vegetarian times magazine - december 2011

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    . -" , ' .

    "'Nhen I found this series of trails in the Santa Rita Mountains, I had to explore them. Other off-roaders were surprised to see my Outback, but I knew it was capable

    enough. This all-day adventure couldn't have been more inspirational."

    - Simmons B.,Tucson, AZ.. Love. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.


    SUBARU ConFidence in Molion

  • community

    FA B 5 Can't dec;de what to cook tonight? Here are our five favorite recipes from this Issue:

    , 1. Sticky Rice with Carrots, Shiitake Mushrooms, and Peanuts, p. 47

    , 2. Sicilian Swiss Chard over Quinoa, p. 28

    , 3. Scottish Shortbread & Mexican Wedding Cookies, p. 73

    , 4. Yukon Gold Potatoes with Pistachio Oil, p. 41

    , 5. Sweet Potato & Black Bean Enchiladas, p. 59

    Send your letters to:


    tell vt What's your absolute favorite spice, and what do you like to cook with it? Nutmeg. It brings so much more flavor out of everything from squash to chocolate to cream-even beans and rice. -KIMBERl.Y JAMES. VIA fACF.BOOK

    I love adding smoked paprika to my Spanish. Mexican. and Tex-Mex dishes. It gives my chili

    recipe extra oo mph. -SANDY LlSElLA, VIA FACE BOOK

    Coriander! It is so versatile.

    Lately, ! have been obsessed

    with making chrrmoula (a sauce from No rth Africa) and mixing roasted vegg ics with it Seriously addictive.


    Chipotle powder. I love I'm really starting to adore the flavor it adds. along dried dill. Slathering wheat

    with the heat. I use it to bread with butter, adding spice up homemade baked a co uple thick slices of sweet potato fries! Cheddar cheese, sprinkling -ERIN ALDERSON, VIA FACEBOOK with dill, and throwing it in

    a pan is the best. -ERIN RENEE I love cinnamon. It's amazing to sprinkle on Garam masala. I use it in cream cheese with a soups. stews. sauces, and morning bagel or toast. even as a rub-especially in I also add it to my coffee the colder months. before brewing! -KATE LANDIS LOEWENGART,


    next questIon: What's your favorite piece of cookware that's been handed down to you? Visit vegetariantimes.comftel1vt to share your anSW

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    7 whole grains on a mission"

  • 2

    , " "


    'j ,

    J -,! .. ,


    Choose fruits with a deep yellow or orange hue;

    green star fruit is not yet ripe. Don't rejea fruits

    with a bit of btowning on the ribs, as this is a

    sign of ripeness. Che

  • THIS JUST IN o ___ ____ _ [TASTE TEST] CHAITIME Add kick to your cup of tea with these editor-selected chai blends; they taste festive sipped

    plain or made the traditional way, with a bit of milk and sugar. -TMI FERTIG

    BLUE LOTUSCHAI TRADITIONAL MASALA (HAl VT staffers were smitten with this gift-worthy treat, tasting of

    gingerroot and black pepper;

    as a bonus the package includes

    a cute little b

  • ------------------------------.

    "How can I brighten up winter meals with collard greens?" We asked John Cochran, chef and (0-owner ofThe Wild Cow veg restaurant in NashviUe, Tenn., where actors Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson and musician k.d. lang have been known to dine. Here's what he said.

    , Boil shredded raw collards for about 10 minutes; drain. Sizzle chopped garlic and jalapeno in olive or canola oil, and toss collards into the pan; saute about 5 minutes. Layer collard greens over cooked brown rice; top with a layer of Liquid Smoke-tlavored pinto beans that have been boiled with cilantro and garlicky fried onions. Garnish with a garlic aloli made with Vegenaise and spiced with gingerroot and jalapeno.

    , Boil finely shredded raw collard greens in coconut water for about 30 minutes. Drain, and garnish with thinly sliced caramelized onions and diced Roma tomatoes.

    , Use raw collard greens as wrappers, the way you would grape leaves.

    , Substitute collard greens for spinach in veggie lasagna. -I',o,TRICi,o,ams

    To Y"u.COO

  • THIS JUST IN 0"----____________ _ tailor-made treats For the finicky foadies on your holiday list, shop these sites for customizable goodies; gift certificates are available. (Santa says treating yourself is allowed too.)

    -MATrn[W I:ADEY, RD

    (HOCRI This dream site for WillyWonka wannabes lets you craft your own chocolate bars; start with one of four organic, fair-trade bases (dark, milk, white, or a milk-white combo), and then select from upward of 100 ingredients, including fleur de sel and goji berries. Raising the bar further, 1 percent of profits are donated to DIV Kinder, a charity devoted to the needs of homeless and orphaned children in the Ivory Coast, a major cocoa producer. From S5.90/3.5-ol. bar

    MOJAMIX . . One-of-a-kind granola

    -U. L.U Cl o o

    In pursuit of a cool last-minute gift? Willing to pay extra for procrastinating?

    is just the thing to perk up a winter morning: choose from 14 different base mixes (including Coconut Crisp, Sunny Flakes, and Grains A Plenty), and then toss in a selection of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds, many of them organic; chocoholIcs will appreciate the Extras (such as raw cocoa nibs). To truly customize your mix,


    I ndulge in more than 40 choices of ice cream or gelato flavors-seven for dairy-free sorbetto-and dozens of mix-ins, such as praline pecans and brownie bites. Dairy and fruit ingredients are obtained fresh to order when possible,

    give it a name or upload a photo of your own to adorn the package. From S2.99/12oz. Or opt for one of eight holiday gift packs. From S49.99/4 pints

    probiotics never tasted

    so good ...

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    Support your digestive health* ... delicious Chewable Acidophilus from American Health". It's good health made simple.

    Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores. 'Thue mt.meoa h, not b n ."Iooted by t. FDA. The prod"

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    e. e hot click! ---

    Get your groove on in [he kitchen with recipes set 10 musk by indie band One Ring Zero for its new book-CD combo, The Recipe ProjtCl. Fortunately for us veg

    -:..-= ---HE ECIPE ROJEC

    . . - --

    heads, this menu can be ordered a la cane: the six veg selections on the CD (two of them bonus t'racks) are avilble for individu1 downlod, including Mario

    Batali's "Spghetti with Sweet 100 Tomatoes" and Isa Chandra lvloskowilz's "Peanut Butter Brunettes," "I asked Isa what style of music she likes, and she said, "90s girl rock. Post-punk: One Ring Zero cofounder Michael "'learst tells us; Tanya Donelly (of Throwing Muses, Breeders, and Belly fame) contributes the vocal on the track. For more, boogie on over to

    Sick of beln, sick? Recovery ukln, forever? Put the power of Black Elderberry to work for youl

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    C5/: Crime 5cene Investigation fans breathed a sigh of relief when Jorja Fox returned this season as criminologist Sara Sidle. More gregarious than her on-screen -character, the veg actress applies her equally sharp mind and big heart in real life to activism on behalf of animals. She's an executive producer of the upcoming documen-tary How I Become an Elephant, which follows a 14-year-old girl on her mission to save the planet's gentle giants. -ltD.

    Q How do you account for your activism? A It's a way I can honor my grandmother. She had this amazingly progressive philosophy regarding animals. I remember watching Mutual ojOmaha's Wild Kingdom as a linie kid, and they're talking about habitat issues and she's saying to me, '\Ve have to do something about [his. I guess I'm a kindred spirit.

    Q You played Sara Sidle for eight seasons before taking a break from (51. How has she evolved? A She's still incredibly empathetic, but she's able to be that way and not have it tear her apart. People who are activists, hrst responders, and crime scene investigators see troubling things. You can't really ever get rid of a memory. So a lot of people burn out. It was so cool that Sara would rise from the ashes.

    Q How do you avoid feeling overwhelmed as an activist? A I think a lot of those in the held will tell you it's the little daily victories that make it all doable. My dog passed away in January j2011j, my beloved Ali. It was really hard. But in June I adopted a rescue dog. For me that's an example of a small victory. Yes, there's pain and sorrow, bur out of it, this beautiful animal gets a second shot. Because somebody cared enough to be running around south Texas looking for strays, getting right in there and being in that very di!flCult world, I have this amazing new creature in my life. II

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    Circle reply #13 on Info (enler (Old

  • I

    eco-beauty o BY Elizabeth Barker


    Safeguard winter-weary skin with sea buckthorn


    '"vera U R IC O S M ( T l l FOf a sweet-smelling body wash that

    boasts extra pick-me-up por, revitalize with gently sloughing lavera Organic Orange &. Sea Buckthorn Body 5

  • ...To Visual Health Good vision is something many of us take for granted. yet it's so important to yoJf quality of life. Wrth Astaxanthin flo", NO you can provide you and yolK loved ones with high-quatity nutritional SlJpport fOf' healthy vIsion.

