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  • 7/29/2019 vc101


    Estimation of Variances and Covariances

    1 Variables and Distributions

    Random variables are samples from a population with a given set of population parameters.Random variables can be discrete, having a limited number of distinct possible values, orcontinuous.

    2 Continuous Random Variables

    The cumulative distribution function of a random variable is

    F(y) = P r(Y y),

    for < y < .

    As y approaches , then F(y) approaches 0. As y approaches , then F(y) approaches 1.

    F(y) is a nondecreasing function of y. If a < b, then F(a) < F(b).

    p(y) = F(y)

    y = F

    (y), wherever the derivative exists.

    p(y) y = 1.

    F(t) =t

    p(y) y.

    E(y) =

    y p(y) y

    E(g(y)) =

    g(y)p(y) y

    V ar(y) = E(y2) [E(y)]2.

    2.1 Normal Random Variables

    Random variables in animal breeding problems are typically assumed to be samples from Normaldistributions, where

    p(y) = (2).51 exp(.5(y )22)

    for < x < +, where 2 is the variance of y and is the expected value of y.


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    For a random vector variable, y, the multivariate normal density function is

    p(y) = (2).5n | V |.5 exp(.5(y )V1(y ))

    denoted as y N(, V) where V is the variance-covariance matrix of y. The determinant ofV must be positive, otherwise the density function is undefined.

    2.2 Chi-Square Random Variables

    If y N(0, I), then yy 2n, where 2n is a central chi-square distribution with n degrees of

    freedom and n is the length of the random vector variable y.

    The mean is n. The variance is 2n. If s = yy > 0, then

    p(s | n) = (s)(n/2)1 exp 0.5s/[20.5n(0.5n)].

    If y N(, I), then yy 2n, where is the noncentrality parameter which is equal to.5. The mean of a noncentral chi-square distribution is n + 2 and the variance is 2n + 8.

    Ify N(, V), then yQy has a noncentral chi-square distribution only if QV is idempotent,i.e. QVQV = QV. The noncentrality parameter is = .5QVQ and the mean and varianceof the distribution are tr(QV) + 2 and 2tr(QV) + 8, respectively.

    If there are two quadratic forms of y, say yQy and yPy, and both quadratic forms havechi-square distributions, then the two quadratic forms are independent if QVP = 0.

    2.3 The Wishart Distribution

    The Wishart distribution is similar to a multivariate Chi-square distribution. An entire matrixis envisioned of which the diagonals have a Chi-square distribution, and the off-diagonals havea built-in correlation structure. The resulting matrix is positive definite. This distribution isneeded when estimating covariance matrices, such as in multiple trait models, maternal genetic

    effect models, or random regression models.

    2.4 The F-distribution

    The F-distribution is used for hypothesis testing and is built upon two independent Chi-squarerandom variables. Let s 2n and v

    2m with s and v being independent, then


    (v/m) Fn,m.


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    The mean of the F-distribution is m/(m 2). The variance is

    2m2(n + m 2)

    n(m 2)2(m 4)


    3 Expectations of Random Vectors

    Let y1 be a random vector variable, then

    E(y1) = 1 =




    for a vector of length n. If c is a scalar constant, then

    E(cy1) = c1.

    Similarly, if C is a matrix of constants, then

    E(Cy1) = C1.

    Let y2 be another random vector variable of the same length as y1, then

    E(y1 + y2) = E(y1) + E(y2)= 1 + 2.

    4 Variance-Covariance Matrices

    Let y be a random vector variable of length n, then the variance-covariance matrix of y is:

    V ar(y) = E(yy

    ) E(y)E(y



    2y1 y1y2 y1yny1y2

    2y2 y2yn


    . . ....

    y1yn y2yn 2yn

    = V

    A variance-covariance (VCV) matrix is square, symmetric and should always be positive definite,i.e. all of the eigenvalues must be positive.


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    Another name for VCV matrix is a dispersion matrix or (co)variance matrix.

    Let C be a matrix of constants conformable for multiplication with the vector y, then

    V ar(Cy) = E(CyyC) E(Cy)E(yC)

    = CE(yy)C CE(y)E(y)C

    = C

    E(yy) E(y)E(y)


    = CV ar(y)C = CVC.

