vce information night 2015. support team school principal margaret buttigieg head of operations...

Download VCE INFORMATION NIGHT 2015. SUPPORT TEAM School Principal Margaret Buttigieg Head of Operations Simon Beaumont Pathways Coordinator Marita Elvish VCE

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  • Slide 1
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  • SUPPORT TEAM School Principal Margaret Buttigieg Head of Operations Simon Beaumont Pathways Coordinator Marita Elvish VCE Coordinators Ian Van Schie (Y12) Emma Conolly (Y11)
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  • Tonights Format Our Vision Requirements of VCE Pathways Well-being A panel of past students Individual questions answered
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  • Our vision VCE students and staff will strive to reach their best by supporting each other in a positive and enthusiastic learning environment.
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  • How we will achieve our vision Our policy was developed by the leaders This can be found in the Appendices section of the Handbook The policy is in all classrooms It lists clear expectations of what the VCE students want from each other
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  • VCE requirements
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  • Student Handbook Need more clarification? Please refer to the handbook Speak to one of us at the end of the night Contact us throughout the year
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  • Number of units In Year 12 it is a requirement that students choose five Unit 3-4 subjects even if they have already completed a Unit 3-4 in Year 11. Consideration will be given to students who have a documented medical history.
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  • Achieving a Satisfactory (S) Students must: Meet the required standard Submit work on time Submit work that is clearly their own work Observe the VCAA and school rules.
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  • Receiving a Non-satisfactory (N) The work is not of the required standard The deadline has not been met The students work cannot be authenticated There has been a substantive breach of rules e.g. school attendance rules.
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  • Attendance Students may have no more than a total of five unexplained absences from any one unit of study in a semester. If a student has a medical certificate it is not an unexplained absence If a student is absent from a SAC a doctors certificate or other relevant notification from a professional qualified must be supplied.
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  • School-assessed Coursework (SACs) Assessment tasks completed in class within a specific time constraint Most classes will have three to five SACs per semester Units 1 and 2 SACs are marked internally only Units 3 and 4-SACs are also marked internally They: may be changed by VCAA depending on the cohorts exam results Combine with the end of year exam to create a study score (rank) The study scores then are changed into an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
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  • Study scores Last Year 68 CGS students sat Year 11 Exams. Our biggest cohort yet! Over 43,000 students sat the English exam in 2014. Our students will be measured and ranked against these students using the end-of-year exams
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  • Study scores A Unit 3 & 4 subject is marked out of 50. The majority (68%) of students score between 23-37 The state median score is 30 Scores above 40 are in the top 9% of the state Scores above 45 are in the top 2% of the state Students who score 50 are in the top.3% in the state
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  • For Your Interest Year 11 students across the state do better, (on average 3 points higher), than when they are in Year 12. Why? Year 11 students only have one unit 3-4 to focus on. Time Management and Organisational skills are essential in Year 12!
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  • Practice Examinations Will be held in the Term Three holidays All students completing a Unit 3/4 need to attend. Why?
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  • SEA application- Please see or email me
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  • The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) Once study scores are given out in each subject, these results are used to calculate the ATAR The English study score is taken first, followed by the next best three 10% of the fifth and sixth subject is added This adds up to a score somewhere between 0 and 210 The score is adjusted to between 0 and 99.95
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  • Pathways Marita Elvish
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  • Stress at Year 12 It is very real and is also natural. Year 12 is when your student needs your support the most. This might mean different things for different students They might need space at times An environment for quiet study Discipline at times from you
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  • The Panel
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  • Were you surprised with your study scores? Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana Callum
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  • Did your study scores remain the same for the ATAR? Aaron Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee
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  • Did you have to sacrifice anything to ensure success? Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee Aaron
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  • How did you manage your time? Callum Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana
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  • How did you keep yourself motivated? Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana Callum
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  • How important were study sessions for you at school? Aaron Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee
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  • What role did your parents play in your studies? Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee Aaron
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  • Where was the most effective place to study at home? Callum Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana
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  • What distractions did you have to overcome? Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana Callum
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  • What is the one bit of advice you would give to other students completing VCE? Aaron Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee
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  • What would you do differently if you had to do it again? Adriana Callum Brittany-Lee Aaron
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  • Any other comments? Brittany-Lee Aaron Adriana Callum
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  • Conclusion Please read the handbook carefully with your student. The Handbook and PowerPoint will be available on our website If you have any questions throughout the year please do not hesitate to contact us.