venetian blinds ^| e| 1 -...

BAYPORT BRIEFS f kast Friday afternoon the following program was presented Iii the Bayport school under the direction of John , C. Schneid er, niusic director : Flag saluto , led by Merle Johnson ; songs by Grade 3: Snowbirds , Little Eskimo; piano solos, Phyllis Newciell: Adieu to the (Piano , Beethoven , Merry Parmer , (Schumann; songs by Oracle 4: Skating, Follow, Me;, cornet solos, Ronnlci : Piatt: Mnrch - Onward , Country Gar- dens; accordion solos. Richard Schmidt: Beautiful Heaven , Marine Hymn; songs by grade 4: Blue Bella of Scot- land, Folly "Wolly Doodle; clarinet solos, Lois , Piatt: Man on the Flying Trapeze, ' To Each His Own , Carry Me Back to Old Virsinny: group singing - 'America, the Beautiful , Yankee 'Doodle. The Morgan cottage on Main Street , probabl y the landmark in the village, will soon be moved south of its present, location and will be plncwl on the Morgan estate by Mrs. Martin ¦V. Caliagy, ft granddaughter of the late Mr, and Mrs . John Morgan. The quaint old house is well over 100 years old arid was Tiought froin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hlcta , by Mr. Morgan in 1890, as it adjoined the gate entrance to ills estate . The post ollice occup ied it from 1892 for many years , while "Ed - die" Woods was postmaster. Just . who ' built the residence and at what date seems to be lost in the distant past. Mrs. Caliagy plans ta renovate it Xoi her own residence. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Spahn and their son, David , of East Orange , N. J., spent last. wcek end here with Mrs. S. Web- ' .ster Marvin . Mrs . Spahn and David remaining ior several days. * The Bnyport unit of the Home Bu- reau will meet for (he third lesson in sewing on Thursday of next week, at the home of Mr.s. A. O. Bernhard from 10 to 4. Mr. rind Mrs. Arnold J. Hanson , Miss Doris Hansen and Arnold Jr. spent Sunday in Jnckson Heights with Mrs. Robert Hanson. Mrs . Merrill Bachelor and her two children Scott and Elizabeth , of Flem- liigton , N. J., have been spending this .. Week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Liltle. t The Fire Department w?is called out on ' Tuesday ' afternoon and worked lor about a half hour putting out a fire in the wiods on Sylva n Avemie '! ¦ ! This evening at Smithtown the Bay- port High School basketball team will play Smithtown at 7 :15. ,' Mrs. William Otlo is recovering from JJ severe cold which Tcept her confined ' . to her bed] for « week , ;• - |Mrs. /Rudqlpht: ( yQ*£rlsa ¦entertained |rer , club v on ? Tuesday evening. - '" ' - - ' ¦ ¦ ., ? , ¦ ¦ ' ¦ jf ! ' -, 'Ic», yoii know ," remarked the : . ' teacher , " will keep things from be- : feg spoiled, " Zy {'That' s not always true , loach- ' . . ' . , Ifer , " remarked one of his brighter . ¦ [pupils. . ¦;" ,' .£• ¦ "How so?" asked the teacher, Rf "Because last week I was out [skatinj, but I slipped on the ice so .(much it spoiled my fun ." ' : ¦ ; ' ' .jte , ¦ •¦ . ' , ' . ' —¦ ————" ' -rv.* ] iW] Postiionetl f 'After a ' few words , mostly spoken py the - ' young : wife, her hubby spran g to his tcct. t "You ' ve gon ' e . 'loo far I" lie ex- claimed angrily, "This is our last qunrr<>\, I' m golnj ! riglit out of your ;Hte:>' v "Oh , .Henry, darling, - whore aro, . you going?" she cried. ' ¦ . ' '"Where I'll never troubl e you figl/.n , " ho replloc ) , ns ho" started to open tlio front door of ,tlio liltle home in whieh they hnd such pvldc—unlil now. "I'll find whore wild iidventure will wipe out the memo- ries of this- ' moment—-perhaps in the jungle—or on the - stormy sons, " - , As he spoke he opened the door , Mien lie closed it nguin mid turned bternly (o his wife . £"It's ' lucky for you it' s raining!" I 11 Ira in V., Meeker ' Hiram E, Meeker , . executive vleo president of the First National Bank of Lindenhurst slucc 103H, died Mon- day In Dr , King ' s Hospiial in Bay Shore of pneumonia nf tor n brief ill- ness, Mr. Meeker , who lived at H7 Soutli Welhvood Avenue , Lindenhurst , Was 53 years old , ¦ fZ" _ . -Unattractive Habit - . The , (oiiRud lapping of animals , - While a very unattractive habit , seems to cause no more harm than ; tho thumb-sucking by a child. Some <e(iws have the inclination te Jap and droll the ton- gtiG , but just tlie