v13 joomla shoppingcart virtuemart manual


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Table of Contents

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Main Navigation .......................................................................................................................... 4

2 Admin ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 6

2.1.1 Global Tab (Admin < Configuration < Global Tab) ............................................................ 8

2.1.2 Security Tab (Admin < Configuration < Security Tab) ..................................................... 15

2.1.3 Site Tab (Admin < Configuration < Site Tab) ................................................................... 17

2.1.4 Shipping Tab (Admin < Configuration < Shipping Tab) .................................................. 18

2.1.5 Checkout Tab (Admin < Configuration < Checkout Tab) ................................................ 19

2.1.6 Downloads Tab (Admin < Configuration < Downloads Tab) .......................................... 20

2.1.7 Feed Configuration Tab (Admin < Configuration < Feed Configuration Tab) ................ 20

2.2 Users .......................................................................................................................................... 22

2.2.1 Add a New User .................................................................................................................. 22

2.2.2 View / Edit User Information .................................................................................................... 23

2.3 User Groups .............................................................................................................................. 26

2.3.1 Add a New User Group ....................................................................................................... 26

2.4 Manage User Fields .................................................................................................................. 27

2.4.1 Add a New User Field ......................................................................................................... 27

2.5 List Countries ............................................................................................................................ 29

2.6 List Currencies .......................................................................................................................... 30

2.7 List Modules .............................................................................................................................. 30

2.8 Check for Updates ..................................................................................................................... 31

3 Products ................................................................................................................................ 32

3.1 List Products .............................................................................................................................. 33

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3.2 Add Product ............................................................................................................................... 34

3.2.1 Product Information Tab (Products < Add Product < Product Information Tab) .............. 34

3.2.2 Display Options Tab (Products < Add Product < Display Options Tab) ........................... 36

3.2.3 Product Status Tab (Products < Add Product < Product Status Tab) ................................. 37

3.2.4 Product Dimensions Tab (Products < Add Product < Product Dimensions & Weight) .... 38

3.2.5 Product Images Tab (Products < Add Product < Product Images Tab) ............................. 38

3.2.6 Related Products Tab (Products < Add Product < Related Products Tab) ......................... 39

3.3 Special Products ........................................................................................................................ 39

3.4 Product Type List....................................................................................................................... 40

3.5 Add Product Type ...................................................................................................................... 40

3.6 List Categories ........................................................................................................................... 41

3.7 Add Category ............................................................................................................................. 42

4 Orders ................................................................................................................................... 43

4.1 List Orders ................................................................................................................................. 43

4.2 View / Edit Orders ..................................................................................................................... 44

5 Reports .................................................................................................................................. 48

5.1 Sample Reports .......................................................................................................................... 49

6 Coupon .................................................................................................................................. 51

6.1 Coupon List ............................................................................................................................... 52

6.2 New Coupon .............................................................................................................................. 52

7 Credits and Contact Information ....................................................................................... 53

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1 Overview VirtueMart is a complete e-Commerce shopping cart solution for Joomla. VirtueMart has a powerful backend Administration Tool that allows for easy shopping cart set-up and maintenance. VirtueMart provides the ideal shopping cart solution for any online business.

Login to your CMS Admin area and then click on Components from the top main menu, and then select VirtueMart.

Menu Navigation: Components > VirtueMart

Figure 1

The VirtueMart shopping cart administration page displays. This is where you can set up and maintain your shopping cart.

1.1 Main Navigation

Figure 2

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The main navigation of VirtueMart is displayed in the far left column of the page. The menu expands when you click on a menu item. In the figure above, the Admin menu has expanded to include further options.

2 Admin

Figure 3

The Admin menu options include:



User Groups

Manage User Fields

List Countries

List Currencies

List Modules

Check for Updates

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2.1 Configuration Admin > Configuration

Figure 4

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Figure 4 (Continued)

The Admin Configuration page displays seven tabs:

Figure 5







Feed Configuration

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2.1.1 Global Tab  (Admin < Configuration < Global Tab) 

The Global tab page is made up of a number of different sections: Global    

Figure 6

Summary: The Global Tab Section is used to turn on/off your online shopping cart. Make sure to include a helpful message if your shopping cart is unavailable.

Shop is offline?. In offline mode, a message is displayed instead of the product pages. If this box is checked, the shopping cart is disabled.

Offline Message. This is the message that will be displayed to customers who try to access your store if your shopping cart is offline.

