verb tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE Se formeaza: Afirmativ I go to school in the morning. The boys play football in the afternoon. She listens to music every day. Interogativ: Do / Does + S + vb? pers a III-a sg Do you go to school in the morning? Do the boys play football in the afternoon? Does she listen to music every day? Raspunsuri scurte: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Negativ: S + don’t / doesn’t + vb pers a III-a sg I don’t go to school in the morning. The boys don’t play football in the afternoon. She doesn’t listen to music every day. Exprima : 1. actiuni obisnuite, repetate. Eg. They meet in the park every Sunday. She goes shopping on Saturdays. Adverbe de frecventa: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, generally, occasionally, frequently, They always do their homework. Do you usually get up at 7 a.m? I don’t usually walk to work. S + vb / vb –(e)s pers a III-a singular 1

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Page 1: Verb Tenses


Se formeaza: Afirmativ

I go to school in the morning.The boys play football in the afternoon.She listens to music every day.

Interogativ: Do / Does + S + vb? pers a III-a sg

Do you go to school in the morning?Do the boys play football in the afternoon?Does she listen to music every day?

Raspunsuri scurte: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

Negativ: S + don’t / doesn’t + vb pers a III-a sg

I don’t go to school in the morning.The boys don’t play football in the afternoon.She doesn’t listen to music every day.

Exprima :1. actiuni obisnuite, repetate.

Eg. They meet in the park every Sunday. She goes shopping on Saturdays.Adverbe de frecventa: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, generally, occasionally, frequently, They always do their homework.Do you usually get up at 7 a.m?I don’t usually walk to work.Adverbe de timp: every day/ week/ month/ year, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; at noon/ at night on Sunday / Monday

in July/ September/ January at 5 am/ 2 o’clock

from time to time, once a day/month/year, twice a day/ week, as a rule, etc2. actiuni permanente

eg. A teacher teaches.

S + vb / vb –(e)s pers a III-a singular


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They sell newspapers and magazines in that shop. They live in Oradea.

3. actiuni ce fac parte dintr-un program oficial, orare, itinerare eg. The train leaves the station at 10 am. The Prime Minister starts his official visit to China tomorrow. You arrive at the hotel at about 6.00 and have your evening meal at 7.30.

4. adevaruri general valabile eg. Water freezes at 0 ۨ Celsius. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

5. In propozitii temporale sau conditionale. Se foloseste dupa: when, if, unless, before, after, until, as soon as, whenever, etc

eg. I’ll give her the message when she comes back.Will you tell me if you see her?Give me a call as soon as you find out something.I’ll take care of the baby till you get back.

6. in explicatii, demonstratii si indicatii scenice eg. When you buy a ticket you show it to a machine which sucks it in, records it and releases a barrier.I add the sugar to the egg yolks and place the basin over a saucepan of hot water.The phone rings. She listens carefully. A window opens and a masked man enters the room.

Ortografia persoanei a III-a singular.a) verbele terminate in –ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -o primesc terminatia –es push – pushes fix – fixes teach – teaches do – does

kiss – kisses go - goes b) verbele terminate in consoana + y , y se transforma in i si se adauga terminatia –es cry – cries try – triesc) verbele terminate in vocala + y, adauga terminatia –s

pay – paysenjoy – enjoys

d) restul verbelor primesc terminatia –s rub – rubs

ride – ridesdream – dreamsrun – runsdrink – drinks


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Se formeaza: Afirmativ :

I am sitting on the chair.She is practicing the piano now.They are talking about school.

Interogativ Am / Is / Are + S + vb-ing?

Are you sitting on the chair?Is she practicing the piano now?Are they talking about school? Raspunsuri scurte: Yes, I am / No, I am not.

Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Negativ: S + am not / are not/ is not + vb-ing aren’t/ isn’t

I’m not sitting on the chair.She isn’t practicing the piano now.They aren’t talking about school.

Exprima: 1. actiuni care se intampla in momentul vorbirii ( NOW, AT THE MOMENT)

eg. The sun is shining beautifully. He is driving to work now.