    Nutrition for Optima.! Wdlntsll" Research has shown that supplementing with As1axanthln may help to support healthy visual function and provide antioxidant and immunity benefits as NO ....... Astaxanthin is an effective and affordable way to support visual health, and that's something to lOok fOtWard to.'

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    'Thne ,tJtemenb IIa'fe 1101 been !IntUIted by !he Food alld Drug

  • ask the doc p BY Neal D, Barnard, M O

    Is this legume safe to eat?

    Q I've heard that soy has estrogens in it. Is that good or bad? A Soybeans contain compounds known as isoflavones, whose chemical structure is similar to human estrogens; these similarities cause speculation that soy products might have hormonal effects-feminizing men or increasing cancer risk in women, for example. Such concerns have been put to the test. The results show no negative effects from soy on men's hormonal function; soy does not interfere at all with testosterone or sperm production.

    /u for cancer risk, several research teams have tracked the dietary habits of people who've developed cancer and those who've remained cancer-Iree; compiling the results of these studies in 2008, researchers at the University of Southern California found that women who ate a daily serving of soy produ({s had about a 30 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer, compared with women who consumed very little soy. (A serving is approximately I cup of soymilk, Ii! cup of tofu, or a similar amount of other soy produ({s.) So a modest amount of soy eaten regularly may actually reduce the risk that breast cancer will occur.

    Moderate intake may also boost survival in women who've been treated for breast cancer. The Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study followed 5,042 breast cancer survivors for four years. Those who ate two daily servings of soy were about 30 percent less likely to have a cancer recurrence or cancer deJth, compared with those who avoided soy.

    24 December 1 2011 vegetariantimes,com

    Q Does soy cause thyroid problems? A Not according to the evidence. But if you're hypothyroid-meaning your thyroid gland acts sluggish-be aware that soy products can reduce the absorption of thyroid supplements. If you take these medicines, your health care provider can check if your dose needs to be adjusted.

    Q How can I tell if I am allergic to soy? A Like other allergies, a reaction to soy can manifest with hives, flushing, itching, runny nose, or wheezing that occurs shortly after exposure. An allergy can also cause local symptoms, such as swelling of the lips, tOngue, or throat, and digestive upset, including abdominal pain and diarrhea. Some people can tolerate modest amounts of soy, and reJct only when they get tOO much. In rare cases an allergy can be life-threatening, a condition called anaphylaxis.

    Most children with soy allergy outgrow it. But the opposite can occur tOO. A person can develop an allergy to a food that caused no problem previously.

    Doctors can easily check for a soy allergy with skin testing and specialized blood tests. But if you think you might be allergic to soy, you can simply avoid it for a few weeks and notice if your symptoms improve. [f so, you can challenge yourself with it later on Jnd see if your symptoms return. Do not try this if your allergy symptOms are severe.

    Q (an I be getting too much soy? A Not so far as we know, but there's some benefIt in favoring minimally processed soy products; edamame and tempeh are tops, followed by soymilk and tofu. Producing meat substitutes often means extracting and concentrating soy protein, so you're getting further away from the bean that nature intended. _

    WI.Ilbinglun-based Neill D. 8I.1rnl.lrd, MD, ilhJiilyl keepl lome edilmilme in the freezer.

    , < < o l < <

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  • 26 December I 20111 veg(>tariantimes.(Qm

  • Nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, plus a flurry of delicious ideas. Md inspired ideas and delicious nutrition to your holiday menu with

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    . .,.

    Wann Spiced Lentil Bowl with Yogurt and Smoked Almonds SlRns 4 I ]0 MINUTlS O 'EWl'

    Thicker than a soup, this lentil dish makes a hearty one-bowl meal.

    2'h tsp. toasted sesame oil 2'1i tsp. whole cumin seeds

    1 medium carrot, chopped ('Ii cup)

    1 rib cdery, chopped (')I; cup) 1 medium leek, trimmed and chopped

    (white and light green parts) 3 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1 cup brown lentils, rinsed and drained 3 cloves garlic, minced (1 Tbs.)

    Yo cup smoked almonds, coarsely chopped 'Ii cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt

    28 December 120111

    1. Heat oil in brge saucepan over low heat. Add cumin seeds, and cook 1 minute, or until fragrant. Slir in carrot, celery, and leek. I ncrease heat to medium-high, and saute 3 minutes. Stir in broth and lentils. Bring mixture to a simmer, reduce heat to low, and cook 20 minutes, or until lentils are tender. Slir in garlic, and cook 5 minutes more. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. 2. Ladle lentil mixture into 4 bowls, and garnish wid} almonds and yogurt. PRSfRVING (1'>( CUI'S LENTILS. 2T6S YOGURT AND 1'>\ TBS ALMONDS) 3MCAl, 18 G PROT; 10 GTOTAL FAT

    (d G SAT FAT): 39 G CAR. OMG CHOL 187 MG SOD;


    tip A sprinkl ing of nuts adds protein to one-pot meals; feel free to mix and match nuts or substitute pumpkin or sunfiower seeds.

    Sicilian Swiss Chard over Quinoa SlVE> ' I )0 M, .. un, OR flWlR

    Pine nuts and golden raisins lend a sweet, nutty lauch to pan-sauleed Swiss chard served over protein-rich C)uinoa.

    l'li cups low-sodium vegetable broth >;. cup quinoa. rinsed and drained 2 tsp. olive oil 1 lb. Swiss chard. leaves cut into ribbons,

    stems finely chopped

    1 medium yellow onion, chopped (ll'.tcups)

    16 pitted black olives, such as

    kalamata, halved

    ')I; cup golden raisins 'Ii tsp. red pepper flakes 3 cloves garlic. minced (1 Tbs.) 2 Tbs. toasted pine nuts

    1. Bring broth to a boil in medium saucepan. Add C)uinoa, and bring mixture 10 a simmer. Reduce heat 10 medium-low, and simmer, covered, 12 minutes. Remove from heat, uncover, let stand 5 minutes, then flull with lork. 2. Meanwhile, heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add chard stems, onion, olives, and raisins. Saute 10 minutes, or until onion and chard stems are soft. Stir in chard leaves and red pepper flakes; saute 6 minutes, or until greens are tender. Slir in garlic, and season with salt and pepper, if desired. 3. Divide Cjuinoa among 4 shallow bowls. Spoon chard mixture over top, and sprinkle with pine nuts. rR SERVING (-lO CUP CHARD AND Y, CUP QUINOII) 294 CAL. 9 G F'l!OT. II G TOTIIL FliT (1 G SAT Flln 41 G CARB. 0 MG CHOL 544 MG SOD; 6G FIER;

    12(,SUGARS (!) (G

    , o o < o

    , o -



    r L.

    BUMMER. ..-- .----< ,



    Traditional Cheese Fondue

    Chocolate Orange Fondue

    Spinach and Artichoke Fondue



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    Pineapple Salsa

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    Red Pepper Hummus



    Horseradish Cheese Dip


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    Portobel1o Paprikash over WiJted Spinach S[V[s. I )0 "" NUllS O f[W[i

    This Hungarin-inspired recipe uses meaty ponobello mushrooms instead of chicken and smoked paprika in lieu of bacon for a light-but-rich-tasting dish.

    1 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt ',) cup evaporated milk 2 tsp. Oijon mustard 5 tsp. garlic oil, divided 1 tsp. smoked paprika 1 lb. portobeUo mushroom caps, sliced 2 cups chopped red onions

    10 oz. baby spinach leaves (12 cups)

    1. Whisk together yogurt, evaporated milk, and mustard in bowl. Set aside. 2. Heat 3 ISp. garlic oil and paprika in skillet over high heat. Add mushrooms and onions; saute 12 minutes. Add mustard mixture to mushrooms, and heat umil warmed through. 3. Heat remaining 2 tsp. garlic oil in separate skillet over medium-high heat. Add spinach in batches, and cook 2 to 4 minutes, or until spinach is wilted and bright green. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Divide spinach among plates, and top with mushroom mixture. rfR SERVING ('% cur SPINACH AND '% CUP PAPRIKA$H) 198 CAL; 11 G PIlOT; 8 GTOTAl FAT (2G SAT FAT); 25 GCARB; 6 MG CHQl; 230 MG SOD; 6G fiBER; 11 G SUGARS

    4 tsp. toasted sesame oil, divided 1 large yellow onion, halved and thinly

    sliced (1 Y.r cups) 1 Tbs. chopped fresh thyme 2 8-oz. pkg. tempeh, each piece halved 1 Tbs. low-sodium soy sauce

    % cup low-sodium vegetable broth 12 jarred chestnuts, coarsely chopped 1'h Tbs. balsamic vinegar 1'h Tbs. pure maple syrup

    1. Heat 2 tsp. oil in skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add onion and thyme, and saute 10 minutes. Transfer to bowl; set aside. 2. Heat remaining 2 tSp. oil in same skillet over medium heat. Add tempeh, and cook 3 minutes on each side. Add soy sauce and 2/, cup water. Increase heat to medium-high, and cook 6 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed. Add broth, chestnuts, vinegar, maple syrup, and onion. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and cook 5 minutes more. Pl'R SERVING (4 OZ TEMPEH AND Y,CUPCHESTNUT MIXTURE) 37SCAI.; 23 G PROT. 18 GTOTAL fAT (3G SAT

    FAT); 37GCARB; 0 MGCHOL 172 MG SOD; 3 G fiBER.

