vatis update ozone layer protection

VATIS UPDATE Ozone Layer Protection Vol. 4 No. 92 Jan - Feb 2009 l ISSN 0971-5657 APCTT ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Highlights A compressor-free refrigerator Ozone-safe metal cleaning fluids SPF roofing system Air-propelled asthma medication inhaler Green alternatives to chemical pesticide Soil disinfestation with steam and solarization MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS GOVT. OF INDIA OZONE CELL

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Ozone Layer ProtectionVol. 4 No. 92 Jan - Feb 2009�

ISSN 0971-5657


HighlightsA compressor-free refrigerator

Ozone-safe metal cleaning fluids

SPF roofing system

Air-propelled asthma medication inhaler

Green alternatives to chemical pesticide

Soil disinfestation with steam and solarization



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The Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), a subsidiary body ofESCAP, was established on 16 July 1977 with the objectives: to assist the members andassociate members of ESCAP through strengthening their capabilities to develop and managenational innovation systems; develop, transfer, adapt and apply technology; improve the termsof transfer of technology; and identify and promote the development and transfer of technologiesrelevant to the region.

The Centre will achieve the above objectives by undertaking such functions as:

� Research and analysis of trends, conditions and opportunities;

� Advisory services;

� Dissemination of information and good practices;

� Networking and partnership with international organizations and key stakeholders; and

� Training of national personnel, particularly national scientists and policy analysts.

Cover Photo

Miniature refrigeration system using HFC 134Arefrigerant for laptops and personal computers

(Credit: Purdue News Service/David Umberger, USA)

The shaded areas of the map indicate ESCAP members and associate members.

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VATIS* UpdateOzone Layer Protection

is published 6 times a year to keep thereaders up to date of most of therelevant and latest technological

developments and events in the field ofOzone Layer Protection. The Update is

tailored to policy-makers, industries andtechnology transfer intermediaries.


Editorial Board

APCTTDr. Krishnamurthy Ramanathan

Mr. Nanjundappa SrinivasanDr. Satyabrata Sahu

Ozone Cell, MoEFMr. J.M. MauskarDr. B.P. NilaratnaDr. A. Duraisamy

Prof. R.S. AgarwalProf. S.K. Mukherjee

Mr. R. Srinivas


Adjoining Technology BhawanQutab Institutional Area

Post Box No. 4575New Delhi 110 016, IndiaTel: (91) (11) 2696 6509

Fax: (91) (11) 2685 6274E-mail: [email protected]


OZONE CELLMinistry of Environment and Forests

Government of IndiaZone IV, East Court, 2nd Floor

India Habitat Centre, Lodhi RoadNew Delhi 110 003, IndiaTel: (91) (11) 2464 2176

Fax: (91) (11) 2464 2175Telegram: PARYAVARAN NEW DELHI

E-mail: [email protected]:

The designation employed andthe presentation of material in the

publication do not imply theendorsement of any product, process

or manufacturer by APCTT

* Value Added TechnologyInformation Service

Vol. 4 No. 92 Jan - Feb 2009

THE SCIENCE OF OZONE LAYER 4Ozone hole over Antarctica grows again � Oceanic carbon sink could beweakened by the ozone hole

ODS PHASE-OUT IN INDIA 5GTZ assistance in India’s CTC phase-out � Northern Indian Railwayplans to reclaim CFC � NCCoPP training � NCCoPP update

IN THE NEWS 6Nations for link between ozone layer and climate change efforts � Militaryexperts enlisted to dispose of ODS � Philippines committed to MontrealProtocol � Malaysia expects to phase out HCFCs by 2030 � Pakistan toCo-Chair Montreal Protocol’s Working Group � Viet Nam needs US$15million to cut HCFC gas use

REFRIGERATION/AIR-CONDITIONING 8A “cool and dry” idea � Combatting CFC effects with nitrogen recycling� The environmental benefits of a new refrigerant � Air-conditioning goesgreen � Water heaters help reduce energy costs via reclamation � Acompressor-free refrigerator

SOLVENTS 10Solvent meets aerospace criteria � Ozone-safe metal cleaning fluids� Ultrasonic cleaning tanks for soft metals � N-propyl bromide-basedmachining fluid formulations � Cosmetics with hydrofluoroether � Drycleaning compositions containing hydrofluoroether

FOAMS 12Silicone stabilizer for liquid CO2 processes � SPF roofing system � Newdevelopments in polyisocyanurate laminate foam

AEROSOLS 14Air-propelled asthma medication inhaler � Dose counter for HFA-basedMDIs � HFA propellant with anticholinergic formulations � Medicinalaerosol composition containing HFA propellants � Pharmaceuticalaerosol formulation containing HFA

FUMIGANTS 15Hot water to sterilize nursery pots and trays � Green alternatives tochemical pesticides � Usage and results update on iodomethane� Researchers seek replant disease solutions � Efficacy of ethanedinitrileagainst cereal pathogens � Soil disinfestation with steam and solarization




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Ozone hole overAntarctica grows again

The ozone hole over Antarctica grew to the sizeof North America in 2008 – the fifth largest onrecord – according to the latest satellite obser-vations. Scientists from the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA), the UnitedStates, say the ozone hole reached its maximumlevel on 12 September 2008, extending to 27.2million sq. km and 6.4 km deep. That is biggerthan 2007 but smaller than 2006, when the holecovered over 29.5 million sq. km.

Expressing the same fear, Mr. Geir Braathen,ozone specialist at the World Meteorological Orga-nization, said the ozone hole will reach at leasta size of 27.9 million sq. km in area. He noted thatalthough there has been a notable decrease inozone-depleting substances, their atmosphericconcentration was still high. “Even if chlorine andbromine are coming down, there is still for manyyears to come enough of these substances todeplete all the ozone in this height range,” heopined.

Scientists blamed colder-than-average tempera-tures in the stratosphere for the ozone hole’sunusually large size this year. “Weather is themost important factor in the fluctuation of the sizeof the ozone hole from year to year,” said Mr.Bryan Johnson, a scientist with NOAA’s EarthSystem Research Laboratory, which monitorsozone, ozone-depleting chemicals and green-house gases around the globe. “How cold thestratosphere is and what the winds do determinehow powerfully the chemicals can perform theirdirty work.”

Starting in May, as Antarctica moves into a periodof 24-hour-a-day darkness, winds create a vortexof cold, stable air centred near the South Polethat isolates CFCs over the continent. When thespring sunshine returns in August, the sun’s ultra-violet light sets off a series of chemical reactionsinside the vortex that consume the ozone. Thecolder and more isolated the air inside the vortex,

the more destructive the chemistry. Then, by lateDecember the southern summer returns in fullswing, the vortex crumbles, and the ozonereforms – the process begins anew the followingwinter. (Source: and www.msnbc.

Oceanic carbon sink could beweakened by the ozone hole

Evidence presented in France seems to indicatethat the hole in the ozone layer above Antarcticaimpairs the ability of the Southern Ocean to ab-sorb carbon dioxide of the earth’s atmosphere.The oceans of the Earth are the largest absor-bers of carbon dioxide on Earth, and the SouthernOcean is thought to take up more than 40 percent of the carbon dioxide absorbed by oceans,according to Mr. Andrew Lenton, a marine bio-logist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University inParis, France.

Theoretically, the more carbon dioxide the atmo-sphere contains, the more the oceans shouldabsorb. However, recent measurements haveshown that the surface waters of the SouthernOcean actually contain more carbon dioxide thanexpected. This also makes them more acidic.The amount of carbon dioxide that is being absor-bed also flattens out at this time. Mr. Lenton saysthat stratospheric ozone damage was missingfrom the models made thus far. Yet, it is thoughtto have an effect on the strengthening of theSouthern winds, alongwith the effects of green-house gases on the climate. He thinks that thesestronger winds are causing ocean currents thatbring carbon that is stored in the deep ocean upto the surface.