2. actiuni temporare: (adverbe: today / this week/ this month / this year)eg. We are not going on holiday this year. They are staying at a hotel this week. I am living in Brasov this month.

3. actiuni viitoare planificate in prezent (planuri personale de viitor) eg. We are going on a trip this weekend. They are buying a new car next week.

4. Actiuni care supara sau irita vorbitorul eg. He is always asking too many questions. They are continually calling us at late hours.

5. Actiuni temporare repetate eg. Whenever I see Tom he’s smoking.

You’re making the same mistake again!

S + am / is/ are + vb-ing


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6. Cu verbe care descriu schimbare sau dezvoltare eg. Things are getting worse! More and more people are giving up smoking.

7. cand descriem fotografii, de obicei descriem scena ca si cum s-ar intampla in momentul vorbirii

8. Cu verbul “ a fi” pentru a vorbi despre comportamentul cuiva de moment. (cand ne referim la o trasatura permanenta de caracter se foloseste presentul simplu)

eg. He isn’t being too friendly tonight, you know?You are being aggressive. (i.e. now)You are aggressive. (i.e. generally)

Ortografia verbelor terminate in –ing

Terminatia verbului Forma in –ing

1. consoana + e smile write

Exceptii : be see

-e cade si se adauga terminatia –ingsmilingwriting


2.o vocala + consoana sit run

Exceptii: verbele terminate in -w, –x, -y Snow fix say

Se dubleaza consoana si se adauga –ingsittingrunning

snowing fixingsaying

3. 2 vocale + consoana read rain

Se adauga –ingreadingraining

4. 2 consoane stand Push

se adauga –ingStandingpushing

5. -ie lie die

se transforma in –y si se adauga terminatia –inglyingdying


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Verbe care exprima:A) Sentimente si atitudini : to care, to matter, to love, to like, to dislike, to detest, to hate, to

loathe, to please, to mind, , to prefer, to refuse, to regret, to satisfy, etcB) activitati mintale: to agree, to believe, to consider, to deny, to expect, to forget, to hope, to

know, to intend, to mean, to need, to notice, to recognize, to remember, to seem, to suppose, to think, to want, to wish etc.

C) reactii: to (dis)agree, to deny, to impress, to mean, to promise, to satisfy, to surpriseD) perceptii senzoriale: to feel, to hear, to smell, to sound, to taste, to resemble, to see, to

appear, to look (seem).E) Verbe legate de obiecte care au insusiri relative permanente: to belong, to contain, to

consist of, to cost, to have (to possess), to own, to possess, to measure, to weigh etc.F) Alte verbe care nu sugereaza ideea de temporar: to depend, to deserve, to equal, to

result, to signify etc.

Aproape toate verbele mentionate pot avea si forma continua, dar atunci sensul lor lexical se schimba, ideea de permanenta disparand:

To DEPEND (a depinde de) devine “ a conta pe”e.g. We are depending on you for the seats.

To HAVE daca nu are sensul de “ a avea, a poseda”e.g. to have tea/ a drink / a rest/ a walk/ a bath/ a swim/ a party/ a laugh I can’t answer the phone right now. I am having a bath.

To MIND (a se supara) devine “ a avea grija de”e.g. Do you mind my smoking? (Va supara daca fumez?) Who is minding the children? (Cine are grija de copii?)

To FEEL – pentru a exprima o actiune temporarae.g. He is feeling much better now. I am feeling the ground with my foot.But. This material feels soft.

To HEAR devine “ a audia” , “a asculta lectiile”e.g. I was hearing him the lesson. You will be hearing from him (= you will get news from him)

To LOOK – pentru a exprima a stare temporarae.g. You are looking better today. Tom is looking at Helen. (He is using his eyes to see)

To SEE devine “ a se intalni”, “ a vizita”, “ a conduce” sau se intrebuinteaza cu prepozitii sau adverbe care-i schimba intelesul.

e.g. We are seeing him tonight. They are seeing the sights of the city. I was seeing her to the door when you rang.


