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Vietnam New Model University Project Implementation Support Mission, 18-25 October 2016 Aide-Mémoire Section 1: Introduction 1. A World Bank task team conducted an implementation support mission for the Vietnam New Model University Project (NMUP) from 18 to 25 October. The mission was led by Võ Kiều Dung (Senior Education Specialist and Task Team Leader) and included Nguyễn Xuân Hoàng (Senior Procurement Specialist), Phạm Văn Cung (Senior Financial Management Specialist), Phạm Văn Khang (Environmental Specialist) and Nguyễn Minh Nguyệt (Program Assistant). 2. The mission team would like to thank the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the Project Management Unit (PMU), the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) and VGU Management Unit (VMU) for the gracious hospitality, courtesy, and professionalism that they extended throughout the mission. 3. The mission has achieved its objectives, as set out in the Statement of Mission Objectives, to review the implementation progress of the university development and campus construction. This mission also discussed draft project restructuring and extension proposal put together by the project management units. Section 2: Implementation Status Overview and Summary of Results and Progress toward the Development Objective. 4. Overall, implementation Progress is Positive with significant progress in all components, specifically (i) The campus commences construction, signaling commitment moving forward; (ii) Deans of Department and Faculty are increasingly strong with 25 full time faculty; (iii) Institutional policies are being developed using both expert inputs as well as reflections on day-to-day experience of VGU’s faculty and administration; (iv) Research regulations are being developed setting standards for research, faculty research obligation and quality enhancement for research. This is evident in the University striving to put themselves in a path to become a research based university; and (vi) quality assurance and accreditation process and procedures are being developed to support 1

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Vietnam New Model University ProjectImplementation Support Mission, 18-25 October 2016


Section 1: Introduction

1. A World Bank task team conducted an implementation support mission for the Vietnam New Model University Project (NMUP) from 18 to 25 October. The mission was led by Võ Kiều Dung (Senior Education Specialist and Task Team Leader) and included Nguyễn Xuân Hoàng (Senior Procurement Specialist), Phạm Văn Cung (Senior Financial Management Specialist), Phạm Văn Khang (Environmental Specialist) and Nguyễn Minh Nguyệt (Program Assistant).

2. The mission team would like to thank the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the Project Management Unit (PMU), the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) and VGU Management Unit (VMU) for the gracious hospitality, courtesy, and professionalism that they extended throughout the mission.

3. The mission has achieved its objectives, as set out in the Statement of Mission Objectives, to review the implementation progress of the university development and campus construction. This mission also discussed draft project restructuring and extension proposal put together by the project management units.

Section 2: Implementation Status Overview and Summary of Results and Progress toward the Development Objective.

4. Overall, implementation Progress is Positive with significant progress in all components, specifically (i) The campus commences construction, signaling commitment moving forward; (ii) Deans of Department and Faculty are increasingly strong with 25 full time faculty; (iii) Institutional policies are being developed using both expert inputs as well as reflections on day-to-day experience of VGU’s faculty and administration; (iv) Research regulations are being developed setting standards for research, faculty research obligation and quality enhancement for research. This is evident in the University striving to put themselves in a path to become a research based university; and (vi) quality assurance and accreditation process and procedures are being developed to support the Vietnamization1 of VGU programs. Master program in Computational Engineering has been fully Vietnamized in the academic year 2016-2017 (See Annex I: Result Indicators).

5. Challenges and Areas for Improvement. Slow progress is evident in low disbursement (9.2 percent) attributed by a number of factors. These are: (i) the introduction of a Government’s decision on transferring the direct management functions of the Project to the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City in March 2016. The Prime Minister in August finally decided to put the implementation of the Decision on hold but the hurdle had led to delayed approvals of relevant procurement activities; (ii) number of students enrolled for 2016-2017 is well below the targets (1,260 against 2,000); (iii) the cost continues to grow quicker than revenue; (iv) slow progress on the adoption of a sustainable financial plan (SFP) for the institution; (v) absence of two members of Presidential Board (President and Vice President Research) with Vice President (Academic Affairs)/cum VMU Director Acting as President and (iv) absence of a Project Management Consulting Firm which has gone into a contractual dispute with PMU and has ceased services since June 2016.

