v6ithe u ridleys 16hlventy id ubjlaf i · esmond vioetroiljent charles parsons jr-ct the rome...

THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH 15 16HlVENTY SIX PAGES 7 v6iTHE RAILROADS ran cnvnut cAiTtrnns rax MOXE rArlWTorN AP- A rIIWIfVHIJUBO lretIII Lee HUn Ttflrn Htocklioldem or the Laed Hoaal te Jle ele ao Per Out la Block aad aPe eat Guarantee DIvUtAd The rIme of bluff betwen te rlroalln northern New York came to Jer S lone Putt oneltln contest Theorists wcs roMh1 yeslorJay about the time that the itcoi nf the nome Watertown and Oedens lure JUIlroal lumped up in polnUfrom 113 loin At It A M j It wed Into the control of tbe New Yoik Genital nod Hudson Rlrer Ball null fomiirnr Tlio papers were etened for a Mrrct ml I aeo of ha R W and 0 systsm t- ot Central thueputllnn an end for a time at to parallel schemes In northern New York wlil h hive kept sevsral town up that ayrxited for Months br the Idea that tb- wr to lohecomn railroad centraL neolallr 1 at boon a sent ot war between the Ctntrsl R W ant 0 and Corblni project to gun the ascendancy Esmond VIoeTroilJent Charles Parsons Jr- ct the Rome Watertown and Ofdentbnra lamed this statement yesterday afternoon oon erolol the tetra o the I lease VMtenlai March 13 the Board of Dlree- Wt I of tbl Borne Walertown and Ocdsmabnra- jiflioaJ Company delae stock dividend of upon their onUtand tpreenl atoek payable to stockholders of ncord Miroh 21 1891 The entire railroad and proPolt of the Rome Watertown and OjfJaoibuKKillroad Company Including Its leatd lined wts today leased IQ perpetuity to the Now York Central anti Hudson River JUIIroaJ Company upon terms ubJer which the ioeoe company absolutely aleumes all e alllbUII 01 every kind R1 tle olu home Wstertowa and Railroad Company and IU tain I 3101 kholiers guarantee bolne endorred on each certllloato of stookl 5 per eeiit per uanoi uajttblo quarterly on the ICthduygot is August rOtberl arid February The 6 oer rent Is upon the Increased look lha rental being equivalent t 6 per the troltilhi atok Cf uVnewit uf the deal did not get out until after the close of the 8tool Exchange and ai many who account for ibe Qui of It W and sbura lok UionnUtbat the Canadian laclflowould u there wore proptiete In favor of the lntral hut nobody roll Mire tunt 1 asia bad boo- nlao at all since the stock the Homo road tickle or late taking blq stride ben wbou a SUN reporter take with con- tfocktoldireol itdcrtI unusually i fur the the aoa ra Toe big trice Ik a part of the tho deal Frubiiuly It can only be explained by the sup- position ¬ I that President Van Horne of the ua- niidlau InclllJ vrat after the Rome roailor ap reared tn b altor It and bid U up Mr Van has feo In New York several times of Hore COd ha expressed himself to frleiida as anxious to kop the Central from aottnu the home town and Ogdens- purg o ai to preserve the balance of power in northern New York Mr Van Uorne wal In ilew York tact week from Tuesday last nUht when the battle being over he returned to iontreal Giber think that the Vanderbllts have reached a harmonious understanding with the Cans Man Incllic by which the Utter wIlt get valuable traffic ladlltles for a reasonable con- sideration ¬ und that war will b prevented and Saved These teopll that the Van mon would not for the Borne roal If the Canadian PiUlllc remained antago- nistic ¬ and likely to run a parallel road throught- hat territory Otherwise too Central could nut afford to carry tuo Home ruad with bonus uud atoc of 17thtOmOt Tbe attitude of the Canadian Pacific will be ¬ come clearer In tlmu Hut there are two otuer parallel mbemes on foot not so formidable however I at that of the Canadian Paclllo Sev- eral ¬ wests ago President Tln mua P Fowler the New York Ontario and Western Railway wbMIolulPon the Hume road for Its outlet Bridge and 8t awronOI hirer points said that If the New York rot tho Homo road the Ontario and Western would have to xleullts roa I tram Oswego to the bridge or or both The directors his mad he said passed a resolu- tion ¬ to that elect at the last meeting The On- tario ¬ and gets out of New York by trackage rights over the West Shore to Corn- wall ¬ Another parallel scheme which Austin Cor bin has been proposing Is the Camden Water town and Northern an extension of the El mire Cortlnnd and Northern which Mr Cor bin would like to dlspoo of to some of the trunk lines or the Canadian PflclBo YThocJona negotiations between the New and the Hone Watertown and Ocdentburg people to and durnl the ejection of the Centi als bluO It now proves to have been were Interesting trxildent 1arsons the ibm made numerous trips to the hand Central Station where he HJ conferences about the terms of a deal With VlcePresldsnt H Walter Webb When the Central threatened a parallel to the Utica anti Black ftlver road dayton cutting Into the most valuable business of the Home sys- tem ¬ the Dome road projected a twentyOre mile toad from Suspension Bridge Into Buffalo cutting Into the New York Centrals heavy eastbound bnslnesr They kept up the tit forlat bualneis for many weeks until the re- cent ¬ Btftis toward the buldnl of the Mohawk led bt Lawrence road Mr Webbs torlymllo sleigh ride ovor the new roulo several days ago throngn snow drifts several feet deep and with the thermom- eter ¬ below zero seemed to turn the roale This convinced Mr Pardons that the Centrnl meant Lcslnens and would begin building before the snow 0 of the around The directors had a meeting at Presi ¬ dent 1nrsonsH house on Friday night and de clned upon the innna on which they would turn over tho road Time Central people were apiirlned ot and of Mr Pnrsonss will iignefs to moetQI the other directors Ire t d with him Their last act of Importance wal to distribute from the surplus In tne treasury a stock dividend of MO percent on oui stnncllni capital stock to an to xnve tbe Central the trouble of handling It This will amount to SlZitiOiO a handsome amount consldorine tho length of the road which Is Ui miles TheleiiBO was agreed to by the New York Central at the regular meeting yesterday and was fxecutod by both parties immediately afterward to LO Into effect at the earliest prlO heal moment The Home Watortown and Ogdensburc System l U made UI p of a Int of short lines llnkud together theoMosr of them being the aler town ant UOMH The main line mile front Huspennloii Bridge to Maesenan- pilriKs near time northern boundary line of this Htato lollnvclng aulie closely the southern shore of Lake Ontai OB far ns Oswego The most Important of the branches which reach out to I the Mountains on the one oiiia AUrondapl St Lawrence on the other Is tho Utica and Black lUvl 1olrOll HO mike long 1 be total meeting time teW York Central liull road at Ilochfsti Hyrucunn Home and Utica The New York Including Its present l iemted I lnep lm lontnlj 1 I wiles and the Rome sy lniii WlllnIPR It toIOUI mIles Jlii will give the Now York Centrnl an aJdlllonnl through line between ilonte and KujMislon Bridge The Central minding time WIRt Shore previously bar lb e eiurato I etween Hyracue 1iulTlo nnd KimponBlon llrliiae The Home rond will make i it loiirth It will dlvn the Van dirillls control or time terrlloiy north of tbe i iiitiHl nnd of northern New York west of the AilrundHOtiS Jns balanco rlippt of the Home road for ftp4 j 0 l lmtt t shotted n capital stock of 8230 10f J23 2lS ff ulilcb IH Mill In the treasury Ildol debt nf 16720IOlhf latter of which In the trees ¬ tire nil B profit end nrole uocoiint of ITtUUB Less than Inn years Ago the Delaware Lack lrUI ala Western per pie had control of the ihl lul after a Morm row among I orontlntereBtstlin Parsons family took It oitt of their cnntrol and ha kept It Inde ¬ pendent ever since wlU Is rumored In Ilenverthat the Rio Grande tern In nrdfr to secure a shorter Tine to hL lallo 1 coast I Ic negotiating for the pur Jf V0 Orevon 1iionio toad which l iq pro teemed from tiqititta limmy on the Oregon coast t llio Ity J Il1 Ihu lul liulltl n s allro d Iroin he jn Utah ocniinect with It which would sloe them aflrstclass tiansoontlneutal rout Too Mule far Cowiedlaa DIe tosTox March l4IIenry E Dlxoy has do SHned an ofTor from Manager Btelson of the Globe Theatre In Boston to make him an equal Partner itt time ilole if he would become the IM stock co iediu i of that house with H salary uenqe8 of not less than I5IX Jjlxey thinks be con do better on Ihe road Tbn V vu Uurtfercru Acitln Henteno- e14IIenry HUTulonE Maroli Jones George ai57 anti Henry Smith the three colored I len connoted of haying committed murder l Ibl Island tf Nfvassa were rrsenienced to T1lbaljl In the Bulled btatcs Court today their execution wa flxed for Fri MayThe 16 MlKtnc or Liberty Broken ta ° rst Secilsmsnj Drivatl4 In tti I cIty is day when tIe Diwirsactel trQm hedlowi Jeislid Itmit vHrIdfaflou lolO4Y atamu of had ITOCm 1lb ba l I w York It Inlol ad 1h GI MI izpeilUU thot II Icit 11 t been ltrp t Nit Iolo I dll I lt C IrnIiu pectavl a ml bet kn ItQwd It ilisnur telng r greet rrnemm to It II lilmd Ill tel tflttgIIon proved tbit trot I brokmi lid rgbI erie Al tL rIst I to Ort 10 reIch uli 1r Ihetr000ll 10 tj 110 utj titmlso loullh so or and eocUrC J t 1110011111 Toil btamne ttt 1111 ork Igeat44- C ntnr jottct Dr J Parker Prey Lets CM- Orlctaatar t of Manicure Art mild Good I la Ararlo All AUuti of ft sal iMlli ikliralty UIdl Inl lcnrn MM i bnnloniand tnrrowtrjgnstla I aeh relief at one uaraete4 wlUvua I pain Ytier allis tborouilily maaloiinl v- Daperlnr attnilanra ant appr tnlm nt Try Dr Pray a bUhlr mdlolnat tollt praparaltuat Hrgnla FCC fniKHr Cnml Routln Crain Vnnl Dia- mond Kail InUn Jlo old rtrrwliir ratter ens nn Waal IM si ODDoalM Kdan Mute taubUtbcd Itm- osCener Tiimor Tnbtrenloaa an4 Ctitonle Dta- a ><> TheIr Uur br William U KLmlol 31 I USJ BiaMwar Nw York punplilat eonialntnr loforma lion of vital Importance to tailrra mUd tree linker Biter sIne 1028 a kolad le by far the bhl b ukia pur or with wine or liquor Derry Trlropfceroiiii ktm tas bait metat tblek InalroBsi praT ota U trosa tocosalai bal D Ancoitnr Bitter tba vnrl4ranowB South American appatltar cori drppla 4c Ask for Aaehor Brand Skirt Staple eat fancy atylaa Baal In tin eld X4at > Stile Lion BrwM Collar 0 yaoltlaia MOUNT HOPB CEMTETXKT Once MO SUth ave cornn ttt CL Haw Yrt jiptrial ht- Ma M WlNHLOWH MOOTaiNe HTKDP flu bun I for vr nm TIAM br MlLUONHo- lMOTUIHKor thai CIIIUtSlM WIIILI Z5T111- OwIIhEUEQTI000SU II SOOIUB Ua CHILD iOKIBhS Ik UUMS ALLAN a tAIN OUUl WIND COLIC remedy OIAJtRUOXA toll eA llb b Vy 4ntu arty m of thi 14 8oa b Ul- aOAKDNeSl PINE NEEDLE EXTHACT audOlTTlu lathe Inbalatlona and enbrucatiODa re Icy rbeumatlo bronchial I and ratarrhal aRectlona I fauiphleli trail IAKK A HfcriMO AUdits THE INCH HYNTEMCorpulency cored i four wish without pill dllDW maeeaie ar soy oeavealeoee biaS tsr tret R Ill Es ZlIh IL i ivMIo5s TU1iieT OTiUf Jitecoti ln II world end Uia dUIC Bar sad UUl- aUJULTliroODUU8l 11 lUariaUcr 1 e RIDL EYS Grand Street New York SPRINT MILLINERY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY- MARCH 18 MARCH 19 Trimmed Bonnets and Hats 2000 different designs Latest Novelties imported and from our own Modistes Lie- s JHiJtac and Childrens Costumes Jllantle- snrap8 Gowns and Jackets Parasols Dress Goods Dress Silks and Special Display in all De- partments ¬ YOU ARE RESPiCTFUUY INVITED EDWARD