Mr. Lenton and his colleagues have built simu-lations of the Southern Ocean that take the effectof ozone into account. By including the ozonehole in the model, they were able to reproducethe feeble absorption of carbon in the SouthernOcean that oceanographers have measured. How-ever, researchers from the Leibniz Institute ofMarine Sciences in Kiel, Germany, say that theyquestion the changes in ocean currents shownby models such as those made by Mr. Lentonand that oceanographic data provides no hardevidence for these changes. (Source:

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GTZ assistance inIndia’s CTC phase-out

Since 2005, production and supplies of CTC haveseen a sharp decline. With supplies falling wellbelow the demand, prices have risen. Procure-ment of CTC is becoming increasingly difficult andit is imperative to identify suitable alternativesrapidly. A host of alternative options may exist forevery application, and the best one needs to beidentified. The German Agency for TechnicalCooperation (GTZ), an international co-operationenterprise for sustainable development, lendsassistance to Indian industries in this regard.

Evaluation of requirements: In consultation withaffected industries, GTZ evaluates the require-ments of processes in which CTC is currentlyused. High emphasis is placed on dialogue withusers to ensure that technical and economicaldimensions of the processes involved are wellunderstood.

Substitute identification: The identification ofsuitable substitutes is in full swing. For mostindustry segments, one or more alternative pro-ducts have already been found. In many cases,GTZ can learn from existing experiences of in-dustries using alternative products for the benefitof all.

Substitute testing: In order to address criticalparameters such as performance, cost, and healthand safety risks, GTZ conducts testing of sub-stitute products, either in the laboratory or in theindustry. The aim is to provide relevant informa-tion that industries can rely upon.

Sharing of results: Information on substituteproducts and processes is made available freeof charge to industries. In addition to publications,GTZ holds technical seminars for the industriesconcerned and engages in capacity building wher-ever required.

Solvent alternatives: GTZ has identified a rangeof solvents available on the Indian market. Theircost, properties, industrial applications and health

hazards were researched and compiled in thebooklet “Solvent Alternatives”. Contact: NationalCTC Phase-out Plan, GTZ Proklima CountryOffice, A-33 Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110 049,India. Tel: +91 (11) 2661 1021. (Source: www.ctc-

Northern Indian Railwayplans to reclaim CFC

As support to save the ozone and address theneed of CFCs after 1 August 2008, the NorthernIndian Railways will reclaim CFC and use the re-claimed CFC for servicing the air-conditioners ofthe railway coaches. The Indian Railways at presentconsume around 80 tonnes CFC-12 annually formaintenance. To meet CFC phase-out targets,it must employ good servicing practices, inclu-ding recovery, recycling and reuse of reclaimedrefrigerant during maintenance of AC coaches.Indian Railways is making proactive efforts tophase-out CFCs by converting the under-slungunits from CFC-12 to HFC-134a. A number ofunits have already been successfully convertedthus by different railway units. The activity is co-ordinated and monitored by Research Designsand Standards Organization (RDSO). (Source:

NCCoPP training

Training constitutes one of the main activitiesunder the National CFC Consumption Phase-outPlan (NCCoPP). Training is offered toRefrigeration and Air-conditioning technicians inall the major states in India. Training focuses on:mobile air-conditioning servicing; retrofitting forlarge commercial appliances using open-typecompressors; retrofitting for domestic and smallcommercial appliances; and recovery andrecycling of CFC refrigerants.

Good practice in handling CFCs is the primaryfocus. In addition, technicians are also trained innon-CFC technologies to ensure customer satis-faction, on which their survival depends. Safetyaspects are also an issue, especially with regardto use of hydrocarbons.

NCCoPP operates through a network of trainingcells. The training cells are managed throughQuest Consulting and Training, which leads the

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training initiatives in India and coordinates alltraining programmes. Industry partners such asGodrej & Boyce Mfg. Ltd., Whirlpool and KirloskarCopeland Ltd. also participate in the programmeand provide their resources to train refrigerationservicing enterprise technicians in addition to train-ing their own service networks and franchisees.The training institutions are given initial support,through training-of-trainers workshops and equip-ment, to reinforce their capacity and infrastructure.

The number of training cells will reduce over theproject’s lifetime. For example, in the South, avery high coverage of the sector has already beenachieved under the HIDECOR project and hence,the training cells in these areas and the numberof training programmes in this region will gra-dually reduce. (Source:

NCCoPP update

Under NCCoPP, up to March 2008, 6,988 techni-cians had been trained. During the coming season,more technicians will benefit from the trainingprogrammes.

INFRAS has announced the launch of an Excel-lence Award Scheme for trainer of the year tohonour outstanding performance of trainers underNCCoPP. Training Cell organizers and industrypartners are encouraged to submit their voluntarynominations, which are then scrutinized by a jury.Under this scheme, one excellence and six out-standing awards were announced for 2008. Thewinners received a Certificate of Excellence &cash award of Rs 10,000 or Rs 5,000, respec-tively. (Source:


Nations for link between ozonelayer and climate change effortsThe United Nations should twin its efforts to com-bat ozone depletion and climate change to reapthe greatest economic and environmental bene-fits, governments concluded at a global gathering.The call for greater cooperation between UnitedNations treaties on ozone and global warmingwas issued in November, at the end of a meetingin Doha, Qatar, of the 193 governments that areparty to the Montreal Protocol and the ViennaConvention.

Participants asked the Executive Secretary of theMontreal Protocol to pursue closer ties with theUN Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) and explore how best to slash therelease of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), one of thesix greenhouse gases controlled under the KyotoProtocol of UNFCCC. They also suggested thatphasing out hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)would be mutually beneficial in addressing boththe ozone layer and climate change.

HCFCs were earlier considered as transitionalsubstances to replace more ozone-damagingsubstances in some applications such asrefrigeration and foam because of low ODP, butthey themselves are to be replaced by new ozone-and climate-friendly chemicals. The participantsalso discussed the best means to destroy harmfulsubstances stored in old equipment, as well asfunding to help developing countries to eliminateozone-damaging chemicals. (Source:

Military experts enlistedto dispose of ODSMilitary experts from Australia, the Netherlandsand the United States will help save the ozonelayer and fight global warming under a uniquepartnership between the United Nations, nationalgovernments and the armed services. The newprogramme, spearheaded by the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency and the UnitedStates Department of Defence, will make use oftechnical experts in the military already on theground. The initiative was announced to delegates

Fridoc DatabaseFridoc is the most comprehensive refrigeration data-base in the world. It holds more than 82 000 entriesof international scientific and technological literaturecovering all refrigeration spheres. Fridoc is availableonline via the IIR's website and has a search engineto perform searches in natural language.

For more information, contact:

International Institute of Refrigeration177, boulevard Malesherbes

75017 Paris, FranceTel: +33 (1) 42 27 32 35; Fax: +33 (1) 47 63 17 98

E-mail: [email protected]:

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from more than 150 governments at the conclu-sion of a five-day meeting in Doha of Parties tothe Montreal Protocol on Substances that Depletethe Ozone Layer.

Mr. Marco Gonzalez, Executive Secretary of theUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Ozone Secretariat, said, “The military in manycountries have been at the forefront of efforts tophase out ozone depleting substances. Their ex-perience can be invaluable for developing countriesfacing similar challenges.” The military expertsare offering to assist countries in the safe collec-tion of stockpiles and banks of unwanted, ozone-depleting substances (ODS). They will give sup-port and advice on the shipping, labelling andother procedures needed to fast-track the chem-icals to disposal centres around the world.

