veritas no 14, 11 november 2017 - san clemente high school...the dominican blessing above speaks in...

Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 Veritas 02, 22 February 2019 Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of the San Clemente community, May God the Father who made us bless us. May God the Son send his healing upon us. May God the Holy Spirit move within us, give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and hands that your work may be done. May we walk and preach the word of God to all. May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us at last by Gods grace to the Kingdom. Amen St Dominic: Pray for us. The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connecon in our school this year. Our students and staff are so familiar with this prayer that it permeates relaonships and the work that happens every day at San Clemente. This prayer goes out to everyone connected to San Clemente; parents and grandparents, carers, support workers and all in our community. May we all be called to connect to and preach the word of God to all in our words and in our acons. The first Parents and Friends Associaon meeng for 2019 was held on Tuesday 19 th February in the school library at 6.00pm. The dedicaon of this group is very much appreciated and the ongoing support of our parents and friends en- sures that many events and acvies that enrich our community are supported and, in many cases, created through the efforts of this group. All parents and carers are welcome to join this group and your presence at meengs and events will always be welcomed. Please contact the school office if you would like more informaon regarding meengs and events. The Year 7 camp in Week 3 at Point Wolstoncroſt Sport and Recreaon Centre on Lake Macquarie was a resounding success and in no small way this was aributable to the approach of all students who aended. The posive nature of and enthusiasm for the camp displayed by Year 7 was obvious and delivered many posive outcomes for each of them. Of course, none of it is possible without the willingness of staff to aend this important seling inevent for Year 7. Mr Nick Marsh along with all the Year 7 Mentors and support staff who aended helped create an experience that was posive, a vehicle for connecon and that created some wonderful memories for Year 7, 2019. In 2019 at San Clemente we will connue to focus on raising the barin many facets of school life. Students will be challenged to raise the bar for themselves in terms of their learning in the classroom and their capacies to engage

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Page 1: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017

Veritas 02, 22 February 2019

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of the San Clemente community,

May God the Father who made us bless us.

May God the Son send his healing upon us.

May God the Holy Spirit move within us,

give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with,

and hands that your work may be done.

May we walk and preach the word of God to all.

May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us

at last by God’s grace to the Kingdom.


St Dominic: Pray for us.

The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students

and staff are so familiar with this prayer that it permeates relationships and the work that happens every day at San

Clemente. This prayer goes out to everyone connected to San Clemente; parents and grandparents, carers, support

workers and all in our community. May we all be called to connect to and preach the word of God to all in our words

and in our actions.

The first Parents and Friends Association meeting for 2019 was held on Tuesday 19th February in the school library at

6.00pm. The dedication of this group is very much appreciated and the ongoing support of our parents and friends en-

sures that many events and activities that enrich our community are supported and, in many cases, created through

the efforts of this group. All parents and carers are welcome to join this group and your presence at meetings and

events will always be welcomed. Please contact the school office if you would like more information regarding

meetings and events.

The Year 7 camp in Week 3 at Point Wolstoncroft Sport and Recreation Centre on Lake Macquarie was a resounding

success and in no small way this was attributable to the approach of all students who attended. The positive nature of

and enthusiasm for the camp displayed by Year 7 was obvious and delivered many positive outcomes for each of them.

Of course, none of it is possible without the willingness of staff to attend this important “settling in” event for Year 7.

Mr Nick Marsh along with all the Year 7 Mentors and support staff who attended helped create an experience that was

positive, a vehicle for connection and that created some wonderful memories for Year 7, 2019.

In 2019 at San Clemente we will continue to focus on “raising the bar” in many facets of school life. Students will be

challenged to raise the bar for themselves in terms of their learning in the classroom and their capacities to engage

Page 2: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing

This week we held our first PosED session for 2019. This year, sessions throughout Year 7-10 will occur at the same time, with all Year groups following a similar theme for each session. This week we took the time to re-visit our framework “5 Ways To Wellbeing”. During this session students were reminded of the significant study and evidence that has demonstrated these simple actions as contributing to our Wellbeing; CONNECT-BE ACTIVE-TAKE NOTICE-KEEP LEARNING-GIVE

I had the pleasure of talking to all Year 7 as a group with Mr Marsh as we held a “Masterclass” to introduce our new stu-dents to these concepts. Part of that session, I explained that these 5 actions of Wellbeing, or “Welldoing”, are contrib-uting factors in us living authentically (“Veritas”) within and without the San Clemente Community. These 5 ways are the foundation that builds toward living out the values of our Dominican heritage of; SERVICE-STUDY-PRAYER-COMMUNITY

During the presentation I reminded students that this framework is now internationally renowned and adopted. In 2008, the New Economics Foundation (NEF) were commissioned by the British Government to conduct a study on Mental Capital (self-esteem, resilience, cognitive capacity, emotional intelligence) and Wellbeing (good feelings day-to-day, happiness and satisfaction.) See link to study overleaf.