RIDLEY SONS EDWARD RIDLEY SONS 309 311 31112 TO 321 GRAND ST 3G9 311 311 12 to 321 GRAND ST COYERINO BNTIRE BLOCK ALLEN TO ORCHARD ST COVERINOHMirtK BLOCK ALLEN to ORCHARD ST Bo who Ii welt pleased U well paid DELURY SAYS L 1 Iii I ± LOUNOB SUIT REEFER lie ha Imported a Large and Ilandaorae Stock of Scotch Cheviot and Ilomecpun In all the New Colonrlna which he In nick lag up In the popular Lounge Hull and Jeerer for SV5 I povltlvely the came good cad workmauihlp cannot be pur haed from cay other reeponalble Blouse under S8A and HMO No depoilt required on order placed with Ski house from reliable peron Hample instructions for Meaiurlnsr and Album of Faahlon cent on Application- Try our Scotch Stripe cod Check Trou > rto measure at SajOO or two pair for sie They are very cnltabl for atyllah and roachandready wear Pine Tailoring for Gentlemens and Ladies Wear 6th Avenue Between 14th and 15th Streets ELEVATED R I BTATION AT THE DOOR Naw Tack Tribune says that Delnrye new rut Rid log Habltihave been pronounced perfect by the moot pr ril Orate BVBNIN- OStuaaxa JXTKLUOEXCRMn- UiTCBH AtMAHAC Tnla PiT Sun rieas 6 I i Ifluniete e C1 I Moon leumorn ems WAtaa Tmi mAT Bandy lot I 521 I Oov lalaniV la 001I IIIU Date I 0 Arrived SiTUKoir March 14- Pi PersIan Monarch Brlitow London I City of l h ew I ork 0 atilna Liverpool Etrurla llainei Liverpool t Colon endereon Colon fladltano Cheraporn Calbarlen Setigora lleal smith tiwaniea- Be Muriel Morrlaon Harbailoea- KeClialmrtte Ieruv ewOrle > ne- te CUattahoochea Dagtt Savannah Si F W Mean Iewia Haitlinora- Be City of Fllcboun Waaber Pelt Riven- tFor later urtraia eea Flnt Faaa- JiailUDOOT Fa Umbrla from New York on Browheed fee AirlaUo irom Haw Yurk off rob fiuKD chins rOKKiotr rOIL La Britain from Urns for New l Mandia Item Uambnrn tat Nw Vnt i Noordlani from Antwerp for haw York ecicoiaa luln SaU famorroie Mal GleN 11 Alfonqnln Rhar1aton thOm CbIIOCooI iuor M Katl rvuday March IT- Tenoiuela Lainajra sw r u- Fab I CJO fal use ndos Clara Gibraltar 36 Italia Olbraltar Feb 27- La Bourioroe Havre March 7 Orinoco Bermuda March IS- Feh38 DutXimdat arch IG London Suirlend Houlhampto- nlumurl March C Havana March U D itatdav MartA IT Busla Herr March A Jtie lUdntuttii JVjrrA la Moravia Ilarocun- tlajelllc March 4 Queeultowo- Lyulan Mareh IJ alouarch Londou March 4 City el Alexandria iatafl05duaroii I- nSIMotmrgIaOliojuw Mareb I D r urmuK Aare is- ottsrtamAmsterdamMarch 7 WM eland Antwerp March 7 Colorado HuU Ifl C WIlliam H Crawford Ilunged- III DlcTutt March liAt 1155 A if V11 lam 1 Crawford WAS executed In the corridor Macon Iountr jail In the prsiancu of 200 persons CrundforJ muriloieil sirs MmtiUs on the night of 11 26 last Rhe was on nt- traotlT woman ear old flnil th mother onbOIUtte Crawford had been lore upon JiHr andll I is supposet that In a Otof b < C would n- ol IA to lila suit aDlpr mmltt d lbs murder FURNITURE RJHORNERCO Furniture Maker and Importer 61 63 and 65 West 23d St Adjoining Eden Melee HKDIVSI AND IIIGIICIAS8 GRADES OF PtrnNiTunE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES EVERYTHING NEW liS TIlE FTJHNI TURE AND UPHOLSTERY ARTS OF HOME AND FOREIGN MANU FACTCRE PARLOR FURNITURE In Satin Dam- ask llrocatellc Aabumon BelleTlllr and French Tape trle > Also ninny dainty quaint und odd piece to Oil space BEDROOM FURNITURE Aahcherrr- Cnrley Walnut and Maple white natural and dark fahoanny nntaral bos pollard quartered Encllieh and Antique Oak DININGROOM FURNITURE In Ask Cbarry Mahogany and In 1 of Ihe Oak made up In Rennl Banee Chippendale ElI abethan and MedlMTal itilea LIBRARY FURNITURE In Tapestry Leather and SlnfTIi many piece In London Club ityle Every reqnlalto for the fkirnlililnsf t Town oail Couatry lleuxrn together with numerou nniellle and Cottage Fixing Price In plain figure Inspection re peetnillv requested J J IIORNER A CO HAIR ON THE FACE rock imOaepv Parr oTpc qllCKLV DI8SOLVUUKD f BOTU > riTa Tiik ikw DOLcnux pop e AND ThU OROWTH 0 TK- DIITROTCD WITHOUT TH- BanaiirtiT IlliciT 01 Die COIORATIOX Or vu M- OlDltleUIIIIeOfUD Iti CnHrovxciiio an In- complete ¬ 1t S mixture gsa af- lcldrntally I ipllled on the a baLk of the hind soil on washing afterward II wee I c dlicovered that time hair- S S complettlyreuiovedV- r purchased the new dlfcuvf ry and named It Jliipmt It I U perfrclly pure tree from 1 In j Jurtoul entetancee simS a eltniile any one can I I II uie It It al IDldl J I II lit tiurrl al If I II I I be inrprleed d lighted with th rtinlti Apply l for a few minute time hair dIsappear aa If by manic It baa no mem- tUnce whutfivrr I ri any other preparation ever uied for- a like purpoie and noirlentldc null nonilerfnl rtinlU I IT sIFrllrm- I growth ho light one nppllrallun v nenlly I i the heavy irowth such ae molei may requlrf two or more nipllcHtaona l Ito1 the root am destroyed although all hair moved at each application and ullliout the slightest Injury or mipleaianl frcllnrwhen npplle l or ever at br ardM IiKNKNUrKItCRIiESKLECTI10LYai8R- ECOMMENDED BY ALL WHO HAVE TESTED ITS MERITS USE DY PEOPLE Of REFINEMENT I Gentlemen not appreciate natoree gift of a beerS will find a prlcelrm hOOD In Mndenr which dora way with shaving 1 illeeolvee sod droli Ufa tie thttrli IrInu utter I 1 ImpueelMlll and Utuarantoeit ulul ai is e attr lo llmtkln Youuc < COd an growth of hair enraluit Undone to iloitruy Hi growth Modems lout Ly Wall In eafely mallln ruin postage paid acrnrrly- uolnj from otnerviiilon on receipt of price SlOO- perbdttle Krml money tiy 1lter with your limit ad- dren written plainly Cnrmepondtnce aarmlly pri- vate ¬ Puetage stamp received tbs same ai cub UAl UEMTI01 011 rOUKTt AMD THIe urn < advt nut ai may not appear again MODENEMTOCOOINCINNATI0 USA WAinrrcw MIOHOV euoa Mia ra p aaveoM- KtUUr jear bUoy at aay rIO aaA latare 5 u C Twa semi fllOOO P ea vm lMlefvrr EVERY BOTMK UUAVHANTEED aWLOCAU AND GENERAL AGENTS WAi TED nbcrlancouL- OVK vita LiQUoR Cured eecret frM rOtt JIQUOB Addrei- eVicmi l box IV farlvllle U I N Y READYMAPE BIIOW CARDH window tickets Ml new desires I for clothleri I mid furnish era large eioek in idiot from McLABbNAOi vis CallL Kaw York WANTED A teller preii In rood order Hate price Addreia a box ItO Sun uiluwn ortlco- No I IV f Hrnadwu- yillll A 1on- I Irtl I I HAMllllr lan frlna e I Ia 3 UII I ill very 1 Lretitcr Inc t l lujuiro 4i foarlel u- p28T at al ri HEIiNAilD PlPIiei n ltchM vhtlp6 Jan iSot lbr turbo Course drlora QUI ol Luy JxeUiChampion Howit Iirdiiscdii Jo po42 gras price ant niarcTEi alliej v Wo ULSrtV r Ij J broAd lU 1 York Id I UbJlaf I Messrs D APPLETON tt 0 have the pleasure of announcing A MEW BOOK BT TIIR AUTHOR or t A SOCIAL DUfARTURB AN AMERICAN GIRL IN LONDONB- Y i SARA JEANNETTE DUNCAN I 80 illustrations by F n TOWNSEND I- i IiW- lb 12mo Cloth llBO A irllltaM book notarial EoaI elfhui eeelaty anitome and amusements ai eeen by an aneonveaUeaai ass witty obierver made Social Hrpsrtur 10 remarkable a luooeu will BtaIJ An American Ulrlln I toa a book blhah talked shout everywhere f A SOCIAL DEPARTUREBO- W i onnionociA AND I WEST ROUND TUB WORLD BY OURSELVES i BY SARA JEANNBTTB DUNCAN Illnitrated by r I TOW SEHD ISmo Cloth 1173- U r la a cheery witty deooroua charmlnc hookNsw York Herald n I widirsst and pralied en both iMta of lbs Allantlo and PaclHc the diary li now ropnbllahed In Kew with eeorti of IIlntrationswhch nt tha text exactly and show tha inlaid of artlit and writer In unUon TO York Evening lot It le lobe dnuMel whither another book can be food 10 thoroughly amusing tom bettanlofte inSnaton Daily Advertuer j A very brlihl book on a enlertalnlnc inbleot We commend I to thole reaSon who abhor Ib dlnarr itatlitleal book of travelarBoktoii EvenIng Transcript A brighter merrier nor entirely chirmlng book would be Indeed dldlenlt to So1SL Louis Republic For sparkling wit Irreilitlbly contaytoul fun keen oheeratlnn absolutely poetlo appreciatIon of beauty anil vlviadeicrlptvenni It has no recant rlvlMrL 1 T llaruuma letter to the New York Tr ulo D APPLETON A CO Publishers 1 8 and I Doml Street New York EDGAR KAIYTUS The tItle ot Mr Caltuaa new work U MARY MAGDALEN- A lUnim indicates It t li antnry of the woman whose alas tha Ob rial CorraTt at the ftuthnrt 1f in llratft- It Is direct and drAirutio At a wirk cnnfunea feW rrJadlei and damar a few luJI ednraud poop wilt tlnd In U what thty want an orlntnal revar- ntlal 7t Mailitlo portrayal of the tragedy of the world BELFOKD k COMPANY 600 BROADWAY NEW YORK Pour New Novel for IB ConIc 4 NEW NOVELSA- ll eomplala In the APRIL NUMBER of the Family Library Monthly Only IB Cent Of all nwnlalra or TUB INTERNATIONAL NBWB co NEW YORK WHO KNOWS- That you have bought on time r This is your affair not that of your neighbors A Beautiful Home awaits you Goods the finest In this country FURNITURE CURTAINS CARPETS PICTURES Everything you need on a credit plan entirely origi ¬ nal Here Is a true Palace- of Delight If you call this week I surprise Is In store This is satisfactory reading 1100 per week on CT9 per week on1200 160 0 0 lfM 250 ZOO U ISO 8- 00LUDWIGBAUMANN COMPANY 258 260 262 6TH AVENUE liET BeTH A 17TH HTS EAST SIDE uro l irt ART IMPORTANT AND UNIQUE SALE Of ORE HUNDRED AND FORTVTHBEE PAINTINOS- TBE COLLECTION OF JOHN C of ORIIWOLD Oi EQ with which are olla niNBTBKK CUOICR LANDSCAPES BT the world renowned arllit ALBERT BIBR8TADT I A- pr to his departure for Europe TIlE WELL KNOWN CIIAHACTBIIIRTICS OF SIR BIEESTAOTS ART TIlROLOll WICI BE lAS OAINED Ills FAME AT HOME ABROAD ARB MEEK ON THESE CANVASES IN THEIR PRIME AND FREEST ECOTB TOGETHER WITH OTHER WELLKNOWN AMERI- CAN AND FORBION WORKS BALE DAYS THURSDAY ANt FRiDAY StARCH 10 AND 2 AT S OCLOCK FACn DAT AT TIlE ART GALLERY 43 LIBBRTT ST NOW ON EXHIBITION WITH CATALOGUE JAMES I SILO Auctioneer 43 Liberty I QONCLUDIMO DAYS 07 ThE SALE Or PICTURES which eioaoed deitructlon- RKCENT by the riftS IN MBRRKKM ART OMLFRT MONDAY and TUBBAY March Hand 17 at 2II l I WE WILL SELL AUCTION- on M MAHHAtl the t- OIEl ONE HUNDRED PAINTINGH WITHOUT rKAMBa theie pictures are by well I known artUlt and alvoI I be sold to the tMldrr WITHOUT ANY RKHKItVK JOHN r I TRAV11K8 Anetloncer ESTABLISHED 18 Absolute Pale RICHARD ALTEnf SONS JELL TTESIIAY MARCH 17 10 18 OCLOCK 1IKOADWA CORNER OTI HT Removed front oloo aT od Wait 4M It and Itat- large I and general wiortueut of medium kouielioM Furniture Mirror Mirror I Front VoIding BeiU Car Oat IoUDti Couches chlffoonlerei Wardrobes Hair Mattreuea Beddlnf Flelurea Ac tale positive lo- blihett bidder L11KTH AV AUCTION ROOMS 34O ATI AV 11 P WHTMiiRE Auctioneer sales of car Wines Tue > 4ar after- noon h1 trlm oclock I Hr order of AI h s Ift t sd l of ward T and l dwardM HtiepardEieuutura > lne Madeira Htierrr Port Clone HorjcndT ant WhIle WincE brandy Hum Mineral Watere Ireiervia- Ac to which ha been abided this ciar a rntlrtnan who dee tnea the uie of lila Hare iienney utard Mattel a ant Mnrrltt Vrandlea I very Choirs Old i Whiskies Hum and tile Madeira Sherry ani l Nauterne Wine And on Widrerar ael IS at dotock by order jf Hemicn O Ieouoo loo aseIgnsecfMr Filward Hrandoni e Choice Mierry f laxelra nt l led and White Hnrdfant- Winra totaiherwIihKuptrlor I MadiirK Kheirr r ant Wm Yin till HraiilKe inun libby and f i om the cellar nfNr VMIIUm Flrttlier 110 l from r lie Hrnn e > taiei v7 Maranuah eorila- EireedlLilr Hare till Mirrrlet k adeira sat