vety cadre 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Vety Cadre 2012


    Government of IndiaMinist ry of Home Affairs


    Applications are invited from Indian male/ female cit izens for filli ng up the foll owin g vacancies of

    Group-C Non-Gazetted (Combatised), Para Veterinary Cadre in Sashastra Seema Bal. They will be

    governed under SSB Act and Rules applicable to other members of the Force and other Rules

    applicable from time to time. On appointment they shall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the

    New Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Scheme applicable for the new entrants to the

    Cent ral Govern ment Services w.e.f. 01-01-2004. The last date of receip t of appl ication is

    15-09-2012. However the closing date for receipt of applications (by post) for the candidates from

    Nort h-Eastern States, Sikk im, Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba, Lah aul & Spiti and Kinn aur Districts of

    Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh Division, Kashmir of J&K State and the Union Territories of Andaman

    and Nicobar Islands and th e Lakshadweep will be 22-09-2012 .



    Posts Pay Band + Grade Pay UR SC ST OBC Ex-Servicemen


    01 HC ( Veterin ary) PB-1 Rs.5200-20200

    + GP 2400

    31 9 5 16 7 68

    02 Const (Veterin ary) PB-1 Rs.5200-20200

    + GP 2000

    21 7 5 12 5 50


    1. The recruitment is open to all Indian citizens only.2. The vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon the position at the time of final

    selection without any notice.3. The posts are temporar y but li kely to become permanent.4. Selected candidates are liable to be posted any where in the country according to transfer

    policy of the Force.5. The recruitment will be conducted on All India basis.


    Note:-i) The crucial date to determine age will be 15 .09 .201 2. The candidates must fulfill all

    eligibilit y condit ions and should be in possession of all certi ficates as on 1 5-09 -201 2 i.e. t he last

    date of receipt of application.ii) Candidates not in possession of requisite education, experience certificate or appearing

    in t he examinati on/ awaiting result need not apply.

    Contd2/ -

    Eligibili ty Conditi ons P O S T



    Age. (As on 15 -09 -2012 ) 18 to 25 years 18 to 23 years

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    (a) There will be relaxation in age for SC/ ST/ OBC (i.e. 5 years for SC/ ST & 3 years for OBC


    (b) The u pper age limi t up to 05 years is relaxable in case of candidates already in Govt. service.

    Govt. employees / servant s claimin g age relaxation should be in possession of cert ificate in

    prescribed format from their office in respect of the length of continuous service which should not beless than 03 years in th e immediate peri od preceding the date of recru itm ent / closin g date of

    receipt of appli cation. They shoul d cont inue to have th e statu s of Govt. servant / employee ti ll t he

    tim e of appoint ment , in t he event of th eir selection. The candidate will h ave to produ ce NOC from h is

    parent department at th e time of applying for th e post / recru itm ent in SSB. However, departmental

    cand idate may forward their appli cati on th rough proper channel from th eir head of offices. The

    concession will be admissible only where a Govt. employee has rendered not less than 3

    (three) years regular and continuous service in Govt. Deptt as on closing date of application.

    (c) The Relaxation in upper age lim it of 5 years shall also be admissible to all posts ment ioned

    in Para-1 for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period

    from 01/ 01/ 1980 to 31/ 12/ 1989. The candid ate will have to produce a cert ificate from th e

    concern ed Distri ct Collector t o claim su ch relaxati on in age.

    (d) Five years of age relaxation will also be gran ted to the chil dren and dependent family

    members of th ose ki lled in t he 1984 riots and 2002 commun al riots of Gu jarat.

    Children mean (a) Son (including adopted son): or (b) Daughter (including adopted

    daughter) Dependent family members mean: (a) Spouse; or (b) Children; or Brother or Sister in

    the case of unmarried Govt. servant who was wholly dependent on the Govt. servant at the time of

    his killing in the riot. The candidate will have to produce a certificate to the effect, issued by the

    concerned District Collector to claim relaxation in age. Children and dependent family members of

    those killed in the riots (1984 riots 2002 communal riots of Gujarat) will also produce a certificate

    from th e concern ed Distri ct Coll ector.

    (e) The above relaxation in age as mentioned in para 2 (b) to (d) is in addition to relaxation of 5years in age for SC/ ST and 3 years for OBC cand idates as per Govt. orders.Note :- Candidates claiming benefits under OBC category shall be in accordance with Castes

    notified in the Central List. The certificates should be in the prescribed format issued by the

    Competent Authority empowered for the purpose. No other certificate will be accepted as



    a) Age : Relaxation to the extent of military service plus 3 years as provided in DOP &T

    Noti fication No.39016/ 10179-Rectt dated 15.12.1979 .

    b) Every Ex-Serviceman who has put in not less than six monthscontinuous service in the Armed Forces of the Union, shall be allowed to deductthe period of such service fr om his actual age and i f the resultant age does notexceed the maximum age limit by more than three years he shall be deemedto sat isfy the condition regarding age limit. However, break in service shouldnot be more than two year s.