same , i »bey give their live gallons of milk ;j day, - when fresh; Mrs. Lillian Albrecht announced the engagement on Sunday ol her daugh- ter . Miss Dorothy 33. Albrecht , arid William T. Sawyer , son of Mrs. Wilma Sawye r , of Center Moriches. The tveddhig will take place on Sunday, February 23rd , in St. John ' s Lutheran Churc h in Sayville ot 4:30 with the Rev. Louis Martin officiating. Miss Albrecht- is the daug hter also of the late Paul Albreclit, of Bnyport. She is secretary, to H. Garton Lewis, prlii r cipal of the Bayport school. .. . _ On Sunday afternoon Valerie Hei- " / nonen entertained several friends ' in celebration of her sixth birthday. Her guests included Joy Giacobbe; ' Frank Costclizo , Charles Worthingtori, Phyl- lis Lipson , Joan Bartelme , Lorraine Banaszak , Harriet Brown , " Ma ri lyn Schmidt , and Sandra Stoll . ' .. ' : ' "/ ' /Z Elwell Palmer , of Sayville , has been ' having some work done on his Bay- port- property, formerly known as the? Champ.s Elysees development , and reaching fro m Middle Road to the 'bny. The brick wall has been taken down and one of the roads straightened. Guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. , Russell Lechner included Mr. and Mr^' j Robert Lechner. Floyd and Bruce Lechner , Mr. ami Mrs. Hewlett ' Craft , of Springfield Gardens , and Mrs . Kath - J erine Abrams of Leeds , N. Y. ¦ ' ¦ , Skeet shooting rvery Sunday. 10 a/iri. j Sayville Skeet Club , Montauk High- , wny, West Sayville . Visitors welcome , j - . ,. '9812, Mrs. Howard Petersen and her in- fant daughter , Kathleen? , , returned " o' f Friday from the Mather Memorial Hospital , Port Jefferson, where tne i baby was bom. Mrs . Petersen is the. .j former Miss Eileen Deacon: I Part of Baypor t was in darkness late Monday afternoon , when the house ' lights in a part- of the village were out j for afeout a half hour. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basil , of Brook - lyn , spent- Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Buttelmnn. Mrs. Robert- Hope, of WesUleld , N. J .. spent, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. David Hope. Mr, arid Mrs. Peter McGovern moved on Monday to their , new home' ¦in Douglaston. ' " ¦ ' -:• " - . ' ¦ Mrs . Ellen O'Reilly is planning; ; to celebrate her 90th birthday on ; 'Mon- day. Supreme Court .lurors Drawn Flora May Antos and Lillian R, Case, : both i of-sayville ; Elizabeth T. Allies. Holbrook, and Adelaide.. Rob - erts, Blue P6inty ; -;are; -ntriong tfttfco trial jurors drawn to serve at the term of t-h e Supreme Court In Riverhead which begins on February 3rd. Safe Distancie The safest distance at which to follow another car is one ear-length for each 10 miles of speed. At 30 miles an hour , for example , the safe " "following" distance would be three car-lengths. PROUD POSSESSI ON T OR ALU Y OUR TOMOR ROWS P boose ek , of ii .ii ld 1 time, ervii -o happy $33.00 Also available for Immediate delivery, Many beautiful plated patterns , complete In cliesl-s from SIK.OO up, H.L Terry & Sons Main St. Sayville Stores hi lsllp and Hay Shore CContlnued from page one) green gutters. His face blanched and he sho ved the heavy truck into 'higli j gear. A mongre l dog sniffed at the gutter lh front of the bank. He sti£- ! fened , then stalked away. \ The reporter w? as struck-by an in- spiration. Find a vagrant , he told himself. ? A tramp. They usually sleep in^g ' utters. And where do you usually find-tramps? - At the railroa d station , f it. course. . - , ; f At the d epot he found just the fel - low ; he was ' looking for. His clothes were in tatters. Bread criinibS clung to -his beard; . He. was dirty. He was .disheveled. , Ah.;gdod I ' •- . <- ? ; "Well , " he commented , accepting; a cigar from the news hawk .. ••Well , I've '' slept In gutters.; from .' New. York 'to i§niu ' e ' Fe and from Chicago , to Blrm - 'Ingham. I've awakened to find my- self in the company of dead cats , ' empty booze bottles aii d cigar butts , j But not once have I awakened in a I green gutter " He shook his head sad- ly. "What kind of a town is this ahy- j way?" he nske 'd acidly. "Green gut- j : tcrs!" ¦ ' i Shortly after noon the mystery un- ra veiled. The weary reporter sauntered into a grocery store. The proprietor sold him a package? of cigarettes. •'The ¦green gutters ,"' -he began .. . . . .. . -yes!" : the reporter prompted. -T know the answer ," declared the proprietor , who . for . the sake of the j record ..can - . be-y identified as .