veer magazine

a road trip is a escape rom norma lity .  veer i s a g uide or road trips with odd and unique attractions, stops along the  way . these places have bee n around or a while and multiple generations have been able to enjoy these same places. veer present these oddities in a clean package. a resh and modern approach with hints o nostalgia. veer

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a road trip is a escape rom normality.

 veer is a guide or road trips with odd

and unique attractions, stops along the

 way. these places have been around

or a while and multiple generations

have been able to enjoy these same

places. veer present these oddities in

a clean package. a resh and modern

approach with hints o nostalgia.

v e e r

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“Fuzzy socks are a must on long trips

for me. Cozy toes are happy toes!”

“I have to bring my own pillow

with me on a road trip because

that is the only way I can even get a wink of sleep on the road.”

“I love my dad, but not his snoring!

If you value sleep then ear plugs

are a must have for road trips with

my family.”

“You never know where you will be

when you need to pee. Toilet paper

is a must have road trip item for me!”

     j       o    r        d    a    n

    s      t    e    p 

         h    a    n

     i    e

  l         a i      r  e 

 t    r   a c e 


C O N T R I B U T O R S 

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 f e a t u r e s 

 d e p a r t m e n t s 

GOOD EATS   19Indulging exploration

of roadside diners

SIXTY SIX   27experiences on the road


ODDLY ATTRACTIVE   41odd roadside attractions

AMERICA’S MAINSTREET   61navigating route 66 and

the lodging along the way

 TUNES 10fresh new mixes and playlist 

FRESH FINDS 14along the way…must haves

SIDE KICKS   74diy map journal and more

UP NEXT   78upcoming events

 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S


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Our Fisheye, Telephoto, Wide Angle

and Macro Lenses are like pro-lenses

for your phone!

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1 -

2 d a r k f a n t a s yk a n y e w e s t 3 r e a d y t o s t a r t

a r c a d e f i r e1 t r u t ha l e x a n d e r

D E T H A W |   p l a y l i s t o n e


c r e a t i n g a n e w g e n r e  

 p l a y l i st 


period, lightly lulled and never

challenged. Mr. Bundick recently

released a third ull-length album

“Anything in Return” (Carpark)

But even though that tag was oten

applied to Toro y Moi, the recording

project o Chaz Bundick, it oten elt


B U N D I C K ’ S M U S I C S I Z Z L E D



Bundick embraces acleaner and mellower

sound that’s more

indebted to hip-hop. He

wears h is inspirat ions

proudly, and throughout

there’s a clear nod to

certain producers .

Chillwave may or may not have been

a proper wave, but it was deinitely

chill. A couple o years ago, artists

 were saddled with that tag or making

music that was downtempo, cloudy,

melancholy, anesthetizing. One could

rightly have oated through the time


 T U N E S |    f r e s h n e w m i x e s 

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5 n o o n e ’ s g o n n a l o v ey o u c e e l o g r e e n 6 t h e b o u l d e r

g e o g r o p h e r4 o u r d e a lb e s t c o a s t

o n e t w o t h r e e

f o u r f i v e

1 - T e n n i s |   C A P E   D O R Y

Embracing a grander landscape o ideas and eelings, revealing a riskier, looser version o the band.

2 - S a n t i g o l d |   S A N T I G O L D

Goal o the album was to “help break down boundaries and genre classi ications”.

3 - T h e S t r o k e s |   R O O M O N F I R E

The results are st i l l sleek, sexy and thri l l ing, with a tantalizing promise o even better to come.

4 - P h a n t o g r a m |   E Y E L I D M O V E M E N T

Street beat , psych pop, lots o rhythms, swirl ing guitars, spacey keyboards, echoes, a iry vocals. 

5 - N e o n I n d i a n |   P S C H I C C H A S M S

Synths with a hazy, DIY, out-o-ocus eel merged with downbeat, bass-heavy mood pieces.

 a l b u m s 

 T U N E S |    f r e s h n e w m i x e s 

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    h    i   v   e   m   o    d   e   r   n .   c   o   m

Panier Side Table • Victoria Ghost Chair • La Marie 

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2 b a l l p o i n t p e nd e l f o n i c s 3 s o c k s

u r b a n o u t f i t t e r s 4 p o c k e t1 i p h o n e c a s ei n c a s e k e n t


a long the way must haves

m u s t h a v e s  

Cameras are becoming more and more stylize

Having a camera that is personal to your

esthetic sets you apart rom the rest. The Hi-

Matic Mahogany by Ilott Vintage is displayed

on the next page. This small and compact flm

camera is a price vintage fnd but similar styles

can be ound at other retailers.

Leather never goes out o style.

A strong dule bag is perect or

throwing in the car on the go.

 Whether you are heading out on

a long cross country road trip or a

small weekend get away, the dule

is a staple. The leather bag above is

called the Kensington Satchel and is

sold at Madewell.


02 F R E S H F I N D S |   i n t h e b a g

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5 n o t e b o o k s e tr i f f l e p a p e r c o . 6 7 8b a c k p a c k b a n d a n a s u n n i e

h e r s c h e l g e o g r a p h e r r a y b a n

 T h e K C |   B A L D W I N D E N I M

 T h e C l o u d |   S P E R R Y

I l o t t V i n t a g e |   H I - M A T I C M A H O G A N Y

1950s inspired baseball cap

commitment to heritage

wood panelling, film camera, 35 mm

Another staple or exploratory road trips are a hardy shoe.