    Contd3/ -

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    c) Ex-Servicemen holdi ng th e higher r ank may also com pete in thisrecruitment for lower post provided they fulf i l l the eligibil ity criteria and alsothey furnish their wil l ingness in writ ing that in the event of their selectionthey will not claim the post equivalent to the rank they were holding in theDefence Forces.

    d) Character cert if icate: Mi nim um requir ement wil l be Exempl ary/ VeryGood/ Good category cert ificate

    e) Medical Category: A (AYE)/ SHAPE-ONE, at t he ti me of disch arge.They should possess to pass the same medical standards prescribed fordirect recruits.

    f) Ex-servicemen means a person who has served in any rank(whether as a combatant or

    as a non-combatant ) in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union but does not

    include a person who has served in the Defence Security Corps, the General Reserve Engineering

    Force, th e Lok Sahayak Sena and the parami lit ary forces; and

    g) Who has retir ed from such service after earn ing h is/ her pension; th is would also includepersons who are released/ retir ed at th eir own r equest bu t after having earned their pension;

    orwho has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military

    service or cir cum stances beyond h is cont rol and awarded medical or other di sabil ity pension;or

    who has been released, otherwise than on his own request, from such service as a resultof reduction in establishment ; or

    who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of

    engagement , otherwise than at h is own request or by way of dismissal or d ischarge on accoun t of

    misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity, and includes personnel of the

    Terr itor ial Army, of the followin g categories, namely:-

    h) Pension holders for conti nu ous embodied services.


    HEAD CONSTABLE (VETERINARY)i) Intermediate (10+2) Science examination passwith Biology as main subject from recognizedboard or universit y.

    ii) Desirable: One year experience in treatment ofdifferent species of animals, in a recognizedVeterinary Hospital.

    CONSTABLE (VETERINARY)i ) Matriculation Examination pass withscience from a recognized board oruniversity.

    ii) Desirable: One year experience intreatment of different species of animals,in a recognized Veterinary Hospital.

    Note :- All Educational / Technical certifi cates other than Stat e Board/ Central Board shouldbe accompanied with Govt. of I ndia not ificat ion declarin g that such qualification i s equivalentto Matric / 10 th class pass or as the case may be, for service under Central Govt.

    Contd4/ -

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    i) For Male: 170 Cms. i) For Female: 157 Cms.

    b) Chest:-

    (i) For Male : Unexpanded: 80 Cms. ii) For Female : Not appli cableExpanded : Min imu m expansion 5 Cms.

    c) Weight : - For Male and Female: Proporti onate to height and age as per Medical Standards.Relaxation will be permissible in height and chest to the candidates of all posts as follows:-Height: Minimum height of candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, GorkhasDogras, Marathas and candidates belongin g to the States of Sikk im , Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and State of Jammu & Kashmirwill be 165 Cms for male and 155 Cms for female. The minimum height for all candidates belongingto th e Schedule Tribes will be 162.5 Cms for Male and 150 Cms for Female.Chest: The minimum chest for male candidates falling in the categories of: Garhwalis, Kumaonis,Gork has, Dogras, Marathas and cand idates belonging to the States of Sik ki m, Nagaland, Aru nachalPradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and State of Jammu &Kashmir will be 78 Cms (minimum 5 Cms expansion) The minimum chest for all Male candidatesbelonging to th e Schedu le Tribes wil l be 76 Cms (Min imu m 5 Cms expansion).

    5. PHYSICAL EFFICI ENCY TEST (PET) (FOR ALL POSTS):- Those who are found fit in the

    initial physical screening i.e. physical measurement, will be put through the following physicalefficiency test:-


    I ) Eye Sight- For all above posts, the minimu m distant vision should be 6/ 6 and 6/ 9 of two

    eyes without cor rection i .e. with out weari ng of glasses.

    I I ) The candidates for all above posts must not have knock-knee, flat foot, varicose vein or

    squin t in eyes and t hey shou ld possess high colour vision. They mu st be in good mental and bodily

    health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the


    I I I ) The selection board has the absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate after

    consideri ng the report of th e Medical Officer / board.

    7. METH OD OF RECRUIT MENT (FOR ALL POSTS):- The selection process shall consist of

    followin g stages:-

    I) DocumentationII ) Physical Standard Test ( PST)III) Physical Effi ciency Test ( PET)IV) Writ ten ExaminationV) Final Medical ExaminationVI) Review M edical Examin ation



    All the candidates appeared for the recruitment test will be asked to produce original

    document s / cert ificates pertain ing to age, education, Caste, experience, Hill Area

    certif icate, NOC / Discharge Cert ificate (in case of Ex-Servicemen), Sports certi ficates, Proof

    to avail age relaxation etc. The actual age of the candidate will be determined from his

    Matriculation / High School Certi ficate.

    Contd.5/ -

    For Male For Female

    One Mil e race to be compl eted in 6.30 minu tes. 800 Mtrs race to be completed in 5 minu tes.

