varec - temrinal automation products

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Automation solutions for oil & gas, defense and aviation applications

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Oil Rig







Fuel Farm




Fuel Farm













Tactical Fuels Theatre



A Leading Innovator 

Varec has been a leading innovator in the

petroleum and chemical sectors for over seven

decades – working with industry leaders to

pioneer inventory tank gauging instrumentation

and fuel management systems, setting

standards and introducing new technologies.

Today, Varec FuelsManager® industry solutions

provide features that have been proven across

all oil and gas vertical markets.

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Oil Well

Bulk Storage

Tank Farm











Aviation Fueling



Oil Companies,

 Airlines &




Aviation Fueling


FuelsManager® Aviation is now

the system of choice for fuel farm

management, load rack automation

aircraft refueling and enterprise

reporting for many airports, airlines

and fuel service providers.

FuelsManager® Oil & Gas is the

industry solution for terminal and

renery automation, including

load rack automation, inventory

management, tank gauging, SCADA

and product movement tracking for

most major oil companies.

FuelsManager® Defense provides

an automated fuels management

solution at over 600 US Department

of Defense air, ground and naval

facilities, as well as many NATO and

foreign military facilities worldwide.

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“Comprehensive functionality - tank gauging, SCADAand terminal automation - in a single solution” 

Standard Edition

Provides a set of features for bulk liquid asset

management, including:

• Tank gauging

• Inventory management

• Alarm management

• Reporting


Professional Edition

Provides all the standard edition features plus

additional functionality for a fully automated

solution, including:


• Customizable user interface

• Information management

Terminal Automation Edition

Provides all the standard and professional

edition features plus new features and

functionality for a complete terminal

automation solution, including:

• Load rack automation

• Order entry and management• Inventory reconciliation

• Product movement tracking

Enterprise Edition

Provides a corporate-wide overview of your

current inventories, plant status and reports via

the Internet/Intranet. It also enables your remote

users and customers to access data relevant to their

business operations.

Optional Features

Integrate additional functionality into your

FuelsManager Oil & Gas.

• Product movement tracking

• Automated data output

• Leak detection

• EPA Title V

• Web server

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Maintaining Multiple Systems

It is not uncommon to see two to three separate

computers at an oil and gas terminal, each

performing a discrete business function,

such as load rack automation, tank gauging

or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

(SCADA), leading to increased costs and limited



RTUs PLCs PresetsSecurity

Card Reader

Load Rack 

Card Reader



Pumps &












RTUs PLCs PresetsSecurity

Card Reader

Load Rack 

Card Reader




Pumps &


A Single Integration Solution

FuelsManager provides a single solution for all

your business functions, allowing you to work

with one supplier, one help desk and maintain

one server for your entire facility, thereby

improving the efciency and performance of 

your operations.

Increase system costs dramatically to integrate

and maintain multiple computer systems and

software applications from different vendors

Difculty obtaining technical support or

coordinating support between multiple


Limited reporting, as it is difcult compiling

information stored in many different databases

and data formats

Sacrice capabilities due to reliance on

spreadsheets, custom databases and paper-

based processes for many tasks at a terminal


Operate out-dated or legacy systems, upgrading

one system often exposes incompatibilities

with the other systems

Reduce system costs by operating your

entire facility on a single server, simplifying

information technology security and system


Immediate technical assistance from systems

analysts trained on the entire system, from the

gauge to the enterprise interfaces

Eliminate unnecessary paperwork, such as

spreadsheets, custom databases and forms by

integrating these functions into the system

Increase automation and data accessibility by

capturing and storing all transaction and

physical inventory data in a single database

and a common data format

Continued support with new features through

upgrades that are tested and implemented as a

single installation for the entire system

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Proven Solutions

FuelsManager® Oil & Gas Terminal Automation

Edition was implemented at one of the largest and

most complicated renery terminal systems in

the United States. This 650 plus acre facility has a

capacity of 222,000 barrels per calendar day and

requires the integration of pipelines, barge loading,

rail rack loading, truck loading, pump and valve

control and movement control into one system

operating on a single application server. Varec

worked with on-site operations to commission the

FuelsManager system with zero down-time, while

replacing multiple discrete systems and manymanual paper and spreadsheet-based processes.