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To SMELL – pentru a arata o stare temporara.e.g. He was smelling a rose BUT. The rose smells nice.

To TASTE – pentru a arata o stare temporarae.g. The cook was tasting the gravy when she dropped the spoon.BUT. This food tastes good

To be - pentru a arata o stare temporarae.g. He is being nasty. (He is not usually like that)

To APPEAR – pentru a arata o actiune temporara.e.g. The actor is appearing on the stage.But. He appears to be asleep (=seems to be)

To CONSIDER – “a se gandi la/ sa”e.g. I am considering buying a new bicycle. (I am thinking of buying…)But. I consider it wise to interfere. (= it is my opinion)

To EXPECTe.g. I am expecting a letter from her. (I am waiting to receive…)But: I expect she’ll come later. (I believe, I think)

To THINKe.g. I am thinking of my grandmother. (this thought is going through my mind right now)But : I think he is a kind man. (it is my opinion, I believe)

To COSTe.g. Food is costing more and more these days (food is getting more and more expensive)But: How much does this book cost?

To HOLDe.g. I am holding the bottle in my hand. (I’m keeping it)But: This bottle holds 3 liters. (contains)

To RESEMBLEe.g. Ann is resembling her mother more and more. (is looking/ acting more and more like her mother)But. Daniel resembles his mother.



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Se formeaza: A: S + vb-ed/ vb II She invited me to have lunch together.We told her the bad news.

I: Did + S + vb?Did she invite me to have lunch together?Did we tell her the bad news?

N: S + did not/ didn’t + vbShe didn’t invite me to have lunch together.We didn’t tell her the bad news.

Exprima:1. Actiuni terminate intr-un anumit moment din trecut:eg. They moved to England in 1990. He sold his car two weeks ago.Adverbe: yesterday, last night/week /month; a few hours / minutes / days ago, two/three weeks ago, a long time ago, in 1880, on July 1st, 1975, the other day; once upon a time, etc.

2. Actiuni ce ocupa o anumita perioada din trecut.e.g. She worked as a secretary from March through October. I spent my childhood in a little village in the north.

3. Actiuni obisnuite, repetate in trecute.g. She always complained about everything. They used to ride their bikes when they were kids.

4. Actiuni trecute, consecutive:e.g. She put on her coat, took her bag and left the house.

5. In propozitii conditionale de tip II:e.g. I would change my car if I had enough money. She wouldn’t cry if you told her the truth.

6. Situatii speciale:!!!!!!!e.g. I wish I knew her name. If only I knew the truth. They talk as if/ as though they were up to something. It’s (high) time she went away. I’d rather/ I’d sooner you kept your mouth shut.



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USED TO+ vb expresses past habits, regularly repeated actions in the past or past states. It forms its negative and interrogative with “did” and it is the same in all persons. We can use Past Simple instead of used to

e.g. She used to walk / walked long distances. She didn’t use to stay in and watch TV.

BE USED TO + vb-ing means “be accustomed to” , “be in the habit of”. e.g. She isn’t used to living in tropical climates. (= she isn’t accustomed to living…)

WOULD+ vb expresses past repeated actions and routine. It isn’t used for states.

e.g. Grandma would always make me porridge for breakfast. (also: used to make) When I was young I used to live in Leeds. (not would)

WAS/ WERE GOING TO + vb expresses unfulfilled arrangements or unfulfilled plans in the past, or actions one intended to do but did not do or could not do.

e.g. He was going to visit Pam but she wasn’t at home. They got up early. They were going to catch the 6 o’clock train.

WAS/ WERE TO +VB expresses unfulfilled plans in the past or actions that one intended to do but did not do for various reasons.

I was to leave the house when the phone rang and I had to answer it.



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Se formeaza :Afirmativ: Subiect + was / were + vb-ing

eg. I was learning a poem at this time yesterday. You were watering the flowers. They were mending the radio at 5 o’clock yesterday. 

Interogativ: Was / Were + Subiect + vb-ing?

eg. Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday? Were you watering the flowers? Were they mending the radio at 5 o’clock yesterday? 