    11 feet long ju mp (three chances to be given) 9 feet long ju mp (thr ee chances to be given)

    3 feet high jum p (three chances to be given) 3 feet high jum p (three chances to be given)

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    The candidates must ensure that their name, father name and date of birth mentioned in all

    documents must be same as in the matriculation certificate. Candidates must bring all their

    original cert ificates and two at tested copies of each with th em.

    7.2. PHYSICAL STANDARD TEST (PST):- The candidates who are found eligible in

    documentation will be put through Physical measurement as prescribed in the eligibility conditions

    i.e. para-4 above.

    7.3. PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET) The candidates qualifying Physical Standard Test

    (PST) will be required to pass Physical Efficiency Test (PET) as per para-5 above, which is qualifying

    in n atu re :-

    Note: PET will be qualifyin g in nature and a candidate must qualify in all the above events.

    Failure t o qualify in ANY of the events of PET will render t he candidate disqualified to appear

    in Written Examination. Ex-Servicemen are exempted from PST/ PET. However, t hey will

    have to appear in Written Examination and Final Medical Examination.


    The candidates who qual ify PST/ PET will appear in wri tt en examin ation.Syllabus for Written Examin ation

    Head Constable (Vety) Constable (Vety)i) General English/ Hindi : 25 Marks i) General English/ Hindi : 25 Mark sii) General Knowledge : 25 Marks ii ) General kn owledge : 25 Mark siii ) General Science & Biology of ii i)General Science & Biology

    Higher Secondary standard : 50 Marks of matri c standard : 50 Mark sTotal : 10 0 Marks Total :100 Marks

    Note:-i) The Minim um qualifying Mark s for Writ ten Examination are as under:

    a) HC (Veterinary) - 40% for General and Ex-serviceman category and 35% forSC/ ST/ OBC category candidates

    b) Const (Veterinary) - 35% for General and Ex-serviceman category and 33% forSC/ ST/ OBC category candidates.

    ii ) No separate call letters will be issued for appeari ng in t he wri tt en examin ation.iii)

    The writt en examination will be held on OMR based Answer Sheets. The dur ation of writ tenexaminat ion will be 2 hour s. Candidates will be requi red to record th eir answer in OMRsheet with blue/ black ball point pen.

    iv) Candidates appearing in written test will not be allowed to carry electronicequipments like mobile phone, calculator, pager, digital wri st watch h aving calculatoretc. Any candidate found indulging in any unfair practice will be summarily removedfrom the written test and will be debarred from further recruitment process.


    Candidates who qualify Written Examination will be put through detailed

    medical Examination strictly on the basis of merit of written examination as per

    the vacancies and average failure rate.


    (i) The candidates will be called for medical examination over and above the number ofvacancies advertised so that if some candidates high up in the merit list (categorywise) do not make it through medical examination, candidates lower in merit listcould be considered for appointm ent str ict ly based on merit .

    (ii) Being called for medical examination will in no way give any legal claim or right toany candidate being finally appoint ed.


    If a candidate is declared un fit in the detailed medical examination, thegrounds for rejection will be communicated to him by the Chairman. The rejectedcandidate w i l l obtain F o r m 4, 5 & 6 from t h e C h a i r m a n concerned, i f not

    C on t d 6 / -

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    - : 6 : -

    sa t isfied with the fin d in gs of the Medical Officer, to prefer an appeal forReview-Med ical Examination to Inspector General (Per s.), SSB Force HQ, R. K.Puram, New Delhi-110066, within 3 0 days fr om the date of issue ofcommunication in which the fin d in gs of the Medical Officer is comm un icated to thecandidate. The appeal should necessarily contain the following; (a) Review Medical

    Examination fee of ` 25/ -(Rupees t wenty five) on l y non refundable, through a

    Bank Draft/ IPO in favou r of PAO, SSB (MHA), New Delh i , (b) Appeal Form 4, 5 & 6issued by the Initial Medical Board declaring the candidate as Un fit , (c) One self

    addressed envelope with ` 25/ - postage stamp du ly affixed on it . Cer t i ficateother th an Medical Form 6 (pr ovided by the Chairman of RecruitmentBoard to the Can d idates) to submit appeal for Review Medical Examination willnot be cons ider ed and rejected straightway. The fitness certificate onForm-6 is essent ial t o consider their cases for review medicalexam inat ionand not for any ot her purpose.

    The candidates whose appeal i s found in order will be issued calllett ers to appear for Review Medical Examination and their list will also beuploaded in the SSB Website They may keep in touch toknow their date of appearing in review medical examination and venue byvisiting our websit e.

    The decision of the Review Medical Board of SSB will be final and no

    2nd appeal will be entertai ned as per Govt . instruct ions and also no

    reply of t he correspondence/ 2nd appeal will be given/ ent ert ai ned.Note: - (a) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection boardreserves absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate after considering t he report of the medical boar d. (b) No Physical efficiency test will be held for Ex-Servicemen. However, Ex-Servicemen will be required to qualify Written Examination and requisiteMedical Examination for the post. Their PST viz. height, chest, weight etc. willbe recorded during Medical Examination.