- ¦ Mick Malsch. . - - ..:- - - . . - - .. - . ? . .; ? ; , I "Ton- know "that-dye;the;Navy ' -at- 'I (aches- to life preservers ," - 'he ¦ quizzed;-1 I We did. "Well , a kid was hoirie '' on ! Heave " from the "'Navy last -night. He I liad a ' package of the stuff . " they use ' jit so thai survivors at sea can be spot- . ted from the air. He dumped it into ' the gutter. It turned out -a pretty i green , didn 't it?" The reporter ch ecked the stosy. It | rang as , true as the dollar sign on I Malsch's cash register. Mick had a suggestion. "Don't use the kid's nam e in the paper ," he cau- tioned. "If that stuff doesn ' t come off tires a lot of people will be after his scal p. " .;. . ' . - ' . - ; . - -• . ' . . - - .- . " Your- irepprfer rush ed^back f itoj lthe : dc-pc * . to. teii i lthe traVntyij-j He^fclioLigHt The ought io ' know!' "i> ' yb , " e 'lV?" " ifte 'I ' .rainp replied, accepting another cigar. "Crazy kids. They 'll never amount to nothing." lie spat on the ground and stalked off along the tracks. i | t - t Roman Plautlits J Snapping the fingers and waving i handkerchiets were forms of ap- ] plause among the Romans. My stery of Green Gutters Solved Republic Emp loyees File PortaUo'Portal Claims in U, S. Court : Employees ; . . , of . Republic . . . Aviation Corp, have ; joined the hundreds of other industrial firms thi ' ouglioiit the- nation ' iii seeking portal-tb' -portai pay. Thousands.^of : men and ' . women em- ployed by the company during the war years and after , now want to be paid for thc time it took them to reach their particular ' station once th<!y arrived at the entrance to the plant property; This chore of walking, it is maintained , is the ' equivalent of six hours a' week!; . 'Attorneys ' : liave been retained by .the . ' employees ,: ahd suit has been- filed . lit li. S. District-Court/ This actio ' n:was ' taken on Friday of last -week.-? T ? , - Tlie matter ' was deemed' to be . or , klch importance chat ' , the attorneys for . the " . employees ' mailed - out a ptib-. iic ' ify Release ' on the subject to news- papers' ' fcierore ' the cbmpariy was; awa re of the suit. ' ; ' The statement- : follows in part:-' ' ' . ' ¦¦ ¦ . . ¦ "During the period of the ' war , : about . ' 15 , 000v ' .empioyees were employed by Republic v Aviation; Because of ? tne. size of the Republic plant- and the substantial ' - " period of - time ¦spent . - iir waikiiigvfrorii ' the plant- gates to ... the; production- buildings at the beginning and end' of " every day, it Ls claimed that each- e ' niployee will . .he ' entitled to " about six-hours of retroactive pay for every week ' he worked at? , the - . plant " . The complaint filed in the District Court makes no estimates ?-as to ; -the amotint to- which the employees .. are entitled ' to ' recover , but it is likely. that iUie .sum- . wi ' li.bVlarge. " . ¦; . - - .: ,. : .; <: zz =: ¦ < ' .: Thaw Poultry - : '. ¦ ¦¦ - .. - . When , . thawdd before cooking, poultry * ' copies ri\ore , ey;enl ' y and .with' , greater economy of fuel. It may be thawed slowly in a refrigerator. A three or four pound bird . will - take overnight, or longer to thaw com- pletely, or , it may be thawed' at room temperature , in-which ca§e it should be watched closely. Once thawed , cook poultry without delay because thawed meat is more perishabl e than meat freshly killed. Don't try to hurry thawing by soaking the fro- zen meat in water , hot or cold. Soaking, causes loss of good juices. 1 / ']/- _ "'Z:t. J?ejl- Gvvyh' f iZZZZ /y " ; TSeYl Gwyn .jj ij glish actrj q^ dfjth e 17tH;century. -&afe illiterate 1 landJwith difficulty scrawled an awkward E. (Eleanor) G. at ' the bottom of ;her letters , written for her by others. 22, 000 BABY CHICKS -FI.OWX ' , TO illacARTHUK AlKPOItT - Some ' 22 . 000 baby chicks , who from now on will get no higher ofi the ! ground than a roost, were flown, from ? New , Ha yien , ? Cohri.. to MacArthur Field last Friday fri' a' transport plane of Island s Alr PeiTies. - ' ' ¦ The ? 3hiphicrit , whfch weighed . 