Pnrti- wilch oanuot tie expelled MI lo Ate ijunlitr and rondl sloe many of them hitvlntf IOM U va flCaiI aol lha WOOl having been recfitly rebuttlrd nyur aetlarmem at I elmonKo 1 Tbl sale rhnu d command Ih attention of ffentlemra rIIIIO aid to their as such an opportunity ocour again The good ran be Impacted MONDAY March 1 from 9 A M til e F M Mr WILLIAM B NOKMAN will conduct Dma tale t Stornflr UNITED STATES KTOHAOP AIIIUlii 3d- ar A con 4ntt M All laM hipping trucking in ill I parenter Ireliiiit eletatnii Hmcctlon Invited rliaipcetrateilu the ell p osrs BROADWAY Jo 354 llr I iadnay cor- ner Httth alt IIMI 1irln l 5ui mltr careful i rneni raddeil vann for mid hlpplrl- l10wIIrle1 trunk free J ell 1ooitrodticl IIHA1NII- ANTIIOCN WOOl A COH HELECTED Columbia Slyer Salmon Aetnrla meSon Nest In the S evIl llroininriidrd fur bruin foot Have no oilier V ranted AI Ak i iur i Truer ionS iltIW IIENIIY F PAIIKKR Hnllcitoror PuU- nt tlet valid patent that will pay Advice free I MlllWdlnc as Mali el NY 1 I stuts for Inventtrra procured srorc thy I low natZ I see4rSrIeear3acasusbltY aIabUsluedieSi 1 ni j OUT TOMORROW The April Part of tke Young Ladies Journal 1 Containing the beginning of a new story uUtle- dA r I LIVING LIE beildei all the LATEST PARIS FASHIONS 1 OIUAMTIU ABIIIUN w 1 COLO KM FASHION I and PItmroettJI ncmeroue complete KM I BBiUDhlH lUaftna T J Price ft 1 dents Yerl f AU nemdaalars o THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMA 1 8 AND 85 DUANE an- OnefloorEat Broadway NEW TOK cRErE HOOK HTORF IN TPMB WORLD The best price paid for old books end pnivatibrarle SuPplIed price i Hint rival ob i ptlllon Hand for our mammoth oalatogu l oontalatoc prici free LKKIAT IIROTIIKRM Hi Ubambara lbra door west ot Broadway Xii York oUr J iiuiofortc Qrflnh f DO YOU WANT A PIANO New pacnnd bOld iqnar or upright If 0 It win Per you to your memo aiil Adilra on a postal card Ma will prompto iu > llrauljinaof vrlci I Lib or nv monthly p yi rr itut > refK it sciS nunnfi- oliirrinrilicclobratil iiiirr IUuo an instrument of llrd Corner itrosiway ami 47th a- tUATIIUHIICK IMiS < H Ann aaiortnitnl of new aiylrn of uurliht In joiwooiL- Ionled ClrcMiian walnut whIm cirvd and bronid panda Ill i > tyle < to cohen mn or tie ilnit Iullll sy iiarinnt lyiiem and rut smatleal 701 rUlim iialhl koine thoroughly gout tcond liand of ourOwli and oilier lias at very tow nvurei tuning free slid reduced carinai end for hitndricina eaien Car MATIIUHIIIK DAM MANltCllII O CO BO Plum a duor lluw Hlli 0- 1FISC Target BI1 114101 Pt- ani i Cl muir ate unreel 111111 55- rtiangrd situ ilatia to real 1IInaln In iSO 11Ind 11 oc inuiiiiv iiffreiil IIAU tVA1IFi4UUMt j liutitbur cor letbit Nw Yot I AII ANII HKETH- KBRXCrGS PIANOS Thorough roiiilrncllini unrgmlid In tone and aat Soul on ciili ir iiiiMliii euu liberal terms rent tuning and repulrlnic C II itIiPN fc f 0 M7 Pray I8lhat 1 AN NORTUnST ot aecnndhant Grand Upright j nd KiMnre IUnui of our mate In peril et cnndlllua and Hilly warranted Al a number of second band Flanoi ui otlitr i rumlnnnt makeri at very low price f WM KNAIU A t- I4H Til AV NEAR AJTII BT MSW OIK FEW OOOII DAROAINH In ercnnd hand upright A and tquitr pfanni taken In eiehanBe treeo plaaoe are lu exce tent order and wilt be old at low prtcok- flhCHIlt i 1IANII WAKRKOOU- ftllusili av corner luih et- ETBnANTPPItlOIlT Lie NO l n ninnlhlr5tata fAS IRII j and 504 fultoo eu- Brooklynopen e > llnl r coxiic < iii i 451 H- Itl I rUbt it I char r dIl fur air ami rout on aair- leriiii J ut yatiliclit ICII luiid > Ji tlj rioo upwar- dPIAMIi I AND i1i0A1f large alorlmeDt souls i tired at creutly reduced prlcoi llina pa- yJliioN j n t IIAMJIN OKMAN AND 1MANCI tO IM Mh ar near aotba- lP lAMarent liarjalnx nU splendid Wter and iiuist I rifle mtuir rivlitI and iquara and i OIT own mniiurclur1 new iiUiuMtjii very e a x term < kHAKAUl BltnH 411 l iilonaiuara set factory sod wp town warervuiA l3Mbl Kact l U ili ft- HTWK f I MIK null VIANOH- VurrrnnliiH II hit I4tk ei- I iuiI orlnient I nr tin r re UM ttifiruniente I aeoaji- iuriiln r of i niiJ tijiml IIMIHHI varloj make fully riMinit I IfTeitli I Jliu tO rII SirlllIMi UiiitNA with loo andelooTrTmonlbir 11 I ihfiMK uo nj n foitonL ilIty I WALTERS PIANOS ARE TOIL fiRST Easy terms Rest end 6T asS fib plati cbn 11UI a l a aa4- I I OJT BAMunt u A MI Beyle WH a 0 t WUte ejM Ma- Qeae to Court Aknnrt I- Anaitasla Doyle owner of a lun4n l43 > Broadway complained to malice McMshon Jeffersoa Market that her husband with whom she does not live had threatened to kill her She says he has bn hanging abont her place on Broadway has followed her on the street On Friday she sot a letter from him beating the moaoerrara and letter head of the Harlem1 flub After eastlnc some teileetionsupos his wife he say peaking of his children die for those ohlldrsni honor but tome one else goes first hen Mr Doyle arrlnns a Jok Why I Is a woman like a sticking Because she Is no Rood unless she la amok on you J ha case wi be looked Into Et was said at the Hixrlem Club that Jnmes Dole had been doorman there inr a week up to Friday night When he sent a telephone messago saying that be hid got a better place Clerk Ienak Aeead erPesgery Frederick Worth paying teller of the Park National Bank wits complainant at the Tomb yesterday acatnst Charles F Leask aolerk81- pears old of 81 Watts street Leatk was charged with forging the name of B of 1S1 Cedar ret to a eheok lor 118B Rlr Lensiv nresenleil nt the bask os Jan 2A He was held In 1000 ball tor examination on I Tuesday next A OSriXIVANBEKOIn New Yo Harah 8- ISfll bythaRar AndrawJ CIe Anna a c Church Emma Charlotla danttitar of Uori Bar of Oranc Valley N J andPblUpOSnlll- Tan8FKAKHECKIINdEKOa ThnradayMarch 12 by tha Bar B n Xnl at the raatdanoa ot the brdIDI OSS at Mlaa AllcaB Heck York Illo WIlliam Dune SOMT htf New BAIIET Wadneaday Match II at Wathars field Con DavId W lalley d7 yara- AS8ETTOn Wadsaday aoll at Harldaa Coo Nary A Baaaatt widow harvey D Ba- aatt of SU2 Broad at aged 7 year- aKATK8Oa Thonday lab 12 ISOi Daniel Bataa runral aartloa at his IA raalteoaa TO Waal roth ak on Sunday at 330 1 M- latarment at Wow at the convenience O the family DEEHOr8DddoJ Xareh 12 Harvey Baa blod Naomi Baaerof In the isd year of bl age yuneral 903 Waal today 183that- Pleaaa at 2 SO P I tram bi ll residence omit flowan- Membera of low Lodge Ka 33 r and X x are rod 10 tha funeral of Brother Harvey Beacrott aa aboVe elated CHARLES T SMITH Mailer KENEDICKIB Hartford Conn Trldar u IS MInnie X daifhtaruf Lurtn Banadlak- rnnaral pma- wBIAKElCANIn New Haran OOBB Saturday Starch It dKuo 4bl oe the ae Mr S ant a Ilbma oUt a year Fnnaral prlra- UBKEWHTEKIn Brldfaport Cona March IS Stephen Nlohola Brawatar son ot Swam B and L sla I Brawatar sgsd5montbaaad5dcyi- Iklndi Inrltad to attend tna foneral from the a rdo0 of her parent Main at on Monday attar 10D BBUMSElVSsddenly o Friday Manh II at I I x Adolph beloved husband of fannie Bnaaalacad yesre- Intteralfromhialatirerhdenci 18 East Slit at t day at 10 A M Kindly omit flow- erBUKOANBOn Starch II alibi Mle other brotherinlaw William I Ihm at Sarah II lob dalblr t lat I r Bur bane of Warren county N T Funeral and Interment at Warrn burir V T BVBKEJame T Burke In the23dy ar of hla ate Tha funeral will take place from hla lees rtDM 693 lOlh ar on Buday Starch IS IB91 at II X BTXBEEIn Norwalk Conn March la Stephen D Bynbae ion of Harry and HUia Byzbaa aged M- yaara and 4 mouths Frlenda irs Inntad to attend tha funeral from hla isle residence 10 tooth Main at oa Mondajy afternoon at 2 30 oolook Interment at Pin Island COILINHOn Saturday March 14 ISel at hi isle reelilenco nss East 17th at Thomas I Cblllna- Jlelallre and frlanda of lb family are neeiwctfnlly invited to attend the funeral an Monday Match II at a PM- CO8TELIENOln New Haven Marefaia Mary Coetalleno wIfe of rillppo CoeteUeno of I Myrtle at aged 3nC- nONESDFGEan > arch 19 PrantUka Crnobelo of Aloys Crooanbarfar aged I years months and 14 days Friends aro Invited to attend the ural from bar late rcildenet 847 Sth ar on Mod moro Match II isei at e ocleok Ibe t t John the Bapllts Chnrcb 30th e between 7th and ell am Interment at Calrary Cemeter- yC17NNINOIIAMOn Saturday March 14 la- Brldfaport Conn Patrick Cunningham Notloa ot tinaral Tuesda- yCVJ1NIn Marldau Conn Tbnnday Marsh 1J- Joeph Cure ton of John Corn aged 2 mouths Funeral privat- eDOOLEEIn Hartford Coo rda Karon IS Eddie Doolay aon of Michael sod Xr id I year and I mouth Funeral nrlrat- aDUNNIn Hartford Cone Friday March IS Mary Ellen daughter of Mary and the late Jm Dunn acedlSyeara- yrlenda are Inrllad to attend the fsneral from the re Jdence of her mother Cbeilnut at on Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock and Iron 81 Patrick Church at 28 oelok- EDWARDH On Friday March 13 Carrie I Kd war da wIfe of David U Edwards aied 44 yeara l- monthi and 14 dare Friend are Invited to attend the naeral from lb reeldenca of her liter r J B Atherton 14 Pro peel it 00 Monday afternoon at 3 oclock EKNSTOn Friday March 18 Edward I beloved ion of Max and line Ernat uS 2 yaara funeral tram tila ate realdanaa MS York at Jeraay City Monday March I ii at 10 ocloc- kFKEEMAN8uddnlr March 12Job D ion of Wary and the let William S rcemnan d years 2 monlha and IS days Funeral cervices will ba held end the InUrmcat will take list a Ooavaneur it Lawnnca DOI- IGREISEROo N Y Friday mornlni March 13 sUITS long Illntia Genie only suit blod child of Ernest amid LojliaOralner use DDba a I yeara 7 mostba and W days Funeral services alb reildenee of be pet IN Jut 4th at today 12 oclock UAGANOn Thursday Metals II Danala naran a nallva of New Mills oosnty Tyrone Ireland aged a year Funeral will take place I tI the realdanaa of his brother Thorns 3i7 Bal HJlht today at I ocloc- kHAHnJEOn March II John Harris beloved hus- band of August hattie wed 8 pears 1 month sad 6a I- Jrnd ara Invited to attend the funeral from ltt oio loth av on Sunday atiaraoon lal 15 ataoalockI- ntermant at Lutheran Cemetery HEPBCKN James Hepburn aecend aaej eC WD Ham and Ann Jane Uapbnrn In the lllh yarol his agi- Funeral from his lass reelino IH West erih t Monday Stanch IS at t oclock P I Interment In Calvary Cemetery New York March 13 Alfred Hoppa IOIIEII rlnl Invited to aileud the funeral from I Udlord at on Sunday afternoon II oolock Interment Calvary Cemetery KAK1KY Tour Stank 12 Fettr Wisp- a47Teanaudedays a- yunsraltodaraIlmtJP I from blflata rilldaac- BM S Sooth ad IL Irooklyn JP BJnraXKUB Ftllay Kank 15 Ba amla A helsretheaVaaXetltaryA Kayaer igel 77 years aeeMntadTtlara- lMraeaadtrtawaXalseUe ntaaVanettkaJemy- OHr Pectee Mmal Aid AaaMtaWn t asS Ike JantyO- My FUa a rateacttsUy 1 implied te attend the rsnarsl sarrtoas I i Isle rasldra N Eern a t > ayM S r M- KILCHAVln Nsw Haven Merck tl Janet Io eras pied 71 year Frieala ire Invited to attend II lea trees Mt residence ITS Franklin on Oda mol esosiesk aalaa- kXINBOa and tree t Patrick Cal at I Wadneaday Ial II CUlll K4 beloved wife ot Jonas Illd lUlatlvee and friend ara invited te aI tanatal from bi l late fealdent 1SSMil Jersey City this morning IIU oe- lokIJL naa Much tl like D rh I 011 a l 11 age lUlatlra a4 alec aaaiber t Sathekk- Lodta Jo 20i F aad AMI I stalnway Pod No 111 a 81 Da Kalb VeteranAaaeeiAUon Marked Lodge No I4S sad Tnltk Ledn D 0 I are lavlttd to attend the foneral lervtcee Ill