    The final selection list will be prepared in order of merit, category wise, aftercompletion of Review Medical Examination. It is hereby emphasized that thecandidates who merely secure the qualifying percentage marks and found medicallyfit, may not be considered for final selection since the cut off marks will bedetermined according to number of vacancies as well as after completion of wholerecru itm ent process. Where equal marks have been obtained by candidates their merit will befixed as per dat e of bir th and t he older cand idate will be given preference.

    The result of provisionally selected candidates will be uploaded in SSB website as per availability of vacancies. The selected candidates will be issuedoffer of appointment. No further extension will be given except in deserving cases. Theprovisional appointment of the candidates will be subject to verification of their Caste andother Certificates related to recruitment through proper channel and if the verification

    reveals that the certificates are false at any stage, the candidates service will be terminatedforthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further actionas may be taken under the provisions of Indian Penal Code for production of falseCertificates.


    Applicati on fee for all posts will be ` 50 / - (Rupees fift y only) Non-refundable for candidatesbelonging to General and OBC categories. They shall att ach Bank Draft or Indian Postal Order (Non-refundable) drawn in favour of Authority mentioned at para-10 at column No. 4 & 5 below. Noapplicat ion fee will be charged from SC/ ST, Ex-Servicemen and Female candidates.

    Contd 7 / -

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    10 . HOW TO APPLY:-

    Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications BY POST in the

    prescribed proforma given in Annexure-I and II with two attested passport size photographs

    duly affixed on application form and admit card at the space provided for the purpose, along

    with application fee of ` 50/ - and att ested copies of the test imonials as in Para-11 . The

    applicat ions should be typed or neatly hand writ ten. Two self-addressed envelopes of 4x9

    size with ` 25 / - postage stam ps duly affixed should also be att ached with the applicat ion

    form. The candidates belonging to different Stat es/ UTs should send their applicati on forms

    to the address as shown at Column No.3 of the t able below on or before closing date. The

    envelope containing the application should be superscribed in block letters as APPLICATION

    FOR THE POST OF (NAME OF POST)and Code No... The incomplete applications and

    applications received after the last date will not be entertained and will be summarily

    rejected. SSB will not be responsible for postal delay, if any. No correspondence will be

    entert ained on th is account . The details for sending the application are as under:-

    Name of Post PostCode

    Application Receiving Centreand application should be

    addressed to the followingofficer

    Bank Draftshould be

    prepared infavour of

    IPO should beprepared in favour


    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


    01 Inspector General, Frontier HQSSB, Sili guriVill : Ranidanga, PO:Matigara,Distt: Darjeeling, (WB)PIN: 734 010

    AccountsOfficer, FTRHQ SSB,SiliguriPayable at SBISiliguri CodeNo. 0184

    Accounts Officer,FTR HQ SSBSiliguri, (WestBengal)



    Note:-(i) DD / IPOs may be prepared in favour of addressee as above only.

    (ii) Applicati on must be sent to above address only.(iii) Applications addressed to FHQ SSB or any other offices of SSB shall not be entertained

    at any stage.11 . DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WIT H THE APPLICATION I.E. ATTESTED COPIES:-a) Educati onal/ Techni cal quali fication Certificate(s).b) Date of bir th cert ificate (Matr icul ation or 10+2 pass cert ificate).c) Schedul ed Caste/ Schedul ed Tribe/ OBC cert ificates should be on th e format as Annexure-

    I I I for SC/ ST and Annexure IV for OBC prescribed in th e Cent ral Govt. order. (May also bedown l oaded fr om SSB Websit e Applications of candidates withoutOBC certi ficate on prescribed format will not be considered and summarily rejected.

    d) Ex-Servicemen mu st subm it Photostat copies of discharge/ release cert ificate in support ofclaim of Ex-Servicemen & Caste Cert ificate, if belongs to SC/ ST/ OBC on t he form at asprescri bed in t he Cent ral Govt. order.

    e) Depart mental/ candi dates in Govern ment service mu st enclose N.O.C.f) Experi ence Cert ificate of relevant post held by the candidate.

    g) Demand Draft / IPO worth ` 50/ - (Non- Refundable)

    h) 2 (Two) self addr essed envelopes wit h postage stamps wort h ` 25/ - each.i) Cert ificate of bonafide/ Domicil e/ Permanent resident of that State from designated revenue

    authorities not below rank of Tehsildar for verification of citizenship of India.j ) West Paki stan i Refugees sett led in J& K are exemp ted to pr odu ce domi cil e cer t if icate, they

    will produce cert ificate issued by the village Sarpanch/ Numbardar along with a copy of th eElectoral Roll showing the name of the candidates in voter list for election to theParliamentary Constituency.

