vascular surgeon and nephrologist collaboration

Port Said, November 19 th , 2015 Hussein Sheashaa, MD, FACP Professor of Nephrology, Urology and Nephrology Center and Director of Medical E-Learning Unit, Mansoura University and Executive Director of ESNT- Virtual Academy: Vascular Surgeon and Nephrologist Collaboration

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Page 1: Vascular Surgeon and Nephrologist Collaboration

Port Said, November 19th, 2015

Hussein Sheashaa, MD, FACP Professor of Nephrology, Urology and Nephrology Center and Director

of Medical E-Learning Unit, Mansoura University and Executive Director

of ESNT- Virtual Academy:

Vascular Surgeon and Nephrologist Collaboration

Page 2: Vascular Surgeon and Nephrologist Collaboration

Knowledge and data

Decision making for the best timing of

vascular access



Focus of The Talk

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Knowledge and Data

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Prevalence of ESRD

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Prevalence of ESRD: Age

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Prevalence of ESRD: Etiology

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Cost of ESRD: USA

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ESRD in Egypt: Etiology

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Incidence 100/million/year

Prevalence of ESRD on dialysis:~50,000.

Number of centres (2012): 460

The total annual cost for the treatment of

ESRD patients:1.8 billion EP (12% of the

total annual budget of the MOH)

Egyptian Registry report 2008 & Egyptian Demographic Registration results 2012

ESRD in Egypt: Epidemiology and Cost

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(6):819-828


Patients’ Survival

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2014;64(6):954-961

Cohort study (583 patients)

Vascular Access and


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Vascular Access: USA

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(6):905-915

Vascular Access: DOPPS

USA (53422), other countries (58478)

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(6):905-915

Vascular Access: USA

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(6):905-915

Vascular Access: Incident HD

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AV Access: Egyptian Data

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AV Access: Egyptian Data

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AV Access: Egyptian Data

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Vascular Access: Decision Making

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Kidney Int 71: 555–561, 2007

eGFR < 25 ml/min per 1.73 m2

Ratio of unnecessary to necessary permanent hemodialysis access surgeries

Timing for Vascular Access Surgery

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Am J Kidney Dis. Jan 2014;63(1):95-103

Timing of AVF

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J Am Soc Nephrol 26: 448–456, 2015

Timing of AVF: Challenges in The Elderly

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J Am Soc Nephrol 26: 448–456, 2015

Timing of AVF: Challenges in The Elderly

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Pitfalls 1. Creating AVF Accelerates

The Progression of CKD

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AV Fistula Creation: (n 123 CKD Patients)

NDT Advance Access published April 16, 2015

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NDT Advance Access published August 1, 2015

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Pitfalls 2. Creating AVF Is Always

The Best Access

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AVF Creation Is It Always The Best?

Retrospective cohort study, 16464 elderly patients (>66y)

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: 1791–1798, 2015

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J Vasc Surg 2015; in press

AVF Creation Is It Always The Best?

Total n: 138 245 patients

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Kidney International (2015) 88, 918

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Pitfalls 3. Patient Centeredness Is

Not Valid For AV Access Success

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Hemodialysis International 2015; in press

AV Access: Towards Patient’s Centeredness

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;66(4):646-654

AV Access: Towards Patient’s Centeredness

Cohort study (683 patients)

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Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 8: 1791–1797, October, 2013

AV Access: Towards Patient’s Centeredness

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Pitfalls 4. Imaging Is Routinely Needed

Before Creating AVF

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AV Fistula Creation: Value of Routine Radiological Imaging

4 RCT, 450 P

Preoperative vessel imaging did not

improve fistula outcomes compared with

standard care

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We’d Like To Have A (3A) Vascular


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