1 An academic program is accredited by German partner institution and delivered entirely by locally appointed faculty is called a Vietnamized program


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6. Key Finding:

Component 1: Policy and Regulatory Framework

7. Governance mechanisms, regulations, and procedures. The University Charter is a critical document for governance. The revised Charter was approved by the University Council earlier in October 2016 and submitted to MOET for review before transmitting further for Prime Minister’s approval. The most important change introduced to the Charter is revision of the University’s mission to become a world leading university in the future viz a viz a top 200 world university in the period of 2020-2025. At the wrap up meeting held on November 3, Vice Minister (in charge of Higher Education) requested VMU and MOET Department of Organization and Personnel to ensure the revised Charter well aligns with the Government Resolution 77/NQ-CP dated 24 October 2014 which grants highest level of autonomy to 14 pilot universities2 during the 2014 – 2017 period.

8. The mid-term review and subsequent supervision missions have noted the importance of a fully staffed and functioning Presidential Board for institutional progress. The mission noted the absence of the President who resigned in September and Vice President Research in July. The Vice President (Academic Affairs) cum VMU Director is temporarily acting as President. All are likely straining project implementation progress. The mission team strongly recommended concerned German and Vietnam stakeholders to accelerate the recruitment of these vacant positions and establish an interim arrangement to ensure minimum disruption to the university development and project implementation.

9. Financial management and Sustainable Financing. Building on an earlier consultancy on a model for planning and simulation, the University is developing four cost scenarios with different levers including: (i) number of programs; (ii) student number; (iii) student/faculty ratio; (iv) MOET funding after 2020; (v) tuition fee; (vi) depreciation; and (vii) teaching obligation (8 hours/week). VGU has indicated its preference over the model which includes 10 percent annual increase on tuition fees once the campus is completed (2020 onwards), with the current MOET funding level, leading to financial sustainability by 2023 when student number will reach 4,500 (See Annex V – VGU Financial Simulation). The mission urged the Presidential Board to soon finalize models/cost scenarios and propose the most suitable model to MOET and concerned stakeholders including German which will help the project management unit define project restructuring options.

Component 2: Academic and research development

10. Academic and research policies. Significant progress has been achieved in the development of Academic Activity Management policy with a mid-term report (See Annex XI) finished and appraised by the Academic Evaluation Committee. The final report is expected to come out by December 30. Regulations and Guidelines on Doctoral Education are near completion with the final report is also expected to come out by December 30. Preparation work is also underway to open a PhD program in Sustainable Urban Development for the 2017-2018 intake. The opening of PhD Programs can help improve the overall ability of VGU to function as a research university.

11. Academic program accreditation and quality assurance. The mission team recognized the effort that the University has put into the development of quality assurance and accreditation process and procedures to support the Vietnamization of VGU programs. This is an important task to ensure the German Program is adapted and customized into the Vietnamese context and accredited by 2Three more universities are waiting for their pilot proposal approved.


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German institutions once the programs are delivered by national faculty. A quality assurance team leader was recruited to set up an internal quality assurance system. As approved by the University Council earlier in October 2016, the University will develop guidelines and prepare a handbook for internal quality assurance.

12. The mission commended the University for significant effort dedicated to put it on the path to become a research based university. With 25 lecturers/researchers and 21 laboratories, VGU now has a critical mass of research competencies and capacities. All engineering study programs have dedicated laboratories and in some areas VGU has even created leading-edge structures, for example with its Manufacturing Lab/Learning Factory or the Vietnam German Transport Research Centre VGTRC. This enables a considerable growth of research activities. Currently VGU has hosted seven research projects with total fund of US$130,400 and has two collaborative research projects with total of US$43,700. The mission also took note of growing scientific outputs. Since 2013 VGU lecturers have published 26 international articles in peer reviewed journals in which 18 articles are International Scientific Index (ISI), and 25 presentations at international conferences. (See Annex XII – Report on Scientific and Applied Research, Technology Transfer and Industrial Relations).

13. Research facilities and support services. Continued effort is noticeable in acquiring lab equipment, putting 21 labs worth US$7 million, all into use. The mission took note of the continued challenge VGU is facing in defining relevant lab equipment both for purposes of procurement and within the larger overall plan for research at VGU. The task team strongly recommended: (i) continued effort to develop a simple laboratory plan for the medium term that defines the labs to be equipped in the rented campus versus those in the new campus; and (ii) develop an indicative budget and timeline for this plan, keeping in mind the inherent uncertainties of defining equipment prior to the development of research programs. The mission noted the University initial effort in analyzing the use of labs and striving for further improvement (See Annex XIII – Report on Lab Use).

