view pluto in capricorn and know about its history by celestial insight

Pluto in Capricorn by Celestial Insight

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Pluto in Capricorn by

Celestial Insight

Page 2: View Pluto in Capricorn and know about its History by Celestial Insight

The End of the World as we know it?

Lord of the Underworld, Pluto is the repository of the secrets of life and death. The Underworld is a dark place; the fount of human depravity; cruelty, torture, murder, greed, evil and violence. Its power is intense and relentless. The planet named for this dark entity travels the zodiac in a slow elliptical orbit of 248 years, spending anywhere from 13 to 30 years in each sign of the zodiac. On 26 January 2008 Pluto leaves Sagittarius and crosses a pivotal threshold moving into Capricorn. This is an epic time that portents dramatic upheaval.

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While Pluto has been moving through the freedom loving and spiritual sign of Sagittarius, we have seen these dark forces given wide scope and free rein. We have witnessed widespread terrorism, and the war waged against it; a war without borders.Torture has become an accepted practice and people have been imprisoned without trial. We have also seen an upsurge in fundamentalist religions. God, it seems, is always on “our side”, and it’s always other people, never ourselves, who are the evildoers.

Page 4: View Pluto in Capricorn and know about its History by Celestial Insight

Solstice Point

The mountains are the realm of Saturn and Capricorn. It’s between Pluto’s Underworld and Saturn’s peaks that humanity resides. It is here, in our earthly material reality, in the halls of civilization, within the strata of government and business, where Pluto’s power will unfurl.

Page 5: View Pluto in Capricorn and know about its History by Celestial Insight

The start of Capricorn is the solstice point, where each year the Sun reaches its most southerly aspect, before heading north once more. In the southern hemisphere this is summer’s longest day, and in the northern hemisphere, winter’s shortest day.

Traditionally, Capricorn is associated with the winter solstice, a barren time of darkness. Pluto’s passage through Capricorn is a low point in the natural cycle, a time for withdrawal, inward focus and hibernation.

Coming a year or so after Pluto’s “downgrade” from planetary status, this cycle portents the intensification of the extremes of heat and cold that we normally encounter at the time of the solstice. As climate change bites down hard, Pluto reminds us just how powerful he really is, regardless of what we may think about his rank in the planetary hierarchy.

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The History of Pluto in Capricorn

Dark Ages


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A recent scientific examination of tree rings from across the world, along with ice core samples from the Arctic and Antarctic regions, shows that our planet experienced an extremely cold period that began around 535 CE, which lasted perhaps twenty years or more.This period has been called the “Dark Ages” because of the collapse of culture that took place at that time, but recent research has revealed that it was literally “dark” for the sun had stopped shining. Crops failed, famine and plague spread. The population of our planet would have had no idea what was happening, nor would people have known if the climate would return to normal. Superstition flourished. Empires fell as Barbarian hordes swept cultured civilizations aside.

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