Use only as catalogue. Hides all "Add to Cart" buttons so that purchases cannot be made. This will still display all of the products and the details about the products.


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Page 9 of 53 Confidential - Not for Resale and Not for Distribution  Front‐end Features  

Figure 7

Summary: In the Front-end Features, you can enable coupons and the customer review/rating system.

Enable content mambots/plugins in descriptions?. If enabled, mambots and plugins can be used for dynamic content in the product or category descriptions.

Enable Coupon Usage. If enabled, customers can enter coupon numbers to obtain discounts on their

purchase. This will need to be enabled if using a Gift Certificate program as well. Customer Review/Rating System. If enabled, customers can rate products and write product reviews that

will be available for viewing by other customers. Auto-Publish Reviews?. If enabled, customer reviews are instantly shown after being submitted. It is

recommended that this option is disabled as you should review customer reviews before publishing them. Comment Minimum Length. The minimum number of characters required in a review for it to be submitted. Comment Maximum Length. The maximum number of characters required in a review for it to be


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Figure 8

Summary: The Pricing Configuration is the page where you set your pricing options and also determine which customer groups can view pricing. The default is everyone.

Show Prices. If enabled, product prices are displayed. Note, that prices are displayed both to registered and unregistered users.

Membergroup to show prices to. The default is "Public Front-end”, which is everyone. However you are

able to specify which membergroups can view pricing. The Enable this Feature must be checked in order to allow this feature to be used.

Show "(including XX% tax)" when applicable?. When checked, users will see the text, "(including xx%

tax)", immediately following the product price. This could be state and local sales tax of Value Add Tax (VAT).

Show the price label for packaging?. When selected, this will display how many units are within the

packages (i.e. 10 pieces) when displaying the product. Tax Configuration  

Figure 9

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Summary: The Tax Configuration section is where you set your tax options; whether to charge tax before or after discounts taken. Also, you can have the tax calculated automatically based on the customers shipping address or set a different criteria.

Virtual Tax. Determines whether items with zero weight are taxed or not (only applies in Ship-To-Address based Tax Mode).

Tax mode. Determines which tax rate is used for calculating taxes. Tax rate can be determined by: the

customer's shipping address location, the tax rate of the store/vendor location or - in EU Mode - the tax rate of the country the store is located in, regardless where the goods are shipped to.

Enable multiple tax rates?. Check this box if you have products with different tax rates (e.g. 7% for books

and food, 16% for other products).

Discount before tax/shipping?. Sets the flag whether to subtract the discount BEFORE (box checked) taxes or AFTER (box unchecked) tax and shipping. User Registration Settings 

Figure 10

Summary: The User Registration section specifies how a user registers to order from your shopping cart, along with what information you want to display during the checkout process:

User Registration Type

Normal Account Creation. Requires a username and password along with the other registration details to set up an account. 


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Silent Account Creation. Username and password are not required for account set up. Instead, the email address is used to identify the account and a random password is generated. The registration details are mailed to the customer. 


Optional Account Creation. The customer can choose whether or not to create an account. If the customer chooses not to create an account, a hidden account is created ‐ so the customer can be silently logged in and checkout. 


No Account Creation possible. Customers can checkout without creating an account for future purchases. A dummy user account is created to keep the data structure intact. 

Show the "Remember me" checkbox on login? The "Remember me" feature sets a cookie in the customer's browser, so the customer doesn't need to login each time he returns to the site. This is done by default. But keep in mind that cookies can be a security risk - especially when people are sharing a PC in an internet cafe. It is suggested that you uncheck this box so the cookies are disabled.

Joomla!: User registration allowed? If this is set to ‘Yes,’ this will allow users to create a Joomla user account to keep track of their VirtueMart history. It is recommended to have this set to ‘Yes.’ This option can be changed by clicking the [Update] link next to the option. Joomla!: New account activation necessary? If this is set to ‘Yes,’ this will require users to register with the site before they are able to purchase anything. This option can be changed by clicking the [Update] link next to the option. Agree to Terms of Service on EVERY ORDER? Check if you want a shopper to agree to your terms of service on EVERY ORDER (before placing the order).

Show information about "Return Policy" on the order confirmation page? Store owners are required by law to inform their customers about return and order cancellation policies in most European countries. So this should be enabled in most cases.

Legal information text (short version) This is a short text version about your return and order cancellation policy. It is shown on the last page of checkout, just above the "Confirm Order" button.

