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Page 1: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project






BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE : Bogalusa City Council meeting will come to order. Invocation by Councilman O’Ree, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Led the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.



BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Next on the agenda is the consent of calendar for the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 5, 2013.

BY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS: I make a motion to accept them.





BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Next is the approval of the minutes of the Special meeting held on November 15, 2013.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I move they be accepted as written




Page 2: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project



BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Next we have Condemnations by the Honorable Judge Robert J. Black.

BY JUDGE BLACK: Thank you Madam President. We have about six properties for your consideration tonight.

Upon hearing testimony from the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief and hearing the Curator’s report, the following properties were condemned and given x number of days to come into compliance with the law.

Estate of Shaundra R. Bridges 600 N. Border Drive.

(Councilwoman Williams made the motion, seconded by Councilman O’Ree to condemn said property and give the owners forty five days (45) in which to come into compliance with the law. Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).

Estate ofLucille Brumfield Brock Eugene Brock 901 S. Dauphine

(Councilman O’Ree made the motion, seconded by Councilwoman Williams to condemn saidproperty and give the owners ten days (10) in which to come into compliance with the law. Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).

Estate of Leon Burns Tillis BurnsCarol D. Tyson Burns 1609 North Avenue

(Councilman O’Ree made the motion, seconded by Councilwoman Williams to condemn saidproperty and give the owners ten days (10) in which to come into compliance with the law.Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).

Estate of Ellen Ann Greely 1303 Dan Street

(Councilwoman Graham made the motion, seconded by Councilwoman Williams to condemn said property and give the owners ninety days (90) in which to come into compliance with the law. Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).

Estate of Vera Smith Lundie Estate 904 S. Royal Street

(Councilman O’Ree made the motion, seconded by President Perrette to condemn saidproperty and give the owners ten days (10) in which to come into compliance with the law.Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).


Page 3: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

Estate of Cleotha Martin, Jr. 645 Richmond Street

(Councilman O’Ree made the motion, seconded by Councilwoman Williams to condemn said property and give the owners sixty days (60) in which to come into compliance with the law.Motion carried 6-0 with one absent).

BY JUDGE BLACK: Thank you very much.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Judge. Next we have Introduction of Ordinances, Councilman O’Ree.


AN ORDINANCE to amend City Code Section 21-1 Definitions to include Museums in the Definition of Institution.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Vice-President Ritchie.


AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with International Paper for the Tenant Improvements for Paper Storage Warehouse located at 215 Industrial Parkway Drive.

This is to go into the Industrial Park to give IP, International Paper extra storage room that they need.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: These will be up for public hearing at our regular meeting held on December 3, 2013. Next we have Public Hearing, Councilwoman Graham.

AN ORDINANCE to authorize the Mayor to acquire by the means provided for in the law a parcel of adjudicated property described as Lot 19 Block 11 L.A. Pierce revised (less R/W) East 30 feet of Lot 2, West 30 feet of South 10 feet of Lot 3, South 5 feet of Lot 5 Lots 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16&17 and East 90 feet of Lot 22 Block 11 L.A. Pierce revised (less r/w for Hwy Lots 13-17 and 22 Blk, 11 L.A. Pierce Revised) S1/2 of Lot 3 Block 1 L.A. Pierce revised.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone in the public wishing to speak for or against this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address. Council discussion.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: This is to acquire these highways correct?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: This is so that we can put that road through to Sullivan Drive for the Paper Mill. It is adjudicated property that has been adjudicated to the City already.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It has. It is appropriate for a motion.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I make a motion we accept it.






Page 4: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Next is an ordinance introduced by the Finance Committee.

AN ORDINANCE to Revise the 2013 Budget.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone in the public wishing to speak for or against this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address. Council discussion.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: There being none I move that we accept it.





BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Councilman Drummond.


AN ORDINANCE requesting zoning change at 409 Plaza from A-2 Residential to A-3 Residential for the purchasing of the YWCA property.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone in the public wishing to speak for or against this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY JOHN GALLASPY: 301 Louisiana Avenue. Please excuse my appearance, I had some work to do outside and the days are awfully short and I worked right up to the last minute. I’m here on behalf of both the YWCA and the Hospital. I’m on the board of the hospital. Ms. Sheridan really knows a thousand times more about the hospital than I do. As I’m sure you realize we’ve made an agreement with the board at the “Y” to purchase the property, the hospital has. The question has opposed to me ever so often is what is going to happen to the old building, it’s historic? Well it won’t qualify any more for the Historic Register. It partially burned about thirty years ago and was repaired nicely but it’s no longer in its posture or appearance that it had when it was built. It can’t qualify for the Historic Register. We have some very sincere hopes that we can salvage at least part of it for use for something which we hope can get in the City for a long time. Don’t ask me how they do it but you can cut a building up in four different pieces and you move them off the location, I have a big chain saw but I don’t think it will work on that but any way that is the only realistic oath for it to have some meaningful and continuing use of the building. It is going to have to be moved one way or the other. I’m rather confident, has anyone of you been over there lately? You almost have to park at the Post Office to get in for parking it is so crowded. We are hoping to get even more crowded in the next year and the near future. Ms. Sheridan can tell you a lot more than I can.

BY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy.15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project. We are already turning n front of the hospital to be relocated and turned toward where the YWCA property is. Then of course the whole entire front of the hospital will become a construction site. We have waited a long time to see a larger ED and a new nice accessible front on the hospital and it’s here its happening. I speak on behalf of the hospital and ask you to support the zoning change so that we can precede with the board at the YWCA for the Bogalusa Community Medical Center our foundation to procure the property. We plan to work with the Board at the “Y” and to do everything we can with Mr. Gallaspy’s guidance to preserve what we can. Our intention is to


Page 5: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

remove the building and to shell that area for now for a place to park and have access to the hospital. Thank you.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Ms. Beverly.

BY JOHN GALLASPY: (Inaudible away from the microphone).

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. Anyone else from the public wish to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY TERRY “FOOTS” QUINN: 220 Beall Street, Little Buffalo not to far from the “Y”. I just have a couple of questions for Mr. Gallasy and hospital and so forth because as Mr. Gallaspy stated he hates to see a historic building go. We lost our theaters and probably a lot others. They are going to move the Coke Plant before long. Sounds reasonable that we can move at least that front part that is in fact I was lucky enough to be in there and we celebrated our seventy fifth anniversary of Bogalusa in that part of the building. Let hope we study that closely before it’s too long and one question Mr. Gallaspy about the historic register that it can’t be on. My understanding is historic register doesn’t do too much good anyway as far as protecting the structure. It really shocked me oh about a month ago I was in Laurel Mississippi I think it was Pine Hurst Hotel they had a big metal marker celebrating how great it was and so forth. The marker was put down as a historic marker. The next year it was torn down. Just be careful with this before it goes too far so we can get our ducks in a row. Thank you.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address. Being none council discussion.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I can attest that there are sections of the outer wall of the building are actually falling out around the building. You can look around and see the whole outside. It is really, really bad condition especially in the backend of it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anymore council discussion? Being none…

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I make a motion we accept it.






AN ORDINANCE supplementing and amending Ordinance No. 1685, Ordinance No. 1064 and Ordinance No. 1416 regarding compensation of the Mayor in keeping with the provisions of the City Charter not being effective during this administration.Anyone in the public wish to speak for or against this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY FATE FARRELL: 1931 Dewitt Place. I notice we come up here every meeting and we say equal justice for all. I looked at this paper work for this meeting tonight and I don’t see equal justice for all. I see raises for some but we are not asking for raises for police’s to protect and serve, we not asking for the firemen who protect us, we not asking for raises for public workers who get out there and keep this city going. I think it is time we come out of this circle just for some and not all. I’ve been watching this under previous administration, I fought it under that one and I’m still fighting it. For once I would like to see some equal justice for all in Bogalusa. Until ya’ll start doing that I will be saying I don’t like it. If you can’t give it to all leave it alone.


