viewing and using data from a sonobatch run

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run. SonoBatch processing generates tab-delimited text files readable as spreadsheets. To open in Excel, select File, Open…, select a *.txt file from a SonoBatch run (you may have to specify view files of .txt type in the Excel open file dialogue). After selecting a *.txt file, the Excel Text Import Wizard will launch. Simply select “Finish” and the data will open as a spreadsheet.

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Post on 19-Feb-2016




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Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.

SonoBatch processing generates tab-delimited text files readable as spreadsheets. To open in Excel, select File, Open…, select a *.txt file from a SonoBatch run (you may have to specify view files of .txt type in the Excel open file dialogue). After selecting a *.txt file, the Excel Text Import Wizard will launch. Simply select “Finish” and the data will open as a spreadsheet.

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.

The text-based spreadsheet opens unformatted with equal column widths.

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.

To auto-adjust all column widths, click in the upper left box to select all and…

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.…position the cursor between any columns on the letter row to space columns and double click.

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.

All columns will then resize to fit their contents.

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.Format as desired, e.g., color or bold format the consensus column.

You must save as an Excel worksheet to preserve any format editing.

Viewing and using data from a SonoBatch run.As an Excel worksheet you can sort columns, e.g., sort the column of 1st species prevalence to find sequences of target species to manually check.