video transcoding architectures and techniques an overview

Anthony Vetro, Charilaos Christopoulos, and Huifang Sun T he development of multimedia systems has had a major influence in the area of image and video coding. The problem of interactivity and integration of video data with computer, cellu- lar, and television systems is relatively new and subject to a great deal of research world wide. As the number of networks, types of devices, and con- tent representation formats increase, interoperability be- tween different systems and different networks is becoming more important. Thus, devices such as gate- ways, multipoint control units, and servers must be devel- oped to provide a seamless interaction between content creation and consumption. Transcoding of video content is one key technology to make this possible. In general, a transcoder relays video signals from a transmitter in one system to a receiver in another system (or network). Generally speaking, transcoding can be defined as the conversion of one coded signal to another. While this defi- nition can be interpreted quite broadly, it should be noted that research on video transcoding is usually very focused. In the earliest work on transcoding, the majority of inter- est focused on reducing the bit rate to meet an available channel capacity. Additionally, researchers investigated conversions between constant bit-rate (CBR) streams and variable bit-rate (VBR) streams to facilitate more efficient transport of video. As time moved on and mobile devices with limited display and processing power became a real- ity, transcoding to achieve spatial resolution reduction, as well as temporal resolution reduction, has also been stud- ied. Furthermore, with the introduction of packet radio services over mobile access networks, error-resilience video transcoding has gained a significant amount of at- tention lately, where the aim is to increase the resilience of the original bit stream to transmission errors. Some of these common transcoding operations are illustrated in Figure 1. In all of these cases, it is always possible to use a cascaded pixel-domain approach that decodes the original signal, 18 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2003 1053-5888/03/$17.00©2003IEEE ©DIGITAL VISION

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Page 1: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

Anthony Vetro, Charilaos Christopoulos, and Huifang Sun

The development of multimedia systems hashad a major influence in the area of image andvideo coding. The problem of interactivity andintegration of video data with computer, cellu-

lar, and television systems is relatively new and subject to agreat deal of research world wide.

As the number of networks, types of devices, and con-tent representation formats increase, interoperability be-tween different systems and different networks isbecoming more important. Thus, devices such as gate-ways, multipoint control units, and servers must be devel-oped to provide a seamless interaction between contentcreation and consumption. Transcoding of video contentis one key technology to make this possible. In general, atranscoder relays video signals from a transmitter in onesystem to a receiver in another system (or network).

Generally speaking, transcoding can be defined as theconversion of one coded signal to another. While this defi-nition can be interpreted quite broadly, it should be noted

that research on video transcoding is usually very focused.In the earliest work on transcoding, the majority of inter-est focused on reducing the bit rate to meet an availablechannel capacity. Additionally, researchers investigatedconversions between constant bit-rate (CBR) streams andvariable bit-rate (VBR) streams to facilitate more efficienttransport of video. As time moved on and mobile deviceswith limited display and processing power became a real-ity, transcoding to achieve spatial resolution reduction, aswell as temporal resolution reduction, has also been stud-ied. Furthermore, with the introduction of packet radioservices over mobile access networks, error-resiliencevideo transcoding has gained a significant amount of at-tention lately, where the aim is to increase the resilience ofthe original bit stream to transmission errors. Some ofthese common transcoding operations are illustrated inFigure 1.

In all of these cases, it is always possible to use a cascadedpixel-domain approach that decodes the original signal,



Page 2: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

performs the appropriate intermediate processing(if any), and fully reencodes the processed signalsubject to any new constraints. While we also viewthis as a form of transcoding, it is often very costlyto do so and more efficient techniques are typicallyutilized. This quest for efficiency is the major driv-ing force behind most of the transcoding activitythat we have seen so far. Of course, any gains in ef-ficiency should have a minimal impact on thequality of the transcoded video.

Throughout this article, we concentrate on thetranscoding of block-based video coding schemesthat use hybrid discrete cosine transform (DCT)and motion compensation (MC). In suchschemes, the frames of the video sequence are di-vided into macroblocks (MBs), where each MBtypically consists of a luminance block (e.g., of size16 × 16, or alternatively, four 8 × 8 blocks) alongwith corresponding chrominance blocks (e.g., 8 ×8 Cb and 8 × 8 Cr). This article emphasizes theprocessing that is done on the luminance compo-nents of the video. In general, the chrominancecomponents can be handled similarly and will notbe discussed in this article.

The article is organized as follows. We first provide anoverview of the techniques used for bit-rate reductionand the corresponding architectures that have been pro-posed. Then, we describe recent advances regarding spa-tial and temporal resolution reduction techniques andarchitectures. Additionally, a brief overview of error resil-ient transcoding is also provided, as well as a discussion ofscalable coding techniques and how they relate to videotranscoding. Finally, this article ends with concluding re-marks, including pointers to other works on videotranscoding that have not been covered in this article, aswell as some future directions.

Bit-Rate ReductionThe objective of bit-rate reduction is to reduce the bit ratewhile maintaining low complexity and achieving thehighest quality possible. Applications requiring this typeof conversion include television broadcast and Internet

streaming. Ideally, the quality of the reduced rate bitstream should have the quality of a bit stream directlygenerated with the reduced rate. The most straightfor-ward way to achieve this is to decode the video bit streamand fully reencode the reconstructed signal at the newrate. This approach is illustrated in Figure 2. The best per-formance can be achieved by calculating new motion vec-tors and mode decisions for every MB at the new rate [2].However, significant complexity saving can be achieved,while still maintaining acceptable quality, by reusing in-formation contained in the original incoming bit streamsand also considering simplified architectures [1]-[7].