    k) Annexu re-V (if applicable for relaxation in height and chest)l) Annexure-VI

    Contd8/ -

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    i) Applications submit ted on a form at other than published in this advert isement, are liable tobe rejected summ aril y.

    ii) Candidates applyin g for more than one post should send separate applicati on for each post.

    iii) Candi date shou ld note th at the Date of Birt h as recorded in the Matricul ation, 10+2 /Secondary Examin ation Cert ificate OR an equ ivalent Cert ificate on the date of submission ofappli cati on, will be accepted.

    iv) If the above documents are not su bmi tt ed along with th e appli cati on, it will be rejectedsummarily or at any stage of the recruitment process and no request for reconsideration willbe entertained.

    v) Incomplete or unsigned applications, applications without attested photographs,applicat ions received after closing date wi ll be rejected summarily.

    vi) All cand idates in Govt. service whether in a permanent or in temporary capacit y etc. will berequired to submit their application through proper channel along with NOC. Applicationshall be rejected if r eceived l ate or i s not compl ete in all r espect as pr ovided i n t he rules.

    vii) Any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Recru itment board or to gain access toexamin ation would lead to criminal/ debar acti on against the cand idate besides cancellation

    of his candidature.

    viii) No separat e admit cards / call letter will be issued to t he qualified candidates calledfor writ ten examination and final medical examination. The same will be apprised tothe candidate by the recruitment board and the list of qualified candidates called forabove test will be displayed on the notice board at the recruitment venue as well asuploaded in SSB Recruitment Website i.e.

    ix) In case any candidate is found in eligible or suppressing facts on any ground after hisselecti on/ appoint ment, hi s services will be termin ated with out assign ing any reason.

    x) The Government shall not be responsible for damage / in ju ry/ loss to the individu al, ifany, sustained du rin g the recru itment process and journey.

    xi ) The DG SSB has full ri ght s to make changes or cancel / postpone th e recruitmentwithout assigning any reason.

    xii ) Candidates canvassing in any form or bri nging outside infl uence / pressu re, offeri ng ill egal

    gratification, blackmailing or threatening to blackmail any person connected withrecruitment will be declared disqualified.

    xii i] Candidates impersonat ing and subm itt ing th e fabricated/ forged docu ments are also liable tobe disqualified.

    xiv) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection board reserves itself,absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate at any stage.

    xv) As the applications are to be processed by a computerized system, it is essential that theapplication is strictly in accordance with the prescribed, format, is properly and completelyfilled and cont ains no correction/ alteration/ overwr iti ng.

    xvi) Mere qualifying the entire prescribed tests in SSB recruitment does not confer the right ofselection of the candidate but they should have to stand in merit keeping in view theavailable vacancies which are subject to change.

    xvii) The candidates provisionally selected for the above posts should qualify the trainingor courses as prescribed by the Director General, Sashastra Seema from time to time

    during probation period failing which services are liable t o be term inated.

    13 . NO TA/ DA WILL BE ADMISSIBLE:-However , TA for onward and retu rn jour ney to SC/ ST candidates wil l be paid as per GOI

    instr uctions to those who appear in writt en t est subject t o produ cti on of rail/ Bus ti ckets, originalcast cert ificate, non empl oyment cert ificate from MP or MLA or any Gazetted Officer of the localit y incase th ey are not employed in Central / State Govern ment .14. APPLICATION FORMS ARE LIABLE TO BE REJECTED SUMMARILY, IF THEY ARE:-i) Incomplete.i i) Not on p rescri bed form at.i i i) Without IPO/ Bank Draft/ Banker Cheque of ` 50/ - .

    Contd9/ -

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    iv) Accompanied with u nder valu ed IPO/ Bank Draft/ Bankers cheque.v) Accompanied with IPO/ Bank Draft/ Bankers cheque drawn in favou r of wrong paying aut horit y

    or wrong address of IPO/ Bank draft/ Banker Received without attested copy of caste certificate and discharge certificate in case of Ex-

    Servicemen.vii)Received wit hou t attested copies of edu cati onal cert ificate/ testimon ials.viii)Received without self addressed envelops and without postage stamps affixed on the envelopes.ix) Received wit hou t photograph .x) Received without signature & thumb impression of the candidate.xi ) Received after last date of receipt of the applications.xii)Withou t signatu re/ seal of H.O.O. in case of serving candidates.xii i)Received wit h SC/ ST/ OBC cert ificates not on p rescri bed format.THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS GIVEN IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE SUBJECT TO



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    APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF ___ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ ___ __

    a) Post Code

    b) Name of the Post app l ied for: ________________________

    1. Nam e in BLOCK LETTERS (as record ed in M atr iculatio n Cert i f icate)


    2. Father s nam e (as enter ed in M atr iculat ion cert i f icate)

    3. (a) Date of bi r th (as in M atr iculat ion cert i f icate)

    b) Age as on 15/ 09/ 2012

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    4. Educat ion al Qual i f icat ion / Professional Qual i f icat ion (Attach at tested copy Educat ion / Tech.