Page 6: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

Thank you.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Farrell. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak on this ordinance come to the microphone, state your name and address.BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: 62488 Hamp Piggott Road. Everybody in this room knows I have been a policeman for fifteen years. I’m not against everybody getting a raise, not against it at all. In 2008 our tax checks were taken away from us and on an average a policeman makes about $30,000 a year. Tax check was 3,000 minus taxes about 10% of our checks were cut. I don’t want a raise I want what was taken away back. I would like mine and everyone else in this room would like their check back. I’m not against anybody getting a raise but I want what was taken away back. That is all I have to say.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I wasn’t on the council when that was done Bubba and I appreciate that and I appreciate every job that ya’ll do and I can promise you I don’t know what it will take but I will work hard and this council will find out how we can get those tax checks back for you. I think you deserve it and I don’t know why it was taken from you to start with and I’m going to do what I can and I think everybody on this council will do what they can to get those taxes back to you or in some way try and help you. I don’t know why it was taken away. I’ve asked that question but I haven’t gotten a firm answer.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: There is a loop hole in the law and I can answer that easily. The administration thought that since we are in a deficit of the budget to make up with it with the sales tax checks. Which I said in the Finance meeting before that the sales tax checks was a supplement and it was 10% of their pay in which the Mayor would receive 10% more because the Mayor at this current time according to the charter receives all benefits because he is an employee. So he would get a bonus also or a sales tax in which the people voted to do before hand. Correct me if I am wrong Mr. Bailey, how many times have I been in your office pertaining to the sales tax checks? Every time you see me what do I say? I am not in favor, what do I say? I was not in favor of it before hand so we can all pull together but we are not the administrative part. The administration took it from you all. I feel like if you would have it back which the finance voted to be taken away too. I was on the council at that time and I voted no. Again if you look at it they made 3,000 in November and then they got another sales tax check too right before summer. No I’m sorry teachers. I’m sorry they got 3,000 right about Thanksgiving time. The Mayor got it and everybody across the board got it equal plus the 2% raise. I’m sorry it is not council discussion at this time it is your turn.

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: I want to know who is against us getting our tax check back? If nobody is against us give it back to us and do an ordinance that it can’t be taken away again.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: The tax that pays that and where it is coming from is dedicated to employee’s salaries and that is where it goes. It was used to fill the gap in those. Now when you talk about low pay do you know when we are talking about the mayors pay on this one there are seven or nine employees in this city that makes more than the mayor does. Now tell me about that.

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: Did they take the 10% away from the mayor?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes, he doesn’t get his sales tax check anymore. You don’t get it he doesn’t get it.

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: He never got it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes he did, you are wrong on that Bubba.


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: No not this mayor the past administrations did get the sales tax.

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: I understand I was just asking about this mayor. I was just asking did they take it away from this mayor.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: Because nobody got it under this mayor.

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: I understand but I would like my 10% back. I think all the rest of them in here would like theirs back too.


Page 7: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I bet you would. Anyone else in the public?

BY CHARLES “BUBBA” McDANIELS: Like I said if we get it back put an ordinance where it can’t be taken away again because that hurt. It really did. Thank you.BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Oh yeah. Thank you, Bubba. Anyone else in the public wish to speak come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY RICHARD BRISTER: 1932 Dewitt Street. I’m concerned about some of you getting a raise and some of you not. I’m not against you all getting a raise but I would like you to answer one question how much do you make?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: $600.00. About $500.00 with taxes.

BY RICHARD BRISTER: How many times do ya’ll meet in a month?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: A bunch. A bunch. Look the president makes $50.00 more so the president makes $650.00 with tax and everything taken out its like $291 every two pay periods. With what meetings we attend like he said before hand that this is one of the worse jobs there is it is not worth $200.00.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: That is the hardest fifty bucks you will earn.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It’s not a fifty dollar position because everything comes before you and then you have to inform them, there is a lot of leg work, there is also a lot of phone call time and so forth there is. I do understand that and I’m not in favor of it but I’m telling you there is a lot to it than just two meetings a month. I know I’m on finance and we meet three some times four times a month plus any questions pertaining to any thing that is coming about we have to check it out ourselves and do leg work on it. I aggravate Jerry Bailey, James Hall, Mr. Dale Branch, my secretary here and then I have to tell them what I’ve got and tell them before hand. So they can be informed too. So it is time consuming. It’s a lot more to it not just meeting twice a month.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: And we do have special meetings.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We do have special meetings and it is hard some times yes.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: What you don’t see is when you go to the Dollar store and you run into a little old lady from here and she says you got to come see this and I’m glad I did and I would do it again tomorrow.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We are public servants and that is what I feel like this position is. It’s not just two meetings a month, it’s a public service and it’s an elected position. I know that and that is why my phone number is in the phone book and that is why I am always able to turn my ear. I think everyone on the council does the same.

BY RICHARD BRISTER: I understand that, I’m not going to be horsey about that. I worked twenty eight years for the City of Bogalusa and I retired. I want ya’ll to really think about it and I understand what ya’ll are saying but if you can’t do it across the board I don’t mean to be harsh just think about it. I don’t say those guys don’t work hard I worked twenty eight years it is hot and it is rough on them too. This just don’t seem right, I hope ya’ll understand what I’m saying.


BY RICHARD BRISTER: I know ya’ll need a raise but those guys need a raise too. These guys here need a raise too. It use to be there was a me too clause when I worked for the city.


BY RICHARD BRISTER: Police couldn’t get it ya’ll don’t need to get it. I think ya’ll need to think about it and wait until all the money comes in (inaudible low voice) thank you.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you. Anyone else in the public wish to speak?

BY DEWAYNE FULLER: 1301 Scott Road. I’m President of the Union for the Bogalusa Fire Department. Bogalusa Fire Department is not against anyone getting a raise. That is we don’t


Page 8: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

have an issue with that. They do want me to mention that it has been since 1976 since there has been a cross the board raises for city employees. But I’m taking this in a different direction I hope this makes sense. Our concerns is if the Mayor or Council is asking for a raise the Fire Departments issue is we are in dire need of equipment. We think that money can be spent in other places. That maybe selfish to put it in that way but we are down to two truck where we had five several years ago. We have a lot of maintenance issues that needs to be met for our safety and for the public safety. That is our concern that if there is going to be a pay raise then there shouldn’t be any issue on getting any equipment fixed. That is all we have to say about that.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Fuller. Anyone else wish to speak for or against this ordinance?

BY TERRY “FOOTS” QUINN: 220 Beall Street. The ordinance here is kind of confusing to me. I heard there was going to be some raises for the Council then we got the City Prosecutor. Who all does the raise include?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: This one is for the mayor. This is compensation for the mayor to be given a raise.


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: That’s all at this point in time.

BY TERRY “FOOTS” QUINN: Then later we are going to do council?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: The next one will be council.

BY TERRY “FOOTS” QUINN: Ok, I think the Mayor is doing a good job. I think ya’ll are doing a great job. Thank ya’ll. But that was kind of confusing to me and as far as the Fire Department I spoke to Mr. Moody about this too and it came out need more equipment. Maybe so, probably so. I’m going to say this once more when they come across the street to me with a fire truck a full crew with a big stick to pick up a dead snake in my neighbors yard and was never poisonous in the first place do any service for the public. That is great to do service for the public. We can’t afford to do that kind of service. We don’t have enough fire engines. Let’s tend to the fires and then maybe we won’t need so many fire trucks. The people that fall down or have to break the door down or can’t get out of the house maybe not do it with three fire trucks maybe an ambulance with an ax or something. Last of all the city workers I don’t know too much about the firemen or policemen but I know those men that work down at the park they do magic with those machines. A lot of work and they don’t get paid much either. They do a heck of a job. Mr. Bailey we need to know our financial situation. I heard it to iron it out before we make a decision on paying the Prosecutor, Mayor or anybody are we able to do anything? Let’s see how we stand. Thank ya’ll.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Foots. Anyone else wishing to speak come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY DALE TAYLOR: 923 Lona Rester Place. I’m not going to say a single word about the raise. Don’t ya’ll love Bogalusa?