reildenaa 117 East sjd it today as I oeta LA FATEOn Friday Iarll attar a layering llineea which ha bore patlaae ant ferll tide George B La Pays Jr Funeral services will b held 11 Bait Mth it at I clock P M on Tuesday Match I 17 RelaUre said friend ar reeoaettolly Invited to attend IOWKTIn New York lab IS Mary Lewry aged SO year yrlende are invited to attend the funeral tram her late raildenca US BalUvan 11 an Sunlay afternaon- at 1PMI- nterment 5 In Calvary Cemsier- yXoGVINNENMIn Naw Haven 0 March II Null McOulnneaa daughter John and Mao Oulnnaii of K Tine it aged 4 month Funeral trlval- aMeKEONIa East Haven o Marsh Id Sarah Ma Koa wife of Patrick MoKaonaiadS4yeare rda are lavlted to attend the funeral front her > l lence Bal Haven on Monday forenoon KcKIKNANU Naw liana Conn Wedneiday March 11 Mary I Me Kir nan dub If Patrick and Bridget MoKlraan arid 21 year Vrlenda ara Invited lo attend th faDe from the realdanoaot terparanU IM Clay e 00 Sunday afternoon at 2 ocloa- kMAHONOn March I ii 161 Jsnlna O Mason ad 2 year and 3 manthi Funeral at the reildeace ot loll pannts Its Wilt 40th at on Sunday Marsh IB IIIOL M- MOBDRELUln Afton NJ March IS Ada O Moddrall widow of Harry T Moddrlt Funeral from the residence ot her aunt Mlea Anruta- Baire Monday March 18 at II elock A N- HOROANOn Friday Starch la at hla lata real deuce 45 Wait B7th at Henry Morran son of the late Matthew Morgan of thla oily In the lid year of Meat rat untie M St Thamaaa Church seine 63d at and Sth av on Monday morning Mareh la at 51S- thew oclock Orleans papers pleue copy tOBKIBaETOa Thursday Starch It Mlabaat- Morrlaaey belaved husband of Srldiet OQrady native of BoakhlU county Limerick InetiaSeagid 47 years- oneraltroihIslaLsreildsiee 87 cud CO Wall at today 12 P If- KTJlB80Noa Friday Mareh IS IMI Oella daughter ot PariS and Jenal Myeraon aid 4 months sad 10 daya- luneral from the raatdanc ot her parnks 17 Wast- eeth aLe on Sunday Much 15 at t oclock P M- O8BOKNOn Saturday Stanch 15 Miriam A Oe born widow of Cbarlaa J Otbora- Btlatlvea and rianda sea invited ii attand the tanarat from hr late reeldtnc 667 oth av oo Tuesday morning Starch 17 at 10 clock Kindly omit flow- srsPIATZY0n Friday March 13 Nary heiresS war of Sagest Pirataky and eldMt daiibtar of John H and lbs Isle WetS Daatmann sped 40 year Xelauvea suit friend era reipacttallr invited to attend tho funeral services at mi West 12th it to 8t John Church III Chilitopher to day at 130 P M- FKOVOHTIn Savannah Oa Friday Starch IS- Katherln T dbl of Stephen Uenry and the late Elizabeth C Provost Funeral lertloM at tha reildenc of Mra Matilda Lad lam 49 Bait 14110 New York Monday March I a at l20P K KI8LEYOn Thursday Mareh 12 at New haven- William U ion of David and Amy N Bliley mad 4 yean 1 month and I 12 days KOBEKTBIn Brooklyn March 12 Listen A Rob- ert Funeral HmO today at 868 Waahlnrtoa av at 2iaO lilt I requested that no Howara ba sent KOOTIn Newindon Comm Friday March IS Julia A wife of Nathaniel Root aged 01 years Friend ate Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence Newlnfton on Monday afternoon at 2 oclock Interment Coventry Coon KOYOn March U Catherine wlfa ot John B Roy aged 34 years Paiatlvee and trlanda an Invited to attend Iba funeral from ler late realdenea 78 Madison it Stew York on Sunday March IN at oclock sharp KYANln New Haven COOL March 13 Variant Ryan danrDUr of Andrew and Margaret Ryan of 24 Elliott at fd S months and 33 days 8E1VAKD New Haven Coup Friday Starch 18 Moaea Seward aged 78 years Friends an Invited to attend the funeral from hla late reaidenca on Monday afternoon at 2 oclock 8HERTVOOD Bridgeport Coon Starch 13- Wakeman Sherwood aged 71 years Friends are Invited to attend tha funeral from the FIat U E Church on Sunday afternoon at 280 ocloc- kBBCrrnIn Stratford Conn Starch 13 Manic 8 youngest daughter of Stiles L and Carrie F Smith gad 10 years Frienda are Invited to attend tha funeral from the resumes of her parent Stratford on Monday afternoon at 3 ocloc- k0TANCIIFFtn Hartford March IS John W Stanellff aged IC year- icottosof funeral hereafter 8TEINFKOn Starch 13 Seymour Steiner beloved Infant eon of David and Bertha Steiner born Feb 1 Funeral today at 10 eolock at 28 EaSt IIBth it- STONK Intblaclty on Thuraday March 12 IMI- Oearg O Ston Funeral lervloee from the Chapel of the Pint Baptlal- Chnreh Slit it between Boulevard and Wait End av an Sunday Starch IN at I3t90 oclock r If The remains wlU be taken to Greenwood for lntr moL BTKINOHANKiW Lope Na M F in A M Tne brethren of Kan Lofts sri fraternally re qnaatadt attend the funeral of Breihr ChI T Rtrtnghan at 4 oolock P M 1 today tram hi tot realdeace ee West WuhtngMn place CLAUDIUS M ROOMS Mister WM B HOZIB Secretary 8WEBTIn white flair March 4 Mary K widow of lob a Sweet Belatlv sod friends an repetrny Invited lo attend thafuneral from her Ut nitdenc Leilngton av thIs afternoon at 2i30 oclock TnOKPIn Falrflld Conn Wednesday March II Charlie W Thorp aged 84 yean and S months Friend an invited to attend the funeral from his late residence FalrfUld Coo on Sunday afternoon el l ocloc- kTONEKAt Hartford Conn on Thursday Mareh 12 Mary Toner dau htar of Catherine sad the tate hugh A Tour aged 4 yean TKOTTEK Suddenly at her late retldeace u- Eaituth it New York Friday Marsh IB Mary L Trotter widow of Ueorge Trotter of Philadelphia la tbe 7th year at her age WAONEKOn Friday March IS alEut Hartford Coon Sally It Waiaer aged oS years Interment at PhUlpabnrf N J WABDOn Manh la 18KI Henry Ward la th nib year 011- 01JIIllnod age friend are invIteS to attend the funeral aorrteee Sunday evening 55741 oclock frem M B Church Perry at between OreeawUh and Wish lugton 5- 1Intersect Monday at Tarrytow- nfAKKENOn Thursday March IS at New Haven 110 Warren 140C William S Warren aged 70 year- aWAtinH1TRN1n Lekevllle Cenn Friday March- Is Howard O Waehburn son ot Hiram F Wish burn aged 17 pear uneral prlras- eWDTELThlllou1 Yernon N Y1 March IS of pneumonia Nora M B Wbllily only I daughter Henry A said Margaret Whitely af ed fl year sod B month Funeral aervleea at her late rlleneTu daTMareh 17 at 2 P M- Intarmint at Woodlawn ubiic OUrt j P ORTOFY1CE NOTICEIAllor for C11O countries j need not be nieclallyaddrcued for deevatch by any 1 canicular steamer except when II la dId to aenl duplicate of Laiiklua and commercial doouinenta let let not eperlaliy added being eent by the hutch yeseen available toreian mal I for the week ending March 31 will doe I promptly lu all catel at this oRe ai followei buyAliTAli t for Truxlllo per steamship t Jr from New Ocher MONDAYAt I M for tote Rica via I Llmon per ateatiuhip Huipanla front Now Orleani at aP M for lIeU7I Puerto Inrtet andUuaieuiala per steam ship Hreakwaier from New Orleans TUKSDAYAt I A M for llrarll and the La Plata countrIes via ftrnambuco lloJminlro and Hautoe pernteanuhlpiapua from Baltimore lletlera muss be directed per apuai at 12 30 PM duppie- mentary ISM p SIi j fur Venezuela Curacao and 1 tavanllla yin Curacao per itoamehlp Veneauela letlera for other Columbian porte most ba directed per Venezuela atJP M for Iorco RIco direct eriteainililp smeaton Toweri at H i r H for Uloa heidi prriteamitilp lassie from New Orleana WEDNESDAY AtOA M nuppiemenwry II I A Li for Europe pereteamehlp City of Now York vlaQoeene town I atuiuA >l iiunplementary I I1JHA1I for Korapo per steamship have via Southampton and Hremen Cetieri niuMhe lilrecled per IlaveDi at JUPA w lor Heliciumdl apt per stemoluip Frlaa land via Antwerp lettera mum be directed > frleilanV at 11 A M for Fortune leland Uaytj and fiavanllla Ao prr eteamehlp Alto at 1 f M for Cuba eteatnililp Saratoga via Havana Mri mont bo directed per Saratoga lii iiOAYAt l II A M for Pars and Parnamtmoo- perateamihlp Maranhcnie Oettere must na directed per > iarunbeiiii all I P M inpplementary lata f Ml for Bermuda per itcamihlp Orinoco FRIDAYAt 10 A M for Proitreio per iteamihlp C Condal CumIn for Tampico unit Tuinam d real and other Meulcan Stat via Vera Unit must be direct4 prrC Londal at I1AM dupplementary II ISO A M i for Fortune Iiland lamalca and Jeremle per steamship Alvena tillers for Costa Rica vie Jlmon inlet be directed per Alvrna at Bw p M for Newfouudlundper aieamiblD from Halifax BATURlMVAt 1 A M for Hraill and the La Fiat Countries via KraIL for Bt Thomae and M Crotx via ct Thomas for Harbadoee and Trinidad and Uemerara via Barbadoea per iteannhip Hnanca from Newport hews letters fir other HlndwaH Island aloes be directed per Flnaiiea ateSJ A M uipplementarT llni A M for ilermaar VenmerT tiveden NorwarirhrleUanta and Said pernteamitilp lMer rU Bremen llettere for other ruroixan enuntrlra TA Houtliamtiton must ba directed per Eider 1 at to A M eupplemenlArr- Hi no A M for the windward bland per eteasa- ahlp Muriel letters for Grenada trinIdad and To hugo mut LII directed per Muriel at 10 A M supplementary It AM for Central America and South Parlno ports perstecmnship Colon via Colon lettere for Ooeui Hit a cud Guatemala tnut beSt recred per Colon at II A M for Haytl ret steamship Prlne Wlllera lit teller for Curacao Venezuela Trinidad Brltleh and Dutch GuIana nines be directed per Prlns- Wlllem IIIi at II A II upplementary 1 P M > for France Kwltrerland Italy paln ronnjal ani Turkey per steamship La Hounrotrne via Havre at U A M tfupplemcmary I P w for Great Britain Ireland lieivluin Netherlands Austria ant Sot way HeiRini per eteamihlp Rtrnrla vlnQneene town helter for other 1 uropean countrlee muit b- dlrnnud rer Ktrurlat at izxu p M nor Ills ftetberlanle direct per steamship Maakdam via Rotterdam lettrri muit be directed per Maas dam at I P M fur Irenada Trinidad stud Toba- go per etearoehlp Alps at l P M for Campeeb 01 lapae TobaCCO and oeatan per steamship Yiv- murl letter for Cuba Tnniplco and Tuipam direct and other Hegira States via Vera Crux must 15 directed pir Yumnrl at P H ° r fiber dii Torn per steam lu Iludln from New Orleans HDNIAY At H I M fur Trnxlllo per eteamihlp 2 hooch from New Orleans Mails for Chins cUd Ja ran ret pteimehlp nty of Ieklnr from San Fran ctNCov close here dally up to Ma oh i At H tot F SI Shall fir the Hawaiian l lande per steamship Ausfruila Irrom Situ Jranoliioi clone tiers daily up to March 1u1 at itot I M Mails tot the Society anda per 51111 tropic Itlrd trniu lien Francl eo- cloo here ilul y up to Mirch 5 atilbOP M Malls for AuOtruIlha New 7aiJAml Hnwniian Pill and Ra moan Islands per steamshIp Marlpoaa from San Francisco rloie here dailv up to March oit at 1120 I M or on arrUal at New York of iteamehlp Umbrla situ British mails for Australia Main for Newfoundland by rail to Mali tag and thence hv etrantr close at thIs nIEce iliily atHai P M Mall < lor Mlnuelon by rail is Solon and thence by etraraer close at tnli office dully atHijii P M llalli for Cuba ti > rail to Tampa Ha mid thence by steamer loathing Mondays Thursdays and MalurilaM clone at thli offlce dally at 2o A M Malls fur Mexico overland untrM- niieclaliy addre eil tr ileepatoh by iteamer clone aitliiannice lallynti < A M 5 Tram iaclitO tnalli are forwarded to lIsp Franolnco Sally find the achrilnU nf closing li erraneed on the presumption of their iintnterropt overland Iranelt te I lati lriinrlici Mall frnrn the Roil arriving on time at San Francisco on the disC ot ralllnx nf eleamera era deppaiehed thence time same day KegUtered mall chose at u I oo P M prevloua day