Detailed analysis of project implementation by components is included in Annex II

Component 3: Campus construction

14. The mission congratulated PMU and MOET for a successful ground breaking ceremony marking an important milestone in the campus design and construction. Effort and hard work was dedicated to keep to the original plan and the mission strongly recommended PMU to maintain the momentum to ensure the forthcoming construction packages are on track.

15. The mission also discussed contractual dispute the PMU has gone in with the Project Management Consultant (POSCO A&C) which has suspended services since June 2016. The mission urged PMU to conclude the dispute and submit an action plan on how a project management arrangement will be put in place by December 15, 2016.

16. Further details on the next steps for Component 3 are discussed in the “Procurement” section under Component 4: Project Management of this Aide Memoire. The overall conclusion is that the PMU is urged to take all measures to ensure approval of Design and Construction packages 1B and 2 are gained in time for construction to be commenced in 2017.

Component 4: Project Management

17. Procurement: The 2016 Procurement Plan (PP) for both PMU and VMU were only approved in the middle of second quarter of 2016 which limited delivery capacity of both units. The


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mission urged PMU and VMU to finalize 2017 PPs and submit them to MOET for approval before middle of December 2016. The MOET was recommended to expedite its review process fast in order to grant its approval for the PPs as early as January 2017.

18. VMU implementation of its 2016 PP showed relatively modest progress over the past 7 months. Specifically, 9 (out of 14 contracts), mainly ICs of small values have been awarded, which accounted for 14 percent of the total planned value (US$247,000 vs US$1,784,000). The VMU was recommended to dedicate its resource and expedite actions in line with the summarized action plan included in Annex III.

19. The VMU proposed to include consulting package VGU-P9-Y16-CS to support detailed design of labs which is expected to be in place by January 2017. The package was removed from the 2016 PP by the MOET without clear explanation. The mission requested VMU to urgently seek MOET’s approval to proceed with the package in order to avoid unnecessary delay introduced to the design work.

20. Review of the PMU implementation of 2016 PP revealed that only 2 contracts out of 6 major packages were awarded. The mission urged the PMU to dedicate its effort in awarding two contracts (01 NCB Non-CS and 01 CQS) by the end of 2016 and to move the two NCB Works packages into the 2017 PP.

21. Completeness of Detailed Technical design and Readiness of the draft Bidding Documents for Design and Construction packages: The mission strongly recommended the PMU and MOET to pay due attention and expedite relevant actions to make sure the procurement process for the next two NCB Works packages CP1B and CP2 to catch up with the agreed schedule.

22. Financial management: The following actions were recommended and agreed during the mission:

23. Financial Planning: Budget Allocation for 2016 was only available in March 2016 and was not sufficient for the planned project activities. The Budget for 2017 should be made available on time (by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Education), ideally by the end of 2016 and should be sufficient for the activities forecasted in 2017.

24. Professorship Start up Grants (PSG): The Guidelines and Procedures for the PSG shall be clarified to ensure that sufficient details of objectives, outputs and activities, payment procedures, disputes handling procedures are included.

25. Project Restructuring: The PMU and VMU shall prepare a longer term financial plan to cover the entire remaining project life to ensure that (a) the projects funds are fully utilized, (b) any restructure of expenditure category would be proposed promptly.

26. Environmental safeguards: During the mission, the Bank Task Team conducted meetings with PMU and VMU, a field visit to Binh Duong and reviews of draft contracts. Key findings and recommendations are summarized below.

27. Draft contract for construction supervision consultant (CSC) service incorporates provisions of environmental compliance supervision such as the obligation of the consultant to regularly supervise contractor’s compliance with approved mitigation measures and the right of the consultant to suspend construction activities in case of non-compliance.


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28. Draft contract for VGU-W-03-CP1A construction contractor should include ECOP which obliges the contractor to comply with during construction.

29. PMU safeguard personnel. PMU has assigned one staff to take charge of all environmental safeguard issues along with three other supporting staff.

