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Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System

A. Match the following structures with their descriptions below:aorta inferior vena cava superior vena

cavaarteriole mitral valve tricuspid valveatrium pulmonary artery ventriclecapillary pulmonary vein venule

1. valve that lies between the right atrium and the right ventricle________________________________

2. smallest blood vessel__________________________________3. carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the

heart_____________________________4. largest artery in the body_____________________________5. brings oxygen-poor blood into the heart from the upper parts of the

body______________________________________6. upper chamber of the heart_____________________________________7. carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs from the

heart_____________________________________________8. small artery__________________________9. valve that lies between the left atrium and the left

ventricle________________________10. brings blood from the lower half of the body to the

heart___________________________________________11. small vein_____________________________12. lower chamber of the heart______________________________

B. Trace the path of blood through the heart. Begin as the blood enters the right atrium from the venae cavae (and include the valves within the heart).

1. right atrium 2. ____________3. _____________4. ______________5. _______________6. capillaries of the lung 7. _______________8. _______________


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9. ________________10. ________________11. _________________12. aorta

C. Complete the following sentences:1. The pacemaker of the heart is the____________________________2. The sac-like membrane surrounding the heart is the__________________3. The wall of the heart between the right and the left atria is

the_____________4. The relaxation phase of the heartbeat is called____________________5. Specialized conductive tissue in the wall between the ventricles is

the________________________________6. The inner lining of the heart is the_________________________7. The contractive phase of the heartbeat is

called_______________________8. A gas released as a metabolic product of catabolism is _______________9. Specialized conductive tissue at the base of the wall between the two

upper heart chambers is the___________________________10. The inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the

heart, is the____________________________________11. An abnormal heart sound due to improper closure of heart valves is

a_______________________12. The beat of the heart as felt through the walls of arteries is called


D. Complete the following terms using the given definitions.1. hardening of arteries: arterio_____________________2. disease condition of heart muscle:cardio_________________3. enlargement of the heart:cardio__________________________4. inflammation of a vein: phleb_____________________________5. condition of rapid heartbeat:____________________cardia6. condition of slow heartbeat:____________________cardia7. high levels of cholesterol in the blood:hyper___________________8. surgical repair of a valve: valvulo___________________9. condition of deficient oxygen: hyp________________________10. pertaining to an upper heart chamber:__________________al11. narrowing of the mitral valve: mitral_________________


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12. breakdown of a clot: thrombo__________________________

E. Give the meanings of the following terms:1. cyanosis_____________________2. phlebotomy____________________3. arterial anastomosis_______________4. cardiogenic shock____________________5. atheroma______________________________6. arrhythmia_______________________________7. sphygmomanometer________________________8. stethoscope________________________________9. mitral valvulitis________________________________10. atherosclerosis_________________________________11. vasoconstriction__________________________________12. vasodilation_______________________________________

F. Match the following pathologic conditions of the heart with their meanings below:

atrial septal defect endocarditis mitral valve prolapsecoarctation of the aorta fibrillation patent ductus arteriosuscongestive heart failure flutter pericarditiscoronary artery disease hypertensive heart disease tetralogy of Fallot

1. inflammation of the inner lining of the heart______________________2. rapid but regular atrial or ventricular contractions___________________3. small hole between the upper heart chambers; congenital

anomaly________________________________4. improper closure of the valve between the left atrium and ventricle during

systole_________________________5. blockage of the arteries surrounding the heart leading to

ischemia_________________________________________6. high blood pressure affecting the

heart______________________________7. rapid, random, ineffectual, and irregular contractions of the

heart____________________________8. inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart_______________________9. inability of the heart to pump its required amount of



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10. congenital malformation involving four separate heart defects_______________________________________

11. congenital narrowing of the large artery leading from the heart___________________________

12. a duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which normally closes soon after birth, remains open___________________________