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Page 1: v6iTHE u RIDLEYS 16HlVENTY Id UbJlaf I · Esmond VIoeTroilJent Charles Parsons Jr-ct the Rome Watertown and Ofdentbnra lamed this statement yesterday afternoon oon erolol the tetra



ran cnvnut cAiTtrnns rax MOXErArlWTorN AP-



lretIII Lee HUn TtflrnHtocklioldem or the Laed Hoaal te Jleele ao Per Out la Block aad aPeeat Guarantee DIvUtAd

The rIme of bluff betwen te rlroallnnorthern New York came to

Jer S lone Putt oneltln contest Theoristswcs roMh1 yeslorJay about the time that theitcoi nf the nome Watertown and Oedenslure JUIlroal lumped up in polnUfrom 113

loin At It A M jIt wed Into the control of

tbe New Yoik Genital nod Hudson Rlrer Ball

null fomiirnr Tlio papers were etened for aMrrct ml I aeo of ha R W and 0 systsm t-ot

Central thueputllnn an end for a time atto parallel schemes In northern New

York wlil h hive kept sevsral town up thatayrxited for Months br the Idea that tb-

wrto lohecomn railroad centraLneolallr 1 at boon a sent ot war between the

Ctntrsl R W ant 0 and Corblni project togun the ascendancy

Esmond VIoeTroilJent Charles Parsons Jr-

ct the Rome Watertown and Ofdentbnralamed this statement yesterday afternoon oon

erolol the tetra o the IleaseVMtenlai March 13 the Board of Dlree-

Wt I of tblBorne Walertown and Ocdsmabnra-jiflioaJ Company delae stock dividend of

upon their onUtandtpreenl atoek payable to stockholders ofncord Miroh 21 1891 The entire railroadand proPolt of the Rome Watertown andOjfJaoibuKKillroad Company Including Its

leatd lined wts today leased IQ perpetuityto the Now York Central anti Hudson RiverJUIIroaJ Company upon terms ubJer whichthe ioeoe company absolutely aleumes all

e alllbUII 01 every kind R1tleolu home Wstertowaand Railroad Company and IUtainI 3101 kholiers guarantee bolne endorredon each certllloato of stookl 5 per eeiit peruanoi uajttblo quarterly on the ICthduygotis August rOtberl arid February The

6 oer rent Is upon the Increasedlook lha rental being equivalent t 6 per

the troltilhi atokCfuVnewit uf the deal did not get out untilafter the close of the 8tool Exchange and

ai many who account for ibeQui of It W and sbura lokUionnUtbat the Canadian laclflowouldu there wore proptiete In favor of the lntralhut nobody roll Mire tunt 1 asia bad boo-nlao

at all since the stock the Homo roadtickle or late taking blq stridebenwboua SUN reporter takewith con-

tfocktoldireolitdcrtI unusually i fur the

the aoara Toe bigtrice Ik a part of the tho dealFrubiiuly It can only be explained by the sup-position

¬Ithat President Van Horne of the ua-

niidlau InclllJ vrat after the Rome roailor apreared tn b altor It and bid U up Mr Van

has feo In New York several times ofHore COd ha expressed himself tofrleiida as anxious to kop the Central fromaottnu the home town and Ogdens-purg o ai to preserve the balance of powerin northern New York Mr Van Uorne wal Inilew York tact week from Tuesday lastnUht when the battle being over he returnedto iontreal

Giber think that the Vanderbllts havereached a harmonious understanding with theCans Man Incllic by which the Utter wIlt getvaluable traffic ladlltles for a reasonable con-sideration


und that war will bprevented andSaved These teopll that the Vanmon would not for the Borne

roal If the Canadian PiUlllc remained antago-nistic


and likely to run a parallel road throught-hat territory Otherwise too Central could nutafford to carry tuo Home ruad with bonus uudatoc of 17thtOmOt

Tbe attitude of the Canadian Pacific will be ¬

come clearer In tlmu Hut there are two otuerparallel mbemes on foot not so formidablehowever Iat that of the Canadian Paclllo Sev-eral


wests ago President Tln mua P Fowlerthe New York Ontario and Western RailwaywbMIolulPon the Hume road for Its outlet

Bridge and 8t awronOIhirer points said that If the New Yorkrot tho Homo road the Ontario and Westernwould have to xleullts roa I tram Oswego tothe bridge or or both Thedirectors his mad he said passed a resolu-tion


to that elect at the last meeting The On-tario

¬and gets out of New York by

trackage rights over the West Shore to Corn-wall


Another parallel scheme which Austin Corbin has been proposing Is the Camden Watertown and Northern an extension of the Elmire Cortlnnd and Northern which Mr Corbin would like to dlspoo of to some of thetrunk lines or the Canadian PflclBoYThocJona negotiations between the New

and the Hone Watertown andOcdentburg people to and durnlthe ejection of the Centi als bluOIt now proves to have been were Interestingtrxildent 1arsons the ibm made numeroustrips to the hand Central Station where heHJ conferences about the terms of a dealWith VlcePresldsnt H Walter Webb Whenthe Central threatened a parallel to the Uticaanti Black ftlver road dayton cutting Intothe most valuable business of the Home sys-tem


the Dome road projected a twentyOremile toad from Suspension Bridge Into Buffalocutting Into the New York Centrals heavyeastbound bnslnesr They kept up the titforlat bualneis for many weeks until the re-cent

¬Btftis toward the buldnl of the Mohawk

led bt Lawrence roadMr Webbs torlymllo sleigh ride ovor the

new roulo several days ago throngn snowdrifts several feet deep and with the thermom-eter


below zero seemed to turn the roale Thisconvinced Mr Pardons that the Centrnl meantLcslnens and would begin building before thesnow 0ofthe around

The directors had a meeting at Presi ¬dent 1nrsonsH house on Friday night and declned upon the innna on which they wouldturn over tho road Time Central people wereapiirlned ot and of Mr Pnrsonsswill iignefs to moetQI the other directorsIre t d with him Their last act of Importancewal to distribute from the surplus In tnetreasury a stock dividend of MO percent on

oui stnncllni capital stock to an to xnve tbeCentral the trouble of handling It This willamount to SlZitiOiO a handsome amountconsldorine tho length of the road which IsUi miles

TheleiiBO was agreed to by the New YorkCentral at the regular meeting yesterday andwas fxecutod by both parties immediatelyafterward to LO Into effect at the earliest prlOheal moment

The Home Watortown and OgdensburcSystem lU made UIp of a Int of short lines llnkudtogether theoMosr of them being the alertown ant UOMH The main linemile front Huspennloii Bridge to Maesenan-pilriKs near time northern boundary line ofthis Htato lollnvclng aulie closely the southernshore of Lake Ontai OB far ns Oswego Themost Important of the branches which reachout to Ithe Mountains on theone oiiia AUrondapl St Lawrence onthe other Is tho Utica and Black lUvl1olrOll HO mike long 1 be total

meeting time teW York Central liullroad at Ilochfsti Hyrucunn Home and UticaThe New York Including Its presentliemted Ilnep lm

lontnlj1 I wiles and the Romesy lniii WlllnIPR It toIOUI mIles

Jlii will give the Now YorkCentrnl an aJdlllonnl through line betweenilonte and KujMislon Bridge The Centralminding time WIRt Shore previously barlb e eiurato I etween Hyracue1iulTlo nnd KimponBlon llrliiae The Homerond will make iit loiirth It will dlvn the Vandirillls control or time terrlloiy north of tbei iiitiHl nnd of northern New York west of theAilrundHOtiS

Jns balanco rlippt of the Home road forftp4 j 0 llmttt shotted n capital stock of 823010f J23 2lS ff ulilcb IIH Mill In the treasury

Ildol debt nf 16720IOlhf latter of whichIn the trees ¬

tire nil B profit endnroleuocoiint of ITtUUBLess than Inn years Ago the Delaware LacklrUI ala Western per pie had control of the

ihl lul after a Morm row amongI orontlntereBtstlin Parsons family tookIt oitt of their cnntrol and hakept It Inde ¬pendent ever since

wlUIs rumored In Ilenverthat the Rio Grandetern In nrdfr to secure a shorter Tine tohL lallo1 coast IIc negotiating for the pur

JfV0 Orevon 1iionio toad which liq proteemed from tiqititta limmy on the Oregon coastt llio Ity JIl1Ihu lul liulltl n s allro d Iroinhe jn Utah ocniinect with It which wouldsloe them aflrstclass tiansoontlneutal rout

Too Mule far Cowiedlaa DIetosTox March l4IIenry E Dlxoy has do

SHned an ofTor from Manager Btelson of theGlobe Theatre In Boston to make him an equalPartner itt time ilole if he would become theIMstock co iediu i of that house with H salaryuenqe8 of not less than I5IX Jjlxey thinks becon do better on Ihe roadTbn V vu Uurtfercru Acitln Henteno-

e14IIenryHUTulonE Maroli Jones Georgeai57 anti Henry Smith the three colored

I len connoted of haying committed murderl Ibl Island tf Nfvassa were rrsenienced toT1lbaljl In the Bulled btatcs Court today

their execution wa flxed for FriMayThe16

MlKtnc or Liberty Brokenta

° rst Secilsmsnj Drivatl4 In ttiI cIty is day whentIe Diwirsactel trQm hedlowi Jeislid Itmit

vHrIdfaflou lolO4Y atamu of hadITOCm 1lb balI w York It Inlolad 1h GI MI izpeilUU thot II

Icit11 t been ltrp t NitIoloI

dll I lt C IrnIiu pectavl a ml betkn ItQwd It ilisnur telng r greet rrnemmto ItII lilmdIll tel tflttgIIon proved tbittrot

I brokmi lid rgbI erie Al tL rIst Ito Ort 10 reIch uli 1r Ihetr000ll 10 tj110 utj titmlso loullh so or and eocUrC

Jt 1110011111 Toil btamne ttt1111 orkIgeat44-


ntnr jottctDr J Parker Prey Lets CM-

Orlctaatar tof Manicure Art mild GoodIla Ararlo All AUuti of ft sal iMlli ikliraltyUIdl Inllcnrn MM i bnnloniand tnrrowtrjgnstla

I aeh relief at one uaraete4 wlUvuaI painYtier allis tborouilily maaloiinl v-Daperlnr attnilanra ant appr tnlm nt Try Dr

Pray a bUhlr mdlolnat tollt praparaltuat HrgnlaFCC fniKHr Cnml Routln Crain Vnnl Dia-mond Kail InUn Jlo old rtrrwliirratter ens nn Waal IM si ODDoalMKdan Mute taubUtbcd Itm-

osCener Tiimor Tnbtrenloaa an4 Ctitonle Dta-a >< > TheIr Uur br William U KLmlol 31 I USJ

BiaMwar Nw York punplilat eonialntnr loformalion of vital Importance to tailrra mUd tree

linker Biter sIne 1028 a kolad leby far the bhl bukia puror with wine or liquor

Derry Trlropfceroiiii ktm tas bait metattblek InalroBsi praT ota U trosa tocosalai bal DAncoitnr Bitter tba vnrl4ranowB South

American appatltar cori drppla 4c

Ask for Aaehor Brand SkirtStaple eat fancy atylaa Baal In tin eld

X4at > Stile Lion BrwM Collar0yaoltlaia

MOUNT HOPB CEMTETXKTOnce MO SUth ave cornn ttt CL Haw Yrt

jiptrial ht-

Ma M WlNHLOWH MOOTaiNe HTKDPflu bun I for vr nm TIAM br MlLUONHo-lMOTUIHKor thai CIIIUtSlM WIIILI Z5T111-OwIIhEUEQTI000SU II SOOIUB Ua CHILDiOKIBhS Ik UUMS ALLAN atAIN OUUl WINDCOLIC remedy OIAJtRUOXA tolleA llbbVy 4ntu arty m of thi 14 8oa b Ul-

aOAKDNeSl PINE NEEDLE EXTHACTaudOlTTlu lathe Inbalatlona and enbrucatiODa reIcy rbeumatlo bronchialI and ratarrhal aRectlonaIfauiphleli trail IAKK A HfcriMO AUdits

