video stres oksidatif

Video Stres Oksidatif http://www .geneact /what-is-oxidat ive-stress/  hat is Oxidative Stress?  What is Oxidative Stress? Increasing scientific evidence suggests that the majority of DISEASES includingCANCE are driven !y oxidative stress and inflammation attri!uted to environmental factors" O#IDA$ I%E S$ESS has !een increasingly recogni&ed as a contri!uting factor in A'IN' and in various forms of (atho(hysiology generally associated )ith A'IN'"

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Video Stres Oksidatif

hat is Oxidative Stress?

What is Oxidative Stress?

Increasing scientific evidence suggests that the majorityof DISEASES including CANCE are driven !y oxidative stress andinflammation attri!uted to environmental factors" O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS has !eenincreasingly recogni&ed as a contri!uting factor in A'IN' and in various forms of(atho(hysiology generally associated )ith A'IN' "

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O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS is also *no)n as + EE ADICA, DA-A'E is a CO E

OO$S to DISEASE and A'IN' " It affect inside of our .OD/ it affectsevery 01-AN !eing on this 2,ANE$3 -A--A,S included" It4s !est to get tothe CO E OO$S or the CA1SE of the (ro!lem rather than a elief Sym(toms "2 O$EC$ NOW $0AN $OO,A$E5 htt(s677)))"mylifevantage"com7hughesmarissa7cart

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Scientists agree that A'IN' and most deadly DISEASES are the result of cellulardeterioration due to destructive molecules called + EE ADICA,S " +ree adicalDamage that CA1SES A'IN' is called O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS 3 the same (rocessthat causes 1S$ " In a sense3 A'IN' is your !ody4s )ay of 1S$IN' fromthe INSIDE O1$8 0o) do you deal )ith Oxidative Stress levels?htt(s677)))"mylifevantage"com7hughesmarissa

What is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative Stress 9OS: is a general term used to descri!e the steady state levelof oxidative damage in a cell3 tissue3 or organ3 caused !y the reactive oxygen s(ecies9 OS :" $his damage can affect a s(ecific molecule or the entire organism" eactiveoxygen s(ecies 9 OS:3 such as free radicals and (eroxides3 re(resent a class of

molecules that are derived from the meta!olism of oxygen and exist inherently in allaero!ic organisms"

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;When + EE ADICA,S over)helm your AN$IO#IDAN$ defenses3your CE,,S are damaged" $his DA-A'E is called O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS " Someresearchers !elieve that ,ON' IN$ENSE E#E CISE 9es(ecially endurancetraining: may cause more O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS than 01-ANS canhandle" -I$OC0OND IA 9the <(o)er (lants= of cells: are !elieved to !e one of themain sources of + EE ADICA,S" Endurance S2O $S use more O#/'EN 3 )hichsends more ENE '/ through your -I$OC0OND IA" In theory3 the 0I'0Eyour -E$A.O,IC rate and ENE '/ needs3 the more + EE ADICA,S yourmitochondria )ill 2 OD1CE";

0EA,$0 is a E,A$IONS0I2 !et)een you and your .OD/ 5 Every 01-AN!eings is an author of his o)n 0EA,$0 and DISEASE "" +ree adical3 OxidativeStress and A'IN'" $he accumulation of DA-A'E from these (articles over timeleads to CE,,1,A DA-A'E 3 degenerative DISEASES and ultimately to A'IN'and DEA$0" 2rotect no) than toolate"" htt(s677)))"mylifevantage"com7hughesmarissa7cart

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O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS or +ree adical Damage ; It is a condition of increasedoxidant (roduction in cells3 triggered !y ex(osure to +ree adicals 3 sources of freeradicals are !oth endogenous and exogenous"

Sources of + EE ADICA,S

>Endogenous 9)ithin the !ody: $o!acco 9@ radicals (er (uff:3 Ioni&ingadiation 31ltraviolet radiation 3 Oil fumes3 Other (ollutants7chemicals 3 Alcohol3

Saturated +at

>Exogenous 9outside the !ody: sources include ex(osure to cigarette smo*e3environmental (ollutants such as emission from automo!iles and industries3consum(tion of alcohol in excess3 as!estos3 ex(osure to ioni&ing radiation3 and!acterial3 fungal or viral infections"

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Oxidative stress occurs )hen ex(osure to free radicals and other oxidants exceedsthe !ody4s antioxidant defenses system results from increases in ex(osure orgeneration B decreases in antioxidant (rotection3 often considered destructive to thecell"

+AC$6 Oxidative Stress occurs )hen ex(osure to + EE ADICA,S andother O#IDAN$S such as the AI )e !reathe 92ollution3 CigaretteSmo*e3 Chemtrail3 Car exhaustion3 adiation from the -icro)ave or

efrigerator:3 WA$E )e drin* 9eg" +luoride3 Chlorine3 adiation: andthe +OOD )e eat 9Chemical3 $oxins3 $rans +ats3 Artificial Sugar 3 2rocessed +oodsetc:3 even )hen )e do intense E#E CISE " Everyone )ho exercises3 !ody !uilds3 ordoes manual la!or increases their level of O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS 3IN$ENSE training(roduces more + EE ADICA,S than moderate exercise3 )hich may over)helmed

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antioxidant DE+ENSES and CA1SE irre(ara!le Oxidative DA-A'E or OxidativeS$ ESS"

Scientific research has validated O#IDA$I%E S$ ESS damage to your

!ody4s CE,,S !y + EE ADICA,S as the root cause3 at the cellular level3 ofA'IN'" In fact3 studies sho) that meta!olic )ear and tear caused !y + EEADICA,S in cells accelerates A'IN' 3 the (ro!lems associated )ith aging and

contri!utes to more than 0EA,$0 conditions"

~When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your whole life could change.~ Protect yourself


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