Loading Operations

Varec’s FuelsManager® Oil & Gas Terminal

Automation Edition and Driver Entry Terminal are

able to interface to entry and exit gates, pre-load

stations, weigh scales, load racks, BOL stations or

instrumentation, data collection and automation

equipment at these control points to enable multiple

loading conguration options.

Supporting Your Chosen Solution

The terminal automation solution appropriate for

your business operations can be supported via on-

site visits, telephone or internet communications.

Our technical and application support center

provides expert advice and assistance worldwide, 24

hours a day, seven days a week.

Weigh Scale














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Load Rack 















































“Complete control - from product receipt, storageand loading - of your entire facility” 

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Product Allocations. Control productthroughput at any level in the company

hierarchy. Allocations can be dened

per day, week, month or year and also

congured to automatically reset at theend of the allocation period.



BOLLine Items



Pump & ValveControl


Companies. FuelsManager supports

the ability to assign multiple roles for 

all companies within your supply chain,

such as a Supplier, Manager, Stockholder,

Shipper, Bill-to Customer, Ship-to

Customer or Carrier.

Equipment & Stations. Various stations aresupported, including entry and exit gates, loading

racks, weigh stations and equipment types,

such as tractor, trailer, rail car, etc., each with it’sindividual conguration. For example, test and

inspection information can be stored for trucks

and loading cannot occur unless a specic truck

meets the requirements you have set.

“Total automation - from facility access to product loading - for safe and secure operations” 

Load Rack Status.

Custom displays

can be created

to represent your 

loading operations.

Data or statusof all integrated

equipment can be

displayed to your operator.

Bill of Lading. From a single display, your 

operators are able to search, review, edit

preview, print and manually create BOLs.

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Supports all Bulk Liquid Terminal Operations

FuelsManager supports truck, barge and rail racks at all

crude, rened product, LPG, chemical, fertilizer and asphalt

facilities. If you operate a single, manually-operated rack or

multiple facilities with advanced electronic control equipment,

FuelsManager Oil & Gas Terminal Automation Edition will improve

the efciency of your loading operations.

Interface existing equipment into one automated system using

FuelsManager’s exible, open communications. For example,

interface with third-party electronic presets, such as the Smith

Accuload® III and Microload®, to control product loading or

Congure Driver Entry Terminals (DET) to control entry gates,

exit gates and weigh stations.

Create custom SCADA graphic displays that represent your

facility’s equipment status, alarms and events. For example,

during the loading process, all pump, valve and meter

indicators are updated in real-time and loading rack status can

be displayed clearly to your operators.

Control loading using information from FuelsManager’s order

management or inventory management systems. For example,

verify the order matches the product load request or stop

loading product based on inventory shortages.

Automatically verify product inventory against customer 

specications and print the required documentation, including

Certicates of Analysis, by integrating with existing quality

control systems.

Control and allocate product loads for every customer for a

particular period (day, week, month).

Operate to your business rules by individually conguring

transactions, orders, eld denitions, screen layouts, BOL

information, graphics screens and reports.

Produce Bill of Lading (BOL) and transaction reports for inventory

reconciliation, accounting and nancial processing to SAP Oil &

Gas or interface to data exchanges, such as PetroEX and TABS.

• Card Readers

• Driver Entry Terminals (D

• Electronic Presets

• Bill of Lading Stations (BO

• Overll & Ground Protecti


• Vapor Recovery Systems

• Weigh Scale Systems

• Preload Systems

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Flexible Order Management Options

FuelsManager can be operated as a stand-alone order

management system, set up as a web server to improve customer

service or integrated with external order systems.

