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SUMMER INTERNSHIP -2014Name of the Student: V.VarshaCompany: Time2 Sparkle Event ManagersRoll No: 13221E0015

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONCreating a marketing strategy can be overwhelming. There are many places you can market your business, and it is easy to blow your entire marketing budget on a few ideas that may or may not work. So, before you start spending your budget, it is good practice to create an integrated marketing communication plan. The plan gives you a clear picture of what you need your marketing to accomplish, and will help you make an informed decision about your marketing budget allocation.The following are key points that should be considered:1. Internal Situation Analysis: What is your business doing? Are you expanding your sales, or are they shrinking? Have you made a lot of growth? Had any major successes or setbacks? Having a clear understanding of where you business stands and what it is doing will help in deciding what your marketing objectives should be going forward. For example, if your business is growing quickly and you are having trouble keeping up, you may be able to pull back on some of your marketing efforts and/or raise your rates.2. External Situation Analysis: What is the state of your industry? Is it growing? Shrinking? What is the competition doing/saying? How is it affecting your place in the market? You want to have a clear idea of what is happening in the wedding planning industry that affects your business. 3. Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? This is especially important when deciding what marketing mediums you will be using for your campaign. For example, if your target audience are engaged woman age 20-30 then you might find more success reaching them via social media than at bridal shows. Unless you know where your audience spends their time both online and off, you will not know where to place your messaging.4. Campaign Strategy: This is where you define all of the areas of the marketing mix you will be using. If you plan to use print, direct mail and social media you would define exactly how you will use them and what your messaging will be. This is also where you define your brand positioning, how you differ from the competition and how you can help them solve their problem5. Marketing Tactics: What are the day-to-day actions that you will be taking to implement your strategy? If you are implementing a social media strategy, you will want a schedule to make sure you are posting frequently to your blog, Facebook and Twitter. This also applies to print ads, radio spots, direct mail and any other marketing medium you choose to utilize.6. Marketing Budget: How much can you spend on your marketing plan? Know what you can spend on a monthly and yearly basis so you can allocate accordingly. 7. Evaluation: How will you measure the success of your marketing plan? When executing a marketing plan you need a way to measure success. If you are not using some sort of measurement you will not know if it is working or if you need to try something else. Always ask how clients found you when you receive an inquiry and keep track of stats for any websites or blogs you advertise with so you will know if you are getting a return on your investment.Event marketing is growing at a rate of three times that of traditional advertising. Though relatively small compared to the major components of the marketing communications mix-advertising, sales promotions and P-O-P communications-expenditures on event sponsorship are increasing. Corporate sponsorships in India in 2001 were estimated at $3.9 billion-with 65% of this total going to sports events and most of the remainder spent on sponsoring entertainment tours or festival and fairs. Thousands of companies invest in some form of event sponsorship. Defined, event marketing is a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic, entertainment, cultural, social or other type of high-interest public activity. Event marketing is distinct from advertising, sales promotion, point-of-purchase merchandising, or public relations, but it generally incorporates elements from all of these promotional tools. Event promotions have an opportunity to achieve success because, unlike other forms of marketing communications, events reach people when they are receptive to marketing messages and capture people in a relaxed atmosphere.Event marketing is growing rapidly because it provides companies alternatives to the cluttered mass media, an ability to segment on a local or regional basis, and opportunities for reaching narrow lifestyle groups whose consumption behaviour can be linked with the local event. MasterCard invested an estimated $25 million in sponsoring the nine-city World Cup soccer championship in the United States in 1994 and will likely sponsor other big events in many countries as well.Olympics and its renowned five rings are the worlds most effective property in terms of marketing tools. The Olympics sell sponsorship on a local and global basis, and every couple of years corporations line up to pay as much as $50 million to be the lord of the rings. The Atlanta games in 1996 have a reported $3 billion in the bank as a result of negotiating sponsorship, broadcast, and licensee fees.The Olympics represents the crme de la crme of event marketing and corporate sponsorship. Event marketing is a lucrative game of whats in a name, as consumers purchase tickets and expose themselves to everything. The world of event marketing is a fast growing, high profile industry worth over $20 billion annually, and one of the most successful marketing strategies. Event marketing integrates the corporate sponsorship of an event with a whole range of marketing elements such as advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. Corporations both large and small have grown this industry at a rate of 17 percent per year, and they have achieved a high level of success.It is expected that event management industry will gear up in Hyderabad in near future. The concept needs to be popularized, by proper media coverage. The existing companies should mold their service according to the taste and preference of the people. It is a set plan involving networking of a multimedia package, thereby achieving the clients objectives and justifying their needs for associating with events.Events can bring community together for purpose of fundraising, change a town or citys image, expand its trade, stimulate its economy, help companies to market and introduce its product and also for the entertainment of society.