    IIG SUGARS Rainbow Stir-Fry Sl'VlS 4 I )0 MINUTlS OR IlWl'

    Kids and adults will love this sweet-andspicy stir-fry. Serve over brown rice.

    3 Tbs. frozen orange juice concentrate 2 Tbs. hoisin sauce 1 Tbs. low-sodium soy sauce 'h tsp. chile-garlic sauce 2 tsp. toasted sesame oil 'h lb. green beans, halved crosswise 1 cup thinly sliced purple cabbage 1 1S-oz. can baby corn, rinsed and drained 1 small red bell pepper, sliced (1 cup) 1 cup frozen, shelled cdamame 1 8-oz. can sliced water chestnuts, drained 4 green onions, thinly sliced

    1. Whisk together orange juice concentrate, hoisin suce, soy sauce, nd chile-garlic sauce in smaJi bowl. 2. Heat oil in wok or large skiJlet over high heat. Add green beans, and stir-fry 3 minutes. Add 3 Tbs. water; stir-fry 3 minutes more. Add cabbage, baby corn, beJi pepper, edamame, and water chestnuts; srir-fry 4 minutes. Stir in green onions and orange juice mixture; cook I minute more. Pl'R IIHUP SERVING lR6 CAl; 8 G PROT; 5 GTOTAl FAT 1 G SAT fAT); 31 G CARB

  • ,


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  • editors' picks

    Find out what's cooking in tb!kitchens of the VT staff this holiday season Old or new, all holiday food tradi

    tions start with a

    well-loved recipe.

    That's why the VT staff

    decided to share the

    dishes we love so

    much that they'll be

    part of our celebra

    tions this year. Here's

    hoping they inspire

    some new traditions

    on your table as well .



    REDUX, p. 14

    # 0



    " An English friend and her husband are spending Christmas with my family this year, and I want to incorporate some of their holiday traditions into the

    celebration. They always have beef Wellington for Christmas dinner, so I decided to play around with the Vegetables Wellington recipe on the VTWeb site to give it more of a traditional Wellington feel." (recipe p. 34)

    32 December 1 20111 ve9"tariantime_com

    PHOTOGRAPHY Maren Caruso

    FOOD STYLING Kim Kissling

    PROP STYLING Jo1.imi Holker

  • You Never Know Who You' ll Come In Contact With . Take extra care. Trust your Immune health

    t() i:!;ter-

  • editors' picks

    Elizabeth Turner, EDITOR IN CHIEF '\ " My first holiday season at VT [2007], we featured a recipe for Cranberry-Cherry Lattice Pie, which is supereasy and not too sweet. I made it for Christmas dinner that year, and I still

    remember the happy little grunting sound my young cousin

    Arren made as he ate it Now I make that pie every year."

    Vegetables Wellington Redux SHVlS S

    The original recipe for Vegetables \Vellington on was made in individual rectangles. Here, the exact same ingredients get baked in a loaf pan lor a spectacular presentation with a traditional \Vellington feel.

    1 Tbs. olive oil 1 lb. asparagus, cut into 1 'h-inch pieces 2 medium red bell peppers, cut into

    thin strips 1 medium onion, thinly sliced (1'h cups) 1 S-oz, pkg. baby spinach leaves 1 4-0l. jar prepared pesto sauce 1 large egg 1 In-oz_ pkg. frozen puff pastry, thawed 1 10-oz. log fresh goat cheese, softened 1 16-oz. jar prepared tomato sauce,


    1. Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Add asparagus, bell peppers, and onion, and saute S to 10 minutes, or until vegetables begin to soften. Add spinach, and cook 3 to 4 minutes, or until spinach wilts. Stir in pesto. Cool.

    34 Decemher I 1011 1 vegetariantimes_cQm

    2. \Vhisk egg in bowl, and set aside. Cut IS- x iO-inch piece of parchment paper, and set on work surface. Place 1 sheet puff pastry on parchment paper. Lift parchment with puff paslry, and place parchment-side-down in 9-inch loaf pan. Press pastry into pan, being careful nOt to let folds get caught in parchment and allowing excess parchment and pastry to hang over sides. CUt sguares from second puff pastry sheet, and press onto short sides of parchment-covered pan to make dough shell. Prick bottom of puff pastry all over with fork. 3. Spread goat cheese over bOllom of puff pastry. Top with asparagus mixture. Fold excess puff pastry over vegetables, and brush edges with egg.

    Don Rice, COPY CHIEF

    " We'll have the Wilted Spinach Salad with Asian Pears, Blue Cheese, and Pecans on our holiday table this year. OUf 7-year-old will pick out the shallots and set the pecans aside, but he's been known

    to ask for seconds of similar salads.

    That's just before the salad spills out of

    his parents' gaping mouths'


    4. Cut 91h_ x Sill-inch piece of puff pastry from remaining sheet. Set on top of asparagus mixture, pressing to seal edges. Refrigerate 30 minutes, along with unused pastry scraps and egg. 5. Preheat oven to 425'F, and place oven rack on second-lowest level. Brush top of \Vellington with egg, and poke 2 or 3 holes in top. Cut decorative leaves and stems from remaining pastry, press onto top of Wellington, and brush with egg. Use tip of small knife to score leaves and top with decorative touches. 6. Bake Wellington 15 minutes. Reduce oven heat to 350'F, and bake 45 minutes more. Cool IS minutes. 7. Usc parchment to lift Wellington from loaf pan. Remove parchment, and transfer \Vellington to flat serving plate. Slice, and serve with tomato sauce. PER $ERVING (1 SLlCfWELLINGTON AND'" cur SAUCE} 405CAl.; 15G PROT 29GTOTAL FAT(11 GSAT FAn 25G

    CARB; 48 MG (HOI.; 657 MG SOD; 4 G FIBER; 6 G SIJGARS

  • Jolia Sidona Allen, ONLINE MANAGING

    EDITOR _> " Oyster Mushrooms Rockefeller is the

    perfect duo of comfort

    and sophistication.

    While it can be made

    in a single pan, baking

    it in ramekins for

    individual servings

    makes guests feel

    like they are opening

    an edible present

    prepared just for


    To find these recipes onl ine,

    simply enter the name i n bold in the search box

    on vegetariantimes.(om.

    Make the Holidays sweet'V.Iit

    X '16SweetR

    - .- - . ---

    Amy Spitalnick, SENIOR EDITOR

    Suzanne Feyche, ART/EDIT ASSISTANT

    " You may not think of Refreshing Quinoa

    Salad as a 'holiday' recipe, but since it's

    gluten-free and vegan, it really can be enjoyed by everyone: ,

    " I'm tweaking tradition this Hanukkah with 1fT's recipe for vegan Sweet Potato

    Latkes. Brighter color and fiavor aren't the

    only motives here: sweet potatoes rate

    higher than spuds in vitamins A and C. and

    score lower on the GI scale. But because

    olive oil plays a symbolic role in the

    Hanukkah story, I 'm swapping out canola

    for olive oil in the recipe " o

    The no-aftertaste, healthy sweetener

    _ .... , .,," -- . . - -,- .. . , .. , --,""" --_._._.., ...... _ .. ,,_

  • techn ique , BY Fiona Kennedy

    3 tips for

    success 1. Choose high- or medium-starch potatoes such as russet, Yukon gold,

    Dutch yellow, and purple potatoes.

    Low-starch potatoes tend to contain

    more moisture and can get sticky

    when mashed.

    Quick, easy, and oh-so-satisfying, mashed potatoes are

    a holiday must-have. From grandma's recipe to gourmet

    versions (with all the creamy-smooth and chunky-thick

    variations in between), a few rules and toots can make all the

    difference in how a mashed-potato fe(ipe turns out Read on

    for recipes and tips that guarantee splendid spuds.

    s m as i s !

    2. Don't overmash. Too much mashing or mixing can make potatoes gummy.

    Never mash potatoes

    in a food processor.

    How to get luscious mashed

    potatoes every time

    3. Warm up add-ins such as milk or butter before

    mixing them into potatoes.

    This keeps the potatoes piping

    hot and prevents overmixing.