These Sperry boots will stand up in all varieties o weather.

The Cloud line is or those who love our commitment to

heritage, but desire ashion orward updates. They are

comortable and stylish.

The KC, this classic hat can only be ound in Kansas City.

It is cut to the pattern o a 1950’s baseball cap. It is ftted

and sized traditionally, and typically runs true to a normal

hat size.

F R E S H F I N D S |   i n t h e b a g

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C U S T A R D . S T E A K . B U R G E R S


People on the interstate just want to

get rom point A to point B. All they

ever see are chain gas stations, chain

ast-ood places and chain motels.

Route 66 is about slowing down and

seeing America. Dive in and take

a look at some o the more unique

restaurants still open today!


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From February to December, you’ll fnd customers

lined up 10 deep in ront o the building at 6726

Chippewa — the most popular alignment o Route

66 through St. Louis — to order a Crater Copernicus

(devil’s ood cake with rozen custard, hot udge

and whipped cream), Dutchman Delight (chocolate,

butterscotch and nuts), or Fox Treat (hot udge,

raspberries and macadamia nuts).

Don’t let the crowds scare you o. While a long

line at some establishments may indicate that the

business is understaed or the service is slow, the

ast-moving lines at Ted Drewes’ are merely an

indicator o product quality. Everybody in St. Louis

goes to Ted’s — and because Ted knows it, he hires

enough employees to keep up with the crowds. I’ve

never had to wait in line longer than fve minutes.

Everyone’s tastes are dierent, but or my money

the Cardinal Sin (tart cherries and hot udge) and

Dutchman concretes are the best items on the

menu — at least until all, when Ted oers his

pumpkin pie concrete, which involves an entire

slice o pie mixed into a big cup o rozen custard.

“ If you f ind yourse lf w ith in 50 mi les of th is p lace ,

 do your se l f a fav or and exit t he freewa y t o enjoy one 

 of t he f i nest fr ozen de sser ts you’ l l ever taste.”

g o o d e a t s |   i n d u l g i n g e x p l o r a t i o n s  01F

 f r o z e n d e l i g ht 6 7 2 6 C h i p p e w a S t

S t L o u i s , M O 6 3 1 0 9

( 3 1 4 ) 4 8 1 - 2 6 5 2


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 T E D D R E W E S |   S t L o u i s , M O

F A V O R I T E I T E M   | c o o k i e d o u g h c o n c r et e  L A R G E | $ 5 . 0 0 R E G U L A R | $ 3 . 7 0


hawai ian 

 dutchman cardina l s i n 

chr isty 

carmel apple sundae 

 sout her n de l ig ht 

$4 . 5 0


3 . 1 0

$4 . 6 0

$2 . 8 0


2 . 8 0

$4 . 6 0pineapple, banana, coconut and macadamia nuts

chocolate, butterscotch and pecans

tart cherries and hot udge

iced brownie topped with caramel and hot udge

apple pie with custard, caramel and almond

praline pecans and butterscotch

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T H E B I G T E X A N  

 b i gge r i s b et t e r 

The Big Texan is the carnivore’s Everest, a gamble or

glory that mocks the rational mind. Dozens o billboards

along old Route 66 whet appetites rom Missouri to New 

Mexico. “Why do people do it?” said general manager

Dan Lee, repeating a question that has been asked o 

his amily-run restaurant or nearly our decades. The

answer is well-rehearsed: “Because it’s there.”

 T h e B i g T e x a n | A m a r i l l o , T x

“He had a meat hangover for 2 days 

 but it was w ort h t he exper ience .”

The 72-ounce sweepstakes dates to the Big Texan’s

inaugural year, 1959, when (according to legend)

a real-lie cowboy sauntered in o the range and

told Lee’s ather, the late R.J. “Bob” Lee, that he

 was hungry enough to eat a whole dadgum horse.

The elder Lee served him up a steak, then another

and another. By the time the cowboy said stop, he’d

devoured 72 ounces-a big enough pile o bull, as the

Lee amily delights in noting, to make anybody a

genuine Texan.

 T E X A S

7 7 0 1 I n t e r s t a t e 4 0

A m a r i l l o , T X

( 8 0 6 ) 3 7 2 - 6 0 0 0

g o o d e a t s |   i n d u l g i n g e x p l o r a t i o n s  01F

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F A V O R I T E I T E M |  b i g t e x a n f r i t o p i e S A N D W H I C H W / 1 S I D E | $ 1 0 . 0 0

“Every cross country goer should be 

 grateful f or t h is pl ace.”

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t o u gh c o m p et i t i o n  

 When it comes to burgers, it’s all about the bee 

and that’s where Bobcat Bite has the edge over

the competition. The owners still grind their

bee daily on the premises, using only hormone-

ree chuck shoulder and chuck tenders then

orming the patties by hand, careul to control

at content. The 50-year old cast iron grill is

 wonderully seasoned so that each burger is

prepared with remarkable consistency.