THE INCH HYNTEMCorpulency cored ifour wish without pill dllDW maeeaie ar soyoeavealeoee biaS tsrtret RIll Es ZlIh IL

i ivMIo5s TU1iieT OTiUfJitecoti ln II world end Uia dUIC Bar sad UUl-

aUJULTliroODUU8l11 lUariaUcr1 e

RIDL EYSGrand Street New York




Trimmed Bonnets and Hats2000 different designs Latest Novelties imported and from our own


Lie-s JHiJtac and Childrens Costumes Jllantle-snrap8 Gowns and Jackets

Parasols Dress Goods Dress Silks and Special Display in all De-





Bo who Ii welt pleased U well paid



1 Iii I



lie ha Imported a Large and IlandaoraeStock of Scotch Cheviot and IlomecpunIn all the New Colonrlna which he In nicklag up In the popular Lounge Hull andJeerer for SV5 I povltlvely the came good

cad workmauihlp cannot be purhaed from cay other reeponalble Blouseunder S8A and HMO

No depoilt required on order placed withSki house from reliable peron

Hample instructions for Meaiurlnsr andAlbum of Faahlon cent on Application-

Try our Scotch Stripe cod Check Trou >

rto measure at SajOO or two pair forsie They are very cnltabl for atyllah androachandready wear

Pine Tailoring for

Gentlemens and Ladies Wear6th Avenue Between 14th and 15th Streets

ELEVATED RI BTATION AT THE DOORNaw Tack Tribune says that Delnrye new rut Rid

log Habltihave been pronounced perfect by the mootprril Orate BVBNIN-


UiTCBH AtMAHAC Tnla PiTSun rieas 6 IiIfluniete e C1I Moon leumorn

ems WAtaa Tmi mAT

Bandy lot I521I Oov lalaniV la 001IIIIU Date I 0Arrived SiTUKoir March 14-

Pi PersIan Monarch Brlitow LondonICity of lh e w I ork 0 atilna LiverpoolEtrurla llainei LiverpooltColon endereon Colonfladltano Cheraporn CalbarlenSetigora lleal smith tiwaniea-

Be Muriel Morrlaon Harbailoea-KeClialmrtte Ieruv ewOrle > ne-

te CUattahoochea Dagtt SavannahSi F W Mean Iewia Haitlinora-Be City of Fllcboun Waaber Pelt Riven-

tFor later urtraia eea Flnt Faaa-

JiailUDOOTFa Umbrla from New York on Browheedfee AirlaUo irom Haw Yurk off

robfiuKD chins rOKKiotr rOIL

La Britain from Urns for NewlMandia Item Uambnrn tat Nw VntiNoordlani from Antwerp for haw Yorkecicoiaa lulnSaU famorroie

Mal GleN 11Alfonqnln Rhar1aton thOm

CbIIOCooI iuor M

Katl rvuday March IT-

Tenoiuela Lainajra sw r u-


I CJO faluse ndosClara Gibraltar 36Italia Olbraltar Feb 27-

La Bourioroe Havre March 7Orinoco Bermuda March IS-

Feh38DutXimdat arch IGLondon

Suirlend Houlhampto-nlumurl

March C

Havana March U

Ditatdav MartA IT

Busla Herr March A

Jtie lUdntuttii JVjrrA laMoravia Ilarocun-tlajelllc

March 4Queeultowo-

LyulanMareh IJ

alouarch Londou March 4City el Alexandria iatafl05duaroii I-nSIMotmrgIaOliojuw Mareb IDr urmuK Aare is-

ottsrtamAmsterdamMarch 7WM eland Antwerp March 7Colorado HuU Ifl C

WIlliam H Crawford Ilunged-IIIDlcTutt March liAt 1155 A if V11

lam 1 Crawford WAS executed In the corridorMacon Iountr jail In the prsiancu of 200

persons CrundforJ muriloieil sirs MmtiUson the night of 1126 last Rhe was on nt-

traotlT woman ear old flnil th motheronbOIUtte Crawford had been loreupon JiHr andll Iis supposetthat In a Otof b< C would n-ol IA to lila suitaDlpr mmltt d lbs murder


RJHORNERCOFurniture Maker and Importer

61 63 and 65 West 23d StAdjoining Eden Melee



PARLOR FURNITURE In Satin Dam-ask llrocatellc Aabumon BelleTlllr andFrench Tape trle > Also ninny daintyquaint und odd piece to Oil space

BEDROOM FURNITURE Aahcherrr-Cnrley Walnut and Maple white naturaland dark fahoanny nntaral bos pollardquartered Encllieh and Antique Oak

DININGROOM FURNITURE In AskCbarry Mahogany and In 1of Ihe Oakmade up In Rennl Banee Chippendale ElIabethan and MedlMTal itilea

LIBRARY FURNITURE In TapestryLeather and SlnfTIi many piece In LondonClub ityle

Every reqnlalto for the fkirnlililnsf tTown oail Couatry lleuxrn together withnumerou nniellle and Cottage Fixing

Price In plain figure Inspection repeetnillv requested



riTa Tiik ikw DOLcnuxpop eAND ThU OROWTH 0 TK-DIITROTCD WITHOUT TH-BanaiirtiT IlliciT 01 DieCOIORATIOX Or vu M-OlDltleUIIIIeOfUD

Iti CnHrovxciiio an In-complete


1tS mixture gsa af-

lcldrntallyI ipllled on thea baLk of the hind soil on

washing afterward II weeI c dlicovered that time hair-

SS complettlyreuiovedV-

r purchased the newdlfcuvf ry and named ItJliipmt It IU perfrcllypure tree from 1 In

j Jurtoul entetancee simSa eltniile any one canI I II uie It It al IDldlJI I I lit tiurrl al IfIII I I be inrprleed d

lighted with th rtinlti Applyl for a few minutetime hair dIsappear aa If by manic It baa no mem-tUnce whutfivrr I ri any other preparation ever uied for-a like purpoie and noirlentldcnull nonilerfnl rtinlUI IT sIFrllrm-


growth ho light one nppllrallun vnenllyI i the heavy irowth such aemolei may requlrf two or more nipllcHtaona lIto1the root am destroyed although all hairmoved at each application and ullliout the slightestInjury or mipleaianl frcllnrwhen npplle l or ever atbrardM IiKNKNUrKItCRIiESKLECTI10LYai8R-ECOMMENDED BY ALL WHO HAVE TESTED ITS

MERITS USEDY PEOPLE Of REFINEMENT IGentlemen not appreciate natoree gift of a

beerS will find a prlcelrm hOOD In Mndenr which doraway with shaving 1 illeeolvee sod droliUfa

tie thttrliIrInu utterI 1ImpueelMlll and Utuarantoeit ululai is e attr lo llmtkln Youuc <

COd an growth of hair enraluitUndone to iloitruy Hi growth Modems lout Ly

Wall In eafely mallln ruin postage paid acrnrrly-uolnj from otnerviiilon on receipt of price SlOO-perbdttle Krml money tiy 1lter with your limit ad-

dren written plainly Cnrmepondtnce aarmlly pri-vate


Puetage stamp received tbs same ai cubUAl UEMTI01 011 rOUKTt AMD THIe urn

< advt nut ai may not appear againMODENEMTOCOOINCINNATI0 USA

WAinrrcw MIOHOV euoa Mia ra p aaveoM-KtUUr jear bUoy at aay rIO aaA latare 5 uC Twa semi fllOOO P ea vm lMlefvrr



OVK vita LiQUoR Cured eecret frMrOtt JIQUOB Addrei-

eVicmi l box IV farlvllle U I N Y

READYMAPE BIIOW CARDH window tickets Mlnew desiresI for clothleriI mid furnish

era large eioek in idiot fromMcLABbNAOi vis CallL Kaw York

WANTED A teller preii In rood order Hate priceAddreia a box ItO Sun uiluwn ortlco-

No IIV f Hrnadwu-




Irtl II HAMllllr lan frlna e I Ia 3 UIII ill very

1 Lretitcr Inc t l lujuiro 4i foarlel u-


at al ri

HEIiNAilD PlPIiei n ltchM vhtlp6 JaniSotlbr turbo Course drlora QUI ol Luy

JxeUiChampion Howit Iirdiiscdii Jo po42gras price ant niarcTEi alliej v

Wo ULSrtV r IjJ broAd lU 1York

Id I UbJlaf IMessrs D APPLETON tt 0have the pleasure of announcing





80 illustrations by F n TOWNSENDI-



12mo Cloth llBO

A irllltaM book notarial EoaI elfhui eeelaty anitome and amusements ai eeen by an aneonveaUeaaiass witty obierver made Social Hrpsrtur 10 remarkable a luooeu will BtaIJ

An American UlrllnI toa a book blhah talked shout everywhere






Illnitrated by r I TOW SEHD ISmo Cloth 1173-



la a cheery witty deooroua charmlnc hookNsw York Herald nI widirsst and pralied en both iMta of lbs Allantlo and PaclHc the diary li now ropnbllahed In Kew

with eeorti of IIlntrationswhch nt tha text exactly and show tha inlaid of artlit and writer In unUon TOYork Evening lot

It le lobe dnuMel whither another book can be food 10 thoroughly amusing tom bettanlofteinSnaton Daily Advertuer jA very brlihl book on a enlertalnlnc inbleot We commend I to thole reaSon who abhor Ibdlnarr itatlitleal book of travelarBoktoii EvenIng TranscriptA brighter merrier nor entirely chirmlng book would be Indeed dldlenlt to So1SL Louis RepublicFor sparkling wit Irreilitlbly contaytoul fun keen oheeratlnn absolutely poetlo appreciatIon of

beauty anil vlviadeicrlptvenni It has no recant rlvlMrL 1 T llaruuma letter to the New York Tr uloD APPLETON A CO Publishers 1 8 and I Doml Street New York

EDGAR KAIYTUSThe tItle ot Mr Caltuaa new work U

MARY MAGDALEN-A lUnim indicates It tli antnry of the woman whose

alas tha Ob rial CorraTt at the ftuthnrt 1f in llratft-It Is direct and drAirutio At a wirk cnnfuneafeW rrJadlei and damar a few luJI ednraudpoop wilt tlnd In U what thty want an orlntnal revar-ntlal 7t Mailitlo portrayal of the tragedy of the world


Pour New Novel for IB ConIc

4 NEW NOVELSA-lleomplala In the APRIL NUMBER of the

Family Library MonthlyOnly IB Cent Of all nwnlalra orTUB INTERNATIONAL NBWB coNEW YORK

WHO KNOWS-That you have bought ontime r This is your affairnot that of your neighborsA Beautiful Home awaitsyou Goods the finest In thiscountryFURNITURE CURTAINS

CARPETS PICTURESEverything you need on acredit plan entirely origi ¬

nal Here Is a true Palace-of Delight If you call thisweek I surprise Is In storeThis is satisfactory reading1100 per week on CT9 per week on1200

160 0 0lfM 250ZOO U ISO 8-



urol irtART





with which are ollaniNBTBKK CUOICR LANDSCAPES BT

the world renowned arllitALBERT BIBR8TADT I A-

pr to his departure for Europe








which eioaoed deitructlon-

RKCENTby the


MONDAY and TUBBAYMarch Hand 17


M MAHHAtlthe t-


WITHOUT rKAMBatheie pictures are by wellI known artUlt

andalvoII be sold to the tMldrrWITHOUT ANY RKHKItVK




OTI HTRemoved front oloo aT od Wait 4M Itand Itat-

largeI and general wiortueut of medium kouielioMFurniture Mirror MirrorI Front VoIding BeiU CarOat IoUDti Couches chlffoonlerei Wardrobes HairMattreuea Beddlnf Flelurea Ac tale positive lo-

blihett bidderL11KTH AV AUCTION ROOMS 34O ATI AV

11 P WHTMiiRE Auctioneersales of car Wines Tue >4ar after-

noon h1 trlm oclockI Hr order of AI h s Iftt sdl


Tand l dwardM HtiepardEieuutura

> lne Madeira Htierrr Port Clone HorjcndT antWhIle WincE brandy Hum Mineral Watere Ireiervia-Ac to which ha been abided this ciar a rntlrtnanwho dee tnea the uie of lila Hareiienney utard Mattel a ant Mnrrltt VrandleaI veryChoirs Oldi Whiskies Hum and tile Madeira Sherryanil Nauterne Wine And on Widrerarael IS at dotock by order jf Hemicn O IeouoolooaseIgnsecfMr Filward Hrandoni eChoice Mierryf laxelra ntl led and White Hnrdfant-

Winra totaiherwIihKuptrlorI MadiirK Kheirrr antWm Yin till HraiilKe inun libby andf i om the cellar nfNr VMIIUm Flrttlier 110l from rlie Hrnn e > taieiv7 Maranuah eorila-

EireedlLilr Hare till Mirrrlet k adeira sat Pnrti-wilch oanuot tie expelled MI lo Ate ijunlitr and rondlsloe many of them hitvlntf IOM U va flCaiIaol lha WOOl having been recfitly rebuttlrd nyuraetlarmem at IelmonKo 1

Tbl sale rhnu d command Ihattention of ffentlemra

rIIIIO aid to their as such an opportunityocour again

The good ran be Impacted MONDAY March 1 from9 A M til e F M

Mr WILLIAM B NOKMAN will conduct Dma talet


arA con 4ntt M All laMhipping trucking in illI parenterIreliiiit eletatnii Hmcctlon Invited rliaipcetrateiluthe ellposrs BROADWAY Jo 354 llrI iadnay cor-

ner Httth alt IIMI 1irlnl 5ui mltr carefulirneni raddeil vann for mid hlpplrl-l10wIIrle1 trunk free J ell