    PHOTOGRAPHY Maren Caruso FOOD STYLING Kim Kissling PROP STYLING Christine Wolheim

    36 December 1 2011 1

  • Available in 160z. 320z. ,Gallons & 60%. Spray

  • technique

    TOOLS OF TH E TRADE # Potatoes can be mashed with everything from a spoon to a food mill. Here, a roundup of what each tool can do.


    Wooden spoon Chunky smashed and skin-on mashed _____ -,:PO,-ta=-'''''_,. -,---, __ --:---:---:-_/1/ Potato masher Fluffy mashed potatoes that still have I

    some texture. .."I Potato ricer Velvety smooth and creamy potatoes. --t--:--


    electric mixer

    potatoes. Potatoes need not be

    added one by one.

    Whipped potato recipes that call for lats af added fat and liquid.

    Horseradish Smashed Potatoes S[v. I )0 MINUTES OR FEWER II you can't lind fresh horser:ldish, substitute 2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish.

    2 lb. small Yukon gold or Dutch yellow potato(!s, sliced into %-inch-thick rounds

    y, cup creme fraiche, warmed '>Ii cup finely chopped chives 3 Tbs. peeled and grated fresh

    horseradish root, firmly packed


    1. Bring potatoes and enough salted water to cover to a boil in POt over medium heat. Cook 15 minutes, or until tender. Drain, then return to pOL

    horseradish in bowl. hsh potats with wooden spoon, leaving large chunks. Fold in creme fraiche mixture.

    2. Combine creme fraiche, chives, and

    38 December 2011


    (2 G SAT FAn; n GCARB; 13 MGCHOL. 84 MG SOD; 2 G FIBER;

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  • Duchesse Potatoes MAns 10 osnHs

    Duchesse poratoes are egg- and cheese-spiked mashed potatoes that are piped into swirly shapes using a pamy bag, then baked in the oven so you get a crispy exterior and a creamy interior. They're great for a crowd because the potato mixture can be made up to a day ahead, then shaped and baked just before serving. If you don't have a pastTy bag, use a small ice cream scoop and the back of a spoon to shape the potato mounds.

    40 December 2011 vegetariantimes_com

    4 russet potatoes (2'h Ib_), peeled and sliced into I'.t-inch-thick rounds

    4 Tbs. ('h stick) softened unsalted butter, plus 2 Tbs. melted butter, divided

    I'.t cup low-fat milk 2 large eggs I'.t cup finely grated Gruyere or Swiss

    cheese 'h tsp_ smoked paprika

    1. Place pOlatOes in large POt, and cover with salted water. Bring [0 a hail, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook 18 to 20 minutes, or until tender. Drain well, then push potatOes through ricer into bowl. Slir in softened butter. Whisk together milk and eggs in separate bowL Stir potato

    DIY: AWESOME ADD-INS # Whip up your own mashed potato creations with these inspired additions.

    Olive oil, truffle Roasted garlic oil, garlic oil,

    Caramelized nut/seed oils onronS-U5e

    Buttermilk the Onion

    Ricotta, cottage, Contit recipe on vegetarian

    or cream cheese times.eom

    Prepared pesto Steamed,

    Horseradish chopped

    M.maro greens such as spinach,

    Chopped fresh Swiss chard, kale, or cabbage

    herbs such as parsley, cilantro, Minced chipotle rosemary, basil, chiles in adobo thyme sauce

    lemon zest Wasabi paste

    mixture into egg mixture. Fold in cheese until melted and smooth. 2. Preheat oven to 400'F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper, or spray with cooking spray. Scoop potato mixture into pastry bag htted with Slar tip, then pipe 20 rosene-shaped mounds of potawes 2lh inches wide in diameter and Ph inches high onto prepared baking sheet. 3. Whisk paprika into 2 Tbs. melted butler, and gently brush or drizzle buner over top of each rosette. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Adjust oven heat to broil, and broil potatoes I m inute for extra color, if desired. Serve hot. PER ROSETTE: 97CAL; 3 G

    SAT FAT); 11 G eARB; 31 MGCHOL; 51 FIBER;

  • Yukon Gold Potatoes with Pistachio Oil S[YlS 8 I )0 MIUTlS O. llWl"

    Pistachio oil adds a mellow nuttiness to these creamy pmatoes. You can also use walnut or pumpkin seed oil.

    5 medium Yukon gold potatoes (2'1. lb.), peeled and sliced Yt-inch thick

    Yt cup almond milk. warmed 'I. cup pistachio oil

    Bring potatoes and enough salted water to cover to a boil in pot over medium heal. Cook 15 to 20 minutes, or until tender. Drain. Push potatoes through ricer, then stir in almond milk and pistachio oil. PIH\CUP SERVING 159 CAL 3 G PROT; 7(, TOTAL FAT (

  • ,-gluten-free pantry , , BY Mary Margaret Chappell

    our ower In vrs latest baking experiment, we tried seven different gluten-free flour

    mixes in three basic recipes for blueberry

    muffins, banana pancakes, and chocolate

    chip cookies. The takeaway? All the mixes

    were good, but the best choice mostly

    depends on personal preference and what

    you're planning to make.

    Read on for a brand-by-brand report.

    A gUide to gluten-free all-purpose baking blends


    ARROWHEAD M.ILLS GLUTEN FREE ALL PURPOSE BAKING MIX This blend contains baking powder to lighten baked goods_

    BmER BATTER ALL PURPOSE FLOUR MIX The box says to add extra liquid to ymst doughs; we did tnc same for batters.

    BOB'S RED Mill ALL PURPOSEGF BAKING FLOUR Unlike most mies, this is primarily garbanzo bean ficUI. (Package recommends adding xallthall gum, but wedid not.)

    FEARN RICE BAKING MIX Baking powder, baking soda, alld salt in this rke flour/soya powder mi make it more like self-rising RoUI. (We left out leavening agents in reCipes.)

    GLUTEN FREE PANTRV GLUTEN-FREE ALLPURPOSE FLOUR This basic blend produces results dosest to all-purpose wheat flour.

    KING ARTHUR GLUTEN FREE MULTIPURPOSE FLOUR Without guar or xallthall gums, this blend makes thin batters and soft doughs.

    NAMASTE PERFECT FLOUR BLEND This mix of brown rice, tapioca, arrowroot, and sorghum flours and xallthall gum makes thick batters and doughs.




    . ' , ., ).. . ' Jj



    Film, moist, smallish muffins with flat tops; thick batter needed extra baking time.

    Tender, chewy, smallish muffins with rounded tops.

    Thin batter; produced smaller muffillS with flat tops and slightly nutty taste.

    Flat-topped, quickbrowning muffins with a crumbly texture.

    Tall, lound-topped muffins with a tender texture.

    Round-topped muffins with a fine, dense crumb.

    Slightly lumpy batter produced crumbly topped, moist muffins.


    Pale, crisp pancakes that rose moderately and woked evenly.

    Pretty, perfectly round pancakes that browned quickly and were slightly chewy.

    Smooth, chewy pancakes that browned evenly and had a buttery flavor.

    Thick, fluffy pancakes that browned quickly in the parI.

    Pale-colored, thick pallCakes that were dense ami chewy. Battel had to be thinned with water.

    Thin pancakes that were crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, with a butterysweet flavor.

    Not recommended for pancakes.


    Puffy and cru rlChy cookies on the outside, tender and buttery illSide.

    Cookies looked more like nuggets, but they had a melt-inyour-mouth texture like gourmet bakery cookies.

    Crisp cookies with caramel-like flavor from a dough that spread quickly in the oven.

    Not recommended fO! cookies.

    Dough spread a lot when baked and yielded thin, crunchy cookies.

    Flat, crisp cookies that were somewhat fragile.

    Tender, puffy cookies that were almost meringue-like.


    - - "

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    44 December 1 2011 1

    The mock duck on the menu of a vegetarian Chinese restaurant may not seem like

    Buddhist cuisine, but it is a dire

  • carrots, and roll up with completed yuba rollin center. Set aside. Place third yuba sheet on towel, blot dry, and lay 'I. cup green bens nd 2 Tbs. carrOt mixture in row 2 inches above bottom. Set double yuba roll on top, and roll up like a burrito. Place fourth yuba sheet on towel, blot dry, nd lay II. cup green beans and 2 Tbs. carrOt mixture in row 2 inches above bOHom. Set triple yuba roll in center, and roll up into 1 large roll. 6. Stir cornstarch into 1 Tbs. water in bowl to make paste. Apply cornstarch paste to outside edge of large yuba roll to seal. Repeat entire rolling process to make second large yuba roll. 7. Heat canola oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add yuba rolls seam-side down. Cook 10 minutes, turning once, or until golden on both sides. Add lil cup hot water, cover, and reduce heat to medium-low. Steam 5 minutes, then flip rolls. Add Ih cup hot water, cover, and steam 5 to 7 minutes more, or until liquid has evaporated. Remove from skillet, and cool. Slice crosswise into Ill-inch-thick slices, and serve with remaining soy sauce mixture. Serve at room temperature or chilled. PfR SERVING (Y, ROLL), 164 CAl; 7 G P"RQT: 7 G TOTAl. FAT (1 G SAT FAT); 20 G CARB. 0 MGCHOI.; 389 MG SOD; 4GFIBER.IG5UGA"'i " Sticky Rice with Carrots, Shiitake Mushrooms, and Peanuts S(.V(S " Long-grain glutinous rice, also known as sticky rice, is steamed rather than boiled, and has a chewy texture.