The partnership could dramatically cut the costsof the disposal of ozone-depleting chemicals suchas halons, hydrofluorocarbons and chlorofluo-rocarbons to a third or less of the current marketcost. The partners hope that by joining forces,civilian ODS destruction programmes will be ableto benefit from these low-cost contracts, makingthem cheaper and more attractive to undertake.Argentina will be one of the first countries to takeadvantage of this opportunity to safely dispose ofthe obsolete chemicals.

The Ozone Secretariat will act as co-ordinator withthe Secretariat of the Basel Convention on theControl of Transboundary Movements of Hazard-ous Wastes and their Disposal, as well as otherconventions to ensure the transport of unwantedODS to countries with destruction facilities is cor-rectly permitted. Officials say this co-ordination willstreamline the shipments of chemicals to properdestruction facilities. (Source:

Philippines committedto Montreal Protocol

As a party to the Montreal Protocol, the Philip-pines is on schedule in its commitment to phaseout the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)by 2010. Dr. Ella Deocadiz, programme managerof the Philippine Ozone Desk Institutional Strength-ening Project, said the country is committed toeliminate the production and use of ODS follow-ing an ODS Phase-out schedule.

The regional ozone network, a multi-agency taskforce created to promote information on ozonelayer protection in the Philippines, has alreadydecided to reach out to the grassroots for inten-sified information dissemination, Dr. Deocadizsaid. In terms of awareness, she cited govern-ment agencies as moderately informed. However,awareness is high among manufacturing sectorbecause they are the ones importing and usingODS. Her team is meeting with stakeholders towork on their communication strategies to widenthe dissemination of information on ODS and theireffects on the ozone layer. (Source:

Malaysia expects tophase out HCFCs by 2030

Malaysia is expected to completely phase out theconsumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)by 2030 as scheduled, according to Datuk DouglasUggah Embas, the Natural Resources and Envi-ronment Minister. The Ministry would develop anational HCFCs Phase-Out Management Plan(HPMP) that would outline the overall frameworkand strategies of implementation to achieve theobjective, he said.

“The plan will detail actions to be taken to phaseout the use of HCFCs in all sectors, namely inrefrigeration, foam, solvent and fire-fighting,”Datuk Douglas said, opening the HPMP inceptionworkshop organized by the Ministry’s Departmentof Environment and the United Nations Devel-opment Programme (UNDP) recently. He calledupon all stakeholders, especially in the industries,to give their full cooperation and assistance byproviding the relevant and necessary data andinformation on the consumption of HCFCs sothat a comprehensive HPMP could be developed.

The Minister said that to develop the HPMP, theExecutive Committee (EXCOM) of the MultilateralFund for the Implementation of Montreal Protocolhad approved a sum of US$173,750 for Malaysiathrough the UNDP. He also said that Malaysiawas looking into the possibility of freezing theproduction and consumption of HCFCs from 1January 2013 to achieve a 10 per cent gas reduc-tion by 2015. HCFCs consumption in Malaysiahad increased from 841 tonnes in 1996 to 5,635tonnes in 2005, he informed. (Source: www.bernama.

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Pakistan to Co-Chair MontrealProtocol’s Working Group

Pakistan has been elected as the Co-Chair of theOpen Ended Working Group for 2009 at the 20th

Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol onthe Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Ministers, deputy ministers for environment, am-bassadors and delegates of 193 member statesto the Montreal Protocol attended the meetingheld at Doha, during 16-20 November 2008. ThePakistani delegation, headed by Pakistan’s Am-bassador to Qatar Mr. Muhammad Asghar Afridi,included Mr. Khizar Hayat Khan, Joint Secretaryfor Environment and Mr. Muhammad MaqsoodAkhtar, Programme Manager, Ozone Cell. It ad-vocated specifically the case for funding from theMultilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol for theconversion of CFCs-based MDI manufacturingpharmaceutical firms into ozone-friendly tech-nology. (Source:

Viet Nam needs US$15 millionto cut HCFC gas use

Viet Nam requires about US$15 million to eliminatehydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in accordancewith the Montreal Protocol over the next 15 years,a climatologist said. Mr. Le Cong Thanh, actinghead of the Department for Hydrometeorologyand Climate Change under the Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment, stated this at arecent seminar to launch a programme to phaseout the use refrigerant-22 (R22), used mainly inrefrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) equipment.

According to the Montreal Protocol, Viet Nam willbegin to phase out HCFCs, including R22, from2010. By 2025, the country aims to cut the useof HCFCs by 67.5 per cent. Mr. Thanh said thathis department conducted a general survey ofHCFCs use in Viet Nam and co-operated withinternational organizations to map out program-mes and projects to seek finance and technologyfor a total phase-out of HCFCs in Viet Nam. Thequantity of HCFCs, particularly R22, used in theRAC industries is on the increase, Mr. Thanhsaid, adding that finding an ideal alterative ref-rigerant is a major challenge facing the industry.(Source:


A “cool and dry” idea

In Michigan, the United States, two researchershave won the Boston Innovation Prize for thedesign of a low-cost, energy-efficient method ofcooling and dehumidifying residential and smallcommercial spaces. Mr. Norbert Müller, assistantprofessor in Michigan State University’s Depart-ment of Mechanical Engineering, and Mr. JohnBarrie, of the Appropriate Technology Collabo-rative, collaborated on the award-winning project.

“The technology used for this air-conditioner isradically different,” Mr. Müller said. The applianceuses as the refrigerant water vapour, referred toas R-718. Water vapour can be more efficientthan traditional refrigerants, but engineering thecompressor is difficult and usually expensive.The researchers invented a way to make an eco-nomical compressor that is small and lightweightby designing a novel turbo compressor wovenout of high-strength fibres and integrated with amotor. “It gives wonderful control. It is efficientand compact,” said Mr. Müller. “Another plus forthe new R-718 technology is that by experienceit is surprisingly quiet.” The contribution of Mr.Barrie, an architect and industrial designer, wason how air-conditioning functions in the real world.

Mr. Müller and Mr. Barrie want to develop proto-types of the air-conditioner as additional fundingfor development becomes available. Contact: Mr.Russ White, University Relations, Public RelationsOffice, Michigan University, 403 Olds Hall, EastLansing, MI 48824-1047, United States of America.Tel: +1 (517) 432 0923; E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Combatting CFC effectswith nitrogen recycling

A large proportion of refrigerators contain harmfulchlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which, if not dis-posed of properly, can have a devastating effecton the atmosphere. Messer Group, Germany, issupplying liquid nitrogen to combat this problem,

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advocating its ability to freeze condensed CFCvapours and leave only pure air as a by-product.Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196ºC andthis is used to freeze condensed CFC vapours,in turn leaving pure air behind as a by-product.The CFCs are then converted into hydrofluoricand hydrochloric acid, through a means of con-trolled destruction.

Messer supplies liquid nitrogen to Noex AG, oneof Germany’s most modern refrigerator recyclingplants a company. This state-of-the-art recyclingplant disposes of almost half a million refrigera-tors a year, a large percentage of which containthe environmentally harmful CFCs. The plant,near Cologne, can recover 99.9 per cent of theseCFCs. Nitrogen is also used at the plant as agas which is injected into the shredder to dis-place air, preventing explosions and fires. Contact:Messer Group, Gahlingspfad 31, Krefeld 47803,Germany. Tel: +49 (2151) 781 1442; Fax: +49(2151) 781 1501; E-mail: [email protected]. Website:

The environmental benefitsof a new refrigerant

The Society of Automotive Engineers Interna-tional Cooperative Research Programme, whichis sponsored by major automotive manufacturers,recently released a report summarizing resultsof its industry evaluation of hydrofluoro olefin(HFO)-1234yf, a low global warming potential(GWP) refrigerant co-developed by DuPont. Thereport validated that HFO-1234yf is safe to usein mobile air-conditioning, and that, of all the pro-posed alternatives considered, HFO-1234yf hassignificant environmental benefits. The report con-cluded HFO-1234yf offers “the greatest potentialto meet environmental and consumer needs.”