Equally important for wellbeing is our functioning in the world. Experiencing positive relationships, having some control over one’s life and having a sense of purpose are all important attributes of wellbeing. For Year 7 students and families this was extremely evident as they gathered with staff at our Welcome BBQ on Wednesday evening. The simple act of eating a meal together, enjoying a chat and a group game of Futsal (Being Active) all contributing to our theme this year to CON-NECT.

with learning across the many opportunities offered at school. An area that will support students to understand the rais-

ing the bar concept will be a concentration on uniform. Most of our students wear our uniform with pride and respect

every day. They do so in the knowledge that all San Clemente students are in it together, that our uniform is a symbol of

community and pride in that community. One area that I will write to all parents about in the coming weeks is the wear-

ing of skate shoes, including but not limited to Vans and Converse shoes in the place of joggers which are the stipulated

footwear for sports and PE practical uniform in the student handbook. Only joggers provide the appropriate support for

active participation in sport and PE and they along with correct socks will become the expectation again from the begin-

ning of Term 2, 2019. A letter went out to all families at the end of 2018 addressing uniform with reference to hair, skirt

length and girl’s stockings. These areas will be addressed again in 2019.

Furthermore, as our student handbook stipulates our uniform code and adherence to it enhances the positive image of

our school in the community. This image will become increasingly important in the competitive enrolment environment

that the school is entering in the coming years. Students not adhering to this uniform requirement will be challenged and

appropriate consequences will be applied. We look forward to working in partnership with families on this important

school expectation.

The presentation of the student leaders in the portfolios of Ministry, Stewardship, Sport, House and Cultural at Assembly

on Wednesday 20th February was another example of the willingness of our students to step up and challenge them-

selves in areas that support and enrich our community. It was wonderful to see so many of the parents of these students

join us for this presentation and recognition of their sons and daughters who are saying yes to service in their school

community. We have much to be proud of here at San Clemente.

The Learn 2 Learn days for Years 7 and 8 this week are a credit to all staff involved in the preparation and presentation of

this event for our Stage 4 students. Organisation, study skills, mindfulness, focus and application of all these skills are

important for our students to know and be able to deploy. My thanks to our dedicated staff who made this possible for

our students. We are a blessed community.

I trust that the first few weeks of this school year continue to positive and as always the school welcomes contact from

our families in support of your child’s learning and development.

God Bless

Bernard Burgess, Principal

Page 3: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

An important thing to remember in our framework is that these 5 ways are not always in balance in our lives and need not act in parallel. As the evidence shows, these are strategies that can be utilised in an effort to bounce back at times of stress if required, or to further build on social and emotional capital from an individual’s needs basis.

The language of the 5 ways will often be referred to at SCM as the evidence indicates it’s benefits to the community. These actions can create a positive feedback loop, that further enhances each individual through the smallest of actions. For example the act of “connecting” through a simple greeting, eye contact and smile can often provoke a similar re-sponse. This return gesture can increase an individual’s satisfaction and happiness and more than likely lead to this simple gesture of kindness occurring again, and again, and again. Leading toward developing and building a community that con-tinuously works toward the enhancement of each individuals overall feeling of belonging.

Hopefully this feeling of BELONGING extends to the outward expression of pride and commitment to be a part of the community through the wearing of our uniform. Mr Burgess challenged students at this week’s assembly to continue to strive toward improvement. Without singling out particular items, all families are aware of our expectations and uniform guidelines. For us to become a truly thriving community I encourage students in particular, with the help of parents, to take personal control of how they prepare for each day, starting with uniform. As mentioned above, wearing our uniform well, can create a positive emotional loop that continues from day-to-day. Wearing the uniform incorrectly, creates the opposite, a negative feedback loop that leaves every student behind throughout every period of the day. It just makes Wellbeing sense for all to wear it well, wear it right.

Nathan Beckett, Assistant Principal (Wellbeing)

A word from our visiting Norwegian teachers Miss Hilde, Miss Nora, Miss Siren and Mr Kristoffer

Travelling to Australia has been such a good experience for us all. Even with this being our first encounter with the "Land Down Under", not to forget all the venomous and scary animals we have heard so much about.