30. The environmental quality monitoring during construction. Hiring of consultant should be completed by late February 2017 so that the full monitoring system of the project is in place and the first monitoring could be conducted by the fourth week of March 2017.

31. Field visit observation. PMU, CSC and construction contractors should pay particular attention to (i) controlling sedimentation and pollution to the existing drainage canal, and (ii) traffic safety during construction as construction site is located next to national road #13.

Section 6: Risks

32. The Project faces risks to: i) not achieve all the targets by the closing date currently set for November 30, 2017; ii) fail to develop a technically sound restructuring proposal in time to enable the extension of the project as the negotiation on a financially sustainable model for VGU with German partners would likely to be challenging and slow, especially with an absence of a German President who plays a key role in maintaining communication between German and Vietnam stakeholders.

Section 7: Pending issues and agreed actions

33. PMU to develop a Project Restructuring and Extension Proposal in close consultation with concerned stakeholders and submit to the World Bank by December 15, 2016. The Proposal should include inter alia a financially sustainable model;

34. VMU to submit a sustainable financial plan which demonstrates VGU’s ability to obtain adequate resources to maintain its operations by December 15, 2016;

35. PMU to provide an updated design, procurement and construction plan and a campus construction project management arrangement by December 15, 2016;

36. PMU to develop and maintain a construction supervision master plan and those of individual construction packages with well-defined tasks and responsibilities of the Construction Supervision Engineering Firm. First plan (for CP1A) to be submitted to the Bank by December 15, 2016;

37. PMU to develop and maintain a disbursement plan and report to the Task Team monthly;

38. Undertake all recommended actions relating to compliance in financial management, procurement and environmental safeguards by December 15, 2016;

39. MOET to ensure appointment of President and Vice President (Research) by March 30, 2017;

40. MOET to ensure Revised Charter and Special Financial Regime to be approved by March 30, 2017;


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41. VMU to finalize and adopt all policies including the ones on Quality Assurance and Research by March 30, 2017.ANNEXES

Annex I Result Indicators

Annex II Summary of Progress by Component and Subcomponent

Annex III Procurement Action Plan

Annex IV Financial Management

Annex V VGU Financial Simulation

Annex VI Human Resources Policy – Inception Report

Annex VII Categorization of Academic Staff

Annex VIII Draft Guidelines on Evaluation Process and Module Evaluation

Annex IX Decision on Management Regulations of Scientific and Technological Activities

Annex X IT Strategy (Final Draft Report)

Annex XI Academic Activities Management – Mid Term Report

Annex XII Report on Scientific and Applied Research, Technology Transfer and Industrial Relations

Annex XIII Report on Lab Usage


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Annex I – Result Indicators


Project Outcome IndicatorsBaseline


Target and actual values

Year 1(2012)

Year 2(2013)

Year 3(2014)

Year 4(2015)

Year 5(2016)

Year 6(2017)

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

The Vietnamese -German University (VGU) established formally through:


1) updated VGU charter and a governance structure ensuring autonomy for VGU*

           X X        

2) development of financial sustainability plans for VGU**

      X   X   X   X X

3) the development of high quality academic programs in VGU

      X    X X X X  X X X

Result indicators for each component of the project


Component 1:

1) Establishment and implementation of:

- internal and external charters (University Charter)



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Annex I – Result Indicators


Project Outcome IndicatorsBaseline


Target and actual values

Year 1(2012)

Year 2(2013)

Year 3(2014)

Year 4(2015)

Year 5(2016)

Year 6(2017)

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

- strategic plans (Master Plan)       X   X   X   X X

- financial plan (Financial management and sustainable financing plans)

      X   X   X   X X

- HR policy framework (HR strategy/policy)       X              

- communications plan (Marketing and Communications Plan)

      X   X   X   X X

- enterprise/ student software       X              

- quality assurance and accreditation system           X   X   X X

2) Number of people trained at VGU, MOET, and other universities on relevant topics

0 VGU 30 9 50 13 80 34 100 62 150 44 200

0 MOET 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 20 6 20

0 HEIs 0 0 0 0 20 0 30 75 40 38 50

3) Number of scholarships provided to female students and students from disadvantaged groups

0 5 38 10 42 15 61 20 150 30 119 40


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Annex I – Result Indicators


Project Outcome IndicatorsBaseline


Target and actual values

Year 1(2012)

