victohy claimed oyer our forces. · 2017. 12. 15. · mm*%$1 1pvhi v01 xxiv.n°-7,1g7. aeyv-york,...

mm*%$ 1 1 I pVH _ V01 XXIV.N°- 7,1G7. AEYV-YORK, MOm\Y, MARCIl 13, J86-. PR1CE FOUR CENTS. Bja* gkaaBj ¦ »>o»«- a_* ¦ . * rpHB TI1BEE WJtyOTB. I,Y j. T. TROWBIIIDOIS, *rv»oa tr -4*8-0. cati. 80888*4- Jtcxwooo." *c |88PI»tlB l-BOM MPT-BAl llBIBtl Tl-^OBBLKP t^- Old SbbI. Mia^cions irotUd ccrtainry biti tad Le aotchod tbe OMfPOOO of the. *,a,6er b**o.>,. the 83-88 Baaah-bj tha tuinj.ite- bfaal botiuned aouthward, poooofl tka pivket guard. Md,Laktcn:bgoua«arar'.d 88*8, Mt8P8l tha r.coel I.lcb befoie BBfE. TMoMoMooaatkaattaTi Bf*a tka a_B8 toat. of ..tepatiiot tomW MllllBaaJ it, BlItlalBB «* milei arer the Mtakt. 11.1- Likl n llada af rnow-dtlfts; ond apon tbe bbM|J BOBt-BOB of tl.e dlt-tantoutjx.ati. _Bf_l ranie ou __4 0018-818 in tb. u 88*Taa vitj a'pr'i wulle farawoTttotheia, »i*t*ve. alve«, iu tbeir tomfortablo horcee, -icurLid ef the b.Ted on«s heie. PidFred-kff..i!crolec?thBt nigM? Mi ahl dtcru ifkerdaihng boy reatlug upon the bard glggjol BBI tloie of tbe BOjaad wfco nited, or V-MBBBJ Avit'a tkoaa ato watoLcdl DU *hc a._ hiin uart from iaafaltof BBB ln Ihe i.lght. erul, haaj-kj "P arttl hii comradci. aniwer to kB hr* apoktu neniet TLey are going M i. tLe aei.tir.ili. The lireaare »nt, and ln iiler.ce ond dnrkneaft Ika} Btaeill along the iLad.wy eltlc of tho lidge. -ItJ mennt toward ita trcit. latbe 8-*0Jl-0a of-Oixo (>arfl-b ti-ck fv.utly de Ine- agaicat th* ii_B rky. __t8B84l a volco t-eyenj al-ailertp. .. '.lToi^!., Tho BaityoM-t- ..Wbo gioe there i" .. Ji*.ll*;," -I .11 io * Baaaaajaa, "AcTet.tu MlgMBt. *Bk ttl BIM1 lalgB." __*kerrert t 0 iiarieea, aad whi-p'!- BV I OgiO 8-fi B bm ggj af tka ehaawaggp. ir. lotter in tjrn athv ta_r» lt in the ear of th. M)M_00 ato lOliMOO hic). T..c li*ai«Ltit.'r, takl th'.r j.iaresi tle old onei I'all luto Bafiaif iflkl laBot-k] i>bity, aa U B__i*kaB8B, iii ia i' aa k aa tbt iai k cr.^t of the litikfo. Fifd ii l:(.'.to_',- BOflf BBhM '."Vv -4-01 lioei lhal .oreen _M aJekaio Uk ra lYoai Ika aaaa y_ akgi 11 Ue ii not a!.r.e. B8_M0_!J80l8_r8fj4}_*f__-M- Tfcora I* ao isoon, ar.d but few Btan aro TisiMe. Wktt I atrargc, *H'11. katatj -tgktl _*aB0jBj kaaa*kaa* ai u tbo t..tirfj la. Ile uiaT l.e far 8**J in thoae uo-d* atctVr, or le ajflf be |g Bgajoaa-J ejaga .vviihiu BrW I*.*. |-*i BM*mj| vc-'ii.jaiiv abo..', fx:_i.i:.inp the gt*___. "r.di.'t je Lrar r.iiLi.'g'' Vh_by8PI vi- Joel. "A tPBgkl- M thsM Ifl 188-1 _8f J' Thcj I nerrd: td r >v..i.i!' Fred rrorehee laa*, la aiiicr to M c-rrt e^-niiit thr tkv *.ej o'.jV. t ajay be gMtbtf aaar. B*patBklB8*j to fba gtaaaA Faat it-pei 'ihtie ia aaaal*fjy apatoacfclagi ra* >.; tbree fciut- BM airibie. "K-!!' Y'.ht gaaaj t!..* '" "Patn..'" "Staud* AdTRuc* oi.ea.'.h tk* .rubtcirigL." The tounieralgn ia lifkE The pattol atkb a fI agjgg-kjM laiBtaa/MOB. ¦'¦i"J~ l ;erce. -1 1.-8 88 utta. I obatf 'ho _ce Icre, aomc ¦kggesj _888l layMLght,'' praaMata-a-M «'.u J*.i. w__8_*a_Bf8ja '* ^'"ifr OM 81 UMM ^I'-vt B8I -OOA" "Dovii. Bth_t-_l8l -ar Cykroagkl iut Ile wm s* ipy ¦' pafa 11 A .Jkt u-j rath m on that. Tte'a in tbe Ttcbtl cau.p, i. i.gTort- -Ua 1 haBata S<,,t!'rn I'Litn mr* aie a huiLl.^k goalj i.iilihe -heie pa*a fivtem lo wni'n ttoi'enff. IaaaJii 1 fi-Btim u* ikaai ahaagBBaM |g go vb8Mt-8] ajhMB, BBJ aMPOa Fi!. Wa* loikt aij Uab a P "OlIj The aiL- i! i* r.-ingb li'tlr." .By ilubc il.rre'i et.uietb.rg 000*81" .'Cbai.'ci ge ii " o..Ti 1 r*A li \ qkoTkiBgia Boiaofaao* Ba h akaal Mii*i vbg8Pi-d vkaaaai " paMiah hk loagktar, otaaa Itrn. . li * lotii-r but a h*a_h -avii,: in the wind !' "flg 1 'l.i'.il!, I tkoJk-fi d it,' '.'-JS bM oli! ai ai hct B- ulta-Lj* aa(L' to be itin." SowP, thr n.otc(r,ts d:;g. 'Ihe BBOI giow dim. TLe iavL h n< )»: "ff. vv'lJat t_8-B-tt BBBM to the taiA- aalilaToaMwotokaa l_orar--4_a taatkor, wha 1 ,m aai wh.-e i.f" wonbl t". !efr «.. Bw80*-M ii I . .:. a* _bo_ld hapaaa tL h.c _M_aa_Jy l8-iih*8««i aan.l whv-r. wh B, rrili it otoi etd .) the mange BBBM Bf laha-EBM aad aaJBta-l tkal BB lim a )..¦ i ¦¦-. aad look* q 11 Ika far, dnn *f,ra; aai, Loating flfldgl all aaiid B_BM ofaii.h.BaB, a* ha t .*lv oi tkg gfcaTJ w.: i. h.v h* a aa, H«ik orkaltatkatl BBpaa} a aaoaol af boof*. t'.tv- t> i.t, n.«^vi»ig flowly al witb aut nu> B| ,*<u b. "Jakt vv:..,j,en; "ativ.'j. .''... ... ¦. Iti oulj- our Tidetl. s, r«va Juke, -Hlg-Hry, " Yon aad .,'. joel Bte ohrayo «eiug tMC-aaai .' Jkafl ill .' Bl' £0 io u ra.ire in fn.ut af Um ,.,,. .1.. ii./oBd that the groar:d*is bn-b n aad ii*:t;.:t aai '.. BMLfBaadkaBaw aaa kogioaiag ta aaypai t. otry aaBa-i Bl tka aapiy Daeeaikai t*_lf_t. F,-": > M-MkBaaaBj I'.t.ia-to eaiak tka br^t bkdioa. fJJM of I .. OTOBMBtla tkBtdi-8-tioa. B afM-1 t*Ie cueiry BBI B88B tU eafapad l.» Bi-kotl :. _>r < 8*1 *bd bitn ii:<<! upon. "ii" i.j.'te aie a *\x:i-\ fi Bl BPBlta lh* aataMJOja* Tl.. bo -<tte a'.al to tMatMaarytkalkMap| HM ,|. I :.-:, .-'vld. Il.S'Uf.-... 'I BBJJ_| " toa-r* Moa-a)totoa8-i8op, bo_b-i agalhflai h*a_loag 1 io: ot«t the l.illiideo, doivn tl- ilopoa IP8BB,ai*ah Bkaaajaj tka ibluhoaol bIbbI |bb*_.-aaakawakMl aai _BBah «.i»ek. fiu-.h flat-b, r.i) ah 11 tl I Uaoafpii keta! - I. i.i ; a au irltd ccl Ji'rl. i te.ii Ihtrt'd be an atti.. .>.'..:) baf hai .1 Utle 1 ata-ry dakb I" aaye JnV', i.h rl " D< :.'t y* rnn!" (.Tuke !. ioeiiaily n,ii 1 n-e to|BB_l8g.) "1 -c;.'t Tifi.1 pi t..',(1 gah g t" aa mor bafa B-aataf l " Tbey kare daeltd iflto aa_ hayi tiiovv tiie* Frcd. "laUaack, 1 r aro he ui oi.1 ' lhi. 1 ip lui-, 1 (-.1 Ml 1'itcratpa Jale. "Tl.e k-wio iVown there wfll I'^.k out f'-i' Uboao-Ctvoa. Wi OBiy . 11 * oi...ail of n ioir.iiiM~t ttn,i1_ot,r pn-iud, r.i J 1 ,| lajtui'" ¦_'.< vksaoMkaaiM af tu. I' '1 .-h inrg u raplti but inegakar. Tikt"! kbota rr.irrle anb rrfle *hoti. 'Thcn tho ajgak ofoatatt, Bhlkikl, . b'.rt* ye-ta. TM plckt ta fuii baok ujx>n tbeir guard,. elake a__ J.ii ..oiop.'ibio:)* aith the reat, 8-1 niorcblowly I BBBM I"" BBPBrtj BM Qfldlaalj UM Bakgl BBr-tP* |*r* ijaon U em. HuriDg dmhi l iuo BM line, _B| p ig. lurrd afp>rji;.-cr.e:>, they w_*el, tni! li.ake a aaoop to Ifkeio whtt otraiFglera llo«y aaa. Hare BB8J 80888,8 't iMujIaiaao8j*0f yoB-kg, .ilbaaklMla nh: " by i.roilh ''ebO'ita-Inke. i' e io en ataaa pt tc ttmjt bbt if i' B080M8 rksa few trattpred _ayM0M_aaa^_Mi luth an l;ajiot- ofi-aaalaa ' * OtrkMaM J< (I .throwiig io*l hia renj. h«t. olJ thn BlBg uplla 1 " BSaai the luck grovbJak*, BMwtiai-Mdatoggal OI._nj.ia l eiBBMj biitkf i.i" ii.",; '-ot. ib.j.tjiug 8M aaiii] Tboykaroyla thoi Tha B%,b«Ba_____d ff atrraad JPafpaj I llliORMT FAOH WM fAHOLI.W -*>..¦- A BiUtle Reported Ncar Kinston on Wedncsday last. A VICTOHY CLAIMED OYER OUR FORCES. The Gnliantry of thcllnion Troops Ackiiowlcdgcd. lkEIOItTS OF SCOUTS. Rimiorctl Vnion Victorics in South Carolina. chjoAtham and jorasToa m " AiVFULLY WHiri'ED." GEWERAL SHEBMAN ATCHERAW. y\'a-iiin«-1'-n Mareh IX '.'". ;/,< i, l ,,.. EMMiarrofFiidxj wntaJnatbe ifraaGea, Lea g|Yt*gtk* [ol batl b BiBel a, Martfc CaiaBaa ketareaa Oon. Biagfat theCo fttkrata a*~ay, aal tki Uaiea bbtc** wblch l.'Vi.,fi Sea ratoaaeetl aaxlBtbeai |*a*iaB .!...¦¦ ...! . Di AtrQi AJLIBBa, >'e .'; rck ". 18*8, // n. J. C. 1 MU" -v ' '¦' Brapg t- it he Bl ke.l tt- eay |. rday, leain freni of K'- iton, at,.i di .". >m bto poait.on. Bc diajnil I ' '' k (apanew line ibrwmileefrom hii , r< tbr. c j ry aad 1.34* |*-i*o'i.ia. Tl I,. .,1 Iba B r J .. idB d vv-u:..: . tl llarge. 0 iraiireli tmalL 'i uie -,,,. .,;,,.¦:,... i..[ Malor-Oeaa, HiU and Bnka ax- !,.. icd tbeir m ,i bm a**7gy. IL LbX. ,- ¦:, ri-.. wMeb tkO fagkf iK-cuuetl, iaM-u.t'd aatka aTraot laata Baa Q**aa8a8***rh toBawbara kksat Iwaaty iLilr* etat af fJ*k**kaawagh au-! laBeat tkirtj fr-'in B rwkara j D :- nf*.m I thia forre of tbo eneriiy n a aa> van'-intr Ba* Newbi-m ajjalaai (ioblaboroufb tkfftk* Mlfa l af utima; tho raiiio id at tt t i akBi I'i BB t: t! n aka tlut tl.e inriuvai1. att< tiij t t* i | c, ni.d it hk.'y ive fhall B*BtbrBXT*f aa*J8 Bxfiii g ta.k ea* »«1 r:., <t tik-BBtBj tl.eir a***** to aaaa* a4B8F 8*1x1 af tke aeaaaaaa, Tbia bb***jb***j af .-. yavna evlfje;,i!y a**BaT**l lo be 4**B**8*A*~a '«. Bh >.'-.!. .r>, ai.J iu l!i« f.L.t, nnd il. t. if Juiotur". lt In.iiv ba' ¦'¦ t raa**t**Bi* aakbanaaalaf tke ***** of Uhen aa --*.- tim. BBbb88*7BBJ Arr*o« at.- axaaaa a--**.. -..* brtwr.n lla.d.o and Hetiurryuril A B.n. tlt ---Thiolrii-ala Takiatf ttie llnili 1 ladr, tVe. Fku. o... .-j- ... ( .- ¦; B*aai \V':VIM.7'7V, N. C, Mal'lb 7,18S Adrlees lecmi ti'i.tunrthy, lmve bexare- i.e.r ftiiir 0*8. Sl.irn.en. aoaltBtH IO] -'* ahlih raaahfI at itm-' aaya .-n..-, ta tk*affectthal hu BMia 888*71 ¦."¦ "1 '"'" Ba*tkC*iaBaa*l kaail u leyaago. Bh roata ftkrwagk Ckmntw, B » - th }:.!.: m.o efG( il li-'iif'-aie rep. rtt 8 tot.-lungoii ->,. ]¦. ;,.-, tokaal '!,...<, '.. .-.- ,. .-,-,. ..-(¦ Mbbb II ...rd. ii.t thk-i. ly tb.- l',.i aa BPBj '..;.i. ratoriai Sartk Catralaa lt wouid be uaalrikaail I..,;, Wkat n.r-y i.'ivo ataaiil laraaBtoakaal || | BB t*e. m Wk*a*k88 t! 81* h..a b*8* BB* d BttBg *i tka t.voarmi.a, if ii. i BaaMtatf kaaara beie, ti.m ,-i b I:,,,! 8Bp*ctcdtkal aaj laaaaal bsxtk 8*a*8aa» for e*a*a tkaa ka** Q.i.rtt-rn.aHi'.-'r'goo.lF. e' r.'ed'd by t1' - l l.flt, oaaa la bead, ... b ua taaavk. u and akatkaXg. itfll \0 ,:ta and uiider vlothlnif. «Y**** :<¦ l | If*] '-i- 11 I-. .ii, POX IIIB FBIkalBlBa*. 'J'p iriiiai- ia of Ik* WlkaaXBftoa Tl.eater -.-.en ...,.;.,,.. .4 evenlng katka lataiBtlfrtaaaeta. -, , ,.!!..., | in oery pirt at onc ii'.llar foi In .!. ¦'.". and fatofatoj t!,e Me.lical Direiter ol (ien D*. al Dr. Bd. badpaaa, 8*Aa*at*lgad Ipt ._«** Mr. J. C. Ikaxaa, tae oettxf aBaaagrr, ,: g*_*roaa taa af ibe pi...e..liof tka ,v. nini 'i ei tettaiaaM at Dr. Ikl|f1 i-oiupliiLci.ta tk* maaagei andwkola <.ni| n.y for tfcalr*Ja>*ly aalatoal i;: i :. tot Brllfla Bkavartta a*t> ,f u... KIJi] 11 .. BaBxtl ar* tkaatara 1*7 t*p*art*7r** . .... i. jitif.- tion ot lha <4. aiag ad !..'.tiii.'it.'d ii. atlj -t-, fii.ll tbe akaattoa to .: ,,!¦.'. .-.-.. Bbebaa, lartai tkebrlel aariad af -. ipatioaof Wiiiiiiiiu'.oii, vv ti a lukting Bt*88 1* ¦ .'ti.e i'i loti aaaVten uid Btea wi.o Luve u:i. ba la* p* rai.8ailaaa TALP'i Tlll. OA1H. Abo'it a tka**A*d aan 11 towei ir-.i.iy t ikae txoealk ,{,... ,,,., .