F A V O R I T E I T E M   |  g r e e n c h i l i c h e e s e b u rge r 1 0 o z . B U R G E R | $ 1 0 . 4 0

4 1 8 O l d L a s V e g a s H w y ,

S a n t a F e , N M 8 7 5 0 5

( 5 0 5 ) 9 8 3 - 5 3 1 9

g o o d e a t s |   i n d u l g i n g e x p l o r a t i o n s  01F

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Each burger is thick and juicy 9.5 ounce slab

o beautiul bee served with an American and

Swiss cheese blend, green chile, lettuce and

tomato. I you do opt to use a condiment on your

burger, use it sparingly because it’s the bee 

that may bring tears o joy to your eyes. The

only steak in New Mexico even comparable to

the utterly erotic deliciousness o the coarse

ground bee patty at the Bobcat Bite is the

peppery elk tenderloin at Geronimo.

B a c o n B u r g e r |   N e w M e x i c o

  The HO T pe ppers on my burger were so

 de l ic ious t he burger so juicy! Ma kes me 

crave one thinking about it! We are from  out of state and heard about t his pl ace 

 and we c oul d n ot resist st o ppi ng and 

enjoying what we considered one of the 

 BES T meal we had on our r oad tr i p!


must eat before you die 

 be st bu rger i n Amer ic a 

 be st bu rger & fr ies 

 be st re stau rant 










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 We started our journey in Chicago.

Traveling the whole way was a goal o 

mine and traveling with my riends

 would make it the best road trip yet.

 We started out on Adams Street at

Michigan Avenue. It is marked as

the starting point o Route 66 with a

lovely sticker covered sign.



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Beore we let town though we stopped at Lou Mitchell’s

classic diner. It is located near the beginning o Route

66. Its classic neon sign boasts “Serving the World’s

Finest Coee” so we had to try it. It was really crowded

 when we went got there and we thought we were getting

there early. But they do give out ree a box o Milk Duds

to every emale customer, when you tell them you are

traveling Route 66. This is a tradition that has been a

round or a super long time. The coee was pretty fne

but I don’t know about the “world’s fnest”. Ater our

coee, ood, and mild duds or the road, we set out.

The City was pretty crowded but we made it out and

headed south toward Wilmington. Once we all got

situated in the car Zoey whipped out a book and started

to dive in. It wasn’t until two pages in that we could stop

her and ask what she was reading. Zoey decided to read

us Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”. It was pretty ftting a

lot o what he talked about was close to where we were

driving. She kept reading until we reached Wilmington.

 Wilmington, Illinois calls itsel home to a little more

than 5,000 people, but it’s most photographed “citizen”

isn’t human. A Giant, a large fberglass “muer man”

o the 1960’s era resides in this small town and towers

over its occupants. Apparently, during the 60s these

colossal men could be ound all over America, holding

all manner o “tools” in their hands rom muers, to hot

S I X T Y S I Xe x p e r i e n c e s o n

t h e r o a d

R A C H E L |   b e f o r e t h e o h s o f i n e c o f f e e

s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

 we got our ree

milk duds and

got on the road.”

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dogs, to axes, and more. In this case,

the Gemini Giant sports a rocket

ship, a remnant o our ascination

 with outer space. Most o these very

tall men lost their lives as America

began to move aster and aster.

But here in Wilmington, the large

green man hangs tight. So we got

some pics and hopped in the car to

 journey Southward.

 We were getting pretty hungry just

outside o Springfeld and we heard

about this place we had to stop at.

On the road, you eat dierently

than you otherwise would. One o 

the things that always look more

appealing when you’re wheeling

once we saw our ride we

Knew we were going tohave a good time.”

H O T R O D | w e w e r e r e a d y t o b e o n t h e r o a d

around are corn dogs. In Springfeld,

Illinois, Bob “Buz” Waldmire claims

the batter-dipped weenies were

invented by his ather at the amily

restaurant, the Cozy Dog Drive In,

 which is still proudly making ‘em

out on Route 66. When it all started,

his dad, Ed, even carved the weenie

sticks himsel and worked tirelessly

to perect his batter, and calling the

dogs “Crusty Curs.” But his wie

 Virginia thought that Cozy Dog was

a little tastier sounding.

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s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

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Beore leaving Springield we had to

stop and see Lincoln. Legend has it that

i you rub his nose, you will have good

luck. Who knows? His tomb is there

along with a bust that has a shiny nose.

 When you go inside the mausoleum,

 you can also rub his shoes, horse’s nose

and more…

I was another hour and a hal in the

car beore we reached Saint Louis and

by that time we were ready or some

more ood. Ted Drewes Frozen Custard

is a St. Louis landmark. Almost more

amous than the shiny arch. It all started

 when tennis star Ted Sr. opened his

frst ice cream store in Florida in 1929,

ollowed by 2 others in St. Louis. In

1941, the amily opened the current

Chippewa location on old Route 66

They only serve the inest vanilla

rozen custard, and a wide variety

o toppings. They are amous or

their shakes known as “concrete”

so thick they can be turned upside

down without alling out o the cup

So tasty and so flling.