Year 2(2013)

Year 3(2014)

Year 4(2015)

Year 5(2016)

Year 6(2017)

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

- Scholarships for female students 38 42 61

150- Scholarships for students in disadvantaged circumstances

0 0 0

Component 2:

1) Number of enrolled students, graduates, and academic staff and support staff (by gender)

90 students 2

00 54


500 77

5 9

00 1,121


1,140 2,0

00 1,260


0 graduate 1

00 4


250 4

4 3

30 120

400 88


44 70


8 lecturers











180 Female lecturers



Male lecturers


2) Percentage of domestic and international academic staff with Ph.D.

National 50 0 60 100 70 100 75 80 75 75 80

International 65 0 70 100 80 100 85 100 85 100 90


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Annex I – Result Indicators


Project Outcome IndicatorsBaseline


Target and actual values

Year 1(2012)

Year 2(2013)

Year 3(2014)

Year 4(2015)

Year 5(2016)

Year 6(2017)

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

3) Number of academic programs introduced and accredited

3 4 9 5 10 6 10 7 11 8 11 10

4) Research projects launched and number of doctorate students mobilized in research projects

    14   13   9       9  

Component 3:1) Percentage of campus completed (sq. meters)

0 0   0   0   36,




Component 4:1) The project implementation rated ‘satisfactory’ by all major stakeholders

  X   X   X   X   X X

2) The capacity to implement the project as scheduled and efforts to minimize delays

  X   X   X   X   X X

3) Number of manuals, policies and systems prepared related to project management

  X   X   X   X   X X

4) Monitoring and evaluation system developed with timely reporting

  X   X   X   X   X X

*Updated charter is submitted for MOET’s review for further transmission for Prime Minister’s approval


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** VGU is developing a financial sustainability plan


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Annex II - Summary of Progress by Component and Subcomponent

Component 1: Policy and Regulatory Framework

42. Subcomponent 1.1. Governance mechanisms, regulations, and procedures. The University Charter is a critical document for governance. The revised Charter was approved by the University Council earlier in October 2016 and submitted to MOET for review before transmitting further for Prime Minister’s approval. The most important change introduced to the Charter is revision of the University’s mission to become a world leading university in the future viz a viz a top 200 world university in the period of 2020-2025. At the wrap up meeting held on November 3, Vice Minister (in charge of Higher Education) requested VMU and MOET Department of Organization and Personnel to ensure the revised Charter well aligns with the Government Resolution 77/NQ-CP dated 24 October 2014 which grants highest level of autonomy to 14 pilot universities3 during the 2014 – 2017 period.

43. The Prime Minister decided to stop implementing the Government’s decision on transferring the direct management function of the Project to the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City introduced in March 2016 to ensure the continuity of the project. Though it introduced unnecessary delay to procurement activities, timely engagement of the newly appointed Minister of Education resulted in prompt commencement of the campus construction marking a critical milestone of project implementation.

44. The mid-term review and subsequent supervision missions have noted the importance of a fully staffed and functioning Presidential Board for institutional progress. The mission noted the absence of the President who resigned in September and Vice President Research in July. The Vice President (Academic Affairs) cum VMU Director is temporarily Acting President. All are likely straining project implementation progress. The mission team strongly recommended concerned German and Vietnam stakeholders to accelerate the recruitment of these vacant positions and establish an interim arrangement to ensure minimum disruption to the university development and project implementation.

45. Subcomponent 1.2 Financial management and Sustainable Financing. Building on an earlier consultancy on a model for planning and simulation, the University is developing four cost scenarios with different levers including: (i) number of programs; (ii) student number; (iii) student/faculty ratio; (iv) MOET funding after 2020; (v) tuition fee; (vi) depreciation; and (vii) teaching obligation (8 hours/week). VGU has indicated its preference over the model which includes 10 percent annual increase on tuition fees once the campus is completed (2020 onwards), with the current MOET funding level, leading to financial sustainability by 2023 when student number will reach 4,500 (See Annex V – VGU Financial Simulation). The mission urged the Presidential Board to soon finalize models/cost scenarios and propose the most suitable model to MOET and concerned stakeholders including German which will help the project management unit define project restructuring options.