BY DALE TAYLOR: I’ve lived a life time here and I love Bogalusa. When you run for these offices you know what you make. Ok, you know what you are getting yourself into.


BY DALE TAYLOR: You know you are going to have long hours and no pay but look what it does for our city. These guys get out here they are behind guns, they are going into houses that are on fire. You know they don’t get raises and they still do that and ya’ll still do that. We have to come together as a city, city wide, we have to be a team player; it’s not one you have to have across the board raise. I mean that is it. I’m young but I lived in Bogalusa a long time all my life I was born here. You can’t just give single people raises. I mean you really want the guys that protect us, they work for the city, and they go out and fight for us that is what they do. Ya’ll do the same thing too, ya’ll get laws passed, and ya’ll get ordinances passed. But they know what they are going to when they apply for that job, just like ya’ll do.


Page 9: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project


BY DALE TAYLOR: So the money thing shouldn’t be an issue. If you love Bogalusa money shouldn’t be a problem. If this is something you ran for and you got elected for you should be happy with what you are doing because you are helping your city.


BY CHARLES HELTON: 58013 Hwy. 1074. I’ve been a policeman for twenty three years. I know there has been officers over here that has retired and never received an across the board raise. Has anybody done a background check on what a mayor makes in a city similar size?



BY CHARLES HELTON: We did one for the police department too. We find we are under paid too. If someone wants a raise there must be some more money coming in from somewhere. Why not more money for police, fire and people who work below him? That is all I have to say.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Helton. Anyone else that would like to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY LADON ROBERTSON: 1510 Mack Street. This is the question I have, I’m not opposed to any raise but I want my tax check back but when the tax check was taken that was part of salaries and benefits. Now as far as I knew for our health benefits they are going down crappier than when I first started. I was at 80/30 now it is 50/50 $350.00 emergency room visit so if we don’t have money to get better insurance then how do we get more money to give raises? That is all I have.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr.Brister. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak? Council discussion.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: This particular ordinance is on what we are dealing with now although the others have been included in this some of the comments is on the Mayor. We have studied mayors in similar size cities make. We have checked the income of the city employees and personally I think it is a shame when employees make more than the boss does. This raise would not take place if we pass it, it has to be done this month or it is going to be five years before one can be effective. If it is passed tonight it won’t be effective until December 2014 which is after the next election, nobody knows who will be anything at that time. We have tried to compare we have looked at the benefits. The Mayor does get some of the 2% increases and we have looked at what is going on there. It is my feeling that we should make his pay commensurate to what others make and it would be more enticing for people who are qualified to run to be the Mayor. We want the best because we want what is best for our city. Right now I personally would say that I am satisfied with our Mayor and what he is doing. I sing his praises all the time and he is doing a good job. But there is no guarantee that he will be the Mayor for next time but who ever it is needs to have a higher pay and it needs to be done. The only pay that has been done since 97’ I believe it is on the Mayors when they started giving the Mayor the same as the employees the 2% that is how it has gone up to what it is now. It is just not fair for us to strangle our city by saying we are not willing to pay the head of our city a salary that he should be making. That’s my feeling. Right now his pay is $53,218.00. We have employees that make more than that.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Any more council discussion? Personally I don’t in the finance meeting I am against a raise for anybody because of the fact that we are $11 million in the deficit with the retirement system. We have been in a deficit and there is no college class that says you get to be Mayor or a Mayor ship class that you take. If you are doing something like what we are doing we are a public servant so to get any pay and some of your best boards are free. Now I know that the Bogalusa City Schools their board gets paid more and this that and the other. We live in a community where you can make $30,000.00 and be rich kind of in this area you know. It is not a whole lot of money to live here. The cost of living is down, I’m a single parent and I’m able to send my child to a private school and not have to eat red beans and rice every week or every day and I don’t make $52,000.00 but I’m saying that when ever I came into the meeting my concern was I was in more favor of giving back their sales tax checks which the 10% what we took from them would give the Mayor an increase. You think it attracts better people? But I don’t think that. There is no class in college for Mayor ship or City Council person there is nothing like


Page 10: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

that so there is no one actually qualified for this job. Realistically, no one is qualified. You know as well as I do the first four years as Council person we are being trained. We are training it takes a term to know what you can do and what you can’t do right?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I agree with that but if you give me a chance you say they don’t go to school to be Mayor they don’t go to school to be Council people that is true but if you take somebody off the street who is making a good living they are not going to want to drop down from $20 - $30,000.00 to be the Mayor.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: But the reason that he ran for Mayor is to make things better and not to huh… that is my point. Sorry, but that is why you run for position that is why I run for it. You want things to be better. You can’t make a living off of it is what I’m saying. If you are going to run for a place and you are depending on this $500.00 to whether or not you are eating or your electricity bill is going to be paid and I just don’t agree with it. I said that before in the finance meeting and there is no way at this particular time I mean we are $11 million dollars in retirement system and we are floating and it is ok for us to do these procedures with the legislative auditors because of our charter. My problem is I just don’t see I would rather have your people tend to. Because when you have your people tended to your moral goes up. I’ve told Mr. Bailey and trapped him up in Wal-Mart and said that about the sales tax checks. Realistically we can’t give the sales tax checks back realistically we are not in the financial shape that we can give it back realistically.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: We are getting better every day.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We are getting better but we are not there yet. I think we are putting the cart before the horse. I mean we are not there yet to give those raises. I mean we can’t give them their sales tax checks because we are not in financial situation to give them their sales checks back but yet we give the mayor a raise. If you are running for Mayor for the finances then it is for the wrong purpose. I know and understand what you are saying and it does make it look like a better job and it might get qualified people but you never know what you got until you got them.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: That is true but it is a full time job.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It is a full time job this job is a full time job.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: That is true too but this is the Mayor ends up being a 24 hour job seven days a week.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes but I just don’t agree with it and I expressed that in the finance meeting and why and I expressed it before hand before it made it to this table. I’m not in favor of any raises at this particular time because it is not feasible for the City of Bogalusa to give you raises. Council discussion it would be right for a motion.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I make a motion we accept this ordinance as written.





BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: The next ordinance is introduced by the Finance Committee.

AN ORDINANCE supplementing and amending Ordinance No. 1685, Ordinance No. 1064 and Ordinance No. 1416 regarding compensation of City Council members in keeping with the


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provisions of the City Charter, not being effective during this administration.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I would like to point out to those that are present since 1997 there has not been a raise for the City Council. We took the job knowing what it is and yes we spent all our time doing the best we can and this will be for a future council whether we are here are whether we are not. But there is no 2% clause for the City Council not at all it is only what we do by ordinance.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: I have something to say. They are so unprofessional and silly to me and these guys serve and protect our city and a vote like that and these guys our firemen and policemen has no professionalism they can’t walk out peacefully because of a vote. Now if I heard everybody correctly they weren’t against the raise. They just want their sales taxes. So why they have all this foolishness and I voted what was right? The bottom line is they are not making any money being no Mayor. It is not about Charles Mizell it’s about anybody getting in office and can’t get any over time and they got more people making more money than him and they under him. How are you the boss and people under you making more money than him? I think that you are silly and I don’t know how you got set up that way but people are fine because it isn’t them getting a raise. But they are qualified for over time and some other things. Now I understand some of these staff positions but I’m just upset because what message are we sending to people when we get upset and get unprofessional. I know some days I get mad and want to slap somebody or curse somebody or say oh these silly little comments I just think that is silly and these are our employees and I think it is sending the very message to the media and to anyone here about how we conduct ourselves when things don’t go our way and most of them don’t live in the city anyway. I thought they got made and walked out being silly like little school girls.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: 1937 Avenue H. I’ve been living in the city and got hired at the Fire Department 33 years one month and a week and a half. I knew what I was getting paid when I got hired I accepted that. I wanted to help the City of Bogalusa and for as professional I had to go to the little girl’s room. When the Mayor ran for the position he knew his salary not knowing when he will get a raise. I’ve been on the job since October 7, 1980 the only raise I got was from promotions or the 2% raises that was mandated. I didn’t whine, I didn’t cry, I knew what I was doing helping the city. When you ran for office you ran knowing your salary and knowing it was a 24 hr job. My job is 24/7 and it has always been. When you call me even at home I will come help you if I can. If I can’t help you I will call and get you some help. Even when the Mayor ran for office he knew his salary not knowing when he was going to get a raise. He’s been on the job six years?