We are four Norwegian students coming to Australia to do our teaching practice here at San Clemente for five weeks. All of us study at the same University called NTNU in a town called Trondheim. Boarding a plane back in snow filled Norway with a temperature of around -15 degrees and landing here in nearly 40 de-grees was a real shock for us. However, we are not complaining, us Norwegians love the sun! As for the dangerous animals concerned, we have not seen anything to make us believe all the rumours we have back in Norway about there being snakes in toilets on a regular basis, or spiders lurking around every corner (especially having to look in our shoes every day before putting them on). Happy to state that we have sur-vived for this long, and we will all leave here with a big wish to return.

San Clemente greeted us with open arms from day one! With amazing, kind teachers, support staff, and a lovely school we could not have asked for a better place to be. The students are engaged and respectful, and we have all agreed that they are way politer than the average Norwegian student. We are absolutely loving every mi-nute of it here, and if there is anything we are wonder-ing and need help with, we always have multiple people lining up to help us out. We look forward to our final 3 weeks in Australia.

Thank you for everything so far…………………………….

Miss Hilde, Miss Nora, Miss Siren and Mr Kristoffer

Page 4: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning

This week our Stage 4 students participated in our Learn 2 Learn program. This program has been running at San Clemente for many years. The program is reviewed annually and the structure of the program and the content is adjusted to meet our goal of ensuring our students acquire the skills needed to best assist them as learners. Whilst our Stage 4 students participated in sessions relevant to their stage in a full day program, our delivery of Learn 2 Learn for our Stage 5 students will be integrated into their Careers and Vocational Education lessons and course programs. Stage 4- Learn 2 Learn

In the Plagiarism session during San Clemente’s L2L Program, students identified plagiarism and apply strategies to avoid it. Beginning with an introduction into ‘What is plagiarism? ’students identified what plagiarism looks like in assessments and the classroom and why exercising honesty is central to personal academic growth. Students applied strategies such as quoting, paraphrasing and summarising to prepare themselves for upcoming assessments across all Key Learning Areas.

Understanding how to use MNConnect, accessing emails, email etiquette, electronic calendars, Compass (desktop) and Compass App, as well as troubleshooting simple WiFi issues - such as zScaler and WiFi Support on MNConnect were skills students developed.

Many classes are using OneNote. The better students understand how OneNote is organised, the easier it is for them to access their learning. In this session, students became familiar with OneNote, learnt how to access their learning in One-Note and how to organise their OneNote resources.

The Online Research L2L session covered strategies for effectively using online search engines, including the use of Boolean operators. The corroboration of online sources were explored and students used tools for finding credible and reliable sources. San Clemente's Moodle resources and apps including Khan Academy, Photomath and Duolingo were also covered.

Academic Wellbeing – Maintaining a Study/Life Balance through the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. The following areas were ad-

dressed: benefits of mindfulness; feelings and emotions associated with procrastination and perfectionism; the im-portance of exercise and sleep; introducing planning and goal-setting.

Year 7 constructed Learning Logs to assist them with their study in Mathematics. Learning Logs help students reflect and

articulate what they have learnt in class. Students complete Learning Logs for each topic studied in Mathematics and are

able use them as a tool for assisting them in examinations.

Year 8 revised the construction of Learning Logs in Mathematics as well as Time-lines, Charts and Mind-maps as learning

tools. They learnt about the most effective ways of studying for Mathematics specifically through worked revision sheets

with questions graded by difficulty.

I trust that your child’s involvement in San Clemente’s Learn 2 Learn program will be beneficial to their education-al learning experiences.

This year we have had a number of new teaching staff join San Clemente.

Ms Christine Brown- LOTE, English

Mr Shane Flanagan- Mathematics

Mrs Meredith MacDonald (returning from leave)/Mr Mathew Grandin (job-share)- English

Miss Jordan Newbery- English

Miss Priscilla Payne- HSIE, Religious Studies

Miss Ellen Seaniger– Science

We welcome these teachers to our learning community and thank them for their efforts in getting to know all of the stu-dents in their classes and their learning needs.

We also welcome Mrs Sheridan Pruteanu to the role of Careers Advisor for 2019 and Miss Jessica Lopez as the Gifted Education Mentor for 2019.

Emma Tierney, Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Note to Parents/Carers

Student Verification Reports sent home at the start of school need to be reviewed and any corrections should

be noted and returned to school as soon as possible. If the information is correct the form must still be re-

turned. Similarly the Code of Conduct paperwork is now overdue also.