Long version of the return policy (link to a content item) This is the long and detailed version of your return policy. This text is linked in the short version and appended to each order confirmation email.


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Figure 11

Summary: The Core Settings contain a few of the main core functions of your shopping cart.

Check Stock?. Checks the stock level when a customer orders a product. If set, this will not allow a customer to add more items to the cart than are available in stock.

Enable the Cookie Check?. If enabled, VirtueMart checks whether the customer’s browser accepts cookies

or not. Currency Converter Module. This is the program that will be used to convert prices from one currency to

another. IMPORANT: Do not change this setting as it can impact the conversion of prices to your primary currency.

Order-mail format:. This determines how your order confirmation emails are set up: Either simple text, or

html with images. DEBUG?. Turns on the debug output. This causes the DEBUG PAGE to be displayed at the bottom of each

VirtueMart page. This is very helpful during shop development since it shows the carts contents, form field values, etc…

Limit by IP Address?. By checking this box, you will limit which IP address can see the debug messages. if

DEBUG is checked. Client IP Address. This is the IP addresses that, if Limit by IP Address is checked, that will be allowed to

see the debug messages.

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Figure 12

Summary: The Logfile Configuration will allow for logging of traffic to your store front. This is an advanced setting that will help track down errors if customers are having difficulties. It is recommended to leave this feature turned off, unless you are doing troubleshooting or tracking down a customer issue.

Enable Logging. By checking this box, you will enable logging of user activity on the store front.

Logfile Name. This is the path to the LogFile. This name should not contain spaces or special characters in it. Additionally, this directory needs to be writable by the store front (enabled for all Strudell Studios hosting by default).

Logging Level. This is the incident level that will trigger a log event. The higher the number, the more incidents that you will receive in the log file. It is recommended that this be set to Warning or lower (0 – 4)

Logfile Format. This is the format of the entries that will be added into the log file. It is recommended to leave the default format.

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2.1.2 Security Tab  (Admin < Configuration < Security Tab) 

Figure 13

Site URL. Your site url. Ex: http://www.mydomain.com

SECUREURL. The secure URL to your site. (https - with trailing slash at the end!) Example: https://www.mydomain.com/

Shop Areas which must use https. Some of the areas of your shop can be forced to use the SECUREURL connection. If this is the case, choose the modules that are required to use the SECUREURL. By default, this would be the "account" (Account Maintenance) and "checkout" (the complete Checkout) areas. It is strongly recommended that Checkout always use HTTPS, as this is where users will be passing their credit card information.

Generally prevent secure connections?. When checked, the shopper is redirected to the normal URL when they are not browsing in areas which are forced to use the SECUREURL.


Encryption Function. This is the encryption that will be used for transferring and storing information on the server. It is recommended to use the highest security possible (AES has up to 256 bit encryption). Recommended: AES_ENCRYPT

Encryption Key. The secret key for encrypting payment account data like credit card numbers, and storing them encrypted in the database.


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Store Credit Card Information?. If enabled then credit card data is stored in the database. It is recommended not to store credit card information on the system. While the information is encrypted, and highly unlikely that it will be cracked, it still opens you up for possible security concerns.


Allow Front end-Administration for non-Backend Users?. With this setting you can enable the Front-end Administration for users who are store admins, but disallow access to the Backend (e.g. Registered / Editor).


Table Prefix for Shop Tables. Table Prefixes allows for multiple shops in one Joomla! installation.  

HOMEPAGE. This is the default front page of your shopping cart.

ERRORPAGE. This is the default page for displaying VirtueMart error messages.

Proxy Server URL. The URL of the Proxy Server you need to pass from the server for connections into the Internet.

Proxy Port. The Port of the Proxy Server.

Proxy Auth Username. Only if needed: the username for authentication at the proxy server.

Proxy Auth Password. Only if needed: the matching password for authentication at the proxy server.   

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2.1.3 Site Tab (Admin < Configuration <  Site Tab) 

Figure 14

PDF – Button. Show or Hide the PDF button on the front-end pages.  

Show the "Recommend to a friend" button?. Show or Hide the link to “Recommend to a friend” on the front-end pages.


Show the "Print View" link?. Show or Hide the “Print View” link on the front-end pages.  

Show Page Navigation at the Top of the Product Listing?. The default setting is “Enabled” (checked). If checked, displays the page navigation at the top of the product listings.