    2 cups long-grain glutinous rice 1 oz. dried shiitake mushrooms 1 Tbs. toasted sesame oil 3 carrots, peeled and grated (1'h cups) 'h cup roasted peanuts 1 tsp. finely grated fresh ginger 3 Tbs. vegetarian mushroom stir-fry sauce

    or sweet soy sauce 2 Tbs. low-sodium soy sauce 1 tsp. sugar 1 Tbs. vegetable oil Vegetarian furikake seasoning, such as

    Eden Shake, for sprinkling, optional

    1. Soak rice in bowl of water overnight. 2. Place mushrooms in heat-proof bowl, and cover with 1 cup boiling water. Soak 1 hour. Drain, and fmely chop. (Reserve liquid for another use.) 3. Heat sesame oil in nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms and carrOts; stir-fry 5 minutes. Stif in penuts and ginger, and cook 1 minute more. 4. Combine stir-fry sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and I Tbs. warer in bowl. Stir into carrOt mixture, then remove from heat. Set aside. 5. Drain rice, and transfer to small heat-proof dish that will fit in steamer. Stir in II. cup water. Place dish in steamer, and Steam rice 25 to 30 minutes, or umi] tender, but grains remain distinct, adding more water, if necessary. Transfer rice to large bowl, and stir in vegeuble oil and carrot mixture, using chopping motion with spoon to incorporate ingrediems. Sprinkle with furikake, if using, and serve warm. PfR'A-CUP SERVING' 370CAL B G PROT; II GTOTAL FAT (, G SAT FAT); 60 G CARB. 0 MG CHOL; 614 MG SOD. S G FIBER; S G SLlGA"'i 0

    Sweet Walnut Soup S[V[S 8

    Served hot or cold, this is one of the few Chinese desserts ] clamored for as a child.

    2 cups raw walnuts 3 Tbs. Arborio or Carnaroli rice '" cup sugar .,. tsp. salt 1 IS-oz. can light coconut milk Fresh or dried persimmons or peaches,

    for garnish, optional

    1. Preheat oven to 350F. Spread walnuts on baking sheer, and toast 15 minules, or until fragrant. Cool. 2. Soak rice in 1 cup boiling water in bowl 2 hours. Drain. Puree rice, walnuts, and 4 cups water in blender until smooth. Transfer to saucepan, stir in sugar and salt, and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low, and simmer 10 minutes. Strain mixture through fme sieve into bowl. Discard solids. Stir in coconut milk. Garnish with persimmons, if using. rER'I'.-CUP SEINING 299 CAL SG PROT 21 G TOTAL FAT (4G SAT FAT); 27G CARB. 0 MGCHOL; 78 MG SOD; 2 G FIBER; 20GSUGAR$ " (!) I Decemher 2011 47

  • &,-------,v,-,t-,,-s j;l e ( j a I p BY Rachel Dowd

    'Tis the season of smarter giving. As you're making your

    list and checking it twice,

    remember to add a deserving

    charity to your roster of recipi

    ents. Taday's postrecession

    nonprofits have found innova

    tive ways to use donations

    more efficiently-and they're

    openly accounting for every

    penny. "People want to know

    the true impact their donation

    is having on individuals or

    causes," says Michelle Cramer,

    CFRE, president and CEO of

    Dublin, Ohio-based fund

    raising consultant firm Cramer

    & Associates. "And they want to give to something they have

    a personal connection to."

    You can get involved with the

    five charities featured here even

    if money is tight: volunteer,

    become a fan on Facebook, and

    spread the word.

    48 Decemher I lOll I vegeta,iantimes.(Om

    Ive VT's Annual Charity Guide

    In Defense of Animals What: Champions the rights of animals by orchestrating campaigns to shut down puppy mills, stop the sale of fur and foie gras, and end animal testing; runs animal sanctuaries in Africa and rural Mississippi; sends veterinarians to treat injured animals

    after natural disasters, including last year's earthquake in Haiti. What your gift will buy:

    $35 feeds one horse at the Mississippi sanctuary for a week.


    $60 cares for an orphaned baby chimpanzee

    Thanks to IDA's advocacy, West Hollywood, Calif.,

    recently became the first

    city in the country to approve an ordinance

    banning the sale of fur. in Africa for a week. $400 buys four tires for a dog-and-cat-rescue van in South Korea. Short on cash? Volunteer as an animal abuse investigator. Or help change the pets-as-property mind-set by launching a campaign in your town to replace the word

    "owner" with "guardian" on all animalrelated ordinances. Why give now: "The global economic crisis is putting tremendous pressure on people with animal companions," says In Defense of Animals founder Elliot Katz, DVM. "Whether they don't have enough money to care forthem, or they are losing homes and abandoning them, the situation is taxing activists and multiplying the problem." Contact:

    ILLUSTRATIONS Yunmcc Kyong

  • ,


    , ,


    SPEC IAL THAN KS TO OUR 2011 vgeranan

    eCI .... o ntest o n sors

    Than ks t o o u r readers for the h u ndreds of g reat meatl ess

    ho l iday recipes! O u r edit orial team had a great t i me testin g

    and retesti ng the recipes, and h andpicki ng thei r favorites.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Bob's Red Mill! Natural Foods, lnc. bobsredmill com


    Bragg liquid Aminos Al l-Purpose Seasoning

    (i) EDEN. Eden Foods


    Florida Crystals Organic & Natural

    Sugar fi or i dacrys ta I s _ com

    North Amerkan)


    , , .... O. GOO(>N",-u e g f'l


    Silk Soymilk, Silk Pure Almond:oC almondmilk. & Silk Pure Coconut'" coconutmifk

    Simply Organic Spices, Seasoning Mixes & Baking


    SPfftrum Organic Flax Oil



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Check out the winning recipes in this issue or visit



  • vt special The Cornucopia Institute What: Serves as a watchdog for the sustainable- and organicfood industry and the good-food movement by investigating agricultural practices, promoting the ecological principles of the

    NEAT FACT # Not all big food

    companies are in

    league with Mon-

    santo. The Comuco-

    pia In!ititute

    discovered that

    Eden Foods grows, handles, and

    processes the food

    harvested on their 75,000 acres of family farms in an

    exemplary way that

    exceeds USDA Organic standards.

    family farmer, and educating consumers so they can choose authentic organic products over nagribusiness imposters. What your gift will buy: $30 purchases food to test for pesticide and GMO contamination. $45 provides a tank of gas for one car used to investigate factory farms claiming to be organic. $100 helps fund the weekly salary of one researcher. Shott on cash? Become an "intelligence agent," alerting the organization to possible

    improprieties in the organic-food industry.

    Why give now: "There are a lot of companies meeting the letter of the law rather than the

    spirit of the law when it comes to organic sustainable foods." says Mark Kastel. cofounder of

    the Cornucopia Institute. "It's a betrayal of the people who want to engage with true organic

    foods. and it competitively injures the small farmer competing with them." Contact:


    Anne El l inger, cofounder of the New Yorkbased nonprofit Bolder Giving. shares her suggestions for smarter spending.

    1. Make a plan Etch out how much you want to donate thiS year and over your life-ti me. Usc Bolder Giving's workbook as a gUide: bolderg ivi ng .org/pu bl ications.

    2. Take risks Venture beyond donations to large. well-known charities. For a small organization, $100 will rea lly make a difference.

    3. Talk it up Hitting upyourfriends isn't necessary. but make giving part of your everyday conversations. Just talking about it will change the culture.

    4. Go big Americans typically give just 2 to 3 percent of their income to charity. Dig deeper. pool money with friends. or follow your passions to donate more.

    50 December 1 2011 1 vegeta,


  • t e wor 's ar est co ect ion o ve etarian rec i es

    . - . ...... -. . \ . . -* - .-




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  • You spoke . . . we listened!


    Find us at your favorite supermarket or health foods store.

    TIw: HeailhyOlJOOce . ams made from a blend of AJrnond.lI &- Cashews with n.alural r1aYOn

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    Sun this tag 10 win i fREE pint of UnswN'lMf'd


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    vt special

    NEAT FACT _ IRe's New Roots

    What: Responds within 72 hours to the world's worst conflicts and disasters; provides emergency care and referrals for victims of sexual violence; helps refugees safely rebuild their lives with dignity by offering health care, mental and physical support, education, and vital resources such as sanitation and clean water. What your gift will buy:

    nutrition program helps provide refugees access to fresh, nutritious produce; it also helpsthem integrate into their adopted commun ities.