Negativ: Subiect + was not / were not + vb-ing wasn’t weren’teg. I wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday. You weren't watering the flowers. They weren't mending the radio at 5 o’clock yesterday.

Exprima:1. o actiune in desfasurare intr-un anumit moment din trecut (Specificarea momentului trecut este obligatorie.) Este folosit cu: at this time yesterday, at 7 o’clock yesterday morning, at this time last Saturdayeg. At 8 o’clock she was watching TV.

2. Doua sau mai multe actiuni simultane, de durata, in trecuteg. They were dancing while he was playing the guitar.While I was sunbathing, Tim was swimming.

3. O actiune trecuta, in desfasurare, care a fost intrerupta de o alta actiune trecuta (exprimata prin Past Simple). Eg. He was painting the bedroom when suddenly he fell off the ladder.

Se folosesc adverbele: while, when , as, from…to…, all day, forEg. Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday. She was playing the guitar from 6 to 8 o'clock. They were laughing all day. She was living in an old building for 6 years.

4. exprima o actiune repetata de-a lungul unei perioade de timp eg.  Did she ask any questions? Oh, she was asking questions all the time. Did he buy any sweets? Oh, he was buying sweets all the time.



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e.g. The show has begun. I have heard the news.

e.g. Have you seen John recently? Raspunsuri scurte:Has he told you the truth? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

e.g. I haven’t seen her for ages. They haven’t finished painting the house.

Exprima :1. Actiuni terminate recent:eg. We’ve just finished lunch. I haven’t finished yet I’ve already written the letter.

2. Actiuni terminate intr-o perioada de timp care nu este mentionata. (pentru ca nu este importanta. Importanta este actiunea in sine.)e.g I have seen that film but I don’t mind watching it again. He has written ten novels and I’ve read all of them. I think he is great. We have met before, haven’t we?

3. Cu expresii de timp:

I haven’t seen her for ages!She has worked in a bank since she moved to Boston. Have you ever been to France?They've never seen a mountain.I have read 10 pages so far.

4. Actiuni terminate intr-o perioada de timp care nu s-a incheiat inca. (ADV: today,


A: S + have / has + vb-ed/ vb III Pers III sg

I : HAVE / HAS + S + vb-ed /vb III

N: S + HAVE NOT / HAS NOT + vb-ed / vb IIIHaven’t hasn’t

for years, for two/ three / four years, for months, for two weeks, for (such) a long time, since last week/ 1988/ I was born; lately, recently, now, before, always, never, ever, so far, yet, already

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this week/ month/ year, this September) I have phoned her six times this morning.

5. Actiuni terminate ale caror consecinte se vad in prezent:e.g I have twisted my ankle. (that’s why I am limping). I have already seen the movie. (I know what it is about)

6. Actiuni incepute in trecute continuate pana in prezent si care, poate, vor continua si in viitor. In special cu verbele care nu pot avea aspectul continuu. Se folosesc adverbele FOR (arata durata actiunii) si SINCE (arata momentul de inceput al actiunii)e.g He’s lived in San Francisco for 10 years/ since 1999. How long have you worked for this company?

7. Cand intrebam daca a fost terminata o actiune:e.g Have you finished your dinner ? 8. Actiuni viitoare (in propozitii de timp)e.g You can go out as soon as you have finished your lunch. I’ll give you a call when the meeting has ended. Don’t answer any questions until you have read the whole questionnaire.

9. Dupa “a fi” (prezent) +numeral ordinal sau adjectiv la gradul superlativ. e.g. This is the first time I’ve been to London.

She is the most honest person I’ve ever met.


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Se formeaza:

e.g. John has been looking for a job since he finished university. She’s been working all day.

e.g. Have you been waiting long? Raspunsuri scurte: Has he been talking for hours? I have. / No, I haven’t. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

e.g. They haven’t been answering their phone all week. She hasn’t been talking to me for days.

Exprima:1. Actiuni incepute in trecut care tocmai s-au terminat:e.g There’s my pen at last! I’ve been looking for it since lunch. My towel is all wet. Have you been using it? You know you’ve been sleeping for ten hours.

