vhg tunable filter 2004

Volume holographic grating-based continuously tunable optical lter Frank Havermeyer Wenhai Liu Christophe Moser Ondax, Incorporated 850 East Duarte Road Monrovia, California 91016 E-mail: [email protected] Demetri Psaltis, FELLOW SPIE California Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Pasadena, California 91125 Gregory J. Steckman Ondax, Incorporated 850 East Duarte Road Monrovia, California 91016 Abstract. We propose and demonstrate a widely tunable optical lter, realized by angle tuning a volume holographic grating. The volume ho- lographic grating selectively drops a narrow portion of the signal band- width into a ber while passing through the rest of the signals. The dem- onstra ted 1510- to 1590-nm tun ing ran ge cov ers the ent ire erbium- doped ber amplier (EDFA) C band, with small bandwidth variation and low insertion loss (1 dB). Group delay , polarization-dependent loss, and polarization mode dispersion are measured and investigated for op- timizing the lter characteristics. © 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.1773775] Subje ct terms: tunab le optic al lter; volume holog raph ic grat ing; wavel engt h- division multiplexing. Paper VHOE-S06 received Nov. 30, 2003; revised manuscript received Mar. 23, 2004; accepted for publication Apr. 9, 2004. 1 Introduction Wavelength-divis ion multiplexing WDM has extended - ber optics from simple point-to-point links to exible large- capacity networks capable of dynamic wavelength routing for efci ent capac ity mana gemen t. Such dyna mic opti cal networks require recongurable optical components to con- tr ol the opti ca l channels for opti mum networ k per- formance. 1 One key component in WDM networks is the tunable optical lter, which provides the exibility in wave- lengt h cont rol and rout ing. Its esse ntial requir ement s in- clude wide tuning range, low insertion loss, low chromatic dispersion, low polarization-dependent loss PDL, low po- larization mode dispersion PMD, high stopband rejection, fast tuning speed, small size, and low cost. 2 Avail able single-pa ssban d tunab le optic al lter tech- niques include ber Bragg gratings FBGs, 3 thin lm l- ters TFTs, 4 Fabry-Perot lters FPF, 5 arrayed waveguide gratings AWGs, 6 acousto-optic tunable lters AOTFs, 7 and micr oele ctro- mech anica lly- actu ated tunab le lter s. 8 The FBG gives the best tunable optical lter because of its sharp spec tral lter ing chara cter isti cs, low inse rtion loss, and chromatic disp ersi on comp ensat ion capa bilit y with prope r chir ping and apodi zati on alon g the grating. How- ever, the FBG is difcult to be tuned for wide range by either thermal tuning or mechanical stress. Volume holographic gratings VHGs are in many ways similar to FBGs except that the recording medium for the grating is not a single-mode ber but a volume medium. Consequently, the incident and diffracted light are not con- ned to the modes of the ber, but can be assigned to any mode that can propagate in the volume of the material. This opens up a new set of possibilities for the design of useful devices, and allows additional exibility such as removal of the cir cul ator, whi ch is ess ent ial for FBGs. VHGs have be en previo us ly us ed as opti ca l l te rs 9 and de- multiplexers. 10,11 We investigate and demonstrate a VHG- based continuously tunable lter. It achieves a wide tuning range 1510 to 1590 nm and low insertion loss 1 dB. 2 V olume Hologr aphic Gr ating Angle T uning Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the continu- ously angle -tuna ble volume holog raph ic lte r. The Bragg wavelength of a holographic grating is determined by: 12 b 2 n cos  , 1 where b is the Bragg phase matching wavelength, n is the refractive index of the material, is the holographic grat- ing period, and  is the angle of incidence inside the holo- graph ic mate rial . By chang ing the inci dent angle  , th e Bra gg wav ele ngt h can be tun ed con tin uou sly fro m 2 n down to 2 ( n 2 1). For practical application, the tuning range can easily cover the entire C band, limited mainly by the higher insertion loss at larger angle  , which is caused by: 1. the sharp angle selectivity of the VHG at a large angle  compared with the angle deviation of a nite aper- ture Gaussian beam, and 2. the coupling efciency between a large aperture Gaussian beam and ber due to the geom- etr y limits . The cri tic al req uir ement to mak e thi s ide a a practical tunable lter device is to collect the drop signal into a ber during the angle tuning without an expensive track ing mechanis m or feed back control system. This is achieved with a self-reector architecture that recombines the reective holographic grating with a wideband infrared IR mirror, as shown in Fig. 1. A ret ror ee cto r consists of two mir ror s wit h a xe d angle  bet wee n the mi rro r sur fac es. And the ang le be- tween the input and reected signal becomes  2 . For a normal retroreector, as shown in Fig. 1a, the IR mirrors are arranged as orthogonal to each other with    /2, and the reec ted signal bea m is always inverse to the input direction and xed spatially when rotating the mirror struc- 2017 Opt. Eng. 43(9) 20172021 (Sep temb er 2004) 0091- 3286/ 2004/ $15. 00 © 2004 Societ y of Photo-Op tica l Instrumenta tion Engi neers