HFO-1234yf has a dramatically lower GWP thanthe R-134a refrigerant used currently, and thebest overall lifecycle climate performance global-ly, which makes it the preferred environmentalsolution. Since it is a near drop-in replacementfor R-134a, it is also a practical choice, keepingcosts down for both automakers and consumers.An agreement is expected in early 2009 to ac-celerate the commercial introduction of improvedair-conditioning systems using HFO-1234yf.

DuPont estimates the use of HFO-1234yf refrig-erant in new cars has the potential to save morethan 2,200 million litres of fuel annually – theequivalent of taking approximately 1.5 million carsoff the road each year, based on equivalent cool-ing and energy performance and global adoptionof HFO-1234yf by the year 2017. HFO-1234yf isexpected to replace R-134a in automotive air-conditioning systems as early as 2011, when aEuropean Union directive comes into effect re-quiring the phase-out of R-134a in all new typevehicles. (Source:

Air-conditioning goes green

Panasonic Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. has introduced 10new air-conditioner models featuring exceptionalair purifying capabilities and eco-friendly charac-teristics, including efficient cooling and a neweco-inspired design. The eco-friendly attributesof the Envio 12 and Envio P2 series include anozone-friendly R-410A refrigerant and inverter tech-nology that can save energy by up to 50 per cent.

“The savings are made possible by regulatingcompressor rotation speeds with precision todeliver the right amount of cooling power adjus-ted to meet changes in room temperature. Theinverter also assures quick and powerful coolingupon start-up, making comfortable cooling achie-vable 1.5 times faster, with less energy spent onreaching a set temperature,” said Mr. Tony Endoh,the Managing Director of Panasonic Malaysia.

Both series feature the Advanced Plus e-ion AirPurifying System with a new sensor that moni-tors and indicates air quality. The air purifyingprocess is triggered automatically by the releaseof active e-ions when the number of air-borneparticles rises to an unhealthy level, deactivating99 per cent of these particles for cleaner andhealthier air. (Source:

Water heaters help reduceenergy costs via reclamation

The TemplifierTM water heaters, from McQuayInternational in the United States, reduce energycosts by recovering waste heat and making itavailable for space heating and domestic hot water.Suitable for hotels, hospitals, healthcare centres,schools, athletic facilities and manufacturing plants,

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McQuay Templifier units with scroll compressorsrange from 500 to 3,000 MBh and can heat waterup to 71ºC compared with 60ºC for competitors.

The Templifier’s hermetic scroll compressorsuse R-134a refrigerant, which has no ozone-depletion potential, and feature low sound levels.An optional hot-gas bypass allows unit operationdown to 10 per cent of the full-load capacity. AsTemplifier units heat water more economicallythan fossil fuel or electric-resistance heaters,they can reduce the burden on boilers and/orcooling towers, thereby eliminating or delaying acapital equipment expense when increased heatproduction is needed. Contact: McQuay Inter-national, P.O. Drawer 1551, Minneapolis, MN55440, United States of America. Tel: +1 (763)5535 330; Fax: +1 (763) 5535 177. (Source: news.

A compressor-free refrigerator

The coolants commonly used in refrigerators orair-conditioners are either harmful to people orthe environment. Almost all coolants availablerequire energy-eating compressors and lots ofheating coils. Engineers at Pennsylvania StateUniversity, the United States, have developed anew method of refrigeration that doesn’t requirea compressor. The method uses the change fromdisorganized to organized that occurs in somepolar polymers when placed in an electric field.In natural state, the molecules of these materialsare randomly positioned (disorganized). Whenelectricity is applied, these molecules becomehighly ordered and the material gives off heat andbecomes colder. When the electricity is turnedoff, the material reverts to its disordered stateand absorbs heat.

The researchers reported a change in tempera-ture of about -5ºC. Repeated randomizing andordering of the material combined with an ap-propriate heat exchanger could provide a widerange of heating and cooling temperatures. Whilethe actual temperature where these experimentswere performed was around 70ºC, which is alittle high to use in a refrigerator, the researchersindicate that there are many different types ofpolar polymers, and at least some of these couldbe functional at lower temperatures. (Source: www.


Solvent meets aerospace criteria

Banner Chemicals Group, the United Kingdom,has announced that the Evolve range of solvents– originally developed as an alternative to 1,1,1,trichloroethane for cold-cleaning applications byICI – meets the needs of aerospace applications.Its ability to match the strict criteria of aerospaceapplications has resulted in companies includingBAE, Rolls-Royce, British Airways, UKMOD andLeica approving Evolve for use.

A rapidly evaporating, no-residue and odourlessproduct, Evolve removes oils, greases, shop soilsand related contamination from all types of metals.Being odourless, worker comfort is enhanced anda high occupational exposure limit enables a rangeof uses. Contact: Banner Chemicals Group, Hamp-ton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn WA7 1TU, UnitedKingdom. Tel: +44 (1928) 597 000; Fax: +44(1928) 597001; E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Ozone-safe metal cleaning fluids

Aragorn Resources, the Philippines, offers ozone-safe paraffinic hydrocarbon cleaners. Hydroclincleaners are specifically developed for ultrasonicand heated washing machines. This high-qualityproduct will not leave any residue, is non-reactiveand non-staining to metals. The cleaning effici-ency is comparable to chlorinated solvents andchlorofluorocarbons minus the ozone depletingpotential, as the vapours naturally decomposeupon exposure to sunlight. Hydroclin has excel-lent distilling and recovery properties, and retainsits quality even after considerably long thermalexposure. It is available in different grades, dryingtime and boiling point or distillation ranges forcustomer preference.

Isoclin cleaners are super premium quality paraf-finic hydrocarbon cleaners, which are virtuallyodourless, 100 per cent volatile and residue-freefor spotless drying. They are for the same applica-tions as Hydroclin cleaners, as well as for highlysensitive applications requiring the highest pos-sible quality and lowest odour levels. The productis environment-friendly and does not contribute

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to ozone layer degradation. Ionic micro corrosionis virtually impossible with the use of this pro-duct. It is available in several grades with differentboiling ranges and drying times to suit particularapplications. Contact: Aragorn Resources, 5-BPoblete Compound, 343 West Service Road, SunValley, Paranaque City, The Philippines. Tel: +63(2) 776 1358; Fax: +63 (2) 541 9735; E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Ultrasonic cleaning tanksfor soft metals

Industrial quality Kerry ultrasonic tanks, fromGuyson International in the United Kingdom, pro-vide speedy cleaning for welded metal joints ona variety of materials including aluminium andcopper. These are suitable particularly where theraw metal material is being used without paint orother coating to mask any discolouration on thecomponents.

Pulsatron UCR and KS tanks are used to rid thecomponents of weld discolouration. These tanksallow the user to preset exact cleaning times andtemperatures, ensuring that consistent levels ofcleanliness are kept from batch to batch andproviding an affordable way to improve cleaningquality. All functions are controlled by a simplefour-button membrane keypad. An LCD paneldisplays the temperature and time set by the user,the time elapsed since the start of the cleaningprocess, and the status of the power supply,heater and ultrasonics.