Page 5: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Teaching and Learning Coordinators 2019

Name Learning Area Contact Details

Mrs McAllister Religion [email protected]

Ms Brennan English [email protected]

Ms Wilks Mathematics [email protected]

Mrs Nolan Science

Marine Studies IStem

[email protected]

Mr Blanch TAS

Technology Industrial Tech

[email protected]

Ms Wakely

HSIE Commerce Geography

History Careers

[email protected]


Child Studies [email protected]

Mrs South


Music Language


[email protected]

Mr Askie Learning Support [email protected]

Page 6: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Year 10 Students

The new school year is well and truly underway and the settling in period is over. At last week’s year meeting I read a sto-ry to Year 10 titled “The Black Dot”. It discussed how a professor gave his class a surprise test which featured only a black dot in the middle of a white piece of paper. The professor asked the class to write about what they saw on the piece of paper. No one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot – and the same thing happens in our lives. We too often insist on focusing only on the black dot – which represent the difficulties and struggles in our lives. However, the dark spots are very small when compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. I encouraged Year 10 to take their eyes away from the black dots in their lives. To enjoy each one of their blessings and each moment that life gives them.

Assessment schedules have recently been handed out to all Year 10 and in class assessment tasks will be handed out in a variety of subjects in the following weeks. All assessment tasks can be accessed on the school’s website under the ‘Teaching and Learning’ tab. It is important to note that these tasks contribute significantly to students Semester One grades; therefore, they need to be treated in a serious manner. Students are encouraged to organise themselves and pri-oritise tasks that are to be completed first. Completing tasks the night before the due date always results in a substandard effort. Students are reminded that if they require assistance with any assessment task all they need to do is ask their teacher, appropriate Teaching and Learning Coordinator, the Feldt Learning Centre or myself and help is available.

The school’s swimming carnival will be held on Tuesday 26th February. This is a compulsory day of school and I expect to see all of Year 10 in attendance dressed proudly in their house colours for their last swimming carnival at San Clemente. This year’s carnival will see the introduction of more variety events, ensuring every student will be able to participate in numerous events even if they are not a competitive swimmer.

A reminder to Year 10 parents, if you have any concerns at all please contact me at school, 40147300 or at the following email address; [email protected]

A final thought Year 10,

“The world can ask you to participate, but it’s a day-to-day decision if you want to agree to that proposal.”

Patrick Doyle, Year 10 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Year 9 Students

Students across many subject areas are starting to receive assessment tasks. These tasks will contribute to students’ school report. Students’ are encouraged to give due effort to tasks, and ensure their results reflect their ability. If you look in the dictionary, determination and effort both come before success! What does this mean to you? You need to place effort into everything in a determined manner in order to achieve success. Are you keen to achieve success that reflects your ability or are you satisfied with a mediocre result that reflects your lack of effort?

A consistent approach to your studies, that is well planned and followed is an important part of achieving academic success.

Please remember that the Homework Hub is on every Monday afternoon, facilitated by staff, in the Library from 3-4pm. It is a great opportunity to receive some extra assistance with homework, assessments, or study. I would like to congratulate the majority students on their standard of uniform. Wearing our school uniform well indicates that you are a proud member of the San Clemente community, and that you have respect for the school and community. I totally understand that at home parents can have the “uniform battle” with their child on a daily or regular basis. If par-ents are experiencing issues please do not hesitate to seek my support if necessary. Next Tuesday 26th February is the date for the School Swimming Carnival at Mayfield Pool. All permission notes should have been returned to school for the carnival. The day is a compulsory school day. Students may wear their house colours on the day. Please ensure sunscreen and a hat are worn at all times.

Until next fortnight … take care [email protected] Kate Tolfree, Year 9 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Page 7: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Year 8 News

Term 1 is now in “turbo mood” for Year 8 and I can honestly say that they have hit the ground running. Students have impressed me, and teachers, with their enthusiasm, application and overall level of genuine engagement both in and out of the classroom.

One such example of this engagement in action is the recent extra-curricular opportunity extended to the Year 8 co-hort and organised by San Clemente’s fantastic Maths faculty called ‘Inquisitive Minds’. This program aims to chal-lenge students, encourage competitiveness and build on their mathematical knowledge base in a fast paced and fun learning environment. Special mention must go to St. Francis Xavier’s College at Hamilton for hosting this annual event. I was lucky enough to visit students during their second session and I saw young people who were 100% en-gaged and using mathematical skills in a real world way. Thank you to Mrs. Helen Wilks – Teaching & Learning Coordi-nator of Mathematics – for overseeing the smooth running of the day and for all the preparation that goes into such an important opportunity as this.

Another such opportunity that is taking place next week is San Clemente’s annual swimming carnival. The details are included below;

What: San Clemente’s Annual Swimming Carnival When: Tuesday 26th Feb, 2019 Where: Mayfield Pool Who: Entire school

Students are encouraged to dress – appropriately – in their respective House colours, as well as participating in as many of the races and activities on the day of the carnival as they can. By just participating students will secure vital points for their House groups, thus increasing the chance to win the ultimate trophy at the end of the year, the pres-tigious Tony Kelly Cup.