Activities in Event ManagementPre-Event Activities

Events typically have a team based environment and a project type of organization structure. Thus, responsibilities are assigned to the relevant staff members in the team for the Event. Coordination of arrangements required is divided among the team members. Once the preliminary discussions are over, and the final concept sold to the client, the very first step creative conceptualizes works on the designing. Then the Project manager prepares a thorough schedule after understanding the critical steps ad issues involved in that particular event. External agencies such as architects and engineering contractors may be consulted at this stage to understand feasibility of planned concepts. Most event management companies have experienced production managers who understand the feasibility of planned concepts. Then the project manager draws up a cash flow statement, a budget statement and arranges budget allocation for the event. Based upon the project requirements critical dates or deadlines are drawn up and the best possible solution among alternatives to achieve these deadlines is chosen. The overall coordinator along with the sales and marketing team should ensure the completion of overall design, models of stages, visuals, etc. with graphics included by the creative team within the prescribed deadlines and make a researched concept presentation to the clients. At this stage, the legalities of drawing up the contract, agreements and finalization by signing of contracts between the event managers and clients becomes a necessity. Keeping the feasibility in mind physical design are finalized and contractors begin work. Here fire, safety and insurance issues need to be taken care of. The coordinator, sales and marketing team then think about production of advertising promotions, brochures, posters, etc. Logistics is another important area that needs to be given priority attention by event coordinators. Logistics in events essentially involves booking of hotels, air, road, and rail transport for the participants and event managers, arranging transportations of material. A joint team of the concept creator and the main contractors then need to check out the special-effects equipments and arrangements. At this time day-by-day tracking of timing and finance with a feedback on possible changes i.e. increase or decrease in expenditure on various items. Finalization of cleaning, security, furniture (tables, seating, barricading etc.), dcor (flowers), communication (telephone), and other service hire contracts (couriers) also take up the production managers time at this stage. The project manager handles the progress report and gets contingency plans drawn up. The overall coordinator has to continue in touch with the client with reference to the PR, publicity, press releases, and promotion on TV, and radio along with the public relations team. Arranging for a press conference for the clients, and artists, giving out invitations, passes and tickets to the event, organizing the reception for the press with uniforms for the hospitality hostesses/hosts or staff at the reception is also a major responsibility for the PR team in the preparatory stages leading up to the event. Damage control due to artists tantrums is yet another aspect typical of this field that the PR team needs to contend with. These have to be tolerated and controlled to avoid any adverse fallout. Final visit for quality checks and control need to be made to the networking components to ensure and confirm understanding. These typically include inspection of dimensions of stage and other critical near finished models for accuracy by the production manager.The overall coordinator along with the other team members needs to then arrange for a briefing of site supervising staff depending on category and type of event. It is essential that the entire briefing and interaction take place before the event begins. Once the event gets started the clients and the contractors staff need to be kept away from interfering with the execution by the production manager and the event coordinators. Controlling the panic reactions due to invariable last minute troubles and final tying up of all loose ends is a very important penultimate task.The last stage in the first section involves resolution of on-site wrangles of delivery, permission, missing orders or items, close attention to construction of sets--asking whether it was done correctly, supervision of installation of special effects, objects.

