verification of spc winter weather mesoscale discussions christopher d. mccray lyndon state college...

Download Verification of SPC Winter Weather Mesoscale Discussions Christopher D. McCray Lyndon State College Christopher Melick 1,2, William Bunting 1, Israel Jirak

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  • Slide 1
  • Verification of SPC Winter Weather Mesoscale Discussions Christopher D. McCray Lyndon State College Christopher Melick 1,2, William Bunting 1, Israel Jirak 1, Patrick Marsh 1, Andrew Dean 1, Ariel Cohen 1, Jared Guyer 1 1. NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OK 2. Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, OK
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  • WAGM-TV Winter Weather Mesoscale Discussions (MDs) Issued since Winter 1997-98 Short term, high-impact winter weather 0-6 hours + up to 3 hours lead time Impacts to transportation, commerce, life, property Assist WFOs, other partners in decision making Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune
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  • Research Questions and Objectives Put focus on SPC winter operations What are the basic characteristics of winter MDs? How can they be verified? Only minor efforts to verify until now Develop operational tools to assist forecasters
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  • Winter Weather Mesoscale Discussions Freezing Rain >0.05 liquid equivalent freezing rain in 3 hour period Heavy Snow 1+/hr snow for 2+ hours
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  • Challenges in Verifying Winter Weather Local Storm Reports (LSRs) Lack of consistent issuance/reporting 2010-2012 Total Winter LSRs From Sullivan et al. (2014) Snow/icing amounts ASOS/AWOS Snowfall Observations
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  • What are the basic characteristics of winter weather MDs?
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  • How frequently are winter MDs issued? MDs analyzed from Jan 2007 Apr 2014 Early October - late April is winter MD season Peaks in Dec/Feb n = 7 (May-Dec), 8 (Jan-Apr)
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  • What are the most common types?
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  • How can winter weather MDs be verified?
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  • Verification Approach Did an observed event occur within the MD area? To what extent? Determine what constitutes an observed event Hourly Snowfall Icing Amounts Blizzard Conditions Precipitation Type and/or Amount Compare MD forecast to observed event Utilize Multiple Datasets Develop Gridded Analysis System GEMPAK
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  • Datasets for Heavy Snow MD Verification
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  • Datasets: Gauge-Corrected QPE NMQ System ( MRMS) (Zhang et al. 2011) 3D reflectivity mosaic + rain gauge correction QPE 0.01 x 0.01 grid spacing ~1km x 1km NMQ domain from Zhang et al. (2011), Fig. 6
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  • Datasets: Local Storm Reports (LSRs) LSRs now decoded locally at SPC for winter types Snow Heavy Snow Blizzard Freezing Rain Ice Storm Sleet Ex.) Winter LSRs from 2201-2300z 2/20/14
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  • Datasets: Surface station obs./METARs Archived METARs parsed by hour and precip type Rain/Drizzle, Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain/Drizzle Temperature QC checks T0C for rain Ex.) Surface precip obs. 2201-2300z 2/20/14
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  • Datasets: Snow-to-Liquid Ratio (SLR) Climatology Need SLR to get snow from QPE 30-year SLR climo. using COOP data (Baxter et al. 2005) Monthly grids provided for 25 th, 50 th, 75 th percentile SLRs February Mean SLR
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  • Gridded Mesoscale Discussions Forecast object is gridded MD GEMPAK Graph-to-Grid Gridpoint = 1 if within MD area, 0 if not
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  • Combining Datasets for Verification Datasets need common grid structure QPE grid cropped to CONUS 0.04x0.04 spacing Used for all data
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  • Determining Dominant Precipitation Type
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  • Observation Weighting 10-gridpoint radius sweep from each LSR/METAR obs. Sleet LSR
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  • Gridding Precipitation Type Heavy Snow Blizzard Freezing Rain Ice Storm LSR Snow LSR Freezing Rain LSR Freezing Rain LSR Sleet Sleet Precip. Types from LSRs Snow
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  • Gridding Precipitation Type METAR Snow METAR Freezing Rain METAR Freezing Rain METAR Sleet METAR Rain Precip. Types from METARs Heavy Snow Blizzard Freezing Rain Ice Storm LSR Snow LSR Freezing Rain LSR Freezing Rain LSR Sleet Sleet Precip. Types from LSRs Snow
  • Slide 22
  • Gridding Precipitation Type Precip. Types from LSRs Precip. Types from METARs Snow Sum Freezing Rain Sum Freezing Rain Sum Sleet Sum Rain Sum Heavy Snow Blizzard Freezing Rain Ice Storm LSR Snow LSR Freezing Rain LSR Freezing Rain LSR Sleet Sleet Snow METAR Snow METAR Freezing Rain METAR Freezing Rain METAR Sleet METAR Rain
  • Slide 23
  • Gridding Precipitation Type Dominant Precipitation Type Binary (1/0) Grids Snow Sum Freezing Rain Sum Freezing Rain Sum Sleet Sum Rain Sum Gridpoint Total Snow Sum Total Rain Sum Total Frzg. Rain Sum Total Sleet Sum Total > > > > 50% Dom. Snow Dom. Freezing Rain Dom. Freezing Rain Dom. Sleet Dom. Rain Mix Any Sum Total = 50%