46. Subcomponent 1.3: Institutional Quality Management. By design, the University will develop guidelines and preparation of a handbook of quality management procedures to cover the university management and administrative activities. The Presidential Board has proposed to undertake this work under the development of Accreditation and Quality Assurance which includes educational program and institutional quality accreditation QA.

3Three more universities are waiting for their pilot proposal approved.


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The latter will be developed in 2017 once the new governance structure of the university is likely to be confirmed.

47. Subcomponent 1.4: Human Resources. Consultancy on establishing guidelines, rules and procedures for recruitment, wage/benefit structures and performance management of the University staff is progressing well with an inception report submitted in May and the final expected to come out in January 2017 (See Annex VI – Inception Report – Human Resources Policy). Some parts of the Policy have already been adopted and implemented including the Categorization of Academic Staff (See Annex VII).

48. The mission took note of a strong body of Heads/Deputy Heads of departments including Finance, HR, IT, Facility Management, Academic Affairs, Student Recruitment, Research, Industrial Relations and Technology Transfer, Inspection and Legal Affairs, Library, and Strategy and Quality Management. This represents significant progress the University has achieved in staffing up administrative functions which are now capable to manage and make best use of consultancies commissioned to support the development of institutional policies and regulations.

49. The mission noted that the University has continued to be successful in hiring high quality national faculty. Over the last seven months, an additional nine faculty members have been recruited, bringing the total number of Vietnamese full-time faculty to 25. Faculty’s effectiveness evaluation process is being developed followed by action plans for capacity building (See Annex V Draft Guidelines of Evaluation Process and Module Evaluation). The University also promulgated a Decision on Management Regulations of Scientific and Technological Activities at VGU (See Annex IX) which includes Regulations on evaluation of research performance at VGU, setting out indicators pertaining to research activities for faculty. This is an extremely important step forward to ensure sufficient research capacity, putting the university on the path to become a research based university.

50. Subcomponent 1.5. Management and operational systems. The consultancy work on the development of an IT strategy and systems has been mostly completed based on modern technologies that allow integration with other university systems and processes with support of an international consultant firm. Minor changes are being made to the final reports for adoption (See Annex X – IT Strategy Report - Final Draft). The IT policy is already being applied in the day to day running of the University on the rented campus. Procurement of IT services and facilities will commence in 2018 in preparation for the new campus.

51. There has been a long delay to commissioning a Higher Education (HE) branding marketing and promotion support with a deep understanding or the specificity of HE market in Vietnam to help build VGU institutional profile as recommended strongly in the previous mission. Given the student number for academic year 2016/2017 was well below the target, the mission urged VMU to accelerate the procurement of this consultancy to ensure student enrolment is back on track for the forthcoming intake.

52. Subcomponent 1.6. Admissions and student support services. 119 female students and those from disadvantaged groups have received scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year. Admission guidelines are fully complied to ensure quality standards set out for student recruitment by German Partner Universities are met.


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Component 2: Academic and research development

53. Subcomponent 2.1. Academic and research policies. Significant progress has been achieved in the development of Academic Activity Management policy with a mid-term report (See Annex VIII) finished and appraised by the Academic Evaluation Committee. The final report is expected to come out by December 30. Regulations and Guidelines on Doctoral Education are near completion with the final report is also expected to come out by December 30. Preparation work is also underway to open a PhD program in Sustainable Urban Development for the 2017-2018 intake. The opening of PhD Programs can help improve the overall ability of VGU to function as a research university.

54. Subcomponent 2.2. Teaching and research methods. VGU delayed the development of a long-term teaching and research strategy which is expected to lead to a pedagogical approach that takes well-tested German methods and customizes them for the situation at VGU. The consultancy is being proposed to begin in 2017 as soon as the Academic Activities Management consultancy is completed which will provide guidance on how to adapt and contextualize the existing accredited German programs into the Vietnamese context.

55. Subcomponent 2.3. Academic program accreditation and quality assurance. The mission team recognized the effort that the University has put into the development of quality assurance and accreditation process and procedures to support the Vietnamization of VGU programs. This is an important task to ensure the German Program is adapted and customized into the Vietnamese context and accredited by German institutions once the programs are delivered by national faculty. A quality assurance team leader was recruited to set up an internal quality assurance system. As approved by the University Council earlier in October 2016, the University will develop guidelines and prepare a handbook for internal quality assurance.