In the following, we review the progress made over thepast few years on bit-rate reduction architectures andtechniques, where the focus has been centered on twospecific aspects, complexity and drift reduction. Drift canbe explained as the blurring or smoothing of successivelypredicted frames. It is caused by the loss of high frequencydata, which creates a mismatch between the actual refer-


MPEG-2 MP@ML30 f/s : 5.3 Mb/s :

720 480 i×[B] MPEG-4 SP@L2

10 f/s : 128 k/s :352 240 p×

[A] MPEG-2 MP@ML30 f/s : 3 Mb/s :

720 480 i×

[C] M-JPEG2 f/s : 600 kb/s :

640 480 p×

Original Video Transcoded Video

� 1. Illustration of common video transcoding operations. Original video isencoded in an MPEG-2 format (Main Profile at Main Level = MP@ML) at5.3 Mb/s. The input resolution is 720 480 i (interlaced), and the tempo-ral rate is 30 frames-per-second (f/s). [A] Original video is transcoded toa reduced bit-rate of 3 Mb/s. [B] Original video is transcoded to anMPEG-4 format (Simple Profile at Level 2 = SP@L2) at 128 kb/s. The out-put resolution is 352 240 p (progressive) and the temporal rate is 10f/s. [C] Original video is transcoded to a Motion-JPEG (M-JPEG) sequenceof images at a temporal rate of 2 f/s, bit-rate of 600 kb/s, and output res-olution of 640 480 p.

VLD (Q )1–1

(Q )2–1











� 2. Illustration of cascaded pixel-domain transcoding architecture for bit-rate reduction.

Page 3: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

ence frame used for prediction in the encoder and the de-graded reference frame used for prediction in thetranscoder and decoder. To demonstrate the tradeoff be-tween complexity and quality, we will consider two typesof systems, a closed-loop and an open-loop system.

Transcoding ArchitecturesFigure 3 shows an open-loop system in (a) and a closed-loop systems in (b). In the open-loop system, the bitstream is variable-length decoded (VLD) to extract thevariable-length code words corresponding to thequantized DCT coefficients, as well as MB data corre-sponding to the motion vectors and other MB-level infor-mation. In this scheme, the quantized coefficients areinverse quantized and then simply requantized to satisfythe new output bit rate. Finally, the requantized coeffi-cients and stored MB-level information are variablelength coded (VLC). An alternative open-loop scheme,which is not illustrated here, but is even less complex thanthe one shown in Figure 3(a), is to directly cut high fre-quency data from each MB [2]. To cut the high frequencydata without actually doing the VLD, a bit profile for theAC coefficients is maintained. As MBs are processed,code words corresponding to high-frequency coefficientsare eliminated as needed so that the target bit rate is met.Along similar lines, techniques to determine the optimalbreakpoint of non-zero DCT coefficients (in a zig-zag or-der) were presented in [3]. This procedure is carried outfor each MB, so that distortion is minimized and rate con-straints are satisfied. These two alternatives torequantization may also be used in the closed-loop sys-tems described below, but their impact on the overallcomplexity is less. Regardless of the techniques used toachieve the reduced rate, open-loop systems are relatively

simple since a frame memory is not required and there isno need for an inverse IDCT. In terms of quality, bettercoding efficiency can be obtained by the requantizationapproach since the variable-length codes that are used forthe requantized data will be more efficient. However,open-loop architectures are subject to drift.

In general, the reason for drift is due to the loss ofhigh-frequency information. Beginning with the I-frame,which is a reference for the next P-frame, high-frequencyinformation is discarded by the transcoder to meet thenew target bit rate. Incoming residual blocks are also sub-ject to this loss. When a decoder receives this transcodedbit stream, it will decode the I-frame with reduced qualityand store it in memory. When it is time to decode the nextP-frame, the degraded I-frame is used as a predictive com-ponent and added to a degraded residual component.Considering that the purpose of the residual is to accu-rately represent the difference between the original signaland the motion-compensated prediction and now boththe residual and predictive components are different thanwhat was originally derived by the encoder, errors wouldbe introduced in the reconstructed frame. This error is aresult of the mismatch between the predictive and resid-ual components. As time goes on, this mismatch progres-sively increases, resulting in the reconstructed framesbecoming severely degraded.

The architecture shown in Figure 3(b) is a closed-loopsystem and aims to eliminate the mismatch between pre-dictive and residual components by approximating thecascaded decoder-encoder architecture [4]. The main dif-ference in structure between the cascaded pixel-domain ar-chitecture and this simplified scheme is that reconstructionin the cascaded pixel-domain architecture is performed inthe spatial domain, thereby requiring two reconstruction

loops with one DCT and two IDCTs.On the other hand, in the simplifiedstructure that is shown in Figure 3(b),only one reconstruction loop is re-quired with one DCT and one IDCT.In this structure, some arithmetic in-accuracy is introduced due to the non-linear nature in which the re-construction loops are combined.However, it has been found the ap-proximation has little effect on thequality [4]. With the exception of thisslight inaccuracy, this architecture ismathematically equivalent to a cas-caded decoder-encoder approach. In[8], additional causes of drift, e.g.,due to floating-point inaccuracies,have been further studied. Overallthough, in comparison to theopen-loop architectures discussed ear-lier, drift is eliminated since the mis-match between predictive and residualcomponents is compensated for.