Default Product Sort Order. How should the product list be sorted? Options for this are: Default (use the ordering provided in the product list), Product Name, Price, SKU, and Latest Products. Each of these settings is in ascending order.


Available "Sort-by" fields. Sorting options available to customers, if they choose to reorder the product list. Clicking the box next to each option will allow that column to be sortable. Options are: Default, Product Name, Price, Latest Products, and SKU.


Show the Number of Products?. The default setting is “Enabled” (checked). If checked, displays the number of products next to the category name in parenthesis. Ex: Product (3)


"no image" image. The default setting is: /components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/images/noimage.gif.  

This image will be shown when no product image is available.

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Show footer. If checked, displays a powered-by-VirtueMart footer image.  

Select the theme for your shop. Select which theme you want to use for your shopping cart. The themes currently enabled on the site only change the colors of the site. The configuration link takes you to the theme configuration screen.


Default number of products in a row. This defines the number of products in a row. Example: If you set it to 4, the default category template will display 4 products per row.


Category Template. The default setting is: managed. This defines the category template for displaying products in a category when no special template is set.

FLYPAGE. This is the page used for displaying product details when no special flypage is set.

Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing?. If checked, dynamic image resizing is enabled. All thumbnail Images are resized to fit the sizes you specify.

Thumbnail Image Width. The thumbnail image width for your catalog. It is recommended to use a 4:3 aspect ratio for width and height.

Thumbnail Image Height. The thumbnail image height for your catalog. It is recommended to use a 4:3 aspect ratio for width and height.  

2.1.4 Shipping Tab  (Admin < Configuration <  Shipping Tab) 

Figure 15

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In the Shipping section, you can select one or more of the provided shipping modules. Selected shipping rates will be listed at checkout.

2.1.5 Checkout Tab  (Admin < Configuration <  Checkout Tab) 

Figure 16

Enable the Checkout Bar. The default setting is “Enabled”. Keep a check mark in this field if you want the 'checkout-bar' to be displayed to the customer showing them their progress through checking out during the entire checkout process.

Choose your store’s checkout process. The checkout process is divided into 4 steps. Steps can be combined by assigning the same number in the order box. Steps can be rearranged by how you number the order boxes.

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2.1.6 Downloads Tab  (Admin < Configuration <  Downloads Tab) 

Figure 17

Summary: Use this section ONLY if you are selling downloadable products.

Enable Downloads. Check to enable the Download Feature ONLY if you are selling downloadable goods.  

Order Status which enables download. Set to any order status but cancelled.  

Order Status which disables download. Usually this value is set to “cancelled”  

DOWNLOADROOT. The physical path to the files for the customer download (use a trailing slash at the end!)

Download Maximum. Sets the maximum number of downloads which can be downloaded per order.  

Download Expire. Sets the number of seconds which the download will be enabled. This range begins with the first download! When the time has expired, the download-ID is disabled.

Keep Product Stock Level on Purchase?. When enabled, the stock level is not lowered for a downloadable product even though it was purchased.


2.1.7 Feed Configuration Tab  (Admin < Configuration <  Feed Configuration Tab) 


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Figure 18

Enable Product Feeds. If this is enabled, customers will be able to receive an RSS feed of your latest products that are available. It is recommended to turn this option on.


Feed Cache Settings. If checked, then caching is enabled, and you can specify a how frequently the RSS feed is updated.


Feed Title. What source is providing the feed? Ex: Latest Products from Store Name  

Feed Options. You can include images, price and product description with the product feed.  

Type of Product Description. This determines how much information is provided in the RSS feed. Options are: Short or long description.


Limit the Description?. You can limit the number of characters displayed in the description by setting the Maximum Description Length. 


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2.2 Users Admin < Users

Figure 19

This page displays a list of current users on your system. You can add, edit, or remove users from the list.

To remove a user, simply check the user box and click the “Remove” button in the top right corner. You can also click the “Remove” icon in the row of the user that you would like to remove.

Note, that there must be at least ONE administrator for the site.

2.2.1 Add a New User 

Click on the “New User” icon in the top right corner.

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Figure 20

User Details




New Password

Verify Password

Group – Assign a group to this user – Each group level is given a certain level of authority to make changes to the shopping cart system, with the Super Administrator having ultimate access to make any type of change.

o Manager o Administrator o Super Administrator

Receive system emails – Only check this if they are a system administrator

Parameters Most of this information can be left unchanged. If the user lives in a different area with a different time zone, make sure you update the time zone.