56. Subcomponent 2.4. Research and professoriate development. Six locally appointed faculty have been granted with a start-up professorship of US$10,000. The mission recommended the University to seek further evidence on outcomes of the grants and update the guidelines which have been issued to guide the application and approval process.

57. The mission commended the University for significant effort dedicated to put it on the path to become a research based university. With 25 lecturers/researchers and 21 laboratories, VGU now has a critical mass of research competencies and capacities. All engineering study programs have dedicated laboratories and in some areas VGU has even created leading-edge structures, for example with its Manufacturing Lab/Learning Factory or the Vietnam German Transport Research Centre VGTRC. This enables a considerable growth of research activities. Currently VGU has hosted seven research projects with total fund of US$130,400 and has two collaborative research projects with total of US$43,700. The mission also took note of growing scientific outputs. Since 2013 VGU lecturers have published 26 international articles in peer reviewed journals in which 18 articles are International Scientific Index (ISI), and 25 presentations at international conferences. The results are shown in the following charts:


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(See Annex XII – Report on Scientific and Applied Research, Technology Transfer and Industrial Relations)

58. Subcomponent 2.5. Library development. As reported in the last implementation support mission, guidelines to design and implement a comprehensive library based on up-to-date library management systems and IT platform have been produced, promptly contributing to the design of the new campus. Training is also being delivered to staff to manage it and guidance on software and books required for the library are underway.

59. Subcomponent 2.6. Research facilities and support services. Continued effort is noticeable in acquiring lab equipment, putting 21 labs worth US$7 million, all into use. The mission took note of the continued challenge VGU is facing in defining relevant lab equipment both for purposes of procurement and within the larger overall plan for research at


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VGU. The task team strongly recommended: (i) continued effort to develop a simple laboratory plan for the medium term that defines the labs to be equipped in the rented campus versus those in the new campus; and (ii) develop an indicative budget and timeline for this plan, keeping in mind the inherent uncertainties of defining equipment prior to the development of research programs. The mission noted the University initial effort in analyzing the use of labs and striving for further improvement (See Annex XIII – Report on Lab Use).

Component 3: Campus construction

60. The mission congratulated PMU and MOET for a successful ground breaking ceremony marking an important milestone in the campus design and construction. Effort and hard work was dedicated to keep to the original plan and the mission strongly recommended PMU to maintain the momentum to ensure the forthcoming construction packages are on track.

61. The mission also discussed contractual dispute the PMU has gone in with the Project Management Consultant (POSCO A&C) which has suspended services since June 2016. The mission urged PMU to conclude the dispute and submit an action plan on how a project management arrangement will be put in place to avoid any delay to construction progress.

62. Further details on the next steps for Component 3 are discussed in the “Procurement” section under Component 4: Project Management of this Aide Memoire. The overall conclusion is that the key challenge facing the PMU now is to take all necessary measures to ensure approval of Design and Construction packages 1B and 2 are gained in time for construction to be commenced in 2017.


Page 17: Vietnam NMUP - Aide memoire - SPN Mission -  · Web view23.12.2016  · The final report is expected to come out by December

Annex III – Procurement - Summary of Agreed actions

No Actions By whom Agreed deadline Remark2. Approval of BD for CP1B PMU finalization,

MOET approvalNovember 25, 2016

3. Issuance of the final version of Bidding Documents for the NCB package CP1B for bid opening

PMU (no prior review required by WB

December 1, 2016

4. Preparation of 2017 Procurement Plans for submission to MOET

PMU & VMU December 15, 2016

2017 PPs to be submitted to the Bank for feedback by Nov.30

5. Formal approval of 2017 PPs MOET approval, WB no-objection

January 15, 2016

6. Approval of DP2 MOC appraisal, MOET approval

March 2017

7. Finalization of BD for CP2, including formal approval by MOET and WB’s NOL for issuance to open bidding

PMU preparation,MOET approval, WB NOL

May 2017

8. Consolidated proposal for procurement capacity building to both PMU & VMU staff (contract management; procedures for procurement of Works and Goods and Consulting services)

PMU & VMU to Bank’s DPS

2-3 days in January-February 2017 (before the next mission)

For medium & longer terms of building capacity