Automatically update order status as drivers pick up products

against specic order numbers.

Improve customer service by allowing your customers to placeorders, check order status directly via the Internet and receive

immediate e-mail notications for order conrmation and


Control information using a secure system that restricts users

(customers or employees) from adding, reviewing, modifying

or approving submitted orders for which they do not have

permissions. Further security levels can be utilized that limit

individuals to managing orders on behalf of specic companies

or for specic products.

Utilize event work ows to streamline your operations, for

example if a terminal operator enters a purchase request theappropriate purchase agent receives an e-mail to approve the

request and take action.

Reduce the amount of data drivers are required to enter into

a driver entry terminal or preset by automatically updating

information, such as customer or products.

Integrate with corporate order systems, such as SAP, to

automatically receive order information and transmit BOL data.

e-Commerce Customer 

Transmits orders


Online Customer 

Submits orders via

the Internet


Submits orders via

fax, e-mail or telephone

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Order Summary. Your terminal operators are able to

view a master summary for all customers, while your 

customers are provided the same intuitive interface,but are restricted to viewing only their own order 


Order Header 

Order SummaryDetails

Order Filter and Search


Order Detail. Accessed from the

order summary, each order detail can

be fully congured to display only

the data relevant to a particular order 

type or based on relevance to thecustomer.

“Order management - for your operators and customers - that is simple, secure and efficient” 

Customer Service

Reviews and approves


Customer Service

Enters all orders manually and

submits for review and approval

e-Commerce and Online Customers

Receive automatic confirmationof order via e-mail and can

arrange order pick-up

Driver Collects Order 

 All Bill of Lading information

is created and sent to the order system

Customer Service

Reviews order summary as needed to

very order status or correct problems.

e-Commerce Custo

Receive automatic

report and confirmof delivery via e-m

Online CustomersReceive automatic

confirmation of deliver

via e-mail

Order Line Item

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Select, Filter and Sort

Ledger Summary

Accounting Ledger. Your operatorsare able to select, sort and lter from all fueling transactionsto view the transaction detailsrelevant for specic customers.

Transactions.Display any of the174 standard dataelds and up to 24user dened dataelds that havebeen conguredfor any individualtransaction.


WebBrowser Toolbar 

TransactionLine Items

“Manage transactions and performphysical-to-book inventory reconciliation - minimizing daily variances and improving accountability - using your business rules” 

Transactions All Bill of Lading information is

integrated from your terminal operations

Product Movements & Physical Inventory All actual physical inventories are integrated

from your tank farm operations

Receipts All product receipts are integrated

m pipeline, barge, rail or truck systems

Inventory Reconciliation

 All physical inventory is

reconciled against all book inventory

on a daily basis


 All completed transactions can be trans

to ERP systems, such as SAP

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Accurate Reporting on a Daily Basis

FuelsManager includes a monthly inventory accounting ledger

to allow accurate tracking and management of inventories by

manager, owner and product.

Create End-of-Day or End-of-Month closeout reports automatically

by manager, stockholder and product.

Work in real-time with an inventory accounting ledger, that isupdated as product is loaded.

Minimize downtime by controlling close-out periods and

automating load rack end-of-day processes.

Capture physical inventories from bulk storage and calculate

variances in your close-out records.

Maintain accurate records and documentation trails by reverse

posting to correct errors.

Reconcile your book versus physical inventory for all the products

your terminal manages, including additives and co-mingled


Lock-down accounting periods once reconciliation begins so

that operational personnel cannot modify the data during


Automatically deliver reports to your customers via e-mail in

standard business formats, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft

Word, CSV and PDF for presentation throughout your company.

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• Single Tank


• Multiple Tank


• Alarm & Event

Management Tools

• Real-time &

Historical Trending

• Tank Planning Tool

• Inventory Reports

• Web Server Graphics

& Reports

• Leak detection

• EPA Title V Reporting

• Automatic Data


Powerful Features for Terminal Operators

Using features, such as congurable tank displays,

powerful alarm tools and integrated leak detection, your

operators are easily able to monitor key information,

efciently managing your bulk liquid inventories and

reacting quickly to changing conditions across your facility.