2.2.2  View / Edit User Information  

Click on the specific Username within the User List.

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There are 3 Tabs of User Information

1. General User Information Tab

In this tab, you can change the user’s email address, password, group etc…

2. Shopper Information Tab

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In this tab you can change the user’s permissions, shipping address, and billing information.

3. Order List Tab (This tab is displayed only if the user has made purchases.)

In this tab you can view all the individual orders for this user.

Click on an order number to obtain further details about a specific order (See Orders)

Remove an order by clicking the “Remove” icon in the far right column.

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2.3 User Groups Admin < User Groups

Figure 21

This page displays a list of current User Groups. You can add, edit, or remove groups from the list. Note, that you cannot remove a group if a user is assigned to it.

To remove a User Group, simply check the user group box and click the “Remove” icon in the top right corner.

2.3.1 Add a New User Group 

Figure 22

User Group Name. Assign a group name.  

User Group Level. A bigger number means fewer permissions.  The admin group level is 0, the storeadmin 

group level is 250, and the user group level is 500. 

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2.4 Manage User Fields Admin < Manage User Fields

Figure 23

This is where you set up the fields used to gather customer information. For example: address, cell phone, etc…

To remove a field, check the field box and click the “Remove” icon in the top right corner.

Also, make sure you “Publish” the fields that you will be using.

You can order the fields as well by numbering the boxes in the far right column. (Click the disk in the header to save the changes)

2.4.1 Add a New User Field 

Click the “Add” icon in the top right corner.

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Figure 24

Field Type. Choose the field type.  Your options include:  

Figure 25

Field Name. This is the name of the field as it will appear in the database.   

Field Title. This is the caption of the field that the user will see when filling out the information.  

Field Description. This is the help information describing what the field is expecting.  

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Required. If set to yes, this will set the field to be required when filling out the user profile.  

Show in registration form?. If set to yes, this field will show up in the registration form.  

Show in account maintenance?. If set to yes, this field will be displayed in the account maintenance.  

Show in shipping form?. If this is set to yes, this will show up in the shipping form.  

Read‐Only. If this is set to yes, the user will not be able to change the value of this field.  

Published. CHOOSE YES, if you want this field to show up on your forms.  

Field Size. This is the number of characters that the field will be in length. You can have a smaller field size than the total size of the information expected to be entered.  

2.5 List Countries Admin < List Countries

Figure 26

Select which countries that your products will be marketed to.

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2.6 List Currencies Admin < List Currencies

Figure 27

To sell products overseas, select the countries you will be accepting currency from.

2.7 List Modules Admin < List Modules

Figure 28

This is a complete list of the modules within your shopping cart. You can assign which user groups have access to which modules by checking the boxes in the appropriate column.

IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE any modules from your shopping cart!!!

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2.8 Check for Updates Admin < Check for Updates

Figure 29

This page displays any version updates for your shopping cart system.

IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT MAKE ANY UPDATES TO YOUR SYSTEM. If you notice any available updates, contact Strudell Studios. Please keep in mind that we do a lot of custom coding for our customers, so if you implement code changes, it may cause problems within the system. It is always best to contact us for any updates or changes to your shopping cart system.

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3 Products

Figure 30

The Products menu options include:

List Products

Add Products

Special Products

Product Type List

Add Product Type

List Categories

Add Category

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3.1 List Products Products < List Products

Figure 31

This page lists all the products in your store front.

You can add new products by clicking the “New” icon on the top right.

To remove a product, check the product box, and click the “Remove” icon on the top right.

If a product becomes unavailable, you can unpublish that product. This will keep the product available for future use.

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3.2 Add Product Products < Add Product

There are six tabs for entering a New Product:

Product Information

Display Options

Product Status

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Images

Related Products Note: If you were to update a product, you would use the same tabs. The header would change to “Update Item”.

3.2.1 Product Information Tab  (Products < Add Product < Product Information Tab) 

Figure 32

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Publish?. Publish this product on the site?

SKU. The Stock-keeping unit (SKU) is a means of identifying products for tracking inventory. This field is required.

Name. The name that will be used to identify the product. This field is required.

URL. A URL you want to display with a product. Usually used as a link to the product vendor or manufacturer.

Vendor. The vendor with which the product will be associated.