2, 9^0 pounds, ' -was consigned . to Wendell Still; well-known ' Coram faring-. They showed no ill effects from the swift voyage. ; Salad ; Dressing Cabbage salad may be hot dressed j ar cold dressed , depending ;on. whether. a' ; wilted or a crisp slaw •i _ y .J wilipte ' d! ' . ¦ ' Hot dressing wilts ' . shredded - . cabbage' somewhat , arid tliis . litQpriess;is preferred , by some. !F ,pr , V tj ios?5 . who ' want their cabbage . crisp,v?dd ' cold, dressing just before ' . serMihg \ For ' cole slaw ' many peo- ..ple lik? a ' s\veet-spur . cooked dre ' ss- , ing,; " well . . ' seasoned ,. with mustard aridJ c ' elerx? seed, ^ . - ,,/- .. . . ; ' : ' , . : ;' ' : ' ; Gains Farmlands ¦ .; . Illinois h . Ss gatned nearly 600,000 i acres 'iri .farrrilands since 1940. KENNY'S TAXI ,.i£ALL SAYVILLE 75 iy- - 'J '^ |^^ ^^^;^^^S^? a sj^^?f- ^^ -rx < J' e - - * -"j : —::—, M> " * '" ¦ ' 'i-js * m ., . ..- , z j u j^ 1-' t i.i i ¦ i— '^ j j f ^* ^ ' 'K W' M^Rae Bros. : S ROOFS ¦ ¦ > «./ ¦¦ r I? ¦ K„^:^ ROOFING - SI DING , Z - fc ,:S ' K' - INSULATION ¦ - '- H \r -A . SOUTHAMPTON »l . la -. .. : TT . y ' zZ- p4 "* i " . . '_' ZZ ' - __1_L. Z ¦ ' ; - *¦¦ '_ ' ; ¦ ' ' - -- ' -- - '-- "-- - ' " [i , , ¦ i i ni' i ii ni<iii. iTTiiln ¦ null w li <n fi l I l lll 'lirillllll TllllffUfflWfTliffHiff atgBwwmffamiVTrTOmBra^^ ™- j NOW AVAILABLE ... ^^^^^ m CFDAR i ^^h B VENETIAN BLINDS |^E| 1 The DREAM BLIND faV superior to . nny ' % || | | | | £|; ^ 1 blind made of other material on the market E f c tj g & =^ ^^ Guaranteed not to warp, twist or crack. I ^-^ ^^^^ ^^P REPAIRING - RETAPING REFINI^HING ' . I WEEK ' -DELIVERY | ' WIDE VARIETY ON Atf BWNDS j OF COIN ' S . ' - ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' - . . ' ' ' 1 ' STEEL AND ALUMINUM. BUNDS ALSO WAIL.VBLE Free Estimates Cheerfully Given i ; ¦:. ' SCONES McKi n leu Venetian Blind Mf g * Co. !| PHONE SEVILLE 1705 / . WP DELIVER \ZT 199 Railroad, Avenae - , - . ¦ y. lOpp. Court House) t ,, SAXVILLE 11' . ' z/ ¦ .. - .. . . ¦ ¦ - yye are Not COnnecled . lVi th Any Other ,, felo re on ^A .. - .:. > ¦ «? ?y<wiii ^ Biw , <^^ "I. On voss r H QHI B SsiDrsvement Lkt' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ " : : ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' . ? ' /, , ) I? ¦' ' ? ¦• . ' - ' " ' : . , . ? : . . ¦ - '< '• . . . . ' ¦. . ?- . .- ¦ ' - , . ? " ' ' ; , '*¦ DESIGNED TO FIT YOUR OWN KITCHEN A Wff H K1TCHENMAID CABINETRY - : M ' . ; ' ¦ .; ' ' " '" ¦' ¦' ¦ "\ ' SB . . . » ' ¦;. : V : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' - ' . ., ' H ¦^C Now you can , hav e the streamlined kitchen of your dreams '! . ' % , a time saving, space saving, work saving, Modem Kilchferv ¦ . i , ciisl-om-buiit to your own needs. ' , . . ' .): w iy;. vt •^ Let one of America ' s foremost authorities on kitchen planning " custom-tailor " for you the same colorful , thrilling easy-to-c^ie -for kitchen as is used by the leading women ' s mafjazi nes in th|ir own test kitchens, -. v - . ' ^ Let a Wingerath consultant design for you the new " peninsula ' or "island" arrangements .,, unbroken work surfaces ... extVtv rocni y storage facilities . . . lhe latest type kitchen cabinets and sinks, ' Z. . See the Model Ki tchen in our Showroom ¦ LOW MONTHLY TERMS ARRANGED >i- SINKS - HEATERS - OIL BURNERS - APPLIANCES - RADIOS . 536 E, Main SM*Qpp, Swan Lake) Pntclip ' tfue 1S12 ^Miiii niiiuiiii iiiiiiiiiMiiiriiiriiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii<ii '' £ 3 Formerl y THe Heiiry Schultz Mkt. S = ' . CKurch St ' .', Bohemia- § 3 . Z ' . STORE HOURS 8 A. M. - G P, M. ' "' ¦ - ' = POUTE miOUSE - sintoix LB. IOASTIN-C ' LB, = j STEAKS Sllc P(M S^c | § UPM"E CURED SMOKED ' LB. GEN. SPRING Ril* LB, ; § J CAUS ' '^Lam^Glwi^i j| , 1 __ —» . . , .; , - ' .- . .' ' -; - - - ' ¦ I S LOINS' OF LR. ' 3ENTEU CUT ' LB; = | PORK 4f c Pork Cho^s S5t J 1 BONKLESS l'Of LU. BOHEMIAN' LB. § I ROAST 45c Salamky 45c | = BONELESS ' LB. WMV OV VEAL LB. | | C orn BEEF 8©c ROASf 45c | S Krgtuniii); Tuesslay, Jaiiunry '4K, we will hnv 5 3 . Honu'iiiiule ,liiteriilct- S riiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii ^ f ^E SURE TO INSURE ' ¦ . 1 ¦ ¦ with ' zZZZZZ \ CHAS. H. J. BOGEL , So. Main St. ' \ ' 47- Railroad Ave. j Bayp ' ort 1512 1 Sayville 3*11 I Fire, Auto and ail other Insurance