    $24 provides medical supplies for women giving birth in crisis zones, plus an infant blanket and clothes. $60 buys gardening tools and seeds to help a refugee family grow their own food. $100 gives 200 people access to safe drinking water. Short on cash? Mentor refugees and tutor school-age children through one of the organization's 22 regional offices. Why give now: As of early October, 43 million people were fleeing violence and perse

  • Rainforest Alliance What: Protects the world's dwindling tropical forests by working with the people whose livelihoods depend on the land-helping them create newways to grow food, develop sustainable tourism, and harvest resources. The leading Forest Stewardship (ounei I-accredited certifier, RA has vetted morethan 160 million acres of forest in 74 countries. What your gift will buy:

    $50 teaches a community of tea farmers in Kenya to sustainably harvest crops. $100 trains one person in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve to practice forest conservation. $250 teaches businesses in 10 rural communities howto implement ecological tourism. short on cash? Ask your school or office to use Rainforest Alliance-certified products, marked with a little green frog on things like coffee and paper goods. Why give now: "We only have this one planet, and we have a population that's

    growing at an

    NEAT FACT alarming rate," says

    Going on a vacation? Ana PaulaTavares,

    You can search for exe

  • FOOD BY Carolyn Malcoun



    "" lOOCAlQRI[S

    "" 1.8Gf18ER

    " 233 MG POTASSIUM

    The sun-ripened fruit has a long history of adding natural sweetness to recipes

    Exotic yet homegrown, ancient and avant-garde, dates are a study in culinary

    contradictions. The candy-sweet fruit has been cultivated in the Middle East since

    4000 B.c, but nowadays, two-thirds of the dates Americans buy come from the

    California and Arizona deserts. With the interest in unrefined sweeteners growing,

    raw food chefs and health-conscious cooks looking to exploit the fruit's natural,

    nutrient-rich sweetness are giving dates a modern makeover. The following recipes

    offer an array of possibilities, from a Middle Eastern tagine to an all-American party

    staple. the cheese ball.

  • Chickpea and Date Tagine SEVES 6

    North African tagines often combine sweet and savory foods to play off the spices used to season them.

    1 Tbs. olive oil 1 large onion, diced (2 cups)

    4 cloves garlic, minced{4tsp.) 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. ground coriander 1 tsp. ground ginger

    y, tsp. ground cinnamon 1 15oz. can crushed tomatoes 3 cups cooked chickpeas or 2 15oz. cans

    chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 cup whole-wheat couscous 1 cup pitted dates, halved v. cup lemon juice 'Ii cup chopped cilantro

    1. Heat oil in saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, and cook 10 minutes, or until starti ng to brown, stirring often. Stir in garlic, cumin, coriander, ginger, and cinnamon, and saute 30 seconds . Add tomatoes, chickpeas, and 1/. cup water; simmer to minutes. 2. Meanwhile, toast couscous in small saucepan over medium heat 5 minutes, or until fragrant. Add ]1/. cups water, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand 5 minutes. 3. Stir dates and lemon juice into tagine, and season with salt and pepper, if desired. Serve over couscous, sprinkled with cilantro. PER SERVING (J CUP STEW AND II CUP COUSCOUS), 400(Al; 15 G PROT, 5GTDTAL FAT , G SAT FAn; 61 G (ARB; 0 MG (HOl; 378 MG SOD; 15G FIBER; 29 G SUGARS


  • Whole-Wheat Ginger-Date Scones MAUS 8 SCON[S

    Dates, crystallized ginger, and allspice give these wholesome scones holiday zing. The scones freeze well; wrap them individually, and defrost as needed.

    2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour 2 Tbs. sugar, plus 1 tsp. for sprinkling 2 tsp. baking powder '4 tsp. ground allspice 'Ii tsp. salt 'I. cup ('h stick) cold unsalted butter, cubed % cup canola oil 'Ii cup buttermilk, plus 2 tsp. for brushing % cup chopped dates 'h cup chopped crystallized ginger

    1. Preheat oven to 37YF. Coat baking sheet with cooking spray. 2. \Vhisk together tlour, 2 Tbs. sugar, baking powder, allspice, and salt in bowl. \Vork in butter using fingers until dough is grainy; slir in oil and buttermilk. 3. Place dough on well-floured work surface, and knead in dates and ginger. 4. Transfer dough to prepared baking sheet, and pat into 8-inch circle. Brush dough with buttermilk, and sprinkle with 1 tsp. sugar. Cut into 8 wedges; separate wedges on baking sheet, and bake 30 minutes, or until golden brown. f'FRSCONE "S(AL; 4 G POT; 13 GTOTAI FAT (4G SAT FAT); 49 G (ARB; 16 MG (HOI.; 258 MG SOD; 5 G FIBER; 19G 5LJGARS

    Sauteed Kale with Golden Garlic and Dates SlVlS 4 I jO MINUTlS O F lWH

    Once you've tried this tasty dish, you'll find yourself making it again and again.

    2 Tbs. olive oil 'Ii cup thinly sliced cloves garlic 3 bunches kale, tough ribs removed,

    chopped (1'4 lb.)

    'Ii cup slivered pitted dates 2 tsp. sherry vinegar

    1. Heat oil and garlic in skillet over medium heat 6 to 8 minutes, or until garlic starts to brown, stirring occasionally. Spread garlic on plate in single layer.

    SHOP SMART Even though they're sold alongside dried fruit, dates are actually fresh-they appear

    dried and have a long shelf life due to their low moisture content. Shop for Deglet Noor and Medjool dates in supermarkets, or order lesser-known varieties onHne. DEGLET NOORThe most commonly grown date in the United States. Medium-sized

    and firm with a deep caramelized flavor. Nearly all pitted dates sold arc this variety.

    MEDJOOL Large, succulent, and dark golden brown with an almost creamy texture. The second most common variety in the United States.

    AJWA Tender, luscious, and nearly black. The Prophet Muhammad reportedly said that those who consumed ajwa dates would not be "harmed on that day by poison

    . " or magIC.

    HALAWI Small, chewy, and very sweet. Good for snacking.

    KHADRAWYTender and mildly flavored with a dark mahogany color. Very popular in the Middle East.

    THOORY Drier than other date varieties, with a nutty flavor. Dark brown at one end

    and golden brown at the other.

    Add a few handfuls of kale to pan, and stir until wilted. Add remaining kale a few handfuls at a time; saute 5 minutes, or until tender. stirring occasionally. 2. Transfer kale to colander to drain, pressing to remove excess liquid. Return kale to pan, and stir in dates and vinegar. Heat 2 to 3 minutes. or until heated through. Season with salt and pepper, i! desired. Serve sprinkled with garlic. f'FR II-CUP SERVING 143 CAL 4 G PROT, 6 G TOTAL FAT 1 G SAT FAT); B G(ARS; 0 MG (HOI.; 36 MG SOD; 4 G FIBER, llG SUGARS " (!) Date-Pecan Bars MAns 8 BARS

    These gluten-free treats feature a shortbread-like base that doubles as a streusel topping with the addition of chopped pecans. Let the bars cool completely before CUlling so they hold their shape. If using a baking mix with xanthan gum. be sure to omit il from the recipe. Not a gluten avoider? Swap all-purpose flour for the gluten-free flour, and skip the xamhan gum.

    2 cups chopped pitted dates

    1 tsp. vanilla extract 1'1i cups ali-purpose gluten-free flour

    'Ii cup sugar

    1'1i tsp. xanthan gum, optional % tsp. salt Y, cup canola oil 1 large egg

    1 egg white 1 cup chopped pecans

    1. Preheat oven to 400'F. Coal 8-inch sguare baking pan with cooking spray. 2. Simmer dates in ,/. cup water in saucepan over medium heat 10 minutes, or until water is absorbed and mixture is jam-like. Stir in vanilla, and sel aside. 3. \Vhisk together flour, sugar, xanthan gum (if USing), and salt in bowl. Whisk together oil, egg, and egg white in separate bowl. Stir oil mixture into flour mixture. Transfer IIJ cup dough to small bowl, and add pecans; work with fingertips to make crumbly mixture. 4. Press remaining dough into bottom of prepared pan. Spread date mixture on top, and sprinkle with pecan mixture. Bake 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Cut into 8 bars. P"ER BAR 416 (AI.; 6 G PROT; 20 G TOT N. FAT (2 G SAT FAT); S9G CARB; 23 MGCHOL 89 MG SOO; 7 G FIBER

    38 G SUGARS a1 _

    Carolyn Malcoun is a freelance food writer and rtape developer in Portland, Maine.

    vgetafiantim" I December 1 2011 57

  • ,




  • BY Mary M argaret Chappell

    reader recipe 2011


    For the 2011 Reader Recipe Contest, we asked for wow-holiday-style, pun-out-allthe-stops, everyone-goes-back-for-seconds wow. And boy, did this year's winners

    deliver. From inventive enchiladas, savory stuffed mushrooms, and a nontraditional

    casserole (the winners) to luscious lasagna, hearty bourguignon, and an elegant

    eggplant dish (the honorable mentions), these amazing entrees have the looks and

    taste to delight both vegetarians and omnivores at any special occasion.