-,,! ibei Be* of CeL Baaliatf, tka I'm- Tarl MatY*-1. Bt**7aaj***li7ra8X ka***BaftUI BtfMwltk ici.i.i'.i.ii.t'"- ,i".-ii.;' .-ii.-i:.v toriv.i.i t* totkalratte ttocktr*tk*trtaatwalI Bj batkeetd tteg aadfaven 'tn.nt. Tl.e nt..:- -, iii.,!< r p.-rniita gr.inted by (i'-n Miw- ;,,,..,,. BhXf to eieea out tka Btaeka ae [kead, Ik m ata a*a«rally unali, tkokrgeraarl af tka \ff nli bBYiag baea i orel t.. pjeoaa ia iMtaiatia*. aa -1 upon tke up| ro.iob of tbe Cnion arniy. Oi. j_, tbe nirer.t af fk* Trtaati-ury D.p;irlini'nt, ia bere. [aal vifl took aftt tk Baa, roata aad turpentino be- [toflglog ef tjjbttatbeOeieraataBli nnd aikaal bb* tiuilv t.. .' - .'.tlai...!-tut nr.d rvr'.il.iti>.ii oftdw***. ftoveral atroagi Beaaarakjra a*******! bued-irinp .,:, |_) .;. ,. | ih. ¦. n--w Bal riagaal i..¦ Xdwaafl t'verett. toaali t7*_B1 fee ti.e fJavwiaiaal kj lAlexn:.,!'! M*I >J M 1*81 B*88BB. Oi-u of tk* p:iinbo.ite to dny wi-nt If tbo Cnpe Fe rl.'ivir Ph'j will [.robubly oxflore the rivcr f-.r .oc.odi.-taaceiiMi atXBB «'Ut any Bebela tlmt nniy bl| foiii.d nloiig tbe K.nte. If fBjaJMa sLo will DiIhk 'i-iv n ai.y oi tbe Mockado-iMinoTl whicb m-y l.ava tuict IBjfBfe *f Iba riicr. Wiatbar Blld nnd Springllle, wl'.b lndicatior.a of] raiu. Bcilih ef tbo tsooaa p;tH,d. h X .-~m>- Biport al an* af 4,.*i. Thaiwai'" a.-ouia. From Tk* 8Taahaa*JtoB BapahBi an, Mareh 1". Mi.j.'i-OV'i. T! ciii.ii (elegrxpba t!.<- QovoXaV BKBttYBB the Bowtb-Veil .*.'. Of avUpOAiBtl BB* aaate iti arrlk iafVaBBXtkai that tbe B. bal Oaw ralo Laa BB ! (.'l.i-atl ai,), *,il. tl.'lr, bad oe'-n bbbI ftaa Aia'-nutB aejatx¦'- Om)tmtw, bal I* I Laa *ya* aakee .aeatly r*4BBed ¦¦ -' fead B baa, Ai.-., m.iob, lt n-a BBapaaol ireal ba attaekal y tbe UOLvb fbroe*. Che*i! arjj 888 8rd|f*l to 8a*8i8o, and af'tei k**B b | ajaeci.... 'ti'.h __tt-08, V-OoaaMBf _*MCl__*aaa_, to ottat k Si trtuan. Tl-..a:.ta report Ihat tl.e _Ube1a BBT8 L-BBrflk-Bafl tkal b.foie thejuuetion waa obt-kOi b-MPM ¦ hu.-l.d a rj.fl ifkli utMBBBilialaiiBat upou OkaMkaar. aot iiiiiii aml complcti'ly eriiihe.l it. ilardcc 11 aa not np in time, and report doer, B8t »oy th.thegavebuttleatall, but that Ji.l.not.n waa l_B> j aa .1 to haro attacked SLerman in froul and 8*4 aw- a hij.j.ed. There ii rrery reaion to brlieve the report to be tm-, notwlthitoLillng tho rouudubout wuy tlirough WkMh it comei. The nnu:o of t!:«'e whoro llie rep>rt"l B-t_848> tnrie.l lo int nioutiotied, but it waij.rol.ably BBB I * bafl ou tie Um oftho st Boa of leaak and Soith CbpoBm Veaerlloaa from ihe Itrbel Army. NKVVHFItV, X. C, 1-kaM, iJ,r'. Yaatardaj Cmmmuj af tho Gth North C_p* olino C, iif.'.'.'-rate Cavalry, whi.-h was raia.'d L- tlio ra Batl of theState, BBflM BttB-B- linea Inab-dy, ialththe.r tvvo M-'utennnt*, tbeir Lnraea aud Oa*Jf> meiit*, nuuiberiug "ror aUty men, and d.liver-d th.'in- selrca up to our OOOB-WB U-i ...LVer* nt (.'ninp I'akjruer. Altcr p.irtakuiK of a bountiful feaat at Cauip 1'alu.or, they. wltn the uhl Iag at tl.e head of tbeir eolunm. rn- Mrod Ihe tiiv, tl.e hk-btlaBBM vt «B_b8_ tLty are now BaJsjlBga WkOB tlcv wero Juforrne.l that thpy wuiM IHOtfl BBJ .'¦ i ;)., ir hol-P» illidailnaaial le f'.i i.i- ko d»y- ii.. nt i.r iiih.wtd to go Bo-tk, tiry i*_M__eiti..!t if B wa* [MOiaBj kaa_* in th- Baatk that aaah areception BVattad tka'.ierate BBllba- iu 888 linra tho cutire Aiary Of the Couftd'-racy _W_kl boBoB mMB. 88 BBBykk TM arr.iu! of tl.e l*BBM-0-01 8f IkB l*g_B8_t_UBl OBI B_l ¦ ia l"..k.<d f«.r. Tl j i i' at KlSB. i. .' '-nd tbat theS.ii!liC.ii..!iti3 tr.a.|a are tl.ellut to g.o- M ai.d , ihat the BflBt- ia w hlj.jod. a Mlirrinna Relaliaiin« for ihe Yfiirdrr af llia farri-. r*. C it iii IFOyPEBCB BB1MEEB BUH ARBTH1 BB-HB ..! V. V\ AIU: I'AVl IVB. B_aa_8, MliliAlO ...S. 1 :lll Mt«a -*T1T. » is nn 1 ii il> 1 i»' ¦-¦ V LUut-C a. WA8B Jlami i""-. C-aaaaitaj 0 ¦.. . Qerebal: It ia officiallj TYiporttHj to ma tiint OBI fi.i... | | liei a-r :¦...r !':¦.!.'" r ... Pi, i li,.!, ,1 'll iat_ lo ..:. r igi <»i - U .' il "' "f a rta Bl ui.d*. iea a.t'ti. bl i.r» <,f iveaty, "8881 Bibaii-, rltttll . LbeMato ra .!,' akoBl t'lre mli.* '¦'¦'¦¦ Pea-iortllto, / >..-. i.,i,ii,f a aaa»ha ./ j hoaio tald .'. ir. 11 old oboal :e th..iiiit.l ; roooptan oi .- « .,v, ail 1 .aa I','1 a if o.- .: Iblah tkeao mardera arocouit ktiedwlth .i".if kao*.- ..i \ ald i.,-, it that J i | oototto I I it aVgO that OTOfy Ufl lakro theM J .) rao.ta la tka leatk of aM of y< r( ... Of coagoo yaa ooaaat qaaottoa mj rtgbt to tvraga aa tl. ..,'.: t:T. Itltawor light liuiln blati .. l_8 rr 4if eierclotogrtroriei aItb elr. taican od tftkt eirilaatai8a*ar4Uaarp/i *,, ,, .. / t .:. '..-,,,(tjUJkritfmf, J! :t I lail i" .i.i iBtl I-'."* a. ¦. eaa i-opajad toeallo toi l_i»*aorBf*i oa*. 0 It'-rt- Cnpe vt l-.-t dtrectly o? IM peopM I I m bo dotlbt thil lo thO o.'-a-|.,:. Of BlOrh I .' It-P 0B thg part <f ..tir nn r I at I :. - I t- .' : .,. poniah ui., '¦. r di n_r_i r. Potooi ,'!t I o i-i-t ibi bltti i fi logi *'.": depeal bj IhtawM; MttMy vereio M etpeeted aad I ataaly atoge tbat tboae whaotf-eh Iho t:-t hao* oad bmi war .i.i litaiile i '. ll il f >::u.- t" r-pi'i", '- BM lbe nataral eor. .-.,..*. laaerelyaoaoitaMorMrlghl .,... t raa n ta i r*M etaij fceagon ta IM . illto forlile Iia,wlhi..|- ' >. r-Uili-ut w i ¦ iii I U-k... ...n I.'. M. A. <il v. i: kMFTOB I EPtT. Iii ii Q1 BB, in no-I 0 l-t. PekfT, f ,,. H 'III KilAN. t'. i J-V. I.IMK.! Y'-ir .-.BIILlii.l. U|.,ll "f lh* '.'4tb .!. reacbid-Mto day. ln t paa aUletbafl it la« baa* aP* :.;.'. ..' ' gP-rtle* B*M '0 BPj di ed ..f!.r.a|it'.re. ui.,1-,,'ik- M to om that yoa bad "urderrd a aiii Uai dqd -i , onr* iu yocr batd ,,b-' dtapoapdof ln llie mo oer.' liotoaay, y hare opderid a anmber of LoafeiaratobbM-BIOtab* \ i.'i ttaro. i rtoa yoa? ordoi II propet t al I ll ,,,|, ¦, , .. .. ,U1 "i> c ". tl.i.'-h" :e .; I...U ...¦ .,..-- .- .Ileatioooitrutb, Bllfai relj agroa with yoa ia prw oaml j. j arordei lacanled. ,t !'..», r- ditn.ltaiBg thio portk.n of v.url. tt-r I heg t.j a-anioyo ¦,. 1 ' '' ' aa-Uiooa .'.'".' "' '' " ". givinr, ia ail oaar* taahreaoa ta auy iiMaori w_o xuaj b- M Bg Vn i". feroi ". t"«le ktoto-Mi tyoa aooka r.-.-nr,!in(.- II - dtatfa of mur tarager*. 1 baa.I) to aa] lbal I kaoa g.'f it; tbatBo. - giaen bj bmoatbort/-tbe ,;.,,.,., :. raptt re, aad lbal 1 le aM beUoTO tbol Di) aeahiBi I bbj of oauo. ei epl nader clrcoBiataoeeotoahtoh it BUgMTtocUj BfiUavaM aai ,., ,: they abouldkUlIheok Ittfl a irtoi tha rv-i-.i -f I >:.A-4vil,..:. you ,;, .,. :,.t. bi ..¦ ur 1 gk-ra ta hr- th. daadliagai ' ."' . tbey hare lobbed. foi-heck Ikia inhi .au ayatem, »l ¦ ..,.' I -. iv i. /'.'! Mtioo, I hao- dlfoei .1 J ,.,,, t.i ''..,.t town Ml of your Men wbo ari btjrnlng boua-. T I. - oidei ahall renialn to luug aaTyoa dlagraee the profi ad noi ormi by oUoatog v. a leatroypi rate dwel Y..u ?>) tl -t 1 e..aii.>t, of-- r. neatinB yoor rl ,,,; ,¦!, ibe .'. outry. "IU ingtl i otd a* aii lory I d"i-"'. »"". "'.''. ibii rl|¦-1, Bui u iel* i I 11 il.l.rei-n ll an tl il - .1 n - Bl -I- ll ilkT ll ii.- rigb) lbal eterj Baa ha.- ta .!¦ feud li boa protecl thooo wko are deaeattoBt aao" bJaai aad ftaai taybeart i wl-b that orory abf avta aad h"r in mj coiuitry *ho eaa Ira aaaa, vaaM hi-r t doaa, aaha iioiild ll V ll.l, the n.eii w!o ll- deeolal.Bg IheU i.r il. baralag U Mi ba m ai I li attlag ll :r vobm a Yoa are parttoalai la deBalng .. .! olalmiaa "woi 'i rhta." hfay I aak lf you eanaierote otaong l :.. Iho i.'-h, to Ire npon a d. tei .< '¦¦ m lt- wltl barntbal :tv |otMgW«_iafk r it h id bei Biarreodered bi ibe aotborltlee, « o claluied, ihou ;h Ir \ .ln ti ,i i.ret-, lion whii h I- alaoyoaseordod Inclvdlaed aarfare in..:. onbat-Dto; totue ihe .!«. lui.g buuaea if rltl /,,. | i, r., ibiag th,'iu, a:,.l U. perpeiraie eren darti r critnei Itan Um m oruaeo tie. blaeh to o mentioned. Y. a hare -nuiit-il, Ifyoa fa ira aotordi i- lb< m- ii.| m kta >.' tl r- .,ii f*eei agalaai hnmaoity and lbal of'war. Poo flred lato tho cdty of Colurnbla wil >u1 .- Iword of woralog. Aftorko lurrender by Ua Maror. ahe darnai d. ,1 pn le ittoa to pripate i rtit erty, yoo ikl ii,-' i, ,.'.ni aitbea, tariaf aa_i n* ruuii Ibou- laadi ofold mea aad l rploaa wo_m n aad rhlldi i' are hkely to perieh of oiaraaUaa aad rap-aat*. l.ii- ofnarch eaa batr.1 bj ll ol irld ligl j, ... and to more tl laoaoboai bold there ia aa agu ny f r n oie bitt-i IbM th il nfdeuth. The ladlaa ma | I hli lieth* r-.'ir.ih- >f aex ot ii^'o, but aith aii i.i. barbority ba ulwnjo r. ip _ted Ibe perooni "f hia Brmala eapiirea Yoai lolutn Btori Mvage t ui ihe b liaa, bkiaB tkaao akiM gataral jao- t. eti ii r- aba Bt lu i¦.. lllibioU, 1 IlilVPOf.l.V tl. le.JKlt th.t TvllPl'PTcr T'.'i baro aay oi w) bmb " .i-t" .i ,' or "n.ur.ii -ai," fi: I',.-t-nui appeui to I.e a.ino.ivnioua wub you, von M || |, ,.. 11.,. nt It, :n ordi r I a-i i,,w *hal bci ot i.t ihe i" tko n.a!ter. lu tii" otoo-U8M 1 ihall i.i.i.. Bfty-ilx of yoor mea na bo-tama br iboaawhafli yoa hato oriereo to M exea-otod. Iat_,yoora Aa, , . "WA' 1 Hv.I .'.:., J.le .1. I.eD. -a. \\ u.'.i- lluiuplau Ikuiibiat foi lli* Hiply la Nhrrnian. F-'rowa Thr fUrLmontl Stitllnrl, .fi.,,h9. 11 ii iin.'-iK.iiil.'Il'*: lictvvci-ii (i.'iiuial S ..-r- i.i.iii and HaBipt-Bi ta to-daj'o Maar, wiU bpsbm (!"' BiaaUueoool ovoryiHM »ko peadi it. IJ«B. Ilaaiptfjo . ill rei-i'iT" thw thaako "i arerj L'oafederato f»r bM ipJritrOJ and appropriaie om war lo Ibe S onkoe bruto. 'i i,iM-,.ri"i|..'ii'!-'r " t-»."'.'- Ibefatoof tbo boautlful rity of I dotaiila Pired Into witbout a raing, aad laid ,,, .: r i,ri",,ib r, M,. 11 laa earu. ii fol b_B- r-.r thebatoof mojikiad au.l Uta lreat*Mot dao t"" wib! iu .VI. lli- b.iib.ii.tT will baro aa efl'eot opf-aito tn th a traloh be detog-od, aad will ai-uoo otom ii.i'l ii,.4> n> nh....i doaa kiai aad hBaa-Blad Ba> Bg. n at BYotj .; i l By. Brerptiou of ihr BJl w-Yorlt Volnairira. Auianv Sali.i.l iy, M.reli 11. 1 Tho Sai n tarj >' vVur ba i ''"v- j'. aton thai bo a latbe li hdi r 11 tbe MRb KeglBonl ,¦1 .