2. Actiuni care au inceput in trecut, continua in prezent si care, poate, vor continua si in viitor. e.g I have been waiting here all morning and the bus hasn’t arrived yet. They have been going out together for six months. We’ve been using this road since the war.

3. repros, iritare, mirare ca urmare a unei actiuni repetatee.g. I have been knocking for the past ten minutes. Why don’t you open the door? She has been asking me that silly question for almost a month.


A: S + have / has + been + vb-ing Pers III sg

I : HAVE / HAS + S + been + vb-ing?

N: S + HAVE NOT / HAS NOT + been +vb-ing Haven’t hasn’t

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  A: S+ had + vb III/ vb-edI had finished reading the book before I started to write an essay about it.They had already seen that play when we invited to come with us.

I: Had + S + vb III/ vb-ed?Had you finished reading the book before starting to write an essay about it?Had they seen that play when we invited to come with us?

N: S + had not ( hadn’t) + vb III / vb-edI hadn’t started writing the essay before reading that bookThey hadn’t seen that movie when we invited to join us.

Exprima:1. o actiune sau un eveniment care a avut loc inaintea unui moment trecut sau a unei

actiuni trecuteShe’d always lived in Bucharest before she moved to Germany a few years ago.After I had bought the house I started to decorate it.He had finished writing the article by 5 o’clock.Seeing that their mother had fallen ill, the children grew depressed.

NOTA: Cand nu este necesara sublinierea succesiunii evenimentelor sau cand este clar ca o actiune s-a petrecut inaintea celeilalte, se folosesc doua trecuturi simple.Tony felt relieved when he passed the exam.The executioner waited until the prisoner finished smoking his last cigarette.

2. exprima o actiune care tocmai s-a terminat inaintea unei alte actiuni trecuteeg. When I arrived the boss had just left. I refused his cigarette because I had just finished mine. I’d just bought the tickets when I realised that my wallet wasn’t there.

Se folosesc constructiile: hardly…………...whenscarcely………….whenbarely……………whenno sooner ………..thanI had hardly put the receiver down when the phone rang again.No sooner had he got home than al the guests arrived.

3.Exprima regretul fata de o actiune trecuta


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Eg. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much

4. Se foloseste in fraza conditionala de tipul 3 si in vorbirea indirecta.Eg. If I had known the truth, it would have been easier for me. “She left ten minutes ago”

He told me that she had left ten minutes before.

5. se foloseste la fel ca perfectul prezent in CORESPONDENTA TIMPURILOR. Comparati:Perfectul prezent: Larry’s wife is quite worried: she hasn’t heard from him for several days.Mai mult ca perfectul: Larry’s wife was quite worried: she hadn’t heard from his for several days.


  A: S + had been + vb –ingThey had been walking for hours before their arrival.

I: Had + S + been + vb –ing?How long had they been walking before coming here?

N: S + had not (hadn’t) + been + vb –ing.They hadn’t been driving before coming here.

Se foloseste:1. cand actiunea a inceput inaintea momentului trecut sau a unei actiuni trecute si a continuat pana in acel moment sau s-a incheiat chiar inaintea lui.

It was eight o’clock now and they were tired because they had been writing all day long.They had been walking for five hours when they finally arrived.They had been writing all the afternoon. (At 3 o’clock they had still been writing)- The Resultative Past Perfect Continuous

2. exprima rezultatul unei actiuni trecute care s-a incheiat chiar inaintea unei alte actiuni trecuteThey were tired because they had been working all day long.

3. se foloseste la fel ca prezentul perfect continuu, numai ca sensul este mutat mai demult in trecut (vezi CORESPONDENTA TIMPURILOR):Prezentul perfect continuu: It is time to stop. Hillary has been working non-stop since breakfast!Trecutul perfect continuu: It was time to stop. Hillary had been working non-stop since breakfast!

