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Page 1: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../09/...CLOSING-WORSHIP.docx · Web view4 times: piano, organ, djembe; second . time: a . ... alert to the call of your voice, ... Hallelujah!


* indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spirit

Welcome, Announcements & Territorial Acknowledgment [Greg Daly] the paschal candle is already lit as people enter

general welcome to all

Mark Toulouse welcomes the Moderator and any other guests from General Council offices; acknowledges graduands

call for general announcements

elements are grape juice and gluten free bread and will be received by intinction

all are welcome to participate in whatever way they are comfortable, by coming forward for communion, or by remaining in their seats to sing, pray or meditate

end with:Territorial Acknowledgement [Greg]As we prepare for worship we now take a moment to acknowledge this sacred land on which we gather.

It has been a site of human activity for many thousands of years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River.

Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island. We are grateful for the opportunity to live and work on this territory. We seek to be mindful of broken covenants and the need to strive to make right with all our relations.

a candle on the Table is lit



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Opening Prayer (in one voice) [Catherine McPherson]God of many names—Creator, Yahweh; Abba, Allah; Great Spirit, Holy Mystery—God beyond all names:

today we dare to name you our Loving, Living God, alive among us here.

God of life and death, and life beyond death, you call us to life in all its fullness, to new life, with all its risks, and all its hope.

We give you thanks that your reign of wholeness and holinesshas been unleashed within our bent and broken world.

Open us to your empowering grace, that we may be bearers of your world-redeeming love.

This we pray in the name of your creating, redeeming and sustaining power and presence. Amen.

* Hymn: MV 122 “This Is the Day” (Psalm 118:24)(sung 4 times: piano, organ, djembe; second time: a capella with clapping) words also on screen

This is the day that God has madewe will rejoice and be glad! (repeat)

Singing hal-le-lu, singing hal-le-lu, singing hal-le-lu! We will rejoice and be glad! (repeat)

WORDPsalm 30: VU p. 757 [Miriam Flynn]

Sung Refrain: on screen (VU p. 826, Refrain 2)


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Gospel: John 21:1-19 (NRSV/Inclusive Bible)[two voices: 1. Janet Zenwirt; 2. David Allan; at lectern and pulpit on either side of the Table]

1. A reading from the Gospel according to John: After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way.

2. Gathered there together were Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin,

Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They replied, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

1. Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Jesus said to them, “Children, you have no fish, have you?”

2. They answered, “Not a thing.”

1. He said to them, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”

2. So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. 7 The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Teacher!” When Simon Peter heard this, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. 8 But the other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, only about a hundred yards off. 9 When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread.

1. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”

2. So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred fifty-three of them; and though there were so many, the net was not torn.

1. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.”


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2. Now none of the disciples dared to ask, “Who are you?” because they knew it was the Saviour.

1. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. 14 This was now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, do you love me more than these?”

2. Peter said, “Yes, Rabbi; you know that I love you.”

1. Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

2.  A second time Jesus put the question, “Simon, do you love me?”

1. Peter said, “Yes, Rabbi; you know that I love you.”

2. Jesus replied, “Tend my sheep.”

1. Jesus asked a third time, “Simon, do you love me?”

2. Simon Peter felt hurt because Jesus asked “Do you love me?” a third time. So he said, “Rabbi, you know everything; you know that I love you.”

1. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go.”

2. (With these words Jesus indicated the kind of death by which Simon Peter would later glorify God.)

1. Then Jesus said, “Follow me.”[pause]2. The Gospel of Christ. [Praise to you, O Christ!]

* Hymn: MV 161 “I Have Called You by Your Name”

Sermon: [Moderator]

Silent Reflection4

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Prayers of the People two voices, 1. Daniel Reed; 2. Maya Brathwaite, from within the community; text of Sung Response on screen

Sung Response: VU 695 played once, then sung by allGod is passionate life, strong and vibrant in us, 1. as we seek justice for all people.

1. Let us Pray: Holy God of creation and new creation, we give you praise and thanks for all your signs of strong and vibrant life: for the greening of these days, and the warmth of this community; for the grace and freedom to answer the call to follow you; for the privilege to study and learn, teach and pray; for this College and our communities of faith; for all people of faith who bear witness to your ways of faith and justice in the world . . . [10 seconds silence]

Renew our lives, we pray, that we may more fully do our part in your work of righteousness and freedom.

God is passionate life, strong and vibrant in us, 2. as we seek freedom for all people.