During-Event ActivitiesDuring the event, softer aspects come into the focus. For overall coordinator, it is important to pass on all credit to supervisors. Event managers should look humble and be available to the clients to call on. The conceptualisers efforts should be appreciated at least during the event. At the same time, there should be a constant surveillances of the specially effects, display objects and the food and beverages. Thus monitoring is the gist of the during-event execution activity that is involved. Photographs and other multimedia recording arrangements if so desired also need to be taken from strategic locations.Post-Event ActivitiesBeginning with the physical task of dismantling of the sets, post-event activity also run into accounting and other such works. Final accounts setting (bills to be paid on receipt) is accompanied by explanations for overspends. The team needs to carry out a postmortem analysis on the event and conduct an event evaluation. Recording the photographs taken of the event in the form of a photo-documentary helps a lot. Performance evaluation of the coordinators during the event should be carried out immediately so that weak points after the event can be used for learning. Finally, the overall coordinator should do the formality of thanking all involved for the wholehearted and extra efforts provided. Letters should go out to clients thanking them and these should include a post-event questionnaire seeking to measure client satisfaction. Based on this feedback, improvements and adjustments required should be worked upon.This theory states that the function of management can be classified into planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.Finally, the most important part of Event Management is the execution of the Event as planned. We term this activity as Carrying-out the Event. Therefore, when we use Event Management, it is to denote the production of an Event.Staging an event takes more than a wish or dream. Preparation is the key to a successful event. Event PlanningThe first and foremost thing to do while planning an event is to know about the client's expectations. When a client first approaches you for assigning a task, sit with him and find out what he wants and how he wants it. Keep in mind the fact that the client has a very hazy idea of what he wants. He expects you to change that hazy idea into a reality. So you first need to strike a good rapport with him. Once you know his expectations you can start giving your inputs. Since you are a professional event planner he is bound to believe that you have a better knowledge about these things and will respect your judgment.Key Factors in Planning an Event Check the feasibility Is the event a good idea Are we in the right community Who would be the spectators About the venue About the media of advertising Fund streamTimingFull time should be devoted to implementation of plans. Make sure your event does not clash with other events.The Organizing Committee It should comprise of experts in the following streams:Financial Determine the sources of revenue Expected level of expenditure Time gap of expenditure and revenue Establish a system of financial accounting and controlMarketing To attract best possible audiences Get sponsorship and best support possibleOperational Guide overall operation of event Managing the technologies requireLegal Make appropriate contracts involved in managing an event Handle lawsuits that may arise Public Relations Teams To handle the celebrities, if invited in the event. To host press conferences. This team is required to take decisions from conceptualization to completion of the event.Facilities offered Programs Awards Transport Catering Safety and Security Entertainment Anchoring and announcement Music and Sound system Licensing Publicity Promotion

EVOLUTION OF EVENT MARKETINGFrom its origins in event planning, the event marketing industry has seen great growth in the last five years and has consistently been one of the most effective tools that marketing professionals have at their disposal in terms of making a tangible connection to current and potential customers. The increasing competitive pressures brought on by globalization are forcing business professionals to find new ways to engage customers. Not surprisingly, savvy event marketing professionals are therefore focusing the majority of their efforts and budgetary spend on lead generation tactics such as trade shows. While it is important to garner leads, marketing and specifically event marketing professionals cannot lose sight of the fact that the sales cycle only begins at lead generation and that current and prospective customers must also be nurtured even beyond purchase. Companies can benefit tremendously from the deeper event marketing touch points that promote nurturing such as proprietary conferences that provide a controlled environment for delivering messages and closing business. The nurturing process will allow the customers to more effectively be funneled into the subsequent stages of the sales cycle thus creating greater opportunities to develop into repeat customers.

EVENT MARKETINGAn event is a live multimedia package with a preconceived concept, customized or modified to achieve the clients objective of reaching out and suitably influencing the sharply defined, specially gathered target audience by providing a complete sensual experience and an avenue for two-way interaction.