4. poate exprima o actiune trecuta repetata, care a durat pana la un moment dat in timp:eg. My father had been getting up at daybreak until his accident. I had been calling her every evening until we quarrelled. - 


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5. accentueaza ideea de desfasurare a unei actiuni petrecute inaintea unei alte actiuni trecuteI had been looking for it for hours before I found it

6. conform concordantei timpurilor, se foloseste in vorbirea indirecta atunci cand verbul din regenta este la trecutHe said he had been studying English for several years


Se formeaza: A: S + will/ shall+vb Eg. He will be here by 5 o’clock.I: Will+S+ vb? Will he be on time?N: S +will not / won’t +vb I can see you are busy, so I won’t stay long.

Reguli: 1. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste pentru a descrie actiuni ce exprima intentia sau decizia (mai ales cele luate in momentul vorbirii). e.g. Oh, I’ve left the door open. I’ll go and shut it. I will have some Pepsi, please.Nu se foloseste prezentul simplu in aceste situatii. (not I go and shut …)2. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste in legatura cu asteptari, predictii, opinii sau presupuneri care se vor desfasura in viitor.

e.g. Don't worry. She'll come back. My son will be ten next month.

3. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste pentru a descrie actiuni obisnuite ce vor avea loc in viitor. (Adv: tomorrow, next week, after two days, in February 2018, the day after tomorrow)

e.g. Drivers will always have to pay their speed tickets. Babies will be born and old people will die, as usual.

4. Viitorul Simplu se foloseste in cadrul propozitiilor conditionale de tip 1, precum si in propozitii temporale.

eg. We will punish him if he does it again. He will come home when he finishes his work.

5 Folosim will in urmatoarele situatii:- cand ne oferim sa facem ceva: eg. That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it.- cand suntem de acord sa facem ceva: eg. A: Can you give Tim this book? B: Sure, I will give it to him when I see him tonight.- cand promitem sa facem ceva: Thanks for lending me the money. I will pay it back of Friday.- cand cerem cuiva sa faca ceva: Will you please turn the stereo down? I’m trying to concentrate.

6.Adesea folosim viitorul cu I think I’ll…. eg. I feel a bit hungry. I think I’ll have something to eat.I don’t think I’ll…. eg. I don’t think the exam will be difficult.probably eg. I’ll probably be home late tonight.I expect eg. I haven’t seen Carol today. I expect she’ll phone this evening.I’m sure eg. Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you will pass.I wonder eg. I wonder what will happen.

Dupa I hope, folosim in general presentul ( este posibil si will)


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I hope Kate passes her exam. (sau I hope Kate will pass…)I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

7. Folosim won’t pentru a spune ca cineva refuza sa faca ceva:eg I’ve tried to give her advice, but she won’t listen. The car won’t start.

8. Shall se foloseste in intrebari pentru a cere opinia cuiva (in special in oferte sau sugestii):eg. Shall I open the window? I’ve got no money. What shall I do? Where shall we go this evening?

Comparati: shall I….? si will you….?Shall I shut the door? (=do you want me to shut the door?)Will you shut the door? (= I want you to shut it.)

FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will be + vb-ing)

1. pentru a exprima actiuni in desfasurare in viitor, cand timpul este mentionat sau dedus: eg. Cathy will be wearing her red dress at the party on Saturday night.

This time next week I will be lying on a hot sunny beach. 

2. pentru a exprima ceva ce a fost deja planuit sau decis, fara intentia vorbitorului si fara a se mentiona un timp anume:

eg. I’ll be going to the supermarket soon. Do you want something? 

3. pentru a intreba politicos despre planurile altora:eg. “Will you be using your car this evening?” “No, why?” “Could I borrow it?”

Will you be going away this summer?4. apare deseori in subordinate de timp, introduse de when

eg. She’ll be cooking my favourite dish when I get home


FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE (will + have + participiul trecut)

Se foloseste pentru a exprima faptul ca o actiune se va fi petrecut deja pana la un anumit moment din viitor. Este importanta mentionare momentului.Acest timp are corespondent in limba romana – viitorul anterior

eg.I will have retired from work by the time I’m In four months from now, she will have saved enough money to buy a car.