Manufacturer. The manufacturer with which the product will be associated.

Category. The product categories with which this product will be associated.

Product Net Price. The default product price. Select the Product Currency from the drop-down list on the right.

Product Gross Price. The Price including taxes (according to the selected VAT Id) for the default price.

VAT ID. The tax ID rate that will be applied to this product. With the VAT Id you can specify a specific tax

rate for this particular product. If you don't want tax applied to this product, fill in a zero weight in the "product weight" field and disable "Virtual Tax".

Discount Type. Select the discount to apply to this product. If no discount types are available, add one using the Discount Form.

Discounted Price. This overrides the discount type and automatically creates a discount record using the difference between the gross price and the discounted price.

Short Description. The short description for the category overview page. This description displays on the initial product listing page with the thumbnail.

Product Description. This is the detailed description that will be displayed on the Flypage (product details page) of this specific product.

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3.2.2 Display Options Tab  (Products < Add Product < Display Options Tab) 

Figure 33

Use Parent Settings. If this product is under another product, checking the box will enable it to inherit and use the same settings as the parent product.

Lists. This will set up the ability to use a list box (drop down box) for the child product if they exist. The settings indicate how much indentation and adjustment to the items need to be done for viewing.

Extra IDs. These are the extra Product IDs to include for the product.

Quantity. This controls how the quantity selection will happen – as a dropdown box or a manual input.

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3.2.3 Product Status Tab  (Products < Add Product < Product Status Tab) 

Figure 33

In Stock. How much of this product do you have in stock?

Minimum Purchase Quantity. Use this field if there is a minimum quantity that needs to be purchased.

Maximum Purchase Quantity. Use this field if there is a maximum quantity that needs to be purchased.

Availability Date. When this product will be available for purchase.

Availability. This is the “availability comment” that is displayed to the customer. For example: 48 hours.

Select Image. If there is an image with the availability information.

On Special. Check this box if the product is currently on special.

Attribute List. Specify the product attributes. For example: Attribute Title: Color Property: Red

Custom Attribute List. Custom attributes such as extras, etc…

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3.2.4 Product Dimensions Tab  (Products < Add Product < Product Dimensions & Weight) 

Figure 34

If product dimensions and weight are required for shipping, then this is the place to record that information. Also, specify how many units are included per package and/or box.

3.2.5 Product Images Tab  (Products < Add Product < Product Images Tab) 

Figure 35

Upload the full image and thumbnail image of the new product. After selecting a full image, if you click “Auto-Create Thumbnail” before saving the image, then the thumbnail image will be automatically generated. The size of the thumbnail will be the width and height you specified in your Admin < Configuration section.

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3.2.6 Related Products Tab  (Products < Add Product < Related Products Tab) 

Figure 36

Use this section if you want to identify other products or categories associated with this product.

3.3 Special Products Products < Special Products

Figure 37

This page lists all the products that are either on special or discounted. If the product is “on special”, then it is featured. Discounted items are not featured.

If you were to edit one of these items, you would be automatically directed to the “Update Item” page for that product.

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3.4 Product Type List Products < Product Type List

Figure 38

This page lists all the different product types. Product Types are used for grouping items like gift certificates.

3.5 Add Product Type Products < Add Product Type

Figure 39

Use this form to set up a new Product Type.

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3.6 List Categories Products < List Categories

Figure 30

This page lists all the product categories. You can add a new category by clicking the “Add” icon in the top right corner. You can also remove a category by clicking the “Remove” icon. However, you cannot remove a category that has products associated with it.

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3.7 Add Category Products < Add Category

Figure 41

Publish?. Check this box to make the category active.

Category Name. Enter your category name.

Category Description. Description of the category to display when that category is selected. Leave this blank if you don’t want a description displayed.

Parent. Default is the top level. If it’s a sub-category, select the parent category.

Show x products per rows. The number of products you want displayed per row in your catalog.

Category Browse page. This is the template that will be used for displaying the products on a page.

Category Flypage. Specifies what the product detailed page will look like for products in this category.

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4 Orders

Figure 42

4.1 List Orders Orders < List Orders

Figure 43

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This is the page that lists all the customer orders.

To remove an order, click the “Remove” icon.

You can view the user information by clicking on the name of the person who made the order (Name column).

You can narrow the list of orders by clicking the order criteria on the top of the Order List. For example, you can view all the pending orders, all the orders that were shipped, or all the refunded orders:

4.2 View / Edit Orders You can view or edit an individual order by clicking on the order number in the Order List (Order Number column).