    If there are two sets of functions of y, say C1y and C2y, then

    Cov(C1y, C2y) = C1VC


    If y and z represent two different random vectors, possibly of different orders, and if the(co)variance matrix between these two vectors is W, then

    Cov(C1y, C2z) = C1WC


    5 Quadratic Forms

    Variances are estimated using sums of squares of various normally distributed variables, andthese are known as quadratic forms. The general quadratic form is


    where y is a random vector variable, and Q is a regulator matrix. Usually Q is a symmetricmatrix, but not necessarily positive definite.

    Examples of different Q matrices are as follows:

    1. Q = I, then yQy = yy which is a total sum of squares of the elements in y.

    2. Q = J(1/n), then yQy = yJy(1/n) where n is the length of y. Note that J = 11, so

    that y

    Jy = (y


    y) and (1

    y) is the sum of the elements in y.

    3. Q = (I J(1/n)) /(n 1), then yQy gives the variance of the elements in y, 2y .

    The expected value of a quadratic form is

    E(yQy) = E(tr(yQy)) = E(tr(Qyy)) = tr(QE(yy)),

    and the covariance matrix is

    V ar(y) = E(yy) E(y)E(y)


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    so thatE(yy) = V ar(y) + E(y)E(y),

    then E(yQy) = tr(Q(V ar(y) + E(y)E(y))).

    Let V ar(y) = V and E(y) = , then

    E(yQy) = tr(Q(V + ))

    = tr(QV) + tr(Q)

    = tr(QV) + Q.

    The expectation of a quadratic form was derived without knowing the distribution ofy. However,the variance of a quadratic form requires that y follows a multivariate normal distribution.Without showing the derivation, the variance of a quadratic form, assuming y has a multivariate

    normal distribution, is

    V ar(yQy) = 2tr(QVQV) + 4QVQ.

    The quadratic form, yQy, has a chi-square distribution if

    tr(QVQV) = tr(QV), and QVQ = Q,

    or the single condition that QV is idempotent. Then if

    m = tr(QV) and = .5Q,

    the expected value of yQy is m + 2 and the variance is 2m + 8, which are the usual resultsfor a noncentral chi-square variable.

    The covariance between two quadratic forms, say yQy and yPy, is

    Cov(yQy, yPy) = 2tr(QVPV) + 4QVP.

    The covariance is zero if QVP = 0, then the two quadratic forms are said to be independent.

    6 Basic Model for Variance Components

    The general linear model is described as

    y = Xb + Zu + e,

    where E(y) = Xb,

    E(u) = 0,

    and E(e) = 0.


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    Often u is partitioned into s factors as

    u = (u1 u

    2 . . . u

    s ).

    The (co)variance matrices are defined as

    G = V ar(u) = V ar


    G121 0 . . . 0

    0 G222 . . . 0


    ...0 0 . . . Gs


    andR = V ar(e) = I20.

    ThenV ar(y) = V = ZGZ + R,

    and if Z is partitioned corresponding to u, as

    Z = [ Z1 Z2 . . . Zs ], then

    ZGZ =s



    i2i .

    Let Vi = ZiGiZ

    i and

    V0 = I, then

    V =


    Vi2i .

    6.1 Mixed Model Equations

    Hendersons mixed model equations (MME) are written as

    XR1X XR1Z1 XR1Z2 . . . X


    1X Z1R1Z1 + G




    1Z2 . . . Z


    Z2R1X Z2R

    1Z1 Z

    2R1Z2 + G



    2. . . Z2R












    R1X Zs

    R1Z1 Z

    sR1Z2 . . . Z

    sR1Zs + G















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    7 Unbiased Estimation of Variances

    Assume that all Gi are equal to I for this example, so that ZiGiZ

    i simplifies to ZiZ

    i. Let

    X =



    , Z1 =

    1 01 0

    0 1


    Z2 =

    1 00 1

    0 1

    , and y =





    V1 = Z1Z

    1 = 1 1 0

    1 1 00 0 1



    V2 = Z2Z

    2 =

    1 0 00 1 1

    0 1 1

    and V0 = I.

