v7pc esther devotional week 4


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Week 4 of the devotional series on the Old Testament book of Esther.


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Day 22After hearing the news of the impending destruction of the Jews, Mordecaiwent into a state of grieving. Fasting, wearing sackcloth, and putting asheson the head were often used to demonstrate sadness or repentance. Thiscontrasted with wearing colorful and expensive garments, whichpridefully showed off the wealth of a family.

Observing grief is a biblical concept, as long as the object of grief is to cryout to God for help, understanding, and comfort. Grief is only supposed tolast for a period of time, after which the mourner returns to life. Sackclothand ashes were a physical sign representing the inward humility of thosegrieving. They recognized their own inability to do anything with thesituation apart from bringing it before the Lord.

How You Can PrayPray for those around you who are dealing with grief. Pray that as theystruggle through a time of great loss or hurt, that you will live out andspeak the gospel clearly into their lives and that they would trust in Godas their shelter and refuge.

Esther 4:1-3 Grief Observed

Daily ChallengeWhat situations have arisen in your life that have needed grieving? Haveyou responded by crying out to God but doing so in faith and trust? Taketime today to examine those moments and pray through them again, thistime hoping in the strength of the Lord and trusting in His awesome andpowerful plan.

Application1 Thess. 4:13 says, “Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant aboutthose who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.”What separates us from unbelievers is not that we are opposed to grieving,but that we are to grieve with hope. We trust God with the difficult situationsin our lives because we believe He is in control and at work in our lives.

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Day 23Mordecai did not grieve alone upon hearing the news of the tragedy thatwould befall the Jews. Instead, all of God’s people throughout all of theprovinces corporately mourned and fasted, wept and wailed. They cried outto God and humbled themselves as an entire people. They did not care howthey looked to the Persians, but united their hearts in lament.

Corporate grief was not unique to the time of Esther. The people repentedas a nation during the Temple dedication under Solomon, remembering thefaithfulness of God and their past failures. They also lamented after thedestruction of Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah. The people of Godworshipped, rejoiced, grieved, and lived life together as a communitycalled by Him.

How You Can PrayPray that God will use you to help unify the body of believes with whomyou have been called into community. Pray that you will ministerfaithfully in their lives, rejoicing and grieving with them as God callsyou to act.

Corporate Grief Esther 4:1-3

Daily ChallengeWho is dealing with hurt and pain right now in your community or the churchat large that you can come alongside and grieve with, encouraging them andtrusting God with them? Find a way to let them know sensitively and gentlythat you are with them in their difficult time, praying for and with them.

ApplicationWe are the continuation of the people of God as the Church. We are notisolated individuals, but a body of believers called together to celebrate andgrieve with one another. When a family loses a loved one, someone movesaway, or natural disasters strike, we unite and grieve corporately. We maynot wear sackcloth and ashes, but we still share the bond of Christ.

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Day 24When Esther heard about the extermination order for the Jews, she sentword to Mordecai. Mordecai responded by having a copy of the order givento her. He also charged her with begging the king’s favor, in order to sparethe Jews. His words to Esther were a command, in essence telling Estherthat if she failed to act there was no hope for God’s people.

At this point, Esther’s reply to Mordecai is disappointing for us to hear.Instead of jumping to action, Esther weighed her duty to her God and peopleagainst the threat of King Xerxes. She knew, and relayed to Mordecai, thatif she went to the king’s court without being called, she should expect to beput to death. While not refusing to go, Esther’s response was meant to haveMordecai reconsider his request. She was not ready to fully trust God,instead acting reluctant.

How You Can PrayPray that God will give you clarity as you seek to live out your faith.Pray that as He calls you to serve those around you and share the Gospelthat you will do so with courage and without hesitancy.

Esther 4:4-11 Barriers to Success

ApplicationWe are like Esther in the way we often handle situations. When God gives usa clear door to act in our lives, it is easier for us to question, second guess,and wonder if we really have follow God’s calling. This is where it isimportant for us to remember that we are not alone. Christ has already actedon our behalf, so we can act courageously.

Daily ChallengeWhere is God calling you to act on His calling in your life where you havebeen afraid to move forward or act? Repent of your unwillingness to dropeverything and follow Him, ready to sacrifice your wants, needs andfeelings in order to build His Kingdom.

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Day 25It is in Mordecai’s second reply that he put some pressure on Esther andforced her to really think about her actions. Amazingly, even if Estherfailed to act, he was confident that God would deliver His people (vs. 14).At the same time, he asked Esther a simple question that focuses the entirestory onto a single point: the sovereignty of God.

Regardless of Esther’s right or wrong decisions and in spite of the troublesor successes of the past, she was being called to act in the moment.Mordecai forced her to think about how the puzzle pieces of the past had fittogether to bring her to the right place at the right time. All Esther had todo now was trust God’s sovereignty and place hope and obedience beforeher fear of the king. This was no easy task, as Xerxes was a violent andevil man. How would she react?