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BAYPORT BRIEFSf kast Friday afternoon the followingprogram was presented Iii the Bayportschool under the direction of John ,C.Schneider, niusic director: Flag saluto,led by Merle Johnson ; songs by Grade3: Snowbirds , Little Eskimo; pianosolos, Phyllis Newciell: Adieu to the(Piano , Beethoven , Merry Parmer,(Schumann; songs by Oracle 4: Skating,Follow, Me;, cornet solos, Ronnlci

: Piatt: Mnrch - Onward , Country Gar-dens; accordion solos. Richard Schmidt:Beautiful Heaven , Marine Hymn;songs by grade 4: Blue Bella of Scot-land, Folly "Wolly Doodle; clarinetsolos, Lois , Piatt: Man on the FlyingTrapeze,' To Each His Own, Carry MeBack to Old Virsinny : group singing-

'America, the Beautiful , Yankee'Doodle.• The Morgan cottage on Main Street ,probabl y the landmark in thevillage, will soon be moved south ofits present, location and will be plncwlon the Morgan estate by Mrs. Martin¦V. Caliagy, ft granddaughter of thelate Mr, and Mrs . John Morgan. Thequaint old house is well over 100 yearsold arid was Tiought froin Mr. and Mrs.John A. Hlcta, by Mr. Morgan in 1890,as it adj oined the gate entrance toills estate . The post ollice occupied itfrom 1892 for many years, while "Ed-die" Woods was postmaster. Just .who

' built the residence and at what dateseems to be lost in the distant past.Mrs. Caliagy plans ta renovate it Xoiher own residence.