Each unit works within operating temperaturesfrom 20º to 80ºC, which can be set in 1º incre-ments, allowing the optimum temperature to beselected for a particular combination of componentmaterial, cleaning solution and contaminant.Sonics time may be set in the range 0.1-99.9 minin 0.1 min increments, or to constant when sonicsmay be switched on and off manually. KS andUCR ultrasonic clean and rinse systems comein a range of sizes: Standard KS ultrasonic tankscome in a range of sizes up to 248 litre capacity,while UCR ultra clean and rinse tanks come incapacities to 117 litres. Contact: Guyson Interna-tional, Snaygill Industrial Estate, Keighley Road,Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 2QR, UnitedKingdom. Tel: +44 (1756) 799 911. E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

N-propyl bromide-basedmachining fluid formulations

Garrett Services, the United States, has patenteda machining fluid admixture – comprising a majoramount of n-propyl bromide and a minor amountof a lubricant – for cooling and lubricating a tool/workpiece interface. The machining fluid consistsof about 30.0 to about 99.99 weight per cent n-propyl bromide, about 0.01 to about 30.0 weightper cent of a lubricant, and optionally up to about70.0 weight per cent of a fluorinated chemical.

The lubricant component of the machining fluidsmay be a mineral oil, a synthetic lubricating oilor a mixture thereof. The synthetic lubricating oilmay or may not have a halogen constituent, andmay be selected from a polyol ester, a polyal-kylene glycol, a glycol ether, an isoparaffin or amixture thereof. The polyalkylene glycol may beethylene glycol monobutyl ether, propylene glycolmethyl ether or their mixture, while the isoparaffinmay be 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. The fluorinatedchemical component of the inventive machiningfluids may have the formula CaFbHcNdOe whereina = 2 to 8, b = 5 to 18, c = 0 to 13, d = 0 to 2 ande = 0 to 2; for example, 1,1,1,2,3.4,4,5,5,5-deca-fluoropentane, 1-methoxy-nonafluorobutane or amixture thereof. (Source:

Cosmetics with hydrofluoroether

Daikin Industries Ltd., Japan, has been assigneda United States patent on a cosmetic containingat least 1 per cent by weight of hydrofluoroetherhaving a viscosity of less than 5 mPa·s at 25ºC.The HFE is represented by the general formulaCnHmFl–O–CxHyFz wherein n is a number from 1to 12, m is a number of 0 to 25, l is a numberfrom 0 to 11 and m+1 = 2n = 2x+1, and x is anumber from 1 to 12, y is a number from 0 to25, z is a number from 0 to 11 and y+z = 2x+1,provided that m and y, and l and z, are not zerosimultaneously.

The inventors have found that a partially fluori-nated fluorine-containing solvent (HFE) is highlysafe for the skin and has low or no influence onthe environment. The HFE has high solubility in afluorine-containing oil used frequently in cosmeticsand high dispersibility in fluorine compound-treatedpowders. (Source:

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Dry cleaning compositionscontaining hydrofluoroether

A major concern in solvent cleaning is the tend-ency (especially where solvent is used at a hightemperature) for solvent vapour loss from thecleaning system into the atmosphere. Althoughcare is generally taken to minimize such losses(for example, through vapour recovery systems),most cleaning applications result in some lossof solvent vapour into the atmosphere. Further-more, solvent cleaning methods have traditionallyutilized chlorinated solvents, alone or in admix-ture, linked to ozone depletion.

Partially fluorinated ethers have been suggestedas alternatives to chlorinated solvents. 3M Inno-vative Properties Company, the United States, haspatented dry cleaning compositions containinghydrofluoroethers (HFEs), a co-solvent, a deter-gent, and water in an amount of less than 1 per centby weight. The patent also describes a methodof cleaning fabric articles using the patented drycleaning composition. The co-solvent is selectedfrom the group consisting of alkanols, ethers,glycol ethers, perfluoroethers, perfluorinated ter-tiary amines, alkanes, alkenes, perfluorocarbons,terpenes, glycol ether acetates, hydrofluorocar-bons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, non-ionic fluori-nated surfactants, cycloalkanes, siloxanes, ketonesand combinations thereof.

HFEs suitable for use in the process are low-polarity chemical compounds, minimally contain-ing carbon, fluorine, hydrogen and catenary (thatis, in-chain) oxygen atoms. HFEs can optionallycontain additional catenary heteroatoms, such asnitrogen and sulphur. Their molecular structurescan be linear, branched or cyclic, or a combina-tion thereof. They are preferably free of ethylenicunsaturation, having a total of about 4-20 carbonatoms. Such HFEs are readily available, eitheras essentially pure compounds or as mixtures.

Preferred HFEs can have a boiling point in therange from about 40º to 275ºC, preferably 50º to121ºC, and have a higher vapour pressure thanthat of perchloroethylene, thus increasing the drytime of the cleaned fabric. Contact: 3M Innova-tive Properties Company, 3M Centre, P.O. Box33427, St. Paul, MN 55133-3427, United Statesof America. (Source:


Silicone stabilizer forliquid CO2 processes

Momentive Performance Materials Inc., the UnitedStates, has the launched NiaxTM silicone L-655,a silicone stabilizer for use in manufacturing flex-ible polyether foam. The new stabilizer can offera 10-30 per cent reduction by weight of flameretardant (FR) use in slabstock foam applicationscompared with conventional stabilizers. Niax sili-cone L-655 may also be applied in conventionalfoam manufacturing processes, and those thatuse carbon dioxide (CO2) as an auxiliary blowingagent.

When used in FR grades of foam used in furni-ture, bedding and automotive products, the newstabilizer can help minimize the amount of FRrequired for passing small-scale tests. In additionto its typically outstanding FR improvement, useof Niax silicone L-655 may also help reduce mate-rial costs for manufacturers using Momentive’sNiax silicones.

The new product provides excellent froth forma-tion and stability (as required in CO2 processes)to make soft and low-density foam grades. Com-pared with Niax silicone L-650, Niax silicone L-655 can also deliver wide processing latitude andimproved cell structure in CO2 processes. It mayalso help substantially boost FR performance forflexible polyurethane foam at reduced use levels.Contact: Momentive Performance Materials Inc.,22 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Albany, NY12211, United States of America. Tel: +1 (607)786 8131; Fax: +1 (607) 786 8309. (Source: www.

SPF roofing system

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is a spray-appliedinsulating foam plastic. The two chemical com-ponents are combined as they pass through thespray gun and contact the substrate as a liquid.As the two components chemically react, theyexpand in volume by 20 times and form a strong,rigid material with a density of 40 to 48 kg/m3 anda compressive strength of 275 to 345 kN/m2.

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Central Coating Company, the United States, offersSPF roofing system claimed to be a “green”, renew-able and sustainable roofing insulation solution.SPF has an aged R-value of approximately 6.4per 1-inch thickness (depending on the particularformulation and application, higher values can beachieved), enabling it to provide more thermalresistance with less material than any other typeof commercial insulation material. Other benefitsclaimed include:

� Stops air and moisture infiltration;

� Makes a building more comfortable;

� Saves on energy costs;

� Adds strength to the building structure; and

� Reduces capacity requirements, maintenanceand wear of HVAC equipment.

SPF roofing is applicable for new constructions,re-roofing projects, for cold storage facilities andfor rooftop photovoltaics installations. Contact:Central Coating Company, 670 S. Pine Street,Madera, CA 93637, United States of America.Tel: +1 (559) 673 0074; +1 (559) 673 8243. (Source:

New developments inpolyisocyanurate laminate foam

Increasing insulation in buildings is a universallyaccepted way to improve energy efficiency. TheAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating andAir-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recentlyincreased the minimum required prescriptive R-value for roof and wall insulation levels in Stand-ard 90.1 – the national model energy code forcommercial buildings. Polyisocyanurate (polyiso)laminate board is perhaps the most widely usedinsulation for commercial roofing, as it has con-sistently met the structural and fire requirementsof the building codes at the lowest installed costper unit R-value.