Fanning, Missouri is home to the

 World’s Largest Rocking Chair. It is

4 miles outside o Cuba on Historic

Route 66. It stands 42’ 4” Tall and

 weighs 27,500 lbs. Once a year the

local Volunteer Fire Department

lits people up to the chair or a

small ee to raise money or the fre

department. Unortunately we were

not there on the right day.

Zoey to read Jack

Kerouac’s On the Road to us

 while driving rom Chicago.”

s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

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Z O E Y |   r e a d i n g “ o n t h e r o a d ”

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Devil’s Elbow, Missouri is one o the

prettiest places on Route 66 in my

opinion. There’s a lot o history in

this area o Route 66 in the Ozarks.

The community got its start back in

1870 and was named or a particularly

bad bend in the Big Piney River

Lumberjacks would oat logs down

the river and they would seem to

always jam at this place. There was

a large boulder in the river at this

point that some lumberjacks swore

s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

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R A C H E L |   t a k i n g a l i t t l e b r e a k

Rachel was not a ano the bridge. It was

super long and pretty

high up.”

D E V I L S E L B O W |   h a d t o g e t o u t a n d w a l k i t

 was put there by the devil himsel just

to cause them grie. The community

o Devil’s Elbow is a like a page out

o history. Here the decades slip away

to another, simpler time, ar rom the

noise and bustle o the Interstate.

During the 1930s and 1940s Devil’s

Elbow was a resort community with

cabins, canoes, and the amous

Munger Moss Sandwich Shop o 

course. This truss bridge was built in

1923 and made obsolete by new US 66

bridge in 1942.

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s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

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Zoey decided to read

rom Chicago.”

It was starting to get dark as we road

into Carthage, MO and the 66 Drive-

In’s sign in a little hard to miss. We got

there with some extra time beore the

frst movie started. The 66 Drive-In is

a historic drive-in theater along U.S.

Route 66 which opened on September

22, 1949, our years beore the irst

local television stations signed on in

the Joplin-Springfeld area.

 When television became a rival

to cinema in the 1950s, movie

studios went to wide screen ormat

to dierentiate their product rom

broadcast TV; the drive-in’s screen

 was widened sometime ater 1953

to accommodate the change in

ormat. A playground was added

on-site during the baby boom era

The cinema was closed in 1985, but was renovated and reopened. It now

shows two movies Friday, Saturday

Sunday every week.

 We ended our frst night in Joplin

Missouri. Resting beore we took o

the next morning or Oklahoma.

 `  To re ad mo re ad ve nt ures vi sit ou r b l og at 

s i x t y s i x |   e x p e r i e n c e s o n t h e r o a d  01S

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R O A D S I D E A T T R A C T I O N S O N R O U T E 6 6



Ater apple pies and Big Macs, there

are ew things more American than

the summer road trip. From Route 66

to the Pacifc Coast Highway, put the

pedal to the metal and you’ll discover

majestic landscapes, small-town

hospitality, regional grub…and some

seriously weird roadside attractions.


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 The thing that’s so cool about Route 66

is the simple fact that places like Stew-

art’s Petrified Wood Shop exist there. I

can’t think of any other major highway

in the country where a combination os-

trich farm, petrified wood and meteorite

shop, and paper mache dinosaur empo-rium could exist, let alone thrive.

I really want to give this place 5 stars

for it’s sheer craziness. However, I want

to give it 1 star because I was a little bit

afraid for my life while I was here. I fig-

ure if I average the zaniness and the

fear that makes 4 stars (my life isn’t

weighted very high in this average).

 This place was so weird, but it is a must

see if you are ever visiting this part of the

country!!! I don’t ever want to come bac

here, but I’m so glad that we went solely

for the storytelling aspect. Being a horro

movie fan, I have to give this place 5 stars

for the horror movie creep factor.

Jen T.Andrew J. Jenna C.


Petriied wood is the brown gold o 

northeastern Arizona. It’s a commodity

that’s scattered along the ground

everywhere, and yet tourists will pay

money to get some – i you can get

them to stop. Today’s overstimulated

travelers aren’t inspired to pull o o 

the highway by the clunky, 1950s-era

art that advertises most petrifed wood


S T E WA R T’ S P E T R I F I E D W O O D  


H w y I - 4 0 , E x i t 3 0 3 , H o l l b r o o k , A Z

8 6 0 2 5 . p e t r i f i e d w o o d . c o m

o d d l y a t t r a c t i v e |   u n i q u e l y r o u t e 6 601A

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Why are the dinosaurs EATING the mannequins?

Charles takes a drag on a Winston. “Well, they got 

to be doing somethin’.” 

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Charles moved here rom Phoenix

in the 1970s and opened the rock

shop in 1994. He got the idea or

his dinosaurs soon aterward, ran it

past his wie, Gazell (who owns the

shop), and soon put his attention-

grabbing theories into practice.

He erected an animated, lying

dinosaur on his roo, two more in

ront o the shop, and one apiece on

the east and west approaches along

the interstate.

The dinosaurs are only the most

obvious o Charles’s sales gimmicks

He parks junk cars in ront o his

shop so that it appears as i he

always has a crowd (a classic tactic

used by other exit attractions).