Customize all aspects of the user interface and make a truly

intuitive system for your terminal operators.

Archive all data so that your operators can utilize actual

historical records in trends, leak detection analysis,

EPA Title V reporting, movement tracking and inventory


Monitor measured and calculated variables, such as levels,

temperatures, volumes, ow, etc., and select engineering

units for individual variables based on your measuring


Perform calculations to recognized standards, such as

American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 2004 standards,

ASTM, IP, GB/T, GOST, JIS, Polynomial and others.

Print or save reports of your daily operations, including

inventory, alarms, events, historical data, etc.

Schedule gauge commands automatically, such as density

proling or water bottom measurement, for known down

times or based on a daily schedule.

Plan for “what-if” scenarios, such as inventory movements,

using the tank calculator.

Share data with other business systems usingFuelsManager’s OPC server interface.

Integrate FuelsManager with all major instrument

manufacturers’ equipment, such as oat & tape, servo,

radar or magnetostrictive tank gauges, pressure

transmitters, ow meters and leak detection systems with

Varec’s Remote Terminal Unit (8130 RTU) or TankGate

Interface (8300 TGI) devices.

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Multiple Tank Displays. Each displayprovides an overview of critical data for groups of tanks at your facility and ameans of quickly accessing additional“Process Data” for an individual tank.Operators can create and modifytank groups in real-time, manually or 

automatically, choosing which tanksand tank data are displayed in a group. Your operators can also quickly switchbetween a graphical and tabular view of any tank group.

Product Trends. Allow your operatorsto analyze activities and understandthe processes taking place in your facility. Operators can create real-time or historical trends; for example, the level,temperature, density and ow for a tankcan all be shown on a single display

during a product transfer.

Alarm and Event Tools. An integratedalarm toolbar accessible from anydisplay provides real-time visual andaudible notication of alarms or events.The toolbar also provides access to anactive alarm summary, a historic alarmlog and an alarm log le browser. Each

alarm tool assists your operators ineffectively managing alarm and eventsituations.

Tank Displays. Each display providesinventory management information relatingto a single tank, such as data collected fromtank gauges, calculated data, overll alarmsettings and tank status.









Real-time and Historical Reports. Your operators candisplay, print on demand or schedule printing basedon your operational time scales. Various reports areincluded as standard and custom reports can becreated using Seagate Software Crystal Reports™.


“Integrate all major types of tank gauging technologies - into a single system - for comprehensiv

management of your bulk liquid inventories” 

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Movement Reports & Tickets. Formatall reports and tickets based on your business needs. Preview, print on-demand or automatically print, suchas when a movement ends or on dailycloseout schedule.

Movement Setup. Provide asimple and intuitive way for your operators to congure andedit startup and closeout dataonline, without shutting down thesystem.


Movement Alarms

Movements& Nodes



Movement Reconciliation. Allow your operators

to view movement status and quickly display or 

hide details for each individual movement in a

standard, easy-to-use table format. Movements can

be modied or corrected after completion using

archived data collected by the movement system.

“Track product movements - automatically generating pipeline receipt tickets and eliminating 

manual forms and spreadsheets - throughout your business” 

Cell ContextMenu

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• Receipts

• Shipments

• Blends

• Tank-to-Tank Transfers

• Yields (rundowns)

• Charges

• Water Drains

Congurable, Real-time Monitoring

FuelsManager’s product movement tracking system automatically

captures and archives product movement data, allowing your

operators to reconcile the movement after it has completed and

display/print movement tickets and produce reports detailing the

actual amounts of product transferred.

Generate reports of all totals and discrepancies for every

movement and export report data for use in standard business

documents, such as Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF.