(Q )1–1

(Q )1–1

(Q )2–1














� 3. Simplified transcoding architectures for bit-rate reduction: (a) open-loop, partial de-coding to DCT coefficients, then requantize and (b) closed-loop, drift compensation forrequantized data.

Page 4: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

Motion Compensation in the DCT DomainThe closed-loop architecture described in the previous sec-tion provides an effective transcoding structure in whichthe MB reconstruction is performed in the DCT domain.However, since the memory stores spatial domain pixels,the additional DCT/IDCT is still needed. This can beavoided though by utilizing the compressed-domainmethods for MC proposed by Chang and Messerschmidt[9]. In this way, it is possible to reconstruct referenceframes without decoding to the spatial domain; several ar-chitectures describing this reconstruction process in thecompressed domain have been proposed [10]-[12]. It wasfound that decoding completely in the compressed-do-main could yield equivalent quality to spatial-domain de-coding [10]. However, this was achieved withfloating-point matrix multiplication and proved to bequite costly. In [12] this computation was simplified by ap-proximating the floating-point elements by power-of-twofractions so that shift operations could be used, and in[13], simplifications have been achieved through matrixdecomposition techniques.

Regardless of the simplification applied, once the re-construction has been accomplished in the compressed do-main, one can easily requantize the drift-free blocks andVLC the quantized data to yield the desired bit stream. In[12], the bit reallocation has been accomplished using theLagrangian multiplier method. In this formulation, sets ofquantizer steps are found for a group of MBs so that the av-erage distortion caused by transcoding error is minimized.

In [14], further simplifications of the DCT-based MCprocess were achieved by exploiting the fact that thestored DCT coefficients in the transcoder are mainly con-centrated in low-frequency areas. Therefore, only a fewlow-frequency coefficients are significant and an accurateapproximation to the MC process that uses all coefficientscan be made.

CBR to VBR ConversionWhile the above architectures have focused on generalbit-rate reduction techniques for the purpose of transmit-ting video over band-limited channels, the conversion be-tween CBR and VBR streams to facilitate more efficienttransport of video has also been studied [16]. In thiswork, the authors exploit the available channel band-width of an ATM network and adapt the CBR streams ac-cordingly. This is accomplished by first reducing the bitstream to a VBR stream with a reduced average rate andthen segmenting the VBR stream into cells and control-ling the cell generation rate by a traffic shaping algorithm.

Simulation ResultsIn Figure 4, a frame-based comparison of the qualityamong the cascaded pixel-domain, open-loop, andclosed-loop architectures is shown. The input to thetranscoder is an MPEG-1 video bit stream of the Foremansequence at CIF resolution coded at 2 Mb/s with GOP

(group of pictures) structure of N =30and M =3. A totalof 90 frames is used in this experiment. The transcodedoutput is in the MPEG-4 Visual format (Simple Profile)and reencoded with a fixed quantization parameter of 15.To illustrate the effect of drift in this plot, the peak sig-nal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the luminance componentfor only the I- and P-frames is shown. It is evident that theopen-loop architecture suffers from severe drift, and thequality of the simplified closed-loop architecture is veryclose to that of the cascaded pixel-domain architecture.

It should be emphasized that the main point of the re-sults presented here is to illustrate the drift problem withthe open-loop architecture and the drift compensation ca-pabilities with the simplified closed-loop architecture. Al-though the results would vary slightly with differentsyntax formats, GOP parameters, bit rates, and se-quences, we maintain that the overall impact of these fac-tors would not alter the conclusions of this result. Thesame holds true for results presented later.

Spatial Resolution ReductionThese days, a massive amount of compressed video con-tent captured at a high spatial resolution and encodedwith high quality is being created. Two of the major cata-lysts feeding this phenomenon are the growing popular-ity of DVD and the availability of broadband accessnetworks. With the emergence of mobile multimedia-ca-pable devices and the desire for users to access video origi-nally captured in a high resolution, there is a strong need















CascadedOpen Loop

Closed Loop

Foreman (CIF, = 30, = 3)N M


� 4. Frame-based comparison of PSNR of the luminance compo-nent for cascaded pixel-domain, open-loop, and closed-looparchitectures for bit-rate reduction.

As the number of networks, typesof devices, and contentrepresentation formats increase,interoperability between differentsystems and different networks isbecoming more important.

Page 5: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

for efficient ways to reduce the spatial resolution of videofor delivery to such devices.

Similar to bit-rate reduction, the cascaded pixel-do-main architecture for reduced spatial resolution transcod-ing refers to the subsequent decoding, spatial-domaindown-sampling, followed by a full reencoding. From theliterature, we find that some researchers have focused onthe efficient reuse of MB-level data in the context of thecascaded pixel-domain architecture, while others have ex-plored the possibility of new alternate architectures. In[6] and [7], the problems associated with mapping mo-tion vectors and MB-level data were addressed. The per-formance of motion vector refinement techniques in thecontext of resolution conversion was also studied in thiswork. The primary focus of the work in [17] was on mo-tion vector scaling techniques. In [18], the authors pro-pose to use DCT-domain down-scaling and MC fortranscoding, in which an algorithm to decide whether tocode the MB as intra, inter without MC, or inter withMC, was proposed. With the proposed two-loop archi-tecture from [18], computational savings of 40% havebeen reported with a minimal loss in quality. In [19], acomprehensive study on the transcoding to lowerspatio-temporal resolutions and to different encodingformats has been provided based on the reuse of motionparameters. In this work, a full decoding and encodingloop was employed. With the reuse of MB information, asignificant reduction in processing time was achieved.This work was extended to the DCT domain in [20]. In[21], the source of drift errors for reduced spatial resolu-tion reduction transcoding was analyzed. Based on thisanalysis, several new architectures, including an intra-re-fresh architecture, were proposed.