BY STEPHEN MOSES: Three years I’ve been on the job thirty three years. I’ve been on the job thirty three years and I don’t make what he makes. I have raised four kids, took them to school do you understand what I am saying? I come to work Monday thru Friday and I see what goes on in the city. Ya’ll are a poor excuse for the Mayor to get a raise. When you earn a raise you get a raise. I’ve been here thirty three years and I haven’t gotten a raise, why should he and the council?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: There is one thing though, this is not a raise and we have already passed that ordinance, it is not a raise for Mayor Mizell. It is for the Mayor that takes office in 2014 who ever it may be.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: Regardless of who it is.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Yes ma’am I do agree. When he gets elected what ever day he get elected eight months down the road you get a raise you don’t earn a raise yet. Do you agree? If I hire you right now and put you on probation for nine months and then give you a raise what is that suppose to be telling me or telling you?

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Mr. Moses let me ask you a quick question. My thing is I was only addressing that comment to what it is applied to. I’m just being honest I’m telling the truth I don’t have time to shove a coat or dress up for people I think it is unprofessional when we are in a meeting and I’m talking to you..


BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: But Chief watch this here now, they done put Mr. Farrell out for that stuff. Yes they can put you out for that, they put Joel Miller out for that type of stuff but they


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can do it because they work here. That is not right, you want to talk about…

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: They just left out.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Yes with their little smart comments. I heard all their smart comments.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Mr. O’Ree when I was in the restroom I heard all the smart comments and I agree with you and it was unprofessional.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: We put other folks out but we let them sit in here because they work here. But this is what I’m going to ask you…Yes but we put other folks out the problem now is Joel Miller was leaving one time made a smart comment, Chief Culpepper came from over here cuffed that man and put him on out of here. That is the facts and it is what it is. All I’m saying if we going to cuff one and put them out do it for everybody. What I’m going to ask you is you telling me that you don’t feel the Mayor should have a raise right?

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Can you repeat that?

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: You feel the Mayor should not have a raise correct?


BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Ok, because he has not earned it?


BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Ok, now in my opinion I think our city is going down a different road than it was years ago. I don’t know how you feel that is why I said it is my opinion. We have a vision now I think you can clearly see where we are trying to going and I think you see the path he has taken to get there. Now I’m going to say this here, I voted for the raise because of three reasons. Number one because I love the direction Bogalusa is headed in, number two I don’t think it is fair that anybody in the city can make more money than the one person that is hiring and firing. I don’t think that is fair. Then thirdly you talking about the work he has done, done I’m only thirty I’ve only been under a few Mayors but I have seen more done in three years than I have seen in twelve years.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: When you ask all those questions you are opening the floor up that wide you don’t want all the opinions.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: Just hit the high points.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: The high points are 90% of the roads in Bogalusa are torn up. We have one road that is beautiful what is that doing for the City of Bogalusa?

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: We have more than one your whole neighborhood is beautiful.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Excuse me, I live at 1937 Avenue H.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: I’m sorry, over on Dolly it was all paved over there.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Before I moved over to 1937 Avenue H I stayed at 823 East Sixth Street so all the roads over there are in bad shape but high points. Now back to the business districts they started working on Austin Street it started then it stopped. It is worse than when they started.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: But we are fixing underneath the street so that when it is repaired it will stay repaired.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: Ms. Graham I totally understand it but you are going down below supposedly to fix what is on top. So how does up top get so bad before you started digging holes and patching? It ain’t working.

BY COUNCILMAN O’REE: Well don’t vote for him and don’t vote for the new city council.


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BY STEPHEN MOSES: Thank you and that is my opinion.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Moses. Anyone else wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY TROY TREVELON: 15251 Rubus Thomas Rd. Some of the stuff we talked about got me interested, several people on the council has made a statement about certain employees are making more than the Mayor and all that is public record I’m sure dig a little with Mr. Bailey and find out who it was probably really irrelevant at this point. I became a police officer sixteen years ago before that I worked at the prison because this is something I wanted to do. I love my city, I love my town, and I had ample opportunities to go to work somewhere else and chose to stay. My father brought me here when I was eight and I made friends here and my family here. I love my little town. I think everybody sitting here on the council does the same. These fire fighters, police officers and public workers they do it because they love this town. They don’t want to go anywhere else. They could go and work somewhere else. The thing that kind of made me wants to get up here and say something about these people that make more than the Mayor. I think the Mayor needs more money, I think the Council needs more money, and I think everybody needs more money. More than likely the people we are harping on make more money than the Mayor or some poor soul who has to work countless hours and overtime like I had to do in the past just to feed my family. That is the issue with most of the policemen and firemen is we all need a little more money. Time has changed, economy, every thing is more expensive, gas we all understand that. The Mayor needs money, ya’ll need money, and every one needs a little raise. Surely there is some kind of solution to this problem where everyone can have a piece of the pie instead of arguing about why this particular person needs so much more. I assure you I don’t want to work over time. Every hour I work overtime it is so many hours I am taking away from my family, my kids are growing up, you blink your eyes and they are playing basketball in High School. I’m sure you all can relate to that. I just want ya’ll to keep that in mind when ya’ll are voting yes for all this, yes for all this. I know there are friendships, everything involved and everything but bear in mind we can all work together there has got to be some kind of way logical, financially sound solution that would benefit everyone instead of small pockets for people.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I do want you to know I have heard our present Mayor say many times he wants to pay the employees more but it has to come because of the me too clause is a big draw back because you can’t pick and choose who is doing a good job and who is not and give them a raise. Everybody gets it regardless. So it has to be enough to go around to everyone everywhere. But he has been looking at it I can tell you that.

BY TROY TREVELON: I know I have been in several meetings with him and we have a Union President at the Police Department but I feel more meetings will take place and I feel like a solution can be reached before we do this. I completely agree that everybody needs a raise. The people you are talking about who ever they are shouldn’t be a topic of conversation because those guys are probably working their tales off to make it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I have been here since for thirty something years.

BY TROY TERVELON: If I didn’t have to work two jobs I would do the same thing. I was fortunate enough to start my own business and make some money on the side. I don’t have to work that overtime any more but some of these other people don’t have the opportunity.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: Well when you compare that they can make the overtime the Mayor doesn’t get overtime. He is strictly salary.