G. Give the meanings of the following terms:1. heart block_______________2. cardiac arrest______________3. palpitations_________________4. artificial cardiac pacemaker________5. thrombotic occlusion_______________6. angina_____________________________7. myocardial infarction____________________8. necrosis________________________________9. infarction_________________________________10. ischemia__________________________________11. nitroglycerin_________________________________12. digoxin______________________________________13. bruit_________________________________________14. thrill___________________________________________15. acute coronary syndromes___________________________16. pericardial friction rub________________________________17. deep vein thrombosis__________________________________18. biventricular pacemaker__________________________________

H. Match the following terms with their descriptions:aneurysm essential hypertension Raynaud diseaseauscultation murmur rheumatic heart diseaseclaudication peripheral arterial disease secondary hypertensionemboli petechiae vegetations

1. lesions that form on heart valves after damage by infection______________

2. clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel_________________3. small, pinpoint hemorrhages_________________________


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4. an extra heart sound, heard between normal beats and caused by a valvular defect or condition that disrupts the smooth flow of blood through the heart____________________________________

5. listening with stethoscope____________________________6. heart disease caused by rheumatic fever________________________7. high blood pressure in arteries when etiology is

idiopathic_________________8. high blood pressure related to kidney disease____________________9. episodes of ischemia with pallor and numbness in fingers and toes caused

by a temporary constriction of arterioles in the skin________________10. local widening of an artery_______________________11. pain, tension, and weakness in a limb after walking has

begun______________________12. blockage of arteries in the lower extremities; etiology is


I.Give short answers for the following:1. Types of drugs used to treat acute coronary syndromes

include______________________2. When damaged valves in veins fail to prevent the backflow of blood, a

condition (swollen, twisted vein) that results is____________________3. Swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region are called_________________4. Name the four defects in tetralogy of Fallot from their

descriptions:____________________________________a. narrowing of the artery leading to the lungs from the

heart_______ b. gap in the wall between the ventricles______________________ c. the large vessel leading from the left ventricle moves over the interventricular septum___________________________________ d. excessive development of the wall of the right lower heart chamber_________________________

J. Select from the list of cardiac tests and procedures to complete the definitions below:

angiography (arteriography) cardiac biomarkers cardiac MRIcoronary artery bypass grafting defibrillation echocardiographyelectrocardiography endarterectomy lipid tests (profile)


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lipoprotein electrophoresisstress test thallium 201 scan1. surgical removal of plaque from the inner lining of an

artery____________________________2. application of brief electrical discharges across the chest to stop ventricular

fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia_____________________3. measurement of levels of fatty substances (cholesterol and triglycerides) in

the bloodstream_____________________________4. measurement of the heart’s response to physical exertion (patient

monitored while jogging on a treadmill)_______________________5. measurement of troponin-T and troponin-1 after myocardial

infarction______________________________________6. injection of contrast into vessels and x-ray

imaging____________________7. recording of the electricity in the heart________________________8. intravenous injection of a radioactive substance and measurement of its

accumulation in heart muscle___________________9. use of echoes from high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the

heart_____________________________10. separation of HDL, and LDL, from a blood

sample____________________11. anastomosis of vessels grafts to existing coronary arteries to

maintain blood supply to the myocardium___________________________12. beaming of magnetic waves at the heart to produce images of its


K. Give the meanings for the following terms:1. digital subtraction angiography______________2. heart transplantation______________________3. ETT-MIBI ______________________________4. Doppler ultrasound_______________________5. Holter monitoring_________________________6. thrombolytic therapy_______________________7. extracorporeas circulation_____________________8. cardiac catheterization________________________9. percutaneous coronary intervention_______________10. drug-eluting stent_____________________________11. electron beam computed tomography___________________


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12. CT angiography_______________________________

L. Identify the following cardiac dysrhythmias from their abbreviations.1. AF____________2. VT______________________3. VF_______________________4. PVC_______________________5. PAC_________________________

M. Identify the following abnormal cardiac conditions from their abbreviations:

1. CHF____________________2. VSD____________________3. MI________________________4. PDA_________________________5. MVP_________________________6. AS___________________________7. CAD____________________________8. ASD_______________________________9.