In the following, the key points from the above worksare reviewed, including motion vector scaling algorithms,DCT-domain down conversion, and the mapping ofMB-level information to the lower spatial resolution.Also, the concepts of the intra-refresh architecture will bediscussed. Throughout this section, a reduction factor oftwo in both the horizontal and vertical resolution is as-sumed. Extensions of the described techniques to othernoninteger scaling factors are considered in [22] and[23], however due to limitations in space, those tech-niques are not covered in this article.

Motion Vector MappingWhen down-sampling four MBs to one MB, the associatedmotion vectors have to be mapped, where the number ofmotion vectors that may be associated with an MB de-pends on the standard being used and the coding toolsavailable in a given profile or extension. Figure 5 illustratesthe general problem of motion vector mapping. Severalmethods to perform the particular mapping illustrated inthis figure have been described in past works [6], [7], [17],[19], [24]. To map from four motion vectors, i.e., one foreach MB in a group, to one motion vector for the newlyformed MB, a weighted average or median filters can beapplied. This is referred to as a 4:1 mapping. However,with certain compression standards, such as MPEG-4 Vi-sual [25] and H.263 [26], there is support in the syntax foradvanced prediction modes that allow one motion vectorper 8 × 8 luminance block. (It should be noted that the useof one motion vector per 8 × 8 block in the H.263 standardis supported in the extensions defined by the standard, i.e.,this tool is not supported in the baseline specification.) Inthis case, each motion vector is mapped from a 16 × 16 MBin the original resolution to an 8 × 8 block in the reducedresolution MB with appropriate scaling by two. This is re-ferred as a 1:1 mapping. While 1:1 mapping provides amore accurate representation of the motion, it is some-times inefficient to use since more bits must be used tocode four motion vectors. An optimal mapping wouldadaptively select the best mapping based on a rate-distor-tion criterion. A good evaluation of the quality that can beachieved using the different motion vector mapping algo-rithms can be found in [6], [7], and [19].

Because MPEG-2 supports inter-laced video, we also need to considerfield-based MV mapping. In [27],the top-field motion vector was sim-ply used. An alternative scheme thataverages the top and bottom fieldmotion vectors under certain condi-tions was proposed in [21]. How-ever, it is our opinion that theappropriate motion vector mappingtechnique is dependent on the down-conversion scheme used. We feel thisis particularly important for inter-laced data, where the target output


Four 16 16 MVs×


One 16 16 MV×

Four 8 8 MVs×

� 5. Illustration of 4:1 and 1:1 motion vector mapping.


(Q )1–1


MV Mapping







� 6. Intra-refresh architecture for reduced spatial resolution transcoding.

Page 6: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

may be a progressive frame. However, further study onthe relation between motion vector mapping and the tex-ture down-conversion is needed to confirm this.

DCT-Domain Down ConversionThe most intuitive way to perform down conversion in theDCT domain is to only retain the low-frequency coefficientsof each block and recompose the new MB using thecompositing techniques proposed in [9]. Specifically, forconversion by a factor of 2, only the 4 × 4 DCT coefficientsof each 8 × 8 block in a MB are retained; these low frequencycoefficients from each block are then used to form the out-put MB. A set of DCT-domain filters can been derived bycascading these two operations. More sophisticated filtersthat attempt to retain more of the high frequency informa-tion, such as the filters derived in [28] and [29] and refer-ences therein, may also be considered. The filters used in thiswork perform the down-conversion operations on the rowsand columns of the MB using separable one-dimensional fil-ters. These down-conversion filters can be applied in boththe horizontal and vertical directions and to bothframe-DCT and field-DCT blocks. Variations of this filter-ing approach to convert field-DCT blocks to frame-DCTblocks, and vice-versa, have also been derived in [10].

Conversion of MB TypeIn transcoding video bit streams to a lower spatial resolu-tion, a group of four MBs in the original video corre-sponds to one MB in the transcoded video. To ensure thatthe down-sampling process will not generate an outputMB in which its subblocks have different coding modes,e.g., both inter- and intra-subblocks within a single MB,the mapping of MB modes to the lower resolution mustbe considered. Three possible methods to overcome thisproblem when a so-called mixed block is encountered areoutlined below [6], [21].

In the first method, ZeroOut, the MB modes of themixed MBs are all modified to intermode. The MVs forthe intra-MBs are reset to zero and so are correspondingDCT coefficients. In this way, the input MBs that havebeen converted are replicated with data from correspond-ing blocks in the reference frame. The second method,Intra-Inter, maps all MBs to intermode, but the motionvectors for the intra-MBs are predicted. The predictioncan be based on the data in neighboring blocks, which caninclude both texture and motion data. As an alternative,we can simply set the motion vector to be zero, dependingon which produces less residual. In an encoder, the meanabsolute difference of the residual blocks is typically usedfor mode decision. The same principles can be appliedhere. Based on the predicted motion vector, a new resid-ual for the modified MB must be calculated. In the thirdmethod, Inter-Intra, the MB modes are all modified tointramode. In this case, there is no motion informationassociated with the reduced-resolution MB, therefore allassociated motion vector data is reset to zero and the

intra-DCT coefficients are generated to replace theinter-DCT coefficients.