-!._,¦ Natloi JUBardi of Broohja/i, Col Adanii m oaoyvai- k-PTico, fo ;,'. oa rffJ ....:. oi _-8|a \j, LATE REBEL NEWS. ?. "VYe hnvc f'lll ftlei of Bkbatond pnpers to Ihe Othiwt. (ThTirfday la.t), and rcale the foRowIng aa> Itraeta. Bnch of t,, m na a.e wlthont date are from Thartday'a kwraesi Wa» PIowbi A GRFAT YYAR MIETING AT lALADEGA, PLA. Frmn The Ifhig: TAi.Arii'iA, FeK. gp, r!a CrtiRi.OTTP, Xfrrrh 7.- \ greaf ninaa meetlnp; wna hild bere to .hj.tbe B_M H are riaing. Thia moralag ihe li' u. A. V.. Ball ad* dTeaaed an iounenie aiiu.euee lu ibe eharek for i IB80* of three and a ha.f boure, wldeh i-alhd forth tbe entunainain on tim part of tl.e peonto. Tk* B*«ll*ace waadiaii.iia.d until 'j p. m., whan IBey weie addreaaed ln Bipci'.'h of two ni, ,i lu.if l.oiiia bv C*l t. Buid. Witk gnat cffei f. Tba of thoa* efbirta to, that tk. peo> ple bere are now uuiu-d and will ftoaeont* tbe w..i- viir- oronaly. Tbe al'.'le rnattcr ootcludcd with a grai.d cativiiiiJ alr by the tadiea. AN KAKLY ATTACi: ON MOBIXB TEOXATOEO, From the Mino: Moain, Keb. 88, Tia (iiiriotte. If. C, Marek7.¦ Tvaaty-twoateameraaud mx Mtt.ii-s'iui rirer trai.a- porta are in iba Luwtr liay, nnd a large numbet of troopa are reported on Danphia Dluid und r«Liacola, uidlt-ati; " an eaily on thia city. -*» Adjearnmrnt of Ihr g ot>«"< ilrinle (nngfi... In the Rebel Seiiato on the &h tho l.'ll.jwii'.cr aetloa waa taken on t'.e ijtteation of alj tirnm. t.t: Mr. Maxwell ct Floril* moved t<» tako np B*8Xe ireaoliiU'ii flxing Wtdueadky, ihe eth luatauf, nt Vi o'okn-k, aa tbe tnnc of iLe adjoursmefit oi CuLgrcae. Agrree.l to. Mr. Maxocll mored to BBMBl by atrlFtna; out " Widm tiiuy. tbe eih inatant, and LaaertlBg 1.... r'.t.y Alr. itrabara moied to irnert Satir.i.-iy teit, at " 'O'eloekp. m. Apre. ,1 to. ._,__. .. .. ll.- -i-lutii-ii waa tha* nn.'L,..<l ry iiiierimg tne wonla "liaedto.' ....,. .Mr. Yeat fpl ke ngntust e reeorfltloB. TTe th- rirl.t Ibeadjoiiiiinientof C*B*T*88 ai tlna time wotild 1 are1* dtoaatrooa elTect. Yihrntbe eaateat mgit alaoat be aaid to i" aarrowed ttowa la tka foaeaioa of tl." Co* t«,\, rate ea| .t.,!, .»!.. ¦ tl e Fr.-aidenl Bt*od in BOBd M . tbe, .. -.t.n-l of' v -ry mairnau iu tl.e «. BBtty. b»B4j tb* le.i.t <.f it. If tbetwoBowMof Ca t-r.n », ip t"4-ootf [ta tbeir boi ra and kara bia altaaat thaoaly btbj a >. ba.v. :. 'r. nt nf tha ei.eniy. tb"ir coadai Blfht I mia- BaB itowtt Ynlkltoailf kt |l Ullt'l aga.Lat au ud- Jaiiiiun.ii.:. Mr. Hurneti ipokeforl-iin.c'.f aloM in lajiaf thal ke dl 11. b i< i e that !,.:¦-« iki ill adj ;rn ln thh artoiaol tha ooantry. Wttkoat gatsg Ibio pai_*ulnia he woul-l -ai tl at exlgeti. lea u.l.-l.: aiin iny da) whl. h ih.ajid reqolr* lha prcMaco of tke bVaat*. Baaatori »,...] er.tand bia. Mr. Jeka*wa*i Mjaeoarl lail that forfaome daya apjai i glo. bi bad p*TTaV l tbi p .1 lie Biatt, aad ba at lt in a greatmeaanrc to Improper remaiki Bad. hytbtaMlaaotboHty. Beoppoa. Itbercaolution. I ._ g; our firat rif.datiou»ry struggi. oar Coagrea io. inara a dnrtng tka 4.!.!.- t:i -. kir. Jol ob tken f tta bto«| laion Inoppoallion lo everytbing link- in* 'o r-. r'tn.. tl i, a..l eipreaael kto riava aaoa 'wbat ahonld be lha ixbi** of tb* Ooteraaoat Ma Ihe reaolntion w-.'il.l i.'t pievall, at.d tbat eicrv ttiati hT" « " d Itand to Lia 11 It, Mr. vTl.fall alao onpoaed the rraolofioa. ''or.e.t »b..u..l Hand by tb.- al l|. aad krt Ba fate ba thi ir-. li. bottered i he adjournn ot of Congreaa would ba a n.n- fott me tt!e l< -. e.tlou. tl. in the Baa <-f n 'eitt'e. Al: Ir.wn if MLattelpai aakl ba dld nder- .tanii aii tl.. t ali aboottha u.ij. '.un ent ot , j .piir' .,..-.'ai.aiue, und !.'-d d I.. ! e-l-. ie tt He 01 1 not beliere that the a;my *r tke aauatry lokui'" Laa pre«- toauie lU-ra. U »** tl.o l-nan e»a if CoBgrraf I., fj ke l.iw» er.d be wia afiling to reatatB h*!* aa loop aa there waa aay kaBlaasa t*k* laa*. \Vb. ufi.e BBJ .. « ua d.tie be w at In favor of u<ij< urcirg. Jle wonl.l ti t" f r tho reaolutn n. Tiie i.-M-iutnn **' pA.ard by thr follo. mg vote: Ai.- Mr- i*. l.ari.iveil, Hroan. lii ..hatn. J.d.naoa ..f«... -»¦*, Maxntll, Oldhaa, Dtr, Niuiuca, Walk.r Xn -M -.n. Biira*tt, Caperton. Ilenrr. Hastcr, .!. r klli.torl. raiauau*. V .I aad Vt l«roil.A Mr Yrflfaidbe ileelied to aubmll in wr.r.ig and -r-i t-pi. dnponttr rtcord. the al htaalf ' r-4 o-llena-tie B.-ain.t Ibe Bcti< n of tt-e 8r_att ln pa*. j iu* Ihle i.u of i. ./ .-i.i. ut. Tk* 8laTe.%p*alaf Quraiian lalrreaiiag' Hrbalr i.i iheffBlrdfralf Neiiutr Ihi HIM nt laal Faaaadl. \\,- extfa* t tioiii the pr.K.i i-.iiiipf of the S.D- Btl .'li T'.r-dnv, Muii-b 7: | Al 13 o'clork tbo Bouae blfl ta im-reaae tl.e military ;,.,.. « ..itl.P Coi.t.-.'.i-iB-.e *-t il.-i, l,. tt.-. kl. 'in na tk* \. ,-i.i r bla, «aa lak.-n Bf Btd . k* kaaWW. i | ii tbe blUi A 8D t t" lu-rpaie ll.a BfXHary foreca 'f the ( eL.'-vbr.'a T'.r (' rf > f/ i\r (' wJtdtrtH gtabfl rt .'> ,,,, ¦ .' i pr. ai.-r addXtaaal:, r ¦ t< repalb y- .. rigbUal poaa...KiU ef tb* 1 .nfril. rntr ,.. -,, .. r* lb. r i|>i. i-lriu r »rd pr.-.-:vr tbelf in.-itu , t |-:. ,..L t |..-..,ii r I. I.rirl.) auu.. r.rt I., ...k foi tbo 'ineri of ila.4 a Iba BMTtoaa af a rb hedtad Braro me* aa h* Baxy aV»ui e*podl*iil forandd rtocta. ..r o i^ rform uiiliaiy n-nUr iu v»!.i». re f 1 I V I.r i.r dl.i il. .-ri .' Tl tti, Omrn.1 in Ch'.rf ba * IbOfhwd lonrail/r Ibt aaid aaaa kato aapaata, batt.lioi-, rrglaaaata aad i- .-. i.i..';. b |, !. . »rd I'gal.t. . . -. -r. r. I.ry ol ,. - ..... lodtob*. i. n.ji.did t,y afl «. 1 PP Bt .i. .inploytd la lb* irnri .-. Iba aaid trc*pt , laibeaatM r ttoa*, ilalktoa a Ii .-,|wi.«.:loii ei i .... ia i| .¦. ....- kn ehol iba -iv- -. >n 4 Tbaflf, obaVf tt* ptoitoaa faeel Bal Ibtaaft, tbe p, i || ,.. i.i b- ihle 'o ra ." j mrln ii-i.t BBBthirol ., ;,,. -, tl.- vair lateaaafally and u .iutam lb* ,--,.. ai'dlle ii. !--|r.,lr.,.| Ihr ( ,.n .. -, y «u'l /,-.! t.. .-. ¦!. ..." - .4.- - .... 4...,....., .u.vri Ita Ihiaka M expeai.B, lor har .j.nio .¦! .. .., ., I ry -. ia 1 . ,...-.. ¦ 4., i .. u.'iy thero-l af lha Pre ul ;. ,||, .. -4 I .- .1 Ir II li ir II 1 lie (,. oala lion, Irreira iitboI or, IneacbHsta,.. iia jripvr auiuon f. . Il.-r. bl v. .!. f bB 11. .1 Ihlaa oi 11><* «' t .l.all be eor8 ed (o o ll na a 11. ,.,- ... ll kaa 11 Ita .... Mr. Iliu.i' >iil tim a. bebu.l l<< alaatrn. Bd by tbe Y ni u.i.i i. lai nre lo rota againai bttoonfl (io-vi tbal gi.e pablic expra ioatakto n| III..U-. Blneablairat appearanca In ii,l...- llfe ba . re.-ogi l- .1 ii.e riahi of t».- I^gtototare to laatra t. and apon t:.* bodyka Aaired to pl**e tbo rearx nai i.ilii4 ol tke i. aaaare akoald it b-1 oaa . l*a*. I'm.I ti la moralag ba bad abando-ed ikeldeaof pabllcly. li i:. i.. v. v b ¦' 11- ii .'I"-" ad angg. -t' .1 J'i-ti"- to i.iti -eif ii qalnd ii. .t ba tboald do >o. Jlo w*nld bo- |c ¦*ari)yb*T< logoatau.u.-ii thaaaau |rro*ada*wk8a| akiBjdrvd B4ea**T**7Bi ucniily **dei Jtat laaioa in ..>.¦ i- I a- l r- --..-ii. v. m tw 1- Ft tbe ol.l c.n-n.n!. bI he ln I tbe ifhl a t 1 ul »reT|.-ii l.'l Of th.-Niuveiy Bgltationi tbat \f r a.ra raterlna I lo a aoa CantVdaacy of toeaogeaoaa m !'.-. vv ber* t! i- agilatioBof tbeBtoToryouet !.>u,* hlch ...i Ir 4 a li lu ibI Ie ii...1 r tka old Bloa, iv,.a to .. B*ftaa*. aarfHao i," i.ul- tl.ut tkdb (i.vernment i ibi tbe power lo ara lha atorea, w 1.,,-»i lliyolvea :.lso Lh* pOWW Of BB !.. eitMkU ll. 'iolbe aaitatloB of thh aacatloo, Ih* uiti iption nf thia power, be dated tba m iga f ll a gtoaa *.i.i. h aoarQTfiapilaBil our j-i ..ple. Tbei kn.-vv tl.ut if oi.i libertlea were to ba ai-h at -1 it n-i-1-- bo d*a* by tka bouta aad lha lai.da ..| f.n- un ii. ll iil4* iiijui.'l lh nl'io.ul. lt v. ¦. re- garded m a eonfeaaton of deapalr Bbd ao abandonment of tka gnmiid BgaX B hiih ive hnd avt.-d'.-d ln iu the old l i.iu We kad iaatoti d tlmt Co*gr«*akad ** ri^Lt to ttter altl l*laTf ry, aad af ea tka ttoewag JxtaaavB ai ti,. part] v.Do it v.ii- kaowB vaajdaaaaata an.l axaetoa tbal |i>wer, 41 e B8CO0V ,1. lYa hnd nl-i il.i u fiinteuded y ti. r nhi u'-vi 1 ti.e two i.i-' a were throwa toaetbar oaa :nu-t If li.B.ler Oi ,1 Ihe other alir, e, o::il We 1 iiiill.'i'fe.l nraelTM nguiii-t ihe uciuaiiiloiia oi u i- ul,. liuoiiftH l-y t....-iting ibat Btovi ry wastha baaf aal banajloat oaa- ditioii of tkeaogva. ,N..w alnti i!o.h ihi* afaaa-uaa* adaattl Tbarlahtof lha ct-mrnl Ootornaent to pol ihe ii.iv-a into tka BUTitia, and lo rmaadpato al tooal aoii.Biiy ua rhull lu-piii< i-d in Ihe Bkllltary Mrvie*. '' toaetoai iiinu ul iLuni.trai UoVeXtunaul to liir.i. 1 pale tLn rlui. 1. If iv.- are rlajfcl fn paaiog tkla unlaasr* ne wrri' wioiig in .1. -iiying to tho old Oovenrmeni tharlchtto tote**fora iwiii il..- ii. .iiiiiin.u af Blavi rj ud i: ¦'¦'; ipat**larn, II we oBot lave tbeirfre. lom na a baaa uo aBatoa laal »" umi balaoar*i *.-i* iivp.crltk il. ln ti.- artlag lhal Blarery vui< Ihe beal ¦into for the aegroea tl.alrea, Bahadbt iflncerc in .j.-n.ii'.i .- il- 1 the. 11tr.1l (ioieiniiii-nt bad no power orcrtbeinal of Slsrery, aad that freedom would ba aa I-. n totl i". B* no* lili-i.-.l. .ulFe bnil fortnerlr aaid 1" <lii""i'- . :.uo' lh*iai ¦'. Ihi' a iiiuiir m,,| in.iiu-ip itin.- tha BUtTea aa ae abauu**A*>*a| af thia aoatoat aa abaadoi oent of Ihe grounda upoti vbfeb -i kad beei 1.1,,!, rtaken. II tl. 0 wko la to taawrr fot Ihe l in .ir.. ui il. il ad <-i n eti 1 0 bad b. en ibtiX to th. v ..1 1 Wbowa toaa wei tbam before lha of lleatanl -Noi lh.abo kad antored lato lha contat] ..'., pBrin |', ... ...'.' .-¦ ¦! 1, the tl ple, bal tl abo J..11..'¦-. lo.oiii'il |k* Baiceiple, ;.,.,i f«r ali tl 8 I ** in Caiifornla won'.d he have p.t hia natne to onch a ii..-:..-.,.4 thia ui,i-nt ihiig. il to do It by inatractiono. l.iig aa bo waa free to roto frutn bia own oonrlctioi-i nothing i, 11(1 hare extorted it from him. Mr. Ilunterthcn argued the neeenity of freein, the nefroea if they wero mcde Eoldleri. There WM 88808 Duug in tbe hun,au heait and h. ad thot u-iii ua it oiuit I"' io; when they e*BM out inarred from thia oouiliot they muat be freo. If weeould make them ooldipn, tkl i rn.iii'.ou of tle loldier I-'i'.g ao-laliy e ,'ii-l to al.y other ia aociely, we eould make them aB-OSPB, perliaj.'', to eommand whlte men. Souie futtirefamhitioui Preai- (i.iit'likjht tiae tbe rl.iTPk to aeiie the HberUoo of the r.' y und put tbe abite men nndcr hia f< ef. Tho liovPiiiraent had 08 pOWM under the Conatitutlou to artn nnd emancipate the ilavea, ond tlio Conatitutiou grnnted no atioh gjggf jxnvrra by in.jilleatlon. , Mr. lliit.ter thcu ilioacd tttm atatiatiua that no con- ildeialle body of nerfrotiot;! 