N. Match the following abbreviations for cardiac tests and procedures with their explanations below:


1. cardiac serum enzyme test for myocardial infarction___________________

2. booster pump implanted in the abdomen with a cannula leading to the heart as “bridge to transplant”__________________________________

3. ultrasound imaging of the heart using transducer within the esophagus___________________________________

4. device implanted in the chest that senses and corrects arrhythmias by shocking the heart_______________________

5. catheter delivery of a high-frequency current to damage a small portion of the heart muscle and reverse an abnormal heart rhythm_______________


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6. procedure to determine the heart’s response to physical exertion (stress)____________________________

7. cardiac imaging using high-frequency sound waves pulsed through the chest wall and bounced off heart structures_____________________

8. radioactive test of heart function with stress test______________________

9. technique using heart-lung machine to divert blood from the heart and lungs while the heart is being repaired______________

10. biventricular pacing to correct serious abnormal ventricular rhythms________

11. lipoprotein sample is measured____________________12. brain chemical measured to identify patients at risk for complications

after MI and with CHF___________________

O. Spell the term correctly from its definition.1. pertaining to the heart:_______________ary2. not a normal heart rhythm: arr_________________3. abnormal condition of blueness:__________________osis4. relaxation phase of the heartbeat:_____________________tole5. chest pain:________________________pectoris6. inflammation of a vein: ________________________itis7. widening of a vessel: vaso_____________________________8. enlargement of the heart: cardio__________________________9. hardening of arteries with fatty plaque:

______________________sclerosis10. swollen veins in the rectal region:


P. Match the following terms with their meanings below:aneurysmorrhaphy catheter ablation

pericardiocentesisatherectomy embolectomy STEMI


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BNP test endarterectomy valvotomyCABG thrombolytic therapy PCI

1. incision of a heart valve_____________________________2. removal of a clot that has traveled into a blood vessel and suddenly

caused occlusion_______________________3. coronary artery bypass grafting (to relieve ischemia)__________________4. surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pericardial

space_____________5. insertion of a balloon-tipped catheter and stent into a coronary

artery__________________________________6. removal of the inner lining of an artery to make it wider_______________7. suture (repair) of a ballooned-out portion of an

artery__________________8. removal of plaque from an artery_____________________________9. type of acute coronary syndrome___________________________10. use of streptokinase and tPA to dissolve clots________________11. brief delivery of radiofrequency energy destroys areas of heart tissue

to treat arrhythmias_____________________________________12. measures a peptide elevated in patients with heart


Q. Select the term that best completes each sentence.

1. Bill was having pain in his chest that radiated up his neck and down his arm. He called his family physician, who thought Bill should report to the local hospital’s emergency department (ED) immediately. The first test performed in ED was a/an (stress test, ECF, CABG).

2. Dr. Kelly explained to the family that their observation of the bluish color of baby Charles’s skin helped her make the diagnosis of a/an (thrombotic, aneurysmal, septal) defect in the baby’s heart, which needed immediate attention.

3. Mr. Duggan had a fever of unknown origin. When the doctors completed an echocardiogram and saw vegetations on his mitral valve, they suspected (bacterial endocarditis, hypertensive heart disease, angina).

4. Claudia’s hands turned red, almost purple, whenever she went out into the cold or became stressed. Her physician thought it might be wise to


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evaluate her for (varicose veins, Raynaud disease, intermittent claudication).

5. Daisy’s heart felt like it was skipping beats every time she drank coffee. Her physician suggested the she wear a/an (Holter monitor, LVAD, CABG) for 24 hours to assess the nature of the arrhythmia.

6. Paola’s father and grandfather died of heart attacks. Her physician tells her that she has inherited a tendency to accumulate fats in her bloodstream. Blood tests reveal high level of (enzymes, lipids, nitroglycerin). Discussing her family history with her (gynecologist, hematologist, cardiologist), she understands that she has familial (hypocholesterolemia, hypercholesterolemia, cardiomyopathy).