A COH HELECTEDColumbia Slyer Salmon Aetnrla meSon Nest In theS evIl llroininriidrd fur bruin foot Have no oilierV ranted AI Ak i iur i Truer ionS

iltIWIIENIIY F PAIIKKR Hnllcitoror PuU-nt tlet valid patent that will pay Advice free

I MlllWdlnc as Mali el NY1I stuts for Inventtrra procured srorc thy Ilow natZI see4rSrIeear3acasusbltY aIabUsluedieSi 1


The April Part of tke

Young Ladies Journal 1Containing the beginning of a new story uUtle-





OIUAMTIU ABIIIUN w 1COLO KM FASHION I andPItmroettJIncmeroue complete KMIBBiUDhlH lUaftna T J

Price ft1 dents Yerl f AU nemdaalars oTHE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMA 1

8AND 85 DUANE an-

OnefloorEat Broadway NEW TOKcRErE HOOK HTORF IN TPMBWORLD The best price paid for old booksend pnivatibrarle SuPplIed price i Hint rival ob iptlllon Hand for our mammoth oalatogul oontalatocprici free LKKIAT IIROTIIKRM Hi Ubambaralbra door west ot Broadway Xii York oUr


iiuiofortc Qrflnh fDO YOU WANT A PIANONew pacnnd bOld iqnar or upright If 0 It winPer you to your memo aiil Adilra on a postalcard Ma will prompto iu > llrauljinaof vrlciI Libor nv monthly p yirr itut > refK it sciS nunnfi-oliirrinrilicclobratil iiiirr IUuo an instrumentof llrd Corner itrosiway ami 47th a-

tUATIIUHIICK IMiS < HAnn aaiortnitnl of new aiylrn of uurliht In joiwooiL-Ionled ClrcMiian walnut whIm cirvd and bronid

panda Illi > tyle < to cohen mn or tie ilnit Iullllsy iiarinnt lyiiem and rut smatleal 701rUlim iialhl koine thoroughly gout tcond liand ofourOwli and oilier lias at very tow nvurei tuningfree slid reduced carinai end for hitndricina eaienCar MATIIUHIIIK DAM MANltCllII O CO BO

Plum a duor lluw Hlli 0-1FISC

Target BI1 114101 Pt-



Cl muir ate unreel 111111 55-rtiangrd situ ilatia to real 1IInaln In iSO

11Ind 11 ocinuiiiiviiffreiil


liutitbur cor letbit Nw Yot I


Thorough roiiilrncllini unrgmlid In tone and aatSoul on ciili ir iiiiMliii euu liberal termsrent tuning and repulrlnic

C II itIiPN fc f 0 M7 Pray I8lhat1

AN NORTUnST ot aecnndhant Grand Upright j

nd KiMnre IUnui of our mate In peril et cnndllluaand Hilly warranted Al a number of second bandFlanoi ui otlitr i rumlnnnt makeri at very low price fWM KNAIU A t-


FEW OOOII DAROAINH In ercnnd hand uprightA and tquitr pfanni taken In eiehanBe treeo plaaoeare lu exce tent order and wilt be old at low prtcok-

flhCHIlt i1IANII WAKRKOOU-ftllusili av corner luih et-

ETBnANTPPItlOIlT Lie NO l n ninnlhlr5tatafASIRII j and 504 fultoo eu-Brooklynopen e > llnlr coxiic < iii i 451 H-

ItlI rUbt itI char r dIl fur air ami rout on aair-leriiii

Jut yatiliclit ICII luiid > Ji tlj rioo upwar-


AND i1i0A1f large alorlmeDt souls itired at creutly reduced prlcoi llina pa-yJliioN

jn t IIAMJIN OKMAN AND1MANCI tO IM Mh ar near aotba-

lPlAMarent liarjalnx nU splendid Wter andiiuist I rifle mtuir rivlitI and iquara and i

OIT own mniiurclur1 new iiUiuMtjii very e a x term <

kHAKAUl BltnH 411 l iilonaiuara set factory sodwp town warervuiA l3Mbl Kact lU ili ft-



VurrrnnliiH II hit I4tk ei-IIiuiI orlnient I nr tin r re UM ttifiruniente I aeoaji-

iuriiln r of i niiJ tijiml IIMIHHI varloj make fullyriMinitI IfTeitliI Jliu tO rIISirlllIMi UiiitNA with loo andelooTrTmonlbir

11I ihfiMK uo nj n foitonL ilItyI


6T asS fib plati cbn11UI alaaa4-



OJT BAMunt u A

MI Beyle WH a 0 t WUte ejM Ma-Qeae to Court Aknnrt I-

Anaitasla Doyle owner of a lun4n l43>Broadway complained tomalice McMshon Jeffersoa Market that herhusband with whom she does not live hadthreatened to kill her She says he has bnhanging abont her place on Broadwayhas followed her on the street On Friday shesot a letter from him beating the moaoerraraand letter head of the Harlem1 flub Aftereastlnc some teileetionsupos his wife he say

peaking of his childrendie for those ohlldrsni honor but

tome one else goes firsthen Mr Doyle arrlnns a Jok Why IIs awoman like a sticking Because she

Is no Rood unless she la amok on youJ ha case wi be looked Into Et was said at

the Hixrlem Club that Jnmes Dole had beendoorman there inr a week up to Friday nightWhen he sent a telephone messago saying thatbe hid got a better place

Clerk Ienak Aeead erPesgeryFrederick Worth paying teller of the Park

National Bank wits complainant at the Tombyesterday acatnst Charles F Leask aolerk81-pears old of 81 Watts street Leatk wascharged with forging the name of Bof 1S1 Cedar ret to a eheok lor 118BRlrLensiv nresenleil nt the bask os Jan 2A Hewas held In 1000 ball tor examination on I

Tuesday next

AOSriXIVANBEKOIn New Yo Harah 8-

ISfll bythaRar AndrawJ CIe Anna acChurch Emma Charlotla danttitar of UoriBar of Oranc Valley N J andPblUpOSnlll-

Tan8FKAKHECKIINdEKOa ThnradayMarch12by tha Bar B n Xnl at the raatdanoa ot the

brdIDI OSS at Mlaa AllcaB Heck

YorkIllo WIlliam Dune SOMT htf New

BAIIET Wadneaday Match II at Watharsfield Con DavId W lalley d7yara-

AS8ETTOn Wadsaday aoll at HarldaaCoo Nary A Baaaatt widow harvey D Ba-

aatt of SU2 Broad at aged 7year-aKATK8Oa Thonday lab 12 ISOi Daniel Bataa

runral aartloa at his IA raalteoaa TO Waalroth ak on Sunday at 330 1 M-

latarment at Wow at the convenience Othefamily

DEEHOr8DddoJ Xareh 12 Harvey Baa

blod Naomi Baaerof In the isdyear of blage

yuneral903 Waal



at 2 SO P I tram bill residence

omit flowan-Membera of low Lodge Ka 33 r and X x are

rod 10 tha funeral of Brother HarveyBeacrott aa aboVe elated

CHARLES T SMITH MailerKENEDICKIB Hartford Conn Trldar uIS MInnie X daifhtaruf LurtnBanadlak-

rnnaral pma-wBIAKElCANIn New Haran OOBB Saturday

Starch It dKuo 4bl oe the ae MrS ant aIlbmaoUt a year

Fnnaral prlra-UBKEWHTEKIn Brldfaport Cona March ISStephen Nlohola Brawatar son ot Swam B and Lsla I Brawatar sgsd5montbaaad5dcyi-

Iklndi Inrltad to attend tna foneral from theardo0 of her parent Main at on Monday attar

10DBBUMSElVSsddenly oFriday Manh IIat I IxAdolph beloved husband of fannie Bnaaalacadyesre-

Intteralfromhialatirerhdenci 18 East Slit at tday at 10 A MKindly omit flow-

erBUKOANBOn Starch IIalibi Mle otherbrotherinlaw William I Ihm atSarah II lob dalblr t lat Ir Burbane of Warren county N T

Funeral and Interment at Warrn burir V TBVBKEJame T Burke In the23dy ar of hla ate

Tha funeral will take place from hla lees rtDM693 lOlh ar on Buday Starch IS IB91 at IIXBTXBEEIn Norwalk Conn March la StephenD Bynbae ion of Harry and HUia Byzbaa aged M-

yaara and 4 mouthsFrlenda irs Inntad to attend tha funeral from hla isle

residence 10tooth Main at oa Mondajy afternoonat 2 30 oolook

Interment at Pin IslandCOILINHOn Saturday March 14 ISel at hi isle

reelilenco nss East 17th at Thomas I Cblllna-

Jlelallre and frlanda of lb family are neeiwctfnllyinvited to attend the funeral an Monday Match IIat a PM-

CO8TELIENOln New Haven Marefaia MaryCoetalleno wIfe of rillppo CoeteUeno of IMyrtle ataged 3nC-nONESDFGEan > arch 19 PrantUka

Crnobelo of Aloys Crooanbarfaraged Iyears months and 14 days

Friends aro Invited to attend the ural from barlate rcildenet 847 Sth ar on Mod moroMatch II isei at e ocleok Ibet tJohn theBapllts Chnrcb 30th e between 7th and ellam

Interment at Calrary Cemeter-yC17NNINOIIAMOn Saturday March 14 la-

Brldfaport Conn Patrick CunninghamNotloa ot tinaral Tuesda-

yCVJ1NIn Marldau Conn Tbnnday Marsh 1J-

Joeph Cure ton of John Corn aged 2 mouthsFuneral privat-

eDOOLEEIn Hartford Coo rda Karon ISEddie Doolay aon of Michael sod Xr idI year and I mouth

Funeral nrlrat-aDUNNIn Hartford Cone Friday March IS Mary

Ellen daughter of Mary and the late Jm DunnacedlSyeara-

yrlenda are Inrllad to attend the fsneral from thereJdence of her mother Cbeilnut at on Sunday

afternoon at 3 oclock and Iron 81 PatrickChurch at 28oelok-

EDWARDH On Friday March 13 Carrie I Kdwarda wIfe of David U Edwards aied 44 yeara l-

monthi and 14 dareFriend are Invited to attend the naeral from lbreeldenca of her liter rJ B Atherton 14 Pro

peel it 00 Monday afternoon at 3 oclockEKNSTOn Friday March 18 Edward I beloved

ion of Max and line Ernat uS2yaara

funeral tram tila ate realdanaa MS York at JeraayCity Monday March Iii at 10 ocloc-

kFKEEMAN8uddnlr March 12Job D ion ofWary and the let William S rcemnan d years2 monlha and IS days

Funeral cervices will ba held end the InUrmcatwill take list aOoavaneur it Lawnnca DOI-


Friday mornlni March 13 sUITSlong Illntia Genie only suit blod child of Ernestamid LojliaOralner use DDba aI yeara 7

mostba and W daysFuneral services alb reildenee of bepet INJut 4th at today 12 oclock

UAGANOn Thursday Metals IIDanala naran anallva of New Mills oosnty Tyrone Ireland aged

ayearFuneral will take placeI tI the realdanaa of his

brother Thorns 3i7 Bal HJlht today at Iocloc-

kHAHnJEOn March II John Harris beloved hus-

band of August hattie wed 8pears 1 month sad6 a I-

Jrnd ara Invited to attend the funeral from lttoio loth av on Sunday atiaraoon lal15 ataoalockI-ntermant at Lutheran Cemetery

HEPBCKN James Hepburn aecend aaej eC WD

Ham and Ann Jane Uapbnrn In the lllh yarolhis agi-

Funeral from his lass reelino IH West erih tMonday Stanch IS at t oclock P IInterment In Calvary CemeteryNew York March 13 Alfred HoppaIOIIEIIrlnl Invited to aileud the funeral from I

Udlord at on Sunday afternoon II oolockInterment Calvary Cemetery

KAK1KY Tour Stank 12 Fettr Wisp-a47Teanaudedays a-

yunsraltodaraIlmtJP I from blflata rilldaac-BM


Sooth ad ILIrooklyn JP

BJnraXKUB Ftllay Kank 15 Ba amla AhelsretheaVaaXetltaryA Kayaer igel 77 years

aeeMntadTtlara-lMraeaadtrtawaXalseUe ntaaVanettkaJemy-OHr Pectee Mmal Aid AaaMtaWnt asS Ike JantyO-My FUa arateacttsUy 1implied te attend thersnarsl sarrtoas IiIsle rasldra N Eern at > ayM S r M-

KILCHAVln Nsw Haven Merck tl Janet Ioeras pied 71 yearFrieala ire Invited to attend II leatrees Mtresidence ITS Franklin on Oda molesosiesk


and tree t Patrick Cal at IWadneaday Ial II CUlll K4beloved wife ot Jonas IlldlUlatlvee and friend ara invited teaI tanatal

from billate fealdent 1SSMil Jersey City thismorning IIU oe-

lokIJL naa Much tl like Drh I 011 al11agelUlatlra a4 alec aaaiber t Sathekk-

Lodta Jo20i F aad AMII stalnway Pod No

111a 81 Da Kalb VeteranAaaeeiAUon MarkedLodge NoI4S sad Tnltk Ledn D 0I arelavlttd to attend the foneral lervtcee Illreildenaa 117 East sjd it today as I oeta