Finally, I would like to highlight the importance of ‘kindness’. The benefits of kindness have been well documented for years with regards to both a person’s overall physical and mental health. In our most recent year meeting I, combined with student input, outlined these benefits to the rest of the cohort. These include;

Kindness releases feel-good hormones. Kindness eases anxiety. Kindness is good for your heart. Kindness can help you live longer. Kindness reduces stress. Kindness prevents illness.

In this year, the year of ‘connectedness’, it goes without saying that one cannot show kindness without first con-necting with another. I have encouraged each Year 8 student to first and foremost be kind – to each other, to staff, to parents/caregivers and of course to themselves. Then my hope is that by the end of this week, this month, this Term and/or by the end of this year your children will have connected with somebody different.

A final thought; “In a world where you can be literally anything…be kind”

Mitch Allan, Year 8 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

San Clemente High School RESCHEDULED School Photography Date: 28/02/2019 ONLINE ORDER CODE: GGM ZJL D3B Online Order link: Dear Parents, Photographs can be purchased by following the link above for 7 days from the day photos are taken, after which late fees/additional charges will be incurred. Important Information:

● School photos purchased online DO NOT require envelopes returned to school ● Late fees/additional charges will be applied for purchases after photo day

[email protected]

Page 8: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Year 7 Students

Year 7 attended Point Wolstoncroft Sport and Recreation Centre for three days and two nights last week. The students

were not only challenged by the vast array of activities they participated in such as Kayaking, Stand-Up Paddle boarding

and the High Ropes, but by Mother Nature herself. Tuesday temperatures reached approximately 40 degrees. Such tem-

peratures would normally be associated with moaning, groaning and enthusiasm diminishing – but this was not the case

with Year 7 and staff. Everyone at camp accepted the challenges we faced and continued to participate with the same

enthusiasm as the first activity session on Day One. I would like to congratulate Year 7 on their behaviour and attitude at

camp under such trying conditions. I arrived home on Wednesday afternoon a very proud man of the Year group I have

charge of. A special thank you to all the staff who attended camp and sacrificed their normal routines for Year 7, your

efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Around this time of the term, assessment tasks are scheduled for the coming weeks. The key is to be organised, com-

mence research tasks when you receive them and do not leave them until the night before they are due. Any questions/

issues with a specific task the first point of the contact is the relevant subject teacher. The Teacher and Learning Coordi-

nator for each subject is also a valuable source of advice and information and don’t forget the Feldt Learning Centre at

school is always available for all students who require assistance with assessment tasks.

Congratulations to the Year 7 students who were elected as part of the Student Representative Team for 2019. These are

positions of great responsibility and an opportunity for students to contribute more to the life of San Clemente. Congrat-

ulations to all for your willingness to lead and be a part of the San Clemente community at such an early stage.

It was great to see so many families at our welcome BBQ on Wednesday evening. I look forward to meeting and con-necting with more families in our community as 2019 progresses. A reminder to all parents/ carers, if you have any con-cerns or questions about your child’s wellbeing, please don’t hesitate in contacting me on 4014 7300 or at [email protected]

Nicholas Marsh, Year 7 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Page 9: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Mathematics—Year 8 Inquisitive Minds

A great day was had by all last Thursday 14 February at the Year 8 Mathematics Inquisitive Minds Excursion. Stu-

dents participated in many activities solving problems and puzzles to win prizes. The students were wonderful

representatives for San Clemente and had a lot of fun with the competitions. Thanks to the Year 10 volunteers

who assisted the students on the day. Also thanks to St Francis Xavier’s College for again welcoming us to their

school. We look forward to having the Inquisitive Minds program in our own Hall in 2020.

Helen Wilks, Teaching & Learning Coordinator, Mathematics

Year 10 Elevate Education and Community Future Careers Talk Day 13th March, 2019

Presenting - study skills, TAFE/University options, Hunter Trade School

Also any students interested in White Card training see Mrs Pruteanu

Mrs Pruteanu, Careers Advisor

Page 10: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

San Clemente Marine and Aquaculture Technology Elective has a number of small fish tanks / terrariums to give away.

They are approximately 30 cm in length and 15 cm across.

If you are interested in one - please see a member of the Science staff.

Julia Nolan, Teaching & Learning Coordinator, Science

Our anime club has begun this year with a bang! Our members have elected a President and Vice President: Shea and Sa-

rah in Year 9, and much enthusiasm and hilarity have ensued!

Term 1

A poster competition is running amongst members and all submissions are due next week, Tuesday 26 February. All en-

tries must be manga inspired and include: The Daly (Weekly) Anime Club, Tuesday, Lunch, D3 to be eligible. The winning

poster will be used for club promotion.