EVENTSREACHLIVE INTERACTIONRight Communication from the clientWITH

Live AudienceCREATES


Fig: Events Definition In-ShortThis is a diagrammatic representation of the above definition. From the model it is evident that an event is a package so organized has to provide, reach and live interaction between the target audience and the client to achieve the desired impact.Event marketing involves canvassing for clients and arranging feedback for the creative concepts during and after the concept initiation so as to arrive at a customized package for the client, keeping the brand values and target audience in mind. Marketing plays an important role in pricing and negotiations as well as identifying opportunities to define and retain event properties by gathering marketing intelligence with regard to pricing, timing etc. In fact, ideally event marketing involves simultaneous canvassing and studying the brand prints; understanding what the brand stands for, its positioning and values, identifying the target audience and liaison with the creative conceptualizes to create an event for a prefect mesh with the brands personality.PUBLICITY AND PROMOTIONIf one knows how to organize an event he should also know how to market it. If there is something very peculiar or special about the event then that main point has to be highlighted. A product launch for example requires a sales promotion campaign either before or after the launch. In that case the product is advertised through banners and media and even door to door canvassing. Effort is taken to ensure that people sit up and take notice of the event. Sometimes it could be an event like an award ceremony, which is to be shown on television and different companies make a beeline for sponsoring their respective products in the due course of the programme. This is the way publicity and promotions work.IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY:Event advertising involves canvassing for clients and arranging feedback for the creative concepts during and after the concept initiation so as to arrive at a customized package for the client, keeping the brand values and target audience in mind. advertising plays an important role in pricing and negotiations as well as identifying opportunities to define and retain event properties by gathering marketing intelligence with regard to pricing, timing etc. In fact, ideally event marketing involves simultaneous canvassing and studying the brand prints; understanding what the brand stands for, its positioning and values, identifying the target audience and liaison with the creative conceptualizes to create an event for a prefect mesh with the brands personality. A product launch for example requires a sales promotion campaign either before or after the launch. In that case the product is advertised through banners and media and even door to door canvassing. Effort is taken to ensure that people sit up and take notice of the event.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:1. To study the advertisement strategies of the company in marketing of its services2. To Study the factors involved in successful advertising of events.3. To find out the Measures to come up with better adverting strategies.Period of the study:30 days

CHAPTER 2COMPANY PROFILETime 2 Sparkle is a professional event management company specializing in social and corporate events. We create unique, memorable events that you and your guests will appreciate for a lifetime. Time 2 Sparkle has begun with planning special occasions for family and friends. After great success on a personal level, we decided to open the doors to the public. Time 2 Sparkle has established as a strong network of vendors who offer nothing but the best in their market. Our mission is to seamlessly and efficiently execute your next event by going above and beyond your expectations. Some clients like having a hands-on approach in planning their events, while others want us to take their vision and make it reality. Whatever your approach, we always keep our customers' needs in mind, along with budget control, time management, and creating a stress-free environment.Our MissionTo be the leading Event Management Company in Hyderabad, by meeting and exceeding the expectations of our Clients through innovative ideas and the delivery of excellent service.VisionWithin the next five years,Time2Sparkle Event Managers will become the leading company in conference and event management to businesses and stakeholders by consistently providing outstanding service that creates an extraordinary event and conferencing experience."

CHAPTER 3FUNCTIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANYOur services for Event Management cover the following: Wedding Planning & Management Corporate Event College Event Private Event Public Event Special Corporate HospitalityEvents COLLEGE EVENTS Educational events Training seminars Workshops Conferences Educational tours Convocations Sports Events Cultural Pro Youth Festival Annual Day Event Farewell & Fresher Parties