It should be noted that to implement the Intra-Interand Inter-Intra methods, we need a decoding loop to re-construct the full-resolution picture. The reconstructeddata is used as a reference to convert the DCT coefficientsfrom intra-to-inter or inter-to-intra. For a sequence offrames with a small amount of motion and a low-level ofdetail, the low complexity strategy of zero-out can beused. Otherwise, either Intra-Inter or Inter-Intra shouldbe used. The performance of Inter-Intra is a little betterthan intra-inter, because Inter-Intra can stop drift propa-gation by transforming interblocks to intrablocks.

Intra-Refresh ArchitectureIn reduced resolution transcoding, drift error is caused bymany factors, such as requantization, motion vector trun-cation, and down-sampling. Such errors can only propa-gate through intercoded blocks. By converting somepercentage of intercoded blocks to intracoded blocks,drift propagation can be controlled. In the past, the con-cept of intra-refresh has successfully been applied to er-ror-resilience coding schemes [30], and it has been foundthat the same principle is also very useful for reducing thedrift in a transcoder [21].

The intra-refresh architecture for spatial resolution re-duction is illustrated in Figure 6. In this scheme, outputMBs are subject to a DCT-domain down-conversion,requantization, and variable-length coding. Output MBsare either derived directly from the input bit stream, i.e.,after variable-length decoding and inverse quantization,or retrieved from the frame store and subject to a DCT.Output blocks that originate from the frame store are in-dependent of other data, hence coded as intrablocks;there is no picture drift associated with these blocks.

The decision to code an intrablock from the frame storedepends on the MB coding modes and picture statistics. Inthe first case, based on the coding mode, an output MB isconverted if the possibility of a mixed block is detected. Inthe second case, based on the picture statistics, the motionvector and residual data are used to detect blocks that arelikely to contribute to a larger drift error. For this case, pic-ture quality can be maintained by employing an intracodedblock in its place. Of course, the increase in the number ofintrablocks must be compensated for by the rate control byadjusting the quantization parameters so that the targetrate can accurately be met. This is needed since intrablocksusually require more bits to code. Further details on therate control can be found in [21].


When it comes to processingrequirements, there are tradeoffsthat could be made betweenspatial and temporal resolution.

Page 7: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

Temporal Resolution Reduction

Reducing the temporal resolution of a video bit stream isa technique that may be used to reduce the bit-rate re-quirements imposed by a network, to maintain higherquality of coded frames, or to satisfy processing limita-tions imposed by a terminal. For instance, a mobile termi-nal equipped with a 266-MHz general-purpose processormay only be capable of decoding and displaying 10 f/s. Inanother instance, the terminal may simply wish to con-

serve its battery life at the cost of receiving fewer frames.In both of these instances, one should keep in mind thedependencies that exist, such as the particular coding for-mat, the given spatial resolution, power consumptionproperties, as well as the efficiency of the implementa-tion. Also, when it comes to processing requirements,there are tradeoffs that could be made between spatial andtemporal resolution.

As discussed earlier, motion vectors from the originalbit stream are typically reused in bit-rate reduction and


Motion Vector Refinement

In all of the transcoding methods described here, signifi-cant complexity is reduced by assuming that the motion

vectors computed at the original bit rate are simply reusedin the reduced-rate bit stream. It has been shown that re-using the motion vectors in this way leads to nonoptimaltranscoding results due to the mismatch between predic-tion and residual components [6], [7], [15]. To overcomethis loss of quality without performing a full motionreestimation, motion vector refinement schemes havebeen proposed. Typically, the search window used formotion vector refinement is relatively small compared tothe original search window, e.g., [−2, +2]. This not onlykeeps the added complexity down, but it provides a signif-icant amount of the achievable gains. Such schemes canbe easily used with most bit-rate reduction architecturesfor improved quality, as well as the spatial and temporalresolution reduction architectures. A comparison of re-sults obtained with and without motion vector refinementis presented below in the context of spatial resolution re-duction. The impact on the search window size is also il-lustrated. Additional techniques and simulation results formotion vector refinement can be found in [6], [7], [15],[36], and [37].

The simulation results provided here illustrate the im-pact of motion vector refinement techniques for spatial res-olution reduction. We use the same input bitstream as used in Figure 4, i.e., CIF resolutionForeman coded as an MPEG-1 video bit streamat 2 Mb/s with a GOP structure of N M= =30 3, .The QCIF resolution output is transcoded to anMPEG-4 visual format (simple profile) with a bitrate of 64 kb/s and frame-rate of 10 f/s. It can beseen from the plot in Figure 7 that the averagePSNR of the luminance component increases asa function of the search window size. However,a very small search window achieves the major-ity of the gain. This is due to the fact that the ma-jority of blocks find the best-matching motionvector (according to the specified criterion)within this range. Increasing the search windowfarther allows more blocks to find their bestmatch; since the number of blocks that will finda better match is smaller, however, the overall

gain is less. It should be noted that finding a better matchwill decrease the residuals that need to be coded for eachMB, hence allowing a finer quantization (better quality)under the same rate constraints. In Figure 8, sampleframes are displayed to compare the visual quality oftranscoded frames with and without motion vector refine-ment. It is evident from these frames that the motion vec-tor refinement process eliminates a significant amount ofnoise in the reconstructed output.