LA FATEOn Friday Iarll attar a layeringllineea which ha bore patlaae ant ferlltide George B La Pays Jr

Funeral services will bheld 11Bait Mth it at Iclock P M on Tuesday Match I17 RelaUre saidfriend ar reeoaettolly Invited to attend

IOWKTIn New York lab IS Mary Lewryaged SO year

yrlende are invited to attend the funeral tram her lateraildenca US BalUvan 11 an Sunlay afternaon-at 1PMI-


In Calvary Cemsier-yXoGVINNENMIn Naw Haven 0 March IINull McOulnneaa daughter John and MaoOulnnaii of K Tine it aged 4 month

Funeral trlval-aMeKEONIa East Haven oMarsh Id Sarah Ma

Koawife of Patrick MoKaonaiadS4yeare

rda are lavlted to attend the funeral front her> l lence Bal Haven on Monday forenoon

KcKIKNANU Naw liana Conn WedneidayMarch 11 Mary I Me Kir nan dub If Patrickand Bridget MoKlraan arid 21 year

Vrlenda ara Invited lo attend th faDe from therealdanoaot terparanU IM Clay e 00 Sundayafternoon at 2 ocloa-

kMAHONOn March Iii 161 Jsnlna O Mason ad2 year and 3 manthi

Funeral at the reildeace ot loll pannts Its Wilt 40that on Sunday Marsh IB IIIOL M-

MOBDRELUln Afton NJ March IS Ada O

Moddrall widow of Harry T ModdrltFuneral from the residence ot her aunt Mlea Anruta-

Baire Monday March 18 at II elock A N-

HOROANOn Friday Starch la at hla lata realdeuce 45 Wait B7th at Henry Morran son of thelate Matthew Morgan of thla oily In the lid year ofMeatrat untie M St Thamaaa Church seine63d at and Sth av on Monday morning Mareh laat 51S-


Orleans papers pleue copy

tOBKIBaETOa Thursday Starch It Mlabaat-Morrlaaey belaved husband of Srldiet OQradynative of BoakhlU county Limerick InetiaSeagid47 years-oneraltroihIslaLsreildsiee 87 cud CO Wall attoday 12 P If-

KTJlB80Noa Friday Mareh IS IMI Oelladaughter ot PariS and Jenal Myeraon aid 4months sad 10 daya-

luneral from the raatdanc ot her parnks 17 Wast-

eeth aLe on Sunday Much 15 at t oclock P M-

O8BOKNOn Saturday Stanch 15 Miriam A Oeborn widow of Cbarlaa J Otbora-

Btlatlvea and rianda sea invited ii attand the tanaratfrom hr late reeldtnc 667 oth av oo Tuesdaymorning Starch 17 at 10 clock

Kindly omit flow-srsPIATZY0n Friday March 13 Nary heiresS

war of Sagest Pirataky and eldMt daiibtar of JohnH and lbs Isle WetS Daatmann sped 40 year

Xelauvea suit friend era reipacttallr invited to attendtho funeral services at mi West 12th it to 8t JohnChurch III Chilitopher to day at 130 P M-

FKOVOHTIn Savannah Oa Friday Starch IS-

Katherln T dbl of Stephen Uenry andthe late Elizabeth C Provost

Funeral lertloM at tha reildenc of Mra Matilda Ladlam 49 Bait 14110 New York Monday March I a atl20P K

KI8LEYOn Thursday Mareh 12 at New haven-William U ion of David and Amy N Bliley mad 4yean 1 month and I12 days

KOBEKTBIn Brooklyn March 12 Listen A Rob-

ertFuneral HmO today at 868 Waahlnrtoa av at 2iaO

liltI requested that no Howara ba sentKOOTIn Newindon Comm Friday March IS Julia

A wife of Nathaniel Root aged 01 yearsFriend ate Invited to attend the funeral from her late

residence Newlnfton on Monday afternoon at 2oclock

Interment Coventry CoonKOYOn March U Catherine wlfa ot John B Roy

aged 34 yearsPaiatlvee and trlanda an Invited to attend Iba funeral

from ler late realdenea 78 Madison it Stew Yorkon Sunday March IN at oclock sharp

KYANln New Haven COOL March 13 VariantRyan danrDUr of Andrew and Margaret Ryan of24 Elliott at fd S months and 33 days

8E1VAKD New Haven Coup Friday Starch18 Moaea Seward aged 78 years

Friends an Invited to attend the funeral from hlalate reaidenca on Monday afternoon at 2 oclock

8HERTVOOD Bridgeport Coon Starch 13-

Wakeman Sherwood aged 71 yearsFriends are Invited to attend tha funeral from the

FIat U E Church on Sunday afternoon at 280ocloc-

kBBCrrnIn Stratford Conn Starch 13 Manic 8youngest daughter of Stiles L and Carrie F Smithgad 10 years

Frienda are Invited to attend tha funeral from theresumes of her parent Stratford on Mondayafternoon at 3 ocloc-

k0TANCIIFFtn Hartford March IS John WStanellff aged IC year-

icottosof funeral hereafter8TEINFKOn Starch 13 Seymour Steiner beloved

Infant eon of David and Bertha Steiner born Feb 1

Funeral today at 10 eolock at 28 EaSt IIBth it-STONK Intblaclty on Thuraday March 12 IMI-

Oearg O StonFuneral lervloee from the Chapel of the Pint Baptlal-

Chnreh Slit it between Boulevard and Wait Endav an Sunday Starch IN at I3t90 oclock r If

The remains wlU be taken to Greenwood for lntrmoL


Tne brethren of Kan Lofts sri fraternally reqnaatadt attend the funeral of Breihr ChI TRtrtnghan at 4 oolock P M1 today tram hi totrealdeace ee West WuhtngMn place


8WEBTIn white flair March 4 Mary K

widow of lob a SweetBelatlv sod friends an repetrny Invited lo attend

thafuneral from her Ut nitdenc Leilngton avthIs afternoon at 2i30 oclock

TnOKPIn Falrflld Conn Wednesday March IICharlie W Thorp aged 84 yean and S months

Friend an invited to attend the funeral from hislate residence FalrfUld Coo on Sunday afternoonel l ocloc-

kTONEKAt Hartford Conn on Thursday Mareh12 Mary Toner dau htar of Catherine sad the tatehugh A Tour aged 4 yean

TKOTTEK Suddenly at her late retldeace u-

Eaituth it New York Friday Marsh IB Mary L

Trotter widow of Ueorge Trotter of Philadelphia latbe 7th year at her age

WAONEKOn Friday March IS alEut HartfordCoon Sally It Waiaer aged oS years

Interment at PhUlpabnrf N JWABDOn Manh la 18KI Henry Ward la th nib

year 011-01JIIllnod

agefriend are invIteS to attend the funeral

aorrteee Sunday evening 55741 oclock frem M BChurch Perry at between OreeawUh and Wishlugton 5-

1Intersect Monday at Tarrytow-nfAKKENOn Thursday March IS at New Haven

110 Warren 140C William S Warren aged70 year-

aWAtinH1TRN1n Lekevllle Cenn Friday March-Is Howard O Waehburn son ot Hiram F Wishburn aged 17 pear

uneral prlras-eWDTELThlllou1 Yernon N Y1 March IS of

pneumonia Nora M B Wbllily onlyI daughterHenry A said Margaret Whitely afed fl year sod B

monthFuneral aervleea at her late rlleneTu daTMareh

17 at 2 P M-

Intarmint at Woodlawn

ubiic OUrtj

PORTOFY1CE NOTICEIAllor for C11O countries jneed not be nieclallyaddrcued for deevatch by any 1

canicular steamer except when II la dId to aenlduplicate of Laiiklua and commercial doouinenta letlet not eperlaliy added being eent by the hutchyeseen availabletoreian mal I for the week ending March 31 will doeIpromptly lu all catel at this oRe ai followei

buyAliTAli t for Truxlllo per steamship tJr from New OcherMONDAYAt I M for tote Rica viaI Llmon perateatiuhip Huipanla front Now Orleani at a P Mfor lIeU7I Puerto Inrtet andUuaieuiala per steamship Hreakwaier from New Orleans

TUKSDAYAt I A M for llrarll and the La PlatacountrIes via ftrnambuco lloJminlro and Hautoepernteanuhlpiapua from Baltimore lletlera mussbe directed per apuai at 12 30 PM duppie-mentary ISM p SIi j fur Venezuela Curacao and 1

tavanllla yin Curacao per itoamehlp Veneauelaletlera for other Columbian porte most ba directedper Venezuela atJP M for Iorco RIco directeriteainililp smeaton Toweri at H ir H for Uloaheidi prriteamitilp lassie from New Orleana

WEDNESDAY AtOA M nuppiemenwry III A Li forEurope pereteamehlp City of Now York vlaQoeenetown I atuiuA >l iiunplementary II1JHA1I forKorapo per steamship have via Southampton andHremen Cetieri niuMhe lilrecled per IlaveDi atJUPA w lor Heliciumdl apt per stemoluip Frlaaland via Antwerp lettera mum be directed >

frleilanV at 11 A M for Fortune leland Uaytjand fiavanllla Ao prr eteamehlp Alto at 1 f Mfor Cuba eteatnililp Saratoga via HavanaMri mont bo directed per Saratoga

liiiiOAYAt lII A M for Pars and Parnamtmoo-perateamihlp Maranhcnie Oettere must na directedper >iarunbeiiii allI P M inpplementary lataf Ml for Bermuda per itcamihlp Orinoco

FRIDAYAt 10 A M for Proitreio per iteamihlp CCondal CumIn for Tampico unit Tuinam d real andother Meulcan Stat via Vera Unit must be direct4prrC Londal at I1AM dupplementary II ISOA M i for Fortune Iiland lamalca and Jeremleper steamship Alvena tillers for Costa Rica vieJlmon inlet be directed per Alvrna at Bw pM for Newfouudlundper aieamiblD from Halifax

BATURlMVAt 1 A M for Hraill and the La FiatCountries via KraIL for Bt Thomae and M Crotxvia ct Thomas for Harbadoee and Trinidad andUemerara via Barbadoea per iteannhip Hnancafrom Newport hews letters fir other HlndwaHIsland aloes be directed per Flnaiiea ateSJA M uipplementarT llni A M for ilermaarVenmerT tiveden NorwarirhrleUanta and Saidpernteamitilp lMer rU Bremen llettere for otherruroixan enuntrlra TA Houtliamtiton must badirected per Eider 1 at to A M eupplemenlArr-Hi no A M for the windward bland per eteasa-ahlp Muriel letters for Grenada trinIdad and Tohugo mut LII directed per Muriel at 10 A Msupplementary It AM for Central America and

South Parlno ports perstecmnship Colon via Colonlettere for Ooeui Hit a cud Guatemala tnut beStrecred per Colon at II A M for Haytlret steamship Prlne Wlllera lit teller forCuracao Venezuela Trinidad Brltleh andDutch GuIana nines be directed per Prlns-Wlllem IIIi at II A II upplementary 1 P M >

for France Kwltrerland Italy paln ronnjal aniTurkey per steamship La Hounrotrne via Havre atU A M tfupplemcmary I P w for Great BritainIreland lieivluin Netherlands Austria ant Sotway HeiRini per eteamihlp Rtrnrla vlnQneenetown helter for other 1 uropean countrlee muit b-

dlrnnud rer Ktrurlat at izxu p M nor Illsftetberlanle direct per steamship Maakdam viaRotterdam lettrri muit be directed per Maasdam at I P M fur Irenada Trinidad stud Toba-go per etearoehlp Alps at l P M for Campeeb01 lapae TobaCCO and oeatan per steamship Yiv-murl letter for Cuba Tnniplco and Tuipam directand other Hegira States via Vera Crux must 15directed pir Yumnrl at P H °r fiber diiTorn per steam lu Iludln from New Orleans

HDNIAY At H I M fur Trnxlllo per eteamihlp 2hooch from New Orleans Mails for Chins cUd Jaran ret pteimehlp nty of Ieklnr from San FranctNCov close here dally up to Ma oh i At H tot FSI Shall fir the Hawaiian llande per steamshipAusfruila Irrom Situ Jranoliioi clone tiers daily upto March 1u1 at itot I M Mails tot the Societyanda per 51111 tropic Itlrd trniu lien Francl eo-

cloo here ilul y up to Mirch 5 atilbOP M Mallsfor AuOtruIlha New 7aiJAml Hnwniian Pill and Ramoan Islands per steamshIp Marlpoaa from SanFrancisco rloie here dailv up to March oit at 1120I M or on arrUal at New York of iteamehlpUmbrla situ British mails for AustraliaMain for Newfoundland by rail to Malitag and thence hv etrantr close at thIs nIEceiliily atHai P M Mall < lor Mlnuelon by rail isSolon and thence by etraraer close at tnli officedully atHijii P M llalli for Cuba ti > rail to TampaHa mid thence by steamer loathing MondaysThursdays and MalurilaM clone at thli offlce dallyat 2o A M Malls fur Mexico overland untrM-niieclaliy addre eil tr ileepatoh by iteamer cloneaitliiannice lallynti < A M

5 Tram iaclitO tnalli are forwarded to lIsp FranolncoSally find the achrilnU nf closing li erraneed on thepresumption of their iintnterropt overland Iranelt teIlati lriinrlici Mall frnrn the Roil arriving on timeat San Francisco on the disC ot ralllnx nf eleamera eradeppaiehed thence time same day KegUtered mallchose at uI oo P M prevloua day