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Volume holographic grating-based continuouslytunable optical filter

Frank HavermeyerWenhai LiuChristophe MoserOndax, Incorporated850 East Duarte RoadMonrovia, California 91016E-mail: [email protected]

Demetri Psaltis, FELLOW SPIE

California Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Electrical EngineeringPasadena, California 91125

Gregory J. SteckmanOndax, Incorporated

850 East Duarte RoadMonrovia, California 91016

Abstract. We propose and demonstrate a widely tunable optical filter,realized by angle tuning a volume holographic grating. The volume ho-lographic grating selectively drops a narrow portion of the signal band-width into a fiber while passing through the rest of the signals. The dem-onstrated 1510- to 1590-nm tuning range covers the entire erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) C band, with small bandwidth variation andlow insertion loss (1 dB). Group delay, polarization-dependent loss,and polarization mode dispersion are measured and investigated for op-timizing the filter characteristics. ©  2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation 

Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.1773775]

Subject terms: tunable optical filter; volume holographic grating; wavelength-division multiplexing.

Paper VHOE-S06 received Nov. 30, 2003; revised manuscript received Mar. 23,2004; accepted for publication Apr. 9, 2004.

1 Introduction

Wavelength-division multiplexing WDM has extended fi-ber optics from simple point-to-point links to flexible large-capacity networks capable of dynamic wavelength routing

for efficient capacity management. Such dynamic opticalnetworks require reconfigurable optical components to con-trol the optical channels for optimum network per-formance.1 One key component in WDM networks is thetunable optical filter, which provides the flexibility in wave-length control and routing. Its essential requirements in-

clude wide tuning range, low insertion loss, low chromaticdispersion, low polarization-dependent loss PDL, low po-larization mode dispersion PMD, high stopband rejection,fast tuning speed, small size, and low cost.2

Available single-passband tunable optical filter tech-niques include fiber Bragg gratings FBGs,3 thin film fil-ters TFTs,4 Fabry-Perot filters FPF,5 arrayed waveguide

gratings AWGs,6 acousto-optic tunable filters AOTFs,7

and microelectro-mechanically-actuated tunable filters.8

The FBG gives the best tunable optical filter because of itssharp spectral filtering characteristics, low insertion loss,and chromatic dispersion compensation capability withproper chirping and apodization along the grating. How-

ever, the FBG is difficult to be tuned for wide range byeither thermal tuning or mechanical stress.Volume holographic gratings VHGs are in many ways

similar to FBGs except that the recording medium for thegrating is not a single-mode fiber but a volume medium.Consequently, the incident and diffracted light are not con-fined to the modes of the fiber, but can be assigned to any

mode that can propagate in the volume of the material. Thisopens up a new set of possibilities for the design of usefuldevices, and allows additional flexibility such as removal of the circulator, which is essential for FBGs. VHGs havebeen previously used as optical filters9 and de-multiplexers.10,11 We investigate and demonstrate a VHG-

based continuously tunable filter. It achieves a wide tuningrange 1510 to 1590 nm and low insertion loss 1 dB.