BY TROY TERVELON: But the reason they make overtime is they have too. I can assure you that none of these guys wants to work overtime for the joy of it although most of them do love their job.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It’s just like the mill.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: Just so you know this Mayor has not asked for a raise. A matter of fact I was in a meeting and I’m not on the finance committee I was there to observe what was going on in the finance committee and his statement was it does not make me any difference if you raise it or if you cut it in half if I decide to run for Mayor I’m going to run for Mayor regardless of what the pay is because of what I can do for the city. I think we have been fortunate to have him. My thing is I think we need to be paying enough to where we can attract


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quality people that are willing to come in and put the time in that is necessary to move this city forward in a positive direction. We could cut it in half and get freaky Rickey or scary berry somebody to run for Mayor and be elected. Ok but then again it most probably wouldn’t. They would probably get more on their checks than they are getting now. I think you got to pay... we are looking at a ten million dollar budget who ever the Mayor may be is over and all the employees to find a quality person that can communicate and continue to move this city forward. Well I will wait until we get to this next ordinance and I will express my opinion on the council. It’s not my time to talk.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: He is waiting for council discussion. Anyone in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY RICHARD BRISTER: 1932 Dewitt Street. Ms. Graham again I worked twenty eight years for the City of Bogalusa I made more than supervisors in most cases because I worked overtime. I’m like Mr. Moses I did some volunteer work for the city. I worked volunteer work in the city down in my neighborhood. I pick up paper and the city doesn’t pay me nothing. That brother sitting there picks up paper all around our neighborhood for nothing, brothers. Mr. Ritchie I understand what you are saying we want to be Fire Chief and we want to be Police Chief same thing.


BY RICHARD BRISTER: But I don’t know his financial status but I heard a lot about Mr. Mizell I don’t think he is hurting for money.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We are not going to call names.

BY RICHARD BRISTER: I don’t want you to tell me how much he makes. Now if he was hurting for some more money (inaudible).

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Okay let’s rap it up. Anyone else wishing to speak? At this time we are going to pause and she is going to change the tape. Mr. Angelo state your name and address.

BY ANGELO PEPE: 1600 Avenue F. I promised myself I wasn't going to do this but I just couldn't hold it back. You know 1987, 1978 rather the City of Bogalusa opened in a new Charter. Strong Mayor and a Council form of government. It also specified in that Charter that they would have you three specific departments. One headed up by Mr. Jerry Bailey and I can't quite remember the title even though I held that job before Jerry had it. Then we had the Personnel Director then we had the Public Works. Those were the three main departments of the City. Since our new Mayor has been in office if I had counted correctly he has developed eleven new he calls them Department Heads I call them dead heads. By word if I heard you correctly you said we had a deficit in our budget. Well these eleven people I have been told by someone in the payroll department that every one of them make an excess of $40,000 a year that is a half of a million dollars a year in new salaries that the Mayor has created. And these positions if you look at them I don't have the information in front of me but I do have it in my car because I was going to bring this up next year during the election year but I'm bringing it up now. like I said these departments that he has created if you come to the first Council Meeting of the month you suppose to be able to meet those people and see who they are and what their positions are. I have yet to try to figure out what do those eleven people do for the City of Bogalusa to draw in excess of forty thousand dollars a year. I say that those positions were created by the Mayor at the approval of the Council.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Wrong! He does not have to have an approval from us if he can find money in the budget he can do whatever he chooses if he sees fit. But we don't have any say so of employees because I too in Finance Meetings have questioned it myself.

BY ANGELO PEPE: Read your Charter and see what the Charter tells you can and can't do.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: Just the ones that is specified in the Charter.

BY ANGELO PEPE: I have a copy in my car if you want it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I have one right here.

BY ANGELO PEPE: Read it and see what it tells you what the Mayor can do and what the 14

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Council can do. I say this in five instances back up just one minute. The Charter also says that any time that the Mayor or any Council member violates any segment of that Charter they are subject to an immediate dismissal from office. I say this now publically I know of five instances in that Charter that have been violated but nobody has done any thing about it. As I said I was going to wait until the election year next year to bring all of this out and I still will bring it out next year and I will name the different instances that have been violated in that Charter. If I may, may I ask a Council Member a question please?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Is it pertaining to this ordinance or is it something that can wait is it pertaining to this right here because if not we will do it...

BY ANGELO PEPE: In a lot of ways it does but I won't do that. I will find out some other way.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: At public participation time. Thank you, Mr. Pepe. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY BRUCE REID: 29497 Woodrow Magee Road, Franklinton. ya'll just told us a while ago that you were eleven million dollars in the hole.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Eleven million dollars in retirement system.

BY BRUCE REID: Right that is money that you have to come up with. And ya'll talk about giving these raises and all of that. The Mayor with both of my jobs and I work two jobs and I’m home one night a week because of my salary. I love being a fireman but realistically it is costing me money. To go somewhere else I can make ten times the money but I choose to be here. That is a slap in our face for ya'll voting raises up there and we barely making ends meet working two and three jobs at a time and ya'll are going to vote raises, how can ya'll say that when I’ve been asking for four years to go to training and I know other firemen are trying to go to training and yet we are told the City is broke we can't go. We got raggedy trucks that are falling apart. The firemen are working on the stations. We have repaired them and yet ya'll are going to vote raises that is crazy. That is just crazy.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Reid. Anyone else wishing to speak pertaining to this ordinance?

BY FATE FARRELL: 1931 Dewitt Place. I had said that you all need to stop discriminating against people. And you all are strictly doing discriminating tonight. At no way in the world should you have gave no raise to yourselves or the Mayor nobody else because like the man said eleven million dollars in the hole and Mr. Pepe just said he hired eleven people illegal. That is forty something thousand dollars a year so when are you guys going to wake up and stop saying yea, yea? It is time to say no if you don't somebody is going to have some handcuffs on them. Ya'll don't believe handcuffs can fit Bogalusa peoples. I do.


BY FATE FERRELL: I think Bogalusa people can get handcuffs put on them right here in the City and Council too just like they are doing in other places. But ya'll need to stop. Stop now. We came here under the last administration saying stop you didn't stop but guess what let some people get a lot of stuff on you all so i advise ya'll to wake up.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Farrell. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address. Council discussion now.

BY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS: Yes ma'am. A couple of weeks ago I was in agreements with this tonight I voted nay. Because you know what all this took place before I was even elected here. I did not know that this was taken from you so it being taken from City employees no I'm not in agreements with it. Mr. Farrell I'm tired of every week you come here and you point your finger.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Ok don't call out names, I don't let them and you don't get to either.

BY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS: I'm tired of fingers getting pointed and I'm tired of the attitude everybody is not in agreements with everything. You know hey I'm all about raises, I'm all about giving everybody a raise but you know what this is my first hearing that it was taken


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from you. What I am in agreement with is lets see let's work to find this to put it back. That is why I disagree tonight.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I don't understand. Ok.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: I would just like to say this is the first I've heard of the tax checks period. I had no idea about it until tonight.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I brought this up in the finance I'm sorry you weren't there. I've been saying it in the finance meetings and Jerry has said yeah I would like to have that back too. I mean he gets it too. I've been in his ear and I've been wanting this back when they took it away I wasn't in favor of it. I mean it's not fair and we can't control how many new positions the mayor gets and I too question people’s worth in finance and I say names publically in a finance meeting. You are more than welcome they are open to the public. I call peoples name out and I say why they are making this. It says here it says their base pay is this but that is not my job and I don't get to make that decision. We as a council don't get to decide what their base set pay is if the Mayor finds set or any mayor finds set a person or a job he can pretty much create a position of some sort for them.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: May I say something? In 1997 the Council pay was put at $600.00 a month 1997. That is sixteen years ago. If there is a raise granted tonight it would not take effect for this council. It would be the next sworn in council who ever it may be. So there is another year that our City can grow and prosper. The Washington Parish Council their salary at the present time went down from 1200 to 1,000 a month. The Bogalusa School Board salary is 800 a month. We are behind almost every other city that is the size of Bogalusa all over the state. We have Mid City Conferences and we are behind everybody. So right now we've asked to go from 6-800 to begin with and i really only the fair thing to do whether we are here or somebody else reaps the benefits they need to be more equal to what our parish and our school board does.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yeah I agree but at the same token in the financial situation like I said before on the Mayor's salary you know what you are getting into anyway so. I mean it is not for not to pay the light bill. This isn't your light bill money. That is the way I still feel about the Mayor thing.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I'm going to say this there I really I don't know we got off track but I've heard most of the people speak and I think everybody was talking about themselves of text seems like we are back on these phrases now. I'm a hundred percent for the City's sales tax. Mr. Bailey knows how I feel about it and expressed maybe they can get half of it or something like that. But I will say this here and I know Wendy feels the same way and a few other Council people feel the same way. I will talk with the Mayor and I will talk with every other Council member to see if we can all come to an agreement to see if they can do something for ya'll to give ya'll the sales tax check back. Because ya'll need it and I believe it helps with ya'lls income. But that is one issue and that is one issue and this is another issue here and we are trying to combine and make it sound like it's together. I know we need to get with the Mayor and do every thing in our power to convince him to give ya'll sales tax money back. At the same token when you look at these little old salaries I just don't think that it is even worth it. Everybody saying you ran for the job knowing what you are getting $600.00 a month that hadn't gotten anything to do with 2014 so those folks that are running next year they will know what they are getting too. So that doesn’t have anything to do with them. If you don't like who is getting the raise don't vote for them in 2014 if you can even vote here.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Ok. Anyone else on the council discussion?

