veganuary research

Veganuary Research Hannah Woollaston

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Page 1: Veganuary research

Veganuary Research

Hannah Woollaston

Page 2: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource: Morrissey factfile

SummaryThis fact file is about Morrissey being a vegan, this shows the audience his opinion using famous quotes given by the musician. It concentrates on his concern of violence being built into our society, which encourages him to stay vegan. This also gives his personal story of why he became vegetarian in the hope of encouraging other to follow.

Quotes“Violence is built very solidly into our society, and it is nowhere more apparent than the despair of factory farming and the slaughterhouse – both monuments to human selfishness.” – I was unable to find this interview on rolling stone which makes the truth of the quote questionable. ‘He now prohibits the sale of animal products at his concerts.’ I found this to be true when reading his interview with rolling stone magazine. - Further researchfurther research I could do would be to look further into his views as a vegan, as this article only has a couple of quotes. I should also try to get some more background about him from websites such as Wikipedia.

Tags: Morrissey, Vegan, Concerts, audience, violence

Page 3: Veganuary research

Secondary research


Summary This table is on veganuary’s website as part of an article about why people should be vegans purely because of what happens to chickens and other animals. The table shows the audience the exact figures of the ages each type of chicken should live to, including the ages they actually live to when being bred for meat.

Quotes There are no quotes in this table but on the bottom of the page they provide a source as to where they collected those figures from which is [Accessed 14 September 2011].

Further researchFurther research I could do is to look at the RSPCA’s website where these figures are from. This could provide me with more information which I could use in my booklet.

Tags: veganuary, chicken, lifespan, figures, age

Page 4: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSummary: This article is taken from The Vegan Society’s website, and talks about the supposed health benefits of being vegan, this includes mentioning how being vegan is meant to help reduce the health problems such as heart disease and cancer.

Quote: ‘Well, eternal youth might be a bit optimistic, but there are certainly many scientifically proven benefits to vegan living when compared to the average western diet.’ this is a sentence taken from the article below, it does not provide any links to where people can see the ‘scientific evidence’ but this is on a popular and trusted vegan website so I would believe this information. Quote: ‘…helping mitigate some of the modern world's biggest health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. For more information on living a healthy, vegan life, check out our nutrition section.’ this is another quote taken from the article, this is what the ‘scientific evidence’ mentioned in the above quote is meant to show is helped by being vegan. This quote also gives the audience the chance to look further into how vegans can and do live a healthy life by providing a link to the nutrition section, which helps to make it more reliable ad trusted.


Further Research: more research I could do regarding this article would be to look more into the ‘scientific evidence’ they mention to see exactly what the health benefits are and if this website is accurate in what it tells the audience and to find out if being vegan does help prevent diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Places I could look for this information could be the NHS site.

Tags: vegan society, nutrition, NHS, health, lifestyle

Page 5: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSummary: this is an article about famous actress, Natalie Portman deciding to stop being vegan and go back to just being a vegetarian during her pregnancy. The quotes are taken from another interview she did with Q100 Bert Show.


Quote: "I was listening to my body to have eggs and dairy and that sort of stuff.” this quote is taken from a phone interview she did on a radio show, this would suggest that the quote is true because a lot of people will of heard her say it so it would be difficult for this publication to twist that. This quote would show to the audience whether they are already vegan or are thinking about it that it is okay to struggle with it sometime, this would encourage people to become vegan because they wouldn’t feel as pressured.

Quote: "I know there are people who do stay vegan," she added, "but I think you have to just be careful, watch your iron levels and your B12 levels and supplement those if there are things you might be low in in your diet.” this quote is interesting because it conflicts with the websites such as Veganuary and The Vegan Society because its basically saying that by being vegan its not as healthy as people may think, especially when pregnant as you may lack and struggle to get source of iron in your diet.

Further Research: more research I could do is to look further into the health risks of being vegan as well as the benefits, this would be interesting for my booklet as a lot of websites only cover the benefits and I think its fair for people to know both sides of the story to help them make a decision on turning vegan. I could find more information on the NHS website as they will be un-bias.

Tags: Natalie portman, quits, veganism, iron, health, risks

Page 6: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSummary: This is taken from the Lush website, it is their frequently asked questions page, it explains clearly why they are not fully vegan yet it also helps vegan customers as it tells them that most of the time there will be an alternative product which Is vegan. It also tells them that all products are clearly marked which makes it easier for them.