Mr. and Mrs, Paul Spahn and theirson, David , of East Orange , N. J., spentlast. wcek end here with Mrs. S. Web- '.ster Marvin . Mrs. Spahn and Davidremaining ior several days.* The Bnyport unit of the Home Bu-reau will meet for (he third lesson insewing on Thursday of next week, atthe home of Mr.s. A. O. Bernhard from10 to 4.

Mr. rind Mrs. Arnold J. Hanson , MissDoris Hansen and Arnold Jr. spentSunday in Jnckson Heights with Mrs.Robert Hanson.

Mrs. Merrill Bachelor and her twochildren Scott and Elizabeth , of Flem-liigton, N. J., have been spending this

..Week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Liltle.t The Fire Department w?is calledout on'Tuesday ' afternoon and workedlor about a half hour putting out afire in the wiods on Sylvan Avemie'!¦ ! This evening at Smithtown the Bay-port High School basketball team willplay Smithtown at 7 :15.

,' Mrs. William Otlo is recovering fromJJ severe cold which Tcept her confined

' .to her bed] for « week,;• -|Mrs. /Rudqlpht:(yQ*£rlsa ¦entertained

• |rer , clubv on ? Tuesday evening.

-- ¦ •'"'

- -






•' ¦ jf !'-,'Ic», yoii know ," remarked the: .' teacher, "will keep things from be-: feg spoiled,"Zy {'That's not always true , loach-'

. .' ., Ifer ," remarked one of his brighter. ¦ [pupils.

. ¦;" ,'.£• ¦"How so?" asked the teacher,Rf "Because last week I was out[skatinj, but I slipped on the ice so

.(much it spoiled my fun ." ':¦ ; ' ' .jte , ¦ • ¦ .' , ' . ' —¦—————" ' -rv.*] iW] Postiionetlf 'After a ' few words , mostly spokenp y the - ' young : wife, her hubbysprang to his tcct.t "You've gon'e . 'loo far I" lie ex-claimed angrily, "This is our lastqunrr<>\, I'm golnj ! r iglit out of your

;Hte:>'v "Oh, .Henry, darling, - whore aro,

. you going?" she cried.'¦ .' '"Where I'll never troubl e you

figl/.n ," ho replloc ) , ns ho" started toopen tlio front door of ,tlio li l t le homein whieh they hnd such pvldc—unlilnow. "I'll find whore wildiidventure will wipe out the memo-ries of this- ' moment—-perhaps inthe jungle —or on the - stormy sons, "

- , As he spoke he opened the door ,Mien lie closed it nguin mid turnedbternly (o his wife .£"It's' lucky for you it' s raining! "

I 11 Ira in V., Meeker' Hiram E, Meeker , . executive vleopresident of the First National Bankof Lindenhurst slucc 103H, died Mon-day In Dr , King 's Hospiial in BayShore of pneumonia nf tor n brief ill-ness, Mr. Meeker , who lived at H7Soutli Welhvood Avenue , Lindenhurst ,Was 53 years old,

¦f Z "_ . -Unattractive Habit- . The , (oiiRud lapping of animals, -While a very unattractive habit ,seems to cause no more harm than;tho thumb-sucking by a child. Some<e(iws have the inclination te Jap anddroll the ton-gtiG , but just tlie same,

i»bey give their live gallons of milk;j day, - when fresh;

Mrs. Lillian Albrecht announced theengagement on Sunday ol her daugh-ter . Miss Dorothy 33. Albrecht , aridWilliam T. Sawyer, son of Mrs. WilmaSawyer, of Center Moriches. Thetveddhig will take place on Sunday,February 23rd, in St. John 's LutheranChurch in Sayville ot 4:30 with theRev. Louis Martin officiating. MissAlbrecht- is the daughter also of thelate Paul Albreclit, of Bnyport. Sheis secretary, to H. Garton Lewis, prlii rcipal of the Bayport school. .. ._ •

On Sunday afternoon Valerie Hei-"/nonen entertained several friends ' incelebration of her sixth birthday. Herguests included Joy Giacobbe;' FrankCostclizo, Charles Worthingtori, Phyl-lis Lipson , Joan Bartelme, LorraineBanaszak , Harriet Brown, " Mari lynSchmidt , and Sandra Stoll . '

.. ' : ' "/ '/Z

Elwell Palmer, of Sayville , has been'havin g some work done on his Bay-port- property, formerly known as the?Champ.s Elysees development, andreaching fro m Middle Road to the'bny.The brick wall has been taken downand one of the roads straightened.

Guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ,Russell Lechner included Mr. and Mr^' jRobert Lechner. Floyd and BruceLechner , Mr. ami Mrs. Hewlett ' Craft ,of Springfield Gardens , and Mrs . Kath - Jerine Abrams of Leeds, N. Y. •¦ '¦ ,

Skeet shooting rvery Sunday. 10 a/iri. jSayville Skeet Club , Montauk High- ,wny, West Sayville. Visitors welcome, j

• - . , . '9812,Mrs. Howard Petersen and her in-

fant daughter , Kathleen ?,, returned "o'fFriday from the Mather MemorialHospital , Port Jefferson, where tne ibaby was bom. Mrs. Petersen is the..jformer Miss Eileen Deacon: • I

Part of Baypor t was in darkness lateMonday afternoon , when the house 'lights in a part- of the village were out jfor afeout a half hour.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basil , of Brook-lyn , spent- Sundny with Mr. and Mrs.Robert T. Buttelmnn.

Mrs. Robert- Hope, of WesUleld , N. J..spent, the week end with Mr. and Mrs.David Hope.

Mr, arid Mrs. Peter McGovern movedon Monday to their, new home' ¦inDouglaston. '" ¦' -:• "-. ' ¦

Mrs. Ellen O'Reilly is planning; ;tocelebrate her 90th birthday on; 'Mon-day.

Supreme Court .lurors DrawnFlora May Antos and Lillian R,

Case, : both i of-sayville ; Elizabeth T.Allies. Holbrook, and Adelaide.. Rob-erts, Blue P6inty;-;are; -ntriong tfttfcotrial jurors drawn to serve at the termof t-h e Supreme Court In Riverheadwhich begins on February 3rd.

Safe DistancieThe safest distance at which to

follow another car is one ear-lengthfor each 10 miles of speed. At 30miles an hour, for example , the safe""following" distance would be threecar-lengths.




booseek, ofii .iild1 time,ervii-ohappy


Also available for Immediatedelivery, Many beautif ulplated patterns , complete Incliesl-s from SIK.OO up,

H.L Terry & SonsMain St. Sayville

Stores hi lsllp and Hay Shore

CContlnued from page one)

green gutters. His face blanched andhe shoved the heavy truck into 'higli jgear. A mongrel dog sniffed at thegutter lh front of the bank. He sti£- !fened , then stalked away.\The reporter w?as struck-by an in-

spiration. Find a vagrant, he toldhimself. ? A tramp. They usually sleepin^g'utters. And where do you usuallyfind-tramps? - At the railroa d station ,f it. course. . - , • ;f At the depot he found just the fel-low; he was ' looking for. His clotheswere in tatters. Bread criinibS clungto -his beard; . He. was dirty. He was.disheveled. , Ah.;gdod I ' • - .< -? ; "Well," he commented , accepting; acigar from the news hawk.. ••Well , I've''slept In gutters.; from .'New. York 'toi§niu 'e 'Fe and from Chicago , to Blrm-'Ingham. I've awakened to find my-self in the company of dead cats,

' empty booze bottles aiid cigar butts,j But not once have I awakened in aI green gutter " He shook his head sad-ly. "What kind of a town is this ahy-

j way?" he nske'd acidly. "Green gut-j:tcrs!" • ¦ '

i Shortly after noon the mystery un-ra veiled. The weary reporter saunteredinto a grocery store. The proprietorsold him a package? of cigarettes. •'The¦green gutters,"' -he began . .. .. ...

-yes!" : the reporter prompted.-T know the answer ," declared the

proprietor , who .for . the sake of the jrecord ..can - .be -y identified as . -¦ MickMalsch. . -- ..:- -- • . .- -. . - . ? . .; ? ; , I

"Ton- know "that-dye;the;Navy '-at- 'I(aches- to life preservers,"- 'he ¦ quizzed;-1

I We did. "Well , a kid was hoirie'' on !Heave " from the"'Navy last -night. HeI liad a 'package of the stuff ." they use'j i t so thai survivors at sea can be spot-. ted from the air. He dumped it into' the gutter. It turned out -a prettyi green , didn 't it?"

The reporter checked the stosy. It| rang as ,true as the dollar sign onI Malsch's cash register.

Mick had a suggestion. "Don't usethe kid's name in the paper," he cau-tioned. "If that stuff doesn't comeoff tires a lot of people will be afterhis scalp." .;. • . '. -'.- ; . - -• . ' . .- -.• - ."