    Right from the start, the originality and flavor profile of this recipe made it a standout for VTtaste testers. "My wife and I eat this dish a lot in the fall and winter months. We make it when we're having guests (vegetarian and not) because we know everyone will enjoy it," explains James McNulty. "It can be made the night before and it travels well, so it's great for a potluck or a holiday party."

    SAUCE 1 IS-oz. can tomato sauce

    1'4 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1 tsp . ancho chile powder 1 tsp. Simply Organic chili powder 1 tsp. Simply Organic garlic powder 1 tsp. Simply Organic onion powder 1 tsp . Simply Organic dried oregano 'I:. tsp. Simply Organic chipotle

    chile powder FILLING

    1 Tbs. Spectrum extra virgin olive oil 1 small onion, diced (1 cup)

    1'1:. lb. sweet potatoes, peeled and diced (3 cups)

    1 IS-oz. can diced tomatoes, drained 1 I6-oz. jar prepared medium salsa 2 cloves garlic, minced (2 tsp.) 1 chipotlc chile in adobo sauce, drained

    and mincc


    The inspiration for this redpe came from Chance Genovese's Italian heritage. "I wanted a dish that used traditional ingredients of Italy but were easily found at the Io

  • .. . ..



    Hagerswwn , Md. Prize: $200


    When longtime vegetarian Rhee Lightner cooks for her omnivorous family, her goal is "to make food that is so delicious they don't even think about what they're eating.ff She came up with this dish on a cold, rainy day when she wanted to eat "something sustaining, comforting, and wholesome-and the idea of making a nontraditional dish for the holidays appealed to me."

    POLENTA 2 n5-oz. cans full-fat coconut milk 1 cup Bob's Red Mill polenta Yo cup chopped fresh cilantro 2 Tbs. Bragg nutritional yeast 3 doves garlic, minced {I Tbsl 'A tsp. salt


    'Ii tsp. Simply Organic crushed red pepper 'Ii tsp. Simply Organic ground cumin

    MO 1 IS-OZ. can diced tomatoes 1 Ths. minced unsweetened chocolate

  • 1 Tbs. raisins. finely chopped 2 tsp. honey 1 clove garlic. minced (1 tsp.) 1 tsp. Simply Organic crushed red pepper

    % tsp. Simply Organic cinnamon powder CASSEROLES

    1 tsp. olive oil. plus more for rameldns and polenta

    'h cup diced onion 'h cup diced red bell pepper 1 15-oz. can Eden Organic black beans.

    rinsed and drained 'I. cup chopped toasted almonds % cup chopped fresh cilantro 2 tsp. lime juice % cup diced fresh mango 6 slices Follow Your Heart Vegan

    Gourmet Cheddar Cheese 2 Tbs. dried cilantro

    1. To make Polenta: Bring 2 cups coconut milk, I cup water, and remaining ingredients to a boil in saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer 20 minutes, or until th ick. 2. Coat 9-inch round cake pan with cooking spray. Smooth Polenta mixture into prepared pan. Refrigerate overnight. 3- To make Mole: Simmer al l ingredients in saucepan over medium-low heat 3 minutes, or until sauce is smooth. 4. To assemble Casseroles: Heat oil in saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and bell pepper, and cook 5 minutes. Add black beans, almonds, fresh cilantro, lime juice, and Mole. Fold in mango. 5. Preheat oven to broil. Brush 6 I-cup ramekins with oil, and place on baking sheet. Scoop IIJ cup black bean mixture into each ramekin. 6. Unmold Polenta from cake pan, and cut into 6 rounds with 3-inch round cutter. Saute Polenta rounds in oil in medium skillet until browned on both sides. Place Polenta rounds over bean mixture in ramekins, top with cheese, and sprinkle with dried cilantro. Broil 3 to 5 min utes, or until cheese is melted. F'ER(ASSEROLE 380(AL: 10 G f'ROT. 19 GTOTAL FAT (4 G SAT FAn 4S GCAB; 0 MG (HOI.; 617 MG SOD;


    reader recipe . 2011 C O NTEST

    HONORABLE MENTION Lisa Grey, Fore Lauderdale, Fla.


    "I came up with this recipe because I usually avoid dairy foods and soy," says nutrition blogger and vegetarian Lisa Grey. "I really miss cheese, particularly ricotta. so I experimented until I came up with macadamia ricotta." When making this recipe for the holidays. Grey suggests topping the dish with spinach leaves and red bell peppers for a bit of festive color, then drizzling with 1 to 2 tablespoons walnut oi) before baking to prevent the veggies from drying out.


    1 28-oz. can diced tomatoes 3 doves garlic 1 tsp. honey 1 tsp. Simply Organic dried oregano 1 tsp. Simply Organic dried basil


    1 Tbs. Spectrum whole flaxseeds 12 oz. unsalted macadamia nuts

    2 Tbs. Bragg nutritional yeast 1 Tbs. lemon juice 1 tsp. dried garlic flakes 1 tsp. Simply Organic dried oregano 'h tsp. sea salt


    2 Tbs. olive oil, divided 1 lb. whole-grain lasagna noodles 1 small onion, finely diced (1 cup) 1 12-oz. pkg. Quom meatless ground 2 cups sliced mushrooms

    1. To make Sauce; Blend all ingredients in blender or food processor umil smooth. Set aside. 2. To make Macadamia Rico[[a: Grind flaxseeds in spice or coffee grinder until f inely powdered. Pulse nuts in food processor until chopped. Add all remaining ingrediems and ground flaxseeds to nuts in food processor, and blend 30 seconds. Pour 'I. cup water through leed tube with food processor running, and

    blend until smooth, ricona-like consistency is reached. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. 3. To assemble Lasagna: Preheat oven ro 350"F. Rub 13- x 9-inch baking dish with ! Tbs. oil. 4. Cook noodles according to package direction s. Drain, and set aside. Meanwhile, heat remaining I Tbs. oil in skillet over medium heat; add onion, and saute 3 to 5 minutes, or umil soft. Remove from heat. 5. Spread layer of lasagna noodles in bonom of prepared baking dish. Spread thin layer of Macadamia Ricolta over noodles. Sprinkle with one-third portion each of Quorn ground, onion, and mushrooms. Cover with one-third of Sauce. Repeat layering until all Quom, onion, and mushrooms have been used, then top with layer of noodles and Sauce. Bake 30 to 45 minutes, or umil Lasagna is hot and bubbly. PER SLICE 639 CAI.; 22 G f'ROT; 39 GTOrALFAT

    (6 G SAT FAn 59 GCARB; 0 MG (HOl 415 MG SOD.

    16 G FIBER. 8 G SUGARS

    Continued on p. 71

    vegetariantimes.(Om I December 1 2011 63

  • BY KimWong

    We've picked out 18 holiday-worthy gifts for every foodie on your list

    PHOTOGRAPHY Mike Lorrig STYLING Andrea Kraus

    64 December 1 l'Ol1 I


  • -


    You get four tools in one with the JosephJoseph Baking Set, including an adjustable rolling pin for perfect dough thickness. S45 (also includes spatula, timer, and pastry brush);


    Made of gold-plated stainless steel, the TableArt Adam Gold Matte Cake Server dazzles at dessert time. S40; tableartonline .com

    wi n ! # Register at vegetarian times. com/sweeps for a chance to win all these baking goodies.


    Baked goodies look extra-sweet on the Meri Meri pop-up cardboard cake stand, which folds away for easy storage. SS;

  • soup's on


    Handmade by artisans in Chile, the fair-trade

    Pomaireware Clay Bean Pot is pretty enough to go from stove to oven to table. $35;


    These Chinese soup spoons are made of rich-looking wood, not the typical porcelain or plastic. S3.95/('a(h, S23/set of 6; wokshop,com


    With their deep red color and quaint. textured patterns, these (hehoma soup bowls warm up any table. S12/each;


    Grabbing salad and shakiflg off exccss dressing is a breeze with one-handed Nuance Denmark Salad Tongs. S29.99;


    What's betterthan fresh-from-your-gardcn produce? Inspire loved ones to grow their own with GMO-frce Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.