Quotes: ‘80% of our products are suitable for vegans, but there are a few ingredients like milk, honey, lanolin and eggs, which are beneficial for the skin or hair, and which we use in some of our products.’ this quote, taken from Lush’s answer, they fully justify why some of their products are not vegan and do this successfully word it in a non offensive way for people that are vegan. Quotes: ‘However, we always keep vegans in mind when formulating new products, and we try to ensure that there is a vegan alternative available in all of our different ranges.’ this quote adds emphasis to the fact veganism is not widely accommodated for in the way being a vegetarian is yet, but companies like Lush are trying to create products to make it easier for vegans to shop at places they like without being restricted, this is also done by marking their vegan products clearly as it says here: ‘All our vegan products are clearly marked, so you can make an informed choice about the products you use.’


Further Research: more research I could do would be to look at more makeup and products which are already/aiming to be vegan friendly. This could involve looking at articles, the websites themselves and other websites which are dedicated to informing people on whether a certain product is vegan.

Tags: makeup, lush, cosmetics, products, faq, skin, hair, honey

Page 7: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource:

Summary: As part of my further research from the last slide I decided to look at makeup brands that are vegan/cruelty free, to summarize this article, it outlines that because Tarte has now changed hands, the crossover has now left Tarte’s vegan/cruelty free status in question. However, it does state that vegan regulators such as PETA do still think that Tarte is vegan. As this is only written by a blogger and has no links to back up as to where they have received this information I would have to research further to see how accurate this information is. Quotes: ‘As far as Tarte goes, it is clear that they care more about money than they do about selling a truly cruelty free product.’ this is a quote taken from the end of the article which makes it end on a bad note and makes it bias because the writer of the article disagrees with the fact Tarte is still vegan so much that this would rub off on their readers.

Quotes: ‘loyal vegan customers were understandably upset, and Tarte CEO Maureen Kelly’s response did little to ease their concerns.’ this also makes the company look bad which will have an influential impact on their readers, again showing this is a bias article.

Further Research: I could look into what it says on Tarte’s website about them no longer being vegan and just being cruelty free, I could also look and see if there have been any direct interviews with the CEO of the company, Maureen Kelly.

Tags: Tarte, maureen kelly, customers, cosmetics, makeup, bias

Page 8: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource:

Summary: This piece of writing clearly explains what vegans can and can’t eat, it also explains clearly the less obvious things that people may not think of such as animal byproducts like gelatin and shellac. This is helpful information for vegans and people thinking about becoming vegans because it explains in a simple way without overcomplicating it. I trust this article to be accurate, as this exact piece of writing can be found on other trusted websites such as Veganuary and The Vegan Society etc. so it is highly likely to be accurate.

Quotes: ‘While those are obvious animal products, many animal byproducts are things we might not even realize come from animals. These include:’ this is a quote taken from the article, it shows how informative and helpful the article is, this would encourage readers that were already thinking about becoming vegan to actually do it because it explains everything easily which is encouraging.

Further research: Looking into this more I could ask questions about this information in my primary research, when doing questionnaires I could ask people, both vegan and non vegan what they think about having to avoid all this byproducts like gelatin and silk. I could also ask vegans if they find that difficult to do sometimes and I could ask non-vegans that if they were thinking about vegan that if reading that would put them off.

Tags: byproducts, gelatin, silk,

Page 9: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource: Summary: This article sums up why vegans don’t agree with eating meat, it is taken from a trusted and long established website called Vegan Kit, they explain clearly what animals mean to the world and say why vegans don’t think different types of animals should be treated differently to others.

Quotes: ‘When they pass away, we mourn them. We no doubt also believe that they enjoy being alive as much as they enjoy the company of others. Yet, for other animals, we stick forks and knives into their bodies and wear their skin as clothing.’ this is quite a lengthy quote but it demonstrates the views of vegans and why they do not eat meat very well, this quote may only be on one website but I still think it is relevant to a lot of vegans views because the same sort of thing is said on the Veganuary website and The Vegan Society. Also, as quite powerful and emotive language is used in this quote it means that people would be quite shocked as it quickly turns into quite a depressing paragraph which is likely to encourage others to turn vegan which is one of the purposes of the website. Further Research: extra things I could look into when carrying out my primary research would be the personal thoughts of vegans and ask them through questionnaires ‘why don’t you eat meat?’ and see what they say to see if it relates to this because the quotes would be useful to my booklet.

Tags: animals, vegan, starter kit,

Page 10: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource:

Summary: This article is written by medical news today and provides the readers with a lot of links as to where they have got the information from, this makes the article seem more trustworthy because they have referenced where they have got the facts from and they are also from trusted sites. The article tells people what the danger is of eating a non-vegan diet, and the tests that have been done to prove this, it doesn’t mention the benefits of being vegan as such, just the dangers of not being one. This then would encourage the audience to go vegan, if they were already thinking about it.