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  • Verification Methods and Case Study
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  • MD 0121 Heavy Snow 2/20/2014
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  • Yes Verification Method for Heavy Snow Hourly Snowfall = Dominant Snow Grid x QPE x Average SLR at point Hourly Snowfall = Dominant Snow Grid x QPE x Average SLR at point Heavy Snow Event Observed at Point Yes
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  • Verification of MD 0121 Blue = Observed Event 2+ hours of 1+/hr snowfall Event was observed, but small area
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  • Neighborhood Verification Method SPC convective products verified using 40km (25mi) neighborhood Did observed event occur within 40km of point? Melick et al. (2012): Neighborhood objective measures agreed most with subjective forecaster evaluations
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  • Neighborhood Verification Method Blue = Observed Event 2+ hours of 1+/hr snowfall within 40km of point Greater area within MD
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  • Summary & Conclusions Gridded dominant precip. type product useful for forecaster Standardization in reporting is needed, workarounds are available QPE+SLR + LSRs + METARs combination provides viable results Method is flexible, can easily incorporate new data and methods PING, better SLR techniques Objective verification system using neighborhood technique developed for winter weather MDs
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  • Current Progress Experimental real-time gridded precip. type analysis now available locally at SPC Produces precip rates, snowfall rates using SLR Uses MRMS radar-only QPE Gauge-corrected not available in real time
  • Slide 32
  • Summary & Conclusions Gridded dominant precip. type product useful for forecaster Standardization in reporting is needed, workarounds are available QPE+SLR + LSRs + METARs combination provides viable results Method is flexible, can easily incorporate new data and methods PING, better SLR techniques Objective verification system using neighborhood technique developed for winter weather MDs
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  • References Baxter, M. A., C. E. Graves, and J. T. Moore, 2005: A Climatology of Snow-to-Liquid Ratio for the Contiguous United States. Wea. Forecasting, 20, 729744. Branick, M. L., 1997: A Climatology of Significant Winter-Type Weather Events in the Contiguous United States, 198294. Wea. Forecasting, 12, 193207. desJardins, M.L., K.F. Brill, and S.S. Schotz, 1991: Use of GEMPAK on Unix workstations, Proc. 7th International Conf. on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 449-453. Melick,C.J, I.L. Jirak, A.R. Dean, J. Correia Jr, and S.J. Weiss, 2012: Real Time Objective Verification of Convective Forecasts: 2012 HWT Spring Forecast Experiment. Preprints, 37th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, Natl. Wea. Assoc., P1.52. Roberts, N. M., and H. W. Lean, 2008: Scale-Selective Verification of Rainfall Accumulations from High- Resolution Forecasts of Convective Events. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 7897. Sullivan, B.T., C.J. Melick, I.L. Jirak, R.M. Mosier, S.J. Weiss, and C.D. McCray, 2014: The Usefulness of Winter Weather Local Storm Reports at the Storm Prediction Center, 39th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Natl. Wea. Assoc., PXXXX. Wilks, D. S., 2011: Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences. Academic Press, 704 pp. Zhang, J., and Coauthors, 2011: National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE (NMQ) System: Description, Results, and Future Plans. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92, 13211338
  • Slide 34
  • Verification Approach Did an observed event occur within the MD area? To what extent? Determine what constitutes an observed event Hourly Snowfall Icing Amounts Blizzard Conditions Precipitation Type and/or Amount Compare MD forecast to observed event QPE Snow-to-Liquid Ratio LSRs Surface Obs. Develop Gridded Analysis System GEMPAK
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  • Verification Methods: Blizzard Blizzard Conditions @ Hour = Yes Vis. < mi SN / BLSN/ DRSN Blizzard LSR OR Conditions Occur for 3+ Hours within 40km of point? Blizzard MD Verified at Point Yes
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  • Verification Methods: Freezing Rain Total > 0.05 within 40km radius? Total Liquid Equiv. Freezing Rain = QPE H1 + QPE H2 +...+ QPE Hn Total Liquid Equiv. Freezing Rain = QPE H1 + QPE H2 +...+ QPE Hn Freezing Rain MD Verified at Point Liquid Equiv. Freezing Rain = QPE * (Freezing Rain Grid) Liquid Equiv. Freezing Rain = QPE * (Freezing Rain Grid) Yes
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  • Verification Methods: Heavy Snow Hourly Snowfall =QPE x Average SLR at point (from Baxter et al. 2005) Hourly Snowfall =QPE x Average SLR at point (from Baxter et al. 2005) Heavy Snow MD Verified at Point Liquid Equiv. Snowfall = QPE x (Snow Grid) Liquid Equiv. Snowfall = QPE x (Snow Grid) Add 1 to Event Hours grid Yes
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  • Severe vs. Winter MD Frequency *Through 30 April N= 1656/811/580/342/671/664/956/1194/2007/2288/2911/2213