2. God of life and new life, we praise you for your passionate presence, alive and at work in spite of all the despair, violence and death of our time. We remember in our prayers all those whose struggles continue – for freedom and peace; for comfort or an embrace; for a home or a place; for a vote or a voice; for renewal and reconciliation . . . . [10 seconds silence]

Keep us from squandering your promise of new life, we pray. Hold always before us the suffering of the world, the certainty of a new heaven and a new earth, the hope of equality and your care for all peoples.

God is passionate life, strong and vibrant in us, 3. as we seek equality for all people.

1. God of renewal and rebirth, we praise you for your wisdom in the midst of change; for your solidarity in the work of transformation; for your comfort in the labour of new birth; for staying with us through the night. We remember today all the varied ministries and vocations of your people. Give us your gifts of vision and courage, compassion and love, that we may know your presence and guidance on our pilgrimage of joy and service. And we remember, especially, all those who feel alone, or lost. Be with them, we pray, through the comforting presence of your Spirit, and the companionship of other pilgrims along the way . . . . [10 seconds silence]

Keep our hearts always open to your image in face of our neighbour, your presence in the lives of all people.

God is passionate life, strong and vibrant in us, 4. as we seek dignity for all people.

2. And now, in the silence of our ever-present watching for your new life among us, keep us awake to the signs of the times, alert to the call of your voice, and listening to the beat of your heart. Help us always to seek the shape of your peace which passes all understanding . . . [10 seconds silence]

God is passionate life, strong and vibrant in us, 5. as we seek peace in our day for all people.

1. May it be so. Let the people say, Amen! 5

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Invitation & Peace [Moderator, in her own words]ending with: Peace with be with you all.

And also with you. signs of peace are exchanged

Presentation Hymn: VU 168 “The Risen Christ”the table is prepared: two plates of bread and the pitcher of juice are brought forward by Catherine, Greg, Maya

The Great Thanksgiving [Moderator]Hallelujah! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed! In life, in death,

in life beyond death, God is with us.

We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

Hallelujah, thanks and praise, ever-living God,worker of wonders, maker of miracles,author of all life and giver of life eternal!Out of chaos and fear you bring beauty and hope.Out of despair and death you create courage and new life. And so, with the risen Christ, who makes all things new by the power of his resurrection, we join in the song of a new day, to sing your praise:

O holy, holy, holy God, O God of time and space.[MV 203; on screen]All earth and sea and sky above bear witness to your grace! Hosanna in the highest heav’n, creation sings your praise. And blessed is the One who comes and bears your name always!


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And now we recall again, with renewed memory and vision, all those grace-filled meals which make of this ordinary food an extraordinary feast: unleavened bread in the terrors of the night, and manna in the wilderness; partying with outcasts, and picking corn on the Sabbath;a picnic on the hillside, and a breakfast on the lakeshore; breaking bread in Emmaus and, before that, a meal in an upper room:

there Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said “This is my body, given for you. Do this to remember me.”

In the same way, he passed the cup after supper saying: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, to remember me.”

Remembering your boundless love for us in Jesus Christ, from womb to tomb, and beyond the grave,we offer you our praise as we proclaim the mystery of faith:

Sing Christ has died and Christ is risen, [MV 204; on screen]Christ will come again! (x2)

Send your Holy Spirit upon us and what we do here, O God. Make of these gifts of creation a new creation.May they bless our lives with your life-giving presence. May they give us comfort and strength, peace and wisdom. May they make us whole, and show us the first fruits of a new heaven and a new earth. By this witness, through this promise, in this hope, we praise you:

Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen! (x2; MV 203; on screen]

We gather these and all our prayers, thankful that we can turn to you as to a Mother, brooding over us, as to Our Father, who art in heaven, . . . .

the plate of gluten free bread and the cup are each, in turn, lifted up, with these or similar words:


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The body of the risen Christ, the Bread of Life, given for you. The blood of living Christ, the Cup of Blessing, given for you.

servers: Moderator and Maya; Greg and Catherine

Music during Communion: text of each on screen

Chant: Hallelujah, Christ is Risen! God is making all things new! (repeat)

MV 202 “Bread for the Journey”

Prayer after Communion: on screen [invited by the Moderator]Gracious God, may your gifts of love transform and enliven usthat we may live lives of thanksgiving. May your presence among us provoke such longing for your realm,that we will never be satisfied until the whole earth knows your justice, your peace, and your love. Amen.


Blessing of the Graduands [led by Bill]

Hymn: MV 159 “In Star and Crescent”

Blessing and Sending Forth [Moderator]