    Qual i f icat ion cert i f icate(s) etc.Exam


    Name of School / Board/

    Universi ty/ Inst i tute

    Subject Stu died Aggregatepercentage of

    M a r k s

    5. Sex: M ale or Fem ale

    6. Religion:

    H indu Musl im Sikh Christian Buddhist Jain If others, specify

    7. Wh ether be longs to : -

    General SC ST OBC Ex-Serviceman

    (If SC/ ST/OBC att ach tru e copy cert i f icate as per Cent ral Govt. instr uctio ns)

    8. Wh ether be longs to

    Garkhas Dogras Mara thas Garhwal is Kumaonis

    (Attach tru e copy of cert i f icate)

    9. Wh ether belonging to Nor th Eastern Stat es, i f so, speci fy

    (Attach at tested copy of cert i f icate)

    Paste a recent

    co lour photograph

    of 3.5 x 4.5 cms. size

    w i th i n t he box

    attested by a

    Gazetted Off icer

    c) Bank Draft / IPO No. and d ate A moun t

    Y Y M M D D

  • 7/31/2019 Vety Cadre 2012


    10. Whether : -

    Domici led ordinar i ly in J&K

    during 1980 to 1989

    Affected in 1984

    r i o t s

    Af fected in 2002 com mu nal r io ts o f


    (Attach at tested tru e copy of cert i f icate)

    11. (a) W hether Ex-serviceman, i f so, indicate : -

    (b) If, Ex-servicem an, men tio n fol low ing detai ls. (Att ach CTC Discharge)

    Date of

    Enro lment

    Date of

    re t i r emen t /


    M edica l


    A ward o f

    Decorat ion

    Reasons for



    Educat ion qual i f icat ion

    Civil Mi l i t a ry

    12. Perm anent address:

    Vi l lage/Town

    Post Off ice

    TehsilPolice Stat ion



    Pin Cod e

    13. Cor respo nd ence addr ess:

    Vi l lage/Town

    Post Of fice


    Police Stat ionDistrict


    Pin Cod e

    14. Contac t Num ber /M obi le No.

    15. Wh eth er em ploy ed in SSB 16. Govt. Service

    I f so, ment ion fol lo win g detai ls.

    Name of pr esent em ployer Date sincewhen

    Post h eld Name and des ignat ion o f author i tyissuing N.O.C

    Gen SC ST OB C

  • 7/31/2019 Vety Cadre 2012


    17. Ident i f icat ion m ark (Please w ri te in the box)

    18. Thum b imp ression of candidate:

    NO TE: Candid ate s should apply only if the y fulfill all the p hysical stand ard & Education al / Technicalquali f ications as me ntioned in t he advert isement to avoid any disappointm ent at later stage.


    I , hereby declare that al l s tatements made in this appl icat ion are t rue and complete to the best of

    my know ledge and bel ief . In the event of any inform at ion being foun d false or incorr ect or inel igibi l i ty being

    detected before or af ter the test , my candidature wi l l s tand cancel led and al l my claims of the recrui tment

    w i l l s tand forfei t ed. I also understand t hat i f at any stage I am fo und by t he Recrui tm ent Board to have used

    unfai r m eans in the w ri t ten exam inat ion/ test or have violated any of th e Rules/Regulat ion governin g the

    conduct of select ion process; my candidature can be cancel led or be declared to have fai led by the

    Recrui tm ent Board at i ts sole discret ion.

    I also declare that, I have never been arrested, pr osecuted o r convicted by any court of law f or any

    cr iminal of fence.

    Signature of Candidate

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    (Candidate will not be allowed to appear in the recruitment test without production of this admit


    To be f i l led by t he candidate

    Nam e o f can did at e:

    Fat h er s Nam e: .

    Dat e of bir th : ................................................

    Sex .

    Na m e o f po st fo r w h ich ap p lied .

    Post Cod e: . (Signature of Candidate)

    (TO BE FILLED BY THE APPLICATION RECEIVING AUTHORITY)Rol l Num ber______________________________________

    Post for w hich appearing for Test: ______________________________________

    Date of Bi r th ________________________________________

    Wh ether d i rect / depar tm enta l candidate ________________________________

    Wh ether SC/ ST/OBC/ General /Ex-Serviceman_____________________________Name of Recru i tm ent Cent re w i th comp lete address:

    __ ___ __ __ ____ __ ______ _____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __

    __ ___ __ __ ____ __ ______ _____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __

    Date and t ime on w hich the candidate is required t o appear:

    Date : _______________________Time : ____________________

    Signature of N odal O ff ice, ARC

    With seal

    Aff ix your recent

    passport sizephotograph du lyat tes ted by the

    Gazetted Off icer

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    This is to certify that Shri/Mrs/Ms/Miss_________________________________ Son/

    daughter of Shri __ _______________________________of village/Town_______________________ in

    District/ Division _____________________ of the State/Union Territory _____________________

    belongs to the _____________ caste/Tribe which is recognized as a Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribeunder.