There will be a quiz and sushi fest in Week 11, there will be prizes for quiz winners and members can order sushi hand rolls

for $3.50 each, notes will be going home towards the end of the term.

Term 2

The club will embark on a mega origami project where we will attempt to fold 1000 paper cranes. Hopefully we will reach

1000 and they will be on display at our annual Sight and Sound exhibition.

We will be hosting a lip sync battle at the end of Term 2 where members will be able to ‘sing’ songs from anime theme

songs, to J-Pop or K-Pop. There will be guest judges and prizes!

Kristy Hüber, Club Organiser

Volunteers are needed for the canteen

We are very short on volunteers for canteen this year, if anyone can help that would be appre-ciated. We need you to come between 9am and 12:30 pm for food prep and service with sup-port from a Fulltime Canteen Supervisor.

Weekly, monthly is great or even once per term, if you can come more often, that would be fan-tastic. Come meet our lovely students and staff. Please call the office on 4014 7300.

Kind regards, Gillian and Toni, Canteen Supervisors

Page 11: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

A reminder to parents that the drop off zone immediately in front of

St Dominic’s on Havelock St is not for use by San Clemente parents. It

is most important that this space enables the drop off of St Dominic’s

students only by parents and in some cases specialised vehicles.

Page 12: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our


In week 2 the 2019 Tony Kelly Cup competition at San Clemente was launched, in which the four houses Aquino, Calaroga, Castile and Sienna will battle it out to be crowned champions of 2019! The four house leaders Lillie Baker (Sienna), Thomas Harvey (Castile), Timothy Hamilton (Calaroga) and Jasmine Hole (Aquino) did an excellent job in ex-plaining the history and meaning behind each of our four houses to the students. This can be found below:


Dominic de Guzman was born in Calaroga in 1170.

Calaroga means Red Earth and is south of Madrid in Spain. At the birth place of St Dominic a chapel has been built, a well rests in the position where Dominic was born. Dominic would have run and played when he was a boy with his two brothers Mannes and Anton over the red rocks, which line the streets of Calaroga.

Legend says that before Dominic was born his mother Jane dreamt of a dog holding a torch. His mother knew before he was born that he was going to set the world on fire.

This why we use this symbol.


Dominic would have been known as a Castilian as Calaroga is located in the land of Castile. When Dominic was young he travelled through the lands of Castile to stay with his Uncle in Osma. Dominic’s father Felix was a solider and would have travelled across the Castilian land to fight the Moors who invaded Spain during this time.

The lands of Castile are green and lush and contain many castles.

This is why we use this symbol.


St Catherine of Siena was a tertiary or belonged to the 3rd rite of the Dominican Order and was born in 1347. She was born of the Oca district of the Italian city, Siena. There are 17 districts in Siena, each is named after an animal or symbol and have their own flag. Sien-na (from Italian: terra di Siena, "Siena earth") is an earth pigment containing iron ox-ide and manganese oxide. In its natural state, it is yellow-brown and is called raw sienna. Catherine of Siena lived at the time of the Black plague, she gave her time to look after those suffering.

Catherine of Siena was a kind and giving person who devoted her time to helping those in need.

This is why we use this symbol.


St Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 in the county of Aquino in Italy and was a Dominican Friar or priest. The name Aquino comes from the Latin Aquinum meaning "water" as wit-nessed by the abundance of water that still crosses the territory today including many small springs.

St Thomas Aquinas’ contributions to the Church were considerable. Unlike anyone else in the Church before his time, as he embraced Aristotle’s ideas of philosophy and blended these with theology. St Thomas was the first person to use science when understanding religion.

Thomas Aquinas was dedicated to discovering the truth and he did this through study.

This is why we use this symbol.

Sports Continued/………….

Page 13: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Next Tuesday 26th February is our San Clemente Swimming Carnival for 2019. This will take place at Mayfield

Pool. Students are encouraged to participate in as many events as they can to gain points for their house. As

always, parents/carers are more than welcome to attend the carnival to show your support for your child.

Upcoming NSWCCC selection events that need to be applied for online at the NSWCCC website (https:// are as follows:

NSWCCC Tennis Selections boys and girls. A Tennis Australia ranking is compulsory. (Closing date 25th Feb-

ruary 2019)

NSWCCC Baseball boys and girls - Year 9 and 10 students only. (Closing date 5th March 2019)

NSWCCC Volleyball boys and girls – Year 9 and 10 students only. (Closing date 8th March 2019).

NSWCCC Water Polo boys and girls – Year 9 and 10 students only. (Closing date 14th March 2019).