Se folosesc verbe care au sens de terminare a unei actiuni: to finish, to prepare, to deliver, to conclude, to dropeg. My classmates will have delivered the paper work by Friday.

Obs: Viitorul perfect este o forma verbala caracteristica limbilor scrise, fiind rar folosit in vorbirea curenta.


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FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (will + have been + vb-ing)

– pentru a exprima faptul ca o actiune se va afla inca in desfasurare la un anumit moment in viitor, inainte si pana la o alta actiune viitoare (si poate si dupa aceea).eg. They will have been building that house for 2 years next Christmas. (= Ei vor fi construind acea casa de 2 ani Craciunul viitor.) When the bell rings, we will have been writing for fifty minutes.

Obs: Actiunea savarsita în aceasta perioada de timp viitoare, anterioara unui moment sau actiuni viitoare, este la viitorul perfect continuu daca se specifica lungimea perioadei de timp sau începutul ei (ex.: By six o’clock p.m. she will have been selling blouses for eight hours.), si la viitorul perfect simplu daca este prezenta o precizare numerica în legatura cu actiunea (ex.: By six o'clock p.m. she will have sold eight blouses).

NOTA: Viitorul perfect continuu este rar folosit în vorbire, fiind o forma caracteristica limbii scrise.


A. Prezentul continuu  1. pentru a exprima ceva deja aranjat sau planificat pentru viitorul apropiat. Timpul (tomorrow, on Monday morning etc.) trebuie mentionat pentru a evita confuzia:I’m not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.Ian isn’t playing football next Saturday. He’s hurt his leg.

“I’m going to (do)  se poate folosi in aceste propozitii, dar presentul continuu e mai natural pentru aranjamente.“What are you going to do on Saturday evening?”

2.pentru a intreba pe cineva de planurile de viitor:What are doing on Saturday night?I’m going to the club with my girlfriend. 3. Putem folosi Present Continuous pentru actiuni chiar inainte de a inceperea lor. In cazul acesta folosim verbe de miscare (go / come / leave etc)eg. I am tired. I am going to bed now. (not I go to bed now) “Tina, are you ready yet?” “yes, I’m coming”. (not I come)

B. Si Presentul Simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima planuri de viitor, cu expresii de timp. Este considerat mai We leave tonight and arrive tomorrow morning.Folosim Present Simple cand vorbim de orare, programe, etc (pentru transportul public, cinematografe) :


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eg. My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15. What time does the film begin? It’s Wednesday tomorrow.Folosim Present simple pentru a vorbi despre planurile oamenilor daca acestea sunt stabilite ca orare. eg. I start my new job on Monday. What time do you finish work tomorrow?Dar Present Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima planuri/ aranjamente personale:eg. What time are you meeting Ann tomorrow?

C. Viitorul cu TO BE + going to.( = a avea de gand sa…, a intentiona sa…, a urma sa…, o sa…)1. pentru a exprima intentia de a face in viitor ceva ce nu a fost aranjat, dar probabil se va intampla:Sarah and James are going to get married next year.My son is going to study law at the university. 2. pentru a prezice o intamplare in viitor (predictia se bazeaza pe indicii din situatia prezenta):Look at how fast those cars are moving. There is going to be an accident.That little girl isn’t looking where she’s going. She is going to walk into a tree. 3. forma cu was / were going to – se foloseste pentru a exprima o intentie din trecut care nu s-a realizat:I was going to phone you last night but I fell asleep in front of the TV.My parents were going to go to Greece for their holidays but they changed their minds.

 C. About to se poate folosi in loc de going to atunci cand inseamna “eram pe punctul de a …… dar nu s-a realizat”.I was about to have my dinner when the phone rang.

C. TO BE TO+ verb la infinitivul scurtExprima actiuni viitoare, datorate unui aranjament, contract, datorie de onoare, ordinEg. The actor has got the money on the contract and he is to play in that film. He is to pay me a visit at the week-end, because he has promised it.



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