The outside wall o Charles’s

modest rock shop has the same bad

log art - but he’s populated the rocky

entrance blu and surrounding

property with large, hand-made

dinosaurs, easily visible rom the

interstate. Some o them have

motors to make them move, some

are wrapped in strings o Christmas

bulbs that are lit and blink all night

-- and some o them have bloody

mouths illed with body parts and

hal-eaten lady mannequins.

“He parks junk cars in front of his shop so

that it appears as if he always has a crowd…”

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M e t e o r C r a t e r R d , W i n s l o w , A ZS o u t h o f e x i t 2 3 3 o f f o f I - 4 0 .

Nearly one mile across, 2.4 miles in circumfer-

ence and more than 550 feet deep. It has out-

door observation trails, air conditioned indoor

viewing, interactive discovery center, and a

gift and rock shop.

I - 4 0 , T w o G u n s , A Z . E x i t 2 3 0

f r o m I - 4 0 , s o u t h w e s t s i d e .

Two Guns is a ghost town whose ruins are

symbols of bygone days. Rickety wood bridges

and sliding rocks make it a hazardous place

to visit on your own. Real estate agents some-

times arrange special guided tours for groups.

O l d R o u t e 6 6 , T w i n A r r o w s , A Z .

E x i t 2 1 9 o f f o f e a s t - b o u n d I - 4 0

A weathered billboard near the Twin Arrows

Road exit describes Twin Arrows as the “Best 

Little Stop on I-40.” The Route 66 aficionadoshould not be discouraged by the “closed”

placard placed on the sign.

Charles is in his seventies now, and

talks o retirement. But his kids

-- two daughters who are lawyers

and a son with a doctorate -- are

not likely to take over the business.

“They make too much money,”

Charles said. He’s asking several

million or the place. People think

I’m gonna give it away,” he said.

“But I ain’t in no big hurry.” Neither

are the people who see Charles’s

dinosaurs and pull o o the road.

 j a c k r a b b i t t r a d i n g p o s t

meteor crater

two guns

twin arrows


“ This place was so weird, but it is a must see” –Jen T.

3 3 8 6 W H i g h w a y 6 6 , J o s e p h C i t y ,

A Z . I - 4 0 e x i t 2 6 9 , s o u t h e a s t s i d e

A convenience store and curio shop, with a

large fiberglass jackrabbit great for photos. In

the 2006 film Cars, the trading post’s ‘HERE

IT IS’ signage is depicted with a Model T Ford

in place of the jackrabbit and “Lizzie” (a 1923

Ford) as the store’s proprietor.

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An ar is tocracy o roadside

attractions has been raised over

the years: gloriied in photo

essays, calendars, blogs, and

Tweets; instantly recognizable as

icons. Great Monuments, we are

told, represent America’s hopes

and dreams, art and commerce,

materialism and spiritualism, olly

and ame.

Standing along Route 66 west o 

Amarillo, Texas, Cadillac Ranch

 was invented and built by a group

o art-hippies imported rom San

Francisco. They called themselves

The Ant Farm, and their silent

partner was billionaire Stanley

C A D I L L A C RA N C H  

 T E X A S

H w y I - 4 0 , E x i t 3 0 3 , H o l l b r o o k , A Z

8 6 0 2 5 / p e t r i f i e d w o o d . c o m

o d d l y a t t r a c t i v e |   u n i q u e l y r o u t e 6 601A

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Nicole T.Stephanie T. Ben S.

Marsh III.

They wanted a piece o public art

that would bale the locals, and

the hippies came up with a tribute

to the evolution o the Cadillac tail

in. Ten Caddies were driven into

one o Stanley Marsh 3’s felds, then

hal-buried, nose-down, in the dirt

(supposedly at the same angle as the

Great Pyramid o Giza). They aced

 west in a line, rom the 1949 Club

Sedan to the 1963 Sedan de Ville,

their tail fns held high or all to see

on the empty Texas panhandle.

That was in 1974. People would stop

along the highway, walk out to view 

the cars -- then deace them or rip o 

pieces as souvenirs. Stanley Marsh

3 and The Ant Farm were tolerant

o this public deconstruction o 


Must see if you are traveling through

Amarillo! No worries if you forget

your can of spray paint you can usu-

ally find some laying around! This

amazing row of buried Cadillacs is

an unusual sight and a perfect place

for a photo opt! Bring your walkingshoes and enjoy!!

Found out about Cadillac Ranch from an

AWESOME iPhone app (Roadside) that

uses your location to find “off the beat-

en path” attractions. Don’t worry about

bringing your own spray paint because

there are 100+ full cans lying around. I’m

glad they were there or I wouldn’t havebeen able I leave my mark.

Went at night and captured some amaz-

ing photos!! It is difficult to find at night

so you might need to ask for directions

from the gas station down the street. If 

you go at night BRING A FLASHLIGHT!! it

is pitch black but well worth the photos

and experience, also it may be a littledangerous so go in a group..never alone.

“ . . .an unusual sight and a perfect 

 pl ace f or a phot o o pt!”-Stephanie T.

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The Cadillacs have now been in

the ground as art longer than they

 were on the road as cars. They are

stripped to their battered rames,

splattered in day-glo paint splooge,

barely recognizable as automobiles.