• Your- ireppr fer rushed^back f itoj lthe: dc-pc*. to. teii i lthe traVntyij-j He^fclioLigHtThe ought io' know!' "i>'yb, "e'lV?""ifte'I '.rainp replied, accepting another cigar.

"Crazy kids. They 'll never amount tonothing."

lie spat on the ground and stalkedoff along the tracks.

• i

|t - t Roman PlautlitsJ Snapping the fingers and wavingi handkerchiets were forms of ap-] plause among the Romans.

My stery of GreenGutters Solved

Republic Emp loyeesFile PortaUo 'PortalClaims in U, S. Court: Employees ;. . ,of . Republic . .. AviationCorp, have ; joined the hundreds ofother industrial firms thi'ouglioiit the-nation ' iii seeking portal-tb'-portai pay.Thousands.^of : men and ' .women em-ployed by the company during the waryears and after , now want to be paidfor thc time it took them to reach theirparticular' station once th<!y arrivedat the entrance to the plant property;This chore of walking, it is maintained ,is the ' equivalent of six hours a' week!;

.'Attorneys': liave been retained by .the.'employees,: ahd suit has been- filed . litli. S. District-Court/ This actio'n:was'taken on Friday of last -week.-? T ? , -

Tlie matter' was deemed' to be .or,klch importance chat', the attorneysfor . the".employees' mailed - out a ptib-.iic'ify Release' on the subject to news-papers'' fcierore ' the cbmpariy was; awareof the suit.'; ' The statement- : followsin part:-''' . '¦¦ • ¦. . ¦

"During the period of the ' war ,:about . '15,000v'.empioyees were employed byRepublic v Aviation; Because of ? tne.size of the Republic plant- and thesubstantial'- "period of - time ¦spent .- iirwaikiiigvfrorii ' the plant- gates to ...the;production- buildings at the beginningand end' of " every day, it Ls claimedthat each- e'niployee will . .he' entitled to"about six-hours of retroactive pay forevery week ' he worked at? , the -. plant".The complaint filed in the DistrictCourt makes no estimates ?-as to ;-theamotint to- which the employees ..areentitled' to' recover, but it is likely. thatiUie .sum-.wi'li.bVlarge.". ¦; . - - .: , . : .;

<: zz =:¦< ' .: Thaw Poultry - : '. ¦¦¦-..-. When , .thawdd before cooking,poultry* 'copies ri\ore, ey;enl'y and .with',greater economy of fuel. It may bethawed slowly in a refrigerator. Athree or four pound bird .will - takeovernight, or longer to thaw com-pletely, or ,it may be thawed' at roomtemperature , in-which ca§e it shouldbe watched closely. Once thawed,cook poultry without delay becausethawed meat is more perishablethan meat freshly killed. Don't tryto hurry thawing by soaking the fro-zen meat in water , hot or cold.Soaking, causes loss of good juices.

1/ '] / - _ "'Z:t. J?ejl- Gvvyh' f iZZZZ/y " ;TSeYl Gwyn .jj ijglish actrjq^ dfj th e

17tH;century. -&afe illiterate1 landJwithdifficulty scrawled an awkward E.(Eleanor) G. at ' the bottom of ;herletters, written for her by others.


- Some '22.000 baby chicks, who fromnow on will get no higher ofi the !ground than a roost, were flown, from

? New , Hayien, ? Cohri.. to MacArthurField last Friday fri'a' transport planeof Island s Alr PeiTies.

- •''¦ The ?3hiphicrit , whfch weighed. 2,9^0pounds,' -was • consigned . to WendellStill; well-known' Coram faring-. Theyshowed no ill effects from the swiftvoyage.

• ; Salad ; DressingCabbage salad may be hot

dressed j ar cold dressed , depending;on. whether.a'; wilted or a crisp slaw•i_y .J wilipte'd! '.¦' Hot dressing wilts'.shredded - .cabbage' somewhat, aridtliis .litQpriess;is preferred ,by some.!F,pr,V tj ios?5. who' want their cabbage. crisp,v?dd 'cold, • dressing just before'.serMihg\ For ' cole slaw' many peo-..ple lik? a' s\veet-spur. cooked dre'ss-,ing,; "well ..'seasoned ,. with mustardaridJ c'elerx? seed, ^ .- , ,/ - . . . .

; ' : ' , .:;' •':' ; Gains Farmlands ¦ .;. Illinois h.Ss gatned nearly 600,000

i acres 'iri .farrrilands since 1940.


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