270 1 2 3 4 5 6

Foreman ( = 30, = 3)N M

Search Window

� 7. Average PSNR of the luminance component as a func-tion of the motion vector refinement search window.




No MV RefinementTranscoded

with MV Refinement

� 8. Sample frames to compare the transcoded quality with and withoutmotion vector refinement. For the transcoded output using refinement, asearch window of three is used.

Page 8: Video transcoding architectures and techniques  an overview

spatial resolution reduction transcoders to speed up thereencoding process. In the case of spatial resolution re-duction, the input motion vectors are mapped to thelower spatial resolution. For temporal resolution reduc-tion, we are faced with a similar problem in that it is nec-essary to estimate the motion vectors from the currentframe to the previous nonskipped frame that will serve asa reference frame in the receiver. The general problem isillustrated in Figure 9.

Solutions to this problem have been proposed in [15],[32], and [33]. Assuming a pixel-domain transcoding ar-chitecture, this reestimation of motion vectors is all thatneeds to be done since new residuals corresponding to thereestimated motion vectors will be calculated. However, ifa DCT-domain transcoding architecture is used, a methodof reestimating the residuals in the DCT domain is needed.A solution to this problem has been described in [34]. In[35], the issue of motion vector and residual mapping hasbeen addressed in the context of a combined spatio-tempo-ral reduction in the DCT domain based on the intra-refresharchitecture described earlier. The key points of these tech-niques will be discussed in the following.

Motion Vector ReestimationAs described in [15], [32], and [33], the problem ofreestimating a new motion vector from the current frameto a previous nonskipped frame can be solved by tracingthe motion vectors back to the desired reference frame.Since the predicted blocks in the current frame are gener-ally overlapping with multiple blocks, bilinear interpola-tion of the motion vectors in the previous skipped framemay be used, where the weighting of each input motionvector is proportional to the amount of overlap with thepredicted block. In the place of this bilinear interpolation,a dominant vector selection scheme as proposed in [15]and [35] may also be used, where the motion vector asso-ciated with the largest overlapping region is chosen.

To trace back to the desired reference frame in the caseof skipping multiple frames, the above process can be re-peated. It is suggested, however, that a refinement of theresulting motion vector be performed for better codingefficiency. In [33], an algorithm to determine an appro-priate search range based on the motion vector magni-tudes and the number of frames skipped has beenproposed. To dynamically determine the number ofskipped frames and maintain smooth playback, frame ratecontrol based on characteristics of the video content havealso been proposed [32], [33].

Residual ReestimationThe problem of estimating a new residual for temporalresolution reduction is primarily an issue for DCT-do-main transcoding architectures. With pixel-domain archi-tectures, the residual between the current frame and thenew reference frame can be easily computed given thenew motion vector estimates. For DCT-domain

transcoding architectures, this calculation should be donedirectly using DCT-domain MC techniques [9]. A novelarchitecture to compute this new residual in the DCT do-main has been presented in [34] and [35]. In this work,the authors utilize direct addition of DCT coefficients forMBs without MC, as well as an error-compensating feed-back loop for motion-compensated MBs. The combina-tion of these techniques has been shown to reducerequantization errors incurred during transcoding, anddo so with less computational complexity.

Error-Resilience TranscodingTransmitting video over wireless channels requires takinginto account the conditions in which the video will betransmitted. In general, wireless channels have low band-width and higher error rate than wired channels. Error-re-silience transcoding for video over wireless channels isneeded in this case and has been studied in [38] and [39].

In [38], the authors present a method that is built onthree steps. First, they use a transcoder that injects spatialand temporal resilience into an encoded bit stream wherethe amount of resilience is tailored to the content of thevideo and the prevailing error conditions, as characterizedby bit error rate. The transcoder increases the spatial resil-ience by reducing the number of blocks per slice and in-creases the temporal resilience by increasing theproportion of intra-blocks that are transmitted at eachframe. Since the bit rate increases due to the error resil-ience, the transcoder achieves the (same) input bit rate atthe output by dropping less significant coefficients as it in-creases resilience. Second, they derive analytical modelsthat characterize how corruption propagates in a videothat is compressed using motion-compensated encodingand subjected to bit errors. Third, they use rate distortion


Frame ( 2)n− Frame ( 1)n− Frame ( )n


� 9. Motion vector reestimation. Since Frame (n −1) is dropped,a new motion vector to predict Frame (n) from Frame (n − 2)is estimated.

Looking to the future of videotranscoding, there are still manytopics that require further study.One problem is finding anoptimal transcoding strategy.

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Scalable Coding

For years, scalable video coding schemes have been ex-plored by the video coding community. The holy grail of

scalable video coding is to encode the video once and thenby simply truncating certain layers or bits from the originalstream, lower qualities, spatial resolutions, and/or temporalresolutions could be obtained. Ideally, this scalable represen-tation of the video should be achieved without any impact onthe coding efficiency, i.e., the truncated scalable stream (atlower rate, spatial, and/or temporal resolution) should pro-duce the same reconstructed quality as a single-layer bitstream in which the video was coded directly under the sameconditions and constraints, notably with the same bit rate.

