victory44 intl december_2014_newsletter

Dear Friends, Greetings from Chiang Mai. We praise God for your faithfulness and sacrifice for the ministry in Thailand! Home With A Heart Children’s Home One thing that deeply burdens the hearts of each of us on the Victory44 team is to help children in difficult family situations. The breakdown of the family is extensive in Thailand with most children growing up in single parent families or being raised by grandparents. This breakdown of the family usually results from alcohol and drug abuse, marital unfaithfulness, and financial struggles. One ministry in which we can show the love of Christ to both parents and children is the Home With A Heart Children’s Home ministry. Pastor Kim and his wife, Fern, continue to raise young girls in the Home With A Heart foster home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Five young girls ranging in ages from four to thirteen years old are living in the home. Victory44 International is helping children in crisis find healthy homes to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually in Christ. As a result of experiencing the love of God through the home, two of the children have made decisions to follow Christ! Praise the Lord!! We need your help with prayers and support for this ministry to continue raising young people with a love for Christ in Thailand. In September a group of Christian ladies from Singapore visited the children’s home and purchased beds, a washing machine, a rice cooker, and an iron for the home. Above and beyond that, they painted the children’s rooms to remind them that Jesus is their Shepherd. The children were so excited to sleep in their new beds and see their beautifully painted rooms. We thank the Lord for Sharon, Bee, Judy, and Shupin who sacrificed their time and resources for the children. We thank all of you who support Home with a Heart through your partnership with Victory44 International. With your prayers and financial support you are helping to raise these young people to know and love the Lord in Thailand! Relief and Development-Thailand Victory44 International "helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world." Isaiah 1:17 “…seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Mot, Namkang, Namfon-girls in Home With Heart Children’s Home December 2014 Update A Happy Home Nit being baptized into Christ Fern walking with Mot (above) Partners from Singapore visiting the Home (below)

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news from the ministry of Phil & Michelle Parker & Victory44 International


Page 1: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter

Dear Friends,Greetings from Chiang Mai. We praise God for your faithfulness and sacrifice for the ministry in Thailand!

Home With A Heart Children’s Home

One thing that deeply burdens the hearts of each of us on the Victory44 team is to help children in difficult family situations. The breakdown of the family is extensive in Thailand with most children growing up in single parent families or being raised by grandparents. This breakdown of the family usually results from alcohol and drug abuse, marital unfaithfulness, and financial struggles. One ministry in which we can show the love of Christ to both parents and children is the Home With A Heart Children’s Home ministry.

Pastor Kim and his wife, Fern, continue to raise young girls in the Home With A Heart foster home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Five young girls ranging in ages from four to thirteen years old are living in the home. Victory44 International is helping children in crisis find healthy homes to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually in Christ. As a result of experiencing the love of God through the home, two of the children have made decisions to follow Christ! Praise the Lord!! We need your help with prayers and support for this ministry to continue raising

young people with a love for Christ in Thailand.

In September a group of Christian ladies from Singapore visited the children’s home and purchased beds, a washing machine, a rice cooker, and an iron for the home. Above and beyond that, they painted the children’s rooms to remind them that Jesus is their Shepherd. The children were so excited to sleep in their new beds and see their beautifully painted rooms. We thank the Lord for Sharon, Bee, Judy, and Shupin who sacrificed their time and resources for the children.

We thank all of you who support Home with a Heart through your partnership with Victory44 International. With your prayers and financial support you are helping to raise these young people to know and love the Lord in Thailand!

Relief and Development-Thailand


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Isaiah 1:17 “…seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless,

plead the case of the widow.”

Mot, Namkang, Namfon-girls in Home With Heart Children’s Home

December 2014 Update

A Happy Home

Nit being baptized into Christ

Fern walking with Mot (above) Partners from Singapore visiting the Home (below)

Page 2: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter

Mothers Hear of God’s Love

We invited the mothers of the children that attend the church to come to a special Mother’s Day event at San Kampaeng Hot Springs. Michelle spoke about a mother’s love for her children and also of God’s love for us. We prepared a special Thai ceremony for the children to honor their mothers. In this ceremony mothers sat across from their children and prayed for and gave a special blessing to them. Children also thanked their mothers for all that they have done for them during this time.

After lunch the mothers and children played games and we all enjoyed getting to know each other and spending time

with one another. The children boiled eggs in the hot springs while their mothers relaxed by soaking in the hot mineral water.

The entire event was a great success with several mothers attending that typically do not come to church. Please pray for these women to come to know God’s love and respond to Christ in the coming months.

Church Planting - Mother’s Day Outreach


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Children honoring their mothers-Mothers blessing their children in

traditional Thai ceremony


Proverbs 23:25 “May your father and mother

rejoice;may she who gave you

birth be joyful!

Michelle speaking at the Mother’s Day Outreach about God’s love and a mother’s love for her child

Mothers of the children in our church. Please pray for them. Five of the ladies pictured still

don’t know the Lord

Mai, a young

mother in the

church with

Maidia, her baby

girl Mothers and children playing games and spending time together

Mon with her two children enjoying the beautiful day (below)

Michelle hanging out with girls from the youth group

Page 3: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter

As we look back at the past four years of Sila Christian Church, we are humbled at how God has used the church to reach Thais for Christ. God is working in this city and through this church in turning the people back to Him. The success and fruit from Sila Christian Church comes from God’s blessing and leading through church members as well as the ministers, Pastor Kim, and Youth Minister Yui. They are faithfully serving each week and loving the not-so-lovable in the Paadaet, Chiang Mai community.