Click the in the top middle of the page to navigate through the different orders. (Note: These links will bring you to the next order in numerical order, not to the next order of that particular customer.)

Review the Order Detail below by section:

Purchase Order Information. Note the “Resend confirmation – Mail” button, if you need to resend a confirmation email.

Figure 44

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Order Status. Shows the current order status. You can also update the order status if an order was shipped. Press the “update” button next to the order status to save your changes.

Figure 45

Order History. Shows changes to the order and when the change took place.

Figure 46

Billing Information. Shows the billing address.

Ship To Information. Shows the ship to address.

Figure 47

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Purchase Information. Shows what individual products were included in the order, as well as the order status and pricing.

You can change an individual product order status. Click the “Update” button under the order status field to save your changes. You can also update the product price and the quantity purchased.

Figure 48

Add a Product. Use this section to add a product to the order. Press the “Add” button to save the change.

Figure 49

Shipping Information. Displays the shipping carrier and shipping price.

Figure 50

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Payment Information. Shows how the customer paid for their order, as well as any discounts or coupons applied to the order.

Figure 51

Customer’s Note. Shows customer notes to the order. Press the “update” button to save any changes.

Figure 52

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5 Reports

Figure 53

Figure 54

View : Individual Product Listings. Check this box to include an individual product details report below the summary report.

Set Interval. How do you want to summarize the report, by Month, Week, or Day?

Show Buttons: Report date range: This Month, Last Month, Last 60 Days, Last 90 Days. If you want a custom date range, use the “Start on” and “End at” date fields.

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Start on: Custom start date for the report

End at: Custom end date for the report. Click on “Show this selected range” (under “End at”) to update the report if you are specifying a custom date range. Note: The report is displayed directly below the criteria

5.1 Sample Reports

Sample 1

The custom date range of Jan 1, 2010 thru Nov 19,2010 was entered in the “Start on” and “End at” date fields. To activate the report, the button titled, “Show this selected range” was clicked.

The report below summarizes the orders purchased between Jan 1, 2010 and Nov 19, 2010,

The report is summarized by month and includes the total number of orders and the amount of revenue generated for that month (Purchases were made in November, and not any other month)

The sample below also includes a report by individual product because “Individual Product Listings” is checked. The Product Listing report shows the quantity of each item that was purchased during that time period.

Figure 55

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Sample 2

The report below summarizes the orders purchased in the month of November. The button “This Month” (in the Show section) was selected for the date range. (Today’s date is Nov 18, 2010, so it will show a summary of all the orders in Nov of 2010).

Even though there is a “Start on” and “End at” date specified, those are ignored, because I clicked a date range button in the Show section, “This Month”.

The report is summarized by week because the Set Interval is set to “Weekly”.

The report doesn’t show any product detail because the “Individual Product Listings” is not checked.

Figure 56

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6 Coupon

Figure 57

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6.1 Coupon List Coupon < Coupon List

Figure 58

This page lists the coupons that you set up in your system. You can add a new coupon by clicking the “Add” icon in the top right corner. You can also remove a coupon by clicking the “Remove” icon.

6.2 New Coupon Coupon < New Coupon

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your store has the AwoCoupons Module installed in your shopping cart CMS website, you would not use the instructions in this section for the VirtueMart Coupon Module for setting up coupons.

Figure 59

Coupon Code. Provide a coupon code for the customers to enter. Percent or Total. Is the coupon a percentage off or a dollar amount? Coupon Type. Select what type of coupon it is – a Gift Coupon or a Permanent Coupon Value. Assign a value to the coupon. If it is based on a percentage, then enter the percentage amount, otherwise enter

the dollar amount.

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7 Credits and Contact Information

This training manual has been developed and delivered by Strudell Studios, the Creative Division of Courtland Consulting. Some of the content for this manual is based upon and/or taken verbatim from http://virtuemart.net/documentation/User_Manual Copyright © 2005-2010 Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann, all rights reserved. For updates or questions regarding this manual, contact the Strudell Studios / Courtland Consulting support team.

Strudell Studios Creative Division of Courtland Consulting 1500 Watertower Place, Ste 200 East Lansing, MI 48823 [email protected] www.strudellstudios.com (517) 908‐3950 direct (517) 371‐7810 main (517) 371‐7815 fax