We begin with an overview of traditional scalable codingschemes, e.g., as defined by MPEG-2 Video [40], where thesignal is encoded into a base layer and a few enhancementlayers, in which the enhancement layers add spatial, tempo-ral, and/or SNR quality to the reconstructed base layer. Spe-cifically, the enhancement layer in SNR scalability addsrefinement data for the DCT coefficients of the base layer.With spatial scalability, the first enhancement layer uses pre-dictions from the base layer without the use of motion vec-tors. In this case, the layers can have different frame sizes,frame rates, and chrominance formats. In contrast to spatialscalability, the enhancement layer in temporal scalabilityuses predictions from the base layer using motion vectors,and while the layers must have the same spatial resolutionand chrominance formats, they may have different framerates. The MPEG-2 Video standard supports each of thesescalable modes, as well as hybrid scalability, which is thecombination of two or more types of scalability.

More recently, a new form of scalability, known as finegranular scalability (FGS), has been developed and adoptedby the MPEG-4 Visual standard [41]. In contrast to conven-tional scalable coding schemes, FGS allows for a much finerscaling of bits in the enhancement layer [42]. This is accom-plished through a bit-plane coding method of DCT coeffi-cients in the enhancement layer, which allows theenhancement layer bit stream to be truncated at any point. Inthis way, the quality of the reconstructed frames is rather pro-portional to the number of enhancement bits received. Thestandard itself does not specify how the rate allocation, orequivalently, the truncation of bits on a per frame basis, isdone, it only specifies how a truncated bit stream is decoded.In [43] and [44], optimal rate allocation strategies that essen-tially truncate the FGS enhancement layer have been pro-posed. Another variation of the FGS scheme, known asFGS-temporal, combines the FGS techniques with temporalscalability [45].

Although the primary focus of this article is on video, it isworthwhile to mention the current state-of-the art in scal-able image coding, namely the JPEG-2000 standard [46],[47]. This coder also employs bit-plane coding techniquesto achieve scalability, where both SNR and spatialscalability are supported. In contrast to existing scalablevideo coding schemes that typically rely on a nonscalable

base layer and which are based on the DCT, this coderdoes not rely on separate base and enhancement layersand is based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Thecoding scheme employed by JPEG-2000 is often referredto as an embedded coding scheme since the bits that cor-respond to the various qualities and spatial resolutions canbe organized into the bit stream syntax in a manner that al-lows the progressive reconstruction of images and arbi-trary truncation at any point in the stream.

To make a comparison between scalable coding andtranscoding is rather complex since they address the sameproblem from different points of view. Scalable codingspecifies the data format at the encoding stage independ-ently of the transmission requirements, while transcodingconverts the existing data format to meet the current trans-mission requirements. Although scalable coding can pro-vide low-cost flexibility to meet the target bit rate, spatialresolution, and temporal resolution, traditional schemessacrifice the coding efficiency compared to single-layeredcoding. Considering a cascaded transcoding architecturethat fully decodes and reencodes the video according tothe new requirement, its coding performance will alwaysbe better than traditional scalable coding; this has beenshown in at least one study [6]. Certainly, more study onthis topic is needed that accounts for the latest scalablecoding schemes, as well as a wider range of test conditionsand test sequences. Also, when it comes to comparing cod-ing efficiency, metrics and procedures are needed to objec-tively compare the results at various spatio-temporalresolutions, and end-to-end distortion measures under re-alistic network conditions must also be considered. Steps inthis direction are now being made within the MPEG com-munity [48], [49], and recent advances in video coding areshowing that the possibility for an efficient universally scal-able coding scheme is within reach; e.g., see [50] and [51].

In addition to the issue of coding efficiency, which islikely to be solved soon, scalable coding will need to definethe application space that it could occupy. For instance, con-tent providers for high-quality mainstream applications,such as DTV and DVD, have already adopted single-layerMPEG-2 Video coding as the default format, hence a largenumber of MPEG-2 coded video content already exists. Toaccess these existing MPEG-2 video contents from variousdevices with varying terminal and network capabilities,transcoding is needed. For this reason, research on videotranscoding of single-layer streams has flourished and is notlikely to go away anytime soon. However, in the short term,scalable coding may satisfy a wide range of video applica-tions outside this space, and in the long term, we should notdismiss the fact that a scalable coding format could replaceexisting coding formats. For now, scalable coding andtranscoding should not be viewed as opposing or compet-ing technologies. Instead, they are technologies that meetdifferent needs in a given application space and it is likelythat they can happily coexist.

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theory to compute the optimal allocation of bit rate be-tween spatial resilience, temporal resilience, and sourcerate. Furthermore, they use the analytical models to gen-erate the resilience rate-distortion functions that are usedto compute the optimal resilience. The transcoder theninjects this optimal resilience into the bit stream. Simula-tion results show that using a transcoder to optimally ad-just the resilience improves video quality in the presenceof errors while maintaining the same input bit rate.