0*8*. be raiaed in the Statea orer wliii-Ii t_8 (f-fB-BBMSt had eontrol, wlthotit itrijipiiig the counfry of the lab'.r abtob.'-ly BBtOBBBPy to prmlueo food. ile tlioiiL.;ht tbero waa amticb better ghaaea of Rottinjr thr large BBtahet of deaertcn bujk to tho aruiy tiian of (rettiiiK tho abiToe luto It. Tl.e nog-io hi.i >.i 11.1 the prof. ,-iion of a aoldicr. The coinuaadant of eoaacripta, with outhoritytolaipreaa t*e*tyt_*88aai ilavea, had. botVeea Beptenbop and tho preaeat time, bOOB BBMtofOtkat foiirthouc-bd; ondof tl.eao thiitylive hundrid had been o'.tau.ed in and Nm tii Caroliaa. BBd liro huudro.l tr^rn Alabama. If be, armrd with all the pow-r* <>i' _B| reoment, 8*811 not gi i tbem ni __Mf_ra, how will ara be abto t<> aai II -i.-i aa |ioldicrit Unleai they ToliuTper they will go to the Taaksaoi if we lepaad t.jw_. tfi«ir roluntceiitig wo laa*- get them, ar.J tkooa ** io gBt *.I i000*. to tM aaaaay, who can a_kl thoio a bett. r prieo than we can. llie eiieiuy ciin ofl-r thiu lllierty, elothing, and eron fi n:,a at out MMSBBi X. groea BO* det-rred Iroiu going to tho ei.emy otily by Ihe "f brlrg ptit luto lh* arnjT. lf we aai them in they would all go orer. ln coiieiiihlun, haC'Ti.-i'l. red tbat the meaaure, rrtcn l-OMvod itH lo ita ei' < diortOy, waa wor«otban 8BB8M8 Boa >.f|.!*. II*.' wa* not loUolod that the majoil ty of the arniT wn- ia lavor oftM The army had I aoa told tkal tha BMBBBi* waa ueeeiaary, and tkay bad ac'iuiitied. He did i.ot h-llero that the lieruea *ii hfaaaaaat, Fr< _nrlikob'irg and Cold llarbor were b-dd- ing out thelr to tbe i.-.-r, r to :i .. and 0088 tBOOB. He .lld irr.t heh-TO tbat our tloops Wouid lir! 1 with that eoaotanay a lefa iboald Inapire troopo ln (ko I lu iir af battle Who*th-y kn-w th.aliiielr flnnVa wer* be.i,,? hi bl by upgroe*. llu repeaied tbat be would B8T0 youd Bf-init tnr Mil egpppt for tl.e lootruetiOBi abloh pat aa obUgstioo uj:on him. ikoakl gaoaBMf lo niold th« b.ll -o at to inr.-y o'it '.Iip tiue apirit <»f tkOOO liaaU-otieaa Ho holietad B aroakl paaa and haooi tbat it Bkjkl not i.v. the gffl* that he Bgffg beaded. Mr. (Iraham aloo Opaeooi tl .. bill. IT'' rr.eant to l.n',1 .ut Botb-Oaf, hut ho woubi aay tbat »i,m Coagreai ¦dopted loch a BM*aat* the Btateavoali feel eali-d t.ji.n to aoao*d*t wh-tl.i.r lach an iuro-d upou the Coti- II tatioa did :i"t (ail fora.l.K'i' fvirdi heirg tkPOWB aroiiiid tbat inati'inrrf. Ha -or-.'T d thea.l", !..:.<! IM u p.iaure na ulmo't a tuIluI BaaYBdaB-kMt of the I r a. Iplaa ol _M eontaMt. Br. Qk-haat aiuteatid agaiaitthe riarlit offMTlr gliiial.cgialal ne to m-'ruv't iti 5ri:r.toia b.'t.T the rr.n- t i .. ilelilaTBtion of the Srieto had dtOMaed of tba auoaaia. aklak aieetod :.>.t iM rkatoafPIrgiotoalooo, baf otapy -lata b.tain UM Fekaaai gad tl.e Bm (Irabtte. 'M-. Ol*.8_l arK'.id at laagtk air'.lu.t the lOiiifltiitiepiilitT and i ipedleotry of the Bfcoaaat*. _fr. BeouBeo ipoke bt -draoa y of the bdi. Ba advo- IcBtoditaa oneaB>*itT. It *00 hOttOf to throw orer part af tka aaraatkaa toloae the abip nnd cargo to- gethop. lt aua arged by Gca. laa, and the ssaajs* naeaeeo vhich aoufl toUo* woald aot bo *o bad aa had I... n laaiooaataA Ba ).- r"' tha bUI wouid be *o modi- fird aa M .onfnrri t<> tb* UBJBbiiUbBI gtrrn by the State if V iiu-inia tohrr Sei.atori. Mr. Orr oirpttai-d ti ebiil. Mr. Ibiniitt BPfOd ife paaMkg*. Tl.p Senale rei"lve«l lota -eeret leo.lion. WTivreUAT. lli.r-h -.. Ibe Senato retunied con ? idiiotlou nf the Jin:.»e bill to invreaae tten.)!lt_rT fon-oof thaC-Btwaat-BI lytbe eitiplovrufut Bf Hr. <'njKrter, af Vrg. a. offmil ihe r0-O«i_g b-M1 ifltoat to be ii.ait.d a! the gad ot the fo-irth BM i:..i. .,f the bill: , , ..p.vtidtJ. Tbat not mrvre than C5 |-er eent of the male alaree belween the ag(e of \f ai.d 4_ ia ai y St.ite fl ail ba vail-d for under thp j.rotiaiou* of lh.» ai t." 1 be amendinent wa* aicre.-tl to. Tb* bill. a* auendid, aaa thm j.asaad by the follaw- ||]_ i ut* l'... .Afnara. rtrawn, Biurrlt. ('. o.-fn., Ifenry, Ilnultr. Ol-fca-t, "-.ui' 'i Baat-- * d W*t**_r-B v ,. hteoara, BaruwaU, Orahaa Jahaaea af Ororgla I. kaooa .f Al laa-uli, Jlai»r.,. On, V r.i aod VV iglaii.3. Tbe Baaata i*gglf*i iut<. aaaoot *«-,.iion. Onr Dar 1 nter. Baj »l Di.ptt lito|riiP N I I I ._ YVAi.i(iM..f-v. afatck II hRB. Irata tha Iii- _8_y-d papei- ef Frlday, -farol ..\ p.i.od hp-iap at BVoWaakkagtaa a-aoi M TR- TB-B-AB, we txtraet tke 8-Iowi »g in i.ortaat ka_N t t. #_a Thtt HlrhfMemi Hxmrntiter. i.ihiD BB8/8 iRokt IHE PAJJU-F. We lii'.vo f-'.mit BjBOd f-vs truiu tho Yalli'Y ut.icii II woald ii"t I"' prude..t to gire M iet-fl at tba .,i:e. WaBMJtyMy.kaariiap.BaB i: B i-Mitad tbat Mi .Nei'.l. Boooer aud Moal t h»ic mirnijuded the goard u; roeoadortlag to WTncl tertbo artooaera tokea rroa irirlyi aod thatIhorea i|.IproapectoftheU rn oah re<_pt8Tiag Mr prl*onero, bat of ala.. gobbling u-i the V ttikeo guaid. A\ o ru .11 | n.bably l.ear of tle i.t i.t vt thia n.i vrn -i.i iti i> a*j r i»o. aTAtnrPOl L\ A<t A TER, It is siiid that tha eoeiup hari itatmitad fitaa-toB. Itlai j. - dttotd rutg that. loiaBatioB rtfib* fowa tkey r\ leaa pat-tlreti uttla loj irjr, 11,--; I in ile B»y "' barBiag Oo.¦ .t iloreoaad08BBi*aa. ALL Q01BT ON TUIJAMKS. All contiouf- (i'?i. I al _g tha Ii: or ftliont 1... hmoml. BraalMorb-eatly araitlag tm the r.-'uft-1 ofol ii luaitiiiBtithat ai.- g-lag M tajtbta he at- toaapta aa adraaee. Tba *-a_-_vt**i Raktia aay iii.ivnii-i.t by Or ntal thia Baia Tle» ato doep la iiiud, aaiB*i0peqolroaiboU .f gajod»e_tbei M fore tbe i-otiiitry ll drj eaoO| h to n.'.iri: of uiwtiug ux- liU.-ry. llv-th omlei pre mi d b> aai. AVII.vr MIKRUAN 14 BJOlRBi Wo «il\Y hMt oviiiiig ail 0_-C8f 1-TOaB Bonth Caratiaa. Ho report* that tbo eaeaij baro ooaipleteli detoatotodtlMOO-Dtrytbt -. aklofcthaj h i-pir,-.!. jl. i 'iii-not ipaiArdraatogle boaa* alougtbeir iraek. ai l haT8 wi-aked thior iin.e*B-e upon that Mtate aith Ika BOOM MTOgO ai.d ii.or.i. ro'iair-liir. ibey baV8 0bOVBB8-MK] «" »«»« I**. 8Bd have ejillud loibliigoiith-tr l.n'r. h *M«h eotdd M -OTOBPOi _f reoadovord. Woaia taM aaofla Imae no OMeop taa of tka ..." ' "r a\-eiM__o army, and ,i wtdeeprefld dtarMBaa_an^-i3_Boai;a_»Naaa they I are*-. to^kepaojnoia wli be toaad an ne.oi.iit of M.ii-aa'l bBPI Ulg "I I ohimhia. wl. eU we --1 laiiu N.utl piu jajKiB kiuii.y fuiuiiltd ua bj the rau.0 ollivti. OABPALTTIS. Wi rogrct to haai that Col. Aflc-R. nf Gon. rtutler'i8-uthCorolUaCoralry aaa htilo.1 iu a akir- ,,,'i.i, H.aiik laart l-riuay eveamg. M.j-.r Barkeo, Aaaiatoal Adjutait-Oeaerel ol Ooa. liau.ptona a___ t,«> ao-..ib.datthc lame Unif, but tivt dan- geroaaly. . lTuui The r.iamim.r clitonal: FABt DAY. Tha _8j satBpart kvt pobli- worohipdawns ua aaaea hat awro au-i'ii'tou-iy than any one day fiir thp la-t threo bmbUm. iiue ot tl« ooltuaao of tho ,.,,, 1|V wblob Mir.'to'.'oriii Bhenaan'i adraaciag i.u.e, ha* baoa detenied with hnivy liw, rear KiiTArototi, N C and thoogh 188BlkJPI*B.IrtOTOM, l-OttHtBg l'i the aastaro of bel ikraa goaa and 1,8-8 pttaaeiai yrt it BM] !«' tiiKeli ua ab 881-001 tha*. 0_t COBUBB-deTBBMM Ihe andoiii troopa la flgbtlagtriro oaco aot* lo that liireitioii. lu faet b-BO-MM ia ouly beb-lnniob' to feel llu. dUBcultk -. of hia eniorprUe. S.i h.iiK aa it waa I i.t bmiilim ileferspleas (owni and robbtog -Maaaaa and aayto8*-iei wivca aud chtl.lren, ha i* bad brilliatit 88888801 BM B8W ho will liav-tn llght. (irant'a 01*00*1 giand BMTOrgtog oi_np*lgn H-eiaa now to iiroiiti M the laino kind of tennirntb'n aa of l.ut veiir. Ji>' iiui do noiiuug li.-rc nulesa shei-1 iiian i-onie* up to l.lm from Bootb ("..rolina.UM Ma -mi ni eaniiot ioiuo. Anotlier ea.pnttal a*li <>f hia prograuioio..(«''Dka «"".totli. CBplui-eoiT.y-ohbiirg; .ui,!, to tne latei accounta tr<iu. thai dlrecttoB, Lyaak* i: ra m aali Moagh. hlMBwhlte, (Jnuit otaud* pa-' tiiiitly, deeplii iWAuif*. AoUtlng forr..iiit'thiiig toturn ap. ?o 1-088 i4 Koin-iiiiiip' to ho tkaakfal BM aai bao*- ful for thi* day, aa wpII io i kOoOM of bmudiatiou. i ioni TM* Diipmirk. ALL ARO-TTORACCOi (iiiMtiiimtit doea uol 80R_R-BiP8ti fiuuli i. .. s tbo publle af lata f1:ivs,aud Uii* ii ollriirht. whero ihe |. il.lie«ti..n of oacfa nevi'a wonld k'ive ii.fonnation to ii, ii'iiiT, I'lthti about om- owri BtOTOBMBtl nnd pni a- raUoBB, oVal-mit whnt iiliefulling tbeir owu trooj.a wbo bnpj, ii to 11 ia BChapo Ition lhal th* Bral UtaiDgeuoe II iboBi I" oxpa '"I in tbo NtarM i'rota KlcbaioBd ne*i paperi ButaucUrcai u E r relieaMadoJkMa-Btta iii. ib "i tob_oco ai.tuied ihe other day Fi di rUabarf. Tha euemy knew all about tb .t ,,-. o,'.,n UVBk-l ni.,1 Ibet* M BO CM r-faotyiug lia-itaMOB ihat nkjo8t,MT8*>a' aatural aaaa*aaa*Xh*aj ofonr tagaeloaa Government thut tbat trananctiot) may draw aa>*Ta.*****)* BB8fl lt oraom* of ita oftleerg. Ia* Ya-keea ui f ery eugcr to get poi- aeanion uf our tob.uvo. Vcit to cotton theru ia nothlng of oura wiileh they coti-I fo iii'jeh. Aal BB tbey ennno? eoat* al B*t*a tob.icco aioied at Peteisburg aud Kithnioud, they feom to haio betboiight them of auother plan. A Yankec B*a*i 'I riingleton haa twic* asked for a p..»a to eome within our liuua, and it haa been twioo granted. In v.nn aonie wary Confedorntea proteated agai.-iat thia, repieaentiug that thia Yaukee oould huvc i,o honeat here. But we have a Govenimeut that deapiaea " pahilo clorn- or." Tlui Mr. riingleton migiit bo a I'eaee r-.inmlg- aioner. he might be aneaklng tbrougb our liuea to bring na an offer of recognlzing our lndependence, or on *on.a B*a*t**8 mltaion of thataort; io ba wua permitted to coiiip ebuig. Soon it beeame kuoivn that be waa only on a nilsilun to procnra tobacoo by purohase; pay- i.iont to bo iiiudo in bacon at eertaia ratiB agreed npon. Tl* tobaeco oerordingly waa aaaO forward bv the Ir'redi riokaluirg road, 3W,0uO ponnda of it, or there.nbouU; and waa waitlng nt ITniiiilton'gCroaaiiip, nnd.