Steven Burns, Sport Coordinator

Page 14: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our


This week the students who nominated themselves to be members of the Ministry, Cultural,

Stewardship, Sport and House Portfolio Teams and IT Support Team were presented badges.

Being a leader takes courage and commitment. We wish all these students the best of luck for


Members of the Ministry team will be active contributors

to the faith life of our school and advocates for social jus-

tice issues. They will continue to develop a living Domini-

can charism.

Members of the Stewardship team will focus on the care

of the environment and each other. They will be role mod-

els to live simply and collaborate with staff and students to

care for our common home.

Members of the Cultural team will inspire others to ex-

press themselves creatively and encourage participation

and innovation. They will encourage members of the San

Clemente community to be active and passionately in-

volved in the cultural or co-curricular life of the school.

The Sport team will promote sport as a highly valued ele-

ment of San Clemente as it leads towards its mission of

developing the whole person. Sport provides an avenue

for social, physical and emotional development and it is an

important expression of school spirit and the culture of

San Clemente.

Members of the House team will be the drivers of the

house competition and the Tony Kelly Cup. They will work

alongside year coordinators, teaching and learning coordi-

nators and teachers to arrange a broad variety of competi-

tions across a range of areas to ensure all students have

the opportunity to show their strengths.

Members of the IT Support Team provide valuable care to

the students at San Clemente through offering their Infor-

mation Technology expertise during their lunchtime in the


Ministry Team members for 2019:

Elizabeth Sultana , Jessica Willis, Grace Sutton, Nikola

Maksimovic, Hannah Toohey, Annikah McGrath, Toby

Fisher and Elizabeth Thomson.

Stewardship Team members for 2019:

Sienna Williams, Mia Ferguson, Jay Wills, Jenna Marley,

Joshua Tobin, Makhayla Brown, Casey Cole, Laura

Young, Constance Beniston, Lavendel Seguin

Cultural Team members for 2019:

Lucas Barlow, Rose Diemar, Ella Movigliatti, William

Gunn, Keziah Lamont, Brock Buckmaster, Sarah Pung,

Hannah Osorio

Sport Team members for 2019:

Domenico Caponecchia, Bella Schofield, Mya Iobbi,

Sanitina Puliuvea, Keira Bergsma, Jaxon Neader, Tony

Fakahau, Charlie Geddes-Templar, Tarjhe Wilcox , Lo-

gan Aoake, Joseph Johnston, Chloe Debono, Braeden

Hopkins, Malachi Sausaufai, Arya Buman, Imogen

Hope, Kiera Pizzuto, Amy Franov, Stella Compton, Ame-

lia O’Brien, Hilary Barco , Ellie Hibert

House Team members for 2019:

Castile: Baylen Potter, Niamh Hurley, Aswin Guruny

Aquino: Chloe Hong, Evie Baas

Sienna: Patrick McGrath, Ella Degenhardt, Abbey


Calagora: Kiara Debono, Declan Lowndes, Xavier


IT Support member for 2019:

Lachlan James, Aidan Lang, Elizabeth Thomson, Freya McLean, Aidan Barlow, Jacob Anderson, Kobe Stoger, Dean Jarred, Jaxon Barlett, Dimitri Wijoyo, Charlie Ged-des-Templar, Isaac Petherbridge, Lucas Barlow, Jaydon Warner, Riley James, Tarji Boudon, Ella Movigliatti

Page 15: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

The Library will be open after school every Monday until 4pm with teachers available to assist with Assessment

Tasks and homework. Students who attend must work quietly in the Library; a teacher will be present to assist if


The Maths ASAP (After School Assistance Program) also operates on Monday afternoons in D3. Please see Mrs

Wilks for a Permission Note. Students can also attend “MATHS AND MILO” on Mondays at lunchtimes to receive

help with maths.

Homework Hub starts Monday 11th February 2019. All students welcome! Please go to the Feldt Centre before

heading to the Libaray.

For more information, please contact Mrs McDonell (02) 4014 7300


2019—Permission to attend Homework Hub at San Clemente High School

I give permission for Name: _____________________________ Year: ________ Mentor Group: _______________________

to attend Homework Hub in the Library at San Clemente High School every Monday afternoon until 4pm. This student will be trav-

elling home from San Clemente by: ___________________________________________________________________________ .

Parent Name: ___________________________ Contact Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _______________________________________________________________

Page 16: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our


Office Hours

Mon – Thu 8.00 am – 3.00 pm

Friday 8.00 am – 2.30 pm

Fees: All statements for Term 1 fees have been emailed/mailed, and are due for payment by 12 March 2019.

If you have not received a copy of your statement, please contact the school asap.