Mr. Sachchida N. Singh and colleagues at theHuntsman Advanced Technology Centre in theUnited States have reported on new developmentin the formulation and processing of polyisocy-anurate laminate foam. One such trend was theuse of bio-renewable materials, which has led towidespread experimentation with vegetable oil-based polyols in polyurethane formulations. New

aromatic polyester polyols incorporating renewa-ble resource content have been introduced bypolyol suppliers. The lipophilic nature of veget-able oils used to make these aromatic polyesterpolyols increase the hydrocarbon solubility. Thisimproved solubility opens a wider spectrum ofhydrocarbons, such as pure iso-pentane, as ablowing agent and/or iso-butane as a low boilingco-blowing agent. The average functionality ofrenewable content polyester polyol is claimed tobe higher, as the vegetable oils present the pos-sibility of providing many reactive sites. Higherpolyol functionality gives opportunities to reformu-late to improve performance and/or reduce cost.

The new study demonstrates that polyiso boardswith up to 17 weight per cent bio-renewable con-tent along with up to 7 per cent recycled content(or up to 12 weight per cent bio-renewable con-tent along with up to 10 per cent recycle content)can be made while meeting the fire and structuralproperty requirements. It also appears that useof bio-renewable polyol in polyiso foam would leadto a slight reduction in thermal resistance of theboard. It has been demonstrated that the use ofbio-renewable polyols can lead to more robustprocessing, especially expanding the processingwindow to higher temperatures. Bio-renewablepolyols will expand the versatility of polyurethanechemistry as well as the breadth of its application.Contact: Sachchida N. Singh, Huntsman Advan-ced Technology Centre, 8600 Gosling Road, TheWoodlands, Texas, TX 77381, United States ofAmerica. Tel: +1 (281) 719 7400; Fax: +1 (281)719 7500. (Source:

Ozone Layer Production AwardsThe ABU-MAE Production Awards Programme providessmall awards of up to US$1,000 to help motivate andunderwrite the development and production of local radioand television programming on Ozone Layer Protectionand related issues in Asia-Pacific. ABU member broad-casters are encouraged to submit ozone-related themedpublic service announcements for consideration underthe Awards Programme. All UNEP-ABU Production AwardFunds will be allocated directly to broadcasters for pro-duction of Ozone-themed content.

For additional information, please contact:Ms. Patricia Sim

Asia-Pacific Broadcasting UnionTel: +60 (3) 2282 3592, ext 395

Fax: +60 (3) 2282 5292E-mail: [email protected]

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Air-propelledasthma medication inhaler

Most inhalers used for delivering the bronchialdilator albuterol currently use propellants such asozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ortheir replacement hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs). Bothpropellants, which are also employed as industrialrefrigerants, eject albuterol at near-supersonicspeeds. Another method is the nebulizer, a largecompressor-driven device that essentially spraysdroplets of albuterol. This is cumbersome andoften not available to an asthmatic when a fast-acting dose of albuterol is needed.

Next Safety Inc., the United States, has broughtout a device that supplies medication in a streamof air by ejecting it from a microfluidic pump auto-matically as the patient breathes. The Next Safetydevice solves three problems:

� Propellants are eliminated;

� The medicine is not ejected at high speeds,when it could easily get deposited on the backof the throat and ingested; and

� Patients do not need to time their inhalationto match the push of a button – something criticalwhen administering albuterol to children.

The device delivers the droplets at the same speedof the patient’s inhalation and in the correct sizerange for bronchial delivery. It also provides anelectronic output to PDAs to enable doctors tomonitor the results of specific doses of medica-tions in addition to patient compliance. Contact:Mr. George Colvard, COO, Next Safety Inc., 676S. Main Street, Jefferson, NC 28640, United Statesof America. Tel: +1 (336) 246 7700; Fax: +1 (336)846 3978; E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Dose counterfor HFA-based MDIs

The transition of pressurized metered dose in-halers (pMDIs) from CFC to HFA propellant hasopened up new avenues of business to makers ofassociated equipment. In one such case, Trudell

Medical International, Canada, has ramped upproduction of its Aerocount® Dose Indicator inpreparation to supply Forest Laboratories Inc.,the United States, with commercial volumes tosupport the latter’s transition from CFC to HFAon Flunisolide inhalation aerosol.

Flunisolide, a CFC-based inhaled corticosteroid,has been reformulated with a non-ozone depletingpropellant. The integration of Aerocount Dose In-dicator to Forest’s Flunisolide HFA product wouldremind patients how much medication remainsin their inhaler. The Aerocount Dose Indicator isdesigned to maintain the same look and feel ofthe pMDI. Contact: Trudell Medical International,725 Third Street, London, Ontario, Canada N5V5G4. Tel: +1 (519) 455 7060; Fax: +1 (519) 4557858: E-mail: [email protected]. (Source: www.

HFA propellant withanticholinergic formulations

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH, Germany,has patented an invention relating to suspensionsof crystalline tiotropium bromide monohydrate inthe propellant gases HFA 227 and/or HFA 134a.The propellents may be optionally in an admixturewith one or more other propellant gases, prefer-ably selected from the group comprising alkanes,branched chain alkanes, dimethylether, fluorocar-bons, trifluoroethane,

etc. The propellant-driven

inhalation suspension formulations may also con-tain other ingredients such as surfactants, adju-vants, antioxidants or flavourings.

Preferred suspensions according to the inventionare those that contain as propellant gas HFA 227on its own, HFA 134a on its own or a mixture ofthe two. If one or more other propellant gases areused in the suspension formulations in additionto the propellant gases HFA 227 and/or HFA 134a,the proportion of this other propellant is prefer-ably less than 30 per cent. The suspensions maypreferably contain from 0.25 to 0.50 per centtiotropium bromide monohydrate.

For administration by inhalation, it is necessaryto prepare the active substance in micronizedform. After micronization, the crystalline tiotropiumbromide monohydrate preferably has an averageparticle size of 1.5 to 5 µm. The propellant gas-

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containing suspensions according to the inventionmentioned above may be administered usingpressurized metered dose inhalers. (Source: www.

Medicinal aerosol compositioncontaining HFA propellants

Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., Italy, has patented foruse in pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs)a composition that comprises an active material,a propellant containing a hydrofluoroalkane (HFA),a co-solvent and optionally a low-volatility com-pound. The use of a mixture of HFA 134a andHFA 227 allows modulation of the mass medianaerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of aerosol parti-cles on actuation of the inhaler to target specificregions of the respiratory tract.

Active materials that could be used include anti-leukotrienes, bronchodilators, corticosteroids andanti-allergics that ate administered by inhalation.Co-solvents that may be used in these formula-tions include alcohols such as ethanol and polyolssuch as propylene glycol. HFAs – in particular,HFA 134a and HFA 227 – are acknowledged tobe the best candidates for non-CFC propellants.Contact: Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., Via Pal-ermo, 26/A, I-43100 Parma, Italy. (Source: www.

Pharmaceutical aerosolformulation containing HFA

Baker Norton Pharmaceuticals Inc., the UnitedStates, has patented an aerosol formulation thatis adapted for use in a pressurized metered doseinhaler. The aerosol formulation comprises Bude-sonide, Formoterol, one or more hydrofluoroalkane(HFA) propellant, and a co-solvent present in anamount that dissolves or solubilizes the Bude-sonide and Formoterol in the mixture. Any HFApropellant suitable for inhalation can be used, butHFA-134a or HFA-227ea is preferred. Aliphaticand/or hydrocarbon gases may be added to modifypropellant characteristics. The propellant is nor-mally present in an amount of about 60-94 percent by weight, based on the total weight of theaerosol formulation. Preferably, the aerosol for-mulation is substantially free of chlorofluorocar-bons. (Source:


Hot water to sterilizenursery pots and trays

Wet heat treatment provides the best alternativeto methyl bromide for sterilizing plastic pots andcontainers in plant nurseries, a study by Horticul-tural Development Company, the United Kingdom,has found. Scientists found that wet heat treat-ment (via a hot water bath) proved to be the mosteffective method for controlling the test organ-isms, which included two fungi Rhizoctonia solaniand Pythium intermedium, the seeds of weedshairy bittercress and pearlwort, bud and leafnematodes, and western flower thrips.