7. While exercising, Bernard experienced a pain (cramp) in his calf muscle. The pain disappeared when he was resting. After performing (Holter monitoring, Doppler ultrasound, echocardiography) on his leg to assess blood flow, Dr. Shaw found (stenosis, fibrillation, endocarditis), indicating poor circulation. She recommended a daily exercise program, low-fat diet, careful foot care, and antiplatelet drug therapy to treat Bernard’s intermittent (palpitations, hypertension, claudication).

8. Carol noticed that her 6-week-old son Louis had a slightly bluish or (jaundiced, cyanotic, diastolic) coloration to his skin. She consulted a pediatric (dermatologist, hematologist, cardiologist), who performed (echocardiography, PET scan, endarterectomy) and diagnosed Louis’s condition as (endocarditis. congestive heart disease, tetralogy of Fallot).

9. Seventy-eighty-year-old John Smith has had coronary artery disease and high blood pressure for the past 10 years. His history included an acute heart attack, or (MI, PDA, CABG). He often was tired and complained of (dyspnea, nausea, migraine headaches) and swelling in his ankles. His physician diagnosed his condition as (aortic aneurysm congestive heart failure, congenital heart disease) and recommended restricted salt intake, diuretics, and an (ACE inhibitor, antibiotic, analgesic).

10. Sarah had a routine checkup that include (auscultation, vasoconstriction, vasodilation) of her chest with a (catheter, stent, stethoscope) to listen to her heart. Her physician noticed a midsystolic murmur characteristic of (DVT, MVP, LDL). An echocardiogram confirmed the diagnosis.

Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System


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1. tricuspid valve2. capillary3. pulmonary vein4. aorta5. superior vena cava6. atrium7. pulmonary artery8. arteriole9. mitral valve10. inferior vena cava11. venule12. ventricle

B.1. right atrium2. tricuspid valve3. right ventricle4. pulmonary valve5. pulmonary artery6. capillaries of the lung7. pulmonary veins8. left atrium9. mitral valve10. left ventricle11. aortic valve12. aorta

C. 1. sinoatrial (SA) node2. pericardium3. interatrial septum4. diastole5. atrioventricular bundle or bundle of His6. endocardium7. systole


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8. carbon dioxide (CO2)9. atrioventricular (AV) node10. visceral pericardium (the outer lining is the parietal pericardium)11. murmur12. pulse

D.1. arteriosclerosis2. cardiomyopathy3. cardiomegaly4. phlebitis5. tachycardia6. bradycardia7. hypercholesterolemia8. valvuloplasty9. hypoxia10. atrial11. mitral stenosis12. thrombolysis

E.1. bluish discoloration of the skin owing to deficients oxygen in the blood.2. incision of a vein3. new connection between arteries4. circulatory failure due to poor heart function5. mass of yellowish plaque (fatty substance)6. abnormal heart rhythm7. instrument to measure blood pressure8. instrument to listen to sounds within the chest9. inflammation of the mitral valve10. hardening of arteries with a yellowish, fatty substance (plaque)11. narrowing of a vessel12. widening of vessel

F.1. endocarditis2. flutter3. atrial septal defect4. mitral valve prolapse


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5. coronary artery disease6. hypertensive heart disease7. fibrillation8. pericarditis9. congestive heart failure10. tetralogy of Fallot11. coarctation of the aorta12. patent ductus arteriosus

G.1. failure of proper conduction of impulses through the AV node to the

atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)2. sudden unexpected stoppage of heart action3. uncomfortable sensations in the chest associated with arrhythmias4. battery-operated device that is placed in the chest and wired to send

electrical current to the heart to establish a normal sinus rhythm5. blockage of a vessel by a clot6. chest pain resulting from insufficient oxygen being supplied to the heart

muscle (ischemia)7. area of necrosis (tissue death in the heart muscle; heart attack)8. abnormal condition of death (dead tissue)9. damage of death of tissue due to deprivation of oxygen10. blood is held back from an area of the body11. nitrate drug used in the treatment of angina12. drug that treats arrhythmias and strengthens the heartbeat13. abnormal sound (murmur) heard on auscultation14. vibration felt on palpation of the chest15. consequences of plaque rupture in coronary arteries; MI and

unstable angina16. scraping or grating noise on auscultation of heart; indicates

pericarditis17. clot formation is a large vein, usually in lower limb18. device enabling ventricles to beat in synchrony; cardiac

resynchronization therapy

H.1. vegetations2. emboli


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3. petechiae4. murmur5. auscultation6. rheumatic heart disease7. essential hypertension8. secondary hypertension9. Raynaud disease10. aneurysm11. claudication12. peripheral arterial disease