    We lovE' the geometric shape and vibrant color of (are Bamboo large Square Bowls, made from 100 percent organic bamboo. S54/each; cor(,bamboo,com


    This orange balsamic vinegar from Modena, Italy, makes even simple tossed greens taste totally gourmet. S20;

    wi n ! # Register at vegetarian times. com/sweeps for a chance to win all these salad supplies.


    The Sagaform Herbs/ Spices Dressing Shaker lets you show off a homemade vinaigrette. then keep it fresh in the fridge. S24.9S; I December I lOll 67

  • CUTTING EDGE Pair wine with nibbles using the ergonomic Wave Cheese Knives. There's one for every kind of cheese: soft, medium, and hard. S54/s('t of 3;

    vino ch ic

    BEDER BOTTLE Great for picnics, the S'well Bottle keeps

    wine chilled for upto 24 hours; even cooler, 10 percent of profits goes to WatcrAid, a nonprofit improving access to safe, dean water. S40/25-oz. bottle;

    COOL CARAFE The Menu Wine Breather Carafe aerates a bottle of wine in just 2 minutes, then serves as a gorgeous decanter . .ISO;

    GLASS ACT The Sempli stemless glasses make swirling wine effortless and fun-just set them down and watch them spin. S52/sct of 2;


    Simple and elegant. the 4-cup Sowden Oskar SoftBrew Coffee Maker brews coffee through a supemne stainless steel filter, making it supereasy to dean. S49.95;


    The inscription inside the adorable 15-oz. Andy Warhol So Big (Dogs) mug reads "I never met an animal I didn't like." $20; rosenthalusa-shop,com


    Keepyour coffee just the right temperature in insulated Menu NordicWool Thermo Cups, whose cozy sweater pattern is hard to resist. S29.95/2-cup set; ,

    ve9(> I December ' 2011 69

  • BY Mary Margaret Chappell

    Homemade icebox cookie dough makes holiday baking a breeze

    Craving a holiday season full of freshly baked cookies that can be snacked on warm, served at parties, and shared as gifts?Take a cue from home bakers of yore,

    who turned to icebox cookies for simplicity and ease. As far back as 1915, the Larkin Housewives' Cookbook advised readers to forgo the rolling pin and cookie cutters, and instead shape any cookie dough into a log, chill, then slice, because it "saves a good

    deal of time and is very satisfactory. We've applied the old-fashioned technique to

    some thoroughly modern recipes for an unforgettable selection of holiday treats.

  • 72 December 12()11 veg ... tariantim ...


    N UTELLA cookies MAn$ H (OO!'IS

    Nutella, the creamy chocolate-hazelnut spread, does double dury as dough ingredient and frosting here.

    1% cups all-purpose flour Yo cup unsweetened cocoa '>Ii tsp. baking soda Yo tsp. salt 1 cup Nutella, plus more for frosting


    4 oz. (I stick) unsalted butter or margarine, softened

    'I. cup brown sugar 1 large egg '>Ii tsp. hazelnut extract, optional

    36 whole blanched hazelnuts, for garnish

    1. Sift tOgether flour, cocoa, baking soda, and sal! in bowl. 2. Beat NuteJla and butter with electric mixer until smooth and combined. Beat in brown sugar, then egg and hazelnut extract, if using. Beat in flour mixture with mixer on low speed untit dough forms. 3. Transfer dough to large sheet of plastic wrap or wax paper. Shape dough into 2-inch-diameter log with plastic wrap. \Vrap tightly, and chill 2 hours, or overnighr. 4. Preheat oven to 350F. Slice dough log into '!._inch_lhick slices, rolling log 90 degrees between slices to keep edges round. Transfer slices to greased or parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake 9 to !I minutes, or until cookies are !i.rm and dry. Transfer to wire rack to cool. 5. Frost each cookie with '12 tsp. Nutella, and garnish with I hazelnur. P!:RCOOKIE 148CAI.; 2 G PROT 8 G TOTAL FAT (3G SAT FATl 18G CARB; 12 MG CIiOI.; 52 MG SOD;

  • ,

    " to . r 0 ..


    2 cups all-purpose flQur

    , .'

    1 Ths. ground inger

    2 tsp. baking soda . . " . . .I' 1 tsp. ground cinnamon


    . .

    - ,. ,

    SPICY gingersnaps

    These gingersnaps get an eXTra spicy kick from black pepper. (II you prefer a milder flavor, omit the pepper and reduce the ground ginger to 2 teaspoons.) The gingersnaps depend on tub-style shortening-not burrer, margarine, or shortening sticks-for their crisp. hrm texture and crackled tOps.

    y, tsp. Sollt , Yo tsp. ground black pepper " 'I. cup tub-style shortening'" # '!, cup plus y, cup sugar, divided"

    y, cup dark brown sugar 3 Tbs. plain rice milk or soymilk Yo cup molasses



    1. Whisk together flour, ginger. baking soda, cinnamon, salt, and pepper in large bowl. Set aside. 2. Cream shortening, lh cup sugar, and brown sugar with electric mixer umil fluffy. Add rice milk, and beat until smooth. Beat in molasses. Add flour mixture '12 cup at a time, beating after each addition, until soft dough forms. 3. Divide dough in half. Transfer each dough half to large sheet of plastic wrap or wax paper. Use plastic wrap to shape dough into 2 2-inch-diameter logs. \Vrap tightly, and chill 2 hours, or overnight. 4. To bake cookies: Preheat oven to 350-F. Place remaining '12 cup sugar in shallow bowl. Slice dough logs imo 'Il-inch-thick slices, rolling logs 90 degrees between slices to keep edges round. Oil' one side of each slice in sugar, and place sugar-side up on greased or parchmem paper-lined baking sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, o r umil cookies are crackled and dry on top. Cool 2 to 3 minutes on baking sheet, then [ransler to wire rack to cool completely. f'ER COQKtE 76 (AL

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  • READER RECIPE CONTEST Continued from p. 63.

    HONORABLE MENTION Nancy Toenniges, Wayzata, Minn.


    "My grandmother once told me that if I ever wanted to make a man fall in love with me, I should make him this dish," says NancyToenniges. "Of course, she was talking about a version with lamb; since I don't eat meat, I reworked it-but it's still a meal men can't resist."


    3 large eggplants. cut into 3-inchthick rounds

    4 Tbs. olive oil, plus more for drizzling eggplant, divided

    2 medium onions, cut into thin slices 'It cup pine nuts 1 12-oz. pkg. Quom meatless ground

    1'" tsp. groundallspicc '4 tsp. Simply Organic cayenne pepper 1 6-oz. (an tomato paste 1 15-oz. can crushed tomatoes

    '"' y'-y, cup butter or margarine

    Yo (UP broken angel hair pasta 2 cups Lundberg long-grain white rice y, tsp. saffron 1 tsp. salt

    1. Preheat oven [0 350'F. Salt eggplant rounds on both sides, and place on large planer. Let sweat 20 mi nutes. Rinse off salt, and tr.lflsfer to 13- x 9-inch baking dish. Drizzle with oil, nip rounds over, and drizzle with oil again. Bake 30 to 45 minutes, or umil tender. 2. Meanwhile, heat 2 Tbs. oil in large skillet over medium heal. Add onions, and cook 20 minutes, or until onions begin to brown. Increase heat to medium-high, and add pine nuts. Cook 5 to 7 minutes, or until pine nuts are browned, stirring occasionally. Transfer onion mixture to plate. 3. Add remaining 2 Tbs. oil and Quom ground to pan. Saute over medium heat 7 to 10 minutes, or until

    My grandmother once told me that if I ever wanted to make a man fall in love with me, I should make him this dish.

    browned. Stir in allspice, cayenne, and onion mixture; season with salt and pepper, if desired. 4. Use teaspoon to push shallow well into center of each eggplant round. Spoon 1'12 Tbs. tomato paste into each round. Divide Quorn mixture among eggplant rounds. Top each round with ,/. cup crushed tomatoes; some should spi ll over into baking dish. Add '12 cup water to pan, cover with loil, and bake 30 minutes. Remove foil, reduce oven temperature to 300'F, and bake \0 minutes more. Cover loosely with foil, and let rest \0 to 15 minutes. 5. To make Rice: Heat butter in large saucepan over medium-high heal. Add angel hair pasta, and cook 5 to 7 mi nutes, Of until browned. Stir i n long-grain rice until coated with butter. Add saffron, salt, and 4 cups water, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to mediumlow, cover, and simmer 15 to 18 minutes, or until Rice is tender. Remove from heat, and let stand \0 minutes. Fluff with fork. 6. Serve eggplant rounds on bed of Rice. rERSERVING (1 EGGPlANT ROUND AND 1 cur RICE),

    502 CAL. 16G PROT. 37GTOTAL FAT (ll G SAT FAn

    37GCARB; 31 MGCHOl; 511 MG SOD; 15G FIER;

    12G SUGARS _

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