vanisha and dominic

Vanisha and Dominic I am really looking forward to our session tomorrow (September 22 nd I am planning for you to arrive about 10:30). Below is a quick summary of session tips and to–dos to ensure everything goes as smooth as possible and that your baby is ready for his first photo shoot. We will certainly want to capture some images of you holding your baby so try to get some sleep tonight. Do not wear a bra for the rest of the day if you don't have too. Tomorrow, If you have a tube top, put it on under your blouse or sweater instead of a bra – this will prevent bra marks on your shoulders. It will be warm in the studio so your baby will be comfortable. Sometimes the adults are a bit uncomfortable so be sure to layer so you can take off your sweater or blouse and pare down to a tank top. Although it may be a little warm for the adults the baby is used to the heat inside your body and will be really happy. Your baby will probably go to sleep as you are driving over and may wake up as you are carrying him inside. That will be the prefect time to feed him (keep feeding him until he is “milk drunk”). We want him warm, full, potty time taken care of and really sleepy so we can safely position him into some of those wonderful newborn poses. After he eats, wrap him in a diaper and receiving blanket. Do not dress him in any other clothes. If you have a special outfit or hat you want him to wear during the session we will have time to redress him closer to the end of the session when he may be more awake. Look at examples on Pinterest: boys )

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Newborn Photos Session


Page 1: Vanisha and Dominic

Vanisha and Dominic I am really looking forward to our session tomorrow (September 22nd I am planning for you to arrive about 10:30). Below is a quick summary of session tips and to–dos to ensure everything goes as smooth as possible and that your baby is ready for his first photo shoot. We will certainly want to capture some images of you holding your baby so try to get some sleep tonight. Do not wear a bra for the rest of the day if you don't have too. Tomorrow, If you have a tube top, put it on under your blouse or sweater instead of a bra – this will prevent bra marks on your shoulders. It will be warm in the studio so your baby will be comfortable. Sometimes the adults are a bit uncomfortable so be sure to layer so you can take off your sweater or blouse and pare down to a tank top. Although it may be a little warm for the adults the baby is used to the heat inside your body and will be really happy. Your baby will probably go to sleep as you are driving over and may wake up as you are carrying him inside. That will be the prefect time to feed him (keep feeding him until he is “milk drunk”). We want him warm, full, potty time taken care of and really sleepy so we can safely position him into some of those wonderful newborn poses. After he eats, wrap him in a diaper and receiving blanket. Do not dress him in any other clothes. If you have a special outfit or hat you want him to wear during the session we will have time to redress him closer to the end of the session when he may be more awake. Look at examples on Pinterest: boys )

Page 2: Vanisha and Dominic

I have some wraps and blankets and a couple of props we will use during the session. If you have a color you would like used in the images please call/text me immediately so I can pull out those colors this afternoon. The baby will be completely undressed for many of the images. Do not worry if he wets or poos while we are working with him – it is what babies do – and everything I use is washable but you may want to bring a change just incase you are the target when he decides to “go”. If you have a dark tube top that will be terrific – bring that and a white shirt that buttons down the front. His dad can wear a dark tee shirt or a tank top. If dad feels comfortable with the idea – we can take a photo of dad and son “topless”. If you want a portrait of the three of you – be sure you bring dark pants – you can both wear white shirts or dark tank tops. Be prepared for the session to last 2 or 3 hours. The baby is the boss – when he is sleeping we will work really fast and I may need you or dad to step in and hold something. When he wants to eat, stare at his mommy or take care of other business we will take our commands from him. Your baby will grow so fast you will forever be glad you have set aside the time to capture memories of this very special time in his life. Thank you for choosing me to help document your family’s history. Please call me if you have any questions 714-273-1916. I am looking forward to working with the two of you and your newborn. Cynthia