    The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950.

    The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950.

    The Const i tut ion (Scheduled Castes)(Union Terr i to ry) ord er, 1951.

    The Const i t ut ion (Scheduled Tr ibes) (Union Terr i t ory) or der, 1951.

    (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Modification) Order 1956, the Bombay

    Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, The State of Himachal Pradesh Act,

    1970, the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization Act, 1971) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

    Tribes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976.)

    * The con st i t ut ion (Jamm u & Kashm ir) Scheduled Caste Order, 1956;*The Const i tut ion (Andaman and Nicobar Is lands) Scheduled Tr ibes, 1959, as amended by the Scheduled

    Castes and Scheduled Tr ibes orders (Amend m ent ) Act. 1976;

    * The Const i tu t ion (Dadra and N agar Haveli ) Scheduled Castes Order 1 962;* The Const i tu t ion (Dadra & Nagar Havel i) Scheduled Tr ibes Order, 1962;

    * The Const i tu t ion (Pond ichery) Scheduled Castes Ord er, 1964;

    * The Const i tu t ion (Utt ar Pradesh) Scheduled Tr ibes Order, 1967;* The Const i tu t ion (Goa, Daman & Dieu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968;

    * The Const i tu t ion (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tr ibes Order, 1968;* The Const i tu t ion (Nagaland) Scheduled Tr ibes Order, 1970;*The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978;

    * The Const i tu t ion (Sikkim) Scheduled Tr ibes Order, 1978;* The Const i tu t ion (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amend m ent) Act, 1990.

    * The Const i tu t ion (Scheduled Tr ibes) Order, (Amend m ent) Ordinan ce, 1991.

    * The Const i tu t ion (Scheduled Tr ibes) Order, (Second Am endm ent) Act, 1991.The Const i t ut ion (Scheduled Tr ibes) Ord inance, 1996

    *2. This certi f icate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Certi f icate issue to Shri

    ___ __ __ __ ____ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ ___ _____ Fat her o f Shr i/ M rs/ M s/ M iss ______ __ ___ ___ _____ ______

    ___ __ _o f vi ll ag e/ t ow n __ __ ___ __ ___ __ ____ __ ____ in Dist r ic t / Div is io n __ __ ____ ________ _____ of t h e

    State/UT _________________ _____________who belong to the ____________ caste/Tr ibe which is

    recognized as a SC/ST in the State/Union Terr i tory __________________________ issued by the

    ___ __ __ __ ____ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ __ ( n am e o f t h e p rescr ibed issu in g au t ho r it y) vi d e t heir No.

    ___ __ __ __ ____ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ ___ _____ _ d at ed __ ___ ______ __ o r Shr i __ ____ ____ __

    ___ __ __ __ ____ __ ___ an d or h is/ h er fam il y o rd in ar il y resid e(s) in Vi l la ge/ Tow n __ ______ _____ o f

    ___ __ __ __ ___ Di st r ict / Di vi sion o f t h e Sta t e/ Un io n Ter r it o ry o f __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ .

    Place______________ Signature______________

    Date_______________ Designat ion ____________

    (W ith seal of Off ice)

    NOTE:- The terms ordinar i ly reside(s) used here wi l l have the same meaning as in Sect ion 20 of the

    Representat ion of t he People Act, 1950.

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    1. D ist r i c t M agist ra te / Addi t iona l D ist r i c t M agist ra te / Col lector / Deputy Comm issioner / Addi t iona l Deputy

    Commissioner/Dy. Col lector/ 1st Class Stip end iary M agistr ate/ Sub Divisional M agistr ate/ Extr a Assistan t

    Com m issioner/ Taluka M agistrat e/Execut ive M agistr ate.

    2. Chief Presidency M agistrate/ Addi t io nal Chief Presidency M agistrat e/Presidency M agistrat e.

    3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.4. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and / or his/her family resides.

    NOTE:- ST candidates belonging to Tami l Nadu State should submit caste cert i f icate only f rom the

    Revenue Division Officer.

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    (G. I. Dept . of Per .& Trg. O . M . No.36033/ 28/ 94-Est t . (Res) .dated 2-7-1997)

    This is to ce rt ify t ha t son / da u ght er of . Vill age ..

    Dist rict / Di vision . In th e Sta te be lo ngs t o th e..

    Com m unity, w hich is recognized as a Backward Class under:

    * ( i) Governm ent of India, M inistry of W elfare, Resolut ion, No.12011/ 68/ 93-BCC (C), dated th e 10 th September, 1993,

    pub l ished in the Gazette of In dia, Extraor dinary, Part-I, Sectio n-I, NO. 186, dated th e 13th

    Septemb er, 1993.

    * ( i i ) Government o f Ind ia, M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/9/ 94-BCC, dated the 19t h

    October, 1994, publ ished in

    th e Gazett e of India, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section, No. 163 dat ed the 20th

    October, 1994.