Many of the children raised in Buddhist homes have expressed that they believe that Jesus is the Son of God

who has come into the world to save them from their sins. They are learning more and more each week about their Lord and Savior, yet still they face strong opposition from the enemy who has a strong hold on the hearts of all who live in this place. Please pray fervently that they would choose to follow Christ instead of the ruler of this world!

We are excited to announce that Adam was baptized into Christ on June 22, 2014! He had been coming for 2 years with his mother and sister who also were baptized on October 7, 2012.

Join with us in praying for this family to continue to abide in the Father. Without your partnership, this family may have never known the Lord!

Church Planting - Sila Church


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."


Acts 11:21 “The Lord’s hand was with them, and

a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.”

Eric and Jen, missionaries from the Philippines, who partner with

Victory44 International

Khru Yui with Pang and Namfon Jump for joy!

Adam being baptized into Christ

Emma often writes, “Jesus

loves me” on her

coloring sheets

Eve, Adam, and their mom, Pitsamay after Adam’s baptism

Adam making the Great Confession of Faith

Page 4: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter

Too Old to Follow Christ

Are you ever too old to decide to follow Christ? Absolutely not! We were amazed to hear that Khun Jinda wanted to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior and be baptized. We were surprised, because several years earlier, Ajaan Kim had gone to visit him and talk about Christ, but Khun Jinda had kicked him out of his house. He said that he was not interested in Christianity and wanted nothing to do with it! But God continued to work on his heart until finally he decided to surrender to Christ - at 83 years old!

Khun Gan had been coming to our church for two years and hearing the Word of God. He was also greatly influenced by the book, “From Buddha to Jesus” by Steve

Cioccolanti. Steve had been a Buddhist monk for several years and decided to become a Christian. Khun Gan had been a Buddhist monk for a while as well and could relate to Steve’s experience. We are so thrilled to see Gan and Jinda accept Christ and be immersed into His Body!

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to grow in their faith of the Lord.

Church Planting - More Decisions for Christ


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Pi Gan being baptized into Christ


Acts 8:12 “But when they believed Philip as he

preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus

Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.”

Khun Jinda being baptized into Christ

Sila Christian Church at Mu Ban Lanna Pinery Home swimming pool

Gan and Jinda with church membersSomsak receiving a certificate for

completing “The Great Path” study (left)Nathanael and Adam welcoming Jinda

and Pi Gan into the Body of Christ (upper right) Youth group fun! (right)

Page 5: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter

Victory44 International is funded directly by the generosity and faithfulness of Christians and churches. Without donors and sponsors, the activities you see in this newsletter would not be possible. My wife, Michelle, and I appreciate each and every gift and make sure that all gifts are used in responsible and godly ways. We humbly write of the needs of the organization so that you may be informed and respond as the Lord leads and blesses you.

Monthly Donations - $1200/month increase needed

Nathanael is currently in the 7th grade attending Grace International School (GIS). Nathanael has had a positive experience there and Hannah would love to join him for 4th grade in the Fall of 2015. Additional funds are needed to send both Nathanael and Hannah to this school specifically founded for missionary kids. Other expenses in this area include an additional Thai

minister to help with all the youth outreach activities and renting of a larger facility which would accomodate more youths and adults who don’t yet know the Lord.

Children’s Home - $50/month additional child sponsorships

Our ministry is looking for more sponsors for children in the Home with a Heart children’s home. Sponsorships provide food, tuition for schooling, housing, medical expenses, and staffing for caring for the children. Technology -$3000

Much of the ministry activities require technology in order to present the Gospel in cult-urally applicable ways in Thailand. We usually use tech items as long as possible. For example, a donor in North Carolina contributed a Dell computer in January of 2007. That com-puter is still going strong today after 7 and a half years! A gift in this area will be used for Christ for a long time.

Because of your generous gifts in 2013, we were able to buy an eco car for use in the city. The Honda Brio Amaze gets about 40 mi/ gallon and has been a great blessing for our ministry. We cherish your partnership in building the kingdom of God in Thailand and wish all of you a Merry Christmas. God bless you!

In Christ,

Phil and Michelle

Increased Funding Needed

Donate - Checks - Please write a check made payable to "Victory44 International" and send to PO Box 447, Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA. All contributions are tax deductible.

Credit Card/Paypal - Please visit and click the Donate button. This links to a paypal website where you can donate via credit card/paypal account. Thank you so much for your gift.


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."


Hebrews 12:28 “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us

be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe”

Page 6: Victory44 Intl December_2014_newsletter



"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."


Taking the youth group out to eat

Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will

conceive and give birth to a son, and

will call him Immanuel.”

Nathanael’s friend Gua passed away April- Please pray for parents

Michelle’s English class at church

Just hangin out at church (above)Emma and her “big brother”

Youth Group trip to Mae Wang

Gifts for youth group from Virginia

Michelle with Nit and Pim

Eve teaching the children a Bible story