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I would like to say i ran for City Council and I did not run for it for the pay. I ran for it to try and move this City forward and try to do what is right. Again the sales tax issue ya'll need to be getting it. I'm going to do what I can to try and find it and figure out how we can get it done. It was dedicated to ya'll somebody else took it away; we are going to try and get it back for you. I expressed to Finance Committee the day they were having a meeting on this that i wanted this done on two separate ordinances because I felt like the mayors office whoever the Mayor may be needed a pay increase. I let them know that day that you can put one up for the Council but it needs to be on a separate ordinance because I can’t vote for a raise for myself. I may not be on the Council next term. Folks may not decide to elect me if they do that is it and that is the way the system works. But I can not and will not vote for a raise for myself on this council.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anymore council discussion?16

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BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: I would just like to say that like Doug I voted for the Mayor's raise it is a full time job, the Council is part time and I'm not going to vote for it either. I haven't kept the first council pay I got. I bought the Police Department bullet proof vests. I've given money to the care and share and I'm not doing it for the money. That is all I have.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes Teddy you do but just like Doug just said, you ran for this position to make it better just like the Mayor that is suppose to run to make it better. They don't have to have a raise either.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: You are not going to attract quality person on $52,000.00 a year.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We've attracted plenty of nuts that have sat at this council table and they shouldn't have been.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: We are up to here right now too.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: There have been people on the council that I sat next to that was a complete embarrassment; you know that and some of you that are sitting here can say that. They have been a complete embarrassment to have to sit next to, to even say you knew.


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: I'm not looking at you like that but to say that it is going to attract quality people I don't think that.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: You are not going to get people to quit a sixty thousand dollar job to run the city.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Not many sixty thousand dollar jobs in Bogalusa.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: There is more than you think.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Not many in Bogalusa jobs at the Paper Mill but not many, ok ya'll do what ya'll want to.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: Ok let's move on to the next one. Those two is not going to vote for it.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I move this ordinance be adopted.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Seconded. Roll call.

COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM........................AYE COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND.......................NAY COUNCILMAN O'REE..................................NAY COUNCILMAN HODGES.............................ABSENT PRESIDENT PERRETTE..............................NAY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE........................NAY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS....................NAY


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Vice-President Ritchie.


AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Cypress Building Conservation for the Bogalusa Historic Structures Survey.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone in the public wishing to speak for or against this 17

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ordinance please come to the microphone state your name and address. There being none council discussion.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I move we accept it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Seconded. Roll call.

COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM....................AYE COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND...................AYE COUNCILMAN O'REE..............................AYE COUNCILMAN HODGES.........................ABSENT PRESIDENT PERRETTE..........................AYE VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE...................AYE COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS...............AYE



AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor to enter into a grant agreement with State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural Development, Division Historic Preservation for a Historic Structures Survey.This is for help with the funding for the previous ordinance.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone in the public wishing to speak pertaining to this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address.Council discussion.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I make a motion we accept it.



COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM.....................AYE COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND....................AYE COUNCILMAN O'REE...............................AYE COUNCILMAN HODGES..........................ABSENT PRESIDENT PERRETTE...........................AYE VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE....................AYE COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS.................AYE



AN ORDINANCE supplementing and amending Ordinance No. 1064, Ordinance No. 1416, Ordinance No. 1685, and Ordinance No. 2148 regarding compensation of the City Prosecutor for the City of Bogalusa; and in keeping with the provisions of the City Charter, not being effective during this administration.

Introduced by the Finance Committee. Anyone in the public wishing to speak for or against this ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY DAVID MERLIN DUKE: City Prosecutor. 326 Austin Street. This is an ordinance to increase the position of the City Prosecutor beginning in the next term. It is my intention to pay for the raise through the funds of the City Prosecutors office with the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Council that the City Prosecutors Office will reimburse the City the amount of the raise which is 33% or $6,000.00 per year. So this raise actually has a zero impact to the general fund or the budget of the City of Bogalusa in that this will be reimbursed from the City Prosecutors funds that were put into place from the Supreme Court through court cost account.


Page 19: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

I've given some information to the council that gives a projection of our case load for this year. 2009 we had a total of 2802 cases that came through whether they are state charges are whether they are city charges through the Bogalusa Court System. Projected through the end of this year we should have 3219. So you can see over this term for the City Prosecutor that has increased 400 cases. What does that mean? It means that one thanks to the police their policing our jurisdiction and bringing to us cases that we can prosecute. But it also it tells us that our crime is increasing so the work load is increasing upon the judicial system in the city. If you will notice from the hand out while we have seen an increase in the total number of cases you will notice that there is an increase in the city cases verses the state cases. And what does that meant to the city? With a case that comes before the court if it is a city case the city general fund is the beneficiary of the fine amount that the defendant would pay. If it is a state charge while the court collects it 12% stays here and 88% goes to the parish as it has been prosecuted under the District Attorneys hat so you can see I'm on thin ice here so as Assistant District Attorney as well but you can see that the city charges are increasing while the state charges are decreasing and that gives the city much more or bigger stake lets say in the judicial process of the criminal cases that is here so. And that is the intension to make sure that if we are prosecuting crimes with city money that means that the police is paid with city money their policing the city jurisdiction then the city should be the beneficiary. From that action and so the court system and this is an effort to make sure that the court system itself isn't necessary a drain on the citizens of Bogalusa that it is paid for by the offenders that are committing crimes in Bogalusa. So I submitted to council discussion I'm open for any questions that you may have but it is my intension that going forward that this would be paid for out of the funds for the city from the Prosecutors office and not from the general fund. I will state as a council we are elected officials. The salary that I achieve from the City of Bogalusa does not include any benefits it does not include any insurance, does not include any retirement. It is strictly a salary that I have to then take from that a portion to apply it to a retirement program or a 401K. So I do agree that as elected officials we do know what we get into. That said this would affect who ever the City Prosecutor that goes forward but it also it in differentiated from itself from the Mayor's position that is an elected position but also participates in increases per year or a tax check. I think employees of the city deserve those tax checks. I'm not sure that anyone submits their job for a vote for the public should be in that higher position of both. I think that would be something that could give a lot of light to the concerns that we have heard today and from those of us who serve for the pleasure of the Electra which is you are either or you should be an employee where you get your raises based upon merit or from time to time and people who are elected you have to get your raise in fact no person can get a raise for themselves. These are for the positions that whoever may hold it in the next election. Like I said this is a zero impact to the City of Bogalusa and I would appreciate your consideration. Thank you.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: when you say this is a zero impact to the city explain that exactly. You are funding comes from where?