 Yet Cadillac Ranch is more popular

than ever. It’s become a ritual site

or those who travel The Mother

Road. The smell o spray paint hits

 you rom a hundred yards away

the sound o voices chattering in

French, German, and UK English

makes this one o the most polyglot

places between Las Vegas.

“Individual painters take a stance

facing one of the cars, then let it fly.”

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Despite its exposed location in an

empty feld, Cadillac Ranch seems

to give its art-anarchists a sense o 

privacy and anonymity, like a urinal

stall in a men’s room.

Individual painters take a stance

acing one o the cars, then let

it ly. Surrounding visitors keep

their distance, perhaps less out o 

courtesy than rom a desire to stay

clear o the spray cloud.

Tourists are always welcome at

Cadillac Ranch. I you bring spray

paint, make sure to also bring a

camera. Because whatever you

create at Cadillac Ranch will

probably only last a ew hours beore

it’s created over by someone else.

102 E. 12th St., Shamrock, TXI-40 exit 163, then south on US 83 for

four blocks.

The Conoco Tower is an art deco landmark,

sort of a church for Route 66 worshipers. The

U-Drop Inn was featured in the 2006 animated

film Cars as the inspiration for the fictional

Ramone’s body shop.

100 Kingsley St., McLean, TX

 Just off I-40 on Old Route 66 (I-40 Business)

on the east side of MacLean, TX.

A barbed wire museum that promises to show

“more barbed wire designs than you can imag-

ine.” Walls are filled with thousands of variet-

ies of wire mounted like the spokes of wagon

wheels, each strand tagged and identified.

I-40, Conway, TX

East of Amarillo, TX on I-40, exit 96,

Slug Bug Ranch is a quirky version of Cadillac

Ranch. Not so much a copy as it is its own in-

teresting roadside attraction. Super easy to get to, right on the service road. There’s also an

old 1930s car. Bring your spray paint!

phillip’s 66 gas station

conoco station

the devil’s rope museum

vw slug bug ranch


Gray St., McLean, TX

Downtown, on the southeast corner of Gray

and 1st Sts, two blocks west of Main

This vintage 1928 gas service station, de-

signed in “Cottage Fashion” and often called

a “Doll House” was started in 1927 after Con-

gress authorized a coast-to-coast highway

called Route 66.

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Tinkertown sits in the hills north o Albuquerque. Because Ross Ward

lived there, not because o Route 66.

Nevertheless, Tinkertown’s blend o 

olk art, nostalgia, and D.I.Y. attitude

have been embraced by Route 66ers

-- even though the attraction is miles

rom The Mother Road and didn’t

open until 1983, long ater Route

66 had ceased to exist in this part o 

New Mexico.

Ross was destined to build

Tinkertown, or something very

much like it. He enjoyed visiting

roadside attractions as a kid, worked

or some as a teenager, and painted

carousels and circus banners as an

adult. He learned about the kinds o

things that people would pay to see.

“I’m a fan of the eclectic,the weird, the freakish.”

–Tara B.

T I N K E R TO W N  


121 Sandia Crest Rd, Sandia Park, NM I-40 exit 175. Drive

north six miles on on Hwy 14. Turn left onto Hwy 536.

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 Tara B.Riley J. Howie K.

If you haven’t ventured out to see this

great little gem tucked away in the beau-

tiful Sandia Mountains I recommend you

do so! Every time I walk into this quirky

museum I wonder what in the world I

am doing there. I get lost looking at little

wooden figurines, old photos, and the

odd layout; it will suck you in.

 The dioramas will delight the young and

old alike. Entering the site is like enter-

ing the mind of the artist, wandering

about the corners of his imagination

and wishing you had so much as an

ounce of his creativity. Absolutely not to

be missed..

 The Tinkertown Museum is a monument

to collecting, craftsmanship and imagi-

nation! I’m a fan of the eclectic, the weird,

the freakish. This is just my kind of mu-

seum. Highly Recommended!


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Ross spent years collecting Old

 West paraphernalia, road culture

relics, and exhibits rom deunct

attractions. Then he added hundreds

o his own hand-carved igures

and large animated dioramas,

and packed it all into a maze-like

structure, built out o cemented

rocks and junk salvaged by Ross and

his wie: old arm equipment, lots o 

 weathered wood, tens o thousands

o bottles. What Ross created was a

crazy person attraction without the

unnerving crazy person.“Set your

 watch back 80 years,” promises one

sign. “This is that place your riends

told you not to miss!” declares

another. An exhibit o the shoes and

pants o a ormer World’s Tallest

Man is given equal weight to one o

the old bottles dug out o a Santa Fe

dump. Up near one o the ceilings

is a display o clothes irons and a

Ross sideshow banner promoting

a two-headed baby. Which is more

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C U S T A R D . S T E A K . B U R G E R S



 Whether you’re planning a trip or you

 just happen to fnd yoursel in the

neighborhood, spending a night in

one o the roadside accommodations

is a must. Each place is an

original, oering unique Route 66

experiences that will make your stay



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About 85% o Route 66’s road still

remains navigable or travelers who

are still looking to get their kicks.