-r charge of Con- federute BBBBt*, nutil theexchange anould bo efTected. Bnt now, by gorce obanoe.aomo extremelr fortuitona eoincldenoe.thoitore of prcciona toeaaae u_d scaicely arrlve,1 there.and waa ttill in Confedtratc handa, wben, lie'ioM, s lnrge force of Yaokee-B bappened to appear in tbe aan.e plnee, l.avii.g come lu ateame.a np tbe I'.appn- bannock, aml aaiaal tbewholc af the tobacoo, andeither earrled it off or bnrnod it. And now where ia tha baaaa I We mnat gire fnll credit the ingeniona t, tuon whleh contrived and exeouted tbia littlo aA-henie. It Ia a perfi-i-t tpeilnien of a apeclea of traDiactiua ralled Yankeo t.Teka, whieh menna a verv clerer gwin- d!c. Ia our a.igaciona Oovernment Bfitiarled vett Haa it reen enongh of the 4tonaequenws of ndmittlng publio eiieniieg witLlnoiirlineato look after private olfiLiU) Wbo ia the next Yankeo that will atk a puaa l 8TATB COBYENTIOW. In the Yirginia Uouso of Delegatcs on TliTirs- dnr laat tbe following debate ocgurred on the propoai- lion for a State Convention: On motion to gnapend tho rnlea for tho reconsideratioa of t!io Tote by wblch the bill conferring couvcntioLal E 1*788 unon the General Aaaeinbly waa lost, Mr. uuter of IWkeley obtalned tho floor in oppotition to tho propof Hlon to reconnuler tbo vote. Tbe atoaaaalea already bad upoa the anbject had had, he thongbt, dangeroui and permcioua etfecta. Iio hoped tbo vote would not be reconaidered; that the b.ll woahl be left to aleep tbe aleep of deatb. Mr. Buford if IMtaylrania hoped tbe noaae would urraign itaelf upoa tbe queation fair and fqnare without prcjiidicej he Ikuagkt no harm oould eome of a Conrention. Tho titne migi.t i-'.iiie |wU''n legialatora would fii.d them* lelvaa l>e!iiud the people In ttiis matter. He waa willing 10 tniit tbe tveoplu aud the people ahoold bo wilting to truat tbeir legialatora. Mr. Snem-y, aponker, n itb Mr. lv!>T in tbo Chalr, xrmke in oppoaition to tho laotioa to.raaoaahiar the vote by wldea tho bill to chrtho the fli imial laaaaiblj whb (Joiutitutioiial nowera »u loat. ll'two e*lk were propoied, he wouhi oUooae tbo leart .tbe ftnlgl.t-Out convention. Be did not und.-retand |that there w.ia to bo any iMfTercnce ln ptnrera to b* eoaatrred BfoaeltkerBaay'. True, ilielegielnturet-otildl BOt ' nicii t!:e bill of righta nor uuite tLo ******* of l.e--, exCoUtire and Judiclyl. II aiiythi.ig waa ocnt inpiated by a ermventlon, i' waa lookiug to tbo 'aover.mco of Virginia'a conn.'otion ivlth vhe Coifodera- or ar.d ep*_BI of and aepr.rite negotiatioiia with thotreaty Biaoag power af fhe Bortfc. Oaca ontn tb* rate ladyaa will let I'M-ae u ea*T*at that will |g«. . witk loaototioa the laat i.ope <<f freedom frotn thlnr'nntlnoBl UaawoLi' r.itli-r bew tbow ili.-we l.av, tluii flr toolher* tbat wo ki-.ow not ofl llow long wi'i it be iiit.r thia convention i»- cal-d beforo a cry will go f.rth and i****a**7*wt*7* or no reconttruo- tiiu Ik <tue tha watehword of 1*7488 daogeroa* t!i,.e,» Xo harm to tiust the p.-op!o aa ^eulle- mc-n aay, but It is a terrib!.? harm for Virgtuia i-i toal aat la the'n of ihafTuat for tho c 80*11*888Bt 1'i.opie aill aay, if tba uniiT wil my it, t'mt Virg.ida ia pn-paiing to le**ttooea liorii the boilr of ber Conf'derBte I.'ulon, Oai aaaay * ul aij tb.i alrglal i la i ri p.iring ta Utato the liakiBg Kliip atul take to ber joily-l,o;.t. Ibe atx-ak- .r nexer woald wttu hia voln- adrwe-ate n o-B for ,i con- Toatton, legirljuve or atrn:gbt-:.t. If otber St.'.tea fly uiadly from their aphcre like rrrutic rocketa to bla/a 'a wbile, and then in i-uiual iigiit fotiver. let tl.etn fly; but lat Yirginia be oue of t:;...e calin, 8i.eil atara, veiled aoraetimea in elond and terneeat, but in- d'-atrnctililc ua tba liriua-ii -ii*. from wl.iub it ahiuea \'iiK-.:iia muat n.'it-r partoh thua. Mr. Stapiefof Puriek. intemipting thaSpciker, *p- pealvd to tk* Houso, Be hsd nev-r aaid that a *onv*a- tion waa t-v piepaxe Virginiu for the diaaoiauon of hor i-opart: erahlp in the (.'oLfedeiaie Ln;on. Mr. Sl.-tf. v, ntii-.niiig. taid it iva-> BOW toolatetO doihia thinr'. Thealip.-f BtatatoBfoathanfjoa,aad if the '¦¦. iiubin.-iii cai.uot guii'e the thip aho BMkBt ta ,l*FV. ,1 tii p'.t-cea. It ivia io tin.e now to t-bange frontj no tim* to aeek a hidit.g pl ico froei the temne^t of war. If wearetoaitik. let tw alnk where we atuml aad go dowii wiih our nhip with one ahout af da_- 011, c. vit'l tL^ lla* of YilgllL-i. '.-iv £*r i'yr_«*4*M .H.'1'ltl.gOTer tlf. .... Mr. BaraaB of BevBord waa g'dng la ftiek to tl . ahlp till aha or inn aahore. tbco he would biiild a raft of tbe fragmenta and a«e wLat toe.ld bo doue. He Uvore.i a coiiTention. Teatc.l in th* I.4*tjalatc~*. Mr. l^ilcrtaon of B;ehm«nd »iid that onlr wbea our irnui a were overlbrvwn, the ( i.u ...!..-,y t.-rii liuib from limb. und 8t«te from St ite, iv oeld he glve hia rote or c.o.aent to gn into oonreiition. Bv*n Bftoth* laat pxiremity, tbe hunor and tottagrXWal Yli nia de- i,.','.i-ti that aha akaaM kaaal b/m. Tf Jegia,atora ba joftha ,.;l-in a eoaraatioa ij aVotaaaJealj tbey -i.oul.l wr.bdraw themaelTe. tl.e p- xsible .:.¦.;;.i:_- on ol lieing candldatea for ita nieiflhcrab.p. Mr. 8tafl*a olitalneai tbe flo<.r. "v-hen Mr. Bo-iMin eall d tVar the order of the day. The conaideratiou of x'.'1 at.d t'ii ijup-tlon 'uid'-r d- bate wua poet- p. BB* a re>olntion irom tbe S.nate extending tba laaatoa taraatf-ttre daya from raaalaf ucxi uken up. LfcFF. DAYB- OBvi-i.V HR TUh D1LL TO ARAI SI.AVF9. The lfoti=o on ye-tunhiy eoRctirred in tho Btaato^a aaaaalataat to the B*gro kfla, ar.d the Preai- dent afipiia'urp tt only cee.ioil M mike it the law of tka land. NS'o do not ooucur either * ittx the opponenta 'or wltli u porti.n ol Ihe frienda ef tha n.eatiire, M to th* Bo*f* af its 4.-on.--e.j,uencca. There are muio iiho *ee in it tbe ntt..T !,'.. -tiuctioa of our .-oeiaJ framework.'tiorgoiia, bydraa aadoklatarasdi:.-,' but itaiapij LurolTe* the forma- ti. n of aeart af arafcrrcl etoa «.f a m<-re portion of lAtrlaaa fe**iB*th*B for aairttaTtoaa put.lio kervice. From tbia tbet* ia no reason to apprebead fauU or jerea aawntlally Inlarlonj iwuaaaaBtt**, So n.uvh for it,e a****iaa eeaadaWel in it<eir. Bal ti.ii is b>- ao rueaiif a Bt*A7**Bal .lUvation. BJe are not allowed ao to jconaider it. 1*. ia a .ineauon bttweaa tightiuir »nh '.ii.d ighllng agalBBt taeae nrtipoaed ie.--_:M. It te a Ique.tttm l.-tiM-n a»bght BaatiaYtattoaaf oaranciaty by ouraelrea lor a goad reafon en.l g.x>d objwt, and It* totalfiibvei-ion by our otwaitea arahad aaa With C.. Qoveraat. rt in .":r haii-la, wblck mir laJepenilenco vv.i .1.1 ., we i-ould abWBiaaily pratiCl our aiKiety 11 apnxofrlata iaws. Witk tho UoTarBBaal taken out oroai h.-it.ii--, aa wo*JI oc tka taaa If aabjaaatal. cur lutv.i aaatd le ae-.t ti) al Irom Boaton, Tht-n.- is a world of diiTrreneo la the laeeaa**, Wene^d notstop to elubuiate it; it wlil sii.kc ciery oue wnhouL* arhe argee af if Ihay ld.utieai, do fr,«a iBjBBtie* to the qui iilmi and to the itareat* imolred. We do not at ali «.-¦ ,-.t to lh**o*JeatiLr*a aad priphevie--, to wbiah theytieatua, oa frniti of oar poltoy. tkoy aic overaralaad and fau- i-.t'ni. ltut the oona'.i'ieme* t.; Yaakao rBbkagalioa ,1-fy ibelr iitmo.-t jioiiera of de.4-iiptiou. and simuid be Bccoptod at far groator aaariBes t^.lu ao arecolbd iitioit to r.ake, eltheT of prop.ity or pretotUo*. An objeotloa i.hich haa been Btad* agnin«t t.:o iiei. ivo'luv is tbat it ia too Inte. YVe believo not. but If it bwk* made It too iuto I lor II e .-t 8*41 the tery petaoa* nlio lave fut Bf tbat obj. ciiou. 8o aaving thev ooitdemu tbetiiaelvea and argu" ui""i the-.r ou'n wiotg. llut Uuee now to lugument. YVe haT* in'ide tk* foregoing brief rtttaarki biiLply to u, o*f> lain boneat but i'leotmiderito anprehenni i.s. BOI to pro- 1..iu'ibe faaatoa* of ihe h*totAt-aagto. kVaa* remame lioiv ii toi- ua to aci .'pt l\ ita _ooU faaobtkekwaf the laud. Otr* it a f.iii' Our Iret aad oar araat c»t buameaf ia to dcleat tuo YuLkee*. BB do tbia, no Dtiea it too lear a* laerilea too gi***. SLAVK SOLl'lERS AU LUf, In tho Rehel of alcBreaiiataVtfTOa tho onlyitomof iuiportanielart Thuraday wua tbo ap*eial order taken np, v./: the b.ll to mcreaso tho miilturr for.-o of tbo Coiii't-dera'.e titatea. mtb the Jaeuatc aiuend- i- .-ut u. Inart after tbo koarth Scalioa the bdlowiu^ Brtahtoi .Prj.Ui-J, Tba? uot moi* than twentyflva . .... .i. .1....... )..4t u-.-eii he .U.-I-. n! eiirl.l.'.'.i .>r 4-ei.t of tl.e malc alavea belw.-eu ibe aaei ol elafateau and f rti Rve in cuy .SUto aball be c.illid for 8Bd«t tho i'r ,4 llona of tbia aet." 'ibe amvudiuci.t ivaa cou- inrmliubT the fodowiu* vote: .__.__._. 4 v.. vi.-'-r Ai.Jer'jn. Biraiailr, Ita'-on, Riy or, Hliad- f..i,l HmJi-t H- W. Bnkc*, Carrpll, V ark. (1 ptoa. C. and, |,,.,',.,. Iir.ljni.-tt-,, Dupte K:^tt, Bwlug F ,a- .-. n Oaiihor. llood, il.ay. HaBiy. Johnaton. Ke.-b! -, Ly¦> -., Wj, --n, M ,r»iiAl, M,-M.n!lB, MoB**a ktUI r. Mur.ay. M-irr, I*.li.iiii.Keid, eiinpiou, Isaad,fBafkaa,TaataB audYUirr* Rxia MaajBTB Uoeock ,;-iiraa*ll. .'.tkui, PiUlwin, Braiich, CLauibera, Colyer, Crulk.hknk, 1 i'oi, Uhatoa, Uilaai, llartrlilf*, Uateher, l|r:b«fL l.oi.n-.iv, J. M. Lr. li, J.'l. 1.. ul'. Loeaii, M«C*J ita, llmiiiy, Roxera, B«*lon_J. B. Kuilth, Ba itb '.N.C,.)1 Tarner, YVi th iu, U.kce ^J \\ Uha apuju.17. TITANFT". TO WAnR HlMPTO.f. Iii the Beyjxto, Mr. W'igi'ull >ubmitto.l tLe fel- lowinK Joint n-ioJution, wbicli un* agreed to: gtitteeJ, by thd CoiigrofB of tho Coufedcrato 8int.-a of Aaajrloa, Thal tho tkanka "f Caapaaa and ti* iilolo ooui.tiv nro diio, and bio herobi tiiidend, to Lleuf.-Geii. Wado Butipion, for hia manly letter of Feb. -.'7, 1883, kddxeaaad loG**a \Y. T. 8hermau; und thut, ln tbe opl.-io.i ot C4Wgr*S*, tbo Bxec.itivo IK-p-irt- mrut iboulu iibTtain liea. Bamptva m ourrying afc* ito poiley indleated ln bfs letter. URAGG'8 mVOCOOO, The nispntch axjrxi kmstnn i-4 thirtr milcs c if* of Nevvluin, fllteetl ivea'. oi'tji'Liyborrt', aafltCTOUtf- ., goutheut ef B **igk. 1 ne torea art Ich ii. a. Br*_g aAXa-k*d aud whipped waa io.tera, wb.h tvaa atiahlng un to t-oOperate wl i i'erry, who u adrnnctn* oiKi'-i.!-' orougb, ftoa Wlitalagtoa. Un Ikouaht thal akothex Igll i**k ptoae ea yeatoi i**/.