Control was achieved with minimal risk of carry-over when pots were exposed to 10 minutes wetheat treatment at 60ºC. The report also statesother nursery material such as capillary mattingcan also be treated this way. Contact: Horticul-tural Development Company, Bradbourne House,East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ, United Kingdom.Tel: +44 (1732) 848383; Fax: +44 (1732) 848498;E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Green alternativesto chemical pesticides

Root-knot nematodes are parasitic, microscopicand omnipresent worms that cause considerabledamage to horticultural and field crops in sub-tropical regions, resulting in significant financiallosses to growers and gardeners. Until recently,fumigation of the soil with methyl bromide (MBr)before planting was the primary method for con-trolling root-knot nematodes in valuable vegetablecrops. However, since the discovery that it hassevere negative effects on the stratospheric ozonelayer, the use of MBr has been phased out in theUnited States.

To combat parasites like root-knot nematodeswithout the use of chemical pesticides, scientistsare focusing more research on developing new,parasite-resistant varieties of vegetables. Dr. JudyThies, a research plant pathologist at the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture’s AgriculturalResearch Service, was part of a research team

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that developed the Charleston Belle variety of bellpepper, the first nematode-resistant bell pepper.Dr. Thies and her colleagues tested the stabilityof two types of bell peppers – Charleston Belle andCarolina Wonder, the only nematode-resistantvarieties available to commercial growers andhome gardeners. They tested the peppers forresistance to nematodes in sub-tropical climatesto determine if the cultivars were stable whengrown in Florida under high soil temperatures.

The study results showed that nematode-resistantvarieties such as Charleston Belle and CarolinaWonder are viable alternatives to MBr for manag-ing southern root-knot nematode in bell pepperin sub-tropical environments. Contact: Mr. MichaelNeff, American Society for Horticultural Science,113 South West Street, Suite 200, Alexandria,VA 22314-2851, United States of America. Tel:+1 (703) 836 4606; Fax: +1 (703) 836 2024; E-mail: [email protected]. (Source:

Usage and resultsupdate on iodomethane

Arysta LifeScience, the United States, registeredits iodomethane product Midas® soil fumigant withthe United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) in October 2007, and received approval forthe pre-plant uses of Midas on: strawberries;tomatoes; peppers; field-grown ornamentals (in-cluding turf); tree fruit, nuts and vines; and nur-series (strawberry, conifer tree and vine).

Several novel requirements and practices havebeen implemented during the registration andcommercial phase-in with uses for Midas. Require-ments such as the Midas Qualified ApplicatorTraining Programme, implementation of nationalbuffer zones utilizing specific buffer zone credits,and the use of personal protective equipment. On-going practices include the use of a selection ofhighly retentive films (VIF, SIF, TIF, etc.) as anoption to reduce rates and buffer zones, updatingand modifying commercial application equipmentfor accurate Midas applications.

Commercial applications are underway in keygrowing regions of the United States, with positiveresults. Midas technical feasibility in fields witha variety of pest pressure, as well as various soiland moisture conditions has now been tested on

more than 3,000 acres. A wide variety of labelledcrops has been planted in soil treated with Midas.Commercial double cropping conditions have beenevaluated following Midas applications. Resultsof commercial applications indicate that econo-mic returns for crops planted into soil treated withMidas are cost-effective based on rates and costper acre. (Source:

Researchers seekreplant disease solutions

GPS-guided, shank-applied, spot treatments withfumigants are among experiments by the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture (USDA) and theUniversity of California Davis (UCD) scientistsseeking solutions to long-standing problems withreplant disease in almond and stone fruit orchards.Without soil fumigation and/or other steps beforeplanting, severe Prunus replant disease (PRD)kills or prevents growth in about half of replace-ment almond or stone fruit trees in California.

PRD is associated with a complex including soilconditions, fungi, bacteria and moulds from thepreceding crop. Parasitic nematodes can also playa role. “We sometimes find aggressive pathogenssuch as Armillaria, Phytophthora or Verticillium,”said Dr. Greg Browne, a USDA plant pathologistat UCD, who leads the Pacific Area-Wide PestManagement Programme for Integrated MethylBromide Alternatives. Dr. Browne’s team is probingseveral practices to find alternatives in view ofregulations on methyl bromide (MBr), Telone for-mulations and other fumigants. Results, basedon tree growth indicated by trunk diameter, ofresearch in orchards have revealed findings thatmay contribute to solutions, including:

� Chloropicrin and mixtures of it and iodometh-ane, Telone or MBr are more effective than thelatter three alone.

� Short-term rotations with Sudan grass, wheatfollowed by mustard, or a single fallow seasoncan reduce effects of PRD.

� Over- or under-irrigating almond trees replantedwithout pre-plant soil fumigation after removal ofalmond on peach rootstock can worsen PRD.

� GPS-controlled shank treatments applied totree sites before planting with chloropicrin/Telone,or drip irrigation-applied spot treatments with a

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formulation of the two chemicals, appear nearly aseffective as strip or broadcast treatments.

The spot-fumigation system, developed by Prof.Shrini Upadhyaya, UCD Agricultural and Biolo-gical Engineering Department, in co-operationwith TriCal Inc. is basically a conventional shank-rig mounted on a tractor. It is controlled by a GPScomputer for automatic and precise injection offumigant in a prescribed grid of rectangular areaswhere trees will be planted. The method savesconsiderable material compared with broadcastapplication. (Source:

Efficacy of ethanedinitrileagainst cereal pathogens

Scientists from CSIRO Entomology of Australiaand Agricultural Research Service of the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture have jointly as-sessed the efficacy of ethanedinitrile (EDN) at lowtemperatures (3-22ºC) against pathogens in cerealfeed grains. EDN, patented by CSIRO as a newfumigant against insects and micro-organisms,is being investigated by CSIRO Australia as analternative to methyl bromide (MBr) for a range ofother uses, including soil and timber fumigation.

The study reported preliminary assessment of effi-cacy at low temperatures against target pathogensincluding Tilletia indica Mitra, Peronosclerosporasorghi (sorghum downy mildew), Tilletia con-troversa Kühn (dwarf bunt) and Ustilago maydis(DC) Corda (boil smut). EDN has a thresholdlimit value (TLV) of 10 ppm, which comparesfavourably with 5 ppm for MBr. Treatments inclu-ded: (1) naked spores; (2) bunted seed, whenpresent as a propagule in the pathogen life cycle;and (3) spores dusted on maize.

EDN-treated material and untreated control sporesof T. indica, T. controversa and U. maydis wereseeded onto water-agar medium to assess viabi-lity based on spore germination. As oospores ofS. sorghi germinate poorly on artificial medium, abioassay on susceptible plants was used. Treatedoospores were mixed into the upper layer of soilin a plastic pot and planted with seeds of a highlysusceptible sorghum cultivar, and placed in agrowth chamber for disease development.