    7.1 Define the Necessary Quadratic Forms

    At least three quadratic forms are needed in order to estimate the variances. Below are threearbitrary Q-matrices that were chosen such that QkX = 0. Let

    Q1 =

    1 1 01 2 1

    0 1 1


    Q2 =

    1 0 10 1 1

    1 1 2


    and Q3 =

    2 1 11 2 11 1 2


    The numeric values of the quadratic forms are

    yQ1y = 657,

    yQ2y = 306,

    and yQ3y = 882.


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    For example,

    yQ1y = 29 53 44

    1 1 01 2 1

    0 1 1



    = 657.

    7.2 The Expectations of the Quadratic Forms

    The expectations of the quadratic forms are

    E(yQ1y) = trQ1V020 + trQ1V1

    21 + trQ1V2


    = 420 + 221 + 2


    E(yQ2y) = 420 + 4

    21 + 2



    Q3y) = 620 + 421 + 422.

    7.3 Equate Expected Values to Numerical Values

    Equate the numeric values of the quadratic forms to their corresponding expected values, whichgives a system of equations to be solved, such as F = w. In this case, the equations would be

    4 2 24 4 26 4 4





    which gives the solution as = F1w, or







    The resulting estimates are unbiased.

    7.4 Variances of Quadratic Forms

    The variance of a quadratic form is

    V ar(yQy) = 2trQVQV + 4bXQVQXb.

    Only translation invariant quadratic forms are typically considered in variance component esti-mation, that means bXQVQXb = 0. Thus, only 2trQVQV needs to be calculated. Remem-ber that V can be written as the sum of s + 1 matrices, Vi

    2i , then

    trQVQV = trQs


    Vi2i Q





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    tr QViQVj 2i


    For example, if s = 2, then

    trQVQV = trQV0QV040 + 2trQV0QV1



    + 2trQV0QV220

    22 + trQV1QV1


    + 2trQV1QV221

    22 + trQV2QV2


    The sampling variances depend on

    1. The true magnitude of the individual components,

    2. The matrices Qk

    , which depend on the method of estimation and the model, and

    3. The structure and amount of the data through X and Z.

    For small examples, the calculation of sampling variances can be easily demonstrated. In thiscase,

    V ar(F1w) = F1V ar(w)F1


    a function of the variance-covariance matrix of the quadratic forms.

    Using the small example of the previous section, the V ar(w) is a 3x3 matrix. The (1,1)element is the variance of yQ1y which is

    V ar(yQ1y) = 2trQ1VQ1V

    = 2trQ1V0Q1V040 + 4trQ1V0Q1V1




    22 + 2trQ1V1Q1V1



    22 + 2trQ1V2Q1V2


    = 2040 + 1620

    21 + 16


    22 + 8

    41 + 0


    22 + 8


    The (1,2) element is the covariance between the first and second quadratic forms,

    Cov(yQ1y, yQ2y) = 2trQ1VQ2V,

    and similarly for the other terms. All of the results are summarized in the table below.

    Forms 40 20








    V ar(w1) 20 16 16 8 0 8Cov(w1, w2) 14 24 8 16 0 8Cov(w1, w3) 24 24 24 16 0 16V ar(w2) 20 48 16 32 16 8Cov(w2, w3) 24 48 24 32 16 16V ar(w3) 36 48 48 32 16 32


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    To get numeric values for these variances, the true components need to be known. Assumethat the true values are 20 = 250,

    21 = 10, and

    22 = 80, then the variance of w1 is

    V ar(w1) = 20(250)


    + 16(250)(10) + 16(250)(80)+8(10)2 + 0(10)(80) + 8(80)2

    = 1, 662, 000.

    The complete variance- covariance matrix of the quadratic forms is

    V ar




    1, 662, 000 1, 147, 800 2, 144, 0001, 147, 800 1, 757, 200 2, 218, 400

    2, 144, 000 2, 218, 400 3, 550, 800


    The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated variances (assuming the above true values)would be

    V ar() = F1V ar(w)F1


    405, 700 275, 700 240, 700275, 700 280, 900 141, 950

    240, 700 141, 950 293, 500

    = C.

    7.5 Variance of A Ratio of Variance Estimates

    Often estimates of ratios of functions of the variances are needed for animal breeding work, suchas heritabilities, repeatabilities, and variance ratios. Let such a ratio be denoted as a/c where

    a = 22 = (0 0 1) = 72.

    andc = 20 +

    21 +

    22 = (1 1 1) = 288.