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  • mm*%$1 1 IpVH _V01 XXIV.N°- 7,1G7. AEYV-YORK, MOm\Y, MARCIl 13, J86-. PR1CE FOUR CENTS.

    Bja* gkaaBj ¦ »>o»«- a_* ¦ . *


    *rv»oa tr -4*8-0. cati. 80888*4- Jtcxwooo."*c

    |88PI»tlB l-BOM MPT-BAl llBIBtl

    Tl-^OBBLKP t^-Old SbbI. Mia^cions irotUd ccrtainry biti tad Le aotchod tbe OMfPOOO of the.

    *,a,6er b**o.>,. the 83-88 Baaah-bj tha tuinj.ite-bfaal botiuned aouthward, poooofl tka pivket guard.Md,Laktcn:bgoua«arar'.d 88*8, Mt8P8l tha r.coelI.lcb befoie BBfE.TMoMoMooaatkaattaTi Bf*a tka a_B8 toat. of

    ..tepatiiot tomW MllllBaaJ it, BlItlalBB «* mileiarer the Mtakt. 11.1- Likl n llada af rnow-dtlfts; ond

    apon tbe bbM|J BOBt-BOB of tl.e dlt-tantoutjx.ati. _Bf_lranie ou __4 0018-818 in tb. u 88*Taa vitj a'pr'i wulle

    farawoTttotheia, »i*t*ve. alve«, iu tbeir tomfortablo

    horcee, -icurLid ef the b.Ted on«s heie.

    PidFred-kff..i!crolec?thBt nigM? Mi ahl dtcru

    ifkerdaihng boy reatlug upon the bard glggjol BBItloie of tbe BOjaad wfco nited, or V-MBBBJ Avit'a tkoaaato watoLcdl DU *hc a._ hiin uart from iaafaltofBBB ln Ihe i.lght. erul, haaj-kj "P arttl hii comradci.aniwer to kB hr* apoktu nenietTLey are going M i. tLe aei.tir.ili. The lireaare

    »nt, and ln iiler.ce ond dnrkneaft Ika} Btaeill along theiLad.wy eltlc of tho lidge. -ItJ mennt toward itatrcit. latbe 8-*0Jl-0a of-Oixo (>arfl-b ti-ck fv.utly deIne- agaicat th* ii_B rky. __t8B84l a volco t-eyenjal-ailertp. ..