    * ( i i i) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/7/ 95-BCC, dated the 24t h

    M ay, 1995, publ ished in the

    Gazett e of India, Extraor dinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 88, dated th e 25th

    M ay, 1995.

    * ( iv) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/ 44/96-BCC, dated the 9th M arch, 1996, publ ished in the

    Gazett e of India, Extraor dinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 60, dated th e 11


    M arch, 1996.

    * (v) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f Wel fare, Resolut ion No.12011/44/ 96-BCC, dated the 6th Decem ber 1996, publ ished in

    th e Gazett e of India, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated t he 11th Decemb er 1996.

    * (v i) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/13/ 97-BCC, dated the 3rd December, 1997, publ ished in

    th e Gazett e of Indi a, Extr aordinar y, Part-I, Section I, No. 239, dat ed th e 17th

    December, 1997.

    * (v ii ) Government o f Ind ia, M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/99/ 94-BCC, dated the 11th December 1997, publ ished in

    th e Gazett e of India, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 236, dated t he 12th Decemb er 1997.

    * (v ii i ) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f Wel fare, Resolut ion No.12011/68/ 98-BCC, dated the 27 Oct. , Decem ber, 1999,

    pub l ished in the Gazett e of India, Extraor dinary, Part -I, Sectio n I, No. 241, dated t he 27t h Oct, 1999.

    * ( ix) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/88/ 98-BCC, dated the 06th December 1999, publ ished inth e Gazett e of India, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 270, dated t he 06th Decemb er 1999.

    * (x) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f W el fare, Resolut ion No.12011/36/ 99-BCC, dated the 4th Apr i l 2000, publ ished in the

    Gazett e of India, Extraor dinary, Part -I, Section I, No. 71, dated th e 4th Decemb er 2000.

    * (x i) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f Wel fare, Resolut ion No.12011/44/ 99-BCC, dated the 21st December 2000, publ ished in

    th e Gazett e of India, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated t he 21st Decem ber 2000.

    * (x ii ) Government o f Ind ia , M in istry o f Wel fare, Resolut ion No.12011/ 44/99-BCC, dated the 6th Septem ber, 2001, publ ished

    in the Gazette of Ind ia, Extr aordinary, Part-I, Section I, No.246, dated t he 6th Septem ber, 2001

    Shri..and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the . District/Division of the State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections

    (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel, andTraining, O. M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8-9-1993.




    Office Seal Str ike out w hich ever is not a pplicable

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    Certified that Shri/ M rs/ M s/ M i ss_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

    ______________Son/ daught er of Shri _________________________ is permanent resident ofvi llage_______________________Tehsil/ Taluk a__________________________ District ________of ______ __Stat e.

    2. It is certified that :-

    *Residents of entire are mentioned above are considered as (Garhwal, Kumauni,Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies) for relaxation in height and chest measurement forrecru itm ent in t he Para Mil itar y Forces of th e Union of India.

    *He/ she belongs to the Himachal Pradesh/ Leh & Ladakh/ Kashmir Valley/ NorthEastern States and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement forrecru itm ent in t he Para Mili tary Forces of th e Union of India.

    *He/ she belongs to_______________________Tr ibal / Adivasis Communit y and isconsidered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the ParaMili tary Forces of th e Union of India.

    Place: Signature________

    District M agistrate/ Dub-Di visionalMagistrate/

    Date: Tehsildar

    *Delete whichever is not applicable

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    Annexure-V I


    1 . Have you ever been conv ic ted by any cour t of law or any other ju dic ia l inst i tut ion?Y e s/ No

    2 . Is ther e any case pendin g aga inst you in any cour t of law ? Yes/ No3 . H as any FIR ever lodged and case is pen ding against you? Yes/ No4 . W as any FIR ever lodged aga inst in the past? Yes/ No

    a) I f yes case No. and Sect ion u nd er w hich FIR w as lodged?b ) Nam e of Police Sta t ion w here F IR w as lodged?c) W as the case char ge sheeted or re tur ned in F I R?d ) I f the case charge sheeted, what w as the outcom e in Cour t?

    i ) Convictedi i ) Acqui t tedi i i ) Compr omis e div) Compounde dv) Any other , please specify

    5 . Have you ever been dismissed f rom any serv ice unde r the Centra l or Sta te Govt .?6 . Ha v e y our se r v ice s e v e r be e n t e r m ina t e d wh i le on pr oba t ion?

    I f the answ er to any of the above is YES then please prov ide comp le te deta i ls on asepar ate sheet .


    I ,_____________________________________________ decla r e t h a t t he a bove i n fo r m a t ion is tr u eto the best of m y kn ow ledge and be l ie f . I und ers tand that in case inform at ion is found tobe fa lse or incorrec t , my candidature is l iable to be cance l led apar t f rom anydepar tm enta l or lega l proceedings tha t m ay be in i t ia ted against me.

    Place: Signatur e of Candid ateD ate: N am e__________________________

    Fathe r s N am e ________________Ad dr ess_______________________