2 Volume Holographic Grating Angle Tuning

Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the continu-ously angle-tunable volume holographic filter. The Braggwavelength of a holographic grating is determined by:12

b2n cos  , 1

where b is the Bragg phase matching wavelength, n is the

refractive index of the material, is the holographic grat-ing period, and   is the angle of incidence inside the holo-graphic material. By changing the incident angle  , the

Bragg wavelength can be tuned continuously from 2n

down to 2(n21). For practical application, the tuning

range can easily cover the entire C band, limited mainly bythe higher insertion loss at larger angle  , which is causedby: 1. the sharp angle selectivity of the VHG at a largeangle  compared with the angle deviation of a finite aper-ture Gaussian beam, and 2. the coupling efficiency betweena large aperture Gaussian beam and fiber due to the geom-etry limits. The critical requirement to make this idea a

practical tunable filter device is to collect the drop signalinto a fiber during the angle tuning without an expensivetracking mechanism or feedback control system. This isachieved with a self-reflector architecture that recombinesthe reflective holographic grating with a wideband infraredIR mirror, as shown in Fig. 1.

A retroreflector consists of two mirrors with a fixedangle   between the mirror surfaces. And the angle be-tween the input and reflected signal becomes  2 . For anormal retroreflector, as shown in Fig. 1a, the IR mirrorsare arranged as orthogonal to each other with    /2, andthe reflected signal beam is always inverse to the inputdirection and fixed spatially when rotating the mirror struc-

2017Opt. Eng. 43(9) 2017–2021 (September 2004) 0091-3286/2004/$15.00 © 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

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ture around the crossing point of the mirror surfaces. Thisalso applies to the structure in Fig. 1b, where one mirroris replaced by a VHG. At the Bragg wavelength, this VHGworks as a reflective mirror with an effective depth into thematerial. When rotating the mirror/grating structure aroundthe crossing point of the mirror and grating surfaces at theeffective reflection depth, the drop signal beam is fixed spa-tially while the wavelength is tuned by the angle  .

With the addition of a temperature sensor and suitablecontrol system, the device can be made athermal13 by com-pensating the angle   to offset temperature-induced varia-tions of the grating period in response to ambient tem-perature variation.

3 Insertion Loss, Beam Size, and ExperimentalDemonstration

Figure 2 shows an experimental demonstration of continu-ous tuning of such a device across the C band. The tuningrange is only determined by the geometry limit of the de-vice and the filter performance. The tunable device consistsof two parallel fiber collimators with beam width 500 mas input and drop, an IR mirror, and a holographic gratingof fixed angle  90 deg, as shown in Fig. 1. A tunablelaser is coupled into the input fiber collimator and the dif-fracted signal is collected into the drop fiber collimator. Theholographic grating is recorded inside a photosensitiveglass with period 535 nm, which corresponds to a Bragg

wavelength 1591.5 nm at normal incident angle. The angle  is tuned between 11 and 17 deg to cover the C band 1560to 1528 nm, as shown in Fig. 2a.

Figure 2b shows all the overlapped filter shapes overthe whole tuning range and they are similar with limiteddeformation. However, the insertion loss IL increasesfrom 2.2 to 4 dB while tuning across the C band in Fig.2a. This increase of IL is due to the finite aperture of theinput signal. For an input Gaussian beam with a finite beam

size w, there is a spatial angle deviation  / w from a

perfect plane wave. However, the angle selectivity of a re-

flective grating   /(2n sin   L) improves as the tuning

incident angle  increases, where L is the effective length of 

the grating. When   is comparable with or smaller thanthe Gaussian angular deviation, part of the Gaussian beamwill not be Bragg matched at the same time as the centralcomponents.

By simulating the Bragg diffraction of different Gauss-ian beam sizes from the holographic grating, Fig. 3 showsthat the IL of a 500-m-diam input beam increases 1.5 dBalong the tuning angle 10 to 18 deg. To decrease the IL

variation 0.5 dB over the C band, the collimated beamsize needs to be 1.5 mm in diam. Figure 4 shows theexperimental tuning filters with similar devices in Fig. 1with collimators of 2.5-mm beam size. The tuning rangecovers 1510 to 1590 nm, and the IL variation is smallerthan 0.7 dB, as shown in Fig. 4b. The larger than expectedIL variation is random instead of systematically goingdown as the tuning angle increases, which could be contrib-uted from other measurement noise such as the stability of the angular tuning and the extreme angular coupling sensi-tivity of the large beam collimator. The nonsymmetric filtershape, as shown in Fig. 4b, is possibly caused by thenonuniform refractive index along the grating due to the

Fig. 1 (a) A normal retroreflector with two perpendicular mirrors.The reflected beam is fixed when the retroreflector is rotated aroundthe mirror joint. (b) Replacing one mirror by a VHG. The continu-ously tunable wavelength of this optical filter is determined by theVHG incident angle  .