BY DAVID MERLIN DUKE: My funding comes from people who plead guilty or found guilty and court cost are set of city charges $25.00 of those offenses are collected by the Clerk of the City Court and remitted to the City Prosecutors account. They are held in public and they are public funds that are audited by the Legislative auditor and they are used for the cost of prosecutor expenses. Because of the City Charter the only source of income from the City Prosecutor can achieve is from the funding from the City unlike say a District Attorney who can receive funding from various sources. So it is my hope that maybe in the future should there ever be a Charter amendment that perhaps the City Prosecutors provision in the Charter could read that not in contradiction with any other source of income and that might alleviate the need to come to the council for raises for the City Prosecutor that that persons office if he runs a liable office could from time to time give himself or herself a raise. So these funds are held by the City Prosecutor or held at Citizens Bank and Trust in a public account and they are used by my office for whatever is needed for the cost of prosecution expenses. The TV for example that has been put up today is an example of that. The radar done that is purchased that is being used by the city police is an example of that.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: you are saying that this raise will come from funds at your office and you will reimburse the City back correctly?

BY DAVID MERLIN DUKE: That is correct.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Okay. What if there comes a point in time when that is not feasible for you to be able to do?

BY DAVID MERVIN DUKE: That is a valid question. 19

Page 20: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: That means no crimes are going on.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: No that is not what it means.

BY DAVID MERLIN DUKE: That is a valid question.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Let me answer that question somewhat. Because the Finance Committee actually what our intensions are if this passes this evening we will come back at the next council meeting on December 3rd introduce another ordinance stating that the monies come direct from that reimburse the city that $6,000.00. You understand what I mean? So basically he will it will be where it will be in law form to whom ever that person is that is City Prosecutor to re pay back to the city $6,000.00 so they don't get to say you know what I wanted to buy a new computer and this and that and pay us back so the intentions of the Council of the Finance Committee is to come back on December 3rd with another but we had to know if this passes or not. You don't have them both on there together but that office will pay the city back so basically he is repaying the city for the funding.

BY DAVID MERLIN DUKE: It is not to buy me it is to buy the office.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It is to buy the office. That is correct. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY TERRY "FOOTS" QUINN: Very well said David, I wish the best for you. I'm going to say this it is controversial I feel that we already lift in the misdemeanors and for not enough life jackets in the boat crime and the seat belts and all that stuff that is created. I'm afraid it is going to encourage the police state in which we live in and we can concentrate of the big crime, the dope dealers, the murderers, the child abuse and all that kind of stuff. I think we need to concentrate more than $25.00 lift for no crime at all.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Ok "Foots". Anyone else in the public wishing to speak come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: 1937 Avenue H. Mr. Duke did you just say that if the ordinance passes you can give yourself a raise back to the council.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: No, No. No, No, No. He said that he would like to have the Charter changed. He was giving an example but no he did not say that.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: He was giving an example.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes but that is not the case.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: The money he was putting in for the city is what his office endures. Ok but if he is in charge of his own budget and who ever qualifies can give a raise himself or what his office needs that gives him a free open check book.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: That is not what this is.

BY STEPHEN MOSES: I apologize.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: That is ok. I'm glad you asked that is the only way you know.


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address. Council discussion.In the Finance if this passes the Council will come back on December 3rd and we will have another ordinance pertaining to this and it will state that the funds will have to be paid back from this office and in that way it is written in stone so there is no lose to the city or cost. There is no cost to the city because if he don't convict or what ever which is in a perfect world and that is never going to happen so not here on earth.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I move that we accept it.


Page 21: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project


COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM.....................AYE COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND....................AYE COUNCILMAN O'REE................................AYE COUNCILMAN HODGES...........................ABSENT PRESIDENT PERRETTE............................AYE VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE.....................AYE COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS.................AYE


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Next we have Public Participation. Anyone in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY BARBARA HICKS COLLINS: 2638 South Columbia Road. We were here last council meeting talking about the rezoning of the 924 and 930 Robert "Bob" Hicks Street for a Civil Rights and Culture Museum. I need to ask a few questions. It was my understanding that what was going to happen here is that it was going to be introduced today Michael was the definition from where you and different people worked on because the rezoning was out of date 1957 i think it was. So if it was my understanding you can correct me if I'm wrong what would happen now is and I say that because you did not have, I haven't seen rezoning of the 924 Robert "Bob" Hicks Street for a Civil Rights Museum Culture Center. I do not see that. So based on what I'm seeing is that not what you are doing is to bring it back for the next council meeting where you discuss the definition of a museum which means your vote on that. Which means at that point then you have to introduce the rezoning of the Museum? And as I explained before that was the problem with the zoning board that it is a time factor. So am I is that correct?

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: That is correct. This is the step that we have to go first.

BY DALE BRANCH: I can respond to that since i had something to do with that. This ordinance the zoning code does not have a definition of a museum or a zoning for a museum. It does have a definition for institution. If you look in the dictionary museum is described as an institution but we don't have it in the zoning code. This puts the definition of the museum into the definition that is already there as an institution. If this passes you won't need to go back through the planning and zoning to have it rezoned because it is already in proper zone for an institution. So if they pass this in two weeks then you will have the proper zoning as it is now. Does that answer your question?

BY BARBARA HICKS COLLINS: Okay so if you pass this in two weeks the location 92430 Robert "Bob" Hicks Street for the Museum Culture Center then I have nothing else to do. It's a dune deal.

BY DALE BRANCH: That is correct it is already in proper zone if they pass it.

BY BARBARA HICKS COLLINS: Bless your souls for tonight. Thank you very much.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY MIKE HOLLYWOOD: 1019 Holly Road. Franklinton. I own a business in Bogalusa and I own property in Bogalusa. I am a firefighter here in Bogalusa and I took a pay cut to become a fire fighter because it is what i always wanted to do. Do what i love to do. We have been in need for years for a new fire truck and we are past the point of need now, we are at the point we have to have one. We are taught life safety is number one whether it is for ourselves or who ever we are serving. We are in dire need of life safety and our job has become even more dangerous than what it is now. The Pleasant Hill Fire Station does not have a full size pumper in its district right now. We are using a mini pumper which has our extrication equipment on it to serve that area right now. It only has five hundred gallons of water which sounds like a lot but compared to 2000 of a normal pumper it will not do any good on a large fire. It hurts our response time horrible. Who is the Council person for the South side? Mr. O'Ree I would please like it if you would come


Page 22: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

by and tour the south side Fire Station. It is in horrible conditions.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I was there in the early part of this year. Are you working tomorrow?

BY MIKE HOLLYWOOD: I will be there Thursday 24 hours.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I will come out Thursday.

BY MIKE HOLLYWOOD: I appreciate it. But whatever ya'll can do to get us a fire truck I mean we are past needing we are at the point now somebody is going to loose their life because of it. Thank you.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Hollywood. Anyone else in the public wishing to speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: 1932 Dewitt Street. What I am about to address I don't know if it is indoor work or if it is just something that I heard. I've stayed out at 1932 Dewitt off of Palm Street. I was told they was trying to build some low income houses project houses off Palm Street down below Riverside Drive. I think I asked you about it Ms. Graham Sometimes you said you didn't know anything about it. Ms. Penny do you know anything about it?


BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes I heard it. It was a rumor.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I heard it two weeks ago at council meeting is the first I've heard about it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yes the rest of them heard it at council meeting last week.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: That is when I heard it.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: O'Ree did you hear anything about it? Did ya'll know anything the zoning board or anything about it?