In [39], the authors propose error-resilience videotranscoding for internetwork communications using ageneral packet radio services (GPRS) mobile access net-work. The error-resilience transcoding takes place in aproxy, which provides the necessary output rate with therequired amount of robustness. Here we use two error-re-silience coding schemes: adaptive intra refresh (AIR) andfeedback control signaling (FCS). The schemes can workindependently or combined. Since both AIR and FCS in-crease the bit rate, a simple bit-rate regulation mechanismis needed that adapts the quantization parameters accord-ingly. The system uses two primary control feedbackmechanisms. First, feedback signals that contain informa-tion related to the output channel conditions, such as biterror rate, delay, lost/received packets, etc. Based on thereceived feedback, AIR and/or FCS can be used to insertthe necessary robustness to the transcoded data. For ex-ample, in the case of increased bit error conditions, AIR isused as the major resilience block to stop the potential er-ror accumulation effects resulting from transmission er-rors, e.g., high motion areas are transcoded to intracodedMBs which don’t require MC. The second control feed-back mechanism comprises adaptive rate transcoding.This requires a feedback signaling method for the controlof the output bit rate from the video transcoder. In thisway, the signaling is originated from the output videoframe buffer within the network-monitoring module,which continuously monitors the flow conditions. In caseof underflow, a signal is returned to the transcoder for anincrease in bit rate. In case of overflow, the signal indicatesto the transcoder that it should decrease the bit rate. Thisis a relatively straightforward rate-controlling scheme fora congestion control. Experiments showed superiortranscoding performances over the error-prone GPRSchannels to the nonresilient video.

Concluding RemarksThere are additional video transcoding schemes that havebeen developed and proposed, but have not been coveredhere. Included are object-based transcoding [48], trans-coding between scalable and single-layer video [53]-[55],and various types of format conversions [56]-[60]. Jointtranscoding of multiple streams has been presented in[61] and system layer filtering has been described in [62].Finally, transcoding techniques that facilitate trick-playmodes, e.g., fast forward and reverse playback, have beendiscussed in [63] and [64].

Looking to the future of video transcoding, there arestill many topics that require further study. One problemis finding an optimal transcoding strategy. Given severaltranscoding operations that would satisfy given con-straints, a means for deciding the best one in a dynamicway has yet to be determined. Work to construct utilityfunctions that gauge a user’s satisfaction of a coded videobit stream was introduced in [65]. In this work, featuresare first extracted from the video, then machine learningand classification techniques are used to estimate the sub-jective/objective quality of the video coded according tothe transcoding operation. Extensions to this work havebeen considered in [66]. Another approach that uses ta-bles to define the relationship between quality, coding pa-rameters, and constraints has been proposed in [67].From a somewhat different perspective, initial work onmodeling the mean-squared error yielded by varioustranscoding operations has been presented in [68]. Over-all, further study is needed toward a complete algorithmthat can measure and compare quality across spatio-tem-poral scales, possibly taking into account subjective fac-tors, and account for a wide range of potential constraints(e.g., terminal, network, and user characteristics). An-other topic is the transcoding of encrypted bit streams.The problems associated with the transcoding of en-crypted bit streams include breaches in security by de-crypting and reencrypting within the network, as well ascomputational issues. These problems have been circum-vented in [69] with a secure scalable streaming formatthat combines scalable coding techniques with a progres-sive encryption technique. However, handling this fornon-scalable video and streams encrypted with tradi-tional encryption techniques is still an open issue.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Prof. Fernando Pereira and Dr.Jeongnam Youn for their time spent reviewing thismanuscript.

Anthony Vetro is with Mitsubishi Electric Research Labsin Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he is currently a seniorprincipal member of the Technical Staff. He received the


With the emergence of mobilemultimedia-capable devices andthe desire for users to accessvideo originally captured in ahigh resolution, there is a strongneed for efficient ways to reducethe spatial resolution of videofor delivery to such devices.

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Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from PolytechnicUniversity, Brooklyn, New York, and his main researchinterests are in the areas of video coding and transmission,with an emphasis on content scaling and rate allocation.He has published a number of papers in these areas andhas been an active participant in MPEG standards for sev-eral years, where he is now serving as editor forMPEG-21 Part 7, Digital Item Adaptation.

Charilaos Christopoulos received the B.Sc. in physics fromthe University of Patras in 1989; the M.Sc. in softwareengineering from the University of Liverpool, UK, in1991; and the Ph.D. in video coding from the Universityof Patras in 1996. From 1993 to 1995 he was a researchfellow at the Free University of Brussels. He joinedEricsson Research in 1995, where he is now manager ofEricsson’s MediaLab. He has been actively involved inJPEG2000, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21 standardization ac-tivities, serving as head of the Swedish delegation inISO/SC29/ WG01 (JPEG/JBIG), editor of the JPEG2000 Verification Model, and co-editor of the JPEG2000 standard. He holds 15 Swedish filed/granted pat-ents in the field of image and video processing, and he isauthor/co-author of about 40 journal and conferencepublications. His research interests include image andvideo processing, mobile communications, and three-di-mensional and virtual/ augmented reality.

Huifang Sun received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-neering from University of Ottawa, Canada. In 1995, hejoined Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, wherehe now serves as deputy director of the Murray Hill Lab.Prior to joining Mitsubishi, he was with the Electrical En-gineering Department of Fairleigh Dickinson Universityand later at Sarnoff Corporation, where he received theAD-HDTV Team Award in 1992 and Technical Achieve-ment Award for optimization and specification of theGrand Alliance HDTV video compression algorithm in1994. His research interests include digital video/imagecompression and digital communication. He has pub-lished more than 120 journal and conference papers andholds 18 U.S. patents. He is an IEEE Fellow.

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