Reconcile measured volumes against third-party certied, hand

gauge data to provide complete accountability.

Congure operational alarms at critical setpoints to automatically

alert your operators.

Download bulk shipment schedules and upload movement

volumes from head ofce or pipeline systems via custom


Automatically start and stop movements based on pump and valvestatus or scheduled start and stop times.

Capture inventory data from eld devices, such as RTUs, PLCs,

automatic tank gauges and reset/rollover ow meters.

Integrate with customer order and yield-accounting systems via

custom interfaces to transmit real-time movement information.

Manage all movements using an intuitive interface that allows

users to quickly and easily dene views, sort and lter

movement data.

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Intuitive SCADA Interface for Terminal Operations

FuelsManager Oil & Gas SCADA displays provide a true

representation of your facility’s specic locations, processes and

features. Field devices can easily be integrated, data can be input,

acquired, validated, displayed or provided to other systems to

bring complete automation capabilities directly to your terminal


Seamlessly integrate data to and from OPC equipped PLC andremote I/O systems using Varec’s OPC client interface.

Easily input logic using translation tables and formula or create

custom application extensions using the Standard Application

Programmable Interface (API).

View the status of your plant from any PC equipped with a web

browser using FuelsManager’s web server.

Combine automation with inventory management to reduce the

number of systems that your operators have to manage.

Maintain a safer working environment and reduce personnel

exposure by automating manual tasks throughout your tank

farm and terminal.

Interface to leak detection systems from all major manufacturers,

initiate leak tests and display collected data on custom graphic


• Programmable LogicControllers (PLC)

• Remote Input and Output

(I/O) Systems

• Emergency Shut-down

Systems (ESD)

• Leak Detection Systems

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SCADA. Custom displays can bebuilt to show a terminal overview,specic pump and valve details,emergency shut-down and loadingrack status.


Pump andValve Control

“Interface to field control devices to providesupervisory control, data acquisition and 

automation across your facility” 

Process. Displays can be createdto replicate existing systems,providing an intuitive step tolearning a new FuelsManager system with increased functionality.

Each screen may includeanimated status information for instrumentation, pump, valve, owand alarm status, as well as “hotlinks” to other custom screens or oating graphics windows.

Pump andValve Control

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“Integrate, transfer and share data throughout your company and with your customers’ systems” 






Facility Level UsersEach local installation of FuelsManager 

that is connected to the enterprisesystem synchronizes data with the

FuelsManager Enterprise Server in real-time or at dened intervals based on

customer requirements.

ERP SystemsAutomatically upload anddownload master data toreduce operations costsand improve accuracy

of data across your entire enterprise system.

For example, receive

e-commerce orders fromyour customers’ systems

and provide electronicorder conrmation, delivery

notications and e-mailreports to reduce manual

data entry errors and speedup invoicing.

Online UsersRemote users are able to connect

to a FuelsManager EnterpriseServer or an integrated ERP

system via the Internet/Intranetto access data aggregated frommultiple sites or run queries tocreate custom reports based

on their unique requirements or business function. Users are alsoable to access reports conguredat each individual site, includingBOL, inventory, orders and leak

detection reports.

Enterprise Server FuelsManager Enterprise Server isthe central point for conguration,aggregation and storage of all dataacross the entire enterprise system.

Networked UsersIndividual departments, suchas IT, logistics, maintenanceor accounting, can access

FuelsManager data over theInternet/Intranet using a standardweb browser. Each user is ableto access data relevant only to

their business area.

Internet/IntranetLAN or WAN



Alerts & NoticationsCongure automatic deliveryfor important events, such asnew orders, inventory alarms,

resupply levels and sensitive audits(unauthorized access attempts).

Notications can be sent via emailto computers, cell phones, pagers,etc. to pre-congured user groups

or individual email accounts,allowing you to dene who receives

notications based on category,status or priority.