Quotes: ‘Eating animal fats and proteins has been shown in studies to raise a person's risk of developing cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, and a number of other illnesses and conditions.’ This quote shows how the article does not talk about being vegan directly but it does warn people of the dangers of a non-vegan diet. However, even though the article does reference where a lot of the information has been found, it doesn’t for this section, leaving its accuracy in question. However this does seem like a trustworthy website because a link to this page can be found on the NHS site.

Quotes: ‘Men with early stage prostate cancer who make intensive changes in diet and lifestyle may stop or perhaps even reverse the progression of their illness, according to one study published in the Journal of Urology.’

Tags: health benefits, vegan lifestyle, diabetes, heart disease

Further Research: extra research I could do would be to look further into the reference links it provides and see what they say on their website to see if the medical news today article is accurate.

Page 11: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource:

Summary: This is from a trusted site called PETA, they are well established and trusted. They often protest against animal cruelty and now the website also includes articles on being vegan and the benefits of that. This article, in summary, talks about the good impact that being vegan has on climate change. This article also explain exactly how being vegan helps with climate change because it lowers the emissions give out into the atmosphere when raising animals for meat.

Quotes: “The United Nations has also said that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” this quote is written in bold in the article and would be persuasive in helping people who are concerned about climate change to become vegan, because of the language and words used it also makes the article sound more urgent for example the words ‘significant’, ‘serious’ and ‘problems’ create concern.

Quotes: ‘A staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, according to a report published by the Worldwatch Institute.’ This quote is backed up with where they have got it from (Worldwatch Institute) this makes the website look more trustworthy to the reader and they are then more likely to act and at least think more about becoming vegan.

Further research: I could look at worldwatch institute to see what they have to say about vegans and the environment.

Tags: environment, global, greenhouse-gas, PETA

Page 12: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource: Summary: This is taken from PETA in the vegan section of their website, it provides the reader with a simple and easy to follow vegan clothing guide by listing vegan materials and non-vegan materials along with images to provide visuals. They also provide a chart like this for shoes, purse/wallets, ties, suits, coats and jackets and scarfs which is helpful because it covers the majority of clothing types.Quote: ‘Wearing vegan is easy once you know what to look for. Use this guide to read labels quickly to identify vegan materials as well as commonly used animal products that you'll want to avoid.’ this quote tells the audience that dressing vegan is easy, this is further encouragement to help and persuade people to become or try being vegan.

Further Research: I could look into vegan specific clothing brands, to see just how easy it is to dress vegan like this website claims.

Tags: vegan clothing, PETA, clothes, materials

Page 13: Veganuary research

Secondary researchSource:

Summary: This is a vegan cook book which is recommended by The Vegan Society, it provides 500 vegan dishes so it makes it easy for vegans and people new to being vegan especially to be to cook there own meals at home.

Quote: ‘500 Vegan Dishes is a brilliant new collection of animal-free recipes providing tasty dishes for all occasions from breakfast, family meals, food for entertaining and baked treats.’ This quote makes the recipes sound really nice which adds encouragement to become vegan- could make the website sound bias.

Further Research: looking into this more, I could research other vegan cook books and also, as part of my primary research ask other vegans if they find recipes and cook books helpful for ideas of things they can eat and make themselves.

Tags: vegan, cook book, the vegan society, meals, home

Page 14: Veganuary research

Primary researchAs part of my primary research, I wrote a set of 11 questions and set them to eight vegan bloggers which I found on Instagram, I decided to send the questionnaire to these types of people because they seem to be very happy to talk about being vegan and are more than happy to promote it so I thought I would get a decent set of responses from them. The age of the bloggers is also the same age as the target audience for my booklet so I thought interviewing them would make the booklet more accessible for my target audience, I also think the fact the bloggers are so well connected with social media this will give the people that read the booklet a place to follow up there interest by looking on their Instagram/blog, hopefully giving people more persuasion to go vegan.

(Analysis of responses on next slides.)

Page 15: Veganuary research

Response 1- Justine

Instagram: justinekeptcalmandwentvegan

Page 16: Veganuary research

Response 1- Justine

Instagram: justinekeptcalmandwentvegan

Page 17: Veganuary research

Response 2- Lisa

Instagram: vegan_bob

Page 18: Veganuary research

Response 2- Lisa

Instagram: vegan_bob

Page 19: Veganuary research

Response 3- Daniella

Instagram: vegan_Danni

Page 20: Veganuary research

Response 3- Daniella

Instagram: vegan_Danni

Page 21: Veganuary research

Response 4- Alex

Instagram: alexbeckett_

Page 22: Veganuary research

Response 4- Alex

Instagram: alexbeckett_