I.1. beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins, aspirin, calcium channel blockers2. varicose veins3. hemorrhoids4. a. pulmonary artery stenosis

b. ventricular septal defectc. shift of the aorta to the rightd. hypertrophy of the right ventricle

J.1. endarterectomy2. defibrillation3. lipid tests (profile)4. stress test5. cardiac biomarkers6. angiography ( arteriography)7. electrocardiography8. thallium 201 scan9. echocardiography10. lipoprotein electrophoresis11. coronary artery bypass grafting12. cardiac MRI



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1. Video equipment and a computer produce x-ray pictures of blood vessels by taking two pictures (without and with contrast) and subtracting the first image (without contrast) from the second.

2. A donor heart is transferred to a recipient.3. Exercise tolerance test combined with a radioactive tracer scan.4. An instrument that focuses sound waves on a blood vessel to measure

blood flow.5. A compact version of an electrocardiograph is worn during a 24-hour

period to detect cardiac arrhythmias.6. Treatment with drugs (streptokinase and tPA) to dissolve clots after a heart

attack.7. A heart-lung machine is used to divert blood from the heart and lungs

during surgery. The machine oxygenates the blood and sends it back into the bloodstream.

8. A catheter (tube) is inserted into an artery or vein and threaded into the heart chambers. Contrast can be injected to take x-ray pictures, patterns of blood flow can be detected, and blood pressure can be measured.

9. A balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a coronary artery to open the artery; stents are put in place.

10. Stents are expandable slotted tubes that are placed in arteries during PCI. They release polymers that prevent plaque from reforming.

11. Electron beams and CT identify calcium deposits in and around coronary arteries to diagnose CAD.

12. X-ray images of the heart and coronary arteries obtained using CT technology.

L. 1. atrial fibrillation2. ventricular tachycardia3. ventricular fibrillation4. premature ventricular contraction5. premature atrial contraction

M.1. congestive heart failure


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2. ventricular septal defect3. myocardial infarction4. patent ductus arteriosus5. mitral valve prolapse6. aortic stenosis7. coronary artery disease8. atrial septal defect

N.1. cTnI or cTnT: cardiac troponin-I and troponin-T2. LVAD: left ventricular assist device3. TEE: transesophageal echocardiography4. ICD: implantable cardioverter-defibrillator5. RFA: radiofrequency catheter ablation6. ETT: exercise tolerance test7. ECHO: echocardiography8. ETT-MIBI: exercise tolerance test with sestamibi scan9. ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation10. CRT: cardiac resynchronization therapy11. LDL: low density lipoprotein; high levels indicate risk for CAD12. BNP: brain natriuretic peptide

O.1. coronary2. arrhythmia3. cyanosis4. diastole5. angina pectoris6. phlebitis7. vasodilation8. cardiomegaly9. atherosclerosis


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10. hemorrhoidsP.

1. valvotomy2. embolectomy3. CABG4. pericardiocentesis5. PCI6. endarterectomy7. aneurysmorrhaphy8. atherectomy9. STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardial infarction)10. thrombolytic therapy11. catheter ablation12. BNP test

Q.1. ECG2. septal3. bacterial endocarditis4. Raynaud disease5. Holter monitor6. lipids; cardiologist; hypercholesterolemia7. Doppler ultrasound; stenosis; claudication8. cyanotic; cardiologist; echocardiography; tetralogy of Fallot9. MI; dyspnea; congestive heart failure; ACE inhibitor10. auscultation; stethoscope;MVP