Unconnected FacilitiesAt facilities that do not have a local

FuelsManager system installed, usersare able to log in online via a standard

web browser and enter data, suchas transactions or orders into the

Enterprise Server.

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Enabling e-business

Varec has extensive experience in integrating FuelsManager with

ERP systems and third-party business partners, such as SAP

to enable e-business. As a SAP software partner, we maintain

a certied IS-TAS (Terminal Automation System) interface

to mySAP Oil & Gas - the ERP software standard for the oil

and gas industry. FuelsManager’s enterprise features provide

corporate-wide overviews and administration of all FuelsManager

installations, sharing data, such as transactions, inventories,

graphic displays and reports.

Automatically download master data, such as products, drivers,

trucks, trailers, orders and bulk shipment schedules from ERP

systems, such as SAP, and upload transaction information to

reduce operations costs and improve accuracy of data.

Receive e-commerce orders from your customers’ systems and

provide electronic order conrmation, delivery notications and

e-mail reports to reduce manual data entry errors and speed

up invoicing.

Automatically upload Bill of Lading and transaction information 

from each facility as the transaction occurs. New transactions

can be created or existing transactions can be edited online,

thus saving valuable time when performing daily accounting.

Utilize boolean logic to query multiple terms. For example, you

could create a report detailing premium gasoline transactions

over 1,000 gallons for a particular customer on the 24th of July

between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Queries can be then sorted for on

screen display or saved for use again.

Provide SCADA visualization to your enterprise level users. All

displays congured at the local facility, such as process, alarm,load rack, SCADA or facility overviews, can be viewed remotely

using a standard Internet browser.

Access real-time data online at any time. All data is current

when the user rst logs in and can be refreshed manually as

required, providing up-to-date information you can rely on.

Simple table formats provide a clear and concise view that can

be organized by a single click on any column heading.

Enterprise Reports.All reports created fromFuelsManager, including

queries against aggregateddata, locally conguredreports or automaticallygenerated reports, alerts

and notications canbe output to standard

business formats, suchas Microsoft Excel, Word,

CSV, XML or AdobePDF, for presentation

throughout your company.

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Real-Time Conguration of all System Parameters

Operators and administrators interact with FuelsManager Oil &

Gas via a standard Microsoft Windows® interface and a standard

browser-based user interface. Any conguration changes that

streamline your operations can be completed as your operators

work, without the need to shut down or restart the system.

Congure all tank information, such as process data, engineering

units, strap tables, product denitions, volume correctionmethods, alarms and tank geometry.

Manage a secure system with user and group security standards

that allow all users (employees and customers) access to data

relevant to their operations.

Use your business’ terminology for all elements of the user

interface. The ‘data dictionary’ allows the replacement of any

term, such as a company role, product denition or piece of 

equipment, with a user dened alias or language variant. This

powerful feature allows multiple facilities to use different terms

or languages; all data shared between the facilities is displayed

in the language or term selected at the local level.

Operate your system on standard Intel servers and workstations 

running Microsoft Windows and Windows Server. FuelsManager

also supports redundant server congurations using Microsoft

Clustering Services and utilizes a Microsoft SQL Server database

and Reporting Services. Web-based applications require

Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Choose from a wide range of communications possibilities 

when connecting equipment or sharing data throughout the

FuelsManager Oil & Gas system. Wireless communications

can be used, such as spread spectrum radio and WiFi, thateliminate expensive wiring at the terminal. In addition to

traditional preset and driver interfaces, transactions can be

captured from handheld computers, kiosks or browser.