Fig. 2 (a) Continuous tuning filters over C-band with fiber collima-tors of 0.5-mm-diam beam size; (b) overlap of all the filter shapeswith limited variation over the whole tuning range.

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nonuniform apodized exposure in the holographic materialin our experiments, similar to the induced refractive indexvariation in FBG. Figure 5 shows the filter bandwidth mea-

sured at both 0.5 and 3 dB from the maximum as the angle tuning across the C band. Less than 10% variation inbandwidth is seen over the entire tuning range.

4 Group Delay, PDL, PMD Measurements, andDiscussion

Figure 6 measures the group delay of the tunable filter atthe center of the C band. The group delay ripple is smallerthan 5 ps within the 3-dB bandwidth. The bandwidth,isolation, and other performance characteristics of the filtercan be tailored during fabrication to suit the application bychanging the grating strength, apodization, and chirping,14

in a manner similar to the FBG.However, unlike the FBG, the VHG is a free-space de-

vice and the input beam at a nonzero incident angle seesdifferent effective grating strength for polarization in or outof the incident plane of the grating. This could cause highPDL and PMD in the volume holographic filter. We mea-sured the PDL and PMD of the tunable filter at three dif-ferent frequencies across the tuning range, as shown in Fig.7. Within the tuning angle of 11 to 17 deg, PDL is smallerthan 0.4 dB and PMD is smaller than 0.4 ps. Both PMD

Fig. 3 Theoretical simulation on the insertion loss over the tuningangle for various Gaussian beam diameters.

Fig. 4 (a) Continuous tuning filters over 1510 to 1590 nm with fibercollimators of 2.5-mm-diam beam size; (b) overlap of all the filtershapes with IL 1 dB and limited variation over the whole tuningrange.

Fig. 5 Filter bandwidth while tuning over the C-band.

Fig. 6 Group delay measurement of the tunable filter at the centerof C-band.

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Christophe Moser is co-founder and CEOof Ondax. Prior to founding Ondax, Dr.Moser held management positions in theoptical measurement system division ofTESA-Brown & Sharpe in Switzerland, andat Holoplex, an optical data storagestart-up in Pasadena, California. During histhesis at Caltech, he developed devicesand processes that are at the core ofOndax’s technology. He received his PhD

in electrical engineering from Caltech.

Demetri Psaltis is the Thomas G. MyersProfessor of Electrical Engineering atCaltech in Pasadena, California. He waseducated at Carnegie-Mellon Universitywhere he received a BS degree in electri-cal engineering and economics in 1974, amaster’s in 1975, and a PhD in electricalengineering in 1977. In 1980, he joined thefaculty at the California Institute of Technol-ogy, Pasadena, California, and he servedas executive officer for the Computation

and Neural Systems Department from 1992 to 1996. From 1996

until 1999 he was the director of the National Science Foundationresearch center on Neuromorphic Systems Engineering at Caltech.He is currently director of the Center for Optofluidic Integration atCaltech. His research interests are in optical information processing,holography, optical networks, imaging, optical memories, and opticaldevices. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 publica-tions in these areas. Dr. Psaltis is a fellow of the Optical Society ofAmerica and SPIE. He received the International Commission ofOptics Prize and the Humboldt Award. He is a chairman and co-founder of Ondax.

Gregory J. Steckman received his BSfrom the University of California, San Di-ego, in 1995 and his MS and PhD from theCalifornia Institute of Technology in 1997and 2000, respectively, all in electrical en-gineering. He is currently the director of en-gineering at Ondax, Inc., responsible forthe research and design of new products.Dr. Steckman has authored or co-authorednumerous publications on the subject ofvolume holography.

Havermeyer et al.: Volume holographic grating-based . . .

2021Optical Engineering, Vol. 43 No. 9, September 2004