    '.lToi^!., Tho BaityoM-t-..Wbo gioe there i".. Ji*.ll*;," -I .11 io* Baaaaajaa,"AcTet.tu MlgMBt. *Bk ttl BIM1 lalgB."__*kerrert t 0 iiarieea, aad whi-p'!- BV I OgiO 8-fi

    B bm ggj aftka ehaawaggp. ir. lotter in tjrn athvta_r» lt in the ear of th. M)M_00 ato lOliMOO hic). T..cli*ai«Ltit.'r, takl th'.r j.iaresi tle old onei I'all luto

    Bafiaif iflkl laBot-k] i>bity, aa U B__i*kaB8B,iii ia i' aa k aa tbt iai k cr.^t of the litikfo.Fifd ii l:(.'.to_',- BOflf BBhM '."Vv -4-01 lioei lhal

    .oreen _M aJekaio Uk ra lYoai Ika aaaa y_ akgi 11Ue ii not a!.r.e. B8_M0_!J80l8_r8fj4}_*f__-M- TfcoraI* ao isoon, ar.d but few Btan aro TisiMe. Wktt Iatrargc, *H'11. katatj -tgktl _*aB0jBj kaaa*kaa* ai utbo t..tirfj la. Ile uiaT l.e far 8**J in thoae uo-d*atctVr, or le ajflf be |g Bgajoaa-J ejaga .vviihiu BrWI*.*.

    |-*i BM*mj| vc-'ii.jaiiv abo..', fx:_i.i:.inp the gt*___."r.di.'t je Lrar r.iiLi.'g'' Vh_by8PI vi- Joel. "A

    tPBgkl- :¦ M thsM Ifl 188-1 _8f J'Thcj I nerrd: td r >v..i.i!' Fred rrorehee laa*, la

    aiiicr to M c-rrt e^-niiit thr tkv *.ej o'.jV. t ajay begMtbtf aaar. B*patBklB8*j to fba gtaaaA Faatit-pei 'ihtie ia aaaal*fjy apatoacfclagi ra* >.;tbree fciut- BM airibie."K-!!' Y'.ht gaaaj t!..* '"

    "Patn..'""Staud* AdTRuc* oi.ea.'.h tk* .rubtcirigL."The tounieralgn ia lifkE The pattol atkb a fI v»

    agjgg-kjM laiBtaa/MOB. ¦'¦i"J~ l ;erce.-1 1.-8 88 utta. I obatf 'ho _ce Icre, aomc

    ¦kggesj _888l layMLght,'' praaMata-a-M «'.u J*.i.w__8_*a_Bf8ja '* ^'"ifr OM 81 UMM ^I'-vt B8I""Dovii. Bth_t-_l8l -ar Cykroagkl iut Ile

    wm s* ipy ¦' pafa 11 A.Jkt u-j rath m on that. Tte'a in tbe Ttcbtl cau.p,

    i. i.gTort- -Ua 1 haBata S M-MkBaaaBj I'.t.ia-to eaiak tka br^t bkdioa.fJJM of I .. OTOBMBtla tkBtdi-8-tioa. BafM-1 t*Ie cueiry BBI B88B tU eafapad l.» Bi-kotl:. _>r < 8*1 *bd bitn ii:"ii" i.j.'te aie a *\x:i-\ fi Bl BPBlta lh* aataMJOja*Tl.. bo -n tbeir guard,.elake a__ J.ii ..oiop.'ibio:)* aith the reat, 8-1 niorcblowlyI BBBM I"" BBPBrtj BM Qfldlaalj UM Bakgl BBr-tP*|*r* ijaon U em. HuriDg dmhi l iuo BM line, _B| p ig.lurrd afp>rji;.-cr.e:>, they w_*el, tni! li.ake a aaoop toIfkeio whtt otraiFglera llo«y aaa. Hare BB8J 80888,8.» 't iMujIaiaao8j*0f yoB-kg, .ilbaaklMla nh:" by i.roilh ''ebO'ita-Inke.i' e io en ataaa pt tc ttmjt bbt if i' B080M8

    rksa few trattpred _ayM0M_aaa^_Mi luth an l;ajiot-ofi-aaalaa '

    * OtrkMaM J< (I .throwiig io*l hia renj.h«t. olJ thn BlBg uplla 1

    " BSaai the luck grovbJak*, BMwtiai-MdatoggalOI._nj.ia

    l eiBBMj biitkf i.i" ii.",; '-ot. ib.j.tjiug8M aaiii]Tboykaroyla thoi Tha B%,b«Ba_____d

    ff atrraad JPafpaj I

    llliORMT FAOH WM fAHOLI.W-*>..¦-

    A BiUtle Reported Ncar Kinstonon Wedncsday last.


    The Gnliantry of thcllnion TroopsAckiiowlcdgcd.


    Rimiorctl Vnion Victorics inSouth Carolina.

    chjoAtham and jorasToa m" AiVFULLY WHiri'ED."


    y\'a-iiin«-1'-n Mareh IX '.'".;/,< i, l ,,.. EMMiarrofFiidxj wntaJnatbe

    ifraaGea, Lea g|Yt*gtk*[ol batl b BiBel a, Martfc CaiaBaa ketareaa Oon.Biagfat theCo fttkrata a*~ay, aal tki Uaiea bbtc**wblch l.'Vi.,fi Sea ratoaaeetl aaxlBtbeai|*a*iaB .!...¦¦ ...! .

    Di AtrQi AJLIBBa, >'e .'; rck ". 18*8,// n. J. C. 1 MU" -v ' '¦'

    Brapg t- it he Bl ke.l tt- eay |. rday,leain freni of K'- iton, at,.i di .". >m bto

    poait.on. Bc diajnil I .¦ ' '' k(apanew line ibrwmileefrom hii , r<tbr. c j ry aad 1.34* |*-i*o'i.ia. TlI,. .,1 Iba B r J .. idB d vv-u:..: . tlllarge. 0 iraiireli tmalL 'i uie-,,,. .,;,,.¦:,... i..[ Malor-Oeaa, HiU and Bnka ax-!,.. icd tbeir m ,i bm a**7gy. IL LbX.

    ,- ¦:, ri-.. wMeb tkO fagkf iK-cuuetl, iaM-u.t'daatka aTraot laata Baa Q**aa8a8***rh toBawbara

    kksat Iwaaty iLilr* etat af fJ*k**kaawagh au-!laBeat tkirtj fr-'in B rwkaraj D :- nf*.m I thia forre of tbo eneriiy n a aa>van'-intr Ba* Newbi-m ajjalaai (ioblaboroufb tkfftk*Mlfa l af utima; tho raiiio id at tt t i akBi I'i BB

    t : t! .» n aka tlut tl.e inriuvai1. att< tiij tt* i | c, ni.d it i« hk.'y ive fhall B*BtbrBXT*f aa*J8Bxfiii g ta.k ea* »«1 r:., , ai.J iu l!i« f.L.t, nnd il. t. if Juiotur". ltIn.iiv ba' ¦'¦ t raa**t**Bi* aakbanaaalaf tke ***** of Uhen aa


    tim. BBbb88*7BBJ Arr*o« at.- axaaaa a--**.. -..*brtwr.n lla.d.o and HetiurryurilA B.n. tlt ---Thiolrii-ala Takiatf ttiellnili 1 ladr, tVe.

    Fku. o... .-j- ... ( .- ¦; B*aai\V':VIM.7'7V, N. C, Mal'lb 7,18S

    Adrlees lecmi ti'i.tunrthy, lmve i.e.r ftiiir 0*8. Sl.irn.en. aoaltBtH IO] -'*ahlih raaahfI at itm-' aaya .-n..-, ta tk*affectthalhu BMia 888*71 ¦."¦ "1 '"'" Ba*tkC*iaBaa*l kaail uleyaago. Bh roata ftkrwagk Ckmntw, B » - th}:.!.: m.o efG( il li-'iif'-aie rep. rtt 8 tot.-lungoii

    ->,. ]¦. ;,.-, tokaal '!,...

    tnrie.l lo int nioutiotied, but it waij.rol.ably BBB I * baflou tie Um oftho st Boa of leaak and Soith CbpoBm

    Veaerlloaa from ihe Itrbel Army.NKVVHFItV, X. C, 1-kaM, iJ,r'.

    Yaatardaj Cmmmuj i» af tho Gth North C_p*olino C, iif.'.'.'-rate Cavalry, whi.-h was raia.'d L- ra Batl of theState, BBflM BttB-B- linea Inab-dy,

    ialththe.r tvvo M-'utennnt*, tbeir Lnraea aud Oa*Jf>meiit*, nuuiberiug "ror aUty men, and d.liver-d th.'in-selrca up to our OOOB-WB U-i ...LVer* nt (.'ninp I'akjruer.Altcr p.irtakuiK of a bountiful feaat at Cauip 1'alu.or,

    they. wltn the uhl Iag at tl.e head of tbeir eolunm. rn-Mrod Ihe tiiv, tl.e hk-btlaBBM vt «B_b8_ tLty are nowBaJsjlBgaWkOB tlcv wero Juforrne.l that thpy wuiM IHOtfl

    BBJ .'¦ i ;)., ir hol-P» illidailnaaial le f'.i i.i- ko d»y-ii.. nt i.r iiih.wtd to go Bo-tk, tiry i*_M__eiti..!t if Bwa* [MOiaBj kaa_* in th- Baatk that aaah areceptionBVattad tka'.ierate BBllba- iu 888 linra thocutire Aiary Of the Couftd'-racy _W_kl boBoB mMB. 88BBBykkTM arr.iu! of tl.e l*BBM-0-01 8f IkB l*g_B8_t_UBl

    OBI B_l ¦ ia l"..k. 1 i»' ¦-¦ V

    LUut-C a. WA8B Jlami i""-. C-aaaaitaj 0 ¦.. .

    Qerebal: It ia officiallj TYiporttHj to ma tiintOBI fi.i... | | liei a-r :¦...r !':¦.!.'" r ... Pi, ili,.!, ,1 'll iat_ lo ..:. r igi ) tl -t 1 e..aii.>t, of-- r. neatinB yoor rl,,,; ,¦!, ibe .'. outry. "IU ingtl i otd a* aiilory I d"i-"'. »"". '¦ "'.''. ibii rl|¦-1, Bui u iel* iI 11 il.l.rei-n ll an tl il - .1 n - Bl -I- ll ilkT llii.- rigb) lbal eterj Baa ha.- ta .!¦ feud li boaprotecl thooo wko are deaeattoBt aao" bJaai aad ftaaitaybeart i wl-b that orory abf avta aad h"r in mjcoiuitry *ho eaa Ira aaaa, vaaM hi-r t doaa, aahaiioiild ll V ll.l, the n.eii w!o ll- deeolal.Bg IheUi.r il. baralag U Mi ba m ai I li attlag ll :r vobm aYoa are parttoalai la deBalng .. .! olalmiaa "woi'i rhta." hfay I aak lfyou eanaierote otaong l :.. Ihoi.'-h, to Ire npon a d. tei .< '¦¦ m lt- wltl

    barntbal :tv |otMgW«_iafk r it h id bei Biarreoderedbi ibe aotborltlee, « o claluied, ihou ;h Ir \ .ln ti ,ii.ret-, lion whii h I- alaoyoaseordod Inclvdlaed aarfarein..:. onbat-Dto; totue ihe .!«. lui.g buuaea if rltl/,,. | i, r., ibiag th,'iu, a:,.l U. perpeiraie eren darti rcritnei Itan Um m oruaeo tie. blaeh to o mentioned.

    Y. a hare -nuiit-il, Ifyoa fa ira aotordi i- lb< -¦ m-ii.| m kta >.' tl r- .,ii f*eei agalaai hnmaoity and lbal '¦of'war. Poo flred lato tho cdty of Colurnbla wil >u1 .-Iword of woralog. Aftorko lurrender by Ua Maror.ahe darnai d. ,1 pn le ittoa to pripate i rtit erty, yoo iklii,-' i, ,.'.ni aitbea, tariaf aa_i n* ruuii Ibou-laadi ofold mea aad l rploaa wo_m n aad rhlldi i'are hkely to perieh of oiaraaUaa aad rap-aat*. P.mrl.ii- ofnarch eaa batr.1 bj ll ol irld liglj, ... and to more tl laoaoboai bold there ia aa aguny f r n oie bitt-i IbM th il nfdeuth.The ladlaa ma | I hli lieth* r-.'ir.ih- >f aex ot

    ii^'o, but aith aii i.i. barbority ba ulwnjo r. ip _ted Ibeperooni "f hia Brmala eapiirea Yoai lolutn BtoriMvage t ui ihe b liaa, bkiaB tkaao akiM gataral jao-t. eti ii r- aba Btlu i¦.. lllibioU, 1 IlilVPOf.l.V tl. le.JKlt th.t TvllPl'PTcr

    T'.'i baro aay oi w) bmb" .i-t" .i ,' or "n.ur.ii -ai,"

    fi: I',.-t-nui appeui to I.e a.ino.ivnioua wub you, vonM || |, ,.. 11.,. nt It, :n ordi r I a-i i,,w *halbci ot i.t ihe i" tko n.a!ter. lu tii" otoo-U8M 1 ihalli.i.i.. Bfty-ilx of yoor mea na bo-tama br iboaawhafliyoa hato oriereo to M exea-otod. Iat_,yoora Aa,

    ,."WA' 1 Hv.I .'.:., J.le .1. I.eD.


    \\ u.'.i- lluiuplau Ikuiibiat foi lli* Hiply laNhrrnian.

    F-'rowa Thr fUrLmontl Stitllnrl, .fi.,,h9.11 ii iin.'-iK.iiil.'Il'*: lictvvci-ii (i.'iiuial S ..-r-

    i.i.iii and HaBipt-Bi ta to-daj'o Maar, wiU bpsbm (!"'BiaaUueoool ovoryiHM »ko peadi it. IJ«B. Ilaaiptfjo. ill rei-i'iT" thw thaako "i arerj L'oafederato f»r bMipJritrOJ and appropriaie om war lo Ibe S onkoe bruto.

    'i i,iM-,.ri"i|..'ii'!-'r " t-»."'.'- Ibefatoof tbo boautlfulrity of I dotaiila Pired Into witbout a raing, aad laid,,, .: r i,ri",,ib r, M,. 11 laa earu. ii fol b_B-r-.r thebatoof mojikiad au.l Uta lreat*Mot dao t""wib! iu .VI. lli- b.iib.ii.tT will baro aa efl'eot opf-aitotn th a traloh be detog-od, aad will ai-uoo otom ii.i'l

    ii,.4> n> nh....i doaa kiai aad hBaa-Blad Ba>Bg. n at BYotj .; i l By.

    Brerptiou of ihr BJl w-Yorlt Volnairira.Auianv Sali.i.l iy, M.reli 11. 1

    Tho Sai n tarj >' vVur ba i ''"v-j'. aton thai bo a -¦ latbe li hdi r 11 tbe MRb KeglBonl,¦1 .-!._,¦ Natloi JUBardi of Broohja/i, Col Adanii moaoyvai- k-PTico, fo ;,'. oa rffJ ....:. oi _-8|a



    "VYe hnvc f'lll ftlei of Bkbatond pnpers to IheOthiwt. (ThTirfday la.t), and rcale the foRowIng aa>Itraeta. Bnch of t,, m na a.e wlthont date are fromThartday'a kwraesi

    Wa» PIowbiA GRFAT YYAR MIETING AT lALADEGA, PLA.Frmn The Ifhig:TAi.Arii'iA, FeK. gp, r!a CrtiRi.OTTP, Xfrrrh 7.- \

    greaf ninaa meetlnp; wna hild bere to .hj.tbe B_M Hare riaing. Thia moralag ihe li' u. A. V.. Ball ad*dTeaaed an iounenie aiiu.euee lu ibe eharek for i IB80*of three and a ha.f boure, wldeh i-alhd forth tbe on tim part of tl.e peonto. Tk* B*«ll*acewaadiaii.iia.d until 'j p. m., whan IBey weie addreaaedln Bipci'.'h of two ni, ,i lu.if l.oiiia bv C*l t. Buid. Witkgnat cffei f. Tba of thoa* efbirta to, that tk. peo>ple bere are now uuiu-d and will ftoaeont* tbe w..i- viir-oronaly.Tbe al'.'le rnattcr ootcludcd with a grai.d cativiiiiJ

    alr by the tadiea.AN KAKLY ATTACi: ON MOBIXB TEOXATOEO,From the Mino:Moain, Keb. 88, Tia (iiiriotte. If. C, Marek7.¦

    Tvaaty-twoateameraaud mx Mtt.ii-s'iui rirer trai.a-porta are in iba Luwtr liay, nnd a large numbet oftroopa are reported on Danphia Dluid und r«Liacola,uidlt-ati; " an eaily on thia city.