“An intuitive system that is configured for your operators, your administrators 

and your business” 

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Get moving quickly and easily.Predened tank templates, tabular and graphical tankgroups

Operate to international standards. Select industry standard volume correction methods,

including API, ASTM, IP, JIS, GOST, GB/T, polynomial and others

Know your product inventory. All measured and calculated storage tank parameters are

displayed in the engineering units you specify

View, modify and control.All parameters can be controlled online through the industry

standard Windows® user interface

Integrate all tank gauges into one system.Allows seamless communications to various

manufacturers’ tank gauges via the 8130 RTU or TankGate interfaces

Improve safety and prevent tank overlls.Comprehensive real-time alarm and event


Standardized reporting. Print or save standard reports of your daily operations, including

alarm, events, historical data and others

Connect to your facility’s control or information systems.An OPC client/server interface allows seamless integration of data to and from OPC equipped systems

Control your liquid assets.SCADA functionality, such as pump and valve control, allows

you to control and monitor your facility

Designed for the way you operate.User congurable tank detail templates, displays and

reports can be modied for your specic business operations

Extended integration possibilities.Additional communications drivers are provided to

allow direct connectivity to tank gauging devices, PLCs, DCS and other I/O systems

Create a FuelsManager network. Provide data to multiple FuelsManager Oil & Gas

Standard Edition workstations

Integrate inventory across your enterprise. Collect inventory data from multiple

FuelsManager workstations and view via an intuitive web interface

SCADA Web Pages. View snapshots of custom SCADA graphics from anywhere using a

standard browser 

Reporting services. View, export and schedule reports for e-mail delivery for any data in

your system, including BOLs, inventory data, orders and leak detection reports

Automate your loading racks. Interfaces for presets and driver entry terminals provide

fully automated loading racks

Manage order entry and transactions. Enable terminal personnel or customers to enter 

and update order information and view order status in real-time

Account for your inventory.Manage all terminal transactions and perform physical tobook inventory reconciliation on a daily basis

Congure for your business model.All parameters, including products, security,

customers and language can be easily congured to represent the way your local facility

operates while seamlessly reporting to the enterprise

Track product movements. Integrated movement system designed to track bulk product

transfer to and from your facility or from tank to tank within your facility***

Automate data output. Periodic or triggered logging of user specied data to CSV, HTMLor XML data les

Monitor for leak conditions. Integrated statistical analysis of historical data designed to

detect possible leaks from underground storage tanks to EPA standards

Estimate tank emissions. Ofine analysis of historical data provides throughput

calculations to assist with EPA Title V permitting

Share information more effectively. A web interface allows you to publish your facility’s

operational information and reports to users throughout your organization

* Requires FuelsManager Oil & Gas to be installed at integrated facilities** Requires FuelsManager Oil & Gas Standard, Professional or Terminal Automation Editions to operate*** Movement Tracking System is included as part of the Terminal Automation Edition or can be purchased as an option to FuelsManager Oil & Gas Professional Edition












“FuelsManager Oil & Gas Editions provide thelevel of functionality your operations require” 

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Oil & Gas

Varec has been a leading innovator in the petroleum and

chemical sectors for over seven decades – delivering

automated systems and professional services for most

major oil companies worldwide. FuelsManager Oil & Gas

is an integrated suite of software applications specically

designed for terminals, reneries and petrochemical

plants, integrating with Varec’s full product line

of automatic tank gauging (ATG) instrumentation,

communications interface devices and wireless products

to deliver a complete solution.


Varec provides mission critical, commercial off-the-

shelf solutions that are essential to air, ground and naval

fueling applications. FuelsManager Defense manages andcontrols all bulk liquid assets in the dynamic environment

of a military or government owned fuels facility, including

functionality for transaction and inventory management,

SCADA, tank gauging, dispatch and ADC.


Varec is a worldwide leader in fuels management

systems, providing performance solutions for commercial

aviation fueling requirements. Varec’s FuelsManager

Aviation is an integrated, scalable solution – from simple

fuels accounting to a fully automated airport – utilizing

the latest mobile computing, web-based services,

wireless communications and paperless ticketing


Go to for more information.

Varec, Inc.An SAIC Company5834 Peachtree Corners EastNorcross, GA 30092Tel: +1 (770) 447-9202Toll Free: +1 (866) 698-2732Fax: +1 (770) 662-8939

Measurement, Control and Automation