Holiday Occasions(Like Valentines) Religious Occasions (Christmas, Holi, etc.) Thanks Giving Wedding Carnivals Carnivals Fairs Live Concerts Concerts & Commercial Event Award & Ceremonies Film Premieres New Products or Services Launch Road Shows Artists Bookings: Celebrities, Bands, Actors, Singers, Dancers, Models, PR (Public Relations) VIP handling Crowd management Merchandising Security Logistics Media Exposure ( Electronic , Print & digital) Awards Night Gala Nights Bollywood / Rock/ Retro night FUNCTIONS:PlanningDefining Event Objectives - Concept Development - Budgeting Event Design Theme - Site Selection - Negotiations - Contracting Risk Management AdministrationProgrammingEntertainment - Speakers - Seminars - Facilitators Training Activities Contests - Special Events - Tours - Pyrotechnics ProductionCatering Hospitality Staging Decor Special Effects Sound & Lighting Multi-Media CostumingPromotionPublicity - Advertising - Promotional Materials Media Relations Sponsorships - Incentives - Corporate Gifts - Registration CHAPTER 4CONCLUSIONAdvertising and promotional strategies for selling the EventStrategies for promoting an event discussed on this page include: Using Social Media Paid advertising online Paid advertising offline Free publicity via television, radio or printmedia Promotional events leading up to the main event Signageand banners For several reasons, promotion is a key factor in the success of a special event. The main purpose that promotion serves is to attract participants, spectators or both to the event. Paid advertising offlineThis category is really the traditional forms of advertising that include: Newspaper advertising Magazine advertising Radio advertising Television advertising BillboardsEvents can also be advertised innewsletters, banners and letterbox drops but these strategies usually have a very limited geographic reach. Nevertheless, many events can benefit greatly by employing local advertising strategies. For example, a banner can be hung where it can be viewed by passing traffic.Free publicityEverybody wants free publicity but it is quite hard to achieve. Certainly, it's important to be able to generate press releases with interesting stories to catch the interest of the media.It is also a time consuming occupation to create a database of media organisations with the names of editors, email addresses and fax numbers. There are companies that specialised in this data but the service can be expensive.The key to free publicity is to avoid attempts to blatantly promote your event. Media organisations will say if you want to advertise your event, you should pay for the privilege. After all media organisations depend on advertising to pay the wages of staff.Promotional EventsThis strategy involves setting up small community events, at which sporting stars attend, to give away some free tickets or other promotional goods such as caps and t-shirts, for a chance to address the public with a loudspeaker. Events can be held in shopping centres, sport clubs and schools.Promotional are relatively short and easy to undertake but do require event managers to make early contact with community organisations. The following are some of the tips for the company to promote and advertise its events:Targeted, aggressive media plans1 Best use of media: digital, mobile, online, social, and traditional2 website design & development & social media management3 Buyingpower that ensures best rates and efficiency4 mobile applications5 e-ticket solutions6 show directories7 well-matched sponsorship sales8 Bold, award winning television and radio production9 Artistic graphic design for print, web, billboard, newspaper, signage & more10 accountability: daily monitoring of ad placement11 Attention-getting value-added promotions for extra exposure12 Essential market research13 Resourceful development of event features and promotions14 computerized attendee surveys on event site15 Ad strategies personnel on site during your event16 Best service with exceptional attention to detail. Recommendations for Advertising and promotional strategiesRadio, television and print Consider your key target audience when selecting yourmediapartners. For example, approach a radio station that has the same demographic of listeners as your events primary target market. From a budgetary perspective, consider securing official radio, print and televisionmediapartners for your event by approaching them for 'value in kind' (VIK) sponsorship. Negotiate where possible complimentary rate card advertising schedules to be committed to by the media partners as part of the media sponsorship. Confirm an advertising schedule with each media partner based on preferred timing to maximise interest. Get your sponsors and media partners to work together in joint promotions around your event.Community activation programmes Look at implementing and managing a range of unique community activation programmes that specifically target the event's key markets (think outside the square). For example: special ticket packages to ethnic/community/supporter groups Saturday morning activation campaigns at sports events school initiatives adopt-a-team programme complimentary ticketing campaign public events and activities, such as 'have a go' challenges, and "meet the stars" tele-sales direct marketing launches civic functions. Keep leverage and legacy in mind when developing community activation programmes - consider developing additional activities associated with the event that are self-financing and independent but add to its overall scale andimage. Community engagement should form an important part of a leverage and legacy plan. See the Leverage and Legacy module for more info.Other print material Produce consistent, eye-catching posters, flyers and billboards. Work with your print media partner to produce an official souvenir programme that is also used as an insert in the local paper, with extra copies printed for further circulation. Use your programme to offer advertising for event sponsors. Produce other print material such as an event guide, media guide and volunteer handbook.Social media Produce your own exclusive event website. Include statistics, profiles and online ticket and merchandise sales. Regularly update the site and ensure links are made with other relevant sites. Produce regular online newsletters.Develop an integrated 'social media' campaign using available internet tools. The technology is cost effective and they can be powerful marketing tools, especially for younger target markets. They include: Facebook Twitter YouTube Flickr Tumblr texting, e.g. competitions blogging, e.g. general and star blogs.