How You Can PrayPray that God will use you in the moments He has called you to for Hisglory and for the good of His people. Pray that you will follow where Heleads and trust His will for your life.

“Such a Time as This” for You Esther 4:12-14

ApplicationHow do you react in situations where God has called you to “such a time asthis?” When, in spite of your troubling circumstances, negative attitude, orpains caused by living in a sinful world, you are brought to a moment whereeither you can live out your faith or ignore it? Are you ready, when Godcalls you, to go where He leads, do as He asks, and live for Him?

Daily ChallengeWhat decisions are you facing right now that require you to act in faith orsit back in fear? Repent of your fearfulness and anxiety and trust Him asyou do what is right and pleasing to God. Remember that you have beencalled to a specific place and time for a reason.

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Day 26Mordecai’s plea to Esther should make us think about others in our lives.We must recognize that not only are we called to act in specific timesand places, but so are others. Haman, Xerxes, Vashti, and even theeunuchs had all been directed by God to their place in the story. Althoughthey made bad and sinful decisions, God used them to orchestrate thesalvation of His people.

This theme is seen throughout Scripture. God used the evil of Joseph’sbrothers to save His people from famine. The bitter and angry prophetJonah was used to spare Nineveh. Even Judas Iscariot, who betrayedJesus to cruelty, mockery, and death, was used by God to fulfillprophecy and bring about the redemption of mankind.

How You Can PrayPray that God will soften your heart to allow you to see the world full oflost, needy, and helpless people desperate for salvation. Pray that Godwill work swiftly to save them and use even the most difficultcircumstances to further His Kingdom in spite of all the evil in the world.

Esther 4:12-14 “Such a Time as This” for Others

ApplicationWhen we see evil in the world, we often desire swift and immediate justicefrom God. What we need to remember is that, as God is longsuffering andpatient as He redeems His people, we also need to be. Those we want to seepunished may be used to save many lives or may be saved themselves. Arewe willing to trust God in that?

Daily ChallengeThink about people in your life with whom you have had difficult interactions.Rather than wishing God’s swift justice in their lives, pray that God woulduse them as an instrument of redemption, either using them to further Hisplan or drawing them to Himself in spite of their wickedness.

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Day 27Esther’s reply to Mordecai was bold and heartening. Instead of calling itquits, Esther decided to approach the king, even if it meant her death.Instead of immediately going to Xerxes to address the problem she faced,Esther instead took time to prepare and also encouraged all of her people inthe entire city to join with her.

Esther and all the Jews in Susa fasted for three days before she went tosee the king. This is significant because fasting. Abstaining from food wasmore than a tool the Jews used to invoke God’s action on their problems.Instead, in fasting they were humbly and passionately seeking God’s willand favor in a time of need. In other words, they were baring their heartsbefore God.

How You Can PrayPray that God will be your comfort and shelter, your strength and shieldat all times. Pray that as you face the unique challenges of life everyday that you will stay humbly focused upon Him and the work ofsalvation He brought you upon the cross.

Preparing with Purpose Esther 4:15-17

ApplicationFasting is abused by some Christians (Is. 58) and others ignore itcompletely. Where Esther becomes relevant for us, however, is not only inthe practice of fasting, but in understanding that we need to humbleourselves before God and reveal our need for Him. When life gets tough,He needs to be the first one we go to and where we dwell until It’s over.

Daily ChallengeWhere are you failing to be open and honest with God about your issues anddifficult situations? Take some time to tell Him about your needs and ask forcourage as you seek to act out of a response to His grace in your life.

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Day 28The Jews needed someone to act on their behalf. Xerxes would not havegranted an audience or been willing to change a royal decree for justanyone. Instead, it took Queen Esther interceding for her people andstanding in as a mediator between them and the king.

This is a beautiful picture of what Christ does for His people. Because ofsin, man is separated from God, who is holy and perfect. In order tobridge the gap between God and man, a mediator is needed. This is whereChrist, being both God and man, can stand on our behalf and also speakfreely to the Heavenly Father.

How You Can PrayPraise God for His great love for you! Pray that you remember that youhave a mediator and that God hears you, cares for you, and is at workin your life!

Mediator Esther 4 Overview

ApplicationUnlike the Jews, who were hoping for a mediator, we already have one!Christ has interceded for us and we now have access to the Father as Hisadopted children. 1 Tim. 2:5-6 says, “For there is one God, and there is onemediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself asa ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.”

Daily ChallengeDo you take advantage of the fact that you have a mediator? Do you confi-dently cast your cares upon God? Do you remember that Christ is, evennow, at the right hand of the Father, interceding on your behalf; or that Hehas given you His Holy Spirit, who also speaks for you and brings yourrequests before God? If you believed all these things to be true, how wouldit transform the way that you live?

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