    (NOTE: the negative estimate for 21 was set to zero before calculating c.

    From Osborne and Patterson (1952) and Rao (1968) an approximation to the variance of aratio is given by

    V ar(a/c) = (c2V ar(a) + a2V ar(c) 2ac Cov(a, c))/c4.

    Now note that

    V ar(a) = (0 0 1)C( 0 0 1 ) = 293, 500,

    V ar(c) = (1 1 1)C( 1 1 1 ) = 231, 200,

    Cov(a,c, ) = (0 0 1)C( 1 1 1 ) = 194, 750.


    V ar(a/c) = [(288)2(293, 500) + (72)2(231, 200)

    2(72)(288)(194, 750)]/(288)4

    = 2.53876


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    This result is very large, but could be expected from only 3 observations. Thus, (a/c) = .25with a standard deviation of 1.5933.

    Another approximation method assumes that the denominator has been estimated accurately,so that it is considered to be a constant, such as the estimate of 2e . Then,

    V ar(a/c) = V ar(a)/c2.

    For the example problem, this gives

    V ar(a/c) = 293, 500/(288)2 = 3.53853,

    which is slightly larger than the previous approximation. The second approximation would notbe suitable for a ratio of the residual variance to the variance of one of the other components.Suppose a = 2


    = 216, and c = 2


    = 72, then (a/c) = 3.0, and

    V ar(a/c) = [(72)2(405, 700) + (216)2(293, 500)

    2(72)(216)(240, 700)]/(72)4

    = 866.3966,

    with the first method, and

    V ar(a/c) = 405, 700/(72)2 = 78.26,

    with the second method. The first method is probably more realistic in this situation, but bothare very large.

    8 Useful Derivatives of Quantities

    The following information is necessary for derivation of methods of variance component estima-tion based on the multivariate normal distribution.

    1. The (co)variance matrix of y is

    V =s



    i2i + R


    = ZGZ + R.

    Usually, each Gi is assumed to be I for most random factors, but for animal models Gimight be equal to A, the additive genetic relationship matrix. Thus, Gi does not alwayshave to be diagonal, and will not be an identity in animal model analyses.


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    2. The inverse of V is

    V1 = R1 R1Z(ZR1Z + G1)1ZR1.

    To prove, show that VV1 = I. Let T = ZR1Z + G1, then

    VV1 = (ZGZ + R)[R1 R1ZT1ZR1]


    +I ZT1ZR1

    = I + [ZGT ZGZR1Z Z](T1ZR1)

    = I + [ZG(ZR1Z + G1) ZGZR1Z Z](T1ZR1)

    = I + [ZGZR1Z + Z ZGZR1Z Z](T1ZR1)

    = I + [0](T1ZR1)

    = I.

    3. Ifk is a scalar constant and A is any square matrix of order m, then

    | Ak | = km | A | .

    4. For general square matrices, say M and U, of the same order then

    | MU | = | M | | U | .

    5. For the general matrix below with A and D being square and non-singular (i.e. the inverseof each exists), then

    A BQ D

    =| A | | D + QA

    1B |=| D | | A + BD1Q | .

    Then if A = I and D = I, then | I |= 1, so that

    | I + QB | = | I + BQ |

    = | I + BQ |

    = | I + QB | .


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    6. Using the results in (4) and (5), then

    | V | = | R + ZGZ |

    = | R(I + R1ZGZ) |= | R | | I + R1ZGZ |

    = | R | | I + ZR1ZG |

    = | R | | (G1 + ZR1Z)G |

    = | R | | G1 + ZR1Z | | G | .

    7. The mixed model coefficient matrix of Henderson can be denoted by

    C =

    XR1X XR1Z

    ZR1X ZR1Z + G1

    then the determinant of C can be derived as

    | C | = | XR1X |

    | G1 + Z(R1 R1X(XR1X)XR1)Z |

    = | ZR1Z + G1 |

    | X(R1 R1Z(ZR1Z + G1)1ZR1)X | .

    Now let S = R1 R1X(XR1X)XR1 then

    | C | = | XR1X | | G1 + ZSZ |

    = | ZR1Z + G1 | | XV1X | .