This highway encompasses all rom

small rontier towns to large cities,

and the lodging people choose to stay

at oten reects this. Whether you’re

planning a trip or you just happen to

fnd yoursel in the neighborhood,

spending a night in one o the

roadside accommodations is a must.

Each place is an original, oering

unique Route 66 experiences that

 will make your stay unortgettable

 While every road trip is dierent, a

mixture o pre-booked motels and

spontaneous stops is the best way to

ensure you get the most out o your

trip. The ollowing pages eature a

 variety o accommodation types—

motel and hotel, rural and urban—

that will help you as you navigate

along Route 66.

L O D G I N Ge c l e c t i c , n o s t a l g i c p l a c e s t o

s t a y a l o n g t h e i c o n i c r o u t e 6 6

a m e r i c a ’ s m a i n s t r e e t |   n o s t a l g i c l o d g i n g01L

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The charm that makes up Route 66 bring travelers

to experience America the way it should be — down

a stretch of highway where "anything goes" is literal.

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The Blue Swallow is one o the most

 well-known and easily recognizable

motels along Route 66, largely

due to its wonderul neon sign.

Serving travelers along the Mother

Road since 1939, the Blue Swallow 

encapsulates the classic route

66 eel. A particularly charming

eature is that every room has its

own adjoining garage. The owners,

Bill and Teri, are clearly proud o 

B L U E S W A L L O W M O T E L |   T u c u m ca r i , N M

their motel and, upon arrival, Bill

 will show you to your room to check

that everything is okay. The town

itsel. - Tucumcari - is very peaceul

and a typical historic Route 66

town. The Motel is a short walking

distance rom the gloriously neon-

lit Tee Pee Curios souvenir shop

(a route 66 icon in it’s own right),

Mesalands Dinosaur Museum and

several places to eat/drink. Stay

in the Blue Swallow i you want an

authentic taste o old route 66 on

 your vacation. A stay at the Blue

Swallow is a unique experience that

 will leave you rested, rereshed

and with wonderul new memories

Take a step back to a simpler time

meet your neighbors rom around

the world, and relax under the glow

o the neon lights in the historic

courtyard o the Blue Swallow Motel

a m e r i c a ’ s m a i n s t r e e t |   n o s t a l g i c l o d g i n g01L

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 Th e wa l ls ou tside ro oms 10 an d 11

are painted in the Blue Swallow’s

or ig inal 1939 paint scheme of l ight

green walls. The retro-style fur-

niture outside makes for a nice

place to relax in the evening.

The owners, Bill and Teri, are clearly 

proud of their motel.”

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Stretching over 400 miles, Illinois 66 is a continuum o the nostalgicconnections to the old road in America’s agricultural heartland.

From the Murals to the Route 66 Museum, the small town o Pontiac,

Illinois is the perect place to stop and soak in the rich history o the

Mother Road. I you are looking or a room or a nights stay, there

are plenty o options, but i you want an experience then you want

Lydia’s Lot. Located right o o Route 66 in downtown Pontiac,

this circa 1890’s building has been renovated rom its original use

as a retail store to a beautiul “Chicago style” 1600 square oot

lot apartment. Many attractions surround the lot and are a mere

 walking distance away.

L Y D I A ’ S L O F T |   P o n t i a c , I L

a m e r i c a ’ s m a i n s t r e e t |   n o s t a l g i c l o d g i n g01L

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1 w a l lm u r a l s 2 c o u r t  

h o u s e 3 l o c a lm u s e u m l o c a l a t t r a c t i o n s  4 n a t u r e

p a r k

Pontiac is home to our museums,

all o them with ree admission.

There is a collection o outdoor

painted murals, nine Looking For

Lincoln heritage sites, fve Route 66

heritage sites, and three swinging

pedestrian bridges. For brochures

and maps, stop by the visitor center

 when you arrive in town.

 Th e loft is equ ipped to pr ov ide

comfort and quiet for 6-8 guests

comfortably along with a wel-

come package of sweet and salty

treats as wel l as an assortment

of dr inks .

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Tent Lodges is a company based

in the Netherlands that rents ou

ully equipped tents, also known

as Tent Lodges, due to their size

Grand Canyon KOA is situated along

Highway 64, the main entrance to

the amous Grand Canyon NP. The

ofce is newly built, as is the pool

and other acilities. Don’t miss out

the Cowboy cookouts, the weekend

 T E N T L O D G E S |   W i l l i a m s G r a n d C a n y o n , A

America’s Tent Lodges offers 4

types of tents: the Expedit ion 4,

Expedit ion 5, Expedit ion 6 and the

meanwhile famous Serengeti .

a m e r i c a ’ s m a i n s t r e e t |   n o s t a l g i c l o d g i n g01L

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lie music and the great coee bar. America’s The Tent

Lodges can be ound on 10 dierent campgrounds,

in 4 dierent States, thus providing the possibility or

travelers to make a round trip using Tent Lodges or

lodging. . The tent lodges can accommodate parties up

to 6 people. All you bring is a sleeping bag! This is truly

‘hassle ree camping’. Fridge, microwave and BBQ come

standard. Queen and twin size beds with comortable

mattresses guarantee a great outdoor experience. Not to

mention that all campgrounds have clean restrooms, a

swimming pool, playground, camp store and a laundry

room. Most campgrounds oer special activities during

the summer months, like hay-rides, movie nights,

bicycle rentals, mini gol and the like.

