vagrant - version control your dev environment

Vagrant Version control your dev environment Bob Cribbs

Upload: bocribbz

Post on 06-May-2015




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Vagrant facilitates the creation and configuration of lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments. It is currently in use at companies like Disqus, BBC, Mozilla, Nokia, and O'Reilly Media. More information about Vagrant is available at: Links: Boxes: Cookbooks: LAMP demo:


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VagrantVersion control your dev environment

Bob Cribbs

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Bob Cribbs

Software developer.Focused mainly on Python, junior on Ruby and getting started with mobile.

bocribbz bocribbz



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Development environments

made easy.

Brasov Tech Meet | September 2013

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You’re hired. Get the project up and running on your new machine.newguy$ git clone git://path-to-code-repo/super_project.gitCloning into super_projectnewguy$ cd super_project

newguy$ ...

newguy$ ./start.shServer listening on

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newguy$ ./setup.shInstalling software.Installing dependencies.Configuring.Success!

We have a setup script!

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We have a setup script!

● multiple ecosystems Win/Linux/MacOS

● multiple package managers yum, apt, home-

brew, macports

● its likely some configuration will be done


● its likely it will diverge from the production


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We have a README!

It gives precise instructions about what should

be installed and how it should be configured.

For a mature project, the README file ends up

being a few screens long.

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We have a README!

● multiple ecosystems Win/Linux/MacOS

● very high chances something will be


● unlikely to be maintained, (most) developers

don’t write English

● time consuming

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I’m sure you can do it!newguy$ start.shFailed to connect to MySql at localhost:3333newguy$ install mysql

newguy$ start.shFailed to connect to Redis at localhost:3334newguy$ install redis

newguy$ start.shMissing ImageMagick extensions.newguy$ install imagemagick

newguy$ start.shServer listening on

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I’m sure you can do it!

Internal Server Error!

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Not repeatable.Not verifiably correct.Not isolated.Difficult to understand.

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Not repeatable.Not verifiably correct.Not isolated.Difficult to understand.


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Its a tool for creating, managing and distributing portable development environments.

Zero to VM in seconds$ vagrant init precise32 \


$ vagrant up


$ vagrant ssh

vagrant@precisebox32:~$ echo hello



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Problems solved

Repeatableyou can do the exact same thing when needed

Verifiably correctyou should have automation to check this

Isolatedits in a virtual machine (Vbox, VMWare, etc.)

UnderstandableYou can read it to understand

Fast(er)It still takes some time, but it is much faster

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Boxestemplates for creating a machine, preinstalled OS

Some Terms

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Snapshots / base operating system images.Initial state of the VM.

Operating system (Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS 5.9,etc.)

Can be packaged and

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Some Terms

Boxestemplates for creating a machine, preinstalled OS

Vagrantfileconfiguration read by vagrant to create your machine

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Vagrantfile samplesVagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "precise32"


Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "precise32"

config.vm.provision "shell"

inline "apt-get update"

config.vm.provision "shell"

inline "apt-get install apache2"


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Some Terms

Boxestemplates for creating a machine, preinstalled OS

Vagrantfileconfiguration read by vagrant to create your machine

"vagrant" commandmanages life cycle of the environment

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"vagrant" command

vagrant init

Create a Vagrantfile in the current directory

vagrant up

Boot the VM

vagrant halt

Shutdown the VM

vagrant destroy

Delete the virtual machine

vagrant ssh

SSH into the VM

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newguy$ git clone git://path-to-code-repo/super_project.gitCloning into super_projectnewguy$ cd super_project

newguy$ vagrant up

You’re hired. Get the project up and running on your new machine.

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1. Project specific configuration file

2. Import base box

3. Boot up virtual machinea. Synced folders

b. Networking

4. Configure / provision software

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Synced Folders

Automatically sync files from host to guest so you can use your prefered editor on the host.

VirtualBox shared foldersVMWare shared folderrsync (for AWS)etc...

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Synced Folders configVagrant.configure("2") do |config|

# ...

config.vm.shared_folder "path/on/host/", "/path/on/guest/"


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Configure how you will communicate with the VM or how multiple VMs communicate with each other.

You can still use your prefered browser or tools to communicate with the guest servers.

NAT: usually for port forwardingHost-Only: private networkBridge: act like a new device on the router/network

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Networking configVagrant.configure("2") do |config|

# ... :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080 :private_network, ip: "" :public_network


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You can use shell scripts, Puppet or Chef to install and configure software.

BerkshelfCreate and manage cookbooks that install and configure software dependencies.ChefAutomation platform and nodes manager.Transforms infrastructure into code.

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Provisioning configsVagrant.configure("2") do |config|

# ...

config.vm.provision "shell", script ""


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Manage cookbook and it’s dependencies.

Create new cookbook and boilerplate configuration:berks cookbook cookbook-projectname

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LAMP demo

Show how Vagrant and Berkshelf work together.

Simple cookbook that installs Ubuntu, Apache, MySQL, PHP and shows phpinfo().

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LAMP demo

berks cookbook cookbook-lampdemo

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LAMP demo - Vagrantfile

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LAMP demo - metadata.rb

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LAMP demo - Apache attributes

Setting attributes/apache.rb paths and other variables used in the recipe.

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LAMP demo - Apache recipe

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LAMP demo - PHP recipe

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LAMP demo - MySQL attrs & recipe

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LAMP demo - vagrant up

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LAMP demo

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Thank you!