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: The zoning for the City of Bogalusa not to this knowledge.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: It is outside the city.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: It is outside city limits.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: Thank you for telling me that. Remind me of that. What I would like is to leave one sheet of paper with Ms. Graham and she can make a copy of it a petition signed that don't want it. We got close to a hundred now and I just want you to read it you don't have to read it right now just give them a copy. We have a nice neighborhood. I would like for you all if that do come up please let us know especially you Ms. Graham because you are over that district. But I would like if it comes up because money does something to people power. I’ve known that all my life so I try not to let money dictate to me. When I was working for the City of Bogalusa I've had the Mayor not this Mayor I've had people come to me to get in their back pocket and they couldn't buy me. I'm not saying that about ya'll but I do know crookedness goes on not just in Bogalusa everywhere. So if this comes up please let us know about it. I want to say one thing if it comes up and they keep trying to push it if they are going to put houses back there low income houses or put project back there keep this in mind. You are putting babies having babies in the woods in the swamp area next to the river. Now I don't know if they are really trying to do this or ever who is doing this but it is outside city limits but I'm asking you this question Ms. Graham Do ya'll have the power when it comes to rezoning I know ya'll don't rezone, that is the wrong question. Do ya'll have the power to stop water from going to that if they build that or would they have to grandfather that in?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: That is something we would have to go through to the City Attorney. At one time we couldn't if anybody was in three hundred feet we had to hook up. But I don't know if that is residential or rather if it was a commercial type to be applied. That is something Mr. Branch would have to look up.

BY DALE BRANCH: We don't supply water to the areas outside the city anymore because 22

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Varnado Water Works has that franchise and they won't let us do that.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: Well what are you saying?


BY DALE BRANCH: Sewage could.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: We would have to vote on it. The council would have to vote on that right?

BY DALE BRANCH: I'm not sure on that I think they hooked up some people I know that is on the other side of the line with sewer and water but we've been put on notice from the Varnado Water Works they are going to continue to serve their territory that they have a franchise in whether we annex it or not. I don't think anybody is talking about annexing it in here. I think your concerns should be addressed to the Parish Council. They have zoning and they have land regulations that you need to go to those meetings. I don't know when they have meetings. I think they meet on the second Monday or something like that. I'm not sure. You will see it in the paper they publish that.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: But if it does come up and tie the city in some kind of way was giving them water does the council have anything to do to stop them from having the water?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: He just said it is the parish water. Outside city limits.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I don't think anybody on the council would support it if it did come to us.

BY RICHARD FUSSELL: Ok, that is what I wanted to know.

BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I know I wouldn't.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Fussell.


BY FATE FARRELL: 1931 Dewitt. I like to say and speak on Mr. Richard just got through speaking on. If it did come to this council would you all support us in trying to keep low income houses out either projects or what ever? We don't have a problem with senior citizens buildings at all, no problem. That low income stuff, we don't want it. Plus I don't think they would really want to be in them swamps where those snakes are at. It is bad down that way. Ya'll just need to take a look, just take a tour, and check it out. It probably would be hard to rent it to you know people who has kids. But we would love to get ya'll support in trying to get what we want and what we don't want. Keep it out. Thank you.

BY DALE TAYLOR: 923 Lona Rester Place. I just want to thank ya'll for voting against ya'lls raise. That shows how much ya'll care about the city and that ya'll are doing it for your job you know for the love of the city. Ya'll are not doing it for the money. It really goes a long way especially when you run for reelection it goes a long way and it will also show appreciation if the Mayor elect he finds out he is getting a raise I don't want that raise put that raise to the city shows a lot about it. I really thank ya'll.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you Mr. Taylor. Anyone else wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address. Administrative remarks.

BY DALE BRANCH: Councilwoman Graham asked me to look into an apparent conflict between the charter and the election cycle for 2014.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Yeah, where is that sheet of paper I saw?

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I put one in everybody's box.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: No we didn't get a copy of this.

BY DALE BRANCH: The conflict is this. Your charter requires that the Council, the Mayor, the City Prosecutor, the elected officials take office on the first Monday in December of the election


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cycle. The problem with that is that since the last cycle the legislature has changed the dates on the elections so to make it short the general election is December 6th of next year. So if there is a run off there won't be any election until December 6th takes place. As you know I think December the 6th is on Saturday so you have to go to next Tuesday to have the voting machines checked and then the Secretary of State won't give you commission for ten days until contest delays go out so that puts it over to about the 18th or 19th of December. The first Monday in December next year is the first, December 1st. So as you can see the election will be after you were suppose to take office. What do you do about that? That is a good question. I've talked to the legal systems there at the Secretary of States Office the State of Louisiana is the chief of election person in the state. They realize that these things have gotten scoured and they don't know what to do about it either except to tell you that the only thing they can suggest is to me is that you change your charter to apparently to take office on January 1, 2015 which maybe a good idea but that has to go before the voters. You can't change the charter. So this is more for your information than to do anything about it right now. I think you probably should be thinking about doing an ordinance about change the Charter to take care of the first Monday in December dates that you take office. There may be some other things in the charter that you would like to take care of.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: There is a lot of things this charter needs up dating highly.

BY DALE BRANCH: I couldn't agree with you more for there is plenty of them. But that might be a task.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: Wouldn't last long as what we need.

BY DALE BRANCH: But it will take some time. Be there as it may that is the problem so be thinking about what you are going to do about it.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Ok, thank you. Mr. Bailey, administrative remarks.

BY JERRY BAILEY: We have none.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Council discussion, Councilwoman Graham.

BY COUNCILWOMAN GRAHAM: I just like to make one comment on something that was said about the ones who voted against the raise for the council that shows you love the city. I want you to know I love the city too and I put in just as much time and just as much effort as everybody else. It was just my feeling that it should be done. It wasn't that I had anything against any other positions. I will continue to do that but I was looking forward to the next one to who ever does go in. I just wanted that to be known too.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Councilman Drummond.

BY COUNCILMAN DRUMMOND: I just like to say the reason for the yes vote for the Mayor was like I said it is a full time job and it was a modest raise. It wasn't anything staggering. The Mayor in Mandeville makes $106,000.00 a year. So that is half of what the Mayor in Mandeville makes. But anyway I'm not going to keep harping on raises I just want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and get out and support the Downtown on November 30th and December 1st. It is sure to be a good time.


BY COUNCILMAN O'REE: I don't have any.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Vice-President Ritchie.

BY VICE-PRESIDENT RITCHIE: I don't have anything.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Councilwoman Williams.

BY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS: Again like I stated at first I was in agreement with the Mayor and with the Council because you know when I was elected I knew what the pay was but I work twenty four seven. I am suppose to be limited to District A. I am all over the City of Bogalusa. But once I found out that this was taken from someone else I can't agree with it. I can't agree with it I'm sorry. Again I would like to say thank everybody for coming out. This is the longest I've been here and I'm getting worn down. Happy Thanksgiving and as Councilman Drummond said lets try to support the Downtown activity next weekend.


Page 25: · Web viewBY BEVERLY SHERIDAN: Thank you Mr. Gallaspy. 15177 WP Stewart Road. We are looking forward to growth at the hospital. In fact our growth has already started our new ED Project

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE: Thank you. I would like to close out and thank everyone for coming out this evening. It shows you have concerns for your city. I would say that I do believe as an elected official that it is a public service so I don't believe in raising I don't think that is the case. Cost of living being less this year but also one last thing is, don't forget....

BY COUNCILWOMAN WILLIAMS: I'm sorry, I just received this news and I'm going to say on behalf of the Council we would like to wish Mr. Dale Branch a Happy Birthday.

BY PRESIDENT PERRETTE AND ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Happy Birthday. What a way to spend it. But on the sales tax checks I'm just going to say this best board to me is free boards. I work on a lot of volunteer boards and they are some of the best boards. But on the sales tax check realistically we won't ever I don't ever see us being able to do anything as a council realistically and our hands have been tied since 2008 we can try but it is not happening. But we can say it and it is just a false hope so I'm just a relativist I’m going to go ahead and tell you no sugar coating it but it isn't happening. I don't see it. I know all are not in favor either so yes I'm being realistic I don't think with us now. Aldo the parade is on Thanksgiving night next week on the 28th and the lighted parade it is at 5 o'clock and it usually ends by 6:30 at Cassidy Park. Also shop local and buy local Saturday and Sunday after Black Friday. With that being said meeting adjourned. Happy Thanksgiving.