heads an articleFavored Spots In Florida There is

    but one favorud spot in Florida Inthe eloquent language of uvrm r-Uloxbuiu In his aiHwche forty

    ago U tW vrtliilu mtthe wwt to in iMmHtllAff MUuwx u

    broad AlknUv th M I MMtram the Hark wat m at ia a-Jlarys UM to ia lnisj t hy

    ann swvrltvAalStlllMI Klr1 1 i

    is all in t







    Gulf wkewIn IAn




    AI t Nr


    Georgia-d taxln



    4 1-I

    ofyears tutu


    pit sank14 Ih th Ms elt

    Ihr htaad-AD4e hre Lull

    M4 ai w










    Our observation convinces us thate failure of the farmers In

    to accomplishthat good which might reasonably be expected Is more fre-quently due to the farmers themselvesthan to any fault of the Institute butit Is not denied that Institute lecturershave not always fully measured up totheir opportunities and responsibili-ties as teachers of practical agricul-ture The chief cause for thtf failure-of the Institute to do the fullamount of good possible says TheRaleigh N C Progressive FarmerIs the wellknown conservatism of thetillers of tbe soil or their dislike andreluctance to change their methodsof doing things

    It is very such easier for all of usto do our work the old way in whichlOBS practlce has made us perfectand a new way which Is much betterand which after practice to also mucheasier way at Scat be very muchmore difficult than the old way withwhich we are familiar This accountsfor the tendency to get into rutsand stay there-

    If the institutes are going toaid us we must avoid the

    common error of concluding thatmethods which have been demonstrated as practicable and effective byothers oa their farms will not alsobe practical and helpful on ours Wehave repeatedly heard men state thatsuch aad suck crops would aot growOR their farms and later the verysane persons making these state-ments have grows these very samecrops successfully and profitably Wehave also frequently known men totry a crop an Implement or a method-of cultivating or preparing the landand after one trial conclude that Itwas not practical under their condi-tions but later from further trialthey learned that these new thingswere so practicable and helpful thatthey adopted them What others aredoing I can do is a good motto insuch matters If Implements or meth-ods have proved generally profitableon other farms they are likely to beof value to any man growing similarcrop If given a proper trial

    No institute lecturer Is likely to advocate anything he has not tried oranything which hundreds have not already found valuable and are usingunder similar conditions to yourstherefore if your experience differsgreatly from that of others thechances are that the fault is not lrthe crop the Implement or themethod but In your management ofIt If It Is of great value to otherswe should try hard to make It ofvalue to u Nine out of every tenwho have tho Institutes areready to admit that they have receiv-ed muca benefit from them and theycontinue to attend them regularlyevery year If the Institutes are help-ful to those who attend them theywould be equally helpful to the great-er number who do not attend If itpays a Good farmer to attend the






















    tutes and tills is the kind that gen-erally go to them It will pay all farm-ers to attend them

    Referring to the foolish bill intro-duced In the Georgia Legislature toprohibit women from riding horseback astride The Savannah Newssays Does the states-man at Atlanta not know that Joanor Arc rode her horse manfashionAnd she has now been sainted LadyGodiva also rode that way and shehas become famous in English litera-ture for tier beauty goodness of heartand purity

    Deafness Cannet Be Curedby local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of theear There is only one way to curedeafnessand that Is by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have arumbling sound or Imperfect hearingand when It Is entirely clouts Deaf-ness Is the result and unloss the InJlatnmntlou can be taken out and thlututee 8turtul to its normal conditionhearing will be forevernitre out of tn r mimed l v-eaturrh which io nothing but an inHMN I eotuiltloM of th MMICOM uif-HCMI

    V wilt O M llMMlrwtl ixritnrrat tar mae ut U fMtfMi U M lMarrat thai can rt rr l-

    tors ft F J CWWX

    Tat NaSh habit MH I


    Cukllrk S

    rut fur

    III hI lfH wI-t NAp

    antl straddle



    hr ht-14Mt three si her eirt u

    A Ctl-1we dw l-

    Iiow kp drtsglt fls

    t1 at Nt r1 w w 11 k