    8. A projection matrix, P, is defined as

    P = V1 V1X(XV1X)XV1.

    Properties of P:

    PX = 0,

    Py = V1(y Xb), where

    b = (XV1X)XV1y.


    iPy = (y Xb)V1ZiGiZ

    iV1(y Xb).


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    9. Derivative of V1 isV1

    2i= V1



    10. Derivative of ln | V | is

    ln | V |

    2i= tr




    11. Derivative of P isP

    2i = P


    2i P.

    12. Derivative of V isV

    2i= ZiGiZ


    13. Derivative of ln | XV1X | is

    ln | XV1X |

    2i= tr(XV1X)XV1



    9 Random Number Generators and R

    R has some very good random number generators built into it. These functions are very usefulfor application of Gibbs sampling methods in Bayesian estimation. Generators for the uniformdistribution, normal distribution, Chi-square distribution, and Wishart distribution are nec-

    essary to have. Below are some examples of the various functions in R. The package calledMCMCpack should be obtained from the CRAN website.


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    # Uniform distribution generator# num = number of variates to generate# min = minimum number in range# max = maximum number in rangex = runif(100,min=5,max=10)

    # Normal distribution generator# num = number of deviates to generate# xmean = mean of the distribution you want# xSD = standard deviation of deviates you wantw = rnorm(200,-12,16.3)

    # Chi-square generator# num = number of deviates to generate# df = degrees of freedom# ncp = non-centrality parameter, usually 0w = rchisq(15,24,0)

    # Inverted Wishart matrix generator# df = degrees of freedom# SS = matrix of sum of squares and crossproductsU = riwish(df,SS)

    # New covariance matrix is the inverse of UV = ginv(U)

    A Chi-square variate with m degrees of freedom is the sum of squares of m random normaldeviates. The random number generator, however, makes use of a gamma distribution, whichwith the appropriate parameters is a Chi-square distribution.

    The uniform distribution is the key distribution for all other distribution generators. R usesthe Mersenne Twister (Matsumoto and Nishimura, 1997) with a cycle time of 219937 1. The

    Twister is based on a Mersenne prime number.

    10 Positive Definite Matrices

    A covariance matrix should be positive definite. To check a matrix, compute the eigenvaluesand eigenvectors of the matrix. All eigenvalues should be positive. If they are not positive, thenthey can be modified, and a new covariance matrix constructed from the eigenvectors and themodified set of eigenvalues. The procedure is shown in the following R statements.


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    # Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectorsGE = eigen(G)

    nre = length(GE $values)for(i in 1:nre) {qp = GE$ values[i]if(qp < 0)qp = (qp*qp)/10000

    GE$ values[i] = qp }

    # Re-form new matrixGh = GE$ vectorsGG = Gh %*% diag(GE$values) %*% t(Gh)

    If the eigenvalues are all positive, then the new matrix, GG, will be the same as the inputmatrix, G.


    1. This is an example of Hendersons Method 1 of unbiased estimation of variance compo-nents. Let

    y = 1 + Z1u1 + Z2u2 + e,

    with data as follows:







    1 0 00 1 00 0 11 0 00 1 00 0 10 1 00 1 0

    0 0 10 1 01 0 01 0 0




    1 0 0 01 0 0 00 1 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 10 0 1 00 1 0 0

    1 0 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 10 0 0 1


    + e.

    Also,V = Z1Z

    121 + Z2Z

    222 + I


    Calculate the following:

    (a) M = 1(11)11


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    (b) A = Z1(Z


    (c) B = Z2(Z


    (d) Q0 = I M(e) Q1 = A M

    (f) Q2 = B M

    (g) yQ0y

    (h) yQ1y

    (i) yQ2y

    (j) E(yQ0y) = tr(Q0V0)20 + tr(Q0V1)

    21 + tr(Q0V2)


    (k) E(yQ1y)

    (l) E(yQ2y)

    (m) Estimate the variances.

    (n) Compute the variances of the estimated variances.

    2. Check the following matrix for positive definiteness, and create a new modified matrixfrom it, that is positive definite (if it is not already positive definite).

    R =

    1 2 3 4 52 3 1 3 4

    3 1 7 3 54 3 3 11 2

    5 4 5 2 15