    Adjearnmrnt of Ihr g ot>«"< ilrinle (nngfi...In the Rebel Seiiato on the &h tho l.'ll.jwii'.cr

    aetloa waa taken on t'.e ijtteation of alj tirnm. t.t:Mr. Maxwell ct Floril* moved ti. i-lriu r »rd pr.-.-:vr tbelf in.-itu, t |-:. ,..L t |..-..,ii r I. I.rirl.) auu.. r.rt I., ...k foi

    tbo 'ineri of ila.4 a Iba BMTtoaa af a rbhedtad Braro me* aa h* Baxy aV»ui e*podl*iil

    forandd rtocta. ..r o i^ rform uiiliaiy n-nUr iu v»!.i».re f 1 I V I.r i.r dl.i il.

    .-ri .' Tl tti, Omrn.1 in Ch'.rf ba * IbOfhwd lonrail/rIbt aaid aaaa kato aapaata, batt.lioi-, rrglaaaata aadi- .-. i.i..';. b |, !. . »rd I'gal.t. . . -. -r. r. I.ry ol

    ,. - ..... lodtob*. i. n.ji.did t,y afl .¦ «.1 PP Bt

    .i. .inploytd la lb* irnri .-. Iba aaid trc*pt, laibeaatM r ttoa*, ilalktoa a Ii .-,|wi.«.:loii ei

    i .... ia i| .¦. ....- kn ehol iba -iv- -.>n 4 Tbaflf, obaVf tt* ptoitoaa faeel Bal Ibtaaft, tbe

    p, i || ,.. i.i b- ihle 'o ra ." j mrln ii-i.t BBBthirol., ;,,. -, tl.- vair lateaaafally and u .iutam lb*

    ,--,.. ai'dlle ii. !--|r.,lr.,.| Ihr ( ,.n.. -, y «u'l /,-.! t.. .-. ¦!...." - .4.- - .... 4...,.....,

    .u.vri Ita Ihiaka M expeai.B, lor har .j.nio .¦!.. .., ., I ry -. ia 1 .

    ,...-.. ¦ 4., i .. u.'iy thero-l af lha Pre .¦ ul ;.,||, .. -4 I .- .1 Ir II li ir II 1 lie (,. oala

    lion, Irreira iitboI or, IneacbHsta,.. iia jripvr auiuonf. . Il.-r. bl v. .!. f bB

    11. .1 Ihlaa oi 11>iil tim a. bebu.l l.f|.!*. II*.' wa* not loUolod that the majoilty of the arniT wn- ia lavor oftM The armyhad I aoa told tkal tha BMBBBi* waa ueeeiaary, and tkaybad ac'iuiitied. He did i.ot h-llero that the lieruea *iihfaaaaaat, Fr< _nrlikob'irg and Cold llarbor were b-dd-ing out thelr to tbe i.-.-r, r to :i .. and 0088tBOOB. He .lld irr.t heh-TO tbat our tloops Wouid lir! 1with that eoaotanay a lefa iboald Inapire troopo ln (koI lu iir af battle Who*th-y kn-w th.aliiielr flnnVa wer*be.i,,? hi bl by upgroe*. llu repeaied tbat be would B8T0youd Bf-init tnr Mil egpppt for tl.e lootruetiOBi ablohpat aa obUgstioo uj:on him. H» ikoakl gaoaBMf loniold th« b.ll -o at to inr.-y o'it '.Iip tiue apirit

    gliiial.cgialal ne to m-'ruv't iti 5ri:r.toia b.'t.T the rr.n-t i .. ilelilaTBtion of the Srieto had dtOMaed of tbaauoaaia. aklak aieetod :.>.t iM rkatoafPIrgiotoalooo,baf otapy -lata b.tain UM Fekaaai gad tl.e Bm(Irabtte. 'M-. Ol*.8_l arK'.id at laagtk air'.lu.t thelOiiifltiitiepiilitT and i ipedleotry of the Bfcoaaat*._fr. BeouBeo ipoke bt -draoa y of the bdi. Ba advo-IcBtoditaa oneaB>*itT. It *00 hOttOf to throw orer

    part af tka aaraatkaa toloae the abip nnd cargo to-gethop. lt aua arged by Gca. laa, and the ssaajs*naeaeeo vhich aoufl toUo* woald aot bo *o bad aa hadI... n laaiooaataA Ba ).- r"' tha bUI wouid be *o modi-fird aa M .onfnrri t tb* UBJBbiiUbBI gtrrn by the Stateif V iiu-inia tohrr Sei.atori.Mr. Orr oirpttai-d ti ebiil.Mr. Ibiniitt BPfOd ife paaMkg*.Tl.p Senale rei"lve«l lota -eeret leo.lion.WTivreUAT. lli.r-h -.. Ibe Senato retunied con

    ? idiiotlou nf the Jin:.»e bill to invreaae tten.)!lt_rTfon-oof thaC-Btwaat-BI lytbe eitiplovrufut Bf

    Hr. ao-..ib.datthc lame Unif, but tivt dan-geroaaly. .lTuui The r.iamim.r clitonal:

    FABt DAY.Tha _8j satBpart kvt pobli- worohipdawns ua aaaea hat awro au-i'ii'tou-iy than any one dayfiir thp la-t threo bmbUm. iiue ot tl« ooltuaao of tho,.,,, 1|V wblob Mir.'to'.'oriii Bhenaan'i adraaciag i.u.e,ha* baoa detenied with hnivy liw, rear KiiTArototi,N C and thoogh 188BlkJPI*B.IrtOTOM, l-OttHtBg l'ithe aastaro of bel ikraa goaa and 1,8-8 pttaaeiai yrt itBM] !«' tiiKeli ua ab 881-001 tha*. 0_t COBUBB-deTBBMMIhe andoiii troopa la flgbtlagtriro oaco aot* lothat liireitioii. lu faet b-BO-MM ia ouly beb-lnniob' tofeel llu. dUBcultk -. of hia eniorprUe.

    S.i h.iiK aa it waa I i.t bmiilim ileferspleas (owni androbbtog -Maaaaa and aayto8*-iei wivca aud chtl.lren,ha i* bad brilliatit 88888801 BM B8W ho will liav-tnllght. (irant'a 01*00*1 giand BMTOrgtog oi_np*lgnH-eiaa now to iiroiiti M the laino kind of tennirntb'n of l.ut veiir. Ji>' iiui do noiiuug li.-rc nulesa shei-1iiian i-onie* up to l.lm from Bootb ("..rolina.UMMa -mi ni eaniiot ioiuo. Anotlier ea.pnttal a*li f hiaprograuioio..(«''Dka «"".totli. CBplui-eoiT.y-ohbiirg;.ui,!, to tne latei accounta tr*Ta.*****)* BB8fl lt oraom*of ita oftleerg. Ia* Ya-keea ui fery eugcr to get poi-aeanion uf our tob.uvo.Vcit to cotton theru ia nothlng of oura wiileh they coti-I

    fo iii'jeh. Aal BB tbey ennno? eoat* al B*t*a tob.iccoaioied at Peteisburg aud Kithnioud, they feom to haiobetboiight them of auother plan. A Yankec B*a*i 'Iriingleton haa twic* asked for a p..»a to eome within ourliuua, and it haa been twioo granted. In v.nn aoniewary Confedorntea proteated agai.-iat thia, repieaentiugthat thia Yaukee oould huvc i,o honeat here.But we have a Govenimeut that deapiaea " pahilo clorn-or." Tlui Mr. riingleton migiit bo a I'eaee r-.inmlg-aioner. he might be aneaklng tbrougb our liuea to bringna an offer of recognlzing our lndependence, or on *on.aB*a*t**8 mltaion of thataort; io ba wua permitted tocoiiip ebuig. Soon it beeame kuoivn that be waa onlyon a nilsilun to procnra tobacoo by purohase; pay-i.iont to bo iiiudo in bacon at eertaia ratiBagreed npon. Tl* tobaeco oerordingly waa aaaOforward bv the Ir'redi riokaluirg road, 3W,0uOponnda of it, or there.nbouU; and waawaitlng nt ITniiiilton'gCroaaiiip, nnd.-r charge of Con-federute BBBBt*, nutil theexchange anould bo efTected.Bnt now, by gorce obanoe.aomo extremelr fortuitonaeoincldenoe.thoitore of prcciona toeaaae u_d scaicelyarrlve,1 there.and waa ttill in Confedtratc handa, wben,lie'ioM, s lnrge force of Yaokee-B bappened to appear intbe aan.e plnee, l.avii.g come lu ateame.a np tbe I'.appn-bannock, aml aaiaal tbewholc af the tobacoo, andeitherearrled it off or bnrnod it. And now where ia thabaaaa I We mnat gire fnll credit t» the ingenionat, tuon whleh contrived and exeouted tbia littlo aA-henie.It Ia a perfi-i-t tpeilnien of a apeclea of traDiactiuaralled Yankeo t.Teka, whieh menna a verv clerer gwin-d!c. Ia our a.igaciona Oovernment Bfitiarled vett Haait reen enongh of the 4tonaequenws of ndmittlng publioeiieniieg witLlnoiirlineato look after private olfiLiU)Wbo ia the next Yankeo that will atk a puaa l

    8TATB COBYENTIOW.In the Yirginia Uouso of Delegatcs on TliTirs-

    dnr laat tbe following debate ocgurred on the propoai-lion for a State Convention:On motion to gnapend tho rnlea for tho reconsideratioa

    of t!io Tote by wblch the bill conferring couvcntioLalE1*788 unon the General Aaaeinbly waa lost, Mr.uuter of IWkeley obtalned tho floor in oppotition totho propofHlon to reconnuler tbo vote.Tbe atoaaaalea already bad upoa the anbject had had,he thongbt, dangeroui and permcioua etfecta. Iio hopedtbo vote would not be reconaidered; that the b.ll woahlbe left to aleep tbe aleep of deatb. Mr. Buford ifIMtaylrania hoped tbe noaae would urraign itaelf upoatbe queation fair and fqnare without prcjiidicejhe Ikuagkt no harm oould eome of a Conrention. Thotitne migi.t i-'.iiie |wU''n legialatora would fii.d them*lelvaa l>e!iiud the people In ttiis matter. He waa willing10 tniit tbe tveoplu aud the people ahoold bo wilting totruat tbeir legialatora. Mr. Snem-y, aponker, n itb!>T in tbo Chalr, xrmke in oppoaition to tho laotioato.raaoaahiar the vote by wldea tho bill to chrtho thefli imial laaaaiblj whb (Joiutitutioiial nowera »u loat.ll'two e*lk were propoied, he wouhi oUooae tbo leart.tbe ftnlgl.t-Out convention. Be did not und.-retand|that there w.ia to bo any iMfTercnce ln ptnrera tob* eoaatrred BfoaeltkerBaay'. True, ilielegielnturet-otildlBOt ' nicii t!:e bill of righta nor uuite tLo ******* ofl.e--, exCoUtire and Judiclyl. II aiiythi.ig waaocnt inpiated by a ermventlon, i' waa lookiug to tbo'aover.mco of Virginia'a conn.'otion ivlth vhe Coifodera-or ar.d ep*_BI of and aepr.rite negotiatioiia withthotreaty Biaoag power af fhe Bortfc. Oaca ontn tb*

    rate ladyaa will let I'M-ae u ea*T*at that will|g«. . witk loaototioa the laat i.ope BOW toolatetO

    doihia thinr'. Thealip.-f BtatatoBfoathanfjoa,aadif the '¦¦. iiubin.-iii cai.uot guii'e the thip aho BMkBt ta,l*FV. ,1 tii p'.t-cea. It ivia io tin.e now to t-bange frontjno tim* to aeek a hidit.g pl ico froei the temne^t of war.If wearetoaitik. let tw alnk where we atuml aad godowii wiih our nhip with one ahout af da_-011, c. vit'l tL^ lla* of YilgllL-i. '.-iv £*r i'yr_«*4*M.H.'1'ltl.gOTer tlf. ....

    Mr. BaraaB of BevBord waa g'dng la ftiek to tl .ahlp till aha or inn aahore. tbco he would biiilda raft of tbe fragmenta and a«e wLat toe.ld bo doue.He Uvore.i a coiiTention. Teatc.l in th* I.4*tjalatc~*.Mr. l^ilcrtaon of B;ehm«nd »iid that onlr wbea

    our irnui a were overlbrvwn, the ( i.u ...!..-,y t.-riiliuib from limb. und 8t«te from St ite, iv oeld he glve hiarote or c.o.aent to gn into oonreiition. Bv*n Bftoth*laat pxiremity, tbe hunor and tottagrXWal Yli nia de-i,.','.i-ti that aha akaaM kaaal b/m. Tf Jegia,atora bajoftha ,.;l-in a eoaraatioa ij aVotaaaJealj tbey-i.oul.l wr.bdraw themaelTe. tl.e p- xsible .:.¦.;;.i:_-

    on ol lieing candldatea for ita nieiflhcrab.p.Mr. 8tafl*a olitalneai tbe flo