The Grand Canyon is – without a doubt – the main

attraction, but this part of Arizona has a lot more

to offer for travelers looking for an experience.

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Give it a go.

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 s u p p l i e s 1 m a p s ( 2 ) 2 c o m p o s i t i o n b o o k 3 s c o t c h t a p e 4 r u l e r

Use new or old

maps of your

travel area.

Any size composition

book will work.

Any clear tape will

do. Try a glossy or

matte finish.

A metal ruler

works best wi

an x-acto knife

A. So that you can read the names

o places you’ll want one map piece

to have horizontal strips and one to

have vertical strips.

B. Mark up strips on the opposite

side you want to use. Measure strips

about 1/2 inch wide and long enough

to wrap around a mini composition

book rom top to bottom. Hold down

the horizontal strips down with cans

or anything heavy. Weave in the

 vertical strips.

C.  When you’ve woven enough to

cover the book ront and back, add

some tape to the bottom o the woven

pieces leaving enough o the tape to

be able to old over and seal the ends

together. Repeat or the tops and

sides. You should now have a piece

o woven map ‘abric.’

D.  Layer double-sided tape to

completely cover the ront and back,

making sure the spine has tape

adhered to it also. Lay the back o the

book on the woven ‘abric’ and take

the woven piece and wrap it around

the book pressing down to make

sure it sticks.

E.  Trim around the edges. Ater

trimming you will have some loose

pieces that stick up, glue them down

then put notebook under a pile o 

books to make sure all the pieces

properly stuck to the cover.

 w o v e n m a p t r a v e l j o u r n a l 


03 S I D E K I C K S |    j o u r n a l s 

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5 d o u b l e - s i d e d t a p e 6 s c i s s o r s 7 m a r k e rYou could try using

adhesive dots instead.

Scissor are fine,

but an x-acto knife

might be easier.

Use a marker,

pen or pencil.

Recycled Texti leFelt NotebookThis journal is made inRistoffa, a material obtainedusing recycled used clothingand textile manufacturingwaste.

HandmadeLeather JournalThe leather is sewnon felt and filled with handtorn paper. $

Passions Journal Moleskine Passions Note-books have a sewn binding,and a rear expandable innerpocket. $

recycled paperspiral journalsItem Num. RFC1565-9Call for a Price Quote(800)

Caval l ini NotebooksWorld Travels6 x 8 - 144 pages;Cavallini’s classic creamlined paper $12.95

 f o r t h e n o t - s o - c r a f t y 

$1 9 . 9 5 $1 2 . 9 5


2 9 . 9 5

$1 9 . 9 5 $4 9 . 0 0

more ideas

S I D E K I C K S |    j o u r n a l s 

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MINI COOPERs a v i n g y o u m o n e y o n e m i l e a t a t i m e

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2 s o u t h b y s o u t h w e s ta u s t i n , t x 3 c o a c h e l l a

i n d i o , c a1 w a r p e d t o u rn a t i o n a l t o u r

0104 E V E N T S |    s u m m e r a c t i v i t i e s 

M U S I C | 6 u p c o m i n g e s t i v a l s

e n j o y y o u r s u m me r o n t h e r o a d w i t h t h e s e u p c o m i n g e v e nt s  

 s h o w s 


During the summer, it is easy to

say, “I’m bored and have nothing to

do!” Luckily Route 66 has so many

attractions that will provide days

illed o some well needed un in

the sun. From local water parks

and carnivals, to pop up estivals

and parades, Route 66 oers infnite

activities that cater to multiple

personalities. Check out these top

5 summer activities ound along

Route 66 that will make any roadtrip

transorm rom boring to a blast!

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4 b u r n i n g m a n 5 l o l l a p a l o o z ac h i c a g o , i l 6 e l e c t r i c d a i s y c a r n i v a l

l a s v e g a s , n vb l a c k r o c k d e s e r t , n v

E V E N T S |    s u m m e r a c t i v i t i e s 

2 W h e e l s o n 6 6 |    J U N E 7 — 9

3 T a s t e o f C h i c a g o |    J U L Y 1 0 — J U L Y 1 4

4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l R o u t e 6 6 F e s t i v a l |   A U G U S T 1 - 3

5 T h e C o l o r R u n |   A U G U S T 3

1 W a r r i o r D a s h |   M a y 1 8

This obstacle race series is stopping in Inola, Oklahoma where you’re bound to leave covered in mud.

Join the town o Tucumcai, New Mexico or a celebration o al l things wheeled on the Mother Road.

Experience the world’s largest outdoor ood est ival at Grant Park in Chicago, I l l inois.

Route 66 enthusiast wil l gather in Jopin, Missouri to share their love and passion or the historic road.

Sacramento, Cali ornia wil l be hosting the happiest 5K in the world, inspired by the color est ival Holi .

t o p 5 s u m m er a c t i v i t i e s  

1 2 3 4 5

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n e x t i s s u e

H I G H W A Y 1 0 1

M U S I C | S H O P | N O V E L T Y | T R A V E L