Methods of payment:

You can also pay using BPay, Eftpos, cash or cheque.

Canteen Lunch Orders:

Student lunches can be ordered using QKR! App. All orders must be placed before 8am of day required.

The Family Discount Form must be completed by all families regardless of how many students you have at school. A copy is included in this newsletter. This must be returned to school ASAP.

Please do not complete if you have already done so.

QKR is now our preferred method of payment. Details are available on school website

2019 Family Discount & Diocesan Pastoral Contribution Form

Every family is required to complete this form so that they

receive the appropriate discounts on their fee accounts.

Failure to submit this form may result in overcharges

on your account.

This form is included in the newsletter and is also available on

the website. If you haven’t already completed it for 2019 please

do so and either send it to school with your child by Monday

11/2 or email it to [email protected]

Page 17: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

See FEE DISCOUNT Form below for your attention. All families are required to complete the form regardless that they may have only one student at school. If you have already submitted your form please disregard.

2019 Family Discount & Diocesan Pastoral Contribution Form FAMILY DISCOUNT: This form is required for ALL your children enrolled in the Maitland / Newcastle Diocese; issued per school.

The family discount is applicable to Tuition Fees, please be aware the family discount will not be processed on the school account

until this form is returned. Students listed on this application must have the same residential address to qualify for the family dis-


Please list ALL children attending Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Schools in 2019, who reside at the same address and the person

(as above) is responsible for the payment of fees.

Family Discount Rate – applicable to Tuition Fee

Number of students per family 1 2 3 4 5+

Family discount rate per student 0% 10% 20% 40% 50%

Name of Fee payer for students listed below:

(Please clearly write the Full Name of Person Responsible for Fees)

Fee payer’s Signature:

Residential Address for ALL Students listed:

Student Name/s Name of School, Student is attending in 2019 2019 Year/Class

HEALTH CARE CARD: Eligibility for reduction off Tuition fees for ‘means tested’ low income Health Care / Pension holders This discount is up to 50% off the Diocesan Tuition Fee full rate, percentage granted is determined by family discount applied. In order to receive this discount, you are required to complete paperwork and provide a copy of your Health Care Card to the School at the commencement of each school year. NB: Student HCC are not accepted. FEE ASSISTANCE: Any family experiencing financial difficulties can seek fee assistance, please contact the School Office to arrange an interview and complete the necessary paperwork with the Principal at the beginning of each year.

Office Use Only

No of Students in Family:

Family Code:

DFSBL applicable for billing? Y / N

Page 18: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our
Page 19: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Registrations for 2019 Netball Season

(April – September)

Registrations are closing soon.

Not sure which sport to play this winter? Why not join your friends and fall in love NETBALL.

Come join Stockton Peninsula Netball Club and play one of the great-est team sports on earth. We strive to develop and encourage our

players to achieve their potential no matter what age or division they play. Our club is all about 'Sportsmanship, Teamwork and Friendship'.

Page 20: Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 - San Clemente High School...The Dominican blessing above speaks in so many ways to the theme of connection in our school this year. Our students Our

Canteen Roster

San Clemente High School—Uniform Shop Calendar Dates to note

25 Feb-1 Mar Yr 7 Active & Connected x House

26 Feb Swimming Carnival

27 Feb DIO SSSA Touch Trials

28 Feb Photo Day Rescheduled Yrs 8 & 9

4 Mar Brainstorm “Wired” Yr 10

6 Mar Ash Wednesday

7 Mar Theatre Sports Comp

8 Mar Festival of Voices (St Josephs Lochinvar)

12 Mar DIO Swim Carnival


13 Mar Elevate Year 10

14 Mar Year 7 Immunisation

15 Mar U14s Cochrane Cup Rugby League

20 Mar Harmony Day

25 Mar Brainstorm—Verbal Combat Yr 7

27 Mar Globally Called

25/3-5/4 NAPLAN Online Test Practice

12 Apr End of Term 1

4 Apr U16s Girls State Premiership Finals

5 Apr Netball—Boys & Girls (TAFE)

9 Apr DIO Football Knockout Juniors

29 Apr Beginning Term 2

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 3

25 Feb



Natalie Tetevano

Melissa Brown

Naomi McNamara

Week 4

04 Mar

HELP Sue Hamilton Jodi Gill Kylie Attard Carol DeVos

Joan McBride

School Photos for Years 8 & 9 will be taken on

Wednesday 28th February. Any students from

Years 7 and 10 that were absent on 6th February

can also be photographed on 28th February. Sib-

ling group photos will be taken on 20th February

and appropriate photo envelopes are available at

the Office.

RESCHEDULED DATE 28 February 2019