In general, though data indicate EDN was moretoxic at higher temperatures, good control was

obtained at the lowest temperature of 3ºC. Over-all, T. indica, with its large teliospore, was themost tolerant of the smut fungi. Naked teliosporeswere more easily controlled than spores still con-tained within the fungal structure of T. indica andT. controversa. All three smut species treatedwere controlled to a high level at all temperaturesand at dosages likely to be useful in treatmentschedules. No vital stains were shown to be ef-fective with oospores of P. sorghi, which couldbe because of annual dormancy of the oospores.Contact: Mr. J. E. van Someren Graver, CSIROEntomology, G.P.O. Box 1700, Canberra, ACT2615, Australia. (Source:

Soil disinfestationwith steam and solarization

Researchers at the University of California Davis,the United States, studied the efficacy of a soildisinfestation system comprising steam treatmentand solarization as a methyl bromide (MBr) alter-native for field-grown cut flowers and strawberry.High energy costs and lack of appropriate steamapplicators have limited the use of steam in com-mercial fields. Injecting steam into finished plantbeds with a mobile steam generator under clearpolyethylene mulch would allow steam to supple-ment solarization as needed. The research aimwas to develop an economical combined solari-zation and steam heat, soil disinfestation system.

Pathogen (Verticillium sp.) and weed seed (com-mon chickweed, knotweed, purslane, little mallowand yellow nutsedge) samples were first installedin the planting beds. Viability of the weed pro-pagules was determined using tetrazolium tests.Treatments included drip application of MBr +chloropicrin (MBrPic, 67:33) at 350 lb/acre, control(no MBrPic, solarization or steam), solarizationalone, steam alone, and steam + solarization.For steam + solarization treatments, beds weresolarized before and after steam application. Forsteam treatments, steam was injected to raise thebed temperature to 70ºC for 30 min.

Solarization alone did not have the same efficacyas MBrPic. Steam, with or without solarization,resulted in weed control similar to MBrPic. Peaktemperatures of >78ºC in the steam treatmentsdid eliminate weeds as well as MBrPic. (Source:

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TECH EVENTS18-21 Mar Heating, Air-Conditioning,Koyang City Refrigeration and Fluid ExhibitionKorea Contact: HARFKO Secretariat,

Korea Refrigeration andAir-Conditioning Industry Association(KRAIA), 161-7, Samsung-dong,Kangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-090,Republic of Korea.Tel: +82 (2) 5582 541;Fax: +82 (2) 3697 515;E-mail: [email protected];Website:

31 Mar-2 Apr HVACR Viet Nam 2009Ho chi Minh Contact: IIR Exhibitions Pte. Ltd.,Viet Nam 205 Henderson Road, #03-01,

Henderson Industraial Park,Singapore 159549.Tel: +65 6319 2668;Fax: +65 6319 2669;E-mail: [email protected].

19-20 May Blowing Agents and FoamingHamburg Processes 2009Germany Contact: Conference Department,

Smithers Rapra Technology Limited,Shawbury, Shrewsbury,Shropshire SY4 4NR,The United Kingdom.Tel: +44 (1939) 250 383;E-mail: [email protected].

20-22 May The 4th Asian Conference onTaiwan Refrigeration and Air-conditioningChina 2009

Contact: Prof. Yang-Cheng Shih,Secretary General of ACRA 2009,Department of Energy andRefrigerating Air-conditioningEngineering, National TaipeiUniversity of Technology, 1, Sec. 3,Chung Hsiao E Road, Taipei 10608,Taiwan province of China.Tel: +886 (2) 2771 2171, ext. 3501;Fax: +886 (2) 877 33713;E-mail: [email protected].

23-26 Jun IIR Conference on ThermophysicalBoulder Properties and Transfer ProcessesUnited States of Refrigerants

Contact: Conference Secretariat,United States of America.Tel: +1 (301) 9755 868;E-mail: [email protected].

7-11 Sep RHVAC 2009Bangkok Contact: Thai Trade Fair, 22/77,Thailand Rachadapisek Road, Chatuchak,

Bangkok 10900, Thailand.Tel: +66 (2) 5116 020;Fax: +66 (2) 5116 008-10;E-mail: [email protected].


8th IIR Gustav LorentzenConference onNatural Working Fluids

The proceedings of the 8th IIR Gustav LorentzenConference on Natural Working Fluids held inCopenhagen on 7-10 September 2008 comprise130 papers. They provide a wealth of informationon a broad range of natural refrigerants and theirapplications. Fifty papers deal with CO2, 15 areon heat pumps, 8 cover ammonia, 8 deal withhydrocarbons, 8 are on sorption and 10 deal withsecondary refrigerants including two-phase andslurry technology.

Main topics covered include: hydrocarbons; micro-channels; sorption; not-in-kind technologies; heatpumps; secondary refrigerants and slurries; CO2;ammonia; safety issues; and refrigerant combi-nations and novel fluids.

Refrigerant Cycle Data:Thermophysical Properties ofRefrigerants for Applications inVapour-Compression Systems

The aim of this booklet is to give the most impor-tant thermophysical property data for a number ofdifferent refrigerants with applications to vapour-compression systems in an easily accessible form.Tables provided cover basic cycles at differentevaporating and condensing temperatures, thepressure ratio, volumetric capacity and isentropiccompression work. The coefficients of perform-ance of cycles with isentropic compression aregiven, as is the thermodynamic efficiency of eachcycle. Data given cover the following refrigerants:R-32, R-125, R-134a, R-152a, R-290, R-404A,R-407C, R-410A, R-507, R-508A, R-600a, R-717,R-744 and R-1270.

For the above two publications, contact: Inter-national Institute of Refrigeration, 177 boulevardMalesherbes, 75017 Paris, France. Tel: +33 (1)4227 3235; Fax: +33 (1) 4763 1798.

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� VATIS Update (6 issues/year)� Biotechnology (e-version)� Non-conventional Energy (e-version)� Food Processing (e-version)� Ozone Layer Protection# (e-version)� Waste Management (e-version)

Indian Rupees* US Dollars*BOOKS (India, Bhutan

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� Managing Innovation for the New Economy: Training Manual, 2002 1,000.00 50.00Volume 1: How to Guide & Quick reference materialsVolume 2: Articles & Lectures

� Regional Capacity-building for the Adoption of ISO-14000 and 600.00 30.00Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology: Training Manual, 2000

� Small Rural Industries in the Asia Pacific Region: Enhancement of 600.00 30.00Competitiveness of Small Rural Industries in a Liberalized EconomicEnvironment and the Impact of Poverty Alleviation, 2000

� Technology Transfer and Technological Capacity-building in Asiaand the Pacific� Volume 1: Big Countries and Developed Economies, 1999 600.00 30.00� Volume 2: ASEAN, NIEs, SAARC and the Islamic Republic 600.00 30.00 of Iran, 1999� Volume 3: Least Developed and Pacific Island Countries and 600.00 30.00 Economies in Transition, 1999� Volume 4: Emerging Issues in Regional Technological Capability- 600.00 30.00 building and Technology Transfer, 1999

� Rural Industrialization as a Means of Poverty Alleviation: Report of 600.00 30.00the Regional Seminar on the Enhancement of Partnerships amongGovernmental, Non-governmental and Private Sector Entities for thePromotion of Rural Industrialization for Poverty Alleviation, 1999

� Institutional Development for Investment Promotion and Technology 500.00 25.00Transfer, 1999

� Ozone Depletion Substances Phase-out Technologies: Problems & 300.00 15.00Issues on Technology Transfer, Absorption and Generation, 1998

� Development and Utilization of S&T Indicators: Emerging Issues in 300.00 15.00Developing Countries of the ESCAP Region, 1998

� ODS Phase-out: A Guide for Industry, 1998 500.00 25.00

� Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting on Technology Management 800.00 40.00Education and Training for Developing Countries, 1997

Notes: Amount less than Rs 500 should be sent through a demand draft only. Otherwise, payment should be made by cheque/demanddraft/UNESCO coupon in favour of the Asian & Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, payable at New Delhi.# Print version supported by the Ozone Cell, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, for distribution to a selecttarget group.* Amount to be sent to APCTT with the order for covering costs and handling charges.

Page 20: VATIS UPDATE Ozone Layer Protection