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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Group Work Get in your groups... Write a sentence each forpresent/past/future tense about thestatus of your paper. Write a sentence each forfirst/second/third person about thesupplemental reading for today. Write TWO sentences each for activeand passive voice about thesupplemental reading for today.

2. Write a sentence each forpresent/past/future tense about thestatus of your paper. 3. Verbs! A verb describes what a noun is doing. Verbs are about action (body or mind) orstates of being They can exist in the present, past, orfuture Present: I write for an online magazine. Past: Brett sang for the band. Future: Jason will do vocals at the bandreunion next year. 4. Subjects and Verbs! Subjects and verbs are the mostimportant parts of the sentence.Sentences can have simple or morecomplex subjects. Simple Subject: Clara accompanied TheDoctor on his journey. Complete Subject: Clara the time lordcompanion met Daleks and Cybermen. In the new season, Clara the time lordcompanion had desired to travel up theladder. 5. Write a sentence each forfirst/second/third person about thesupplemental reading for today. 6. Verbs! We will talk more about this when wediscuss subject/verb agreement, butsubjects and verbs need to agree. See the pronoun chart on the course wiki The person of the verb is who is doingthe action. They can be in the first, second, or thirdperson. First: I will require 750 words for the firstpaper. Second: You will print the new issue. Third: She is going to buy a plant. 7. Write TWO sentences each for activeand passive voice about thesupplemental reading for today. 8. Verb Voice Verbs can take on two kinds of voice:active and passive. With very few exceptions, your writingshould be in the active voice. Active voice means that the subject of thesentence is performing the action describedby the verb. Marc plays bass for the band. Passive voice means the actiondescribed by the verb is performed on thesubject. The bass was played by Russ. 9. Verb Tenses Professor Wend is going to put together averb tense chart for the course wiki. (Seepage 494 in The DK Handbook) See the the verbs page on the wiki formore notes about verbs. 10. Quiz Answers